Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
A Member of the Wirral Methodist Circuit Ministers:
Rev. Kim Goh
tel: 0151 739 8525
Day off: Monday (please honour) email: Rev. Vivienne Gasteen - Pastoral care 0151 648 2637
Day off: Friday (please honour)
Superintendent Minister:
Rev. Ann Rigby-Jones
tel: 0151 342 6324 Day off: Fridays (please honour) Church Leadership Team Church Family & Community:
Mission & Outreach:
Jean Brookes
648 1130
Lynne Cowell
648 4447
Calvin Wood
648 4466
Angela James
648 2900
Barbara Wood
648 4466
Liz Newton
648 6641
Graham Griffiths
648 2233
PENTECOST Resources:
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
Other Roles
Church Worship Leaders:
Church Admin Contact:
Angela James
648 2900
Sylvia Gaskell
648 7905
Graham Griffiths
648 2233
I first came across the following passage many years ago at my dentist's and it impressed me so much I copied it out while waiting for my treatment. A copy of this writing hangs on the wall of my study. Desiderata
Church Treasurer
Ian Hall
648 3344
Go placidly amid the noise and the haste and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.
Pastoral Visitor Co-ordinators
Ruth Brabin
648 1069
Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have a story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.
Alison Fisher
648 7671
Booking Secretary
Graham Griffiths
648 2233
Hymnal Plus
Angela James
648 2900
Funday Sunday Leader:
Linda Renmans
648 7652
Newsletter Editor
Roy Fisher
648 7671
& Church website:
Representatives to Circuit Meeting
Liz Newton
648 6641
Angela James
648 2900
If you compare yourself to others, you may become vain and bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let not this blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is a perennial as grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of God, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.
Thankyoufor thekindmessagesandprayersover recent months. Richard’sinitial treatment didnot meet ourhopesandhasbeenstopped. Thenewchemotherapyaimstoprolong and toprovide a better quality of life and thiswould answer prayers. Thankstoofor the similar support we’ve had throughout our son, Harvey’ssecond battle with the disease and the major spinal surgery involved. At the moment heisdoingwell andfor that wegivethanks. It istheloveandcareof wonderful family andfriendsandtheir prayersandmessagesthat havekept usgoing. Wehavealwaysbeenfully awareof thepower of prayer andwould askfor your continuedsupport inthisway. Many thanks.
Therefore, be at peace with God, and whatever your labours and aspirations in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With its sham drudgery and broken dreams; it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy. Max Ehrmann (1872-1945) I hope that you too derive some comfort and inspiration from this passage. God bless. Calvin
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
all for your contribution to our worship. See June’s Newsletter for our preachers to come.
It is such a long time since I put pen to paper on behalf of the Leadership Team. A question I ask myself all the time is ‘Where has the time gone?’ So much has happened in that time, one thing mainly, preparations for our wonderful Flower Festival. Much activity has gone on between the ladies of the Wirral Flower Club and our own Church members. I am sure that without a doubt the whole weekend will be a very memorable occasion. According to my calculations by the time you read this newsletter the event will be under way. We have all experienced a variety of weather conditions over the past month, conditions which have contributed to a wonderful green countryside.
A very warm welcome to Mrs Hazel Sherwin. I am sure we will see more of Hazel over the next months . On Monday May 20th the Hope Journey Team spent a very memorable morning with the Foundation children of Irby Primary school enacting the story of the Good Samaritan and sharing crafts with them. What a wonderful way to spend a Monday morning. Thanks to Barbara for coordinating the team. Irby Primary School are looking forward to the time when they come to us in Church and share the Christmas Story.
I leave you with the first two verses of hymn 712 (STF):
Put peace into each other’s hands
This is certainly ‘God’s Green and Wonderful Land’.
and like a treasure hold it,
We give thanks for the continuing recovery of Beryl Goodall after her nasty fall. Bless Sylvia Gaskell who is in hospital having tests. Keep Kim and Mary in your prayers as they are both still struggling. Also remember Viv Gasteen who has broken her wrist. Over the next few weeks can I ask for your prayers whilst I undergo surgery for breast cancer. I am going forward in faith and am confident that my surgeon will do all in his power to get me back on my feet again. I would like to thank all who are standing in for me at Toddlers until the end of term. Come September I would appreciate some extra help ‘on-thefloor’ overseeing the children whilst at play. If you feel you can do this please have a conversation with me as soon as possible.
protect it like a candle flame,
This month of May was blessed with four different services, May 5th led by Angela James, May 12th was the Pet Service led by Linda Renman, May 19th led by Mr. Peter Colyer and lastly May 26th by Calvin Wood. Thank you
with tenderness enfold it. Put peace into each other’s hands with loving expectation; be gentle in your words and ways, in touch with God’s creation.
