Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
A Member of the Wirral Methodist Circuit Ministers:
Rev. Yangsun Yi
Rev. Vivienne Gasteen - Pastoral care 0151 648 2637
Day off: Friday (please honour)
Superintendent Minister:
Rev. Heather Cooper
0151 648 8780 email: Day off: Saturday (please honour)
Church Leadership Team Church Family & Community:
Mission & Outreach:
Jean Brookes
648 1130
Lynne Cowell
648 4447
Calvin Wood
648 4466
Angela James
648 2900
Barbara Wood
648 4466
Liz Newton
648 6641
Graham Griffiths
648 2233
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
Other Roles Church Worship Leaders:
Church Admin Contact:
Angela James
648 2900
Sylvia Gaskell
648 7905
Graham Griffiths
648 2233
Church Treasurer
Ian Hall
648 3344
Pastoral Visitor Co-ordinators
Ruth Brabin
648 1069
Alison Fisher
648 7671
Booking Secretary
Graham Griffiths
648 2233
Hymnal Plus
Angela James
648 2900
Funday Sunday Leader:
Linda Renmans
648 7652
Newsletter Editor
Roy Fisher
648 7671
& Church website:
Representatives to Circuit Meeting
Liz Newton
648 6641
Angela James
648 2900
My dear friends, I have just returned from a holiday in Italy, Sorrento to be precise ! As we came in to land at Naples I looked through the plane’s window at the wonderful vista below me; the rugged cliffs, sweeping curve of the bay and the myriad buildings spreading far into the distance- the sheer wonder of it all! Shortly , having passed through customs and passport control and the maddening throng of the crowds of people coming and going we boarded a bus to Sorrento. Quite a hair-raising journey I have to admit as we travelled at speed around hairpin bends, close to the cliff edge, or so it seemed. This area is certainly one of the most beautiful areas I have seen, however, it is also one of great destruction for while there I took a trip to Pompeii and Herculaneum- scene of Vesuvius’ eruption in 79 AD - the mountain still dominates the skyline, dormant but not extinct. To walk around those sites where folks once lived and loved, laughed and cried was a tremendous privilege and a reminder of how fragile life can be and of how precious it is. I returned to Sorrento, chastened by what I had learned on that trip as I thought of not only people of bygone days but of the many around this wonderful world who live in dangerous and frightening places where natural disasters strike but also where we humans, in our greed and carelessness, have helped to destroy the natural habitat of many species, of the rainforests and left people in poverty and hunger . As sons and daughters of our Father God we are called to care for the world and its peoples, not to take or destroy.
May blessings abound.
Rev Viv.
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church their needs and to this end we are having a special “Bacon Butty Breakfast� at church on 1 st September so that we can find out from all connected with Funday Sunday how we can develop over the coming year.
September is the month when we leave summer behind and begin the new season of Autumn. We say goodbye to the summer sunshine and look forward to the colour and fruitfulness of Autumn. There are also many things to look forward to in our church life as September will see many new beginnings in our church and for members of our church family On September 22nd we will welcome the new Superintendent minister to our church, the Reverend Heather Cooper. We look forward to welcoming her not only to our church community but to the community of our village as well as she takes up residence in Mill Hill Road. Sadly, the arrival of our new minister Yangsun Yi has been delayed because of the illness of her mother but we hope to see her on 13th October for a communion service at Irby. In the meantime we keep her and all her family in our prayers asking God for His Healing presence for her mother and His comforting presence for the family at this worrying time. This means that on 1st September Reverend Margaret Fletcher will take our communion service. We have much to look forward to in the next twelve months including some new developments for our young people. Hannah, Lois, Megan and Ryan start their new schools in September, an exciting time for all of them and we wish them all every success as they get to know new surroundings, tackle new challenges and meet new friends. It is a time when the Funday Sunday team are considering how we move forward with our young families to ensure we meet
In addition to this we are planning to introduce Lego Church in Irby in January. Lego Church is taking place at West Kirby and Heswall and Greasby are starting in September. So what is Lego Church? Briefly it is a monthly session where children and their families are invited into church to hear a bible based story and then create a Lego model based on the story. Linda has visited a session at West Kirby and is going to take the lead in taking this new development forward at Irby. Please remember this new initiative in your prayers. As we are all aware this year we are celebrating the 150th Anniversary of the Methodist Church in Irby. Here are some dates for your diary connected with our celebrations. 25.10.19 Anniversary Dinner and entertainment starting at 7.00. This will be a 3 course meal with carvery and will take place in the church hall. 27.10.19 Anniversary Service taken by Rev. Charles New Within our church we have celebrated the dedication of Myles Kilpatrick, grandson of Wendy Cropper. It was lovely to be able to share this joyful time with his family and to welcome him, in person, to our church family. Although we all felt we knew him already through the lovely photographs Wendy has shared with us. On 15th September Joyce and Colin Radcliffe will celebrate their 60th Wedding Anniversary. We send them our warmest congratulations on reaching this amazing landmark on their marriage journey and pray that God will continue to bless them in their life together.
