Contacting the school School Office The Senior School Office is located in the main school teaching block. Staff are able to answer the majority of enquiries and are pleased to help in any way they can. The Senior School Office is open Monday to Friday between 8:00am and 5:30pm during term time. When the Office is closed, there is an answerphone available and contact can be made via email: or telephone 020 8657 4433. Royal Russell welcomes suggestions and comments from parents and takes seriously any concerns you may have. The School is here for you and your child, and we want to hear your views and ideas.
Should you have a concern We will always try to resolve any concerns you may have. If you raise something faceto-face or by telephone, it may be possible to resolve the matter immediately. In some circumstances the member of staff may need time to discuss the issue with others before informing you of an outcome.
We will: • Try to resolve matters raised at meetings or over the phone quickly • Respond to any email within two working days • Provide you with a written report, if appropriate If you do not feel that the matter has been resolved to your satisfaction, please contact the Deputy Head, People via her assistant at We will treat all comments in a confidential manner. It is School policy that comments made by parents will not rebound adversely on their children. We expect parents to behave in a similar manner and maintain this confidentiality. For further information and to view our Parental Complaints Procedure, please contact: A copy is available on our website.