Usageguide v1interactive

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June 2014

Usage Guide


Before you get started



6 Layout Building Layout........................................... 7 Creating Folio.............................................. 9 Setting Styles................................................10 Time to add Content...................................12 Creating Assignments.................................14

Before you get started

You need to set up your work station. The main program that will be used is InDesign. Open InDesign and set up a workspace by selecting tools you will use from the WINDOWS menu (top tool bar). Name and save your workspace incase you need to reset it. Tools to have are pages, links, info, stroke, swatches, gradient, color, effects, styles (character, paragraph, object), text wrap, align, pathfinder, and layers. Do the same to the other programs that you will use like photoshop and illustrator. Open Master file from the shared drive. When files opens, package file and rename it using naming convention (Month_Year). Your desktop folder should have files with some folders for Document Fonts and Links. You will need to close the Master File and can do one of two things: 1. close the file and go to desktop folder and rename the indesign file from there or 2. Keep the Master file open and Save As and rename file using naming conventions (Month_ Year_Issue_v#: October_2014_Issue_v1) then go to desktop folder and delete the original Master file. When working on a master, open most recent file and save as a new version. For example: June.v1 is opened for changes, immediately save as June.v2 and make changes needed. This way, should v2 become corrupted there is a backup. Try to keep the master file from having several versions. Keep it clean by moving the older versions to the versions folder. The master folder should just have the most recent working file. At the end, it will contain the final version and a pdf.

Using the Template The template has been set up as a guide. It is also designed to be used by people that have never done layout or are not too familiar with InDesign. This layout is not set in stone and can be changed. Notes have been made on the template. The ad sizes are included so you can copy and paste. The paragraph, character and object styles are set...use them. Spacers are included on every spread for your convenience.


There are 2 Logos. One is a stand-alone logo and the other is for the flag (nameplate) of the tabloid.


Date 2014 PR




Stand-alone This logo is usually accompanied with the ACCENT name and slogan. But can be used alone for design/space purposes


This logo is placed on the front cover. It is usually white but color can be changed to suit the cover. Fonts used: Gill Sans bold is used for ACCENT using small caps (only first letter is actual capital). Baskerville is used for the slogan, website, and date. This logo is a vector file (Illustrator). If changes need to be made, you can make changes from Indesign to Illustrator by selecting logo, go to links and then open drop down menu and select EDIT WITH Illustrator. File will open in Illustrator. Make changes and save. Changes will be reflected in InDesign. If set up process was followed, then all you have to do is save file as opposed to save as and renaming file. If renaming file, that means you need to relink file to the one that was changed and renamed.

**Ask before making any changes**

Flatten Change Fonts Re-arrange


Open InDesign You will be working off a template from the network server. Select Open and then select the template from designated area.


Original Template

Renamed file

Once template is open, PACKAGE file. When asked to save, it will ask for you to name the folder. Give it naming convention (Month_Year_Issue_v#: October_2014_ Issue_v1)and set it to your desktop. You can go to desktop folder and rename InDesign file from there or save the file to desktop folder by using SAVE AS and name it accordingly. You will have 2 files. Delete the Master template.


Building Layout This is in the event that you have to build a layout from scratch. Most of the work has been done for you in the template.

Open InDesign


Facing pages checked

16 pages 11 in 12 in 6 columns

.1667 in

1 in .75 in

.5 in .5 in

No Bleed 7

Click pages tool on right hand tool bar.

Create new master pages for each section

Section Name Leave alone. 2 pages Custom size


11 12

remains the same

Only thing changed is the master name to section name. Create for all Sections.


Creating folio


Click on B master page left side (also known as verso). Go to left bottom margin and create a text box right below it. In the text box, go to TYPE - Insert Special character - Markers - Current Page: number of master page will appear then type the rest: B | ACCENT. You will see the page number when you click on the page that the master page is applied to. Click on the right side B master page and create a text box at bottom right margin. Set the text to align right. Repeat to set page # but type: February 2013 | B (Month Year | page) Repeat for all sections. Use copy and paste. If permanent guides needed, be best to set on master page. Small caps 9

