A Member of the Wirral Methodist Circuit www.irbymethodist.org Ministers:
Rev. Kim Goh
tel: 0151 739 8525
Day off: Monday (please honour) email: kimgoh2603@gmail.com Rev. Vivienne Gasteen - Pastoral care 0151 648 2637
email: revviv1948@btinternet.com
Day off: Friday (please honour)
Superintendent Minister:
Rev. Ann Rigby-Jones
tel: 0151 342 6324 Day off: Fridays (please honour) Church Leadership Team Church Family & Community:
Mission & Outreach:
Jean Brookes
648 1130
Lynne Cowell
648 4447
Calvin Wood
648 4466
Angela James
648 2900
Barbara Wood
648 4466
Liz Newton
648 6641
Graham Griffiths
648 2233
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
Other Roles Church Worship Leaders:
Church Admin Contact:
Angela James
648 2900
Sylvia Gaskell
648 7905
Graham Griffiths email:
648 2233
Church Treasurer
Ian Hall
648 3344
Pastoral Visitor Co-ordinators
Ruth Brabin
648 1069
Alison Fisher
648 7671
Booking Secretary
Graham Griffiths
648 2233
Hymnal Plus
Angela James
648 2900
Funday Sunday Leader:
Linda Renmans
648 7652
Newsletter Editor
Roy Fisher
648 7671
& Church website:
Representatives to Circuit Meeting
Liz Newton
648 6641
Angela James
648 2900
There was a Methodist Minister who was very fond of cherry brandy. However, he kept this fact from his church members but 2 church stewards discovered his secret. They gave him a case of cherry brandy but made a condition that he must formally thank them for the case of cherry brandy in the monthly newsletter! The Minister agreed to do this so that month, he wrote his thanks in the newsletter as follows:-
For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven: Ecclesiastes 3
Dear friends, Moments are the gift of time! They come to us like light, in short bursts of energy, fractions of seconds apart so they sometimes seem to be continuous. This is our brief moment in time; our moment to live, to be part of a history which reaches across eternity! We live in our particular moment because we have been called into life. Long before the world was created our identities were there in the creative mind of God. This call of God to us is a loving and gracious invitation to live, our call to be the unique persons God intended us to be. It is His free gift to be unwrapped and experienced with joy, love and hope. But it is just that, the gift of God, full of invitations to explore and experience life lived in this wonderful world he created and which He loves as only He can. We find ourselves in that waiting time between Easter and Pentecost just as the first disciples found themselves, yes convinced that the power which Jesus promised would come from on high but unsure of where it may lead. My prayer for the church here in and around Irby may continue to be The Beacon of Hope and Light, that it has been continuously for nearly 150 years, shining out with the love of God in Jesus through each and everyone of you His servants, His beloved children in this place. May God richly bless you in all you seek to do and be in the service of The Kingdom. May blessings abound Rev Viv
Submitted by Sue Foster
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
that Beryl Goodall is in hospital following a fall at home and we send her our love and prayers.
