A Member of the Wirral Methodist Circuit www.irbymethodist.org Ministers:
Rev. Kim Goh
tel: 0151 739 8525
Day off: Monday (please honour) email: kimgoh2603@gmail.com Rev. Vivienne Gasteen - Pastoral care 0151 648 2637
email: revviv1948@btinternet.com
Day off: Friday (please honour)
Superintendent Minister:
Rev. Ann Rigby-Jones
tel: 0151 342 6324 Day off: Fridays (please honour) Church Leadership Team Community:
Jean Brookes
648 1130
Calvin Wood
648 4466
Angela James
648 2900
Barbara Wood
648 4466
Liz Newton
648 6641
Graham Griffiths
648 2233
Young People & Families:
Lynne Cowell
648 4447
Mission & Outreach:
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
Other Roles Church Worship Leaders:
Church Admin Contact:
Angela James
648 2900
Sylvia Gaskell
648 7905
Graham Griffiths
648 2233
Church Treasurer
Ian Hall
648 3344
Pastoral Visitor Co-ordinators
Ruth Brabin
648 1069
Alison Fisher
648 7671
Booking Secretary
Graham Griffiths
648 2233
Hymnal Plus
Angela James
648 2900
Funday Sunday Leader:
Linda Renmans
648 7652
Newsletter Editor
Roy Fisher
648 7671
& Church website:
ANNUAL GENERAL CHURCH MEETING – APRIL 28th 2019 REQUEST FOR REPORTS As agreed at the Annual General Meeting in 2016 please will the leaders/secretaries of all Church committees, groups and associated organisations let me have a copy of their Annual Report by Sunday March 31st at the very latest. This will enable the reports to be copied and circulated in advance of the Meeting Thank you Jane Milne (Church Council Secretary)
Dear Friends, I write this letter shortly after reading through one of the Lent Liturgies which I prepared for my churches in Chelmsford. It hardly seems any time since we were celebrating the birth of Jesus and the revelation of who He is during Epiphany. In just three weeks time on Ash Wednesday we shall set out on our Lenten journey and Lent is just that, a journey. We live such hectic lives , often with little or no space to pause and reflect on the meaning of all we do and are. Lent allows us to slow down, to spend time in prayer, to draw closer to God. It is also an opportunity to let go of those things which hinder our walk with Jesus. It may be, for some of you, a time when you hear God’s voice calling you into new avenues of service. For each one of us it is a time to repent of all that holds us back from living as sons and daughters of the living God. We must, however, take care that we do not see Lent as an end in itself. For our destination is Easter, by way of Lent, Holy week and Good Friday. We are following Jesus, our Redeemer, drawn to the Cross by his love. We ask for courage as we travel in His strength, humility as we travel in His faithfulness. We travel in the knowledge that our destination is Easter with all its hope and joy. Then will we shout,
May the peace and prayer of Lent and the wonder and joy of the resurrection be with you all and may Blessings abound.
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
It was in 1869 that Mr and Mrs George Cooke opened their home at Irby Hill Farm to friends and neighbours to join them for worship. Through their faith and witness they built a chapel in the stockyard across the road from the farm house, affectionately known as 'The Tin Chapel.' As the village grew so did the church congregation until in 1936 our present church building opened.
Dear Friends
We have so much to rejoice about and thank God for and yet we must remember and support those who mourn or who are in pain or are lonely. It was good to have Rev Kim and Mary with us again at the start of February and we wish them both continued progress in their health. Kim's message was 'Hope' that wonderful assurance because of what Christ has done for us. The power of hope is summed up in that beautiful hymn from Stainer's Crucifixion: -
This year we are celebrating all that the Methodist Church in Irby has achieved in the past 150 years. Plans are in progress for a Flower Festival which will take place from Friday 7th to Sunday, 9th June, an Anniversary Dinner to take place in the Church on Friday, 25th October and our Anniversary Service, led by our former minister, Rev Charles New, on Sunday 27th October.
All for Jesus – all for Jesus, this our song shall ever be; for we have no hope, nor Saviour, if we have no hope in thee. But we do have that hope – don't we? We give thanks for our church fellowship that brings us so much support and encouragement when times seem tough. That same fellowship has brought the message of hope and love to so many people in and around Irby for 150 years.
