By Rudy Silva, Natural Nutritionist
Discover Tips On Good Constipation Remedies The best constipation remedies are always right within hands reach. But, most people just avoid or ignore them. These remedies come from food, thought, and lifestyle. So, how can you use one of these remedies that are hands reach away
There are many foods and techniques that can be used to promote peristaltic motion in the colon. But, sometimes there are certain things that have to be done, before your colon needs to go to work. One of the important items that you need to do to have good bowel movements is to be hydrated or to have the water your body needs. Water is needed in your body so that your colon can pull it out of your body to make your stools soft.Some water comes into your colon from the food you eat, but you need more. There are many body conditions that have to occur for you to get water into your stools and for the water to stay in your stools and not make them watery. There is one mineral that holds an important place in controlling the amount of water that your body holds and releases – sodium. This sodium comes from table salt and from
fruits and vegetables. It is the table salt that creates the most problems in your body, so you need to reduce the amount you eat. If you have constipation, it would be a good idea to drink more water and eat less salt with your food. The sodium in your salt gets into your body liquid and attracts and holds water. When you eat salty food you want to drink water, since your body needs to water to balance the sodium that you have just eaten. If the sodium is holding and pulling on water in your body, then the colon needs to pull on that water if it needs it in your stools. Why not make it easy for your colon to get water into its chambers and into the stools, so that the stools can move easily along the colon. This will help to have more bowel movements.
Once water is sucked into the colon, there has to be something in your stools to trap that water, otherwise your stools will be watery. As you know all processed food, like meat, pasta, bread, crackers, candies, and deserts have little or no fiber. You need fiber in your stools to hold water and make your stool the right consistency, so that they travel along the colon quickly. And, using the fiber sold in the drugstore is not the fiber you should be using. To get rid of constipation and to prevent it from occurring, you need to drink more water, eat less salt, and eat fiber.
Fiber comes from raw fruit, vegetables, and grains. Eat fiber foods with each meal. This is just the beginning to help you get started in becoming regular. There is a lot more to eliminating constipation and this comes from learning strong, powerful, nutritional techniques that can give you cures and good health.
By Rudy Silva, Natural Nutritionist