Now read on. Jean
God Bless.
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church – 1869 to 2019
Morning Worship
10.30 - 11.30
Funday Sunday Rainbows
10.30 - 11.30 18.00 - 19.00
19.00 - 20.30
Toddlers (School term time)
09.30 - 12.00
Women’s Fellowship (alternate weeks)
14.00 - 16.00
20.00 - 22.00
Toddlers (School term time)
09.30 - 12.00
18.00 - 19.30
Pilates not a church run class, it is an external hirer. Wives & Friends (Monthly - 2nd Thursday)
10.00 - 11.00 20.00 - 22.00
Lunch Club (Joyce Edgar 648-3431)
11.00 - 15.00
Country Dancing (alt weeks Sept - May)
20.00 - 22.00
Tuesday: The Early Days of Methodism (Miss. E.V.Dodd) About 90 years ago the cause of Methodism in Irby began. It was at Irby Hill Farm – a few pioneers met Sunday by Sunday linked themselves with the Primitive Methodists in Birkenhead. This arrangement enabled them to plan for suitable preachers. The services were held in the farm kitchen. Irby at that time was a sparcely populated isolated agricultural area with no regular passenger transport facilities. It was quite customary for the preacher to walk from Birkenhead to Woodchurch where he would be met with a horse and trap to bring him to Irby Hill. For some twelve years the little congregation grew and prospered by which time it had won formal and favourable recognition, and it was decided to build an appropriate place of worship which would also serve as a Sunday School. In 1881 the Irby Chapel, as many of us still remember it, was completed and it was incorporated with Mount Tabor Primitive Methodist Circuit in Birkenhead. It was a pleasing, well constructed chapel building (seating 100 persons) within the boundaries of Irby Hill Farm and adjoining Irby Heath – now National Trust property, adjacent to Thurstaston Common. The pulpit was willingly served by minister and lay preachers of various denominations and both Sunday services and Sunday School was well attended. There was nothing exclusive about the atmosphere of Irby Hill Chapel. In a small way it was a pointer for the movement which brought together the three main bodies of Methodism and which, at length enabled the Irby congregation to be incorporated in the Heswall Church Circuit and led on to the building of the present modern church and school premises to serve the needs of the fast increasing urban population which now dominates the old time countryside of Irby.
The little Pioneer Chapel was never in debt, and as well as meeting its financial obligations to the Circuit, regular substanial contributions were made both to Home and Foreign Missionary Services.
Irby Methodist Church
Wives & Friends Society Our last meeting featured a talk on Ferries Family Groups. This was also our charity for 2018/19. Ruth welcomed Helen Wade to give the talk. She began by explaining that Ferries Family Groups have been supporting families across Wirral since 1988. They help support families coping with stress by providing support groups and services. These range from passing on home-making skills, weekly reading groups, mental health support groups to distributing Christmas hampers and Crisis loans and gifts. Ferries Families are run by paid staff and volunteers. They run creches and offer transport to social activities. They also receive charitable donations and donations from Foodbanks to help those facing difficulties following alterations to benefits and unemployment.
