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Comp therapies
by Broadsheep
Disclaimer. We would like to emphasise that these listings relate to COMPLEMENTARY medicine practitioners. Broad Sheep does not endorse any of the practitioners or healing methods listed. We provide no recommendation and take no responsibility for their content.
A is for ACUPUNCTURE & HOLISTIC THERAPIES Joanna Bruce RGN, B.Ac, MBAcC - clinics in Leominster and Kingsland. Treating pain and long term health conditions effectively since 1983. Tel: 01568 709142 or text 07984 460969. Free initial phone consultation jo.bruce@talk21.com ACUPUNCTURE. Sandy Sandaver Lic Ac MBAcC. I practice an integrated style of acupuncture using 5 element and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and am a member of the British Acupuncture Council. I also carry out home visits. Hay Acupuncture Clinic, Rose Cottage, Cusop Dingle, Hay-On-Wye 01497 821625/07980 596218 sandysandaver@onetel.com or www.hayacupunctureclinic.co.uk ANXIETY, DEPRESSION, TRAUMA, LOW SELF WORTH and emotional difficulties - our innovative approach is being used with private and NHS clients with great success. Clients attend an average of 4 sessions to achieve a substantial, some say transformative, effect on their well being. You can check out the testimonials and book a one to one session on our website www. peaceofmindnow.co.uk or get in touch for more information Mike Buckley 07931 986168 mcmbuckley@gmail.com
BROAD sheep
Complementary Therapies ONLY £40 FOR THE WHOLE YEAR
Just post the details of your therapy (around 40 words) with a cheque for £40 payable to Broad Sheep and post to: The Lodge, Westhide, Hereford, HR1 3RQ
You can amend the wording anytime during the year, just call Clare on 01432 850444 or email: info@broadsheep.com
AROMATHERAPY massage and facials - Bach Remedies - Herbalism - Reiki. For comprehensive, holistic treatment: Roz Myers Brown, Dip. Ar. IPTI, MIPTI. Kington clinic. 07967 137208, roz.brown@btinternet.com BOWEN TECHNIQUE Bowen is a holistic, non invasive therapy consisting of gentle moves over soft tissue and muscles, interspersed with periods of rest. Suitable for adults and children. Working from clinics in Bishop’s Castle and Church Stretton. Home visits available. Contact ROB ROWE MBTPA tel: 01588 630648, email rob@robrowe.co.uk or learn more at www.bowentherapy. org.uk BESPOKE MASSAGE THERAPY BY CHERYL LILWALL MTI. Sensitive communication through the medium of touch. For physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Clinic held at the Integrative Health Clinic, Holland House, 70 Belmont Road, Hereford. Tel: 07487 738089. www.herefordbespokemassagetherapy.co.uk CHARTERED CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST & PSYCHODYNAMIC PSYCHOTHERAPIST with over 25 years professional NHS experience, providing psychological help to adults. Please see website for details: www.drmatthewfaull.co.uk. I am highly trained and experienced in using evidence–based psychotherapies to relieve distress and help you achieve your life goals, and offer sessions in Ludlow and Leintwardine. I also offer supervision to mental health professionals. Please contact me by email: mfaull@btinternet.com, to arrange a free initial phone conversation to consider your needs. Registered with British Psychological Society, British Psychoanalytic Council, Health Professions Council. CLAIRE KERBY COUNSELLING (Post grad dip Counselling, MBACP). Having someone to talk to outside your normal circle of friends / family can really help to gain a new clarity and sense of perspective. I would love it if you would call me, in confidence, with no judgement on 07971 816541, or email me at Claire.kerby@btinternet. com. COGNITIVE BEHAVIOUR THERAPY (CBT), COUNSELLING AND COUPLE COUNSELLING Hello! CBT can work well for depression, anxiety, panic, OCD, anger, phobias, self-harm, eating disorders, low selfesteem and more. I also offer counselling for most issues, including sexuality, bereavement and past sexual abuse. Couple counselling is available and counselling for those who have problems concerning self-esteem, relationships or lack of them. Contact Gail Venables MBACP (Accred) on 07484 766371 or www.cbtgail.co.uk for sessions in Leominster and New Radnor COUNSELLING, HEALING, MEDIUMSHIP. Spiritual Medium & Author Jenny Martin, offers one to one tuition or personal counselling/healing in Mid Wales. Over 20 years experience. Jenny’s spiritual development manual and her biography are both available via www.jennymartinmedium.com or contact jenny@ jennymartinmedium.com for more information.
CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY with Jess Pailthorpe RCST. Safe, effective, light-touch treatments to help you heal & repair. Muscle/joint problems, stress, anxiety, fatigue, trauma….Clinics in Leominster Osteopaths and Kingsland. Phone for more info: 07981 866 667 / www.touchtreetherapy.co.uk DEEPLY RELAXING Craniosacral Therapy can increase your well-being by releasing emotional and physical tensions. Given a safe space and correct focus, your body knows the way. I am an accredited practitioner, qualified since 2004, based in Shrewsbury, Crickhowell and Mid Wales. Email: cheryljonestherapy@gmail.com Mobile: 07476 012299. EMOTIONAL THERAPY: Anne Cummings FETC (Adv Dip), MNCS (Accred) offers this safe, effective therapy to help adults and children heal their emotional and spiritual wounds and fulfil their personal potential. If you have difficulty relating to others, or have troublesome emotions call Anne on 01547 530977. Specialist knowledge and experience of working with panic attacks, anger, stress, bullying, low self-esteem, bereavement/loss, anxiety and depression. Centres in Powys/south Shropshire. Ffi including workshops and talks see www.thewritetofeel.com. EQUINE FACILITATED LEARNING. Personal growth for individuals and groups through powerful yet gentle interactions with horses, with seasoned Eponaquest facilitator Angela Dunning. EFL sessions involve spending time outdoors with these beautiful sentient beings, where you will be guided to deepen your connection to yourself and your body; build true confidence; reconnect to your Soul’s purpose and bring greater authenticity to your life. No horse experienced required. Shropshire/Herefordshire/ Borders. Contact me on: 01588 630061/07583 726207; angela@equinereflections.co.uk; or visit www.thehorsestruth.co.uk HEALINGS, INSIGHT READINGS, PERSONAL GROWTH COACHING, ANIMAL COMMUNICATION Healings, insights into life path and situations, space and guidance to explore and help re-align with our inner truth. Also offer help understanding our animals’ behaviour and needs. Enquiries: Kohra 01544 262 110, kohra@gmx.co.uk HEREFORD HOMEOPATH Juliet Ablett RHom, MARH, MNCHM. Experienced practitioner works with you as an individual, listening without judgement; working with whatever symptoms or issues you have. Natural, effective treatment suitable for all ages. I am very happy to chat with you on the phone about what treatment you are looking for before you commit to an appointment. Weekly clinics in Kentchurch, Hereford and Monmouth. Juliet Ablett www.julietablett.co.uk julietablett@rocketmail. com 01981 241456 HOLISTIC MASSAGE THERAPY: Meg Lawrence MTI. A listening and sensitive therapy, treating the whole person. For relief from aches and pains, easing of occupational and postural tensions, providing relaxation and calm in peaceful surroundings, 20 minutes from Presteigne, Hayon-Wye and Kington. Email meg@radnorshire.com; phone or text 07910892172 HOMOEOPATHY Sandy Underhill RSHom. I have worked for 20 years treating individuals for many complaints, whether psychological, mental, emotional or physical. Homoeopathy is about bringing wellness to ones being by triggering the bodies natural system of healing. It is suitable for all ages. Clinics are held at Rock Park Complimentary Health Centre, Llandrindod Wells, Powys and Kington, Herefordshire. 