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t n o Chapter 1 All in the family

s t n e 7

Prelude Origins

The love story that started it all.


A look at the different types of vampires.

Chapter 2 I thought...???


The vampire image that we grew up knowing.

Chapter 3 I think... The modern day vampire


Photo courtesy of


Origins The love story that started it all.


mbrogio was a young adventurer. Born and raised in Italy, he had always longed to travel to Greece to have his fortune told by the Oracle of Delphi. When he was an adult, he got on a boat and sailed to the western edge of Greece, near Astakos. He traveled east until he eventually reached the city of Delphi. Delphi was home to a great temple of Apollo, the sun god. It was also the home of the Pythia, better known as the Oracles. The Pythia would sit in a chamber within the temple and speak of prophecies, inspired by Apollo, to those who came to seek the Oracle’s wisdom. When Ambrogio finally arrived at the temple, he went to speak to the Pythia. The Pythia, whose words were often cryptic, said only a few words: “The curse. The moon. The blood will run.” He couldn’t sleep that night. He stayed awake outside of the temple, pondering the meaning of the Pythia’s words. As the sun rose in the morning he realized that he had not slept. As he walked back toward the town he saw a beautiful woman dressed in white robes

Artemis: Courtesy of


The Vampire Rules

walking to the temple. He ran over to her and introduced himself. Her name was Selene, and she was a maiden of the temple. Her sister was the Oracle, and so Selene tended to the temple and took care of her sister while in her entranced state. For the next few days every morning Ambrogio met Selene at dawn before she entered the temple. They soon fell in love. On his last day in Greece, Ambrogio asked Selene to marry him and return with him to Italy. She agreed. He said he would make the preparations then meet her at dawn the next morning at their meeting spot outside the temple. Apollo, the sun god, had been watching. He, himself, had taken a liking to the beautiful Selene and was enraged that Ambrogio would come to his temple and take one of his maidens away. At sunset that night, Apollo appeared to Ambrogio and cursed him so that from that day forth a mere touch of Apollo’s sunlight would burn Ambrogio’s skin. Ambrogio was distraught. He was set to leave with Selene in the morning, but he would not be able to meet her at sunrise as he promised because of the curse. Having nowhere else to turn, he ran to a cave that led to Hades for protection. Hades, god of the underworld, listened to his tale and made him a deal - if he could steal the sliver bow of Artemis and bring it back, Hades would grant him and Selene protection in the underworld. The deal specified that Hades would give

Ambrogio a magical wooden bow and 11 arrows to hunt with. He was to offer his hunting trophies to Artemis in order to gain her favor and steal her silver bow. As collateral, Ambrogio had to leave his soul in Hades until he returned with the bow. Should he return without the silver bow, he would have to live in Hades forever, never to return to Selene. Having no other choice, Ambrogio agreed. He had no way to contact Selene. He had parchments, but no writing implement, so he took his bow and arrow and killed a swan. Using its feather as a pen, and its blood as the ink, he wrote her a note explaining that he could not meet with her but would find a way for them to be together. He left the note in their meeting place and ran off to find a place to hide from the sunlight. Naturally, Selene was devastated when she found the note, but she kept working at the temple as she did not want to anger Apollo any further. The next morning, Selene went back to the meeting place, but once again Ambrogio was not there. She saw another piece of parchment with writing in blood on it. It was a love poem from Ambrogio. Before morning for 44 days Ambrogio slew a swan and used its blood to write Selene a love poem. After draining the blood and taking a single feather he offered the body of the swan as a tribute to Artemis, the goddess of hunting and the moon, and also sister to Apollo. He hoped that even if he could not steal her bow, she would be honored by the

tribute and would be able to convince her brother Apollo to remove the curse. On the 45th night, Ambrogio had only one arrow left. He shot it at a swan and missed, the arrow sailing into the distance. He had neither the blood to write Selene’s poem nor the swan to sacrifice to Artemis. He fell to the ground and wept. Seeing how good of a hunter and how dedicated of a follower Ambrogio had been, Artemis came down to him. He begged Artemis to let him borrow her bow and an arrow so he could kill one last bird and leave one final note to Selene. Artemis took pity on him and agreed to let him borrow her silver bow and an arrow. He took the bow, and in desperation, ran to the cave that led to Hades. Artemis realized what was happening and cast her own curse on him. The curse caused all silver burn his skin. Ambrogio dropped the silver bow and fell to the ground in pain. Artemis was furious at his deceit, but he begged her for forgiveness. He explained the deal he was forced to make with Hades, his curse by Apollo, and his love for Selene. He apologized profusely and swore that he had no other choice. Artemis took pity on him again and decided to give him one last chance. She offered to make him a great hunter, almost as great as she was, with the speed and strength of a god and fangs with which to drain the blood of the beasts to write his poems. In exchange for this immortality, he would have to agree to a deal. He and Selene would Are you a Vampire or What?


