TU Delft - Reinvent the Toilet - all posters

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Upgrading Human Waste from Community Sanitation Centres with Microwave-Assisted Plasma Gasification Energy & Material Flow Diagram

In a nutshell TU Delft proposes a community based sanitation system that processes water on-site and upgrades urine and feces to energy at an omni-gasification plant. Human waste is dried, converted to syngas and fed into a fuel cell. The gasification process destroys pathogens immediately and generates enough energy to power the system, creating a sustainable cycle. Other focal areas in the project are the design of a water diverting toilet and a Community Sanitation Centre as well as the recognition of women empowerment, branding and sustainable business modeling.

Community Sanitation Centre


Index Project posters


Women Empowerment

Community Sanitation Centres

Improving women’s well-being through sanitation solutions.

When space is limited and ownership is a must.


Processing plant


6 xx




Business Model

Implementation Plan


Plasma GasiďŹ cation

Creating a sustainable business system for sanitation.

Bringing sanitation to urban informal settlements and beyond.

An essential step in microwave gasification of human faecal matter.

The upgrading of human waste materials.




Grey Water Treatment

Water Diverting Toilet

Brand Strategy

Syngas/Gas Cleaning

Fuel Cell

Recycling of water at Community Sanitation Centres using slow sand filtration and UV disinfection.

Design of a user-friendly toilet that diverts water from human waste.

Inspiring people to become part of a new sanitation solution.

A necessary process to use syngas from faecal matter as fuel for the fuel cell.

Closing the loop: electricity and heat production from syngas.

Process & Energy

Industrial Design Engineering

Dr. P.V. Aravind Dr. Wiebren de Jong Dr. Georgios Stefanidis Dr. Guido Sturm Dr. Xiang Mei Meng Dr. Ming Liu Dr. Sandra Y. Giraldo Eva Promes, MSc.

Dr. J.C. Diehl Dr. Johan Molenbroek Anne Jansen, MSc. Gerwin Jansen, MSc. Miguel Melgarejo, MSc.

Project Management Paul Janssen, MSc. Joost de Jong, MSc. Anouschka Versleijen, MSc.



Improving Women’s Well-Being Through Sanitation Solutions

1. Washing

Why gender sensitive sanitation solutions are needed Literature stresses that women highly benifit from gender sensitive sanitation designs, as women have more specific needs and concerns than men. This was confirmed during the field research of TU Delft.

private space for changing & soaking sanitary products

Four important concerns >> The menstruation taboo. In many communities menstruating women are excluded from community activities due to cultural believes. Girls are dropping out of school when reaching puberty. >> Insufficient solutions for menstrual hygiene management. Limited options are offered for managing and disposing menstrual materials, causing an inconvenient situation. The use of unhygienic menstrual material leads to infections and diseases.

2. Soaping washing and rinsing

>> Forced into a routine. The risk of harrassment makes women go for defecation very early in the morning, when the darkness of the night still offers them a glimpse of privacy. Women change their diet to defecate only once a day, causing health problems (infections and constipation) as well as psychological problems (stress and insecurity).


>> Negative toilet experience. Some women indicated to feel embarrassed and unsafe when going to the open defecation field or public toilet, afraid to be seen by men. The act of going to the toilet is domiated by a range of negative connotations.

3. Scrubbing


4. Drying

To meet the needs of women the Sanitation Centre offers: 1. A personal hygiene room for menstrual hygiene management 2. Safety and regularity offered by the long CSC opening times 3. A recreational area where women can socialize 4. A shop where women can buy sanitary napkins and alternatives

1. Personal Hygiene Room for menstrual hygiene management For female hygiene, proper sanitation is a very important aspect during the menses. The Community Sanitation Centre (CSC) offers a Personal Hygiene Room, where women can wash their reusable cloths or sanitary napkins before reusing or safely disposing them. The Personal Hygiene Room allows multiple women to use the room in an efficient way and facilitates a four step washing routine that is based on current Indian washing practices.

5. A secure entrance out of sight of the men’s entrance

4. Availability of products at the shop 2. Safety and regularity The CSC is a guarded place, open from 04:00 till 24:00. The long opening hours enable women to visit the safe environment at any time of the day; they would not have to control their bowels anymore. During the focus groups in India, ladies indicated to be happy to visit at idle hours, around 3PM, when kids are at school and few men are around.

Next steps

3. Recreational area For men the CSC is designed for efficiency; they often go to the toilet as a pit stop on their way to work. For women the CSC can provide a more relaxed and social toilet experience. The recreational area allows them to come together, consult each other with sanitary practices and share the latest gossip in town.

Approach local NGO’s to discuss the impact of each element and explore how to further exploit these solutions.

