7 minute read
Grass roots
by Broadsheep
Trouble-shooter for hire! What’s your crisis?
THE call came through about mid-morning. Well - three minutes past eleven, to be precise. Actually, it did not really come through because I did not get to the phone in time. Anyway, the call was from Downing Street. At least I am pretty sure it must have been them. I did call the BT operators to check but they said they couldn’t confirm anything. Security, you see. Quite understandable. It’s a racing certainty that the PM wanted me to head up the big climate conference in Glasgow in November, a role for which, logically, I am an obvious candidate. I’ve been steeped in this climate stuff for years. And when I say steeped in it, I don’t just mean that I’ve been knee-deep in River Lugg floodwater. The problem that Number Ten had was that the minister who was in line to headline Glasgow was not exactly well known beyond our shores. Her name will come to me in a minute. Yes! Claire! No, not Clare Balding, but Claire….sorry, I’ll just have to look it up. Claire Perry, that’s it. Or rather Claire Perry O’Neill, as she is nowadays. Under Theresa May, she had been minister of er… Yes! minister of state for energy and clean growth. If climate has never been part of her full ministerial title, that’s because all references to climate change in government ranks were deleted sometime around 2015. As though that would make climate change go away! How could Tory leaders know back then that global heating and extreme weather would intensify? Little Greta Thunberg was at that time barely in secondary school, let alone on regular Friday afternoon climate strike! And many Tories in the shires, like North Shropshire MP Owen Patterson, were climate change sceptics. (He was the Environment Secretary who turned down a briefing on climate change from the department’s chief scientist.) Anyway, Claire Perry O’Neill was low profile, if not totally obscure. And Boris Johnson needed a heavyweight. That’s the impression that Downing Street has given. So, when the name of the new UN climate summit chief was revealed, there was a rustling sound, as heads were scratched and people went scurrying to find their parliamentary guide books. The new conference supremo turned out to be Alok Sharma, secretary of state for business, energy and industrial strategy. The member for Reading West. Previously at the Department for International Development. You had not heard of him? Well no, neither had I, actually. The point is not whether we know him, but what would we suggest he does, to put Glasgow on the map and make the UN climate conference go with a bang. Well for a start, let’s stop wittering on about getting to Net Zero by 2050. We need to start doing the things that will produce deep cuts in our greenhouse 54
Climate Summit Chief
gas emissions. And fast! Somehow, I don’t think that banning the burning of coal and wet logs in a million or so fireplaces is quite going to measure up. So, here are some quick random suggestions. a) Reverse the ten years long freeze on fuel duty. b) Take rapid steps to end subsidies for burning of wood in power stations and denounce the idea that this source of energy is any way sustainable. c) Convene immediate global talks to establish worldwide carbon taxes on aviation fuel. And d) Take similar steps with shipping. In the three years to February 2019 aviation emissions within Europe rose by 21%. As I read it, there is no international rule against taxing fuel taken on board a plane at any given airport. The rules only prohibit the taxation of fuel already on board an arriving aircraft. Then, here in the UK, we must tackle the 80 per cent of homes reliant, for warmth and hot water, on gas fired central heating. A major push on air and ground source heat pumps is needed, so that, in the coming decades, householders can dispense with their gas boilers, or use them only in emergencies or extremes of cold weather. At the same time the self-delusion must end. Our ministers must stop claiming that Britain has cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 40% since 1990. The real number, when we include imported greenhouse gas emissions, and all those vapour trails from airliners, is much nearer 10%. There goes the telephone again! It must be the Home Office. They are desperate for help because of the number of people who can’t work with the Home Secretary, Priti Patel. Well this time the phone can go on ringing. I am not at home. No way! There’s been enough bullying and harassment already. You need riot gear over at the Home Office, and that’s just to survive the morning meeting! I am going into self-isolation. Please leave the groceries by the front door! See you in a few weeks’ time!