Irby Methodist Church
So with much celebrated and many celebrations and new beginnings to look forward to these words from a well known hymn seem particularly appropriate.
“One more step along the world I go,
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
150th Anniversary Dinner
One more step along the world I go; From the old things to the new, Keep me travelling along with you: And it's from the old I travel to the new; Keep me travelling along with you.
Round the corners of the world I turn, More and more about the world I learn; All the new things that I see
Friday, 25 October, 6.30 for 7.00 pm
You'll be looking at along with me. And it's from the old I travel to the new; Keep me travelling along with you.
Celebration meal followed by entertainment 3 course meal with coffee or tea
Lynne Cowell
ÂŁ20.00 Tickets will be available later in Sept from Church Leadership Team
Irby Methodist Church
Wives & Friends Society Our 2019/2020 season commences on Thursday 12th September at 8.0 pm. The guest speaker will be Jane Langdon who will talk about the charity ‘Riding for the Disabled’.
Irby Methodist Church
Morning Worship
10.30 - 11.30
Funday Sunday Rainbows
10.30 - 11.30 18.00 - 19.00
19.00 - 20.30
Toddlers (School term time)
09.30 - 11.30
Women’s Fellowship (alternate weeks)
14.00 - 16.00
20.00 - 22.00
Toddlers (School term time)
09.30 - 11.30
18.00 - 19.30
Pilates not a church run class, it is an external hirer. Wives & Friends (Monthly - 2nd Thursday)
10.00 - 11.00 20.00 - 22.00
Lunch Club (Joyce Edgar 648-3431)
11.00 - 15.00
Country Dancing (alt weeks Sept - May)
20.00 - 22.00
Wednesday: The October meeting will be Thursday October 10th when Richie the Ranger will be speaking about Liverpool’s Welsh Connection. The Annual Hot Pot Supper will be on Thursday 14th November and will commence at 7.0 pm. Tickets for this event will be on sale at our October meeting and will be priced at £10.00. The supper will be followed with entertainment provided by folk singer, Gerry Ffrench.
For catering purposes the closing date for purchasing tickets will be October 18th. A vegetarian option will be available. The Committee welcomes returning members but we would also welcome anyone who would love to join us at our monthly meetings. This year, as always, we have an exciting and varied programme. We look forward to welcoming you on the 12th of September. Angela
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
WIRRAL METHODIST CIRCUIT FAMILY – Praying together for Kingdom Growth – PRAYER DIARY September 2019 We honour the faithfulness Worship: Pray that we will let the Holy Spirit take control of our worship Prayer focus Seeking to be Spirit-filled followers of Jesus
Willingness to recognise the need to deepen our faith Seeking to ensure that our faith is translated into action
Service: Pray for our churches’ involvement in community activities. Monday
2 Pray for families, especially those facing difficulties. Ask God to bless our churches’ efforts to help with free school uniforms.
