9 minute read
by Broadsheep
Great Grimm Tales
April & May ONE SIDE LIES THE SEA PENTABUS THEATRE, a co-production with THEATRE BY THE LAKE. A musical journey through the brilliant communities that inhabit our coastline. 23 April - Talbot Theatre, Whitchurch, 7.30pm, 01948 660660. 24 April - Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 7.30pm, 01584 878141. 25 April - Leintwardine Centre, 7.30pm, 01547 540554. 30 April - Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, 8pm, 01743 281281. 1 May - SpArC Theatre, Bishop’s Castle, 7.30pm, 01588 630321. 2 May - Quatt Village Hall, 7.30pm, 0333 666 3366. www.pentabus.co.uk Wed 1 & Thurs 2 April FAR FROM THE MADDING CROWD SHROPSHIRE YOUTH THEATRE. Love among the haystacks with all its joys and pains. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, 7.30pm, £15, £8 under 18s, 01743 281281. Thurs 2 April FAGIN? Join Fagin as he reviews his situation during his final night in prison before being hanged. As madness envelops him, he is ‘visited’ by some old aquaintances. Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon, 7.30pm, £1.250/£10.50, 01874 611622. Wed 8 & Thurs 30 April HARPY Starring Su Pollard. Birdie’s a hoarder. The neighbours call her a harridan and a harpy, although most have never met her. Something deeply cherished was stolen from her; Birdie’s not been able to give up anything since... 8 April - Theatr Hafren, Newtown, 7.45pm, £13, 01686 614555. 30 April - Borough Theatre, Abergavenny, 7.30pm, £18, under 16s £10, 01873 850805. Thurs 9 April BEACH BODY READY Join The Roaring Girls for a defiantly feel-good show which sticks two fingers up at how the media says you should look. For ages 14+. Borough Theatre, Abergavenny, 7.30pm, £14/£12, students £7, 01873 850805. 46
Tues 14 - Sat 18 April HEREFORD GANG SHO Hereford’s Scouts and Guides present a variety show full of song, dance and sketches. The Courtyard, Hereford, 7.15pm, plus 2.15pm on Saturday, 01432 340555. Fri 17 April ILLUSION/DELUSION BY DAVID POLLARD HAND TO MOUTH PRODUCTIONS. Is what you see what you get? (Not suitable for minors). Conquest Theatre, Bromyard, 7.30pm, 01885 488575. Wed 22 April HOW TO BE HAPPY THEATR WILDCATS explore the meaning of true happiness. Using a mixture of movement, drama, song and film. Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon, 7pm, £6.50, 01874 611622. Thurs 23 April GREAT GRIMM TALES BOX TALE SOUP present a new adaptation of Grimm’s most delicious tales, with stunning puppetry, innovative theatre and original score. The Courtyard, Hereford, 7.45pm, 01432 340555. Thurs 23 - Sat 25 April AGNES OF GOD LADS. Summoned to a convent, Dr Martha Livingstone, a court-appointed psychiatrist, is charged with assessing the sanity of Agnes, a novice accused of murdering her newborn, who she insists was the result of a virgin conception. Market Theatre, Ledbury, 7.30pm, £11, students £8, 07967 517125. Sat 2 May SPITFIRE SOLO Written and performed by Nicholas Collett. June 2000 - For 80 year old Peter Walker, ex-Battle of Britain pilot, an unexpected new challenge is about to begin. The play blends theatre, music and film. Market Theatre, Ledbury, 7.30pm, £14, students £10, 07967 517125. Sat 2 & Sun 3 May THE MAN WHO PLANTED TREES PUPPET STATE THEATRE. This classic enviornmental tale is a unique blend of comedy, puppetry and inspiring storytelling, suitable for children and grown-ups. 2 May - Priest Weston VH, 4pm, £10/£6/£28, 07854 441235. 3 May - The Hive, Shrewsbury, 7.30pm, £10/£6/£30, 01743 234970. Arts Alive.
Thurs 2 - Sat 4 April FOOTLOOSE NMTC. Footloose tells the story of Ren, a high-spirited child who moves from the big city to a small, religious town where dancing, his one true passion, is forbidden. For ages 11+. Theatr Hafren, Newtown, 7.30pm, plus Sat matinee 2.30pm, £16/£13.50, 01686 614555. Fri 10 & Sat 11 April GREASE GET YOUR WIGLE ON present the original High-School musical featuring unforgettable songs from the hit movie. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, 2.30pm & 7.30pm, £16.50/£14.50, 01743 281281.