Setting Styles

Paragraph Styles Click on Paragraph styles. At bottom, click New Style. Paragraph Option box will open. Click on Style Name and name accordingly...Header, Body. Make sure that on BASE ON box that No Paragraph Style is selected. Click on Basic Character Format. Set font settings according to list below. Additional styles will be assigned. **NOTE: ** Headlines use sans serif fonts. Serif fonts are better at getting reader’s attention. (Myriad Pro) The body copy (text) uses sans serif fonts to help guide the reader’s eye from left to right. (Minion Pro)




font family: Myriad Pro Font Style: Semibold Size: 9 pt leading: 10 pt

font family: Myriad Pro Font Style: Semibold Size: 9 pt leading: 9 pt

font family: Myriad Pro Font Style: Semibold Size: 7 pt leading: 7 pt







font family: Myriad Pro Font Style: Semibold Size: 9 pt leading: 10 pt aligment: right

font family: Myriad Pro Font Style: Bold Size: 36 pt leading: 37 pt


font family: Minion Pro Font Style: Regular Size: 11 pt leading: 12 pt Indent & Spacing: First line Indent: .1528pt


font family: Myriad Pro Font Style: Semibold Size: 9 pt leading: 9 pt aligment: right

font family: Myriad Pro Font Style: Semibold Size: 20 pt leading: 21 pt

Section titles:

font family: Myriad Pro Font Style: Semibold italic Size: 18 pt leding: 0



font family: Myriad Pro Font Style: Semibold Size: 7 pt leading: 7 pt aligment: right


font family: Minion Pro Font Style: Semibold Size: 10 pt leading: 10 pt Nested style: byline name through 1 forced line break

Character Styles Click on Character styles from top tool bar or right toolbar if you set it up. At bottom, click New Style. Character Option box will open. Click on Style Name and name accordingly. Click on Basic character format under General. Set font settings. Additional styles will be assigned.

Byline Name:

font family: Minion Pro Font Style: Semibold Size: 12 pt leading: 13 pt

Cutline title:

font family: Myriad Pro Font Style: Bold Size: 11 pt leading: 11 pt Case: All small caps Character Style

Nesting Styles

HARD AT WORK — on creating new rows of soil on the morning of November 16 to

This is the tricky part! Once you have your styles set, you can create nesting styles for text that need to be stylized. For example, the cutlines are composed of Cutline Title Character Style and Cutline Paragraph Style.

replace the summerv

In order to achieve this, you need to set the body of the text in the paragraph style. Then you have to create the style for the title in the characther style. In order to make the nesting work • • • • • • • •

Paragraph Style

go to paragraph styles and choose the style click on the drop down menu and select style options Go to Drop Caps and Nested Styles Nested Styles is middle box. Select New Nested Style button Click on first box to choose Character Style Second box gives option of through and up to Third box is option for number of character, words, symbols... Fourth box gives option of characters, symbold, words..etc.

For this example, a non-breaking space was used.

Non-breaking Space


Time to add Content Start out placing the whole page ads in their designated pages. Create frames using a 1pt inside stroke. All photos will have a .5 pt stroke. Some photos will require text wrap depending on placement. Make sure pages have headline, deck, byline, photo frames, cutlines, body. Use lorem ipsum: TYPE - Fill with Placeholder text. For the first few word of the lorem ipsum text type out what it is ex: This is Headline using loremipusm or This is Deck with lorem ipusumdk flaksdfjasl; fjdskal;fja;sk;ksas; Check story assignments on google drive for word counts. Create the text box and fill with word count using lorem ipsum from brower. InDesign placeholder text option only fills the text frame and does not let you specify word count. In browser type in http:// and set up word count. Initial page setup does not have to be perfect. During design, things will be rearranged.

Ad Sizes Full Page (10 x 10.5) - Inside Cover Business Card (3.5 x 2) 1/4 SQ page (4.95 x 5.25) 1/2 V page (4.95 x 10.5) 1/4 H page (10 x 5.25) 1/4 H page (10 x 5.25) 1/4 V (2.43 x 10.5) 1/4 SQ page (4.95 x 5.25) Full Page (10 x 10.5) - Back Cover **For other sizes see Media Kit Rate Sheet**

Spacers: 1p=.1667 P9= .125 P6= .0833 P3= .0417






This is the Deck. Minctatum eum reici consed quam quisit ipsa sam reperem incto int ut volendus cum eium voluptum fuga. Tate doles veliquunt veles est, sequ Staff Name