Irby Methodist Church
Wives Outing to Adlington Hall Our annual Wives outing this year was to Adlington Hall, situated in leafy Cheshire. We were very fortunate with the weather as it was a glorious sunny and warm day. A stop was made at Wilmslow garden Centre for an early lunch and an opportunity to buy a plant or two. We reached Adlington around 1.30 pm and were met by our guide who gave us a history of the hall which dates from Saxon times when a hunting lodge occupied the site. Adlington has become the ancestral home of the Legh family who still occupy it. The current owners have built a modern house in the grounds. Over the centuries various wings have been added. There is the original Tudor building but there is also a Georgian building occupying the remainder of the site. We then went inside and found the various rooms - the drawing room, a bedroom, a dining room and the great hall. Our guide explained that this can be hired as a wedding venue. After the tour was over we enjoyed an afternoon cream tea which was delicious. Following afternoon tea we had time to explore the gardens and a few of us ventured into the maze. It was a really enjoyable day and the hall was well worth a visit. Angela
The evening finished with the raffle and Ruth reminded everyone that our AGM will be held on June 17th at 12.00 in the Church Hall and that the Fish & Chip Walk will be on July 11th starting at 6.30 pm. Angela
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
WIRRAL METHODIST CIRCUIT FAMILY – Praying together for Kingdom Growth – PRAYER DIARY June 2019 Worship: Pray that we will let the Holy Spirit take control of our worship Prayer focus Seeking to be Spirit-filled followers of Jesus
Willingness to recognise the need to deepen our faith Seeking to ensure that our faith is translated into action Counting the blessings individuals bring to others Making a difference through serving others
Sunday 30th Ask God to bless the Christian witness of Praise in the Park (Ashton Park West Kirby 3 pm).
Service: Pray for our churches’ involvement in community activities. Monday
Learning, Caring and Discipleship: Let daily Bible reading and prayer give light for our paths each day. Wednesday
Evangelism: We pray for a new sense of urgency about inviting people to meet Jesus. Friday
“Read your Bible and pray every day if you want to grow” [in the Christian faith] is not just a mantra for children. JUNE is BIBLE MONTH in Methodist churches across Britain with the opportunity for us to come together on Tuesday evenings at our Circuit Centre to study St Paul’s Letter to the Colossians: “Christ is Head of all Creation”; “God’s Hidden Treasure”; “Old Clothes and New Clothes”; “The Christian Household” and to invite others to join with us.
1st Ask God to bless all at Claremount (monthly Prayer Breakfast) and St Luke’s Hoylake Saturday Club.
2nd Ask God to bless the 9 a.m. Bacon Butty service with All Age Communion at West Kirby M.C.
3rd Pray for all who have been bereaved and for the work of the Fusion group at Woodchurch M.C. especially.
4th Ask God to bless the Circuit Centre Bible Study (7 for 7.30 to 9 p.m.) and Stillness meditation @ Trinity EP. 7.30 – 8.30
5th Pray for all our ordained staff (meeting tomorrow) and all lay workers in our Circuit.
6th Pray for Christian witness through Neston MC’s Ladies’ Day tea (from 1.30) and Little Neston (afterschool) Lego Church,
7th Ask God to bless all who have pastoral responsibilities and Little Sutton’s Film Night “Amazing Grace“ (starting at 7 p.m.).
8th Pray for blessing through the Ecumenical Breakfast at Neston and Port Sunlight Sea Dogs at Prenton (7 p.m.).
9th Ask God to stir us all to speak of Him! Pray for Claremount Messy Church 4 pm and Tranmere Bible Study 4 pm
10th Thank God for the faithful Christian witness of all who have roles with Orion Club at Heswall each Monday evening.
11th Thank God for the Circuit Centre Bible Study prepared by Peter Colyer and the reminder to invite others to join in.
12th Celebrate the arrival of Chernobyl Children at Little Sutton M.C. and 3.30 pm Lego Church @ West Kirby
13th Thank God for the outreach of Moreton’s Thursday tea, coffee and cake and Singing Café at St Luke’s
14th Thank God for joy through beautiful singing - Oldershaw Singers at St Andrew’s New Brighton (7.30 – 9.30 p.m.).
15th Pray for blessing through the Women’s Breakfast at Neston M.C. from 8.30 a.m. and all activities through the week.
20th Thank God for continuing Christian witness through Neston (after-school) Lego Church to children and adults. 27th Ask God to bless the Annual Conference of the Methodist Church in GB (starting today in Birmingham).
21st Ask God to continue to touch hearts through the monthly Sung Communion at Little Sutton (7.30 p.m.).
22nd Thank God for the witness of our President (Rev Michaela Youngson) and Vice-President over the last year. 29th Pray for a renewed sense of urgency about inviting people to meet Jesus.
At 10.45 Lower Bebington M.C. will focus on Leprosy. Join in praying for renewed efforts to combat this illness. 23rd Pray for Group 3’s service at Trinity EP with Baptism and Holy Communion to be a time of blessing (10.45 start).