have to escape Apollo’s temple and worship only Artemis forever. The catch was that Artemis was a virgin goddess, and all of her followers had to remain chaste and unmarried, so Ambrogio was never allowed to touch Selene again. They could never kiss, never touch, never have children. Ambrogio agreed. At least this way he and Selene could be together. He killed another swan and left Selene a note telling her to meet him on a ship at the docks. Before dawn the next morning, she saw the note and ran away before Apollo could notice. When Selene arrived at the dock she found Ambrogio’s ship and met him down in the hull. There was a wooden coffin with a note on it, telling her to order the ship’s captain to set sail, and to open the coffin only after the sun had set. She did as the note said, and after sunset she opened the coffin to find Ambrogio alive and well. The couple sailed to Ephesus, where they lived in a cave during the day and worshiped Artemis at her grand temple every night. They lived happily together for many years, never touching, never kissing, never having children. After a number of years, Ambrogio’s immortality allowed him to stay young, but Selene continued to age as a mortal. She finally fell ill and was on her deathbed. Ambrogio was distraught, knowing that he would not join Selene in the afterlife because his soul still


The Vampire Rules

resided in Hades. At night, he went into the woods and found a white swan swimming alone in a small lake. He killed the swan and offered it to Artemis, begging for her to make Selene immortal so they could stay together forever. Artemis appeared to him. Thankful for his years of dedication and worship, she made him one last deal. Artemis told Ambrogio that he could touch Selene just once - to drink her blood. Doing so would kill her mortal body, but from then on, her blood mixed with his could create eternal life for any who drink of it. If he did this, Artemis would see to it that they stayed together forever. Ambrogio wanted to refuse, but after telling Selene what happened, Selene begged him to do it. After much convincing, he bit her neck and took her blood into his body. As he set her limp body down, Selene began to radiate with light, and raise up to the sky. Ambrogio watched as Selene’s glowing spirit lifted to meet Artemis at the moon. When she arrived, the moon lit up with a brilliant light. Selene became the goddess of moonlight, and every night she would reach down with her rays of light to the earth and finally touch her beloved Ambrogio as well as all of their children - the newly created vampires who carried the blood of Ambrogio and Selene, together.

11 Image courtesy of Are you a Vampire or What?

Chapter 1

All in the Family There’s more to this family tree than what meets the eye.


ome will say that there are two main different methods of feeding on life-force energy; sanguine and psi; and that all other forms of feeding are subcategories or specializations of psi feeding. Others will say that each feeding method is a different form of feeding, hence different “types� of vampires.

Sanguine Vampires Vampires who feed by drinking blood. However, it is not the blood itself that they are feeding on. It is the lifeforce energy contained within the blood. Blood drinking is arguably the most potent form of feeding on life-force energy, and many sanguinarians can thrive for many weeks from a single feeding. (A single feeding is often about an ounce or two of blood taken from a willing donor.) Sanguinarians often describe blood drinking as a very fulfilling, very powerful and somewhat intoxicating experience. It also tends to be a rather intimate form of feeding.

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(or sanguinarians)



Astral Vampires

Vampires that are able to travel through the astral plane and feed off of the life-force energies of other entities within the astral plane, and/or they are able to materialize in astral form and feed off the life-force energies of people that are usually asleep.


The Vampire Rules

Dreamscape Vampires

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Vampires are essentially astral vampires that are able to enter into a person’s dream, and feed from the life-force energies within the dream. They can be invisible observers in the dream, or they can manifest themselves within the dream. Some are able to influence the course of the dream.

Magikal Vampires

Vampires that are able to feed on and manipulate magickal energies

Soul Vampires

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Vampires that are able to feed directly off the energy of a person’s soul. As a result of soul feeding, soul vampires will sometimes gain some or all of the abilities of the person they are feeding from. Soul vampires will also sometimes receive memories, thoughts and desires of the person that they are feeding from. Soul feeding is a very intimate form of feeding, even more so than sexual and sanguine feeding. Soul vampires are also sometimes referred to as soul devourers. more vampire types continued on pg 18 Are you a Vampire or What?



