Baile Felix & Oradea - Romania

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THE IDEA "Mens sana in corpore sano" - a healthy mind in a healthy body. A spa holiday in Felixbad provides new strength and recovery, regardless of whether you want to cure or prevent. This illustrated book brings you closer to the enchanting Felixbad.r.


Baile Felix is the largest and most famous spa and health resort in Romania. It is a located very advantageous and only 250 km away from Budapest and 500 km from Vienna. SC Turism Felix SA has made massive investments in recent years towards the infrastructure to create all guests a more comfortable and restful stay. The main attractions are the thermal water, the swimming pools, numerous wellness centers and modern treatment facilities, all in hotels rated with 2 to 4 stars. Particularly noteworthy were the Hotel International, the Hotel Complex Terman Nufarul, Hotel Poienita, Hotel Mures and the Apollo Felix Strand. At the moment, a five-star hotel is being build, which will be the culmination of the hotel landscape of Baile Felix. The international certifications like EUROSPA-med, TUV and the Iso quality management system 9001 guaranties to tourists the quality of the services offered by Sc Turism Felix SA. The 110 double rooms (from which 3 rooms for persons with disabilities), 80 single rooms and 20 apartments, the restaurant, the treatment base, the wellness center, the conference rooms the pools and the ter-

races on Hotel International ****, are equipped with the technology and the facilities to complete your expectations which you have from an international five stars hotel. The international restaurant, treatment rooms on the latest technical state, a wellness center, fully technical equipment conference rooms and not to forget the huge pool area, offers the type of pleasure to all visitors, which is actually expected in five-star locations. Our hotel restaurant offers the right ambience, whether you want a business lunch, cocktails, or a romantic dinner for two. We will make your stay in Felixbad a memorable one and we look forward to your visit.

Florian Serac



HEALTH & RECREATION Baile Felix is located in Bihor County and is the largest spa and resort in Romania. The name was given by the monk Felix, abbot of the monastery of Szentmรกrton. He discovered the healing properties of the thermal springs at about the year 1000.

BATH OF FELIX From 1711 until 1721, the spa was first historically mentioned, as a place for the treatment of patients. With more than 200 thermal springs Felixbad is the largest resort in Romania.

WHO IS WHO IN BAILE FELIX Important figures such as Marlene Dietrich, Claudia Cardinale, Charlie Chaplin, Charles de Gaulle, Salvadore Dali, Aristotle Onassis and Jacqueline Kennedy were among the spa guests of the renowned bath.

TREATMENT OF THE FOLLOWING DISEASES • Rheumatic inflammatory diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, debilitating spondylosis, acute articular rheumatism) in biological stabilization prior. • Degenerative rheumatism. • Spondylosis (neck, back and loinspondylose) with or without Cervikobrachialgy. • Sciatica and lumbago. • Arthrosis, polyarthrosis. • Articular rheumatism: tendonitis, tendinitis, Tendomyosen, Periarthrita scapulos humeralis. • Post-traumatic conditions: sequelae of surgical procedures on the joints, bones after breaking distortions and contortions. • Central and peripheral neuropathy: hemiparesis, paraparesis, various paresis.



WATER LILIES The water lily "Nymphaea lotus var Thermalis" is the symbol of the bath and was found in 1789 by the botanist P. Kita Bible and named in 1908 by Johann Tuzson.

The water lily that grows in the thermal waters of Felixbad is related to the Nile water lily. In the park there are also long-stemmed pink lotus plants. Not to be overlooked are the many turtles that feel very comfortable in mineralized water.



LEISURE TIME Numerous parks invite the visitors for a walk. For guests who want to relax not only in massage and therapy, but also want to refill their mental batteries, Baile Felix offers optimal conditions.

SPA PARK In the Spa Park, there are two skillful ornated wooden churches. Immediately following the park are the lily ponds. Around the park you will also find many shops, market stalls and cafes. Just make a hold on one of the many wodden benches and enjoy "relaxation galore". 8

STRAND APOLLO-FELIX The “Strand Apollo Felix - Beach� is a great water park, which offers each age group a lot. In addition to a large thermal pool, there are also numerous swimming pools, water slides and waterfalls. Not to mention the wave pool, in which periodically marine feelings arise.



TREATMENT The hotels, medical and bathing facilities are open all year round. Situated at an altitude of 140 m, Baile Felix offers a temperate continental climate. Favored by the weather and located close to major routes, Baile Felix is always in season.

