Irby, Thurstaston and Pensby Amenity Society Established over 30 years
Volume 12, Issue 2 - September 2010
Page 2 Editorial
Junction Function residents have been asking for this since the early/mid-1990’s and ITPAS have certainly been involved since at least 1997. Remember Councillor Jeff Green arranging a meeting in Irby Village Hall circa 2000? Present was a very defensive Highways Chief from WBC telling a frustrated audience that it was not possible to build a roundabout due to the camber of the road!
Page 3 Around & About
Page 4 Could This Happen Here?
St Bart’s 125 Year Celebration
Page 5 Planning
d e s fu e R Page 6 Committee Diary
At long last, Thurstaston Crossroads is no longer! It has been noted that people now refer to the area as ‘The Roundabout at Thurstaston’ – is this too long a phrase? The only sad part about it is what could be described in 2 words now appears to be 4! I jest, but now we have a much safer junction that has been tried and tested from all angles by car, motorbike, cycle and foot and it is agreed that this is a far safer junction from whichever angle you are approaching than previous. We have the added bonus of course of not just getting a roundabout, but a work of art in terms of design and of course one of the built in safety features is the road layout forces traffic to slow down on the approach, thus making merging safer, which was after all, the big issue previously.
Let us not forget of course how long the campaign has been ongoing to get to this level. Some local
ITPAS’ Ian Chalmers and dignitaries at the opening ceremony. Surprisingly there was an official opening for the new roundabout, attended by, we assume workers, designers and some local dignitaries. It was pleasing that ITPAS Committee members Ian Chalmers and Roy Fisher were also present for the official photography as it was quite symbolic that an organisation behind the pressure groups to have this in the first place were present!
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Irby, Thurstaston and Pensby Amenity Society Established over 30 years
From the Chair I’ve no doubt people accept that business is the current method of making the world go round. A business plan often involves a good idea (from someone’s perspective), investment, followed by a product that should, generally, benefit others, preferably a majority of others. There’s good business and there’s bad business. Your definition of either may depend which side of the fence you’re sat, but of course most ITPAS members who know me, know where I sit and where we are as a Society! Allow me to quote an example of good and bad business (from where I sit of course!). As I type, I have just read that Wirral Council have approved the ‘Wirral Waters’ development. Artists drawings look fantastic, but they always do don’t they! The whole plan has been drafted by Peel Holdings. I do not know who these people are, but they seem to know what they are talking about and they also appear to have had a lot of success in the past. This development will transform the whole of this brown-field site into something much better than the current desolate landscape and I’ve no doubt, in 5 or more years time, we will be visiting the area and admiring the concept from its user friendly environment, fabulous buildings and waterside café’s. Time will tell. What’s in it for us? Well, I would hope that such a development would bring in new investment to Wirral, even more ‘good’ business maybe! But if this works, it will no doubt bring in much more income to the apparently debt ridden Wirral Borough Council. It maybe sometime off yet, but at least the ball is rolling. If WBC can sort their finances out maybe there will be less of a threat to our local libraries, maybe our Council Tax won’t need to rise again (ever the optimist!) and maybe the much neglected West Wirral will get some investment rather than the take, take, take, mentality that has prevailed for many years! More importantly, this development, I would hope, will ease the pressure to open up Green Belt for building land. For this reason alone, I would suggest this is ‘good’ business!