Dear Friends, What joyous weather we experienced during Easter, how welcome is the warmth and sunshine after the chill of winter and how delightful to see the spring flowers in full bloom. I sense it may seem like a distant memory as you read this newsletter. I write as the forecasters are reminding us it is still spring and telling us of cooler, wetter days ahead. Still the days are lengthening and the message of Easter is of new life and new beginnings. During our services for Lent and Easter we were reminded of just that as we thought about the passion, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. Rev Margaret Fletcher reminded us of words she once heard in a service led by the late Rev Joe Edwardson – to grow as disciples of Jesus we need to cross out I ... I We celebrated Mothering Sunday after the last newsletter went to print, so we say a belated special thank you to our young friends who came to give some spring flowers to all the ladies. They cheered me up that week with a view of things to come. Easter gave us opportunities to share services with our friends in Irby including St Chad’s and St Bart’s, West Kirby and Greasby. Thank you to our friends at Greasby who this year provided the Maundy Thursday Agape meal. Kim and Mary continue to be unwell and we send our love and prayers for ongoing and good recovery. We also say thank you to Rev Viv Gasteen, Rev Margaret Fletcher and Calvin Wood who have led services and meetings during Kim’s absence. We also remember in our prayers Rev Ann Rigby-Jones our superintendent minister who is currently on sick leave. I have just heard too
On Saturday 27�� April, Linda Renmans organised a “Spring Cleaning Day”. To all who volunteered to spruce up our building we say a very big thank you. The Annual Church Meeting planned for 28�� April is an opportunity to hear about and discuss the work of God in our church in Irby over the past year and look forward to our continuing witness to His love in the years ahead especially as we celebrate 150 years of the Methodist Church in Irby albeit meeting initially in a local farm kitchen. What vision to achieve the buildings we know today! So, what of the future? When the Church Council last met in February, members discussed the installation of multimedia projection equipment in church. Many of our church and community family are very familiar with the way such presentations can enhance teaching, learning, worship fellowship and interaction with whole new audio-visual experiences. This could help us to share God’s love for each of us in new and exciting ways. It all comes at a cost and Graham is exploring this on our behalf. Not only are there significant financial costs- we have some ideas in the pipelinebut technological skills costs. We will need competent, skilled volunteers to prepare material in advance and operate the equipment. Do you enjoy such a challenge? Would you be willing to train up others to share the task? Please give this prayerful consideration and If this challenge appeals to you please speak to one of the leadership team or any member of our church. In the meantime…our very popular annual Pet Service this year is planned for 12�� May. It is always good to welcome our friends both old and new so please invite your friends and neighbours with their pets to this special event. On Monday 20�� May, a team from church will be visiting Irby Primary School to present with story, acting, puppets and craft the parable of the Good Samaritan. It is part of a Circuit initiative called the Hope Journey which brings the message of God’s love to children in our schools. For several years we have shared this presentation with Foundation 2 children - age 4 and 5 and in December “Meet the Christmas Characters” with year 2 children age 6 and 7. The older children come to visit us at church. There are other themes in this programme and by the end of last year a total of 6,390 primary school children across Wirral have shared a part of the
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
Hope Journey over the past 10 years. The Circuit hopes to develop this programme further to meet the needs of children over 11.
Weekly Activities
Our Toddler Group continues to be very popular and meets on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. It’s such a joy to see the little ones learning to get along together and proudly developing new skills. However, it also involves a lot of hard work setting up, playing with the children and clearing away. Jean would love to hear from anyone with a few hours to spare who could lend a hand to her and Katie. If you feel you could help in any way, please speak to Jean. Thank you to those who have already so generously supported our fundraising for the Flower Festival “Lord for the Years” to be held from the 7-9�� June. The “donation’s window” is still wide open and what a memorable way to celebrate the life of a loved one, remember a special occasion or share some fun with friends by holding or supporting a fund-raising event such as a sales table. Wirral Flower Arranging Club members have already been hard at work deciding what, where and how. It promises to be a spectacular event. Margaret and I are grateful to all those who have offered to help with refreshments and would love to hear from any other volunteers.
Morning Worship
10.30 - 11.30
Funday Sunday Rainbows
10.30 - 11.30 18.00 - 19.00
19.00 - 20.30
Toddlers (School term time)
09.30 - 12.00
Women’s Fellowship (alternate weeks)
14.00 - 16.00
20.00 - 22.00
Toddlers (School term time)
09.30 - 12.00
18.00 - 19.30
Pilates not a church run class, it is an external hirer. Wives & Friends (Monthly - 2nd Thursday)
10.00 - 11.00 20.00 - 22.00
Lunch Club (Joyce Edgar 648-3431)
11.00 - 15.00
Country Dancing (alt weeks Sept - May)
20.00 - 22.00
I will be thinking of the Flower Festival when sunny days are transformed by showers because both will be needed as the flowers grow and bloom. There is much that needs our prayers and support in the days and weeks ahead. So, I close with the prayer that was attached to those flowers on Mothering Sunday - so thank you Linda. May God bless your generous spirit, keep your heart loving and hold you close forever. With every blessing
Irby Methodist Church
Wives & Friends Society Our last meeting was held on Thursday 11th April when we welcomed Matt Thomas, a keen amateur photographer. His talk was entitled ‘Hilbre Inspiration Island’. Matt’s role is that of ranger responsible for West Kirby and Meols shoreline but it enables him to enjoy his hobby of photographing wildlife in his free time. His preferred time for capturing wildlife is early morning or at dusk when the light is at its most dramatic. He explained that he always wears clothing which is dull in colour so as to blend in with the background. This way he can get close to the animals enabling him to get dramatic shots. Matt explained that Hilbre Island is on a major migration route for sea birds and sees amongst its many visitors, oyster catchers, goldcrest, sparrowhawks and kestrels. The photography was breathtaking and Matt clearly enjoys talking about his hobby.