Julian O’Halloran OUT Claire Perry O’Neill IN Alok Sharma
GARDENING ON THE ‘BORDERS’ Planting Schemes Perennial Borders Flower Meadows Nurture Maintain Restore Designs A Garden Sanctuary for You and Wildlife Call Michelle - A Plant Guru 01547 528003 M: 07793750691 E: mlrubybrink@gmail.com WYNNES OF DINMORE COUNTRYSTORE Poultry Keeping - Free 1/2 hour session. Covers laying hens, housing, feed, bedding, health & hygiene + Question & Answer time. Held at Wynnes of Dinmore Countrystore - off the A49 (through village centre). Open Tues - Sat 9am-4:30pm. For more information email info@wynnes.co.uk or telephone Roxy or Ann 01568 797314. Thurs 2 April GREENPEACE TALK Informal meeting of local activists and supporters to discuss campaigns and how to get involved. The Globe, Hay-on-Wye, 7pm, details email pbdelphiee@hotmail.com Sat 11 April PAM’S PLANT SALE Clun Methodist Church Forecourt, 10am-12pm. Proceeds to Medecins sans Frontieres and Clun Methodist Church. Wed 15 April SEEDS AND SAPLINGS A nature day for the young and not so young. Find out what is growing in the Pales woodland and hedges. Pales Quaker Meeting House, Llandegley, near Llandrindod Wells, 10.30am-4pm, 01597 851543, www.thepales.org.uk Please check the website in case of postponement. Fri 24 - Sun 26 April KINGTON WALKS SPRING WALKING WEEKEND A wide selection of walks to cater for a range of abilities and interests. Gentle stroll around Bradnor Hill (with lunch at the Golf Glub) to the Arrow Valley Trail from Cwmceste to Leominster (over two days). Mindful Walking, an early morning walk and a creative walk courtesy of The Walking Sketchbook. Plus a quiz at the Oxford Arms on Saturday, 8pm, £3 including light refreshments. www.kingtonwalks. org 07552 087786. Mon 27 April PEACEBUILDING ROUNDTABLES - CLIMATE ACTION The roundtable will address one of today’s most pressing challenges: the existential threat of climate change. The Hive, Belmont, Shrewsbury, 4-6pm, free, 01743 234970. Wed 29 April SPRING PLANT FAIR Specialist nurseries, plantsmen and makers of garden related products. Demonstrations, raffle and refreshments. Broxwood Court, Pembridge, HR6 9JJ, 10.30am-4pm, £5. All proceeds to The Cart Shed, 01544 318231. Sat 9 May BISHOP’S CASTLE ROUND & ABOUT WALKS Ramble (23 miiles), Scramble (13 miles) or Amble (10 miles). Ramble and Scramble start between 8.30am and 10am. Amble start 1-2pm. Signage, written instructions, refreshments, hot lunch, transport as needed and certificate all provided. Entry fee online £20. All proceeds go to blood cancer research, (Bloodwise). Closing date for applications 4 May. Bloodwise.org.uk/round-and-about
April VILLAGERS WALKS Route around the parish and further afield, 2-3 hours, varying terrain, dogs on leads welcome, Eaton Bishop. Enquries: Mick 01981 250461. April KNIGHTON TREE ALLOTMENTS TRUST KTAT manages woodlands for the benefit of wildlife and members. Volunteer to learn. Details email woodland@ tveg.org.uk 01547 520374 http://tveg.org.uk April SHROPSHIRE HILLS DISCOVERY CENTRE 4 April - Shropshire Way 80K Festival. Runners and walkers, please book your place. 6 - 10 & 13 - 17 April - Easter Holidays Activities, Pond Dipping for ages 3-11 year olds, £4, 1-2.30pmk. 25 April - Discovery Tots - Nature Faces! for the under 3s, £2.50 per child, bring outdoor clothing. 25 April - Discovery Club - Gruffalo Habitats! For ages 3+, 11am-12pm, £2.50 per child, bring wellies etc. First Sunday of the month - Become a Habitat Helper! Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre, Craven Arms, 01588 676060. Every Third Saturday in the Month PRESTEIGNE REPAIR & SKILL SHARE Stop usable stuff going to landfill. Bring along a broken item, get it fixed and learn new skills. Youth Centre, Hereford St, Presteigne, 10am-12.30pm, free. Wednesdays LITTLE WILLOWS OUTDOOR NATURE PLAYGROUP The Globe, Hay-on-Wye, 9.30am-11am, £1.50 per child, includes a bowl of porridge. Themes posted weekly on Facebook page, 01497 821762. Mondays & Wednesdays KNIGHTON MENS SHED Sharpening service available. Teme Mill, Station Yard, Knighton, 10am-2pm. John on 01544232750 or email jtknightonmensshed@gmail.com.