MEET BENNY Benny Sato Ambush, most recently from Boston, MA where he formerly served as Senior Distinguished Producing Director in Residence at Emerson College, began working with Venice Theatre as Artistic Director in late July of 2021. At the time of this writing, he has already held two sets of auditions, cast and begun rehearsing Almost, Maine, taught several workshops, attended every show and student showcase we’ve presented, listened a lot, and cheered us on as we started our first full season since the pandemic hit. Our Producing Executive Director Murray Chase says, “Benny is a superb director. While here, he will direct two of our shows, as well as work to secure artistic quality and consistency across the board.” Benny became acquainted with VT when he served as an adjudicator for our 2014 and 2018 international community theatre festivals and will help in the planning of the 2022 festival set for June 20-26. (See more on p. 25) A veteran Stage Directors and Choreographers Society (SDC) director, institutional theatre leader, educator, published commentator and consultant, Benny has been Artistic Director of three theaters, two of them professional - TheatreVirginia and Oakland Ensemble Theatre - and has held leadership positions at several other prestigious arts organizations across the U.S. He says, “I am blessed to artistically helm a theatre for the fourth time in my career - thank you Venice Theatre! My skill set, expertise, and aesthetic were forged, tested, and honed by experiences in multiple regions across the United States. I have personally witnessed the special bond that community members have with the Venice Theatre, now in its eighth decade.” He has a BA in Theatre Arts and Dramatic Literature from Brown University and an MFA in Directing from the University of California, San Diego. In 2020, he was inducted into the College of Fellows of the American Theatre. Welcome Benny!
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