16 minute read




WeDnesDaY, septeMBer 21st

09:00 - 21:00 Arrival - meet and greet at the airport, transport to the main hotel, and registration. 19:00 - 01:00 Welcome Party (at the main hotel)

01:00 - —:— Enjoy your night in beautiful Copenhagen - within walking distance from your hotel


tHUrsDaY, septeMBer 22 nd

09:00 - —:— Councillors Meeting

09:00 - —:— Day tours 1, 2, 3 and 4

12:30 - 13:30 Lunch

13:30 - 17:00 Sport at the World Meeting – details to follow in the next Legacy edition

13:30 - 17:00 Free time in the Town – recommendations to follow

17:00 - 19:00 Busses start going to the party venue (15-minute drive) 19:00 - 01:00 Viking Party (At TAP1)

01:00 - —:— Enjoy your night in beautiful Copenhagen - within walking distance from your hotel


FriDaY, septeMBer 23 rd

09:00 - —:— RTI World Meeting followed by the Banner and gift exchange

09:00 - —:— Day tours 1, 2, 3 and 4

12:30 - 13:30 Lunch

13:30 - 17:00 Free time in the Town - recommendations to follow

17:00 - 19:00 Busses start going to the party venue (15-minute drive) 19:00 - 01:00 The Biggest Nations Night EVER (At TAP1)

01:00 - —:— Enjoy your night in beautiful Copenhagen - within walking distance from your hotel


satUrDaY, septeMBer 24th

09:00 -—:— Regional Meetings

09:00 - —:— Day tours 1, 2, 3 and 4

12:30 - 13:30 Lunch

13:30 - 15:00 RTI University session

13:30 - 17:00 Free time in the Town - recommendations to follow

16:30 - 18:30 Busses start going to the party venue (15-minute drive)

18:30 - 01:00 Gala at Bella Center with Jewel exchange and Awards Ceremony

01:00 - —:— Enjoy your night in beautiful Copenhagen - within walking distance from your hotel


sUnDaY, septeMBer 25 th

12:00 - —:— Check out of the hotel

Join Us at the rtiwm

Register now


Open bar with wine, beer and soft drinks during the Gala dinner until 21:00

for non-delegates


While our dedicated delegates are hard at work, deciding on things to come in the following RT-year, most of us will have the days off. This is a wonderful chance for you to get to know Copenhagen and the surrounding area and see some of the very best the Danish capital offers. We have arranged 4 different day tours for you to join during your stay.


DURATION 1.5 hours AVAILABLE Thursday, Friday and Saturday PRICE € 30 including lunch

We have hired a double-decker bus to give Tablers a great overview of Copenhagen. We will drive past all the major attractions such as the Little Mermaid, Amalienborg Palace, Christiania (Free Town) Tivoli Gardens. The tour will depart from the Main hotel and fi nish in front of the Main hotel. Here you will enjoy your lunch.


DURATION 1 hour AVAILABLE Thursday, Friday and Saturday PRICE € 30 including lunch

Copenhagen is very well known for its waterways. The harbour it is said, is so clean that you can eat the filter feeders from the bottom, and the locals use it for swimming and all sorts of water activities during both summer AND winter months. Many of the most prestigious and beautiful architecture is located along the water's edge. Much of the old navy area (Denmark used to be a force to be reckoned with on the seas) is preserved or transformed into modern housing with hints of the storied days. On this boat tour through the harbour and canals, you get to see the water view of the Little Mermaid, the Opera House, Amalienborg Castle, the old navy area and the new and very modern bridges. You will also get a sense of the local leisure time on and around the water, where champagne corks fly, and beers and cocktails are raised in cheers.


DURATION 5 hours AVAILABLE Thursday, Friday and Saturday PRICE € 70 including packed lunch

"Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.", but not this day!

Most of you will know of the undying play by Shakespeare, Hamlet, and The Prince of Denmark, but did you know his castle stands for you to see today?

The play is set on the Castle of Kronborg, north of Copenhagen – a castle with a rich history and with great significance in Denmark. For mariners, Kronborg is a waypoint and Danish children are taught that in the basement sits a great warrior, Holger Danske (Holger Danish), and should Denmark come under attack, he shall rise and shield in hand, defend your country. The castle is located in one of the most beautiful coastal cities in Denmark and is itself a sight to be witnessed. Standing on the shore, you can easily see Sweden across the water. On this tour, we have arranged a guided tour of the castle, stops on the way, and time for a walk in the scenic landscape.

"The rest is silence."


DURATION5 hours AVAILABLE Thursday, Friday and Saturday PRICE € 40, including unlimited free rides all day Lunch is not included!

