Dynautics Phantom AUV (Courtesy of Dynautics Ltd)
ALL WITHOUT LEAVING THE LAB Dr Henry Robinson, CEO, Dynautics Limited
Developers of Autonomous or Uncrewed Underwater Vehicles (AUVs or UUVs) and Uncrewed Surface Vessels (USVs) benefit greatly from effective simulation tools that support the complex design process of these technologies. When design iterations can be modelled, tested, and modified without the safety risk and expense of scale or full-size models and test tanks, the development cycle is shortened. The road to achieving a commercially viable and successful solution then becomes safer, faster, and more cost-effective.
Marine simulators are powerful tools, enabling developmental and pre-commissioning sea trails to take place in the safety of the lab, before committing to the rigours and cost of a real sea trial.
Dynautics designed AUV Sim to enhance the development and testing process for underwater control systems. AUV Sim is a proven simulation suite that enables designers to overcome power management challenges, maximise endurance, and make the right propulsion decisions. It also ensures efficient payload transportation for their AUV/UUV and USV designs.
HOW MARINE SIMULATION WORKS AUV Sim was developed based on Dynautics’ Ship Sim, a proven vessel simulator for surface craft. Ship Sim has been used not only for surface vehicle design but also for training, with systems installed for the Royal Navy that support helmsman and navigation training. As with Ship Sim, AUV Sim comprises a physical simulation of the vehicle, as well as variable testing environments and a comprehensive suite of navigation sensors.
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