A Member of the Wirral Methodist Circuit www.irbymethodist.org Ministers:
Rev. Kim Goh
tel: 0151 739 8525
Day off: Monday (please honour) email: kimgoh2603@gmail.com Rev. Vivienne Gasteen - Pastoral care 0151 648 2637
email: revviv1948@btinternet.com
Day off: Friday (please honour)
Superintendent Minister:
Rev. Ann Rigby-Jones
tel: 0151 342 6324
s a m t s i r h C
Day off: Fridays (please honour) Church Leadership Team Community:
Jean Brookes
648 1130
Calvin Wood
648 4466
Angela James
648 2900
Barbara Wood
648 4466
Liz Newton
648 6641
Graham Griffiths
648 2233
Young People & Families:
Lynne Cowell
648 4447
Mission & Outreach:
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
Other Roles Church Worship Leaders:
Church Admin Contact:
Angela James
648 2900
Sylvia Gaskell
648 7905
Graham Griffiths
648 2233
Church Treasurer
Ian Hall
648 3344
Pastoral Visitor Co-ordinators
Ruth Brabin
648 1069
Alison Fisher
648 7671
Booking Secretary
Graham Griffiths
648 2233
Hymnal Plus
Angela James
648 2900
Funday Sunday Leader:
Linda Renmans
648 7652
Newsletter Editor
Roy Fisher
648 7671
& Church website:
Kim's Den is closed at present, hence no minister's letter this month. Unfortunately, both Kim and Mary are unwell and we send them our love and prayers for a full and speedy recovery and hope they will soon be able to 'resume normal service' early in the New Year. As Christmas gets ever closer we take this opportunity of wishing all our members and friends, especially those who are unwell or house-bound, love and peace at this most blessed season. 'And his name shall be called Immanuel, which means, God is with us.' In times of pain, loneliness, grief, despair, hardship and doubt, let us remember that we are not alone, that, Immanuel, God, really is with us. Let this be for us a rock and an encouragement, to enable us to move forward and not give in: not only as individuals but as a nation, as a community, as a church.
In accordance with the Stationing processes, a prospective Superintendent visited the Circuit earlier this month. The Circuit Invitations Committee are pleased announce that following the visit they agreed to invite Rev Heather Cooper to become the Superintendent Minister of the Wirral Circuit from 1st September 2019, and she has accepted the invitation, subject of course to the final approval of Methodist Conference.
Dear Friends,
Look at the television or read the newspapers and we seem to be bombarded by all manner of problems: Brexit, the NHS struggling to cope with the demands, a society that seems to have lost its love for God and for each other, a Circuit having trouble to find a solution to declining membership, fewer ministers and yet with almost as many churches as nine years ago when four Circuits merged to form the Wirral Methodist Circuit. As a nation and as a Circuit we need God's guidance and direction and to bring him into our decision making. As members and friends of Irby Methodist Church we need your prayers and your support and your commitment as we move into our 150th year as a Methodist Church in Irby. It was faith and commitment that established that church fellowship in a farm-house kitchen in 1869, that built a tin chapel in the stockyard in 1881 and then our present building in 1936. That same Gospel message and Christian
Irby Methodist Church fellowship is needed as much today as it ever was and if you don't help to bring it about, who will? Early in the New Year we shall be arranging a programme to celebrate our 150th Anniversary and would welcome any volunteers to join with the Leadership Team in the planning. Our Anniversary Service is 27 October when Rev Charles New is our guest preacher. Charles was minister at this church 1982-1994. Let's make this special occasion a time of out-reach and an opportunity to proclaim the message of the church in our community. Let's make it a time of revival and not a time of decline. But first, we have our Christmas services to look forward to. I hope you will come along to as many of these services as possible. Dec 2nd 10.30 am. Toy Service – led by Linda Renmans. 6.30 pm. United service, when we shall be joined by West Kirby and Greasby. Service will be led by Rev Margaret Fletcher Dec 7th (Friday) 2.00 pm. Luncheon Club Carol Service – You are very welcome and join us Dec 16th 10.30 am. Gifts for Forum Housing will be dedicated. Worship led by Calvin 6.30 pm United Carol Service with St Chad's and St Bartholomew's