01597 851021. LEOMINSTER NATURAL HEALTH CENTRE Chiropractic, Herbal Medicine, Kinesiology, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Reflexology, Emmet technique. Remedial and Holistic Massage. Counselling inc: Couples and Family, Cognitive Behaviour and NLP Stress Management, Child Birth Issues, Psychotherapy. Telephone 01568 616411 email infoleominstercommunitycentre@gmail.com Or visit Leominster Community Centre, School Road HR6 8NJ (behind Bridge Street car park). MASSAGE THERAPY WITH MARIAN HARDIMAN (MTI, CNHC, MLDUK). Remedial, Sports, Holistic, Indian Head Massage. Organic Facial and Manual Lymph Drainage. Clinic in Presteigne (The Retreat), Presteigne, LD8 2UF. Contact: marian@silvanmassage.com, www. silvanmassage.com, 07816 981454. NO HANDS® MASSAGE works on every level: physical, energetic, emotional, mental and spiritual. It’s deep, transforming touch with no pain. Come and train with Wendy Mills, Master Therapist and Instructor. Clinic and Courses held in Sutton St Nicholas, Hereford. 07858137889; millsw1@tiscali.co.uk; www.wendymills.co.uk MASSAGE, COACHING, YOGA, DECLUTTERING with Wellbeing Therapist Sophie Atkinson, Orleton SY8 Individual powerful sessions to help you create the space you need for the life you want. Web: www.sophieatkinson. co.uk Mob: 07930 353 118 Email: sophie@healing-energy. net
YOGA IN PRESTEIGNE Group classes and individual tuition in Stapleton Moving consciously with the breath
MINDFULNESS Alithea Waterfield MBCT teacher offering Mindful Walks in Nature, 8-week Mindfulness courses and Mindfulness Guided Meditations. Committed to helping you reconnect with a more authentic and compassionate self and develop skills to manage life’s challenges resourcefully, skillfully and creatively. 07899 361316 alitheawaterfield@gmail.com OSTEOPATH. Mr R A Hughes D.O. Registered Osteopath and Sports Therapist. Fully qualified and registered since 1995. Established in Presteigne for over 20 years. Sciatica, Arthritis, Trapped Nerves, Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain. Headaches, Sports Injuries. 07961 352056, rahughesosteo@gmail.com The Retreat, Presteigne – free car parking. PHYSIOTHERAPY, CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY, REFLEXOLOGY & YOGA with Hermione Evans, Chartered Physiotherapist at Radnor Physiotherapy. For all back and neck pain, headaches, sports injuries, RSI, stress related illness and more. To discuss your needs or to make an appointment, please phone 01544 350691 or email contact@radnorphysiotherapy.co.uk or view www.radnorphysiotherapy.co.uk SOUND HEALING TRAINING AND WORKSHOP RETREATS We run the 5 part Sound Therapy training programme for the College of Sound Healing as weekend retreats in the beautiful setting of Primrose Haven with lovely gardens and sacred spaces. Also Seasonal Sounds Days and weekend retreats: Sound Healing and Nature; Magical Resonance of Celtic Sounds and Sound and gardening for the soul. Retreat stays in our cosy Shepherd Huts. Occasional evening sound and Gong meditations. Please contact Paul Benham, paul@primrosehavenretreats.co.uk and www.primrosehavenretreats.co.uk. 01497 847299. SPIRITUAL HEALER Naturally gifted in releasing emotional grief in present and past lives. 29 years professional experience with physical and mental health. Private healing sessions and talks given. Gillian Williamson, MNFSH. Field House, Kinnerton. 01547 560874.
Workshops WORKSHOP LISTINGS - Single (dated) listings are free. Year round, ongoing workshops will cost £40 per year.