9 Thank God for Rev Heather’s preparation for leading Bible Study at the Circuit Centre (7 p.m. today and the next three Mondays). th 16 Thank God for all who continue to make Orion Club at Heswall M.C. so wonder-full each Monday evening.
1 Today is World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. Pray also for Rev Heather Cooper and Rev Yangsun Yi and for Yangsun’s family. 8 On Education Sunday pray for all who receive primary, secondary and higher education and all who provide education. th 15 Ask God to bless St Luke’s innovative Lunch for the Hoylake Community Harvest Celebration.
3 Ask God to bless our hospitality for those at the District Welcome Lunch at Circuit Centre for all newcomers to our Liverpool District.
10 Give God thanks – and the individuals concerned – for all who do vital, often unseen, tasks like cleaning our churches and toilets. th 17 Thank God for the continuing Christian witness of Woodchurch M.C. providing a focal point for the community. th 24 Ask God to bless the new Prayer Group at Heswall (2pm) and our Circuit Meeting at Trinity with PG (7.30 p.m.).
23 Pray for all who would like to attend worship but are not physically able to do so. Thank God for their faithfulness.
30 Thank God for all who make pastoral visits to those who are sick and house-bound or experiencing anxiety or grief.
Counting the blessings individuals bring to others
22 Thank God for fruitful co-operation with ecumenical partners, especially at St Andrews, Trinity with PG and Elton.
Making a difference through serving others
29 Pray that we will worship God with passionate gratitude and warmly welcome all newcomers.
Learning, Caring and Discipleship: Let daily Bible reading and prayer give light for our paths each day. Wednesday th
4 Pray for blessing through the Circuit Centre BYO Lunch (12.15) and Covenant Service (1 p.m.) and Ordained Staff meeting th
11 Thank God for the vibrant Christian witness of Trinity Ellesmere Port M.C. at the heart of the community. th 18 Thank God for all our local preachers and worship leaders and ask for blessing on the. Local Preachers’ meeting at7.30 p.m. th 25 Ask God to bless our mid-week prayers and other acts of worship, including the Wednesday meditation each week at Moreton.
Thursday th
5 As the new school year starts pray for parents and children and all who work in schools and also for Little Neston Lego Church. th
12 Thank God for intergenerational bonds in our churches as we care for young (e.g. Church Mice resuming at Neston M.C.) and old alike. th 19 Ask God to bless all our supernumeraries and local lay pastors and all involved with Neston M.C.’s l Lego Church today. th 26 Thank God for His blessing of the work of the Youth Club and Over 18s Social Club at Charing Cross M.C.
Evangelism: We pray for a new sense of urgency about inviting people to meet Jesus. Friday th
6 Pray for all our churches’ work with children, including Church Mice groups, Parents and Toddlers and St Luke’s Friday Kidz Klub th
13 Pray for blessing through the Shoppers’ Service and Welcome Café at Neston M.C. each Friday (Neston Market Day). th 20 Action is needed! Global Climate Strike and International Peace Day and worship through Sung Communion at Little Sutton (7.30 p.m.) th 27 Ask God to bless the Prayer Weekend and Prayer Station Trail at Neston M.C. and Little Sutton’s Macmillan coffee morning.
Saturday th
7 Ask God to bless Toasty Ted and Late Night Lock-in at Bromborough and Saturday Club at St Luke’s. th
14 Ask God to bless the Liverpool District Autumn Synod at Court Hey M.C. and the Women’s Breakfast at Neston M.C. st 21 Ask God to bless Wirral Earth Fest, the Safeguarding Training at Circuit Centre and Little Sutton’s Messy Church taking place today.. th 28 Pray for blessing through Little Sutton M.C.’s Film Night (7 pm.) and blessing for all our lay and ordained Circuit staff.
A good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children (Proverbs 13:22). Our children believe we have to stop our unsustainable exploitation of the Earth’s resources destroying “Our World” and they will be at the forefront of the Global Climate Strike starting on September 20. Will we show God we care as much as they do? Wirral Earth Fest will be hosted by St Bridget’s West Kirby - 21st 11 – 5. We have No Plan(et) B. What accounting for our actions will we give to God on Judgement Day?
