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Ohana Jordan Doshier Eagles Publishing Huntsville, Arkansas th May 10 2013


Table of Contents: Section 1Dedication Page …………………………..5 Biographical Sketch ……………………..6 Divine Love …………………………………..7 Grenade ……………………………………….8 Ideas ……………………………………………9 Finding Fall ………………………………….10 Useless ………………………………………..11 I Love You …………………………………….12 Section 2Biographical Sketch ………………………13 Why? ………………………………………….14 Rules …………………………………………..15 Fearless ………………………………………16 When Opportunity Knocks…………..17 Judgment Day …………………………….18 Section 3Biographical Sketch …………………….19 Flashbacks …………………………………..20 Time …………………………………………….21 The Crash ……………………………………..22 Strong Winds ………………………………..23 4

I would like to dedicate the first section of this anthology everyone that has impacted my life through the years, whether it was for better or worse thank you for inspiring my imagination. The second section of the anthology is dedicated to my grandparents for showing me the TRUE way, and for my church family who never gave up on me. Thank you for pouring into me and believing I was worth it. The third and final section will be dedicated to my sister and friends, you guys have provided great memories and wonderful stories for this anthology.


Poems are my way of showing emotion. Some of these poems are about happy times and others are expressing sad times. The people that have impacted my life down to the core have inspired me to write these poems. Something was calling me to pick up a pencil and look where it got me. Follow your gut.


Divine Love Love is deep, Down to the core But now I’m stuck between caring And caring too much You sent me the wrong emotions I fell for your game AGAIN. Maybe someday I’ll wake up And realize the past is the past. You said I’ll never understand But you don’t know either Don’t want to fall deep in love But I thought you already were?


Grenade Didn’t turn out like planned, What I thought would last forever exploded in my hand. Blew up in my face and tore away yet another piece of my heart. You told me all these lies and Made me believe it would last forever But now I’m laying here Thinking about how long forever really is.



Ideas Inspiration, imagination wondering, thinking, living Your thoughts, your actions, your feelings, your life, Wishing, believing, making, Motivation, creation, Ideas


Finding Fall

The cold sting of wet rain As you race through the field, Back to the holler just to Feel the fiery flames dancing Among the trees, to taste the Sweet goodness of the hot cocoa On your breath, take in the setting around you- the changing leaves and the cool soft breeze pulling against your shirt. That’s when you know fall is sneaking into view.


Useless A falling rock That’s what you are, No hope, no need, Nothing to look back to later Just a falling rock


I Love You You said “I love you” You are the one that drug me through Through three months of happiness Happiness, a word I never knew. I guess I loved and I lost, Lost all my feelings at your cost Cost me my time and showed my mistakes Mistakes they know all my pains and aches

I’m stronger than this enough is enough Enough of my time and enough of my space Space that should be bulging with laughter Laughter feels so far away I’m tired of walking with my head down Down is not how this should feel Feel or feelings a sense I have forgotten Forgotten but not about you Trying to forget if you only knew Knew how much pain you put me through Through trauma and shadows Shadows that remind me of you My heartaches further more More of my time wasted on you You have brought me down to level one One more day and then I’m done.


The second section of this anthology is the religion section, this section was inspired by all the events that I have been involved with. God is the ONLY way. On October 19 th of 2010 I was baptized. Born again as they say, but not just born again of the water, I was born again of the spirit too. I became a different person. God is now my first priority, and he should NOT be neglected anymore. My Aunt was in a terrible accident, the doctors said there was no way that she would make it. But she had God with her, she knew that with God all things are possible, and it was then that I realized I was missing out on something huge in life. The key aspect, the one and only thing that matters, the key to paradise as some people would say. I knew what I had to do, that night I told God that from then on he was going to be my Father, and I would start to follow him more deeply. The next morning I got a phone call saying that she was going to be ok. I guess God was trying to tell me that sometimes tragedies have to happen before the rainbow can shine. Today my Aunt is doing great, no one would have thought but that just goes to show that God will always be the operator, the boss, the captain, and my savior!


Why Me? Why me? That’s the question everyone asks at one point in time. When you ask why what do you mean? Why wh at? Why don’t you have a job? Why are you messed up on drugs? Why don’t you ever have any money? Whatever you’re asking why for don’t blame it on someone else. Let’s use the example of why are you messed up on drugs? Well how is that not your fault? Oh you say they got you hooked. They made you try it. You had to so that you would fit in. Well that was a knee slapper. Joke of the day. Are you with me? All you had to do was say no and go and find some real friends that won’t put you in that position. You done it though, it’s your fault. End of story. So that brings us back to the question, why me? Next time this question suddenly appears in your mess of a brain think again. God put us on this planet and gave us his set of rules. Every day we take for granted what he has done for us, but no matter what he loves us unconditionally FOREVER. Why me? Think harder. Why did God put us here and bless us with a shelter, oxygen, food, water, beauty, and love? God loves us more than anyone ever could, but all you’re doing is neglecting him. Every day we feel sorry for ourselves about every little detail that doesn’t go our way. Why me? Think about it. Are you showing God that you are worthy? Are you convincing him he didn’t make a mistake when he sent his son to die for all the people? Why me? Seems like a pretty silly question right?