Explore other features and services to empower women, e.g. Self Help Groups and educational activities.

Women can buy sanitary napkins and alternatives at the CSC shop. Buying these types of products from a man can cause shame among some women; therefor a more private buying sales is available at the women’s entrance. This easy availability stimulates the use of proper solutions and the use of hygienic practices, within the facility, but also at home. Monthly benefits, such as discounts, could be included in the membership system.

Validate proposed designs with end-users.


5. Different entrances In the CSC the men and women entrances are out of sight of each other to enhance the sense of security. Women enter the building from the side, whereas men enter from the frontal roadside. At peak hours the ladies can wait inside instead of lining up in front of the building, where men can see them.

3 SANIR COMMUNITY SANITATION CENTRES When Space is Limited and Ownership is a Must

Water New input 500 l/day Water Recycled 2000 l/day

CSC 04:00-24:00 Dharavi, Mumbai. Photo credit: Chandrashekar (Shekar) Manalam.

750 l/day Waste

300 p/day 850 visits/day <0,5$/user/day

More than just a toilet The Sanir Community Sanitation Centres (CSC) are an attempt to change the current face of sanitation solutions in a society where going to the toilet is linked to a range of negative associations. The CSC provides people with a safe, private, affordable and hygienic toilet experience within the familiar boundaries of their own community. Beyond a toilet, the CSC serves as a community centre; an attractive place where people come together and enjoy additional services.

Facility Features





Toilets and urinals A typical CSC provides men

with 3 squat toilets and 3 dry urinals (including 1 for children). Women have one extra toilet; 4 in total.

8 Female hygiene room

Being located on the second floor it serves as a private environment where women can change, wash and dispose their menstrual material (see poster 2).


Hand wash basins Three hand wash basins are available for women and men (including 1 for children). Loactating them next to the door allows a more efficient flow of people and reminds users to wash their hands on their way out.


Enlarged unisex toilet (24/7) This toilet


10 Solar chimney During the day this chimney absorbs the heat of the sun, creating a stack effect to passively ventilate the different areas of the CSC.


Caretaker’s house The caretaker and his family live on the second floor of the CSC to guarantee 24 hour vigilance. This could increase the sense of ownership and responsibility among both the caretaker and the members of the community.

9 11

Branding The building was designed taking into


account the values of the SANIR brand, with technology, empowerment and professionalism as most dominant values (see Poster 8).




and medication. The shop can be franchised to a commercial company (see poster 6).


2 7


Advertisement An important revenue stream comes from advertisement space, which designated in different areas of the building.

Next steps


Explore more services & features for the CSC of which the community can benefit.


Further collaborations with existing organisation that already implement public toilets in India, to work towards implementaion and monitoring of certain features.

filtration and UV disinfection, is integrated in the CSC. 2,000 liters of anal cleansing and hand wash water can be recycled per day (see poster 4).

CSC, providing easy access to the toilet mechanism, the black water tank and the grey water components. Maintenance can be done without disturbing the users. In the case that a bigger facility is required, this corridor can be extended, allowing more toilets next to the others.

1 Store The shop sells personal hygiene products

Grey water treatment This system, based on sand

12 Maintenance corridor This is the backbone of the

1 6

to come together, consult each other with sanitary practices and share the latest gossip in town (see poster 2).


provides people with reduced mobility easy access and allows them to be assisted by a second person.



Socialize area for women This area allows women


Further collaboration with parnters to design the franchising of the shop.


13 Waste pick-up point A small vehicle pumps out the

black water from the black water tank underneath the CSC, after which it is transported to the central processing plant.

Explore and define new construction techniques and materials, such as prefab building, for more efficient manufacturing and qaulity ensurance.

Detail and test the proposed malodor control methods.


Recycling of Water at Community Sanitation Centres using Slow Sand Filtration and UV Disinfection Supplying 2.500 L water each day Water plays an important role in the toilet ritual of people in India. A typical Community Sanitation Centre caters 300 people, requiring up to 2.5 m3/day for the purpose of flushing, hand washing and anal cleansing. The latter two streams are separately collected and fed into an on-site grey water treatment system. This reduces the impact on the transportation and drying of human waste and establishes an economical and reliable source of water in areas where this is not secured.

Step-by-step Neutral/defecating mode Waste flap (orange) keeps toilet outlet closed. It opens due to the weight of excrements or flushing water.

Anal cleansing mode User opens self-closing faucet. At the same time the water flap (blue) comes up, directing water away from waste.


Every day 2 m3 is fed into the grey water system. This includes water from hand washing, anal cleansing and the cleaning of the toilet. A simple settler first removes the largest load of solids in the water.


