OURHERITAGE IN THEMAKING: On saturday 19th July 86, members & heritage group of the Archaeology visited Hartley, near Dartford in Kent, Although fairly near London, Hartley is in the depths of the Kentish countryside, and at least two of our members didn't manage to find it I It was a lovely summer afternoon when we assemb_led at All Saint's Church a beautiful small Norman Church. This was duly photographed, & the parJv then walked the hundred yards or so along a leafy lane to the Sculptures Studio, The work of Nocholas David EAMES is impressive, & no doubt we will be hearing much more of this talentred sculptue in the years to come, His studio consists of a couple of outbuildings et the end of th~ garden,
Our Group spent a fascinating couple of hours learning of traditional & modern sculpture techniques, & being shown work in various stages of completion that was being made ready for a forth-coming exhibit ion. This is to take place at the Crypt Gallery, St George's Church, Bloomsbury Way, London,W.C. 1. between the 2nd & 16th September.
After leaving the Studio of Nich Eames, we went to the house of M Mrs Brian Tremain. Brian is a Fe of the Royal ·Photographic Society, is also Chief Photographer at the Bri Museum. We were all treated to a sple "al fresco" meal, sitting by the ga pond. Later on, members of the G watched A. V.& Video of some recent that the British Museum has been invo with ovflrsaas.