Staff Position

1p 1p

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur egestas quam commodo dui mattis consectetur. adipiscing elit. Aliquam malesuada turpis ac mi Nam ut nisl mi. Sed cursus, justo et facilisis blandit, pulvinar at molestie nunc adipiscing. Suspendisse neque.Ugiti omni sitas molupta temporporpor pharetra adipiscing dapibus. Vestibulum vel quam assimagnate porum fuga. Equis voluptasi doloriam et est dapibus lobortis. MorbiYou ut leo nulla, in cursus experia iur? can create columns manually orUcid haveestion 1 re, audae conempori aci lorem. Pellentesque scelerisque pellentesque dui utemqui dolorem osapernat. select # of columns on to toolbar facilisis aliquam. In eu egestastext Sedand auctor ipsum Iqui rest, te vent es sequiatia simolor esequis vel nulla gravida tincidunt. Vivamus molestie lacus nonsediost, tem sed quodi ad est, exerrum lab eu diam accumsan interdum. ipsum duci dolor a plis sitem fugia nam liquibus ma as quibearumque et lia conseque con porrovit Vestibulum mattis vulputate ante vel sodales. quamet quaersp issusae recus net voluptat parunt Nunc quis risus lectus. Praesent vitae massa restotaquae cuptatusdae sequos solorum quis quam nisl. Cras volutpat lobortis convallis. Fusce ac lant re vendion none provitatus quatia debis rat dapibus arcu. Vestibulum accumsan metus vitae iligendel ium fugiatem dolut fugiandae velloriam, lorem adipiscing vehicula. Maecenas velit metus, ne num delique re nienis reiuscia atist, nimi, vitas commodo sed placerat at, ultricies quis dui. Ut di non poribus perspiciisi cus autatur sam, sim vehicula sapien id odio auctor ac lacinia arcu voluptate invellique pa nimus earcientem. Et aciam, tempor. Sed convallis imperdiet nisi, eu ultricies est, corios dit moloruntis conecer spernatioris is eat. lectus blandit eu. Pellentesque tincidunt ipsum a Bearis voluptatis atatemp oritas si delitem olore, urna ullamcorper viverra eu eu odio. ipsapis et la evel magnate mposape rfererat. Apit omnihit mod que perum volor sequo blandis In est mi, rutrum vitae lacinia sit amet, dolut essed eseceped mi, odis sapicietur, quam pellentesque ut sapien. Etiam a mattis turpis. Nunc dolupta tempore ped eum iminvereped et aci nobis nisi lorem, dignissim scelerisque ultricies sit amet, es simaximust quuntur? On conseque molorporeped luctus quis magna. Nullam a orci vel augue dapibus quam que nem rem ese ratur acient mini officiae bibendum in in neque. Etiam nec dolor turpis, eget liqui sam eatem faceptu rempore rovidipicae acius, pharetra justo. Praesent non metus lacus, accumsan quis eicidem dolorep uditibustia ipsum hitam venit interdum urna. Vestibulum vel augue ipsum. Fusce eaque omnimos et undi od quis nimusdaectis atint.


below photo: spacer 3p below staff name: spacer 6p

Staff Photographer Name

PHOTOCUTLINE — This is the photocutline .Empor am nost, imaximus dolorum re, optium laborpo remoluptur? Ehendig nihiligendit atus do

Creating Assignments in InDesign When the design is complete, it is time to create assignments for InCopy. Anything that will be updated will have an assignment: headline, byline, cutline etc. Only elements such as folio, images, cover & title, ads, and masthead will remain static (no assignments needed).

Click on item that needs assignment. Right click mouse and option box will open


This window will appear. Name Assignment: header_features (Naming convention: (item)_section. If more than one story on page/section add more identifiers such as header1_features) It will assign a location for file based on the location of the Indesign file. No need to make changes but give it a scan to make sure it is going to right folder. Leave Include alone. Click OK Assignment is created. There will be times when assignments will not show up. Refresh layout by saving. Also check links. Update out of date assignments To learn more please go to google drive. There is an InCopy manual and a Workflow pdf available. If the folder is not shared with you, please email me and I will share folder.z




S 4400 College Park Dr., Rm #2107 Round Rock, TX 78655 Phone: 512.223.0122 Email:

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