Waste Water

Designed for a local-fit

Water diverting toilet

The grey water treatment system is designed to recycle water on-site up to a level that is safe for skin-contact (salts will not be removed, which makes drinking undesirable). With the foreseen combination of settling, slow sand filtration, followed by UV disinfection, it is expected that for hand washing and anal cleansing water the guidelines found in literature will be met regarding suspended solids (< 5 mg/l), BOD (< 10 mg/l), nutrients (< 10 mg/l) and E.coli (< 200 cfu/100ml). The picture on the right shows a possible configuration that is designed for accessibility and ease of maintenance by local servicemen.

The majority of the water that is treated with the grey water system origins from anal cleansing and the cleaning of the toilet. The separate collection of these two streams is established by means of a water diverting mechanism underneath the toilet that is activated as soon as the user uses the handheld shower inside the cubicle.

Settling of solids

Slow sand filtration

This 1 m3 slow sand filter removes suspended solids and dissolved organics at the same time. The top layer becomes biologically active to form what is often called a ‘schmutzdecke’. Slow sand filters have proven to remove 99% of the Helminth eggs (further research will have to demonstrate if this high removal efficiency is enough to allow recycling of water). The two compartments of the sand filter can be used intermittently to let the biological active layer recover and to perform maintenance. During peak hours both compartments are in use.


Buffer tank 1

Holds up to 5 m3 - twice the amount that is collected daily. This is necessary in case the UV system is not operational due to very low UV conditions.

4 Solar UV disinfection with TiO2 catalyzation


Community Sanitation Centre


UV disinfection is a proven concept that does not require chemicals and relies on a sustainable energy source. It can be further enhanced by adding an immobilized TiO2-catalyst. This will improve the effectiveness and also make it possible for the system to oxidize any remaining Photo credit: Ferdandez et.al., CIEMAT, Spain organic matters, like coloring components or traces of hormones or medicines. Together with UNESCO Institute for Water Education, TU Delft is conducting experimental studies to determine more precise design criteria. The 12 m2 UV panel located on the rooftop of the Community Sanitation Centre consists of parabolic mirrors that direct (diffused) sunlight to the water that is running through a series of plastic tubes. In the experimental set-up of (Fernandez, 2005) TiO2 is applied as an immobilized catalyzer on top of PP tubes running inside the water tubes. Other designs considered by TU Delft are TiO2 coated meshes and TiO2 between glass plates.


Buffer tank 2

Holds up to 5 m3 of treated water, which should be sufficient for 2 days of supply. To make up for the water losses in the system (up to 0.5 m3/day - mainly flushing water that goes with human waste) new water is added to this tank.


7.0 m

Will people accept recycled water? The public acceptance of recycled water for skin-contact (i.e. anal cleansing and hand washing) can be more challenging than water being recycled for lower grade purposes such as flushing. Interviews in India showed that people are more likely to accept this when there is increased awareness of water scarcity inside their communities. The visibility of the treatment system and the feedback of water quality, connected to a reliable brand, may further guarantee the uptake.

23° (towards South)

1 Max Min

3 2

Feed to UV system: 0-600 l/hr (2500 l/day) pump is actuated by UV sensor


5.0 m

Daily consumption - 2500 l

Emptying black water tank Daily collection - 2000 l


Next steps The main challenge of this proposal for grey water treatment lies in the integration of proven solutions and more advanced solutions such as UV+TiO2 disinfection.

6.5 m

Collect samples of hand washing and anal cleansing water (in India) to establish design parameters for effective treatment.

Test the integration of UV+TiO2 in the proposed system. Build a one-seat testing set-up to evaluate the fully integrated system.

Expand study on (stimulation of) public acceptance of recycled water within toilet facilities.

Water losses - 500 l/day Feed to sand filter: 100-150 l/hr (2000 l/day)


0.5 m 0m

Min Max level (after 500 l refill) -1.2 m



3 -1.6 m



Design of a User-Friendly Toilet that Diverts Water from Human Waste Ergonomic toilet requiring little ushing


The toilet booths in the Community Sanitation Centres (CSC’s) feature ceramic squat toilets, following Indian customs. A benchmark of existing toilet pans demonstrated the need for improved ergonomics as well as steeper surfaces to better convey feces with less water. The flush (currently less than 1 liter) has been optimized for the removal of feces that drop in front of the toilet outlet. User observations showed that not all position themselves exactly above the outlet, even when applying use cues such as foot rests.





Water diverting mechanism

The plastic spiraling hose and the absence of the trigger at its end allows a sturdier and more hygienic design that is less likely to be damaged or stolen in public toilets. Usage is fairly easy. While holding the shower head, the user turns the self-closing faucet up to 90 degrees, depending on the desired amount of water (up to 750 ml per time).


