A Member of the Wirral Methodist Circuit www.irbymethodist.org Ministers:
Rev. Kim Goh
tel: 0151 739 8525
Day off: Mondays (please honour) email: kimgoh2603@gmail.com Superintendent Minister:
Rev. Ann Rigby-Jones
Day off: Fridays (please honour)
tel: 0151 342 6324
Church Leadership Team Community Enablers:
Jean Brookes
648 1130
Worship Enablers:
Calvin Wood
648 4466
Angela James
648 2900
Sylvia Gaskell
648 7905
Barbara Wood
648 4466
Liz Newton
648 6641
Resources Enabler:
Graham Griffiths
648 2233
Church Worship Leaders:
Sylvia Gaskell
648 7905
Angela James
648 2900
Graham Griffiths
648 2233
Mission & Outreach Enablers:
Church Admin Contact:
email: gnmg1971@gmail.com Church Treasurer:
Ian Hall
648 3344
Booking Secretary:
Graham Griffiths
648 2233
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
Hymnal Plus: Funday Sunday Leader:
Linda Renmans
648 7652
Newsletter Editor:
Roy Fisher
648 7671
Church Website:
email: roy@royfisher.co.uk
Dear Friends,
Roy Fisher (as above)
I have been thinking and reflecting this Easter on what a loving God we have and his “Unconditional Love " for us that reminds me of the time in Leeds. I remembered when I was Chaplain at a ASDA store in Pudsey one day when suddenly I heard the sound of breaking glass behind me. I turned around to see what had happened. A young mother had turned away from her shopping cart for a second to look in one of the freezers. That second was all it took for her growing, baby boy to test out his newfound ability to grab and lift things from his seat in the cart. Unfortunately, the big jar of spaghetti sauce was more than he could handle. I smiled when I walked back to help and saw the look of utter surprise on his face. His arms were still outstretched where the jar had been a few seconds before. On the floor below the puddle of red was slowly oozing across the aisle. After making sure that both Mom and baby were alright, I headed down the aisle to get help from a store employee. As I glanced back at them, though, I saw something that truly warmed my heart. The baby had finally taken his eyes off the shattered jar and looked up at his Mom. Instead of scolding him or even giving him an angry look she smiled down at him with eyes full of gentle understanding and unconditional love. Her tender gaze and kind smile never changed, not even when a friend gave her some good-natured teasing about the mess. I knew then that this Mom was going to give her son a lifetime full of laughter and love. I think that God must smile down on us with that same look at times. We are His beloved Children and yet as hard as we try, we often make a mess of things, too. We want to learn to love. Still, we stumble, we fall, we let important things slip through our fingers, and even break a few hearts along the way. God never gives up on us, however. He forgives us and fills our hearts, souls, and lives with His gentle understanding and unconditional love. May we learn to love each other as He loves us. May we all learn to live our lives in joy, laughter, love, and understanding. Happy Easter and God bless.
******************************************************************************* Weekly Activities Sunday:
Morning Worship
10.30 - 11.30
Funday Sunday - (2nd & 4th or 3rd & 5th of month)
10.30 - 11.30
18.00 - 19.00
19.00 - 20.30
Toddlers (School term time)
09.30 - 12.00
Women’s Fellowship (alternate weeks)
14.00 - 16.00
Yoga Classes
18.30 - 20.00
20.00 - 22.00
Toddlers (School term time)
09.30 - 12.00
18.30 - 20.00
Language classes (Jenny Cowell)
18.00 - 20.00
Wives & Friends (Monthly)
20.00 - 22.00
Lunch Club (Joyce Edgar)
11.00 - 15.00
Country Dancing (alt weeks Sept - May)
20.00 - 22.00
Irby Methodist Church Letter from the
Hello Friends A Happy Easter to all. As I write for our “new look” newsletter, I’m wondering if April will bring us some “new look” weather or will there be more chilly blasts from the east? We live in hope of better things to come. One thing we are guaranteed is a lovely warm welcome as we meet together to worship Sunday by Sunday or gather with our friends at the many groups which meet on our premises. Since our last newsletter those services and meetings have included gathering with neighbouring churches to share worship for Women’s World Day of Prayer. Then on the first Saturday in March our open to all “cuppa and chat” morning was very well attended as we welcomed Eleanor who chatted to us about Ridgewood Court, a new residential care home opening in Pensby. She gave us insight into the facilities and ethos of this not for profit facility which will also provide specialist dementia care. The staff are seeking to develop links with local churches so that they can better meet the needs of their new residents. On the first Sunday in March, the Wives and Friends group celebrated their 56th anniversary. Mrs Lynda Pillow, a trainee local preacher was guest speaker. She continued the group’s theme of welcoming all and challenged us to think hard and pray about the things that divide us. How inspiring to be able to see and handle a piece of the former Berlin wall. Rev Carolyn White led Sunday worship on 11th March. She recalled her experience of moving house 11 times. Now an expert in de-cluttering, she reminded us that we may be called to respond to God in unexpected ways, give regard to things that are truly
Irby Methodist Church
