8 brand strategy poster

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Inspiring People to Become Part of a New Sanitation Solution The importance of branding

Values of a new sanitation brand: SANIR

What SANIR stands for

A brand is more than just a logo on a toilet building. It is the foundation that consistently holds together the entire sanitation solution with the purpose of establishing a trusting relationship with the users and other stakeholders. Branding is key to a positive change of perception and adoption of improved sanitation solutions in countries like India. The brand allows the project to tap into people’s aspirations, frustrations and motivations as well as to cover different areas of sanitation in the message. Sanir has been designed after executing extensive field research to fit the needs of the target users. It is positioned as an aspiring brand taking as a reference the status quo in urban informal settlements in India.

Research on the needs and aspirations of potential users together with future trends of the Indian context, led to the designation of a set of values for the brand to represent: Technology, Professionalism and Empowerment. These values are translated into different service touch points and are embedded in the design of the products and overall system. The figure below shows the main values and their translation into different important sub-values for the brand.

A partner in health, security safety and prosperity “SANIR“ is a strong, professional brand that sets to affect not only the sanitation habits of those who experience it but also contributes to alleviate poverty and creates opportunities. The brand is set to change the relationship that the final users have with sanitation solutions and help spread an overall positive message.

Positioning of a new toilet brand The following graph shows the position of Sanir in relation to existing practices that range from open defecation to public toilets to private toilets. Rather than being just a functional toilet, Sanir aims to provide people with Community Sanitation Centres (CSC) that are desirable and aspiring.


The brand is aimed to be positioned in between the anonymity of a public facility and the high cost of a private toilet.


Low Investment

High Investment


Sanir’s values translated into a reliable product service system

Improved sanitation One of the main objectives of Sanir is to provide solutions that create a more convenient, hygienic and secure sanitation experience. Sanir empowers citizens in need by providing safe access, good service, and health and sanitation solutions. This could help people to be able to perform better in their everyday lives.

“Our Sanir” in Hindi Ownership and visibility Literature and case studies show that new sanitation solutions in this context are more likely to be adopted if people accept it and regard them as their own. The brand has been designed to facilitate the ownership feeling amongst users. The tagline Apna Sanir stands for “Our Sanir” in Hindi, it is a catchy and easy to remember message that can invite users to take part in the Sanir solution.

Professionalism and pride Partners and employees of the Sanir sanitation system should believe in the company and its values. They should be proud and well compensated for their actions. Branding will act as a tool to promote professionalism, ownership and pride. Uniforms, vehicles, tools and facilities will be consistently branded to be easily identified and associated with quality, relevance and cleanliness.

CSC shops and promotion schemes Facility shops are, in part, a tool to promote the aspirational values of sanitation: self-care and personal image. They are build to be the main interaction point of the Community Sanitation Centres (CSC). Promotion schemes and membership referral systems are an integral part of their design. The main objective is to motivate people and change their perception regarding sanitation while empowering and saving costs for their families.

Entrepreneurship and cooperation

Social visibility Dignity

Social ascension and retribution

Sanir’s mascot

Children inclusion Children are one of the main target users of the Sanir sanitation system. If they learn the fundamentals of sanitation it is more probable they will practice them and transmit them in later parts of their lives. They can also have the power to convince their parents to adopt improved sanitation solutions. The Sani character is designed to interact with children and transmit such values in an easy, understandable and enjoyable way.

A partner in health, security safety and prosperity Health coverage

Saving schemes

Economic stability and prosperity over time


Membership system and added value services The membership system is designed to help members of the CSCs to save money compared to pay-per-use schemes and have access to improved sanitation solutions and healthcare systems. Each membership includes a micro-health insurance. The pricing strategy of the membership system encourages the enrolment of family members and rewards referrals.

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