Ask God to bless West Kirby Hope Journey “Explore” for WKPS and the 10 a.m. Circuit Centre Safeguarding course. 24th Thank God for the faithfulness of all who do jobs on behalf of us all, including cleaning, often unseen and un-thanked.
Thank God for the sense of blessing that acts of kindness to others create each day. 25th Ask God to bless our Local Preachers - meeting at 7.30 p.m. and the Circuit Centre Bible Study.
Begin a week of prayer for all the churches ahead of the Circuit Meeting at Bromborough next Wednesday evening. 26st Pray for The Time is Now Christian Aid – backed rally in Westminster for climate change to have a big impact.
(second and fourth Thursday).
28th Ask God to bless the Christian witness of KidzKlub each Friday evening at St Luke’s Hoylake.
Please note the closing date for sending prayer requests for the July Prayer Diary to is Monday, 24th June.
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
Hope Journey – Parable of the Good Samaritan On Monday, 20th May, twelve members of our church went to Irby Primary School, Reception Class to tell them the story of the Good Samaritan, using contempory illustrations and craftwork. First, they heard the story which was told exceptionally well by Lynne Cowell. This was followed by the children drawing a sad face on one side of a paper plate and a happy face on the reverse side. The children then watched puppets telling the story; the puppets acting as children in the playground, some not being very kind to each other and then emphising the good people who came to help and show kindness.
DISCIPLESHIP and EVANGELISM DAY “Enjoying and sharing our faith”
REV DR NEIL RICHARDSON Former President of the Methodist Conference
GREASBY METHODIST CHURCH This was followed by a craft session making a paper puppet. Children just loved this activity.
Role play followed when Ken Corker acted as the victim who was badly hurt and Graham Griffiths acted as the Good Samaritan who helped the injured man. They gave a very powerful message that brought the story to life.
*Rev Dr Neil Richardson’s acclaimed books include
In the final craft session, each child made a bracelet with a square bead representing a person who you can rely on; a round bead representing a person who is good to be around you; a heart-shape representing a person who loves and cares for you and a star who is a super star to you. As each bead is placed on the thread the children discuss the answers. By the end of the morning the children have heard the story of the Good Samaritan that Jesus told, remembering to be kind and to love each other. What a wonderful message, not only for the children, but for everybody. If only we did love and care for each other, the world would be a different place.
God in the New Testament, John for Today, Paul for Today, and also Who on Earth is God? Making Sense of God in the Bible in which Dr Richardson engages with the difficult questions posed by contemporary issues and the “new atheism” pioneered by popular writers such as Richard Dawkins and provides an indispensable guide for people with or without faith.
The children had a wonderful time and it was a privilege to go and share time with them, and giving such an important message to them at the beginning of their education. Thank you to all the team
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
Monthly Charity Appeal ÂŁ87.10 was raised in May for Our two meetings in May were led by Calvin Wood on May 14th and Esme Lewis on May 28th. The latter meeting is still to be held as I put this item together.
The meeting on June 18th is still to be arranged but do come and join us for fellowship as our name says.
God Bless
Christian Aid
June Charity of the Month
Methodist Homes for the Aged
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
Funday Sunday Dates for 2019 January - 6th, 20th February - 3rd, 17th March 10th, 24th April 21st, 28th May 12th, 19th June 9th, 23rd July 7th, 21st August September 8th, 29th October 13th, 20th November 10th, 24th December 1st, 15th, 22nd We plan to meet on these dates. Some may change due to unforeseen circumstances. Pet Service is May 12th. Toy Service is December 1st. Harvest date will be added later.
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
FLOWER FESTIVAL - VOLUNTEERS PLEASE From Friday 7th to Sunday 9th of June we will be celebrating 150 years of Methodism in Irby with a Flower Festival. This is a wonderful opportunity to welcome people into the church to see the magnificent displays of flowers and enjoy the fellowship and hospitality which we offer. To this end we need volunteers to help in the kitchen and with serving and clearing on Friday, Saturday and on Sunday afternoon. We envisage volunteers working in 2-3 hour slots. We would also like
donations of loaf cakes (these are easier to cut ) and fairy cakes or buns.
