Grou_pvisit to_WALTHAM ABBEY June 86.
He described the tradition of T UNDER THE TITLE OF WALTHAM ABBEYHoly Cross, the rise and fall o -AN IMPORTANT HERITAGE- REG MASON. Hon monastery and the structural c FRPS. GAVE A POTTED HISTORY AND SUGGESTED which had taken place over the ~ A VISIT IN NEWSLETTERNo: 7. After hearing that the West end This was duly put into effect thanks been strengthened Victor took an ava to the prior arrangements made by Mr light shot of our guide by leanin Mason who acted as leader. His · early the pillar. After initiation was in a school party and · camera against it was "Fix Tri-pods" to record no doubt his schoolmaster would be grat-ified which
by his continuing has included reading
enthusiasm the lesson
in the Abbey Church. My own first visit was in 1925 when encouraged by a passion-ate and elderly history mistress (who-could well have been a camp follower at the battle of Hastings) I walked the tidy way from Wanstead only to find the church locked and, not having the 6d required to unlock the verger, I had to turn round and walk back. However the Group's visit was much more successful and we were guided by Dr.Ken Bascombe of the Waltham Abbey Historical Society of knowledge of the
who is a fountain church and the town.
is the oldest Norman church in the thanks to the endowment by Haro May 1060. Six Years later his bod brought back to the church and t reputed resting place just Eas the present building. From the photographer's view the Abbey Ghu rch is
poi we11
_daylight - this also applies to large ancient wall painting in the chapel, re-discovered in 1876 and ercent ly restored. After the m session iin and around the Ch conveniently before the weddings lunch was had in the "Green or in the green sward of the Abbey