Please note the closing date for sending prayer requests for the October Prayer Diary to is Monday, 23rd September.
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
Edna Hughes-Jones (1926 – 2019) I had the privilege of conducting the funeral of Edna on Friday, 30 August. With the families permission, I have taken extracts from the family tribute read at her funeral service, as so much of her 'story' ties in with the history of this church which we have been looking at during the past few months. Calvin Edna was born at her parents home, Burnside, Mill Lane, Irby on 1st Decemeber 1926. Her mother and father, Lucy and Tom, lived next door to her Paternal grandparents, Thomas and Anne Wilson and it was in fact her grandmother Anne who, being the local midwife, delivered Edna. The family grew up on their smallholding. Edna attended both Dawpool School and the Sunday School at Irby Hill Primitive Methodist Chapel, the Tin Chapel. She became a member of the youth club in the new church, our present building and it was here she met her future husband, Cyril Hughes-Jones. They were married in this church on 26th July 1952. Edna loved music and sang for many years in the Church Choir here at Irby. Her mother, Lucy, played the piano and although he died a few years before Edna was born, her Uncle Frank Lester VC had been organist at the Tin Chapel. Their daughter Susan was born in 1953 and shortly after the family moved to Croydon for Cyril's work. The family returned to Wirral a few years later, living first in Kings Drive, Pensby and then moving to Coome Road. David was born in 1955. Susan followed in her Great Grandmothers footsteps and went into nursing whilst David, being mechanically minded like his Grandfather Tom, who repaired by-planes in World War 1, became a motor mechanic.
We are opening our doors on Tuesday September 3rd and Wednesday September 4th at 9.30 am until 11.30 am (Note new times). I certainly am looking forward to getting back in a routine familiar to me and seeing all the children again (and their carers). If you feel that you can give two hours once or twice a month to help in the kitchen please to give me a call on 648-1130. We cannot function successfully without the help. Love -Jean (Aunty)
It was shortly after Edna's retirement that she and Cyril moved back into her childhood home in Mill Lane to care for her patents. In July 2002 Edna and Cyril celebrated their Golden Wedding. When Cyril became ill and infirm, Edna cared for him unaided until his sad death in 2011. Edna hosted her 90th bithday party in The Mill, Mill Lane, surrounded by her entire family, and last November attended a ceremony in this Church Hall to commemorate the bravery of her Uncle, Frank Lester V.C. followed by the unveiling of a commemorative plaque outside her Maternal Grandmothers home, 'Millers Hay' Mill Hill Road. Edna was immensely proud of her Uncle Frank's selfless service to the country and was delighted her eldest grandson Stephen commenced and completed his officer training at Sandhurst. We all had different names for her: Mum, Edna, Nan, Nanna, but they were all spoken by us with love and affection. A dear, gentle and yet determined lady. How fitting then, one who attended the Sunday School in the Tin Chapel, came to the youth club in this church, sung in the choir and married here, should come one last time to celebrate a life well lived.
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
Monthly Charity Appeal £103 was raised in July for FoodBank Happy New Year, in the Methodist Calendar and welcome to our Women’s Fellowship members. This welcome goes out to anyone else who would like to join us at our first meeting on Tuesday 17th September at 2.00 pm. This meeting will be our AGM but please do not be put off by this as it is an important part of our year.
£71 was raised in August for Water Aid
The rest of the afternoon will be spent catching up with what has happened since we last met at our Garden Party in July. We have a very interesting programme for 2019-2020 so please come and join us. You will be assured of a very warm welcome. God bless Jean (President) and team.
September Charity of the Month
Letter from Kim and Mary Goh Dear Friends at Irby Methodist Church Thank you for the generous retirement gift as we left the circuit. Much appreciated. We have enjoyed living in West Kirby and getting to know you. We are settling in our new home and have friendly neighbours. We have attended the nearest Methodist Church where we have been made very welcome. It's about the same size as Irby.