From the pages of boo Bram Stoker dies from tetiary syphillis. Even though the book is successful, he did not prosper from the publication and dies a “broke” man.

“Carmilla”, by Sheridan Le Fanu,

about a lesbian vampire who preys on a lonely young woman.

Dracula, the first Universal Studio Dracula film, debuts with Bela Lugosi as Count Dracula

Partly inspires Bram Stoker’s “Dracula”.



1931 Time Warp




Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” gets published.

“The Vampyre” by John Plidori, portrays an aristocratic man like the character Dracula.

Nosferatu, by German director F. W. Murnau, debuts. Stoker’s Widow tries to shut it down due to copyright infringement

s Career

oks to the big screen. The Lost Boys is about two Arizona brothers who move to California and end up fighting a gang of teenage vampires. The title is a reference to the Lost Boys in J. M. Barrie’s stories about Peter Pan and Neverland.

Interview with a Vampire is a novel that centers on vampire Louis de Pointe du Lac, who tells the story of his life to a reporter. Rice composed the novel after the death of her daughter Michelle, who served as an inspiration for the childvampire character Claudia.


Twilight is the first of the Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight Saga. A new generation embrace the “new” vampire


Time Warp

2008 Time Warp



Bram Stoker’s Dracula is an American erotic horror film directed and produced by Francis Ford Coppola, based on the novel Dracula by Bram Stoker. Blade is a fictional character, a superhero and vampire hunter in the Marvel Comics Universe that is well known in the realm of geekdome.

Time Warp

From nocturnal, blood thirsty, sexual fiends to glittery, beautiful, romantic “vegetarians,” vampires will always survive the next evolution

vampire types continiued from pg 15

PSI Vampires (or psy) Vampires that feed psychically on life force energies. Psi feeding (in any form) can be done from an individual (most often a willing donor) or from the ambient energies of a group or crowd. However, psi feeding can also be done from a person without the person realizing that they are being fed from, although many may consider it to be unethical to do so. Generally though, the person being fed from is not harmed by the feeding in any way. It should be noted that there is no difference between a psi vampire and a psy vampire, other than the spelling. As for the difference in spellings, the only conclusion I have been able to reach is that psi is an abbreviation of psionic, while psy is an abbreviation


The Vampire Rules

of psychic. However both terms, psionic and psychic, refer to psychic phenomena. Psi vampires used to be referred to as psychic vampires, but the field of behavioral psychology has co-opted the term psychic vampire to describe a person who has a psychological need for attention and will do whatever they can to get that attention from anyone and everyone, leaving those that interact with them feeling drained. Psi vampires avoid using the term psychic vampire to differentiate themselves from the behavioral psychology psychic vampires. Some will also refer to psi vampires as pranic vampires, derived from the term prana, a Sanskrit term literally translated as life-force energy.

Sexual Vampires

Vampires who feed on the life-force energies generated from having sex, especially the excess energies generated at the moment of orgasm. They can do so psychically and/or from bodily fluids. Female sexual vampires are sometimes referred to as succubi (singularly, succubus), and male sexual vampires are sometime referred to as incubi (singularly, incubus). Some will also refer to sexual vampires as tantric vampires. Others will refer to sexual vampires as pranic vampires. There is sometimes debate within the vampire community if referring to sexual vampires as pranic vampires is correct or not as there are some within the vampire community that refer to psi vampires as pranic vampires, which could lead to some confusion when talking about pranic vampires. Those that support referring to sexual vampires as

pranic vampires argue that pranic energies and prana are two different things, and that pranic energies are energies related to sex while prana is just life-force energies. There are those that think the use of the labels tantric and pranic in reference to sexual vampires is an attempt by some within the vampire community at political correctness who feel that the term sexual vampire is derogatory and/ or offensive or simply think that tantric and pranic “sound� better than sexual. However, it is also possible that those who use tantric or pranic when talking about sexual vampires are doing so to differentiate them from any link to behavioral psychology which seems to also be co-opting the term sexual vampire to describe a person who has a psychological need for attention (much like a psychic vampire) through sex.

Are you a Vampire or What?


