My Anthology

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My Anthology Huntsville Middle School Michaela Hayes

Huntsville Publishing Huntsville, Arkansas May 10, 2013


Table of Contents Part One: My Experiences 1.

Bluff Hole…2


Time Management…3


Getting Dirty…4


Taking a Break…5


My Skills…6 Part Two: What I Think


Responsibilities Of Parents…8


Twelve Angry Men…9




Greek Gods…11


Its Logic…12 Part Three: What I Would Do


If I Ruled…14


Jury Duty…15


The Chase…16-17


Trying To Persuade…18


Hurricane Katrina…19


So many great people made this book possible. Ms. Sullivan, my English teacher, helped me a lot on this anthology so others could read this. My family and friends gave me so many memories I can write about so I could share this with you. I thank my teacher for giving me the knowledge to do this anthology.


Part One: In this part of my anthology, I will be talking about my experiences. I had a lot of great experiences in my life. I thank a lot of these experiences to my friends and family. They have always been there to have a great time with me. Now I’m going to share them with you.


Bluff Hole The first time I jumped off Bluff Hole was scary but fun. I was at camp harvest last summer and I was twelve years old. There were only four girls out of fifteen people. We walked on the hot sand-covered rocks to get to our destination. Once we got there, we had to swim across the bluff then climb a hill, a rocky, dirt-covered hill. It was steep but we got up. Once I got to the top, my heart was beating fiercely. I waited for my turn with my best friend, Chy. She leaped off with happiness, while I was terrified. Wanes counted for me to jump. “One, two, three!� I pushed myself to jump. It felt like the longest fall ever. My eyes were wide open till I hit the water. When I hit the water, my legs stung. It took me about three seconds to resurface. I swam right to Chy and jumped up and down the best we could in the deep water.


Time Management One time when I had to use my time management skills was when i was at the 2011 homecoming football game. My new friend, Kaylee, and I were at the football game at 8:30 when we decided that we should go to Pizza Hut. My mom was picking us up in 35 minutes so we hurried. It was dark and a little cold. We walked through what I think were people’s yards. “Their shortcuts,” Kaylee said. We walked at a quick pace. We saw the shining lights of Wal-Mart that told us we were close. Once we walked into the pizza place I checked my phone for the time and there was only 15 minutes left. We bought the pizza and raced back to the football field. Once we got there, my mom said she would be there in 5 minutes because of traffic. Kaylee and I enjoyed the pizza and my mom picked us up.


Getting Dirty One time getting dirty was a positive thing was when I was five years old. It was in the summer of 2005. Sammmie, Jake, and Stephanie were all with me and we walked up to my grandma’s barn in the hot summer heat. Once we got there we sat up the hose and radio that was always up there. We got the dirt wet and splashed in the mud that had just formed. We through it while laughing. It was such a fun time.


Taking a Break Last week was spring break. The thing I needed a break from was Math. We have homework every night in math. Some of the math is too difficult to understand for me. There was always over 20 problems. I needed a break from the stress and homework math gave me.


My Skill My skill is playing the game Just Dance. It’s really easy. You just have to hit the movements quickly. You also have to stay in rhythm. The movements come up at the bottom of the screen. To stay in rhythm, you just hit the motions quickly and not lazily.


Part Two Part two of my anthology is about my opinions. Everybody has an opinion. I was told to write down mine in a few quick writes. I think it’s good to state your opinion. These are mine.


It’s Logic One way logical and emotional thought work together is from experience. Another way is to think logic. Like if you want these really cute Louis Vuitton shoes but you only have $10. That’s illogical.


Responsibilities of Parents Parents have many responsibilities for their children. One of these many responsibilities parents face is having a job. Parents need a job so they and their children can survive. Another one of the many responsibilities parents face is discipline. They have to sometimes be strict if their children misbehave. Last of the responsibilities that parents face is giving love to their children. This is one of the biggest responsibilities for parents because love is very strong.


Twelve Angry Men I think the way Twelve Angry Men will end is the boy is not guilty but the old man is. I think this because the old man lied about how much time it took to get to his door to see the boy running out of his house. Also he could not have heard the boy scream over the El train.


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