RSC WM Spring/Summer Newsletter 2010

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R S C Newsletter

a bi-annual update from the Regional Support Centre West Midlands

Issue 5 – Spring/Summer 2010


Value for Money The Rolling Stones sang, ‘Time waits for no one’. How very true! The JISC RSCs are in their tenth year of operation and it seems like only yesterday that I put together the first year operational plan for the West Midlands. We have come a long way since August 2000. At that time, we supported 54 FE and Sixth Form Colleges - one of the first priorities was to assist colleges with their 2Mb connection to the JANET network. Today, the RSC WM team supports over 300 learning providers across a number of post 16 sectors. As the summer approaches with hopes of sunnier days, the sector faces some challenging and uncertain times. We are all too aware that the path to economic growth is a steep one and the outcome of the impending general election poses a mixture of positive and negative thoughts for us on the future provision of education. Demonstrating value for money is a mantra we are all very aware of and at the RSC, we are conscious of the budget restraints on the sector, particularly in areas of staff development. It is important for us as a service to provide value. We will continue to offer advice and guidance across the region and offer a variety of events and

staff development opportunities that are either free or on cost recovery basis. Developing and nurturing RSC regional communities of practice still remains a cost effective way of engaging with and learning from like minded colleagues. In our planning for the next academic year, we will be working closely with LSIS and Becta strategies. Indeed the RSCs have made an important contribution to, and are a key partner in, the Becta Harnessing Technology implementation plan for 201013. In the West Midlands region we will be planning more ways to support providers on issues around e-safety, Business and Community Engagement and Accessibility and Inclusion. Our support is based on the needs of the sector and as always, if there are any areas you would like the RSC to consider supporting within the context of stimulating innovation in learning, please contact me at the e-mail address below.

1. Value for Money 2. Around the Region - Annual Event Celebrates e-Learning Journey - iSkills Update 3. Meet the Team: Technical Adviser - MOT For Your Network 4. TEN Colleges in Our Region - Media Streaming 5. What’s New on the Wiki - e-Learning Lessons From the Private Sector - Our Favourite Resources and Technologies 6. Accessibility Tips - Quick Wins - Save Yourself Time Online 7. Switching VLE’s Shrewsbury 6th Form College’s Story - Latest Case Studies From Our Region 8. Forthcoming Events - RSC Events Continue to Prove Popular

Greg Vivash JISC RSC Manager Stimulating and supporting innovation in learning

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