Elemental Vampires


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Vampires that are able to feed on the life force energies of the elements; earth, wind, fire, and water. Some will say that elemental vampires are elementalists who are able to manipulate elemental energies and then convert those energies into consumable life-force energies. Others will say that elemental vampires feed directly from elemental lifeforce energies. There are also those that will say that vampires who feed on lifeforce energies from plants and animals are also elemental vampires. However, there are those that distinguish such vampires as nature vampires. Another method of feeding often considered a subcategory or specialization of elemental feeding is electrical feeding; the indirect feeding on energies in electrical fields and lightning. Others will distinguish such vampires as electrical vampires.


The Vampire Rules

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Vampires who feed on emotional life-force energies from the emotions of people. There are those that will say that vampires that feed on negative emotional energies (anger, fear, etc.) are negative/chaotic vampires and are a subcategory/specialization of empathic vampires. Others will say that negative/chaos vampires are separate from empathic vampires. The reason is that empathic vampires will usually feed on whatever emotions a person is feeling without necessarily causing those emotions. However, often negative/chaos vampires will cause situations where negative emotions and chaotic energies will be stimulated and then feed off of those energies.

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Empathic Vampires


THE FATHER OF IT ALL Vlad the Impaler

Prince Vlad, or as he was called even in his own time, Dracula (which means “Son of the Dragon”) tops the list of Romania’s many, many Christian crusaders who, in the transition years between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, fought to keep the Muslimfaithed Ottoman Turks out of their country. Odd that a name known for stirring nightmares actually belonged to a crusader of a religious cause! Still, Dracula was not a saint. He ruled his military kingdom of Wallachia — southern Romania — with a heavy and blood-soaked fist. To not only the Turks but also to many of his own countrymen he was Vlad The Impaler, Vlad Die Tepes (pronounced Tee-pish).

Determined not to be overtaken by the intrigue of an intriguing political underhandedness, in a world in which princes fell daily to smiling, hypocritical “allies,” paranoia among the aristocracy was, and probably needed to be, utmost in a sovereign’s disposition. Dracula built a defense around him that dared not open kindness nor trust to anyone. During his tenure, he killed by the droves, impaling on a forest of spikes around his castle thousands of subjects who he saw as either traitors, wouldbe traitors or enemies to the security of Romania and the Roman Catholic Church. Sometimes, he slew merely to show other possible insurgents and criminals just what their fate would be if they became troublesome. Are you a Vampire or What?


Chapter 2

Slick Hair

Mysterious Eyes, prominent Eyebrows Pointy Ears

Fangs showing Always dressed to impress

I thought...


ampires always wore black with a cloak, hair slicked back, and a mysterious aire about him...


he vampire we know lived on the screen, with physical characteristics of pale skin, elongated face, perky ears, and protruding fangs. He had manners (which in this day and age is a dying practice). Vampires were classy and debonaire but also your worst nightmare when you became their source of nourishment. Here is a list of traits of the vampire you know... knew. They need blood to survive because it is the elixir of life, without blood they will die. The blood gives them energy, power and replenishes their body. It is the key to immortality

They have the ability to shapeshift in other words change into an animal like bats, rats, cats, raven and wolves. ey have the power to control Th animals(the animals that they can change into). They live in their graves during the day and rise during the night ey have no reflections, so Th when they look in the mirror they don’t see anything ampires die if they have been V staked through the heart by wood, burned or by decapitation and removing the brain.

They only come out at night because they fear sunlight.

eligious symbols do not harm R folklore vampires.

They grow stronger, tempering with time.

hen vampires drink the blood W of a person that person will turn into a vampire.

In folklore, it is not mentioned that vampires have fangs. ey have an angular face and a Th waxy complexion--looking pale and drained.

hen a person dies violently, W committed suicide or was wrongly accused and killed, he or she may become a vampire. And then, there are misconceptions... Are you a Vampire or What?