As we move into March, so we move into our season of Lent, 40 weekdays from Ash Wednesday to Easter Day. This is a time of preparation for Easter: for many a time of fasting, penitence and reflection. Our friends at West Kirby Methodist Church invites us to a Lent Study 'The Things He Carried.' See Notice elsewhere in this Newsletter. We send our congratulations and best wishes to Linda Fisher as she rejoices in the arrival of a granddaughter, a daughter to Amy and Adi.
Irby Methodist Church
We said farewell to Wendy McLean on Sunday, 10th February. Wendy has served the church in many ways over the years but following the passing of Don in October, has decided to move to France to live near her son. We wished Wendy Bon Voyage and presented her with a card depicting Irby, as seen on the mural in the church hall. The card had been signed by members and friends of the church. It was with sadness that we announced on 10th February, the death of our dear friend and former minister, Rev Bill Lynn. Bill was minister in Birkenhead Circuit during the 1980's having Pastoral Charge of Charing Cross Methodist Church and was a frequent preacher at Irby. On leaving Birkenhead Circuit, he joined National Children's Home (now Action for Children) as Pastoral Director. On his retirement, he returned to Wirral, and between 2011 to 2013 had Pastoral Charge of Irby. His funeral was held at St Bride's Church, Liverpool followed by a short service at Landican on 25th February. We remember Barbara and family in our prayers. We ask God's blessing on all our members and friends who are unwell at this time, that they may know his comfort and healing.
Irby Methodist Church
Weekly Activities
Morning Worship
10.30 - 11.30
Funday Sunday Rainbows
10.30 - 11.30 18.00 - 19.00
19.00 - 20.30
Toddlers (School term time)
09.30 - 12.00
Women’s Fellowship (alternate weeks)
14.00 - 16.00
20.00 - 22.00
Toddlers (School term time)
09.30 - 12.00
18.00 - 19.30
Pilates not a church run class, it is an external hirer. Wives & Friends (Monthly - 2nd Thursday)
10.00 - 11.00 20.00 - 22.00
Lunch Club (Joyce Edgar)
11.00 - 15.00
Country Dancing (alt weeks Sept - May)
20.00 - 22.00
We have been beneficiaries of a valuable inhertance in this fellowship. Let us build on what those faithful saints established over the past 150 years and ensure that we do our part and leave a rich legacy to the generations that follow. God bless
Irby Methodist Church
Wives & Friends Society
Irby Methodist Church
Claire proceeded to demonstrate signing by teaching us the alphabet which we ran through several times. Volunteers were then asked to come forward and sign their own names. One or two brave souls duly obliged.
Our February meeting was held on the 14th when we welcomed thirty-two members. Ruth opened the meeting with various notices, reminding all those going on the Bakery Trip on March 20th to pick up their information about the dress code for the visit. Our featured speaker for the evening was Claire Johnson who gave a talk on the British Sign Language (BSL). She began by giving us some facts and figures about deafness. There are 11 million people living in Britain who experience hearing loss. Loss of hearing is almost an invisible disability. There are 1.6 million people over the age of 60 who experience hearing loss often accompanied by tinnitus with high or low pitched ringing in the ears.
We were then shown how to sign for tea and coffee and biscuits (very important). Following the talk refreshments were served. Ruth thanked Claire for giving us an entertaining and informative talk. Ruth reminded everyone that our next
Interestingly, British Sign Language was not recognised by the UK Government until 2003 but 150 000 people use signing as their first language.
meeting would be held on 14th March at 8.00 pm. The featured speaker will be Mary Lamb together with her dog, talking about assistance dogs.
Looking forward to seeing you all at the next meeting and new members are always welcome. Angela
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
WIRRAL METHODIST CIRCUIT FAMILY – Praying together for Kingdom Growth – PRAYER DIARY March 2019 Worship: Pray that we will let the Holy Spirit take control of our worship Prayer focus
Service: Pray for our churches’ involvement in community activities.
Seeking to be Spirit-filled followers of Jesus
31st On Mothering Sunday pray that we will re-discover the traditional meaning and Christian love behind it.