Irby Methodist Church
As I sit to write this letter it is cold and frosty outside. This morning the car needed de-icing and the temperature gauge said -1.0ºC. Winter is here and with the coming of winter we start to prepare for Christmas. Christmas Trees are appearing everywhere and soon the Christmas lights will be switched on in Irby Village. Here at church we will be holding our Christmas Fair and Toy service and we look forward to our joint Carol Service which this year is to be held here at Irby Methodist on 16th December. Everywhere we go we will know that Christmas is coming, and, in our homes, we will be starting to write Christmas cards and shopping lists. All around us there will be the hustle and bustle that goes with the preparations for Christmas. Recently I was lucky enough to go on a cruise and while aboard the ship if the captain wanted to convey a message every other communication on board was silenced. It makes me think how wonderful it would be if someone could silence all the clamour that surrounds Christmas so that everyone could just hear God’s voice and just listen to His message this Christmas. As we think about the birth of Jesus we also give thanks for the birth of a new baby within our church family. We send our love and congratulations to Wendy and Brian Cropper and all their family on the birth of their first grandson Myles and we give thanks for all those who have helped to care for him and for Hazel following his early arrival. Following Christmas, we will celebrate the start of a new year with all the promise that brings! I am sure some of you will already have plans for 2019, things that you are looking forward to doing or changes you want to make. In church we are looking forward to celebrating our 150th anniversary. Quite an achievement which there will be opportunities to celebrate. It is a time to look back and reflect on how our church family began, how it is now and with God’s help to plan for how it will be in the future. I will leave you with this quotation
Dec 24th (Wed) 11.15 pm Mid-night Communion at St Bartholomew's Dec 25th (Thurs) 10.30 am Christmas Day Family Service - St. Chad's
So God throws open the door of this world—and enters as a baby. What God ever came so tender we could touch Him? So fragile that we could break Him? So vulnerable that His bare, beating heart could be hurt? Only the One who loves you to death.” -Ann Voskamp
Dec.30th 9.30 am at St Chad's (No service at Irby Methodist)
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the Leadership Team
I wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a Wonderful New Year.
Lynne Cowell
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
Honouring Pte Frank Lester VC
Weekly Activities
Morning Worship
10.30 - 11.30
Funday Sunday Rainbows
10.30 - 11.30 18.00 - 19.00
19.00 - 20.30
Toddlers (School term time)
09.30 - 12.00
Women’s Fellowship (alternate weeks)
14.00 - 16.00
20.00 - 22.00
Toddlers (School term time)
09.30 - 12.00
18.00 - 19.30
Pilates not a church run class, it is an external hirer. Wives & Friends (Monthly - 2nd Thursday)
10.00 - 11.00 20.00 - 22.00
Lunch Club (Joyce Edgar)
11.00 - 15.00
Country Dancing (alt weeks Sept - May)
20.00 - 22.00
On the morning of Saturday November 10th, over 120 visitors from across Wirral were welcomed to a special coffee morning to honour and remember Irby’s fallen hero Pte Frank Lester. The Mayor of Wirral Cllr Geoffrey Watt was in attendance accompanied by the Mayoress. Some months ago Bill Davies, current owner of Miller’s Hey on Mill Hill Rd, approached Jill Burton with a request for help when it was announced that Pte Frank Lester VC, a former resident, was to be honoured by a memorial flagstone laid in the pavement outside the house. Our church was delighted to offer a meeting place for those who wished to attend as Pte Lester was organist at the original Methodist church building in Irby (the Tin Chapel as it was affectionately known). Visitors enjoyed tea, coffee and cake and judging by the buzz of conversation many friendships were renewed and new friendships struck as folk shared their memories of time living in or visiting Irby. Our stage screens depicting Irby village were a huge attraction to the many visitors to the hall. A heartfelt thank you to all who gave their time in setting up the hall, preparing and serving refreshments and ensuring a warm Irby Methodist Church welcome which was