50th year Helping drive change and helping people live more positively with MS
We pray you will get on well with your new minister. God bless and love from
Kim and Mary.
Irby Methodist Church
Funday Sunday
Irby Methodist Church
Colour each set when you have found them all.
Dates for 2019 January - 6th, 20th February - 3rd, 17th March 10th, 24th April 21st, 28th May 12th, 19th June 9th, 23rd July 7th, 21st August September 8th, 29th October 13th, 20th November 10th, 24th December 1st, 15th, 22nd We plan to meet on these dates. Some may change due to unforeseen circumstances. Pet Service is May 12th. Toy Service is December 1st. Harvest date will be added later.
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church 1869-2019 In the past two editions of the Newsletter we looked at the first 100 years of our church history and seen how it progressed from a fellowship group meeting in a farm house kitchen to worshipping in a corrugated iron chapel and then to our present church building. It has been an inspiration to see the dedication and foresight of those founder members and how subsequent generations have continued to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in and around Irby in word and action.
Its just coming up to 50 years since I first set foot in Irby Methodist Church, a week following the Centenary celebrations. I was warmly welcomed by the door steward, John Perry and took my place in a pew for an enjoyable service. Following the service several members came to speak to me: I wasn't allowed to leave the church until I had given my name, address, age, marital status, etc, or so it seemed, but in a lovely friendly way. A week later Barbara and I came and the door steward asked if I would like receive the offertory and duly gave me a plate. We had been looking for a local church where we could settle down and immediately felt at home and welcome here. We had a meeting with the minister, Rev George Simons and arranged to transfer our membership from Egremont Baptist Church in Wallasey. One of the enduring characteristics of Irby Methodist is the warm welcome given to all who enter the doors, whether coming to worship on a Sunday or Flower Festival or any other event.
In 1973 we welcomed Rev Ralph Rogerson, his wife Elsie and two children. Ralph provided a complete contrast with his predecessor – lively and outgoing and enthusiastic in helping the deprived and vulnerable. I recall one occasion when a young man arrived at the church on a Saturday morning to engage in 'community service' as directed by the court. While Ralph allocated
Irby Methodist Church
appropriate tasks, never-the-less welcomed the young man like a long, lost friend, with his usual greeting, 'Hello pal.'
Rev Gordon Wood came in 1977, along with his wife June and two sons. Gordon was the first Irby minister to become Superintendent. The church made steady progress under his leadership but unfortunately, he suffered serious health issues, had a triple-heart bypass operation and ultimately, had to take early retirement.
In 1982 we welcomed Rev Charles New, his wife Doreen and three daughters. Charles had moved from Moreton (then part of the Wallasey Circuit) and with some of the Moreton members and some from Irby, set up Yew Tree Community Trust, a YTS scheme to help young people struggling to find any other meaningful employment. It was during his term of office that the modernisation of the church entrance and foyer took place which proved an immense benefit to the church.
Rev Chris Eddy came in 1994. His interview was somewhat unusual in so much that it was by telephone to Sierra Leone where he was serving as a missionary. The telephone conversation was punchuated by gun fire due to the Civil War taking place at that time. Chris had a passion for mission and out-reach and we held several Alpha Courses at Irby Methodist and assisted St Chad's to hold their first Alpha Course. He worked hard to establish ecumenical links with other local churches and would arrange regular meetings with the local Rectors, Priest and Ministers. It was Chris to who organised the Jesus Video Project during Easter 2000, in which 10 churches united to visit every home in Irby, Thurstaston, Thingwall, Pensby and Barnston. Over 8,000 homes were visited, each household being offered a free video of the Jesus story. There was a return visit to each home to ascertain their view of the video and see if it raised for them any questions about the Christian faith. Many came along
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
to house groups to learn more about what it means to be a Christian and that led on to several accepting Jesus as their Lord and Saviour and being baptised.
he too suffered major health issues and with regret, tendered his resignation as Lay Pastor in February 2012.
September 2002, Deacon Maggie Blake and Rev Ken Blake moved into the Manse, 94 Mill Hill Rd.