Learning, Caring and Discipleship: Let daily Bible reading and prayer give light for our paths each day. Wednesday
Evangelism: We pray for a new sense of urgency about inviting people to meet Jesus. Friday
In a troubled world with both great wealth and desperate poverty and growing realisation of the environmental damage we have done, we are invited to travel lightly through the 40 days of Lent, with our eyes fixed upon Jesus, drawing inspiration from the time Jesus spent in the wilderness, which constantly reminds us we follow a God who truly identifies with humanity and the difficulties that we face. “For love’s sake, call out from the wilderness.” (Rev Michaela Youngson, 2018-19 President of the Methodist Conference)
1st Give thanks for the lead given us by the Christian women of Slovenia for today’s World Day of Prayer.
2nd Ask God to bless all our efforts to invite others to meet Jesus as we prepare for the 2019 Season of Invitation.
Willingness to recognise the need to deepen our faith
3rd On Church Action on Poverty Sunday we commit ourselves to taking action to alleviate the desperate poverty that exists.
4th Give thanks for the commitment of so many people in our churches to expressing Christian love through community activities.
5th Ask God to bless St Luke’s children’s Shrove Tuesday Pancake Party and the Trinity Ellesmere Port Stillness.
6th Ash Wednesday! Pray for all ecumenical Lent study courses and lunches and also the Cross Factor training for all at Moreton.
7th Ask God to bless all who are involved in today’s Lego Church at Little Neston – parents and children and those organising the event.
8th Give thanks for the clear Christian message of the Fair Trade display and stall at Neston M.C. Welcome Cafe
9th On International Women’s Day pray for all women facing discrimination and give thanks for inspiring women leaders.
Seeking to ensure that our faith is translated into action
10th Pray for all who will be involved in today’s Messy Church at Claremount (4 – 6.15 p.m.).
11th Thank God for the continuing faithful Christian witness of Charing Cross and Tranmere Methodists.
12th Ask God to bless the Rob Parsons Wisdom House event {Adelphi 7 p.m.) and inspire all who attend to share testimony.
13th Pray for blessing through the Hope Journey Cross Factor at Trinity with Palm Grove (today and on the 15th).
14th Thank God for the Bible Society whose Greatest Story Ever Told Tour reaches Emmanuel Church Fazakerley this evening.
15th Ask God to bless the Sung Communion at Little Sutton and the Moreton Leprosy Mission Folk Music Concert (both at 7.30).
16th Ask God to bless the ecumenical prayer breakfast at Little Neston MC and sponsored walk for Christian Aid
Counting the blessings individuals bring to others
17th Thank God for Glorious (Trinity EP 10 a.m.), the Group 5 service (Neston 4 p.m.) and Hope Farm Looking Deeper 6.30
18th Ask God to bless the work of Neston District Christians Together Open the Book teams as they visit primary schools.
19th Pray for all our ordained and lay staff in our Wirral Circuit and Liverpool Methodist District.
20h Pray that all who attend the Circuit Meeting tomorrow evening at Heswall will be blessed with wisdom.
21st Ask God to bless all who are involved in today’s Lego Church at Neston – parents and children and those organising the event.
22nd Pray for blessing through the Hope Journey Cross Factor today at Bromborough for all involved.
23rd Pray for all who will be involved in today’s Messy Church at Little Sutton (10.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.)
Making a difference through serving others
24th As the chosen date for the UK to leave the EU draws near pray for bridges to be built and not barriers.
25th Pray that Christian voices will be respected for wise counsel and setting an example of mutual respect.
26th Pray for blessing through the Hope Journey Cross Factor at Moreton today for all involved.
27th Thank God for all our faithful pastoral visitors and all who visit others with sensitivity and caring in Christian love.
28th Pray for blessing through the Hope Journey Cross Factor at Greasby today for all involved.
29th Ask God to show us how to contribute to healing the wounds of bitter political division following the 2016 EU referendum.
30th Join with the Wave of Prayer Circuit Prayer breakfast at Prenton (8.30 – 10 a.m.) as we pray together.
Please note the closing date for sending prayer requests for the April Prayer Diary to daveandave@talktalk.net is Monday, 25th March.
