RGJ E-Zine 2015

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The Royal Green Jackets Associa on



3. Foreword 4. Editorial 5. 50th Anniversary of the Formation of the Regiment 6. Contact list 7. Regimental Number Plates 8. Northern Ireland Veteran’s Service of Remembrance at the Na onal Arboretum, Stafforshire 10. Regents Park Bandstand 2015 Charity evening for C4C at The Railway Tavern 11. RGJA Branches Band and Bugles Central England 13. North East 15- North West 16. Suffolk 18. Wiltshire Winchester (Hampshire) 20. The Royal Green Jackets (Rifles) Museum 24. Sergeant Sydney Cobbold (1887-1916) 26. Soldiers of Oxfordshire Museum (SOFO) New Book Redcoats to Rifleman 28. Fire up the Audi A8L 31. In Memoriam

Editor: Kevin Stevens

Welcome to the December edition of the E-Zine. It should have been written by our Editor Kevin Stevens but, due to personal reasons, he is unable to carry out this duty so I have stepped into his shoes which are a hard act to follow. At the Annual General Meeting held at Winchester on 20th November it was agreed that the ezine should only be published once per year. There is some disagreement within the Editorial team as what month this will be due to the fact that the publishing month for Swift & Bold will also have to be changed. At the moment, the publishing date for the next E-Zine is November 2016 but may be subject to change for 2017 onwards. The Editorial Team will be working extra hard on your behalf over the coming months. They are involved in the production of this E-Zine, designing the 2016 Anniversary Poster (now completed), compiling a Schedule of Events, compiling and producing an Anniversary Booklet and have already started proceedings for the March edition of Swift & Bold 2015. We have inserted the 2016 Poster in this E-Zine just to give you a ‘taste’ of what is coming at the 2016 Anniversary Show. It is subject to alteration between now and March when we will publish an up-to-date Poster on the Association Website along with the Schedule of Events and other information. I must also mention the very hard work and organisational skills of the 2016 Committee. The planning and logistics is immense but they are determined to make an ‘Anniversary Show to be remembered’. So, enter in your diary or on the Calendar in the Kitchen…. 9th July 1200 hrs. GET THERE EARLY! Thanks go to everyone who submitted an article without whose support there would not be an e-zine.

Copyright 2015 © RGJA

Seamus Lyons


e-mail: rickmillward@btinternet.com

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Front cover: Her Majesty The Queen, our Colonel-in-Chief, with Field Marshal Lord Bramall of Bushfield when he was Lord Lieutenant of Greater London at the Parade of Veterans in the Mall to mark the 50th Anniversary of VE-Day, 1995. 4 | Volume 7 Issue 2

E-Zine 2015

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