One of the main innovations of the toilet lies in the separate collection of the fairly unsoiled (anal) cleansing water with the purpose of on-site recycling. The diverting mechanism is located underneath the toilet pan. It consists of two flaps that change position when users activate the handheld shower for the purpose of anal cleansing or cleaning the toilet. In this way, the user does not have to adapt his toilet ritual.

Robust handheld shower for anal cleansing


Taking into account the loss of flushing water, which goes with human waste, the current prototype has the potential to divert around 70% of all water consumed inside the toilet. For a typical 8-seat Community Sanitation Centre this equals to nearly 1,000 l every day. This significantly reduces the impact on transportation and drying of waste as well as the supply of water at the Community Sanitation Centres. To facilitate higher water pressure for spot cleaning, the user can squeeze the rubber shower head. This creates a spurt of water.

1 Defecate/urinate


Anal cleansing

Clean toilet








Neutral position


When the toilet is not in use, the waste flap (orange) is closed, avoiding malodors and insects or rodents to leave the toilet.



Defecating & flushing


Waste flap (orange) opens freely due to the weight of excrements and/or the power of flushing water, overcoming the flap’s counterweight.




Water diverting position The diverting mechanism is activated as soon as the user opens the self-closing faucet for the handheld shower. While the waste flap (orange) is pushed down, the water flap (blue) comes up by means of a simple engagement system. In this position, water is directed towards the grey water treatment system. When the shower's faucet has closed itself again, both flaps return to their neutral position.

Self-closing faucet for handheld shower

Hygienic toileting experience The need for cleaning is limited due to the seamless integration of the toilet into the toilet floor, which has rounded edges (similar to a shower tray). When prefabricated as one piece, this can outperform current poor practices of tile laying. Malodors inside the toilet booth are reduced by means of the self-closing waste flap underneath the toilet pan. Besides that, air is sucked out of the cubicle through a stack effect caused by the solar chimney on top of the building.

User testing in emerging economies The design team spent a considerable amount of time in the field to better understand local toilet customs and to validate ideas and concepts. Different research methods have been applied to tackle the complexities of user research inside informal settlements. The sensitivity of toilet usage among both genders as well as the biases towards Western researchers requires a careful approach. TU Delft is compiling their experiences in a scientific paper in order to work towards recommen- dations for designers that operate in similar fields.

Waste Water

Next steps

Optimize the flush to ensure that waste leaves the toilet before the diverting mechanism is activated.

Develop an affordable ceramic toilet pan with integrated divering mechanism for user testing.

Take samples from diverted water for optimization of the grey water treatment system.


Evaluate the convenience and robustness of the handheld shower concept with potential users.


Creating a Sustainable Business System for Sanitation A business ecosystem for sanitation

Membership system

The Sanir concept proposes a social business model to tackle the challenges of developing a sustainable sanitation system. Different partners and stakeholders from commercial and governmental areas have been considered for its realization and success. The Sanir business model is divided into two major tiers, each is treated separately but both are dependent on each other for their success. 1) The Treatment Facility, which has the capacity of treating the human waste input of 50,000 people per day, and 2) The Community Sanitation Centres (CSC), which are designed to provide toilets and additional services to the equivalent of 300 people per day.

Community Sanitation Centres (CSC) provide users the option of signing in for a family membership, which features different benefits on top of pay-per-use schemes. The membership costs a maximum of $0.05USD/user/day and declines with the number of family members attached to it. Different fees are available for adults and children. Each membership includes a micro-health insurance provided by a Sanir partner (insurance based on existing market offerings). The membership also allows people to have unlimited access to the CSC in their community. Incentives such as product promotions at the CSC sanitation product shop will be used to reward on-time payments and new member referral.

Revenue flow Micro health insurance Advertisement fee

Family membership Community Sanitation Centres (CSC)


Treatment plant

CSC shop

User fees

Family membership scheme

This includes a micro-health insurance and promotions at the facility store for new member referral and on-time payments. A fraction of the membership fees goes to the insurance company; the rest is direct income for the CSC.


The CSC’s have different advertisement spaces (see poster 5 for reference). Current practices in India show the interest of companies to promote their products in such spaces.

The nutrient-rich ash that is produced as a side product of the gasification process at the treatment plant can be used to enhance fertilizers. Potential revenues are calculated based upon different market standards and experiences from similar projects.


Micro-health insurance

Commissions for the sale of this insurance to people with access to a proper sanitation facility are translated into incomes for the facility. This is based on existing insurance products on the market.

Sanir Comunity Sanitation Centres Per user/day costs and revenues

Revenues Capital Expenditure

Advertisement space

The CSC’s shop offers a franchise opportunity to external companies focused on sanitation products. Both the advertisements and franchising provide a stable income for the CSC.