Tues 14 April AIDA RUSSIAN STATE OPERA present Verdi’s timeless and emotional opera with breath-taking melodies. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, 7.30pm, £39-£31, 01743 281281. Tues 14 & Wed 15 April, Fri 1 & Sat 2 May MILKY PEAKS Nestled in the heart of Snowdonia, the small town of Milky Peaks is nominated for ‘Britain’s Best Town’. However, the award bring with it a dark, insidious right-wing agenda, threatening the heart and soul of the town. A fabulous, edgy musical comedy. 14 April - Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon, 7.30pm, £17/£15, 01874 611622. 1 & 2 May - Theatr Hafren, Newtown, 7.30pm, £13, 01686 614555. Fri 17 April GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN A brand-new musical comedy show. A cast of four refreshingly honest and unreserved girls on a riotious evening of laugh-out-loud sketches and classic pop anthems that define being a 21st century woman. Theatr Hafren, Newtown, 7.30pm, £26, 01686 614555.

Fri 24 April MENOPAUSE THE MUSICAL 2 Starring Cheryl Fergison, Nicole Barber-Lane, Rebecca Wheatley and Nicki French in a brand-new show, ‘Cruising Through The Menopause’. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, 5.30pm & 8.30pm, £31.50, 01743 281281. Sat 25 April JULIET AND ROMEO LOST DOG. It turns out they didn’t die in a tragic misunderstaning, they grew up and lived happily ever after. A blend of dance, theatre and comedy. Meole Brace Peace Memorial Hall, 7.30pm, £12/£8, 01743 235384. Arts Alive. Thurs 30 April - Sat 2 May KIPPS MAD COW. A rip-roaring rollercoaster of a musical, the new Half a Sixpence musical. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, 7.30pm & 2.30pm, £24-£17, 01743 281281.
Sat 4 April MORGAN & WEST - UNBELIEVABLE SCIENCE Captivating chemistry, phenomenal physics and bonkers biology. Magicians, time travellers and all-round spiffing chaps. Suitable for children aged 7+. Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon, 2pm, £14/£12/£45, 01874 611622. Sat 4 April PEDLAR’S TALES FETCH THEATRE. An intriguing, fun and interactive storyteller’s performance, featuring puppets, music and a mysterious traveller. Market Theatre, Ledbury, 3pm, £6 for all ages, £20 family, 07967 517125.
Live on Stage Fri 10 April , 7.30pm FOLK IN THE FOYER PHIL RILEY & NEIL MERCE WITH THE THREE DISAGREES Tues 14 April, 7pm THE SHROUD OF TURIN A presentation by local historian, Hugh (Boz) Farey Fri 17 April, 7.30pm ILLUSION/DELUSION BY DAVID POLLARD Hand to Mouth Productions. Is what you see what you get? (Not suitable for minors) Sun 26 April, 7.30pm LOUISE JORDAN, ‘THE HARD WAY’ A musical story of Hannah Mitchell, suffragette and campaigner Films 3 April, 7.30pm MRS LOWRY AND SON PG Screenings 1 April, 7.15pm SWAN LAKE (ROH) 8 April, 7pm, CYRANO DE BERGERAC (National Theatre) 7 April, 7.30pm EASTER IN ART (Exhibition on Screen) 11 April, 5.55pm TOSCA (New York Met) 21 April, 7.15pm CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA/PAGLIACCI (ROH) Conquest Theatre Bromyard
Mon 6 - Wed 8 April ALICE IN WONERLAND JR GET YOUR WIGLE ON’s young performers take audiences on a magical journey through the rabbit hole with the musical one act version of Disney’s Alice in Wonderland Jr. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, 12pm, 3pm & 6pm, £12.50/£10, 01743 281281. Fri 10 April SARAH AND DUCK Brought to life featuring the wonderful characters from CBeebies show. Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon, 1.30pm & 4pm, £13/£11/£44, 01874 611622. Fri 10 April CIRQUE ENFANT Featuring acrobats, jugglers, clowns, hoola hoops and much more. For ages 2-14 years. The Courtyard, Hereford, 12pm & 3pm, 01432 340555. Sat 11 April THE CURIOUS GARDEN The makeshift ensemble bring to life the award winning children’s book, all about one boy’s quest for a greener world... Featuring original music, storytelling and puppetry. The Courtyard, Hereford, 11am, 01432 340555. Pre-show activity 10.30am.