M i scon cepti o ns Misconception:  Vampires are seductive, powerful, hypnotic creatures Reality:  Vampires are just like everyone else, although generally tend to have more intense, charismatic personalities. Misconception:  Vampires don’t need jobs Reality:  Vampires need to earn a living just like everyone else. They hold all types of jobs from the mundane to the exciting, just like everybody else also. Misconception:  Vampires are physically immortal and/or undead Reality:  Vampires are physically mortal, with immortal souls. Vampires live normal lifespans and normal lives and have never, at any point in their physical life, died and risen from the grave. Misconception:  Vampires are repelled by garlic/crosses/roses/etc Reality:  Vampires can eat anything, are of all religions and the only time they might be repelled by a rose is if the thorn happens to prick them Misconception:  Vampires are physically immortal and/or undead Reality:  Vampires are physically mortal, with immortal souls. Vampires live normal lifespans and normal lives and have never, at any point in their physical life, died and risen from the grave. Misconception:  Vampires are repelled by garlic/crosses/roses/etc Reality:  Vampires can eat anything, are of all religions and the only time they might be repelled by a rose is if the thorn happens to prick them :) Misconception:  Vampires drink only blood Reality:  Vampires come in two types: The blood drinking type (sanguivores) and the energy absorbing type (psy-

vamps). They, just like any other human, cannot survive without a regular diet of food and drink as well. Misconception:  Vampires are evil and know what they are doing is evil and wrong Reality:  Evil is a relative term, and there is no being on earth who can state with any validation what is good and what is evil. There are a great many evil humans out there too, anyway. Furthermore, not all vampires even know they are vampires...let alone contemplating whether their vampirism makes them good or bad. Misconception:  Vampires can’t go out in sunlight Reality:  Vampires can go out in sunlight, it just generally tends to hurt their eyes and/or give them heat rashes/ headaches or illness (to varied degrees) Misconception:  The only way a vampire can be killed is through sunlight/staking/add other fictional vampire-killing method here Reality:  Vampires can die of anything from bullets to AIDS to even a stake through the heart...just like any other human being. Sunlight; however, will not kill a vampire...this is a fictional device. Misconception:  Vampires sleep in coffins/wear capes/have fangs/ are extremely pale/cast no reflection/etc * Reality:  Vampires are just like everyone else, as I’ve said. Many look, dress and live quite normally. None are borne with fangs (tho anyone and everyone can get fangs surgically implanted)...all cast reflections...and the only reason a vampire might be a tad paler than most is an avoidance of sunlight (if they are sensitive to it). Oh, One more thing! Vampires Do Not Glitter! Are you a Vampire or What?


Chapter 3

I think...


The Vampire Rules

the vampire image has been “revamped� to survive in this technological age and beyond it...


ou look at vampires from any given era and you see what [people] thought was frightening. You see what they thought was sexy, and what they thought was forbidden. – Eric Nuzum, NPR


lthough over a century has passed since Bram Stoker published Dracula, the novel still influences our culture and society today, challenging many writers to try and recreate “the vampire” in a modern light. In Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight, the vampire’s image is changed from attacker to protector because of one of the main characters, Carlisle Cullen, head of the Cullen clan. Though Dracula and Carlisle are completely different in character, both books--and movies-have had amazing success. How could this be? The answer is the image of “the vampire” is continually changing. Count Dracula and Carlisle Cullen differ because society’s image of the vampire has changed over time, shaping it into what the readers want. When Stoker wrote Dracula, he never expanded on Count Dracula’s true origins, except to say that he is of the Szekely race and of noble descent. “Here I am noble. I am boyar, the common people know me, and I am master” (Stoker, Dracula 26). By leaving Dracula’s beginnings a mystery, Stoker heightens the reader’s curiosity and makes Dracula seem more dangerous. In Twilight, Carlisle’s origins are known. “[He] was born in London, in the sixteenforties….just before Cromwell’s rule.” (Meyer, Twilight 331). In Stoker’s time,

people wanted a creature that could scare them, thrill them, keep them on the edge of their seat, but in the Twilight crazed world of today, the vampire’s image is that of the courageous hero who abstains from committing the deeds his predecessors have done. People today aren’t looking for an image that scares them. Knowing Carlisle’s origins makes him seem even less dangerous and more appealing, and more viewers sympathize with him and his determination to be morally good. Carlisle Cullen is the epitome of this new breed of good vampire. When he was bitten and “knew what he had become, he rebelled against it. He tried to destroy himself.” Then when he realized that he could live off of animals instead of humans, “he realized that there was an alternative to being the vile monster he feared.” (Meyer, Twilight 334). To help alleviate his guilt, he overcomes his thirst for human flesh and begins working as a doctor. “What I enjoy the most is when my…enhanced abilities let me save someone who would otherwise have been lost. It’s pleasant knowing that, thanks to what I can do, some people’s lives are better because I exist.” (Meyer, New Moon 34). When compared to this modern day vampire, Count Dracula seems like the devil personified. If he has a moral

[Society] wants a sexy, gorgeous, more human character that they can sympathize with.