300 users

Refine technology cost calculations and assumptions.

Waste Treatment plant

A forecast is projected for a Treatment Facility with the capacity to treat the feedstock produced by 50,000 people per day (eq. 150-200 CSC’s). The capital expenditure for the facility is currently projected to be $330,000 USD. Taking into consideration operation and maintenance as well as possible government subsidies, the current business model allows a return of investment of 10 years. Revenues Capital Expenditure

Explore partnership options for franchising the CSC shop.

166 CSC’s

Per user/day costs and revenues

A typical CSC is expected to receive 300 daily users from which 70-90% will end up enrolling in the membership system. The capital expenditure for each facility is currently projected to be approximately $15,000 USD (including on-site water treatment system). When taking into account operation and maintenance costs as well as user adoption rates over time, a return of investment of 5 years are expected.

Operation & Maintenance

Next steps

The microwave assisted plasma gasification process transforms dried waste into energy. Revenues coming form the Indian Renewable Energy Certificates (REC) scheme have been calculated based on the expected production of electricity. Additionally, income from Carbon Credits have been taking into account by comparing the CO2 savings accomplished by this system against traditional wastewater treatment solutions.

CSC shop franchise

Explore partnership options with micro-insurance companies.


Operation & Maintenance

Test and revise membership assumptions and costs.


Dharavi, Mumbai. Photo credit: Chandrashekar (Shekar) Manalam.


Bringing Sanitation to Urban Informal Settlements and Beyond Introduction Sanir has been founded on the notion that informal settlements are not only areas in need; but they are also areas full of opportunities. Most of their inhabitants have a diverse range of entrepreneurial skills, which make this places almost self-sustaining economies. The Sanir sanitation

system is build to empower these citizens and their environment through sanitation. The Sanir system comprises two major components. The Community Sanitation Centres (each serving 300 people per day), which are designed to be partly owned, run

and maintained by local entrepreneurs. The black water gathered at the CSC’s is transported to the treatment plant, which has a capacity of processing waste generated by 50,000 people (150-200 CSC’s) every day.



Undocumented squatters

Citizens with ID cards and the possibility to vote

Demolishing settlements

Developing its inner strengths and communities

Poverty areas

Economic engine


Recycling hub

Illegal settlements

Ownership of the community

Economic restrictions

Credit and ascension

Social parasites

Business entrepreneurship with visions


Educated children and professional adults

Poor sewage & sanitation

Dignity, hygiene and basic rights Shop owner and family at Gulbai Tekra, Ahmedabad, India.

Model settlement characteristics

TARGET SETTLEMENTS A house in a slum is often not bigger than 12m2 and serves as a kitchen, bedroom, living room for an average of 5 people. In these conditions there is often little or no space for a toilet. The distribution of social characteristics such as different clusters, casts and religions are taken into consideration for different aspects of the design.

Dwelling (10m2) Communal area Transfer station



Religious temple



Sanir Community Sanitation Centres (CSCs)


(3 0



Sanir’s system is designed to serve dense informal settlements in urban areas that do not have access to improved sanitation solutions and where water is scarce. An informal settlement was modeled to serve as a reference throughout the design of the system. The model, which is based on literature and cross-checked with field research, consists of an area 30,000m2 with 2,000 households and 10,000 people.

30,000 m2 (170x170 m) 2,000 households 10,000 people

of influ e n ce


Treatment Plant

The toilets designed for the Community Sanitation Centres divert (anal) cleansing water from waste. For more information see poster 5. Transportation from the CSC’s to the treatment plant is separated in a short and long haul for optimal efficiency. Micro-exhauster vehicles, agile enough for the narrow streets of the informal

settlements, collect 750L of daily waste per CSC and dispose it temporarily in transfer stations located on the outskirts of the settlement. Thereafter, waste transporting trucks take it to the treatment facility. Water required to compensate the losses at the Sanitation Centres (500 l/day/each) can be transported in different containers by the same transportation vehicles.

Micro-Exhauster Truck

Transfer Station

Water delivery

Feedstock Truck Feedstock transportation

Diagram of inputs and outputs transportation

PHASE 1: Attracting Feedstock

PHASE 2: Expanding Streams

PHASE 3: New Applications


SANIR facilities or facilities with SANIR waste separation system.

SANIR Feedstock trucks SANIR facilities or SANIR affiliated facilities SANIR Feedstock trucks

$ SANIR Feedstock trucks


Existing pit emptiers

Septic tanks from households and buildings

$ $

Garbage collectors

$ $

Existing pit emptiers

Organic waste

While the required Community Sanitation Centres are built, existing pipe-emptying services can be incentivized to already deploy their waste at the Sanir Treatment Plant. Alternative waste streams such as kitchen and organic waste can also be considered to ensure continuous operation of the treatment plant.