Sat 4 & Sat 8 April IMPROVISED THEATRE For ages 10+ on 4th, ages 14+ on 8th, under 16s must be accompanied. The Hive, Belmont, Shrewsbury, 10am-12pm, £8, 01743 234970.

Cirque Enfant
Mon 13 - Sat 18 April VENUS & ADONIS MID WALES OPERA. An inspriational week of music-making and rehearsals culminating in two fully staged public performances of John Blow’s masterpiece at St Andrew’s Church, Presteigne as well as an informal concert at the Judge’s Lodging, Presteigne. Open to all, amateur, student and professional musicians. Participant fees, chorus £150, instrumentalist £125. Young artists £50 (limited number of places, subsidised to include accommodation). Further details, email Bridget Wallbank admin@midwalesoperaco.uk THEATR IEUENTID / BRYCHEINIOG YOUTH THEATRE With weekly sessions tailored to suit the needs of each year group, from 4 years and up. Mondays 3.45pm - 4.45pm Roundabout, Reception & Years 1 & 2. Wednesdays 5pm - 6pm Junior Youth, Years 3,4 & 5. Wednesdays 6pm - 7pm Junior Youth, Years 6,7 & 8. Thursdays 8.30pm - 10pm Senior Youth, Years 9, 10 & 11, 16 - 25. Call 01874 611622, www.brycheiniog.co.uk ASSEMBLY ROOMS, LUDLOW Mon - Go MAD in Ludlow, 5-6.30pm, Oscars. Contact Simon 07506 478235 & Suzanne 07484 289215 or email hello@gomadinludlow. org Sat - Ludwig Academy of Musical Theatre. 7-11 years 1-2pm, 12-16 years 2-3pm. Oscars. Contact Jack Ludwig, 077922 66225. Assembly Rooms, Ludlow. COURTYARD THEATRE, HEREFORD Wed - Courtyard Kids, reception 4.15-5pm, Year 2, 5pm, £63.50 per term. Sat - Junior Youth Theatre. From Year 3 - Year 9, phone for times, £68.50 per term. Fri - Intermediate Youth Theatre. For years 10 & 11, 5.15pm, £68.50 per term. Fri - Senior Youth Theatre, Year 12+, 7pm, £73.50 per term. Courtyard Musical Theatre, Tues for ages 4-8 years, 4-4.55pm, £60 per 12 week term. Thurs for ages 9-17 6.15pm-7.25pm, £66 per 12 week term, contact Laura Gale 07725 357531. Mons - Drama Tots,10am – 10.45am, Ages 2-4, £4 per session, £1 per extra child. Mon - Bromyard Conquest Kids (Reception & Year 2), 3.45pm, £36 per term. Bromyard Juniors (Year 3-6) 4.50-5.30pm, £39 per term. Bromyard Intermediates (Year 7-9), 6pm, £43 per term. Bromyard Seniors (Year 10+), 7.30pm, £46 per term. Wed - Kington Juniors (Year 2-6) 4-4.45pm, £36 per term. Kington Intermediates (Year 7- 9), 5pm-6pm, £39 per term. Kington Seniors (Years 10+) 6pm – 7.30pm, £43 per termThe Courtyard, Hereford, 01432 340555. MID POWYS YOUTH THEATRE Tuesdays Junior Youth Theatre 9-13, 4.30pm-6pm. Wyeside Arts Centre, Builth Wells Senior Youth Theatre 14+ 7pm-9.30pm. The Drama Centre, Llandrindod Wells. 07810 350994. Tuesdays YOUTH THEATRE for 7-14 year-olds after school. Ledbury Market Theatre, 01432 383663. Wednesdays KINGTON YOUTH THEATRE Kington Primary School. Wed - Junior 7-11 years, 4-5.30pm. Intermediate 11+ 5.30-7pm. £42 per term, 01432 340555. Thursdays and Saturdays SHROPSHIRE YOUTH THEATRE Providing training in a range of theatre skills for ages 5-25. All abilities welcome. The Hive, Belmont, Shrewsbury. Contact Maggie Love: 07813 026367. Thursdays IMPULSIVE THEATRE COMPANY For ages 13-19. The Hive, 5 Belmont, Shrewsbury, 5-6.45pm, 07916 277928. Alternate Fridays (term time) HAVE A GO SHAKESPEARE All welcome, £5. Wyeside, Builth Wells, details Sue Best, 01597 811487.

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