Our prestbyters 2005/14. Rev Richard Hambly (2005/6), Rev David Greenwood (2006/7), Rev Ken Morgan (2007/8), Rev James Booth (2008/9), Rev Gordon Gresswell (2009/10), Rev Jim Dobson (2010/11), Rev Bill Lynn (2011/13), Rev Shelia Prest (2013/14)
Ken, minister of St Andrew's, New Brighton (Wallasey Circuit) and Maggie to look after Irby with Rev Pat Billsborrow having Pastoral Charge. Often Ken and Maggie would lead worship together, especially Communion, when Ken would preside.
From the start of their ministry the Irby manse was often a 'Open House' to bring members and friends together for fun and fellowsip. Continuing the ecumenical links established by Chris Eddy, Maggie developed a good working relationship with Rev Diane Watson, Rector of St Bart's and St Chads and they even shared a service together. They planned a 'Palm Sunday Walk of Witness' from Irby Methodist to St Chad's, to be accompanied by a donkey, but alas, it was not to be. Maggie had an angina attack and was admitted into Arrowe Park Hospital and Diane's husband, Paul, died unexpectedly. Maggie and Ken moved to Reading in August 2005 to take up a new appointment.
Between 2005 and 2014 we had 9 Prestbyters, some only twelve month appointments and over a four year period found ourselves in three circuits, Wallasey, West Wirral and finally The Wirral Circuit.
When we became part of the West Wirral Circuit in 2006, Andy Kemp was appointed Lay Pastor and for five and a half years that gave us a sense of stability and continuity, in spite of other changes taking place around us. Andy took a keen interest in the various church organisations, was an active pastoral visitor and maintained those well established ecumenical links. Unfortunately,
Rev Kim Goh and Mary came to Irby in September 2014. This was our first full-term Prestbyter since Rev Chris Eddy left in 2002. Kim came with an amazing personal testimony although never really exploited it to best advantage. The circuit grouped churches together, and we were linked with Greasby and West Kirby with Kim as Prestbyter to all three. We started having more united services, especially Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and an united evening service at one of the churches each month. He also arranged several special events including 'Exploring Discipship' and 'Walking through the Old Testament.' Unfortunately, the eight months leading up to Kim's retirement, neither Kim or Mary were well, and his services allocated to other ministers and local preachers. We wish them both God's blessing as they settle in their new home in Chesterfield.
We now look forward to welcoming Rev Yangsun Yi and together let us continue the great mission carried out by those who have gone before us.
Irby Methodist Church
Irby Methodist Church
Forthcoming Preachers
Intercessional Prayers for August
Sept 1 - Rev. Margaret Fletcher (Communion) Let us give thanks for:
Sept 8 - Rev. Carole Natton Jean’s grandson Tom who had a head-on collision in his car. Thankfully, he and the other driver walked away from the incident.
Sept 15 - Mrs Margaret Boswell
Remembering those who are ill, anxious or bereaved:
Sept 29 - Mr Colin Brown
The flowers given by Jane Winthorpe’s family in memory of her death on Aug 12th. They were arranged by Marjorie Reid.
October 6 - Rev Viv Gasteen (Harvest)
Remember the family of Edna Hughes-Jones whose funeral took place here in our church.
Sept 22 - Rev Heather Cooper
Oct 13 - Rev. Yangsun Yi (Communion) Oct 20 - Mrs Judith Stelfox
Please pray for:
The families and friends of Alison’s three cousins as their mother , Betty, died aged 92. Alison was very close to her dear Auntie.
Oct 27 - Rev Charles New (Church Anniversary)
Evening Group Service Oct 6 - Rev Yangsun Yi - West Kirby 6.30 pm
Please keep praying for Robert Gray, nephew of Sylvia Gaskell, who is suffering after his treatment for cancer.
From the Editor:
If you would like to have an item included in our Newsletter it must get to me just after the service on the last Sunday of the month. Contact me by phone or email ( 0151-648-7671 ) Roy