Irby Methodist Church
Volunteers are also needed to help with refreshments on the 7th, 8th and 9th of June. At our last meeting when Mary Lamb talked about working dogs we raised £116.50 through sales and donations and a thank you letter from Mary was received. Our annual Wives’ outing this year will be to Adlington Hall on May 13th. The cost will be £32.00 and those going were reminded to pay for the trip at the next meeting.
Our AGM this year will be Monday 17th June in the Church Hall commencing at 12.00 with lunch to follow. Please make a note of the date and time in your diaries. The final Thursday meeting for the 2018/19 season will be Ferries Families which is our charity for this year. Looking forward to seeing as many of you as are able to attend. Angela
Following a break for refreshments, Ruth made an appeal for toiletries to sell at the Flower Festival in June. Wives will be running a stall during the Fair and all donations will be welcome. Please bring any contributions to our May meeting or give to one of the Committee.
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
WIRRAL METHODIST CIRCUIT FAMILY – Praying together for Kingdom Growth – PRAYER DIARY May 2019 Worship: Pray that we will let the Holy Spirit take control of our worship Prayer focus Seeking to be Spirit-filled followers of Jesus
Willingness to recognise the need to deepen our faith Seeking to ensure that our faith is translated into action Counting the blessings individuals bring to others Making a difference through serving others
Service: Pray for our churches’ involvement in community activities. Monday
Learning, Caring and Discipleship: Let daily Bible reading and prayer give light for our paths each day.
Evangelism: We pray for a new sense of urgency about inviting people to meet Jesus.
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God” and true “followers of Jesus, the Prince of Peace”. We are called to commit ourselves to working for justice and peace, to defuse misunderstanding and build trust, as bridgebuilders who share the peace of God that lives within us and to set an example by caring for all of Creation.
1st Pray for a good response to the appeal for help at the Circuit Centre and for all our Circuit staff as they meet today.
2nd Ask God to bless all Christians in politics, Lego Church at Little Neston and the 7.30 p.m. Circuit Leadership Team meeting.
3rd Give thanks for the witness of the Leaders and Helpers at St Luke’s Kidz Klub with usually 40 – 50 (or more) primary age each week.
4th Celebrate the Christian witness of Toasty Church at Bromborough and Saturday Club at St Luke’s.
5th Thank God for inspirational worship, including New Song Café-style Worship 7 p.m. at Hope Farm.
6th Celebrate the faithfulness of all who help with Heswall Orion Club each Monday evening.
7th Pray for Deacon Jenny and Deacon Peter as the Diaconal Order Convocation starts at Swanwick.
8th Ask God to bless the Worship Leaders’ Tutorial (4 – 7 p.m. at Thingwall Circuit Centre).
9th Pray for God to bless all the members of the Lay Staff Management Group as they meet at Circuit Centre (7 p.m.).
10th Invite others to join in the celebration of 200 wonderful years of Methodism in South Wirral.
12th Thank God for Christian Aid Week, Vocations Sunday and Easter Offering Dedication Service (6.30 pm. Moreton).
13th Thank God for the work of Christian Aid for all who lack food, shelter, clean water, health care and access to basic education.
14th On St Matthias Day, ask God to bless our Worship Leaders and Local Preachers’ Fellowship from 7.30 at the Circuit Centre.
15th Pray for God to inspire Group 3 churches as they meet to promote “joinedup” Christian witness.
16th Ask God to bless all involved in Lego Church at Neston and the Local Lay Leaders Strategy Group meeting (6.30 -8.30 p.m.).
17th Pray for blessing through the reverent and uplifting 7.30 p.m. Sung Communion at Little Sutton.
