RGJ E-Zine 2015

Page 10

The Royal Green Jackets Associa on

Regents Park Bandstand 2015

2015 was the 33rd Anniversary and was well represented by Association members, ex-Band members and others. After meeting for a chat and a cuppa in/at the Café we all wondered down to the Bandstand where a small wreath laying service was conducted by Paddy Procto. The laying of the wreaths was followed by the sounding of the Last Post and Reveille – performed by Bugler Peter Tresadern. I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of myself, and ex-members of 1 RGJ Band, in thanking Paddy and Peter, also a big thank you to all those people in attendance. Thank you. It was with great pleasure, for some of 1 RGJ Band, to meet up with Keith Powell (the late Keith “Cosey” Powell’s youngest son). Keith felt that he could at last come down to Regents Park Bandstand and meet up with some of us and join in the days events. He had travelled down from his home in the North East the day before, so as not to be late. It was also pre-arranged that Keiths late-fathers guitar would be presented/ returned to him, by Clifford Mann - himself an ex-1RGJ band member - after being looked after for some 32 years by Cliff ’s mother, this was a very moving moment in itself. PLEASE NOTE - in 2016 the London Branch of the RGJ Association will be attending the bandstand on the nearest Sunday to the 20th July. We will still be there on the actual day, Wednesday 20th July (meet at 10:30-11:00am).

Charity evening for C4C at The Railway Tavern Thanks to Tom and Jan Dooner for hosting a great night with many ex RGJ families and locals all raising a glass and some money for C4C, with the help of Paul Jackson ex 3RGJ and his vocal friend Keith, who sings a great Pavarotti at the end. Also thanks to all for raising in excess of £1800,with more to follow at the Annual get together on the 28th November at The Railway Tavern in Stratford.

10 | Volume 7 Issue 2

E-Zine 2015

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