Are you a Vampire or What?


conscience, he never shows it, but instead roams the Transylvanian then English lands, where his helpless victims are killed or turned into vampires. “As the Count leaned over me and his hands touched me... a horrible feeling of nausea came over me, which, do what I would, I could not conceal.” (Stoker, Dracula 24). Though both Dracula and Carlisle come from the same race, they completely differ in characteristics because today’s society in general finds heroes more appealing. They don’t want to be scared by the vampire, with its dreadful looks and evil ways; they want a sexy, gorgeous, more human character that they can sympathize with. Lynn Neary’s NPR article The Modern Vampire: Bloodthirsty, But Chivalrous explains that Dracula sometimes “conjures up the images of a sexy, mysterious, debonair aristocrat.” However, in Bram Stoker’s novel, the Count is depicted with strong features, “a domed forehead” (23), profuse hair, massive eyebrows, and a heavy mustache that hides his cruel looking mouth and sharp teeth. This sounds nothing like the Dracula people think of today, where he as seen almost like a sex symbol. In her article, Suddenly Sexual Women in Dracula, Phyllis Roth explains, “Clearly, then, vampirism is associated not only with death, immortality, and orality, it is equivalent to sexuality….. [it is] a disguise for greatly desired and equally strongly feared fantasies” (414). Twilight’s Carlisle Cullen was created to fill this need. Bella Swan, Twilight’s female protagonist, says upon their second meeting, “I’d seen Dr. Cullen before, of course, yet I couldn’t help but be struck again by his youth, his outrageous perfection.” (Meyer, Twilight 322). Not only is he good but also smart, forever young, and handsome, the kind of guy that any woman would want. Though Dracula and Carlisle both begin a “family,” the reasons they do so are completely different. Over the years, after drinking both men and especially women’s blood, Dracula forms a “family” of his own,


The Vampire Rules

three vampire wives. Though the women vampires are seductive, voluptuous, and beautiful, Dracula shows little interest in them and instead focuses his attentions on Lucy and then Mina. Unlike Dracula, Carlisle could be considered a “family man.” After centuries of helping humans and developing his diet of animal blood only, Carlisle, tired of being alone, thought of looking for a companion. “He’d been turning over the idea in his mind for several years, and he had almost decided to act-since he couldn’t find a companion, he would create one.” Though hungry for companionship, he was very hesitant to turn anyone because “he was loathe to steal anyone’s life away the way his had been stolen.” (Meyer, Twilight 341). However, when he found Edward, Twilight’s male protagonist, whose parents were already dead, dying of Spanish Influenza in 1918, Carlisle decided to act. “It was difficult.” Edward said of the act. “Not many of us have the restraint necessary to accomplish it. But Carlisle has always been the most humane, the most compassionate of us…I don’t think you could find his equal throughout all of history.” Carlisle Cullen could be called “the modern Dracula.” The image of the evil, murderous, blood thirsty creature of the night has been replaced with the handsome, perfect, almost human hero who is constantly fighting the forces of evil, both internal and external. Though Stoker’s Dracula will forever be remembered as the creature that started the vampire craze, the vampire image has drastically changed based on what society desires. The image has changed to a kinder, gentler vampire because people in general are fascinated with the idea of dazzling beauty and impenetrable immortality, both qualities that Dracula lacks. This image, however appealing, will eventually change yet again because society’s wants will always change. Because the vampire is continually changing, it never ceases to amaze people at how much it differs from the original Dracula.

The Vampire Rules credits:

p 5

p 10 All in the Family.<>; Vlad the Impaler: <>.


p 14 & 15 Dracula’s Career (timeline) <>; images: "Carmilla" <>;"The Vampyre" <http://www.shereadsnovels.files.wordpress. com>;"Dracula" <>;Bram Stoker: <>; Nosferatu: <>; Bela Lugosi:<>; The Lostboys: <>; Bram Stoker's Dracula: <>; Interview with a Vampire: <>; Blade:<>; Twilight: <>.

p 20

I t hought.... (and Misconceptions).... <>; <http://www.vampchars.html>


I t hink.......................<>

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