important and be prepared to let go of our “clutter”. What a delight that morning to receive from our Funday Sunday children a surprise Mothering Sunday gift of a beautiful mug complete with “cuppa” goodies. Thank you all so much. On Tuesday 13th March, the Women’s Fellowship group shared a midweek Easter Meditations service hosted by Jean. Rev Kim shared communion on Sunday 18th March. I’m not entirely sure if we should offer sympathy or congratulations- he discovered he was without notes or his order of service. With such an inspiring service- dare we suggest -don’t worry if you leave them at home again next time Kim! When this newsletter is in print, we will have shared services from Palm Sunday to Easter Day, many of them with friends from other churches. Our young families will have enjoyed a fun filled Messy Church session as well as a fund raising table top sale. Some of us were looking forward to a different way of sharing our faith as Rev Marcus Torchon was to lead an Interactive Bible Study in the village at the Shippons on Tuesday 20th March. Due to unforeseen circumstances the venue had to be changed at very short notice to The Anchor so apologies to anyone who missed the occasion. Events to look forward to and support in April include the next cuppa and chat on Saturday 7th. Come along and please invite friends and neighbours especially anyone living alone. Women’s fellowship Soup Lunch will be held on Tues 10th April. Wives and friends meet again on 12th April. As you make your way here, have you ever noticed the symbol in red stained glass near the top of the large front window or the sign on the brickwork above? The symbol, made up of an orb and a cross, is associated with the Methodist Church as the cross is a reminder of the glory of the risen Lord and the orb represents the world. Together they symbolise the message and mission of the Methodist Church. This Church is found in almost every part of the world with around 60 million members worldwide. The sign
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
reminds us that we are the Methodist Church in Irby. On the front page of the newsletter is another symbol. It is the logo of the Wirral Methodist Churches (The Circuit). In it is depicted the Trinity (Father, Son and holy Spirit) , growth and harvest, breath and new life, a living flame, the W of Wirral and our location in the North West. So it is that while we are a Methodist church situated in Irby, we are part of a larger connected group. There is the Wirral Circuit which is in turn part of the Merseyside District, a part of the British Connexion and part of the World Wide Methodist Church. This massive family has grown from small beginnings-a
who produces the rota for the sound system; to Graham who receives, filters and circulates all the communications that come into church and to Barbara who has joined the offertory counting team. We know there are still more roles to be covered. These contributions make possible the smooth running of our church. However we must not lose sight of our calling to worship, to learn and care, to serve and to evangelise by sharing Christ’s love with others. We continue to remember in our prayers all who enjoy our newsletter especially those no longer able to meet with us and also those mentioned in our intercession book.
group of friends led by its founder John Wesley in the 18th century. In places it continues to grow as friends share the message of God’s love with others. In other places, as with many denominations, churches are declining. In Irby membership has shrunk by a third in 10 years. Across Wirral membership has shrunk by almost a half. The number of church buildings has hardly changed at all, while the number of ministers has reduced by two thirds.
Change is always difficult to contemplate but look back at our past premises. We began in a cosy farmhouse kitchen, moving to the larger tin chapel, then to the much larger premises we use today. All used to accommodate the changing needs of the people called Methodist in Irby. Our challenge is to consider what is really needed today. There will be no easy answers. What a gift hymn writers have for saying so much in few words – one day, I’ll get the hang of it!
In October all the Methodist churches in Wirral completed a questionnaire about the work of their church community. This week an important meeting of the Wirral Circuit was asked to consider if our churches have a sustainable future. We are asked in Irby to consider what our church community will look like in 5 or more years’ time. Will there be enough people to maintain worship, fill all the positions or probably more importantly have the energy to continue? Many of us are finding that a challenge as it is! We read some wonderful tributes to Eric in our last newsletter. We are so grateful to Roy Fisher who “volunteered” to take on the role of newsletter editor. I’m sure I’m not alone in thinking how pleased Eric would be to see it continue with its updated look. Thank you Roy for putting your skills and time to such good use. But does anyone realise it has taken quite a number of volunteers to cover the roles which Eric took on so willingly and faithfully. We are grateful to Ruth and Margaret who process and photocopy the Sunday link notices after Barbara has complied them; to Angela
So I leave you with some of the words from a hymn written by Joy Dine.