SANIR facilities or SANIR affiliated facilities

Garbage collectors

Septic tanks

SANIR facilities or SANIR affiliated facilities

Garbage collectors

SANIR toilet households and buildings Organic waste

Organic waste

Waste feed for the Treatment Facility will increasingly origin from the CSC’s as they spread in different settlements around the city. Meanwhile, other existing toilet facilities in the city can be incentivized to adopt Sanir’s water-diverting toilets and transportation services.


Further technological developments could develop smaller scale applications, which could directly be implemented in buildings and households. CSCs for different areas and user capacities could also be developed.


Inspiring People to Become Part of a New Sanitation Solution The importance of branding

Values of a new sanitation brand: SANIR

What SANIR stands for

A brand is more than just a logo on a toilet building. It is the foundation that consistently holds together the entire sanitation solution with the purpose of establishing a trusting relationship with the users and other stakeholders. Branding is key to a positive change of perception and adoption of improved sanitation solutions in countries like India. The brand allows the project to tap into people’s aspirations, frustrations and motivations as well as to cover different areas of sanitation in the message. Sanir has been designed after executing extensive field research to fit the needs of the target users. It is positioned as an aspiring brand taking as a reference the status quo in urban informal settlements in India.

Research on the needs and aspirations of potential users together with future trends of the Indian context, led to the designation of a set of values for the brand to represent: Technology, Professionalism and Empowerment. These values are translated into different service touch points and are embedded in the design of the products and overall system. The figure below shows the main values and their translation into different important sub-values for the brand.

A partner in health, security safety and prosperity “SANIR“ is a strong, professional brand that sets to affect not only the sanitation habits of those who experience it but also contributes to alleviate poverty and creates opportunities. The brand is set to change the relationship that the final users have with sanitation solutions and help spread an overall positive message.

Positioning of a new toilet brand The following graph shows the position of Sanir in relation to existing practices that range from open defecation to public toilets to private toilets. Rather than being just a functional toilet, Sanir aims to provide people with Community Sanitation Centres (CSC) that are desirable and aspiring.


The brand is aimed to be positioned in between the anonymity of a public facility and the high cost of a private toilet.


Low Investment

High Investment


Sanir’s values translated into a reliable product service system

Improved sanitation One of the main objectives of Sanir is to provide solutions that create a more convenient, hygienic and secure sanitation experience. Sanir empowers citizens in need by providing safe access, good service, and health and sanitation solutions. This could help people to be able to perform better in their everyday lives.

“Our Sanir” in Hindi Ownership and visibility Literature and case studies show that new sanitation solutions in this context are more likely to be adopted if people accept it and regard them as their own. The brand has been designed to facilitate the ownership feeling amongst users. The tagline Apna Sanir stands for “Our Sanir” in Hindi, it is a catchy and easy to remember message that can invite users to take part in the Sanir solution.

Professionalism and pride Partners and employees of the Sanir sanitation system should believe in the company and its values. They should be proud and well compensated for their actions. Branding will act as a tool to promote professionalism, ownership and pride. Uniforms, vehicles, tools and facilities will be consistently branded to be easily identified and associated with quality, relevance and cleanliness.

CSC shops and promotion schemes Facility shops are, in part, a tool to promote the aspirational values of sanitation: self-care and personal image. They are build to be the main interaction point of the Community Sanitation Centres (CSC). Promotion schemes and membership referral systems are an integral part of their design. The main objective is to motivate people and change their perception regarding sanitation while empowering and saving costs for their families.

Entrepreneurship and cooperation

Social visibility Dignity

Social ascension and retribution

Sanir’s mascot

Children inclusion Children are one of the main target users of the Sanir sanitation system. If they learn the fundamentals of sanitation it is more probable they will practice them and transmit them in later parts of their lives. They can also have the power to convince their parents to adopt improved sanitation solutions. The Sani character is designed to interact with children and transmit such values in an easy, understandable and enjoyable way.

A partner in health, security safety and prosperity Health coverage

Saving schemes

Economic stability and prosperity over time


Membership system and added value services The membership system is designed to help members of the CSCs to save money compared to pay-per-use schemes and have access to improved sanitation solutions and healthcare systems. Each membership includes a micro-health insurance. The pricing strategy of the membership system encourages the enrolment of family members and rewards referrals.