11th Pray for support for Charing Cross’s African Night (7 p.m.) in aid of Wirral Street Pastors and Orphan Village Africa. 18th Pray for blessing through the Communications Forum from at the Circuit Centre (9.30 – 12.30).
19th On Aldersgate Sunday thank God for the witness of the Bread Church Team at Trinity with Palm Grove (10.30 a.m.). 26th Thank God for all who faithfully arrange flowers, provide music and lead our worship each Sunday.
20th Thank God for the inspiring example of Elizabeth Gadsdon (‘The Little Collector’) in caring for the environment. 27th Pray that all children (and their parents) will have enough to eat and be able to enjoy HalfTerm week .
21st Thank God for Nicola LangtonMiller’s ability to inspire others to use All-Age Storytelling (7.30 p.m.) for Jesus. 28th Ask God to bless the efforts of all our churches to being Salt and Light for our communities.
22nd Ask God to guide the 7.30 – 8.30 p.m. Church Safeguarding Officers’ Meeting at the Circuit Centre.
23rd Pray for positive attitudes to prevail on European Election Day as we seek to work together to promote the common good. 30th Reflect on today being Ascension Day and the challenge to us all of Thy Kingdom Come (May 30 to June 9).
24th Celebrate Wesley Day with prayer for the Circuit Weekend Away at Swanwick led by Rev Jackie Bellfield.
25th Join with the Circuit Wave of Prayer breakfast (8.30 a.m.) at Claremount.
31st As we remember Mary’s visit to Elizabeth, we pray for all families, especially those experiencing sadness and stress.
Pray that whatever we say and do honours Jesus, our Lord and Master.
29th Give thanks for all the mid-week prayer groups and gatherings for worship (including 1 pm at Circuit Centre).
Please note the closing date for sending prayer requests for the June Prayer Diary to daveandave@talktalk.net is Monday, 20th May.
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
DISCIPLESHIP and EVANGELISM DAY “Enjoying and sharing our faith”
REV DR NEIL RICHARDSON Former President of the Methodist Conference
*Rev Dr Neil Richardson’s acclaimed books include
God in the New Testament, John for Today, Paul for Today, and also Who on Earth is God? Making Sense of God in the Bible in which Dr Richardson engages with the difficult questions posed by contemporary issues and the “new atheism” pioneered by popular writers such as Richard Dawkins and provides an indispensable guide for people with or without faith.
Irby Methodist Church
The first meeting in April was led by Beryl Goodall with her talk ‘With Easter in Mind’. Beryl shared with us her memories of the flowers in her garden and what they meant to her. This gave us all a chance to take a good look at our own gardens and see which plant or shrub had wonderful memories for us. Thank you again Beryl. Get well soon, Beryl, after your nasty fall at home.
Irby Methodist Church
Monthly Charity Appeal £200 was raised in April for Easter Charities
Our following meeting was our Easter Service held in Church. This was arranged and led by Barbara. Thank you again, Barbara, and we were given plenty to think about after the service. The final well attended meeting in April was to see and hear David Casement’s
pictures and dialogue of his trip to Budapest. As always, we were transported to another country, some of which I have never been to.
May Charity of the Month
With only a few more meetings to go before we close for the summer these are a few dates for your diary. May 14th - Calvin Wood May 28th - Esme Lewis ‘ More Stories of School Days’ June 18th - Own Arrangement July 16th - Garden Party We always extend a hand of welcome to anyone who would like to join us. Jean
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
Funday Sunday Dates for 2019 January - 6th, 20th February - 3rd, 17th March 10th, 24th April 21st, 28th May 12th, 19th June 9th, 23rd July 7th, 21st August September 8th, 29th October 13th, 20th November 10th, 24th December 1st, 15th, 22nd We plan to meet on these dates. Some may change due to unforeseen circumstances. Pet Service is May 12th. Toy Service is December 1st. Harvest date will be added later.
