B r i t a i n ’s B e s t L a n d s c a p e s and How to Photograph Them Reviewed by Jan Harris Britain’s Best Landscapes and how to Photograph them is written by Robert Harvey BA ARPS EFIAP CSci CEnv MCIWEM
My first impression of the book was that it contained some excellent photographs, and I enjoyed looking through them; many will be inspirational to landscape photographers. This first part of the book is a ‘How To’ guide. The second part contains details of 100 outstanding locations, with OS grid references, postcodes for parking, details of accessibility, and the best times to photograph each one.
The book starts by discussing what ‘Landscape’ is in photography, and the factors that produced the British Landscape. I found it fascinating to consider the influences, both natural and human, that produced the varied landscape we see across Britain today. Next it considers why you would want to do Landscape photography (a question I ask myself regularly when getting out of bed at silly o’clock to shoot another dawn!) and what kit you need to do it.
September 2021 Volume 6 Number 6
Page 14