THE MEDICAL DIRECTOR The mineral springs that Baile Felix is blessed with, have proven their excellent curative effects over several hundred years. In the professional treatment base of Hotel International, the possibilities are fully applied.

• Hydrotherapy (Caracalla hydromassage, underwater shower, galvanic baths, Stanger, etc) • Thermotherapy (paraffin and mud) • Hydrokinetotherapy, physiotherapy, Veno-lymphatic drainage,

• Eight types of massages (classic SwedThe temperature of the spring is between ish massage, relaxation massage, reflex41 ° C - 49 ° C and contains a salt concenology, cellulite massage, etc.). tration of about 1 gram per liter. The mineral water offers the entire muscu- In a nutshell, these therapies increase the loskeletal system of the human body recov- mobility of joints, muscles, improve blood circulation and relax reduce pain. ery, rehabilitation, prevention and cure. In addition to the relief of symptoms of many diseases, the treatment is also suitable for the prevention and general wellbeing of the spa guest. In Chapter 2 you will find a list of treatable diseases we have.

Dr. Mirceau Tarau
 Med. Director

In our modern treatment rooms, numerous therapies are applied: • Electrotherapy (Diadynamics, ultrasound, laser, plating, etc.) 11

THE THERMAL SPRING Baile Felix is well known for the healing properties of its 41 째 C - 49 째 C thermal springs. The radon mineral water has a content of approximately 903 mg / l, chlorine, sulphates, bicarbonates, sodium, Potasium, calcium and magnesium.

THE TREATMENTS The essential aspects of the treatments in Felixbad are based on the excellent thermal and mineral waters. The water was awarded a gold medal at the World Fair in 1896.

TREATMENT IN THE HOTEL In many of the hotels the treatments can be carried out directly. On the following pages you'll find a short documentation on how the treatment centers look at the individual hotels.


HOTEL INTERNATIONAL In large, bright and friendly rooms treatments at the highest level are offered. The Hotel International is certified by the ESPA. (European Spas Association)


HOTEL POIENITA The main aim in all spa hotels is to ensure that the customer feels comfortable. Modern equipment, friendly staff and all under one roof, that is the recipe for success of Baile Felix.



HOTELS In Baile Felix are hotels in each price and comfort class. The medical treatment is undertaken in many hotels. The following is a representative overview of these spas, which would be very happy to take care of you.

HOTEL INTERNATIONAL The modern hotel complex was renovated in 2007. The International features a huge outdoor area and a fantastic cuisine. HOTEL.INTERNATIONAL@TURISMFELIX.RO FELIXSPA.COM/ TEL.: +40 259 318 445


HOTEL TERMAL In 2003 renovated middle-class hotel with 58 single, 114 double rooms and 6 suites. HOTEL.TERMAL@TURISMFELIX.RO FELIXSPA.COM/ TEL.: +40 259 318 298


HOTEL NUFARUL Renovated in 2004, the comfortable 3 star hotel features 6 single, 70 double rooms and 2 suites. HOTEL.NUFARUL@TURISMFELIX.RO FELIXSPA.COM/ TEL.: +40 259 318 142


HOTEL POIENITA The hotel is located about 500 meters from the city center. 14 single and 140 double rooms spread over 5 floors. HOTEL.POIENITA@TURISMFELIX.RO FELIXSPA.COM/ TEL.: +40 259 318 175





ORADEA Oradea or GroĂ&#x;wardein is the capital city of Bihor County. The city is divided into 16 districts and has about 200,000 inhabitants. Through the city flows the Crisu Repede River. Oradea is located 13 km from the Hungarian border.

GREEK CATHOLIC BISHOP PALACE The impressive building was completed in 1903 by architect Rimanoczy Kalman. After a troubled past, it is now back in the possession of the Greek-Catholic diocese.


ORADEA FORTRESS The fortress was built in the years 1114-1131. Later, in the years 1750 - 1789 the bastion was restored. The Oradea fortress has a pentagonal ground plan, with massive outer walls surrounded by a moat and five bastions.


ST. MARIA ASCENSION CATHEDRAL The Catholic St. Maria Ascencion Cathedral is the largest Baroque church in Romania. The Cathedral was built in 1752-1780. Since 1991, it bears the honorary title of Basilica Minor, which was awarded to her by Pope John Paul II.