“God who sets us on a journey to discover, dream and grow, lead us as you led your people in the desert long ago..... Exploration brings new insights, changes, choices we must face; give us wisdom in deciding, mindful always of your grace..... End our longing for the old days, grant the vision that we lack.... When we set up camp and settle to avoid love’s risk and pain, you disturb complacent comfort, pull the tent pegs up again: keep us travelling in the knowledge you are always at our side; give us courage for the journey, Christ our goal and Christ our guide.”
Yours, as we travel together, Liz
Irby Methodist Church
Wives & Friends Society
Irby Methodist Church
sign who wished to go on the coach trip on May 14th. However at the end of the evening when the list was checked we only had 19 names but the number required was 30 or more. A decision was taken that the booking made to the Tramway Village would have to be cancelled. There will not be a Wives outing this year.
On Thursday 8th March we welcomed thirty-eight wives and friends to our meeting.
At the end of the evening Ruth reminded everyone that our April meeting
Earlier in the day we experienced a snowfall but fortunately by the evening the snow had melted. It remained bitterly cold but that did not deter our members. The topic for the evening was Iceland, land of fire and snow, an appropriate subject during the recent cold weather.
On behalf of the Committee we look forward to seeing you all at our next meeting.
The guest speaker was Gordon Barclay who had been an aviation photographer and a Concorde tour guide. He had visited Iceland in 2006 and had taken a series of slides which he brought to illustrate his talk. Iceland is a country of thermal springs and majestic waterfalls. The landscape appears very barren with very little vegetation or trees.
will be held on April 12th when the talk will be given by St.John Ambulance.
Angela Looking through a copy of a recent Heswall church magazine I came across this piece which was originally in The Methodist Recorder. It seems to me to capture perfectly the current situation not just within Wirral Circuit but in the wider Methodist Church connexion and is certainly very relevant to our own deliberations in the Leadership Team on what is our calling here in Irby. I wonder, does anyone see us as a “society for the promotion of coffee mornings�? Graham Griffiths
Iceland lies about 450 miles from the UK and has a population of seven million. It was once administered by Norway but ceded to Denmark in 1918 gaining full independence in 1944. The unit of currency is the Krona and the main industries are fishing, manufacturing computer software and aluminium smelting. A bonus for Icelanders is free heating and hot water which is generated by the geothermal springs. Iceland’s most famous stars are Magnus Magnusson, a former Mastermind presenter and the singer, Bjork. After a very informative talk accompanied by some stunning photography, tea was served and the raffle drawn. Ruth then sent round a list for those to
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
WIRRAL METHODIST CIRCUIT FAMILY – Praying together for Kingdom Growth – PRAYER DIARY April 2018 Worship: Pray that we will let the Holy Spirit take control of our worship
Prayer focus Sunday
Service: Pray for our churches’ involvement in community activities.
Learning, Caring and Discipleship: Let daily Bible reading and prayer give light to our paths each day.
Evangelism: We pray for a new sense of urgency about inviting people to meet Jesus.
Seeking to be Spirit-filled followers of Jesus
1st Jesus is alive! Pray for a memorable Resurrection Party in Birkenhead Park 2-5 p.m. to speak of Jesus.
2nd On World Autism Day, pray for those who despair of finding friendship to experience joy through Jesus.
3rd Pray for all who will travel today to the inspirational annual ECG Methodist gathering at Scarborough.
4th Ask God to bless the witness of Mission Band 4U and Rev George Palmer at Beacon Coffee Shop, Heswall (8-10 p.m.)
5th Pray for God‘s blessing on Neston M.C. members’ plans to expand their work with children.
6th Pray for God to use Neston Shopper’s service and Welcome Café outreach each Friday.
7th Give thanks for the enjoyment created at Saturday Club at St Luke’s each month.
Willingness to recognise the need to deepen our faith
8th Pray for all who will be returning home enthused by the climax of ECG at Scarborough.
9th Pray for God’s blessing on the 10 members of Neston M.C. on retreat today at Foxhills.
11th Give thanks for Moreton Mid-week Meditations - open to all - from 11 a.m.
14th Thank God for our Circuit ordained staff and Circuit Manager (Steve Cooper).
16th Pray that all our actions and words will speak of Jesus to others who have never met Him.