You cannot visit Copenhagen without also visiting Tivoli Gardens. It does not get any more Danish. You have probably heard of "Hygge", "smørrebrød" and how much we like our beer. Well, Tivoli is a combination of all that and so much more. Right smack in the centre of Copenhagen is this cosy Theme park with fun families and friends. Enjoy the rides, the restaurants and the lovely little bars in this magical place themed on the adventures of Hans Christian Andersen. This tour gives you access to the park and unlimited free rides all day and pretty much guarantees fun for children of all ages.

assoCiation story


ROUND TABLE DENMARK BECAME the fi rst Round Table organisation outside of England. The idea arose in two places, partly in Aarhus and partly in Copenhagen, where it had been brought home from England by the sons of Rotarians.

In both places, the club was helped get started with Rotary's assistance. In 1935, a committee was formed in the Copenhagen Rotary Club, consisting of Dr. Ivan Jantzen, shipowner Willie C.K. Hansen, manufacturer J.C. Hempel, and director Børge Bülow-Jacobsen and wholesaler Bent Olsen, with the task of investigating whether it was possible to start a Round Table in Denmark. Marchesi, then chairman of the English National Organization, was contacted, and Geoffrey Higgins, vice-chairman of the London Round Table, visited the Rotary Committee during a visit to Copenhagen at the end of 1935. At an introductory meeting held, the idea was discussed. Round Table's traditions and working methods were provided with a set of English rules shared with the prospective members. With a few changes, this base material came to form the basis for the establishment of Round Table Copenhagen. Round Table Copenhagen 1 was founded on March 5, 1936 with a membership of 15.

On 21 February 1939, Round Table 2, Aarhus was founded by Aarhus Rotary. Postmaster Emborg, director Vagn Olsen and engineer Haderup took the initiative after postmaster Emborg's son, Erik Emborg,

had been a guest member in England. The next step in the Round Table Denmark development was the debate on establishing an intermediary body in the form of a mainboard for Round Table Denmark. In June 1940, the fi rst concrete drafts of this main board's work were available, according to which the formation of new Round Table clubs was to take place by the laws for Round Table Denmark (RTD) and with RTD's approval, just as the main board was tasked with promoting cooperation between Round Table the clubs in Denmark. FACT At a general meeting on 4 October Round Table Denmark 1940, a main board of RTD was is the second oldest Round Table Association and has established, and Børge BülowJacobsen became the fi rst national chairman from 1942 to 1944. The war was a diffi cult period for Round never hosted an RTI Table, but the number of clubs

Would Meeting. increased despite the diffi culties. Rob Kerins Round Table Denmark had 7 active clubs at the end of the war. After the war, the development took off, with rapid expansion all over Denmark. Inspired by all that is Round Table, the Danish Tablers spread the Table dream to Sweden, where the fi rst club was founded in Helsingborg in 1943. Round Table Denmark has actively participated in founding the Round Table in Norway, Finland, and Germany. Currently, there are 2400 active members in 132 clubs



By Mr CHRIS GABAY , Gibraltar 1, Gibraltar

Once upon a time there was an immature, self-obsessed young Tabler called Ranil who.... Ooops! Apologies ,wrong story.

Let's start again..

GREAT NEW FRIENDSHIPS, a wife, some crazy memories and a deadly parasitic bacteria.... are just some of what I have brought home with me from international tabling.

It all started with I a single and fairly new Tabler a few years back... maybe 10 years plus now. Some well travelled 41ers would not stop going on about how incredible an experience it is attending Table events in foreign countries. So, to shut them up, and see if there was any truth to their rants, I booked myself in to an STM (SEM these days) meeting in Cyprus. From that point on, the Travel Bug had me!!!

The welcome you recieve is just awesome. If you travel to an event, international, regional or national

AGM, you are among friends the minute you touch down. Every tabler is an unconditional friend. A pretour is a must if you can. The local tablers go out of their way to accommodate and know to leave out the tourist traps and middle men. I have brown-water raftered in the Himalayas, played football with village kids on a beach in lemur living east Madagascar, snowmobiled in damn freezing winter Iceland, and quad biked in

Morocco with a bunch of crazy-arse Danes. And the

"The welcome you recieve is just awesome. If you travel to an event, international, regional or national AGM, you are among friends the minute you touch down"

parties!!!!! Nations nights are the big ones where you get to taste the best foods of the nationalities present, and their worst alcoholic drinks. Delicious and sickly at the same time. An absolute mess normally ��.

Every trip I go on now I bump into past friends and make new ones. I have been to over 20 Tabling countries, some repeated. Sri Lanka, unfortunately repeated several times, to the pain and despair of the local tablers. One Lankan tabler even emigrated to Austria (see you at the next Austrian AGM Ranil ��).

When I tell my local friends I have International best mates..... "What the hell are those" is the usual response. Not being an International Tabler they just can't grasp the concept. Or maybe they are all just a little slow lol. With a handful of local best mates, I consider myself fortunate. And now with a handful of international best mates through Tabling, I consider myself privileged. Its the friendships that make international tabling truly special.