much appreciated by all. Special thanks also to those who donated cakes especially Pam Colquitt whose much admired cupcakes were decorated with a variety of poppy motifs, even edible portraits of Pte Frank Lester. On arrival the Mayor was introduced to members of the Lester family. Mr Dennis Rose gave the background to the occasion marking the centenary of the armistice following World War 1, the life of Pte Frank Lester and the awarding of the Victoria Cross. Mr Bill Davies read the citation. The Mayor paid tribute to the fallen hero and invited everyone to accompany him to the house in Mill Hill Rd to witness his unveiling of the memorial flagstone. If you were unable to attend this special occasion there is a record of the event on You Tube and remember to look out for the memorial flagstone outside the gate next time you pass Miller’s Hey at 80 Mill Hill Rd, the home Frank Lester left to go to war in 1916. Liz Newton
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
Wives & Friends Society On November 8th the Wives & Friends Society held their annual Hot Pot Supper. We were pleased to welcome sixty-two members and guests and on a cold autumn evening a hearty hot pot was most welcome. Following the main course there was a choice of cake to accompany the tea and coffee. The cakes had been made by the Wives Committee. The evening’s entertainment was provided by Tennessee Waltz who played an enjoyable variety of music. Musical numbers ranged from Country & Western, folk songs, and music of The Everly Brothers and The Beatles. For many of the numbers, we the audience, were able to join in. At the end of the evening the raffle was drawn and Ruth thanked everyone for attending and making it such an enjoyable evening. Our next meeting will be on December 13th and it will be our Annual Carol Service. On behalf of the Committee I hope to see as many of you as are able to attend.
We had a very interesting afternoon on Tuesday 13th November when Sylvia Gaskell showed us how to arrange silk flowers in various containers in readiness for Christmas. All her arrangements made on the day and more that she had done at home were raffled off, the money going to our M.W.I.B. Charity. We will have had our next meeting, Advent readings, by the time you read this. Our December 11th meeting is our Carol Service. This will be held in Church at 2.00 pm. Everyone is most welcome and after the service we will have our usual cuppa and refreshments. January 8th, 2019 is when we have our New Year celebrations again and if you would like to join us then please do. The rest of 2019 programme offers us a list of interesting meetings.
Season’s Greetings to everyone Jean Brookes, President
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
WIRRAL METHODIST CIRCUIT FAMILY – Praying together for Kingdom Growth – PRAYER DIARY December 2018 Worship: Pray that we will let the Holy Spirit take control of our worship. Prayer focus
Service: Pray for our churches’ involvement in community activities.
Learning, Caring and Discipleship: Let daily Bible reading and prayer give light for our paths each day.
Seeking to be Spirit-filled followers of Jesus
30th Give thanks for all who clean our churches, bring flowers and music and lead our worship.
31st Thank God for blessings received in 2018 whilst reflecting on opportunities missed on. Join with Little Sutton’s 8 p.m. Watchnight service.
As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ, we are both promised - and challenged to prepare for - the return of Jesus. How would we want Christ to find us? Are we building the Kingdom of God on earth today as a sign and prophecy of the Kingdom to come? Methodist Joint Public Issues Team What kind of world are we prepared to accept as normal while we wait? One with homelessness, hunger, oppression and injustice, greed and exploitation, man-made environmental damage and the growing probability of irreversible climate change?
1st Ask God to bless Claremount & Neston Prayer Breakfasts and the evening with Kaminari Taiko Drummers at Claremount (7.30 p.m.)
Willingness to recognise the need to deepen our faith
2nd Pray for peace together with Hiroshima survivors who still long for a world without nuclear weapons.
3rd Ask God to bless all involved in Meet the Characters of the Nativity at Little Neston.
4th Thank God for 6 pm Open Air Carols at Higher Bebington; 8 pm Mission Band4U Alternative Carols at Heswall Beacon.