In contrast, two guys get together, maybe it was in a pub, I don’t know! (I think you know where I’m coming from don’t you!), One has an idea to hold an open air ‘rock’ concert over 3 days in Wirral. The other, owns a few fields – sufficient space to allow several thousand people, in their cars and tents, to gather and enjoy 3 days of music. In itself, maybe not a bad idea, but clearly not much thought went into the business plan. Maybe they didn’t realise this had been previously tried and tested in Wirral – and failed! One thing is for sure, they knew this would be unpopular with the local community! How do I know that? Well you only have to read all the ‘spin’ that came from the applicants to realise they knew full well their ‘business plan’ would be unpopular! In fact, there was so much ‘spin’ for one minute I thought Alastair Campbell was involved! Highly unlikely though, I think Mr Campbell would have made a better effort! So why do I think this was ‘bad’ business? It was doomed from the outset… we already know the detail, but we now only have to look at the result – the burden this has been on the Wirral Council Tax payers and the embarrassment this must have been to WBC. Whilst I do not know whether this has had a positive or negative effect on the pockets of the instigators, we can only assume the latter. Less than a quarter of the hoped for attendees, tickets given away freely or at huge discounts, three nights of music buttoned down to one night only with open music to be stopped at midnight. A key performer refused to ‘entertain’ on the basis of the low turnout and a lot of people stating they wouldn’t bother next time – if there ever is a next time! Couple all this with the fact the applicants now have a legal bill in excess of £100,000 – for them as individuals, this badly thought out venture has to have been a failure. What about the knock on effect to us as tax payers and residents? Whilst we await the final figures, we already know, as predicted, that some crime was committed down at Thurstaston that weekend, namely fire damage to parts of the Wirral Way and a break-in at Thurstaston Visitor Centre. Bearing in mind of course that this was a poorly attended event – what would have happened had the organisers achieved their aims of 7000+ people? Additionally, Wirral Borough Council, who have at all times supported this despite community objections, despite organisations such as ITPAS objections and despite local Councillors objections! have now had their legal bill – costs against them – a rare enforcement by the courts – of over £85,000 plus of course the personal time civil ‘servants’ have given to this much unwanted project! I was informed at our AGM that this amount of money would have funded Irby library for a year! Considering all the talk of major cuts, why on earth did WBC support this clearly doomed venture? A community event this was not! Good business? Clearly not! Or at least not from where I’m sitting anyway! Tim Mobbs ITPAS Chairman
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Irby, Thurstaston and Pensby Amenity Society Established over 30 years
We would like to thank all the members that came along to support our AGM back in June. A good turn out of around 50 filled Irby Village Hall, who we are now trying to support as much as possible in view of current hardship.
several years and has been costly to the Village Hall in terms of legal fees, not forgetting the stress and hard work that has been involved in research and preparing papers to defend this action. The outcome has been exactly the same as where people were at before this all started, that is, the resident(s) is still able to use the short-cut, but the Village Hall, as before now has the land back as its own. Two lawyers will have made a few thousand pounds out of this, but sadly our much loved Community Amenity is somewhat poorer all due to the actions of one or more individual(s) – shame!
I know everyone is waiting to hear about ‘The Festival’ and a lot was explained about the History at the AGM, but the Committee have decided that we will not do a full written report until the matter reaches an absolute final conclusion. No folks, it’s not over yet. Whilst there was some success in clamping down the festival so much it became unworkable, there is now an investigation being conducted into the breaches of the licence, of which there are numerous alleged. We may consider sending out a ‘Special Edition’ Newsletter later in the year in which we will outline ALL the hard facts about this debacle as we do not want anyone to think we were just being a bunch of ‘NIMBY’s’ by opposing an event, which some described as being good for our ‘community’ and good for Wirral as a whole – not so as has proved to be the case! Some of you may have read The Chairman's Blog about the goings on at Irby Village Hall. The main reason for moving our venue back to the Hall is because of some hardship they are facing. For many years, resident(s) of Coniston Road have enjoyed access onto Village Hall land from their back gardens as a much time saving short-cut to Irby Village. This all went wrong when one of the residents decided to register the land with the Land Registry. As most of us know, all the land for the Village Hall, as far back as where the 1st Thurstaston Scout Group occupy and lease, was given to the Community by Miss Lettice Valentine Lee Townshend. That makes all of that land and the Village Hall a Trust and Trustees have a responsibility for it. There are a number of Trustees who are ably led by it’s Chairman, Mrs Brenda Ireland and her husband Mike does a first class job in maintaining and managing the day to day activities and all the problems that arise with such responsibility. Not forgetting of course Adrian Knight who keeps a watchful eye on finances for them!
You will read elsewhere in this Newsletter about the success we are having with noticeboards which are currently acting as a great communication aide and a means to advertise ITPAS as an active community group. Just to clarify, we have access to the noticeboard outside the Co-op on Pensby Road near to Fishers Lane shops. This is kindly provided by Kylemore Community Centre who are always willing to place community notices within it. ITPAS has ownership of noticeboards in the following locations. Pensby Library; Pensby Park [Fishers Lane]; Irby Park; Irby Library and Irby Village. Most of you will be aware of the board in Irby village on the wall of the Doctors Practice as it has been there in one form or another for many years. Unfortunately, there has been some work going on at the former 1st floor dentists, which has meant we have had to take the board down. For one reason or another, the Doctors have refused permission to allow us to re-erect the noticeboard. It would be somewhat pedantic if this was due to our democratic stance against The Warrens development, but we are unable to confirm or otherwise that this is the reason.