The more volunteers we have the easier it will be for everyone. Please let Liz Newton( 648 6641) or Margaret Griffiths ( 648 2233) know if you are able to help in anyway to ensure that this event will be a pleasurable success. Thank you Margaret
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
Greetings from Wendy McLean We've received a letter from Wendy in which she sends her love and greetings to friends at church. She says that she still miss coming on a Sunday and other occasions and the warmth and fellowship she always felt, never the less, believes she has made the right decision to accept Paul's and Nelly's invitation to move in with them. She says, 'They are very kind and hospitable and made me very welcome. Nelly's mother has also joined the household from Cameroon and we are all a very happy family together, but like me, misses her friends. Also, although it is very quiet here, I like that and love the views of fields, trees, and distant hills from every window. Xavier (grand-daughter) is a delight. She is a lovely child and basically very good but she is constantly pushing the boundaries to see how far she can go. Not very restful either as she never stops talking. We are a bit limited as to what we can do. The house is not exactly isolated as there are one or two houses (converted barns) and farms within sight of our farmhouse and actually within walking distance if you are as fit as I once was, but no longer! The village is about five minutes drive away. It is small with not much there – the church no longer in use except for special occasions; weddings, funerals and the odd Sunday service. Had it been functioning, I would have gone there, in spite of it being French and Catholic. There is a bakery, small hotel, pharmacy, primary school and hairdresser and not much else, except for the Post Office which is only open in the morning between 9.00 am -12.00 noon and closed Sunday and Monday. I am completely reliant on Paul to go anywhere as there is no public transport. There are other villages within a short drive with varying facilities. There is quiet a strong sense of community between the villages and they regularly have a meal, usually at night but sometimes at lunch time, when whole families turn up. I have been to one so far – not too impressed with the meal. However, it was a good occasion and there was plenty of space where the children could play and later, the adults could dance. I haven't met many local people yet but those I have come into contact with seem very friendly.' Wendy describes her new home, 'It is an old farmhouse with a fair sized plot of land and several barns. There is a lot of work to do to get it up to the standard they want and it will take several years to complete but they seem quiet happy about that. At present one of the barns is being converted to a studio/workshop for Nelly who intends to set up a fashion designer business.' She concludes by saying that she is sorry not to be around to see the Flower Festival.
On Sunday 19�� May members of Funday Sunday and their friends went for our annual treat to The Boulder Hut in Ellesmere Port. The children had an amazing time climbing, or in the case of the younger ones, playing in the soft play area. The instructors were friendly and very helpful encouraging all the children to join in – not that they needed much encouragement! They amazed us by how agile they were and had definitely earned their food when it came. That too was delicious as evidenced by the empty plates!!
At the end of the session the instructors came to us and said they were one of the best groups that they had ever had and praised the children for their excellent behaviour and their enthusiasm. It was a lovely day and everyone at Funday Sunday would like to thank our church family for their support.
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
Forthcoming Preachers Intercessional Prayers – May June 2nd
Rev Lily Twist
June 9th
Rev Margaret Fletcher/Calvin Wood – Flower Festival
June 16th
Mrs Beryl Goodall
June 23rd
Rev Kim Goh (Communion)
June 30th
Mr Andrew Boswell
Let us give thanks for:
Archie - Meghan & Harry
Joseph’s 2nd birthday
Remembering those who are ill, anxious or bereaved:
July 7th
Rev Kim Goh
July 14th
Mr Calvin Wood – Infant Dedication
Beryl Goodall is still in a lot of pain with her broken ribs.
July 21st
Rev Kim Goh (Communion)
Sylvia Gaskell now back from hospital but not too well.
July 28th
Rev Vivienne Gasteen
Ron Goodwin just out of hospital after being in intensive care.
Remember Jean Brookes having an operation at the end of May.
United Evening Services
Please pray for:
June 2nd
Greasby Methodist
The family and friends of Ally (a close friend of Tracey) as they prepare for her funeral. We particularly remember her son Mac and her mum.
July 7th
West Kirby Methodist
From the Editor: Naomi’s recently retired colleague Bev, and her family as they come to terms with her devastating cancer diagnosis as they prepare for the birth of her first grandchild.
If you would like to have an item included in our Newsletter it must get to me just after the service on the last Sunday of the month. Contact me by phone or email ( 0151-648-7671 ) Roy