Thurs 2 April FIVE DIFFERENT WAYS OF PRACTISING RETREAT IN OUR DAILY LIVES All welcome. St Mary’s Church, Cusop, 7-8.30pm, details abbeydoredmc@gmail.com Sat 25 April UNDERSTAND THE ZENTANGLE METHOD Learn to quiet your busy mind with this mindful drawing technique. Hall Barn, Bleddfa Centre, near Knighton, 10am-4pm, £65, 01547 550377. Wed 29 April THE BREEZE AT DAWN HAS SECRETS TO TELL A day of Sufi-inspired poetry, song and dance, prayer meditation and story. Led by Karim Hadden. Pales Quaker Meeting House, Llandegley, near Llandrindod Wells, 10.30am-4.30pm, 01597 851543, www.thepales.org.uk Please check the website in case of postponement Fri 1 May AWAKENING THE SPIRIT WITHIN A short talk and workshop with Ayesha Iset Merovingian will guide you in connecting with the Divine within and without. The talk will be follwed by a guided meditation and oracle card readings. Town Hall, Bishop’s Castle, 7-10pm, £5, 01588 630023. 58
FELDENKRAIS Awareness Through Movement Classes. Learn to move more freely, with greater ease, flexibility and grace, improving posture, balance and coordination; and awakening our innate capacity for life long vitality and continuing self development. Tenbury at S.E.N.S.E. Wednesdays 7pm - 8pm. £7 per class. Open to all. Contact Jane for more information on janesethi@yahoo. co.uk Booking essential. YOGA CLASSES For physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. Knighton Community Centre Mondays 9.30am-11am and Thursdays 6.45pm-8.15pm. Also in Clunbury Village Hall near Craven Arms Tuesdays 9.15am-10.45am. Beginners welcome. Contact Kat 07968 819123. katyoga@holwill.net or find me on facebook @KatHolwillYoga YOGA & AYURVEDA Individual yoga practice. Diet. Exercise. Life Balance. Jill Bonner BA PGCE Art. DIPL Yoga Therapy. DIPL Ayurveda Therapy. Details 07789 428109. HEDGEROW MEDICINE, KITCHEN PHARMACY Herbal Medicine Making Courses with Rowan McOnegal, Medical Herbalist. Practical weekend courses which explore identifying, growing, harvesting, drying, storing and using herbs. Covers the basic principles of herbal medicine, and making and using teas, tinctures, infused oils, ointments, creams, syrups, inhalations and baths. www. hedgerowmedicine.org 01531 670075. PILATES SESSIONS Pilates is a method of exercise designed to elongate and strengthen the body. It promotes improved core strength and stability which in turn improves posture, flexibility, circulation and physical wellbeing. Classes available in Presteigne and various locations within the North Herefordshire, North Worcestershire and South Shropshire area. All sessions are based on small groups and working to individual abilities therefore booking is essential. Private sessions by arrangement. Contact Jackie on 0782 4114979 or justjackie39@gmail.com Every Saturday RIVER FLOW YOGA With Graham Nolan. Mixed ability, open to all. The Globe, Hay-on-Wye, 9.30am, 01497 821762, phone to check class is on. First Saturday of the month MEDITATION For beginners or experienced meditators. Bleddfa Centre, 11am-12.30pm, donations, 01547 550377. Mondays MAMA MOJO YOGA FLOW The Hive, Belmont, Shrewsbury, 10.30am, £6, 01743 234970. Mondays YOGA LESSONS All abilities welcome, bring a yoga mat, small cushion and blanket. Hall, Barn, Bleddfa, near Knighton, £49 for seven classes, 01547 550377. Mondays & Wednesdays PILATES Pilates-Based Back Care - Mon 10.30am & Wed 5.45pm. Pilates-Based Body Conditioning - Mon 11.45am & Wed 7pm. Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon, 01874 625992. Third Thursday of the month ECO SPIRIT CAFE An informal monthly meeting for people interested in spirituality and connection to the environment. The Globe, Hay-on-Wye, 7.30pm, free, 01497 821762. Last Friday of the month QUIET GARDEN MOVEMENT Sharing outdoor space for the inner journey. 10am-3pm, Rhayader. facebook.com/CefnfaesCottage 07948 469584.