In the meantime, we are looking for a new home for the board, preferably central in Irby village. We have a Of course it would be remiss of the Trustees to have let couple of ideas, which we are currently researching, but the registering of the land by subterfuge go by without if anyone can help, please do contact us. taking action to remedy the situation and protect this community asset. This action has now been ongoing
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Irby, Thurstaston and Pensby Amenity Society Established over 30 years
Could this happen here?
ITPAS notice boards are a hit Regular readers will know that our Research and Development Officer, Dr Carol Porter was recently successful in obtaining grants to provide large, glass fronted, ITPAS notice boards in Irby and Pensby parks. In addition to displaying our ITPAS information, the committee believes that we should also offer space to local community groups. This facility has now been taken up with enthusiasm by several community groups including the Community Police Team, The Hope Centre, Pensby, Irby Gardening Club, and Pensby Tae Kwondo martial arts group.
Photo courtesy of The Independent
All advertising is vetted by the committee but if any member would like their local group to be advertised, please contact:
Our colleagues at Wirral Green Belt Council (WGBC) Roy Fisher on 648 7671 have been busy dealing with an issue relating to the occupation of a parcel of land next to the Brook Meadow Hotel in Badgers Rake Lane, Ledsham.
St. Bartholomew’s
The WGBC reports states, “A very disturbing new approach to development is being used by Travellers/Gypsies near the Brook Meadow Hotel. The method is to buy the land and then in a co-ordinated plan move in on mass and set up accommodation, hard standing, etc. and then apply for retrospective planning approval. The problem is that the invasion takes a day, but the Council’s enforcement of Planning Regulations takes months to catch up. The travellers are then allowed to stay or at least have some months of illegal residence. A similar invasion has been reported in the national press and swift action by the local residents in Meriden, Warwickshire fended off some of the deliveries needed to build permanent facilities. There are fears that nationally, Council planners have been “advised” to At a Vestry Meeting on 23rd March 1871, the pulling down of allow such camps to be set up (Daily Mail 06/05/2010).” the second Church was approved and the executors of Joseph Anyone, walking or cycling past this former paddock will Hegan of Dawpool set apart £4,500 for a new church. witness large earth banks, high fencing and large wooden gates with security cameras. The present beautiful edifice designed by J. Loughborough The planning meeting for this “invasion” was at Winsford Pearson R.A. was erected to the memory of Joseph Hegan of on Wednesday 19th May and a written submission was Dawpool by his two daughters, and was consecrated by William made by WGBC, opposing. The retrospective planning Stubbs, Bishop of Chester, on the 7th January 1886. It is a splendid example of a Victorian revival of mid-gothic application was rejected by the meeting. architecture, being of the late 13th century character and built As an ITPAS committee, we try to stay abreast of entirely of local sandstone, both inside and out. In the same year changes of ownership but with so many fields and open spaces in and around Irby, Thurstaston and Pensby, it the old building was taken down and the material used to build is difficult. It also costs money in search fees each time a wall to enclose the new churchyard, which is now separated we apply to the Land Registry for details of ownership. from the Hall.
One of the principal aims of ITPAS is to maintain the It would be great if plans were made to celebrate the 125 Year green belt but with a small committee we are sometimes Anniversary of the present church next year. Hopefully someone reliant on members alerting us to suspicious developments. Please voice any concerns before they will take this on board and a celebration will materialise. become serious problems. Text and pictures courtesy of St.Bartholomew’s website.
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Irby, Thurstaston and Pensby Amenity Society Established over 30 years
Planning Matters have been removed but the caravan has been moved to the rear of the site and disguised with an old green tarpaulin sheet. The enforcement officer has been In this issue, ITPAS Planning Officer, Ian advised and has said this is not acceptable and Chalmers, gives an update on some of the further action to have the caravan removed will be planning issues considered by the committee taken.