THE CITY HALL PALACE OF THE BLACK EAGLE The Town Hall was built in 1903 and lies on the banks of the Crisu Repede River. The Black Eagle Palace and the Arcade is one of the most important buildings of the city. The impressive glass window was created in 1909 by K. Neumann.


MONASTERY OF THE HOLY CROSS Just a few kilometers from the city center of Oradea you find the impressive Monastery of the Holy Cross (Mănăstirea Ortodoxa Înălţarea Sfintei Cruci) on the Strada Facliei. A visit to the Monasterey is an absolute must if you are staying in Oradea.


MOON CHURCH The Orthodox Church with the Moon was built 1784-1790 after plans by Jakob Edler. In 1793, a mechanism was installed by the watchmaker George Rueppe indicating the phases of the moon.


STATE THEATRE The Viennese architects Fellner and Helmer built this impressive Palace of Culture in only 15 months. The State Theatre was built from 1899 to 1900. The entrance is flanked by the Goddesses of Tragedy and Comedy.



INFORMATION In the Information section you can find the addresses of Romanian tourism offices worldwide, as well as some maps and overviews. In addition, here are the sources of information and reference data.

OVERVIEW Here are some maps and views of Felixbad and Oradea. For more information, please contact your local Romanian National Tourist Office.









TOURIST OFFICES The list of Romanian tourism offices worldwide. If you are planning a trip to Romania, please trust to these agents. You will receive valuable tips for your trip and one or the other inside information.





Romanian Tourist Office Opera Ring 1, R Staircase, Floor 4, Door 404 1010 Vienna Tel: +43 (1) 317-31-57 Fax: +43 (1) 317-31-574 E-mail:

Romanian Tourist Office 12 Harley Street London W1G 9PG Tel: +44 (207) 224-36-92 E-mail:

Romanian Tourist Office Masfilmovskaya Street 35, Office 313 119330, Moscow Tel: +7 (499) 143-87-65 Fax: +7 (499) 143-86-72 E-mail:

ITALY FRANCE Office de Tourisme de Roumanie 7, Rue Gaillon 75002 Paris Tel: +33 (1) 40-20-99-33 Fax: +33 (1) 40-20 99-43 E-mail:


Turismo della Romania Via Torino 95, Galleria Esedra 00184 Rome Tel: +39 (6) 488-02-67 Fax: +39 (6) 4898-62-81 E-mail:


Romanian Tourist Office Calle Alcántara 49-51 28006 Madrid Tel: +34 (91) 401-42-68 Fax: +34 (91) 402-71-83 E-mail:

GERMANY Romanian Tourist Office Reinhardtstraße 47 10117 Berlin Tel: +49 (30) 400-55-904 Fax: +49 (30) 400-55-906 E-mail:

Ośrodek informacji Turystycznej Rumunii Krakowskie Przedmieście 47/51 00-071 Warszawa Tel / fax: +48 (22) 826-40-10 E-mail:

USA Romanian Tourist Office 355 Lexington Avenue, 8th Floor New York NY 10017 Tel / Fax: +1 (212) 545-8484 E-mail:


AT THE END This book was written with the support of the Romanian tourism office in Vienna and the local on-site assistance in Baile Felix.


FINALLY Oradea and Baile Felix are only a few kilometers from the Hungarian border. Coming from Austria, you drive almost continuously on highways and are able to reach the resort very comfortable. The friendliness of the hotel staff, the expertise and the courtesy of the medical staff was very impressive. The City of Oradea is a jewel with many stately buildings, a great downtown with cafes and shops and an interesting cultural offer. Rudolf J. Strutz Author & Photographer

What also particularly striking is the possibility to beautify his medical stay with excursions and events that are organized by the hotel. The staff of the Hotel International extend our special thanks. Because of the friendly and professional support of management and staff, specially the help of Cornelia Botez and Dir. Florian Serac, it was possible to realize this book in a short time.

SOURCES History of Baile Felix and treatments at the spa: Wikipedia, Varadinum Historic Map: Wikimedia, maps and satellite images: Google Maps and Google Earth. Address material of the hotels and overview maps: SC Turism Felix SA

TEXTS German and english version: Rudolf J. Strutz Romanian Version: Vlad E. Anitei und Dr. Simion Giurca


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