SDG Materiality Report RTRS | Business Guidance

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Ensuring equality of treatment and opportunities for all has been considered an essential contributor to fostering sustainable development. SDG #5 aims to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Numerous challenges remain globally regarding this goal, e.g., ensuring equal access to education for women and girls, eradicating child marriage. Although gender equality indicators have recorded increases in past two decades, including a rise in the number of girls in school and women on the labour market, there remains a big gap to be closed to achieve the goal.13 The RTRS Standard contributes to achieving SDG #5 as it seeks to ensure that female employees receive equal renumeration for their work and are presented with equal opportunities, and that they are not subject to violence or intimidation.

SDG Materiality Report - The Round Table on Responsible Soy Association (RTRS) - Business Guidance


RTRS Indicators

5.1 End all forms of discrimination against all

RTRS: 2.1.7, 2.1.8, 2.5.7, 2.5.8

women and girls everywhere.

RTRS Principle 2 on responsible labour conditions seeks to assure that no discrimination takes place in the workplaces (2.1.7) and that all workers should receive equal remuneration (2.1.7), as well as security of employment for workers returning from maternity leave (2.5.7). Moreover, both men and women are entitled to payment of national or sector established minimum wage (2.5.8).

5.2 Eliminate all forms of violence against

RTRS: 2.1.9

spheres, including trafficking and sexual and

Employees are required to be free from any kind of intimidation.

all women and girls in the public and private other types of exploitation.

5.5 Ensure women’s full and effective

RTRS: 2.1.7

leadership at all levels of decision-making in

The Standard requires that all workers should receive equal opportunities for promotion and filling available positions.

participation and equal opportunities for political, economic and public life.

13 SDG 5

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