5th Pray for the Christmas Carol Singalong 7 p.m. at Little Sutton to emphasise the real meaning of the Christmas season.
6th Ask God to bless Meet the Characters of the Nativity at Greasby and at Heswall and also After-school Lego Church at Little Neston.
7th Give thanks for the witness of Neston’s Shoppers’ Fellowship (10th Anniversary) 10.30 and Welcome Café.
8th Thank God for 8.30 ecumenical Women’s Breakfast at Neston and join in with the Circuit Big Sing at Hope Farm
Seeking to ensure that our faith is translated into action
9th Pray for blessing from the Toy Service at Little Sutton and Messy Church 4 p.m. at Claremount
10th Ask God to bless all involved in Meet the Characters of the Nativity at Bromborough.
11th Thank God for TPG Children’s AfterSchool Club 3.45 and Know Your Church and Neighbourhood
12th Ask God to bless the Angel Dedication service 1 p.m. and Worship Leaders’ Training at the Circuit Centre 5 p.m.
13th Pray for blessing through Singing Café at St Luke’s (10.30) and After-school Lego Church at Neston.
14th Ask God to bless the Neston 10.30 Shoppers’ Fellowship Carols; Meet the Characters at Little Sutton and 6.30 Christingle at St Luke’s.
15th Pray that God will bless Hoylake & Meols churches singing carols together in the heart of Hoylake (11 a.m.).
Counting the blessings individuals bring to others
Pray for hearts to be touched by the Children’s Nativity at St Luke’s; and by Carols at Burleydam Garden Centre (1 p.m.)
Pray for all who feel the pressure of the run-up to Christmas, especially mums, single parents and teachers.
18th Ask God to bless Hope Farm singing carols at The Old Wirral Hundred Ellesmere Port from 7 p.m.
19th Pray for all our churches’ outreach, including Neston Teapot Club Carol Service 10.30 a.m.
20th Pray for all our churches’ work with small children, including Neston Church Mice Christmas Party 9.45 11.15 a.m.
21st Pray for God to bless Mid-day Carols in the Daily Bread Café at Trinity EP and Sung Communion at Little Sutton 7.30 p.m.
22nd Ask God to bless all involved in Christingle at Heswall 4 p.m. (celebrating 50th anniversary of the first Christingle in 1968).
Making a difference through serving others
23rd Pray for hearts to be touched anew by Carol Services as we extend a warm invitation to seasonal worshippers.
24th Ask God to bless Bromborough Crib Service; Christingle at Higher Beb, Moreton, Prenton and Tranmere and Christmas Eve Holy Communion(s).
25th We celebrate the birth of Jesus and reach out in love to those who feel alone and are experiencing sadness and hurt.
26th On St Stephen’s Day remember all Christians facing violence - even death in Cameroon, Nigeria, Pakistan and Sudan.
27th Thank God for the Circuit’s ordained and lay staff and all our churches’ lay workers as they enjoy family time.
28th Thank God for all health workers, emergency service workers and others who have worked throughout the Christmas period.
29th Give thanks for all whose actions show their love of Jesus and pray for openings for us to invite others to meet Him.
(7 p.m. at Circuit Centre)
Evangelism: We pray for a new sense of urgency about inviting people to meet Jesus. Friday
Please note the unusually early closing date for sending prayer requests for the January Prayer Diary to daveandave@talktalk.net is Sunday, 16th December.
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child, but when I became a man ......................... (1 Cor 13 v 11) As we grow in years, so we should grow in understanding: we mature, we develop. As in the things of everyday life, so it should be with things spiritual and in our understanding of God and his love for us manifested through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Studying the Word of God is a way in which we may grow Spiritually, to find that all important personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ; to know his will for us; to find that peace which passes all our human understanding. Bible Study is a means of moving from those child-like words, and understandings and thoughts and grasp more fully the purpose of God for each one of us in this day and generation. Come along to our next Bible Study and Fellowship Group when we shall be looking at I Corinthians Chapter 13.
on WEDNESDAY, 16 January at 2.30 pm in the church lounge. For further information, phone Calvin 648 4466
Irby Methodist Church
I was overwhelmed this year by the amount of boxes filled and many bags of goodies to fill empty boxes at the warehouse. Thank you on behalf of the appeal. Just imagine 39 plus happy faces and it makes filling each box, knitting each hat, scarf or pair of mittens worth while.
