Dr. Engr. Jnan Ranjan Sil, PHF BSc.Engg(civil), MBA(HRM), Doctor of Business Administration, PhD in Civil Engg.
INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN THE ENTERPRISE • Management challenges: • Businesses need different types of information systems to support decision making and work activities for various organizational levels and functions. • Many may need systems that integrate information and business processes from different functional areas. • The main management challenges are – • Integration • Enlarging the scope of management thinking.
Q. What are the major types of information systems in organizations? • Because there are different interests, specialties, and levels in an organization, there are different kinds of systems. No single system can provide all the information in an organization needs. • Types of info systems: A. Based on organizational levels – 1. Operational – level systems 2. Knowledge – level systems 3. Management – level systems 4. Strategic – level systems
Different kinds of systems: 1. Operational – level systems: Information system that support operational managers by keeping track of the elementary activities and transactions of the organization, such as sales, receipts, cash deposits, payroll, credit decisions, and the flow of materials in a factory. 2. Knowledge – level systems: Information system that support knowledge and data workers in an organizations.
3. Management – level systems: Information systems that support the monitoring, controlling, decision making, and administrative activities of middle managers. 4. Strategic – level systems: Information systems that support the long-range planning activities of senior management.
B. Based on information processing :There are SIX MAJOR TYPES OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS • • • • • •
1. Executive Support System( ESS) 2. Management Information System( MIS) 3. Decision Support Systems ( DSS) 4. Knowledge Work systems ( KWS) 5. Office Systems (OS) 6. Transaction Processing Systems ( TPS)
C. Types of Information Systems based on functional perspective: There are 4 types Based on organizational functions We now describe typical information systems that support each of the major business functions and provide examples of functional applications for each organizational levels:1. Sales and Marketing Systems 2. Manufacturing and Production Systems 3. Finance and Accounting Systems 4. Human Resources Systems
Group Served
1. Executive Support System( ESS)
1. Strategic level systems
Senior Managers
2. Management Information System( MIS) 2. Management Level systems Middle Managers 3. Decision Support Systems ( DSS)
4. Knowledge Work systems ( KWS)
3. Knowledge level systems
5. Office Systems (OS)
6. Transaction Processing Systems ( TPS)
4. Operational level Systems
Knowledge and data workers
Operational Managers
Information systems for Enterprise Application: Enterprise Systems and Systems for Supply chain management , Customer relationship management, and knowledge management. • Supply chain management: Close linkage and coordination of activities involved in buying, making, and moving a product. • Supply chain: Network of organizations and business processes for procuring materials, transforming raw materials into intermediate and finished products, and distributing the finished products to customers. • Collaborative commerce: The use of digital technologies to enable multiple organizations to collaboratively design, develop, build, and manage products through their lifecycles.
• Customer Relationship Management(CRM): CRM is both a business and technology discipline that uses information systems to integrate all of the business processes surrounding the firms interactions with its customers in sales, marketing, and service. • Private industrial networks: Web-enabled networks linking systems of multiple firms in an industry for the coordination of transorganizational business processes.
Q. How information systems can facilitate supply chain management ? Information systems can help participants in the supply chain: • Decide when and what to produce, store, and move. • Rapidly communicate orders. • Track the status of orders. • Check inventory availability and monitor inventory levels. • Reduce inventory, transportation, and warehousing costs. • Track shipments • Plan production based on actual customer demand.