The ITPAS Planning Officer’s case book
recently. Horses in fields around Harrock Wood We were pleased to see the return of horses in the field to the east of Harrock Wood (Elm Road). The field appears to be well managed with separate paddocks for each of three groups of horses. We understand the field is being used by a horse rescue charity
Horse feed sheds – Strawberry Field, Sandy Lane One of our vigilant members reported the sudden erection of these wooden structures on the field previously used as a “pick your own” soft fruit facility. A site inspection was conducted and these appear to be feed storage or equestrian Following the sale of the field to the west of Harrock equipment storage sheds. We took advice from Wood, adjacent to Yew Tree Farm, we also the Council’s Enforcement Team who advised understand that this is being prepared for equestrian that Planning Permission would need to be use. An access track on to Thingwall Road has been applied for. At the time of going to press, the prepared. There has been a recent planning Enforcement Team have established ownership application to alter the road access point to almost of the field (Mr White of Station Road, opposite the dental surgery. This is slightly different Thurstaston). He in turn has passed the Council’s to the original access point but will avoid the felling of order for planning permission be applied for, to a large, protected, tree. the horse owner/lease of the field who has Supermarket in Pensby Road, Pensby agreed to remove the sheds. This application, to demolish three existing retail units adjacent to Pensby library and build a small supermarket, was originally considered by the committee in early 2009. At the time it was not opposed on the grounds that we felt it may benefit residents in that area of Pensby and would tidy up the dilapidated surrounding area. If ITPAS members had contacted us we would have opposed this on their behalf. The application was initially refused by the Council’s planning committee but allowed on appeal. Work is now well under way with demolition complete and steelwork completed. We hear from our local councillor that the tenant will be Tesco Express.
Old caravan at Dodd’s Wood, Mill Hill Road A different ITPAS member drew our attention to the suspicion that someone was residing in the caravan and a site visit by one of our committee seemed to confirm this. Once again we took advice from the Council’s Enforcement Team and they advised that occupation of the caravan was definitely not allowed. The Enforcement Team have established ownership of the field and an enforcement notice for the total clearance of the caravan and pig sheds has been served. As of 24th August, the pigs, pens and sheds
Member Records When you received this Newsletter, did you check the mailing label to ensure we have your correct details. We need every bit of information to be accurate to comply with the law in respect of holding personal details about people, so please tell us if its incorrect, even if its just your initial or title, please check and let us know. Phone 648 6780 or email
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Irby, Thurstaston and Pensby Amenity Society Established over 30 years
Chairman Tim Mobbs – Vice Chairperson Dr Carol Porter – 648 6736
All talks are 7.0 for 7.30 pm in
Autumn Talk 2010 - October 6th Irby Methodist Church (not hall)
Secretary Melanie Walker – 648 6780 Treasurer (Position vacant from June 2010)
Planning Ian Chalmers - 648-5619 Membership Tim Mobbs Greenbelt (Position vacant from June 2009)
Rights of Way (Position vacant from June 2010)
Newsletter Roy Fisher – 648 7671 Researcher (Funding) Dr Carol Porter – 648 6736 Irby Traders Representative TBC Website Tim Mobbs Researcher (Local History) Position Vacant General Committee Positions Vacant
unless stated otherwise.
Mr. Gavin Hunter
Wirral’s Rivers”
The fascinating history of some of Wirral’s lesser-known rivers.
Irby Library Facilities have started a series of Drop In Surgeries on the first Friday of the month (commenced on Thursday 1st July. The time is between 10am and noon. This has arisen at their request following a successful “Information Day” in the Library which the 'friends group' organised on 10th June. They will be offering information and advice on subjects including assistance to welfare benefits and access to local services and activities and much else.
ICT and Computer Support Need help using your computer? Do you want advice and guidance on hardware and software use? Every Monday from 9am - 7.30pm for the next few months, someone will be making themselves available at Irby Library to people who want to know more about using the Internet and/or their computers. You can use the Library computers or bring your own laptop if you wish. The tuition is catered for all levels, not just beginners, so please use this facility if you’re interested - and of course it creates some 'foot-fall' in the library! © ITPAS – Contact the Newsletter editor, details on this page, if you wish to extract information from this Newsletter. For externally drafted articles, contact the copyright holder or author direct (details will be shown). We are more than happy to receive articles, comments, letters or suggestions though they may or may not be included in our forthcoming Newsletters or on the ITPAS website. Any such articles may also be edited at the discretion of the Committee. ITPAS committee members can be contacted by phone or email as detailed above.
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