RGJ E-Zine 2015

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The Royal Green Jackets Associa on

RGJA Branches BAND AND BUGLES BRANCH The 2015 reunion was held in Wincheter as in previous years, on Saturday 10th October commencing at 12 noon.

Marches where ‘busked’ (and some missed out) at the end, which concluded the annual blow - all had a jolly good time… and a laugh.

The secretary, Dave Timms, again made a big effort to arrive at the clubroom before reunion attendees and members of the Waterloo Band - but yet again he was too late. Ex-members and Waterloo members were again inside and outside the club awaiting his arrival.

The annual ‘blow’ over, it was then time to draw the raffle. This year there were more prizes on offer and looked like an endless supply. The tickets where drawn whilst lunch was being served so as to save time. Thank you to those that donated raffle prizes - the majority of which were sourced by Tony Dowd - who again organized this. A very big thank you to him.

The secretary eventually set himself up (with the help of Jon Windeatt) at the entrance, opened the books and started to sign-in members and guests - all this WITHOUT having to stave off the usual tremendous headache of previous years. Some new faces in attendance this year from the Light Division - Peninsula Band - Light Infantry and four serving members from the band of The Rifles. The Waterloo Band provided the dots (music) and music stands, along with a few musician’s for the annual blow, and along with ex-members and a few from The Rifles Band the blow got going at approximately 12:30. Conducting this year where Peter Connibear (ex-Depot Bandmaster) and Jack Leeming (ex-3 RGJ Bandmaster). A good selection of music was played this year: Amparito Roca, The Dambusters, Ballet Egyptian, Jersey Boys, Irving Berlin Showstoppers, Calling All Workers, Beguine Festival, Bandology, and with the high turnout of buglers (again) High On A Hill plus a few well known Band & Bugle marches were performed. The Regimental

Lunch consisted of: Chicken & Chips, Bangers an Mash, beans and peas, followed by apple pie or cheesecake. This gave members the opportunity to soak up the 3 or 4 hours worth of John Smith’s already consumed before starting over again. Following lunch the secretary gave his ‘Annual Sermon’ taking the opportunity to thank everyone for attending the reunion, and a warm welcome was extended to the new members joining for the first time this year. Special thanks were given to members of the Waterloo Band and Bugles for their selfless efforts, despite being very busy with their own engagements [helping out with the Salamanca Band and performing at the rugby the following day]. The manageress and staff of The Winchester Club were also thanked and congratulated on looking after us – with liquid refreshment and the fantastic buffet. David Timms

CENTRAL ENGLAND BRANCH Greetings fellow Officers and Riflemen, welcome to our Autumn edition of the RGJ E-Zine. The second part of the year has been rather busy in terms of events and social gatherings. Though for the sake of continuity, I will continue where the last edition ended and that is to cover the period of the ‘Fan Dance’ over the weekend: 13th - 15th June 2014 up to and including the NIVA Parade on 19th September 2015. The Fan Dance Team pitched up at a camp site near Abergevenney on the evening Friday 13th, with camp routine established early. Naturally the beer began to flow and despite the gruelling feat that awaited those taking part, this did not dampen spirits and being Green Jackets ensured that the night was jolly. Rouse was around 0600hrs on Saturday 14th, the team had breakfast and prepared for the day’s event. Vaseline and Zinc Oxide tape at the ready, preparation squared E-Zine 2015

away, it was all systems go. The Team set off around 0730hrs whilst the admin team (Gary Collins and yours truly), set about conducting area cleaning and generally making the place look soldier like. The guys originally planned to complete the Fan Dance as a team which under the terms of the SFE rules is not allowed. Though from the onset it became apparent that it wasn’t going to work. Those of ‘slight’ build and youth were struggling to maintain the comfortable pace set by their elderly ‘fuller’ figured team members, therefore the party split into two with the old and bold bringing up the rear. The other team which then fragmented into individuals opting to give it ‘best effort’ to the end. Despite the gruelling terrain and arduous trek, thankfully all team members finished it without injury returning to camp early evening whereby a BBQ (To be con nued on next page) Volume 7 Issue 2 | 11

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