So if you havent already, then sign up, get out there.... and look out for me at the bar.

eXplore roUnd table


By Mr TOBIAS EDER, 25 Merano, Italy and Mr AXEL KNUTSEN, 35 Oslo, Norway

eXplore roUnd table


AS A SECOND-GENERATION TABLER, travelling and international events were one of the things I looked most forward to. I joined Round Table in 2020/2021, which means all these ambitions got put on hold. When I met Christopher, David, James and Mark, four Maltese Tablers, during the Italian AGM in Faenza last July, they told me about their AGM in Malta in November. The decision to join that event was an easy one. Coincidentally Malta has been on my list of places to visit for a long time. COVID cancelled a trip there twice, so plane tickets got booked for my first international RT event once the date was out. Little did I know how much fun it would be. The main reason was that only four people signed up for the pre-tour, but luckily for those, there was also the Number 2 Euro meeting held in Malta. So, the three lucky guys and one lady were added to the group.

My aeroplane landed late in Malta, there was a delay of a few hours, but nevertheless, Joe picked me up and got me to the boat party. Not knowing anybody, the welcome was warm in true “meeting old friends for the first time” fashion. It didn’t matter that the group was made of different nationalities, from the first hour we were all brothers having a good time. Little did it matter that everybody had a different background. We were from Malta, England, South Africa, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Estonia, and Switzerland, and we all spoke the same language of friendship and drinks. On that line, the trip continued. The next day we left for the second island Gozo. After picking up some beers for the bus and ferry ride, enjoying stories and keeping an eye open that everybody was drinking with their left hand. We had the chance to see Malta from the point of view of a local. I doubt that many tourists would go to eat in a restaurant that looked like a zoo shop, with parrots watching you eat, start an enormous Lalala in the old city square of Vittorija at sunset, that security started to keep a closer eye on us, or got to eat roasted pork on the beach, after a swim in November. We celebrated a midnight birthday with warm Sambucca. Some of u wore a toilet seat like a necklace. We made a Dad cry by buffaloing his son Daniel.

At the end of the pre-tour and the beginning of the AGM, we got invited to the home hosted parties by Christopher and his Mum. She opened her home for us and welcomed us like old friends. The AGM itself followed with the chance to meet even more people from all over the world, or some Italian friends from home again. Basically, every encounter was a party.

All in all, it was a week well spent and a worthy first international tabling experience. I’m looking forward to many more, with the World Meeting in Copenhagen and the AGM in Cyprus on the agenda after visiting Marrakech for the HYM. In times like this, creating friendship and connections across borders is the best way to be StrongerTogether.

eXplore roUnd table


AFTER TWO YEARS without international Tabling, it was finally possible to travel again to beautiful Amberg in Germany, a small city in the heart of famous Bavaria.

Even though the number 35 clubs have existed for many years in many different countries, there hasn't been a tradition for a number's meeting amongst us. Few clubs participate in events together, and some we have never met before. This was all about to change when a friendly message was sent out from 235 Amberg-Sulzbach about a number's meeting this Spring. The date was set, the location was set – but would there be participants from Europe? Covid still loomed, and there was a bit of uncertainty about travelling – would the meeting be a success?

After months and weeks of intense WhatsApp dialogue, it was clear that many clubs from all over Europe were interested in joining the meeting. We quickly booked our flights. Round Table 35 Oslo was out travelling again to say hello to old friends we were going to meet for the first time, our fellow 35/135/235 friends from all over Europe.

Upon arrival at Nuremberg Airport, we were met by a happy group of tablers from 235 Amber who showed up with beer, transport and good spirits. Everyone got a beer and a ride back to Amberg for a traditional Biergarten with lots of beers (obviously) and traditional German/Bavarian food consisting of sausages and more sausages. We spent the night getting to know each other and talking to other tablers arriving from Germany, Austria and Sweden.

The following day was spent in the old town of Amberg on a short city walk before we had a pub crawl to explore the different parts of the city. With almost 30 degrees Celsius and no clouds, it was a fantastic experience. The evening was spent at a Tablerowned bar where Tablers from Belgium had joined and was ready for banner exchange.

All of the visiting clubs brought gifts to the hosts and banners for exchange. Since the 20th of May is the charter date anniversary of RT 35 Oslo, we choose to celebrate this with our new friends over numerous bottles of wine – a great success!

Come Saturday, and everyone was excited about a Bavarian breakfast – what could it possibly be? Surprise, surprise, it was more sausages and more sauerkraut. But for the Bavarian breakfast, most of the crowd turned up in traditional lederhosen, ready to explore the city again – but this time on a gin tonic cruise on the river. The night ended with a fantastic traditional celebration of "Kirwa Kümmersbruck" just outside Amberg. This was an experience like no other, with traditional food, music, and lots of beer! The night ended with a giant tent full of tablers and several hundred locals singing Sweet Caroline, Don't Stop Believing, and lots of other great songs until the early morning.

Next year the meeting will take place in Oslo, and we can't wait to show our new friends the fantastic city. Until next time

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