9 Drying An Essential Step in Microwave Gasification of Human Faecal Matter Introduction

Drying and dewatering

Drying; a complex process

Drying of faecal matter preceded by dewatering is an integral part of the integrated processing plant aimed at thermal decomposing of dried human wastes through gasification of dried wastes in a microwave-generated plasma. Depending on the source, the original faecal wastes may contain 80-90% w.b.(wet basis) of liquid. In our TU Delft concept we have a combined flow of faeces and urine with some flush water, which after initial dewatering, need to be dried to 20-40% w.b. before it can be used as fuel for the plasma gasification.

Although dewatering is not a part of the research in this phase of the project, based on literature and sewage sludge experiences, a low energy consuming screw press shows a good prospect for integration with the drying part.

Different drying processes are known and many types of dryer are commercially available. The selection of the appropriate drying technique and type of dryer requires expertise, knowledge and experience. TU Delft has in-depth knowledge and experience in energy integration and optimization of energy conversion systems via thermodynamic system studies and experimental hands-on expertise concerning thermal biomass pre-treatment techniques.

Quality change

Input continuous / intermittent Various heat modes: convection, conduction, radiation, microwave

Phase change liquid to vapour Change of physical structure

Drying is a complex process

Coupled with mass transfer

Chemical/biochemical reactions Shrinkage

Multicomponent moisture transport


Selection Criteria Besides typical selection criteria for a drying technique such as feed characteristics and product / output requirements (see table) there were two more critical selection criteria particularly related to the RTTC concept of TU Delft: Firstly the drying unit has to operate in an intensified way in a non-industrial, slum-environment. The equipment should be robust in such a way that maintenance should be simple and limited to a minimum.

Secondly, challenges exist in the development and management of the integration of different available energy sources: electrical power, sensible heat and low calorific value (LCV) gas. These different energy sources should be used efficiently in the process scheme of the drying unit. The LCV gas is the off-gas originating from the fuel cell anode part. Sensible heat originates from the plasma gasification as well as the fuel cell. Electrical power is generated by the fuel cell. Using the sensible heat and LCV gas efficiently are the main energy challenges.

Typical checklist for selecting dryers

Current options studied

Physical form of feed

Sludge, liquid , paste, suspension

Average throughput

kg/h (wet/dry), continuous or kg/batch

Inlet/outlet moisture content

Dry / wet basis

Fuel choice

Oil, gas, electricity

Product requirements

Power, flakes, pellets

Special requirements

Flamability limits, toxicity, fire hazard

Theoretical (design) study of combustor design for LCV gasification product gas in pulse combustion and drying. Collaboration with PCS, USA. Experimental study of (artificial) faeces drying using modified (energy saving) LaDePA intensified belt dryer. Collaboration with Kwazulu Natal University, South Africa.

Based on the criteria the LaDePa (Latrine Dehydration Pasteurisation) drying technique, a combination of a belt and a Medium Wave Infrared Radiation drying section, and the Pulse Combustion Dryer, a drying technique based on spraying wet sludge in a combustion chamber with high-frequency pulsating combustion, were selected. The research of the LaDePa drier is focused on energy input minimization via adjustment of the belt length, the recirculation of flue gas, and optimal control of the infrared part of the drier. The focus in research of the Pulse Combustion Drier is directed towards managing flame stability of LCV gas in the upfront part of the drier.

Detritus shredders with variable speed Medium wave infrared emitters (MWIR) with variable intensity Existing PSS patent Air flow

Air flow Pasteurised sludge pulse combustion

Spray drying


Outlet Porous steel belt approximately 16m between the pulleys Normal time under MWIR emitters 8 minutes

Feed Inlet Tube


ModiďŹ ed LaDePa dryer (KwaZulu Natal University, South Africa).

Pulse Combustion Drying (PCS, Arizona, USA)

The focus of the original LaDePa dryer is to obtain a dried and disinfected product that can be used as fertilizer. However, as the gasification process produces a disinfected low-carbon (low calorific value) product, the LaDePa dryer for the TU Delft concept has been modified to use medium wave infrared radiation for intensification of the drying instead of disinfection. Modifications are also related to the adjustment of the belt length, the introduction of recycle flows of dried material (back-mixing) and heated air to improve the energy efficiency of this dryer. By the end of March 2014, the first tests on drying using the LaDePa drier will have been performed in close cooperation with KwaZulu Natal University (South Africa).

Pulse combustion drying is an attractive drying technology as it is a very intensified process. Foot print is relatively small and maintenance is low. New is the aspect of stable combustion of low calorific value gas (off gas derived from the Fuel Cell). During this project phase at first instance it is studied theoretically via CFD modelling. Calibration and validation of the modelling is carried out by using information and conventional fuel based data sets provided by PCS, USA. The first CFD computational results are available for the pulse combustion drying technology based on LCV gas.

