4 minute read
Previous council questioned benefits of heritage agreements
Continued from page 1 they wrote “Now we’ve reached a whole other level of stress we never saw coming ”
The couple said their HRA application would create an infill house, with a legal suite and existing two-car garage.They said they’ve written to council asking when the city will “unfreeze” the HRA program in Queen’s Park
“It’s been almost two years,” they wrote in the letter
The Record put that question to JackieTeed, the city’s acting director of climate action, planning and development
“Once council has completed their strategic plan, staff will prepare work plans in alignment with it, and identify timelines for projects that will advance in the next four years,” she said in an email to the
At a recent meeting, council members were told that they’d be considering the strategic plan in April
A heritage revitalization agreement is a type of long-term, legal protection on a home that’s been negotiated between a property owner and the city. In exchange for retention of a heritage building and some restoration work, an
HRA allows the city to supersede local zoning regulations and provide nonfinancial incentives that would make it viable for the applicant to conserve the property
In July 2021, a majority of council supported the motion to pause the acceptance of new HRA applications in Queen’s Park saying it’s challenging to evaluate the benefits the city is receiving for ap- proving HRAs in that area compare to other neighbourhoods that don’t have a conservation area
At that time, Coun. Jaimie McEvoy said, without having that policy in place, council had been making ad-hoc decisions on applications leaving some to question if those heritage revitalization agreements were achieving a heritage benefit for the Queen’s Park neighbourhood.
Coun. Nadine Nakagawa said she had mixed feelings about freezing applications in Queen’s Park and noted she didn’t want the process to drag on Then-councillors Mary Trentadue and Patrick Johnstone (now mayor) voted against the motion, saying they support increased density and more housing choice in singlefamily neighbourhoods.
Easter in the City is back! Hop around the city and enjoy a variety of activities over five days. There are opportunities for everyone to discover, create, hop around, or try something new!
Highlights include:
• Eggciting Easter Egg Hunt at Tipperary Park along with Easter activities at the Farmers Market.
Easter Carnival at Moody Park Arena including photos with the Easter Bunny
• The Unbeatable Scavenger Hunt taking place throughout the Downtown core
• A family prize pack, enter to win by participating in a colouring contest
• Craft, sports, gymnastics, trivia, cooking, and more!
Registration opens March 23: newwestcity.ca/easter
Anvil Centre, Studio 417 | Thursday, March 30, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Love sci-fi? Watch your favourites in a new way Every month you can join the city’s archivist, Erin, as she screens and speaks to the influence of archives in sci-fi film and TV. This month, Erin will discuss Somewhere in Time (1980). This series is for those 16+: Cash bar provided for those of legal drinking age Film contains adult themes and imagery
Register for free at newwestcity.ca/register (ID# 165747).
Notice Of Disposition Of Land
Whereas the City Council of the Corporation of the City of New Westminster wishes to license a 384 sq. ft (more or less) area of the basement of Century House, at 620 Eighth Street, New Westminster, BC, V3M 3S6, which land is not available to the public for acquisition (license); therefore, the Corporation of the City of New Westminster hereby gives notice subject to Section 26(3) and 94 of the Community Charter:

(a) The land is more particularly described as:
Parcel Identifier: 014-891-620

(b) The City proposes to license the above described property to: New Westminster Amateur Radio Club
(c) The nature of the disposition: a license for 3 years from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2024
(d) The consideration for which the Purchaser shall pay to the city: The sum of $150.00, ($50.00 per annum).
For more information concerning this license, please contact Christy Mereigh, Manager, Strategic Projects, 604-527-4502
Lisa Spitale Acting Corporate Officer
The Latest News And Events In Our City
Calendar Of Events

Monday, March 27 4:00 pm
Special Council Workshop
Council Chamber, City Hall and online
Monday, March 27 6:00 pm
Public Hearing followed by City Council Meeting
Council Chamber, City Hall and online
Public Hearing
MONDAY, MARCH 27, 2023 AT 6:00 PM
Meeting held electronically and open to public attendance in Council Chamber City Hall
Heritage Revitalization Agreement Bylaw No. 8379, 2023 and Heritage Designation Bylaw No. 8380, 2023 for 802 & 806 Eighth Street and 809 Eighth Avenue
Heritage Revitalization Agreement (HRA) and Heritage Designation Bylaw applications have been received for 802 & 806 Eighth Street and 809 Eighth Avenue The project would protect and restore a 1929 heritage house, which will be relocated on-site In exchange, the HRA would allow subdivision and construction of three new townhouse buildings. A total of 18 residential units are proposed, including four accessible studio units and 14 familyfriendly units. An overall Floor Space Ratio of 1.08 is proposed. Smaller lot sizes, higher densities, minor increases to building heights, and construction of the townhouse units are among the primary Zoning Bylaw relaxations proposed by the HRA Several minor siting relaxations are also being requested
• Written submissions by email, post, or dropping off at the mailbox on the north side of City Hall are welcome and encouraged.
• Speak at the meeting by computer, smart device or phone via Zoom:
1. Computer, Smartphone or Tablet: go to newwestcity ca/council and click or tap the Meeting ID button 686 8875 2527
2 Phone: Call 778-907-2071. Enter Meeting ID: 686 8875 2527, followed by #
• Speak in person at the meeting A mask is recommended.
Starting at 8:30 am on March 16, 2023, register online at speakers.newwestcity.ca, or contact Legislative Services to register to speak: Phone: 604-527-4523 Legislative Services Department, Email: clerks@newwestcityca 511 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, BC V3L 1H9
From March 16 to March 27, 2023, the proposed bylaws and related material are available for inspection at Legislative Services, City Hall 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday, and online at newwestcity.ca/publicnotices
Written comments received by 5:00 pm, three business days before the meeting will be included in the agenda package Later comments received until the close of the hearing will be distributed on table at the meeting All comments are published.
Lisa Spitale, Acting Corporate
Continued on page 7