12th Ask God to bless the first morning of Singing Café at St Luke’s offering a chance to sing “old favourites”. 19th Pray that God will lead us all along paths of kindness and sensitivity towards others, especially when we disagree.
13th Give thanks for the outreach of Food & Friends among the lonely at St Luke’s each Friday.
15th Pray for the work of the Leprosy Mission together with Lower Bebington (10.45 worship).
10th On Day 2 of Rev Jackie Bellfield’s sabbatical, pray for her to be blessed in every way over the weeks to come. 17th Pray that our churches’ work in our communities will be commended for unconditional love.
20th Give thanks for all who work in Hospices and the blessing from Sung Communion at Little Sutton (7.15 p.m.).
21st Thank God for Messy Church at Little Sutton (4.15) + Lower Bebington’s 90th anniversary (on 28th March).
22nd On Vocations Sunday pray for us all to be ready to offer our time and our talents to be used by God.
23rd Give thanks for the tireless work of those who organise Orion Club activities at Heswall every Monday.
Seeking to ensure that our faith is translated into action Counting the blessings individuals bring to others Making a difference through serving others
18th Celebrate the continuing mission of Trinity Ellesmere Port showing the love of Jesus for everybody.
24th - 27th Pray for “new shoots” to produce Kingdom growth and specifically for the ministry of Mark Thomas (Little Neston), Len Sloan (Neston) and Jim Shaw (Willaston), who have all emerged from their communities and been given support in their roles as Lay Pastors, together with the continuing ministry of Tim Edwards, Nigel Mountford, David Smith, Dirk Utterdijk, Cate Warbrick and the Children and Schools Team (Emma Sofayo, Nicola Langton-Miller, Rachel Gray and Nick Jeffries).
28th Ask God to bless our Liverpool District Synod at St Luke’s (from 9.30 a.m.) and Prayer Breakfast at Ince.
29th Pray for 30th Give thanks for ”Then the eyes of Cleopas and his companion were opened and they recognised Jesus. They asked each blessing through all the people who other, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and explained the Circuit Service at do the unnoticed Scriptures to us.’” Luke 24: 31-32. West Kirby to jobs in our churches Thank God for all occasions when we experience Jesus in our lives and especially in our church dedicate Easter without expectation communities enabling us to speak about Him to others. Offerings (6.30 pm) of reward. Please send prayer requests for the May Prayer Diary to daveandave@talktalk.net before Thursday, 19thApril.
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
The Inspired Word
Wednesday 11 April 2018 at 2.30 pm
Meeting in Church Lounge Come, share in our fellowship over a cup of tea/coffee and see what the Bible has to say about issues relevant today If you require transport – phone Calvin 648 4466
The whole Bible was given to us by the inspiration from God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives; it straightens us out and helps us do what is right. It is God's way of making us well-prepared at every point, fully equipped to do good to everyone. (2 Timothy 3 v 16-17 Living Letters) The Bible is not simply a record of historical events, or a collection of poems, stories of Jesus or human ideas about God. Through the Holy Spirit, God revealed his person and his plan to certain believers, who wrote down the message for his people – inspired writings. While writing from their own personal, historical and cultural contexts, using their own mind, language and style, it was never the less, what God wanted them to write. Scripture is completely trustworthy, because God is the author. The Bible is God's word for each of us. Read it and obey it. In order to understand scripture more fully, why not come along to our Bible Study and Fellowship Group on Wednesday 20 April at 2.30 pm in the church lounge, and, over a cup of coffee, see what God is saying to you through his Word. Calvin
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
Seventeen Century Nun’s Prayer Lord, Thou knowest me better than I know myself, that I am growing older and will some day be old. Keep me from the fatal habit of thinking I must say something on every subject and on every occasion. Release me from craving to straighten out everybody's affairs. Make me thoughtful but not moody; helpful but not bossy. With my vast store of wisdom it seems a pity not to use it all, but Thou knowest Lord, that I want a few friends at the end.
Saturday 28th April 2 - 4pm Please could you let me have your "offers" for the auction as soon as possible or by 14th April at the latest so we can "Produce a Catalogue". Any contributions of items or talents much appreciated. Unwanted gifts, good quality nearly new items accepted.
Admission ÂŁ3 including afternoon tea.
Keep my mind free from the recital of endless details; give me wings to get to the point.
I will leave a list in the foyer for offers to make sandwiches and "bitesize "cakes please. Offers of help in the kitchen on the day.
Seal my lips on my aches and pains. They are increasing and love of rehearsing them is becoming sweeter as the years go by. I dare not ask for grace enough to enjoy the tales of other's pains, but help me to endure them with patience.
