Test-report 'Feel The Night'

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Test-report projectreport


Feel the night.

part I: Test-report [part II: Research-report] [part III: Design-report]

Projectreport R.J.R. de Haan

Windesheim University of Applied Sciences Projectcoach, A. van den Pauwert

Clafis Engineers Client, A. ter Velde


Test 1: early concept-test Test 2: scale-model test


Purpose Getting insight of the experiences from the target group when looking at representative illuminated surfaces.

Research question: “What provides the most interesting, curious experience for you, the spectator? And what could make you more curious?�

Requirements - small light source, that gives a fair indication of future lights. - small waterbox, that gives a fair indication of the conceptual future pond. - suface that gives a fair indication of the tower. - people similar to the target group

Test explanation - shallow box filled with a little bit of water - glowsticks - tile - ten respondents All respondents were asked the research question while spectating the illuminated water and tile.


Responds: Relevant quotes from people within the target group who saw the test from pictures. - “The combination colored light and water makes it very interesting.” - “It is really hard to tell what the effect on the tower will be like. Because this is just a simple flat surface and the tower will have a different texture and shape.”“By seeing the light as diffuse instead of from one point it gets a way calmer expression but that depends on the effect you want.” - “I think purple will have a stronger effect than red. Red liquid may be associated with blood.”

Illuminated water


Conclusions The experience-goals that are tried to be achieved (curiousity and warmth) are getting acknowledged by the spectators. However, they could be expressed in a better way on a different, more realistic model. There is not really a clear preference between an illuminated pond or an illuminated tower because – from the experience point of view - the required effect only gets achieved when both are illuminated. The pond has to be lit up because the dynamic effect of red light on restless water really fits with the experience-goal curiosity. But also, the tower should be lit up because there won’t be a wish to enter the tower as long as it is black and the architectural details are left in the dark. For a proper experience of curiosity both the pond as the tower should be illuminated.


Purpose Getting insight of the experiences from the target group when looking at an illuminated scale model. Research question: “What would you experience if you would walk around this tower? What words come to mind?”

Requirements - scale model of tower (lacquered, turned wood) - scale model of square (tile and wooden surface) - water - LED’s - people similar to the target group (partly different than first test)

Test explanation - scale model of tower (lacquered, turned wood) - scale model of square (tile and wooden surface) - water - LED’s - people similar to the target group (partly different than first test) Test was performed as shown in following images. All respondents were asked the research question while spectating the illuminated pond and tower.


Responds: Quotes from three people within the target group who saw the test from pictures. - “Red is, obviously, a lot warmer.” - “If this was on real scale I would find it nice and calm, nothing too much.” - “Purple is more interesting.” - “It would be even more mysterious if the light-source wasn’t visible at all, more diffuse.” - “The circular rings of the tower get illuminated funny.” - “Purple seems to shine brighter or further.”



Conclusions The diffuse lighting achieves the experience goals. Most of the respondents mention words like ‘curiosity’, ‘interesting’ or ‘mysterious’ with the purple and ‘warm’ or ‘cozy’ with the red. indicates that the experience of the model is being achieved. There were no associations with blood or prostitution as feared before research. Purple shone brighter in the test than red but that was due to the used LED-strip. Experience-goals are getting achieved by light-colour and set-up.


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