The Emer ald Coast Maga zine
Beer! It's Oktoberfest season, so we thought we’d fill our pages — and a stein or two — with a sampling of the pubs, brewers, beerladen events and recipes brimming along the Emerald Coast.
10 FOOD MYTHS A nutritionist helps us debunk the junk. THE COUPON CRAZE How to clip and file your way to big savings.
CONGRATULATIONS ON WINNING THE BEST OF E your advertising, but there are a few guidelines to follow.
» » No more than one logo use per ad. » Winning category may be incorporated into the design »
» » The 2012 logo will be retired on August 31, 2013 and may not be used in any advertising after that date. However, in future advertising you are welcome to use
Please adhere to these guidelines in your advertising, as it is a courtesy to all current winners to have exclusive rights to the logo for their winning year. Ads that do not adhere to guidelines will be sent back for revision. Again, congratulations on your award!
AND THE WINNERS ARE ... Find out if your favorite restaurants, salons, hot spots, service providers and more were selected in your 2012 Best of the Emerald Coast Readers Choice Poll.
A HEALING HOME Fisher House is a haven for military families on the mend. $3.95
OCT-NOV 2012 A product of Rowland Publishing, Inc. October–November 2012