If you wish to attend event please write name down on the same list as previously mentioned so we can have approximate numbers for catering purposes.
I dare not ask for improved memory, but for a growing humility and a lessening cocksureness when my memory seems to clash with the memories of others. Teach me the glorious lesson that occasionally I may be mistaken. Give me the ability to see good things in unexpected places and talents in unexpected people. And, give me, O Lord, the grace to tell them.
Family and Friends are all welcome. The children are thinking of what they can do!!! This is to be a Fun Fundraising Event for Church . Many thanks Linda
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
A huge thank you to all who have contributed or supported in any way to this children's fundraising event. Funday Sunday, Rainbows, Brownies and Guides. The 2 sales raised over ÂŁ356.00 for Church funds. Several of the stall holders want to be notified of anymore we do in the future which is good as they are also supporting our Church in their own way. There was a lady who had a working dog at the sale on Saturday and she does give talks about the dog and is happy to do so . If you would like more details please ask me.
Our meeting on February 13th had a Valentines theme, but due to bad weather we were a small group. Similarly, our meeting on February 27th had to be cancelled due to snow. Colin Ratcliffe should have been our speaker but hopefully he will be able to give his talk and slideshow of Bodnant Gardens later in May. March 13th was our Easter Meditation and despite membership being low we enjoyed reading and listening to some beautiful poetry. On March 27 th we will be holding our Easter Service in Church, so please do come and join us for fellowship and the ever-present cuppa.
April Charity of the Month The April Charity of the month will be Easter Offering. It will be proposed by Sue Foster on the first Sunday of the month. The Easter Offering Dedication Service will be held on Sunday, 29th April at 6.30 pm at West Kirby Methodist Church.
Firstly, I would like to say a big thank you to Barbara for holding the fort during January whilst I got my head together. What it is to have good friends.
A date for your diary is April 10th when we will be holding our Soup Lunch at 1.00 pm - cost ÂŁ3.50 - followed by our good friend David Casement. He will be sharing with us his holiday in Newfoundland. All of these meetings are on a Tuesday at 2.00 pm and you will be made very welcome. God Bless - Jean Brookes
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
ANNUAL CHURCH MEETING – APRIL 29th 2018 REQUEST FOR REPORTS As agreed at the Annual Church Meeting in 2016 please will the leaders/secretaries of all Church committees, groups and associated organisations let me have a copy of their Annual Report by Sunday April 8th at the latest. This will enable the reports to be copied and circulated in advance of the Meeting. Thank you Janet Milne (Church Council Secretary)
Monthly Charity Appeal February Wirral Women's and Children's Refuge ÂŁ 126.50
Irby Methodist Church
Dates for
Irby Methodist Church
Funday Sunday for the year
March 11th March 25th Palm Sunday - Messy Church - 10.30-12.30 app. (Change of time as families preferred the morning) April 22nd - All Age Service - Linda May 13th May 20th June 10th -Pet Service June 24th July 15th Summer Event (whatever that may be!!) September 9th September 23rd October 7th - Harvest Funday Sunday Anniversary/Church Parade October 21st November 11th - Remembrance Sunday /Church Parade November 25th December 2nd - Toy Service/Church parade (followed by Christmas lunch again??)
Some changes may be made if needed to "normal Funday Sunday" dates
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
Intercessional Prayers – March and April
We remember those who have lost loved ones:
Remember the family of Margaret Lacy who died in March. Her funeral was at our church on March 28th.
Remember the family of Linda Sell, neighbour and good friend of Dorothy Brierley who died in March.
Remembering those who are ill:
Pray for Emmie, great-grand-daughter of Jean. She was having an operation for a lazy eye in March
This symbol was spotted on the back of a car. It depicts three good things to have in one’s life. It is trademarked to the Tim Tebow Foundation in 2012. The mark consists of a design that includes a cross, a stylized electrocardiogram wave and a heart. The wording "Faith Hope Love" with dots on either side of the word "Hope" appears below the design. It can also be seen as a tattoo.
From the Editor: Hi Everyone, A nice side effect of taking on board the Newsletter has been that I got to visit the Methodist Centre in Thingwall. It is a place I had never been to and I got to meet some of the staff who were very helpful in guiding me through the printing process. Not so good was that the automatic stapling option on the machine wasn’t working so I had to sit there and fold them all and staple by hand. This month I couldn’t print when I wanted to because the Centre had various closures during the holiday break. Hence the week’s delay in getting this issue out. Roy