Seven Reasons to Eat Enzyme Food
By Rudy Silva, Natural Nutritionist
Eating food that contains digestive enzymes can promote your health and give you longer pleasant life. In reviewing a book by Carlson Wade, 1971, called Health Tonics, Elixirs and Potions for Look and Feel of Youth he gives us his view on enzymes, “Many researchers have learned that a build-up of enzyme power adds up to prolonged youthful health. This is especially vital to those who reach the middle years. The reason here is that year after year of strain on the enzyme-secreting organs and glands have left them weak. It is especially true in folks who have eaten cooked or treated foods and who have denied themselves sufficient enzyme intake through raw foods.”
Here are 7 ways to get more enzymes into your body. 1. Always eat fruit raw. Frozen fruit inactivates enzymes temporarily, but are second best. Canned fruit has no enzyme activity. 2. All vegetables should be eaten raw. Cook only those vegetables that cannot be eaten raw. 3. Fifteen minutes before your meal eat a raw fruit to stimulate the release of your body’s enzymes. 4. Use organic produce when possible for the highest enzymes levels 5. Sprout organic seeds, which give you a high supply of enzymes. 6. Use raw dairy products when possible. Also create raw nut and seed milk to get their enzymes. 7. If you have to cook fruits or vegetables keep their temperature below 115F to preserve enzymes. 8. Eat fermented foods, they are packed with enzymes One of the most important activities of enzymes, other than digestion, is their ability to reduce the oxidation process in cells. In other words, it neutralizes free radicals that occur during cell function and thereby prevents the cell’s destruction. Helping your cells live longer and preventing their premature death, gives you the power to prolong your life and to maintain a youthful look.
Seven Reasons to Eat Enzyme Food
By Rudy Silva, Natural Nutritionist