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
FLOWER FESTIVAL - VOLUNTEERS PLEASE From Friday 7th to Sunday 9th of June we will be celebrating 150 years of Methodism in Irby with a Flower Festival. This is a wonderful opportunity to welcome people into the church to see the magnificent displays of flowers and enjoy the fellowship and hospitality which we offer. To this end we need volunteers to help in the kitchen and with serving and clearing on Friday, Saturday and on Sunday afternoon. We envisage volunteers working in 2-3 hour slots. We would also like
donations of loaf cakes (these are easier to cut ) and fairy cakes or buns.
The more volunteers we have the easier it will be for everyone. Please let Liz Newton( 648 6641) or Margaret Griffiths ( 648 2233) know if you are able to help in anyway to ensure that this event will be a pleasurable success. Thank you Margaret
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
From Easter to Pentecost We are now midway between Easter and Pentecost – two great festivals in the Church calendar and accordingly, in the life of every Christian. Barbara and I celebrated Easter with Heather and family; and what a wonderful weekend it was. On Easter Day, grand-daughter Elizabeth, now 20, was baptised by full immersion, often called believers baptism. This is a special moment on the journey of faith. It is a public confession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and a sign of obedience to his Great Commission. (Matt 28:19) The waters of baptism are not magic – ordinary tap water supplied by Thames Water Authority. Baptism is symbolic. We think of water as a cleansing agent – used to wash dishes or clothes or wash the car, but here, it symbolises cleansing from sin. Think of the chorus 'O Happy Day, O Happy Day, when Jesus washed my sins away.' It is also symbolic in so much as the candidate is totally immersed in the water indicating he/she is buried with Christ and rising from the water is raised to new life in Him. As Paul writes in Romans 6:4, 'We were buried with Him by baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from death by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.' Elizabeth was just one of nine candidates who were baptised that day over two services. The church was full at both morning and evening services, with a congregation of about 500 at each service. It was a moving and challenging witnesss to all present. Sunday, 9th June is Pentecost, when we think how the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit and energized to commence their mission to proclaim the Gospel message to the world, starting in Jerusalem. The service will incorporate the celebration of God's wonderful creation, as the church will be decorated with flowers – part of our Flower Festival. We see the Holy Spirit at work in creation, (Gen 2:7) 'Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground and breathed (the Holy Spirit) into his nostrils, the breath of life.' Surely the Holy Spirit was with Mr and Mrs George Cooke 150 years ago, to inspire and guide them in opening their home as a place of Christian worship, and as the congregation grew, to build the Tin Chapel in the stockyard opposite. Then 55 years later inspired and enpowered the members of that little chapel with faith and courage to invest in what must have seemed a hugh venture, build a new church, our present church building. So, at our Pentecost service, let us make a fresh commitment to faithfully continue the work George and Harriet started in 1869, proclaim the love of Jesus in and around our community and provide of place of Christian fellowship.
Forthcoming Preachers
Intercessional Prayers – December/ January
Let us give thanks for:
May 5th – Own arrangement May 12th – Pet Service (Linda Renmans)
Brian and Wendy Cropper celebrating 47th wedding anniversary.
May 19th – Mr Peter Colyer A lovely reunion with a niece we have not seen for thirty years.
May 26th – Mr Calvin Wood
Remembering those who are ill, anxious or bereaved:
June 2nd - Rev. Lily Twist
Remember Richard Ellison who is to have more treatment.
June 9th – Rev Margaret Fletcher/Calvin Wood – Flower Festival June 16th – Mrs Beryl Goodall
Graham and Lynne Corker (son and daughter-in-law of Lynda and Ken) on the sad loss of their still-born baby daughter.
Robert Grey, nephew of Sylvia Gaskell. He is having an operation to hopefully remove his cancer.
June 23rd – Rev Kim Goh (Communion) June 30th – Mr Andrew Boswell
United Evening Services
Beryl Goodall at home now following a fall earlier.
Remember Ben Ford and family after the death of wife Pat. (Known to Wendy C)
May 5th – Irby Methodist (Calvin Wood) June 2nd – Greasby Methodist
Wendy Cropper who has an appointment at Walton Hospital. Please pray for: The people of Sri Lanka following the bombs.
From the Editor: If you would like to have an item included in our Newsletter it must get to me just after the service on the last Sunday of the month. Contact me by phone or email ( 0151-648-7671 roy@royfisher.co.uk ) Roy