God Bless Jean Brookes ‌. Co-ordinator
Irby Methodist Church
Monthly Charity Appeal Raised in November - ÂŁ55.00 Ronald McDonald House provides free 'home away from home' accommodation for families with children in hospital.
December Charity of the Month
By doing what's right. By doing what's needed. By doing what works. From before they are born until they are into their twenties, we help disadvantaged children
Irby Methodist Church
Funday Sunday
Irby Methodist Church
Sunday 23rd December Our Funday Sunday are meeting in the afternoon and invite you to join with them for their Christmas service at 6pm (approx 30 minutes). This is after their tea and hopefully a surprise visit!
Dates for 2019 January - 6th, 20th
July 7th, 21st
February - 3rd, 17th
March 10th, 24th
September 8th, 29th
April 21st, 28th
October 13th, 20th
May 12th, 19th
November 10th, 24th
June 9th, 23rd
December 1st, 15th, 22nd
We plan to meet on these dates. Some may change due to unforeseen circumstances. Toy Service is December 1st. Harvest and Pet Service dates to be added later.
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
UNIFORMED ORGANISATIONS 2ND Thingwall Scout Group We raised at the fair just over £962.00.
Please support the Scout Charity Christmas Post. Stamps are available at a cost of 30 pence from various local shops wherever you see the sign. Please use the special Scout Letter Boxes . (delivery does not cover the Ellesmere Port area.)
Last date for posting:- 12th. December.
We send our very best wishes to our Scout Leaders , Jodie Carrigan and Matthew Lamont , on their forthcoming marriage on Saturday, 15th. December.
Thank you so much to everyone who contributed in anyway. Donating goods, spending money or giving of their time. I know Father Christmas had a lovely morning! All the stalls were well covered with both items and help. Once again the Luncheon club raised a fabulous total of £268.00 prior and during the fair. Thanks again Auntie Joycie and team of confectioners!!! I must just say that the Luncheon club also had placed the tables and chairs prior to my arrival on the Friday afternoon which was a huge help for us. I know everyone concerned worked hard together as the Church team but I have to say a special thank you to Serena, Hannah and Will for their input. Hannah making her lovely Christmas cards and Will sorting out his toys to sell on his stall. He was the youngest stall holder after all and Hannah raised over £20.00!! The night before the fair required lots of organising and help on the day. Serena along with Hannah and Will helped get everything ready for Father Christmas in his special place where Serena spent the duration of the fair assisting Father Christmas. You all worked very well even during the clearing up. Thank you! There were many familiar faces and certainly some new faces so I am sure that is thanks to the all the leaders of different groups and especially Rachel Anstiss for emailing the parents from Irby Primary. It was great to see. There was a comment I heard from a regular visitor to our events "that they love coming here as everyone is happy and pleasant". Thanks again everyone. It is very much appreciated. Start saving for next Christmas, do you want the date?? "Linda the Elf"
2nd Irby Brownies
Irby Methodist Church
Forum Housing Association – Christmas 2018 For many years we at Irby Methodist Church have supported Forum Housing.
Irby Methodist Church
A 'Thank You' from Forum Housing The thank you letter from Forum Housing for the Harvest Gifts included these comments from the young people to express their appreciation -
Forum offers supported accommodation to homeless young people, aged 16 to 30 years, in Wirral and Cheshire. Christmas can be a difficult time for these young people and Forum work hard to ensure that they are emotionally supported, well fed and receive at least one gift from someone. At any time Forum can be working with up to 335 young people, so a great deal of local support is needed to meet this demand. The items Forum would appreciate for their young people are towels, face cloths, soap, tooth-brushes, shower gel, shampoo, deodorant, body spray, toiletries, socks, mugs, chocolates, sweets, hats, scarfs, novelty gifts, pens, picture frames, etc. If you would like to make a gift bag for these young people, it will be very much appreciated. We will be collecting gifts up to 16 December, when they will be dedicated, and Alison Jones will receive them on behalf of Forum Housing at the morning service. Thank you for your continued support.
