RGJ Ezine Sep 2010

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The Royal Green Jackets Regimental Association


15 September 2010

Ezine Page Summary Page 1.

Title . Foreword . Events Sept - Dec


. WO2 Patrick Hyde


. VSC Competition . The 3 Tuns Pub


. 11 Bde Last Parade . Shooting at Bisley . 7 Armd Bde Veterans


. London Branch . Oxford UFC & H4H


. Web Site Report . North East Branch


. Band & Bugles . KRRC Report


. Crime Prevention . Mark Adams . On yer Bike


. Dolomites Marathon . ID & Discount Card


. A Special Rifleman . H4H Charity DVD


. The London Club . Editors Notes . Oxford Reunion


. The Museum . Widows Pensions


. Lottery Support . Minutes and Accts . RGJRA Finances


. Anzac Day


. Afghan Heroes Ride


. Internet Branch . Gary Driscoll . Christmas Cards

Swift & Bold Page 1

Volume 2 Issue 2

Welcome to the 5th edition of the RGJRA Ezine Newsletter published on 15th of Sept 2010. To ensure that you get your copy make sure you keep your email address up to date and empty your mailbox frequently. Current distribution for this issue is to 3117 of 5745 users.

FOREWORD Welcome to this the fifth edition of the RGJRA Ezine. I am pleased to report that this edition contains a wide variety of articles that will I hope be of interest to most of you. It marks a turning point in the Ezines production because for the first time I will be sending out two versions of the same edition. The reason for this is that from now on the Ezine will be used to deliver the Association Minutes and Accounts to paid up members only with

another version going to the non-paying members without the additional Minutes and Accounts. I cannot emphasize enough the need to keep me informed about activities in branches and on an individual level so that I can use these pages to let everyone know what has happened and what is about to happen and don`t forget that there is also a need for your photographs to illustrate those activities. I am pleased to report that as a result of a Web Team meeting that took place on 23 Au-

gust work is now in progress to bring the web sites back up to date and introduce new templates that will be easier to navigate and understand. The first priority will be the main Association web site. The intention is to remove the unused sections of the Association web site and concentrate on publishing the up to the minute news which will be easy for everyone to find. I hope you enjoy this Ezine edition.

Ken Ambrose

Editor RGJR Association Publications

Forecast Of Events September - December 2010 Date



Sept 08 Sept 09 Sept 10 Sept 10-12

Rifles Freedom Parade Darlington Rifles Freedom Parade Sunderland Rifles Freedom Parade Stockton Rifles & fmr RGJ Officers Golf Meeting

Maj C Lawton MBE. Tel: 01913 865496 Maj C Lawton MBE. Tel: 01913 865496 Maj C Lawton MBE. Tel: 01913 865496 Maj TW Stipling Tel: 01208 72810

Sept 25 Oct 13 Oct 14 Oct 21 Nov 11 Nov 13 Nov 14 Nov 14 Nov 27 Nov 27 Dec 02

Rifle Freedom Parade Plymouth Rifle Brigade Officers Club Dinner Rifle Brigade Club & Association AGM KRRC Celer et Audax Club Dinner. C&G Field of Remembrance 10.30am Oxford Reunion Edward Brook Bks RGJRA Cenotaph Parade London Rifle Brigade Memorial Service Rifles Freedom Parade Salisbury Rifle Brigade Assn Dinner UJ Club Rifles/RGJ Officers Club Cocktail Party

Maj H Jelland MBE. Tel: 01392 492435 Maj K Gray Tel: 01962 828549 Davies Street, London. Col IH McCausland Tel: 01962 828532 Westminster Abbey London-Regt Contact Abingdon. Mike Marr Tel: 01235 548018 Mr Gary Driscoll Tel: 0207 4914935 Passes Maj K Gray Tel: 01962 828549 Lt Col ATD Lerwell OBE Tel: 01722 414536 Mr G Pain Tel: 01962 856249 Lt Col J-D von Merveldt Tel: 0207 4914936

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