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
Our first meeting in March will be held on the 5th where Mary Goh, the wife of our minister Rev. Kim, will give a talk about her ‘Life as a Minister’s Wife’.
On March 19th Joyce Ratcliffe will tell us about her ‘China Painting’.
Both events sound interesting so if you would like to join us you will be most welcome at 2.0 pm. God Bless Jean Brookes - President
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
Monthly Charity Appeal
Methodist Women in Britain supporting the Barnabas Fund in Aleppo
Raised - ÂŁ92
March Charity of the Month
Irby Methodist Church
Funday Sunday
Irby Methodist Church
Dates for 2019 January - 6th, 20th February - 3rd, 17th March 10th, 24th April 21st, 28th May 12th, 19th June 9th, 23rd July 7th, 21st August September 8th, 29th October 13th, 20th November 10th, 24th December 1st, 15th, 22nd We plan to meet on these dates. Some may change due to unforeseen circumstances. Toy Service is December 1st. Harvest and Pet Service dates to be added later.
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
Mondays at 10.30 am Commencing 11th March 2019 With friends from Local Churches
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
R E W L FL O A V I T S E F Plans are now well underway for our Flower Festival on June 7, 8, 9th. This will be a Celebration of 150 years of Methodism in Irby and our theme is 'Lord of the Years'. We would like the occasion to be inspiring and uplifting and to stimulate a community spirit.
Tuesday, 12 March at 2.30 pm
Meeting in Church Lounge Come, share in our fellowship over a cup of tea/coffee and see what the Bible has to say about issues relevant today If you require transport – phone Calvin 648 4466
We will need to raise funds for our exciting plans. Can we ask you to help by making a donation? perhaps in memory of a loved one. Please make your cheque payable to Irby Methodist Church, marking on the back , Flower Festival Fund, and the names of those you wish to remember. We will also need willing,helpful hands, over the three days, especially with providing refreshments; coffee, lunch and teas. If you can help, please let Liz Newton or Margaret Griffiths know. We are sure the Festival will provide fun and fellowship for all.
I would like to thank everyone for the kind thoughts, cards and totally unexpected gifts and hospitality I have received from Church members. I shall greatly miss the fellowship I have known here. To the young people in the Junior Church - don’t tell the grown-ups but what I especially love is your little letters you have written to me. They were so lovely and so sweet of you to take the trouble to write. I will treasure them. Love Wendy
Forthcoming Preachers
Intercessional Prayers – February
Mar 3rd - Own arrangement - Wives & Friends Mar 10th - Mr John Crowther Let us give thanks for:
Mar 17th - Rev. Vivienne Gasteen - Communion
Congratulations to Linda Fisher on the birth of a granddaughter - Dottie Linda daughter of Amy and Adi.
Mar 24th - Rev. Margaret Fletcher Mar 31st - Mrs. Judith Stelfox
Remembering those who are ill, anxious or bereaved:
April 7th - Rev. Kim Goh Family of Rev. Bill Lynn who died in early February.
April 14th - Rev. Kim Goh Palm Sunday
Irene Knight who has had a fall and is in pain and is struggling.
April 21st - Mrs. Jean Knott
Pray for Pat and Ben as Pat is very ill. (Friends of Wendy and Brian Cropper)
April 28th - Mr. Mark Thomas
Easter Day
Vivien Robinson from Heswall Methodist Church (Leader of the Bells) who is very poorly.
United Services
The family of Rev. Joe Edwardson, our friend from St.Chad’s and St. Barts who has died.
Mar 3rd - 6.30 pm Greasby April 7th - 6.30 pm West Kirby
Please pray for: Loving God, we long for a world transformed, where justice and peace reign, where people live joyfully with variety and difference, where every person is honoured and all are welcomed. Renew in us the vision of your kingdom, free us from selfish interests and all that hinders your liberating love, and empower us to pray and work for the new heaven and the new earth. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
From the Editor: If you would like to have an item included in our Newsletter it must get to me just after the service on the last Sunday of the month. Contact me by phone or email ( 0151-648-7671 roy@royfisher.co.uk ) Roy