Rules are meant to be followed; but in the beginning the only rules were the ones that God made. Everyone sins so the “rules” are not being followed. God has his own way to punish us after death and while we’re here on Earth. As humans we don’t have the right to make up stupid punishments such as the electric chair and death penalty. That is after all stooping down to their level right? Your kind of contradicting yourself. If God wanted us to be punished for doing wrong he would do it himself. So the rules that are actually supposed to be followed get neglected while the rules here on Earth are being more and more enforced. So in the end don’t you think you should do what’s going to help you in the long run in after life and not just what’s going to make you happy here on Earth? Only God can judge you so why don’t you try to make him happy instead of the people around you.



Don’t worry about growing up. This is a great theme because you shouldn’t be afraid of what is ahead of you. Live life fearless and love God. If our God is with us then what could ever stop us and if our God is for us then what could stand against? Never give up on your dreams. Just be you and make a difference. Just like God intended, if he wanted you to be like someone else he would have gave us all the same personality. Boring right? Just be you. Don’t let anyone tell you you’re wrong for being different, different is good. God made you them shoes to fit so wear them and be the very best you can at all times.


When Opportunity Knocks

It’s days like these when you pray to God and ask him why. But then you realize that God is always there for you and always will be. When he shuts a door in your life millions more open. So when you’re feeling down and nothing is going your way don’t cry about it, Help God build your door. Don’t give opportunity a chance to knock meet him on the front porch with a goody bag for crying out loud. Meet God half way that’s the least you do, God didn’t wait around in his house for an opportunity, he made millions. Those opportunities are us. We were placed here for a reason, which has yet to be fulfilled. So next time opportunity doesn’t “knock” go find it in the middle of the night, drag it out of it’s warm bed and make magic happen.


Judgment Day People are always asking questions. Would you stand up for what you believe in? Well my answer is always going to be a yes. In the end it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks of me, and I really don’t care. I’m here trying to impress one person that has been through so much for me. I only care how the person looking back at me in the mirror thinks and the Man Above. Yes I do believe in learning from your mistakes, no one is perfect but learning from what you did right is an option too. God is the only person that will EVER be able to judge me . One day I’m not going to be here and I will look back at everything I have accomplished in life and if heaven isn’t one of them then I’m going to burn in hell. Think of it this way, you may think that you have it bad but you don’t. Ever since you were born God has been busting his butt for you. He sent his son to die on the cross so that one day we will have the choice to be with him or not. Even though we aren’t worth it, God forgives us every day. There is not one day that goes by that God isn’t forgiving someone for the sin of the moment. So try to be more respectful watch what you say, watch how you act, and just live for God.


These stories were written because of all the inside jokes and happy memories

that my friends and family have provided me with. Some of the stories tell you not to waste time and have fun while others are serious and dark. These

stories all have a buried meaning in them, life lessons I remember being taught or just something that happened that I went off of. These are some of the best things I can share with you. Hope you enjoy them.



I didn’t know where the train was going. After paying my fare, I simply stood on the platform waiting for it to whisk me away to somewhere, anywhere but here. That’s when it happened, one minute the free space was whistling through my ears and the next it was gone, All I can see is the darkness, I can feel the loneliness finding my body. All the forgotten memories are ringing in my ears. There I am as a baby sleeping soundly in my bed no worries, no fear. There I am again as a toddler causing trouble to everything I can reach, now it’s my early teen years sitting by the lake, basking in the sun, the lake house was my paradise. There was something about those memories, they all felt the same way, I was happy and smiling in all of them. I was enjoying life in every single way I could. Looking back now I don’t know what went wrong. I wish it was still that way, easy and worry free.


Time Time‌ you can never have to much time. You know the saying, as time flies? Well our whole life is based on time and schedules. Even little things such as putting a pop tart in the toaster take time. I have to manage my time in the morning when I wake up to the time I have to take a test in class. Everyone is always in a rush, but the day will end, save stuff for tomorrow’s opportunity.


The Crash

Ka-Thunk! It came so fast, one second we were flying over the deep blue sea and the next our plane was diving straight for a splash of land. Falling, falling, fallen…How much better could this day get? I mean hyperventilating on an airplane and then spiraling downwards at a high speed just to leave a huge Impact on the ground and no to mention the plane too? Great day isn’t it? Looking around people are hurt everywhere, but me only some cuts and scrapes nothing major. The next thing I hear is the pilot over the intercom saying, “Remain calm, and do not get out of your seat until told to do so.” Then a long beep signaling that the announcement is over. Over my shoulder I hear a loud shrill scream. Panic arose everywhere, but me well this wasn’t my first rodeo. I got up and stumbled to the back of the plane where I noticed some dark hair peeking out from under the seat. I bent down and heard heavy breathing. I soon found out the boy was stuck. I lifted the seat to the best of my ability. His eyes were filled with anxiety as he crawled out shuddering all over. Then the intercom sounded once more. The pilot said, “Make yourselves comfortable, the tracker broke on impact.” Then once again the long silencing beep. This is the part in movies where the scary music is being played. I knew right then and there that we were not going to be getting off this island anytime soon, if ever.


Strong Winds

The house shook that day. All I remember is the pulling of the wind as we ran to the cellar. The single bulb flickered out as the strong wind howled like a pack of coyotes. Gone is the only thing that comes to mind, that one word represents so much. My house… gone. My car…gone. My yard… gone. But most importantly… my sister is gone too, kidnapped by the green hot and cold. All I can hear is the ringing of a train’s whistle. As the days die down and the spring starts to brighten again my mind is still black. No thoughts, no words, even my feelings are silent.



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