1 project intro poster

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Upgrading Human Waste from Community Sanitation Centres with Microwave-Assisted Plasma Gasification Energy & Material Flow Diagram

In a nutshell TU Delft proposes a community based sanitation system that processes water on-site and upgrades urine and feces to energy at an omni-gasification plant. Human waste is dried, converted to syngas and fed into a fuel cell. The gasification process destroys pathogens immediately and generates enough energy to power the system, creating a sustainable cycle. Other focal areas in the project are the design of a water diverting toilet and a Community Sanitation Centre as well as the recognition of women empowerment, branding and sustainable business modeling.

Community Sanitation Centre


Index Project posters


Women Empowerment

Community Sanitation Centres

Improving women’s well-being through sanitation solutions.

When space is limited and ownership is a must.


Processing plant


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Business Model

Implementation Plan


Plasma GasiďŹ cation

Creating a sustainable business system for sanitation.

Bringing sanitation to urban informal settlements and beyond.

An essential step in microwave gasification of human faecal matter.

The upgrading of human waste materials.




Grey Water Treatment

Water Diverting Toilet

Brand Strategy

Syngas/Gas Cleaning

Fuel Cell

Recycling of water at Community Sanitation Centres using slow sand filtration and UV disinfection.

Design of a user-friendly toilet that diverts water from human waste.

Inspiring people to become part of a new sanitation solution.

A necessary process to use syngas from faecal matter as fuel for the fuel cell.

Closing the loop: electricity and heat production from syngas.

Process & Energy

Industrial Design Engineering

Dr. P.V. Aravind Dr. Wiebren de Jong Dr. Georgios Stefanidis Dr. Guido Sturm Dr. Xiang Mei Meng Dr. Ming Liu Dr. Sandra Y. Giraldo Eva Promes, MSc.

Dr. J.C. Diehl Dr. Johan Molenbroek Anne Jansen, MSc. Gerwin Jansen, MSc. Miguel Melgarejo, MSc.

Project Management Paul Janssen, MSc. Joost de Jong, MSc. Anouschka Versleijen, MSc.


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