Next steps:

Further simulation and experiments with pulse combustion drying of (faecal) sludge using low calorific value gas.

Integration of LADEPA drier with fuel cell system; utilization of low calorific value gas.

Selecting most appropriate drying technique for full-scale integration.



The Upgrading of Human Waste Materials to Syngas

Microwave generated plasma gasiďŹ cation

Syngas conversion

The TU Delft approach of waste treatment centres on small-scale gasification by means of a microwave generated plasma. By applying energy in this form, lower residence times are required and heat losses can be compensated for, so that processing facilities can be scaled down considerably, enabling decentralized treatment.

Very intense processing conditions can be reached under plasma. High temperatures and the occurrence of highly reactive radicals accelerate the destruction of waste materials, converting them into syngas, which can be used as a raw material in chemical processing or as a source of energy. As compared to more conventional thermal gasification, plasma gasification in principle can provide a more robust and flexible process to generate a higher quality product.


Syngas production testbed

The process was investigated with a series of short duration, continuous flow experiments. Biomass was fed into the plasma zone of the reactor where it was converted into fuel gas. An energy recovery of 184% at a feedstock conversion of ~20% was observed. The results indicate that a tailored reactor that reaches full conversion will provide much higher energy recovery.

To demonstrate the feasibility of self-sustained, continuous waste destruction, an experimental plasma gasification unit has been built and incorporated in our waste treatment miniplant. Stable operation and continuous syngas production have been demonstrated; research into understanding and optimizing the process are ongoing. In a following stage the setup will serve as a testbed for tailored plasma reactor designs.

Next steps Increase performance by either using a secondary radio plasma generator at a lower frequency that is in the radio wave spectrum or by replacing the current generator for a lower frequency version. Both solutions employ longer wavelengths, therefore both solutions enable a more flexible process with a wider operating window in terms of throughput and residence time.



Closing The Loop: Electricity And Heat Production From Syngas Fuel cells for a self-sustaining system

Simulating the system Before the plasma gasifier can be successfully integrated with a gas cleaning system and fuel cells, the entire system must be thoroughly evaluated.

H2 + CO

H2O, CO2, H2, CO and heat Anode

Heat e-


Faecal matter





Plasma gasification

Depleted oxygen/air and heat


Gas cleaning unit

Raw syngas Microwave generator

The use of Microwave-assisted plasma gasification requires electric power input, and Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) are excellent devices for electricity production from syngas. The syngas originates from the gasification process using partially dried faecal matter.

smaller power levels and also produce valuable heat. By employing fuel cells, the system can become self-sustaining:

A fuel cell is an electrochemical device that, when fuelled with syngas, can generate electricity in an extremely efficient manner even at

Heat is used for drying human waste and for the gas cleaning.

Electricity is reverted back to the microwave-assisted plasma gasifier.

Solide Oxide Fuel Cell System

Clean syngas Electricity

Therefore, a thermodynamic model has been developed using Cycle-Tempo, an in-house developed software: Stacked: While a single fuel cell can produce 30W, a stack consists of 180 cells and produce 3.8kW.

1.To develop efficient system concepts and to determine the final design parameters like dimensions of the components and operating conditions such as pressures, temperatures and flows. 2. To predict the system performance in various cases. For example, when employing different biomass feedstock, with and without drying, varying oxidant-to-fuel ratio etc. Results demonstrate that a self-sustaining system is feasible.

Contaminant experiments

Proof of the pudding

Fuel cells are sensitive to contaminants in the fuel gas such as H2S, HCl, tars, heavy metals, and other compounds. Exposure to such substances, even in very minimal amounts (ppm-level), can detrimentally affect the performance and significantly decrease the lifespan of the cells.

After designing the system, the final step is to actually construct it! The plasma gasifier is integrated with the gas cleaning unit and the fuel cell stack to provide proof-of-principle for the concept.

To design an effective gas cleaning unit, it is necessary to investigate the exact tolerance limits of SOFCs for the contaminants from faecal matter.

Experiments Tests are being carried out on single cells and anode-symmetric cells: Current-Voltage characteristics for various fuel mixes can be obtained which can be used to analyze the effect of fuel composition on the cell performance.

In order to efficiently control the system and guarantee its safe operation, important variables are monitored: pressures, temperatures, mass flows, and gas composition.

Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy provides details about the electrochemical behavior of the anodes or cathodes with different fuels/oxidants and operating conditions. Electrochemical impedance contributions diffusion, reactions etc. are evaluated.

Next steps


Extensive contaminant testing in order to define specific SOFC tolerance limits.

Long term testing/demonstration of the integrated system.

Closing the loop; reverting electricity to the gasifier and heat to the dryer and system optimization.


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