Guy Harvey Magazine — Summer 2019

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Jessica Harvey at registration table (center) with happy volunteers. The “trash team” (bottom page right) gathered a mountain of debris.

Ocean Conservation Month What better way to raise awareness of conservation than to spend an

by Louisa Gibson

Islands Angling Club. At the clinic, children and their parents moved from booth

entire month celebrating our oceans? That’s why the Guy Harvey Ocean

to booth learning about fishing techniques and conservation regulations, and

Foundation (GHOF) presented the 2nd Annual Ocean Conservation Month in

collected “passport stamps” before trying out their new skills. Kids lined the docks

March 2019 in the Cayman Islands.

with hooks in the water to catch and release the fish living underneath. GHOF also

We chose “Generations” as the theme because each generation has the desire to pass down a healthy and balanced natural resource to their children and grandchildren. It also provided a platform to share multi-generational knowledge,

set up a game fishing training station where they learned about the rod and reel, and how to sport fish according to IGFA rules. On March 31st, GHOF partnered with other local NGOs and government

goals, and compassion for not only conservation but for our natural world, our

organizations for a Family Fun Day on the beach, filled with ocean-themed and

cultural heritage, and the creative ways in which we express ourselves.

educational activities, including story book readings, face painting, paddle

A wide variety of events were hosted throughout the month for all members

boarding, games, and informational booths. Plastic Free Cayman attended

of the community and industry professionals to enjoy. The month kicked off with

the event and shared their goals of “raising awareness to the growing issues

a lionfish cull tournament on March 2nd, which removed 461 invasive lionfish

surrounding plastic pollution and helping others on their plastic-free journey”

from reefs all over Grand Cayman, and ended on April 5th with the 4th Annual

through an informational booth and family activities, which influenced making

Fundraising Cocktail Party. In between, GHOF celebrated with children’s readings,

conscious decisions regarding waste in everyday life. The Cayman Islands

an ecotourism management discussion, fishing tournaments, documentary

Department of Environment was also on hand to share knowledge of local marine

showings, and so much more. The International Game Fish Association (IGFA)

parks and conservation laws related to vulnerable species in the Cayman Islands.

also got involved and hosted a kids’ fishing clinic in partnership with the Cayman

Guests of the Family Fun Day learned worthy conservation lessons through

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