Debbie Thompson, Chief Executive, says 'The donated food and toiletries have been put to good use and given out to our young residents who don't have very much. There was enough food to make welcome bags for new residents that are accommodated with us. In the majority of cases young people arrive with nothing, and so they really do help provide young people with a brighter start and aid them in the first couple of days until they are settled.' It's lovely to get feed back, not just from the Housing Association but also the young people. We have the opportunity again to help these homeless young people as we gather together Christmas gifts for them. Alison Jones from Forum Housing will we at our service on 16th December, to receive the gifts on behalf of the Association.
Coordinator for Irby Methodist Church
Intercessional Prayers – September/October Let us give thanks for: A baby boy (5lb 8oz) to Hazel & Andy Kirkpatrick. Congratulations to proud grandparents Wendy & Brian Cropper. Myles is now doing well in the Neonatal Unit and has progressed to high dependency. A cutie. Hazel is recovering well.
Forthcoming Preachers Dec 2nd
10.30 am Toy Service- Mrs Linda Renmans 6.30 pm United Service – Rev Margaret Fletcher
Dec 9th
10.30 am Mr Andrew Clough
Dec 16th
10.30 am Rev Kim Goh 6.30 pm United Carol Service – Calvin Wood and Rev Jane Turner
All that we have whilst others are so lacking in wealth, homes and happiness. Our Fellowship together at the Church fair.
Dec 23rd 10.30 am Mr Andrew Lovelady Dec 24th
11.15 pm Christmas Eve Communion at St Bartholomew's
Remembering those who are ill, anxious or bereaved:
Ron Bell who died recently was a former member of Thingwall Methodist Church. He gave great support to Charles Thompson Mission through the setting-up of “The Turkey Fund”, thus ensuring many families could enjoy a Christmas meal. Ron was a member of Thingwall Art Group, exhibiting many of his paintings. He taught the key-board to many young people, and he was a dear friend to many. We remember in our prayers Reina and all the family.
Dec 30th
10.30 am Rev Kim Goh
Jan 6th
10.30 am Mrs Judith Stelfox 6.30 pm United Service at Greasby Methodist
Jan 13th
10.30 am Covenant Service – Rev Vivienne Gasteen and Rev Jane Turner
Jan 20th
10.30 am Rev Kim Goh
Jan 27th
10.30 am Mr Ian Jackson
Feb 3rd
10.30 am Rev Kim Goh 6.30 pm United Service at West Kirby Methodist
Janet Vickers and family. Janet’s mother died earlier in November.
Pray for Kim and Mary Goh, as Mary is poorly. Hazel Kirkpatrick - home from hospital. Sylvia Gaskell - recovering at home following surgery. The family of Paul Emmings who sadly passed away in November.
10.30 am Christmas Day Family Service – St Chad's
Suzanne (Rainbow leader) & family. Suzanne’s sister has been very poorly in Broadgreen and is now at home. Tony Almond, husband of Paula, father of Charlie and Lily, took ill suddenly and is very poorly.
Please pray for: Those living in poverty and deprivation, especially in light of the UN report on poverty in the UK. Our nation and our leaders and for a satisfactory outcome from our current difficulties. AND ALL OTHERS KNOWN TO US WHO NEED OUR PRAYERS AT THIS TIME
From the Editor: I hope you like this full-colour version of the Newsletter. All being well all future newsletters will be in colour. If you would like to have an item included in our Newsletter it must get to me just after the service on the last Sunday of the month. Contact me by phone or email ( 0151-648-7671 roy@royfisher.co.uk ) Roy