BROAD sheep september 2022 What’s On - Herefordshire & The Marches

HR4 9HP Tel: 07786 131159 Email: Website:info@broadsheep.comwww.broadsheep.comSmallAdsArchitectureArtArtworkshopsCinemaDanceFoodMusicMusicworkshopsBanddirectoryTheatreWordGrassrootsComptherapiesContents We take no responsibility for the veracity of the information herein BROAD All events listed may be subject to change with regard to regulations.Covid
3 Ysheep 5250484644413230282414864 BROAD SHEEP, The Fred Bulmer
OU maybe aware there is a bit of a hoo-ha going on about Airbnb and its effect on the housing market. As is usual with matters of significant public importance it falls to me to have to find a way to sort out the mess. The problem is that Airbnb’s success is having a very detrimental effect on the housing market especially in areas of natural beauty like The Lake District and The Derbyshire Dales. So, for instance, if you live within say 20 miles of Snowdon the chances of finding anywhere with normal rents or buying anything for less than £400,000 are diddly squat. The second problem it is causing is that in the winter months after the tourists have flown some villages are finding there are not enough normal residents to keep the pub/school/post office going. As I am a fan of Airbnb I don’t want it to disappear but I can see in the afore mentioned beauty spots a bit of radical thinking is required. My suggestion is this, In these hotspots you are only allowed to run an Airbnb if you either (a) live in the property your self at least 6 months of the year or (b) are renting out a shed or extension built specifically for that purpose. This should push lots of properties back on to the market for ordinary folk and also encourage some creative thinking. Talking of creative thinking my thoughts immediately turned to Goffee the Clown who has his chicken shed near Brecon on Airbnb - the delightfully named Cluckinham Palace (pic 1) which comes complete with chickens. Alternatively you might be a fan of the concrete potato in Iowa (pic 2) or the spaceship from Pembrokeshire (pic3) which comes with a white leather bed a spacesuit and a robot butler. However it is time for me to come
Cover Newton Falkner. Pavilion, Llandrindod Wells - 17 Sept. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury - 28 Sept. clean about the purpose of this article and introduce perhaps the most radical solution of all to the problem. For the 2011 Tour de Presteigne I built the BedBike which I am about to launch on Airbnb this completely does away with the out-dated bricks and mortar idea of accommodation. You just get what it says on the tin. A bike and a bed. Sleep tight. Centre, Wall Street, Hereford,
Sleep Tight

small ads FRUIT TREE PRUNING From one branch to an entire orchard. Tel: 01544 260656. WANTED URGENTLY VINTAGE CLOTHING for male/ female, plus accessories including jewellery, shoes, etc. Also wanted: quality curtains, lace and textiles, even damaged. Plus designer clothing including male/female... tweeds, evening dresses etc. Also unusual items including fans etc. Please telephone: Annie 07798 632247. Teagowns and Textiles. P/T OR OCCASIONAL WORK WANTED Cheerful, fit, educated, mature woman seeks employment. Clean driving licence, DBS checked. Anything considered from office/business support to house sitting including driving, gardening and dog walking. Phone Katy 01547 520328. VIOLIN/VIOLA LESSONS All styles, all ages, beginners to advanced. Help with composition, theory, aural training. Accompaniment also offered. Ring Tony on 01544 321925 or visit his website: for a CV and more information. ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS ON THE PRESTEIGNE TOWN WEBSITE FOR 50P PER WEEK Support your town website and publicise your business on our popular site. For more information please contact the Town Clerk, Tracey Price on or 01547 528575. VIOLIN & VIOLA LESSONS given by experienced professional in Presteigne. All abilities and styles taught. John Hymas 07969 440183. A STITCH IN TIME Careful repairs & creative alterations to well-loved clothes. Vintage a speciality. Anne 01544 267997. PRESTEIGNE POP CHOIR Every Thursday. Contact John Hymas for details: 07969 440183. LOOKING FOR A NEW HOME (As owners of our rental are returning after 7 years). Mature professional couple, adult son, dog, cat (and 2 hens although would consider rehoming hens). Presteigne or surrounding area (to be near parents). Need 2 beds and a garden. Rent or buy (budget around £180,000). Open to considering all possibilities - eg skill swap / rent with view to buy / house sit. Please contact - Siân VIOLIN LESSONS: ex Halle , ECCO, Guadagnini Trio, professional violinist RCM dip hons ARCM. 30 years experience. Classical, World Music traditions taught. Kirsten 07421 453114, BEEKEEPING FOR BEGINNERS Introductory courses, talks on bees and beekeeping and one to one tuition. For further details phone 07813 276308/01886 884752, or email CHAIR REPAIRS: seats rushed & recaned. Also Danish cord & Habitat sheet cane seats. Paul Richards, 01544 209140.Email - PIANO LESSONS IN PRESTEIGNE. All ABRSM grades or simply for fun. Contact Mzia 07981752405, RETIRED PROFESSIONAL PAINTER AVAILABLE for local work. References available. £75.00 per day. Try me. Roy 01547 520164. JAZZ PIANO TUITION A specially created course for beginners through to intermediate level students. Also coaching for Associated Board jazz exams. Presteigne/Knighton, but happy to travel. Simon Deeley, 07890 303681. CATERING CROCKERY, CUTLERY AND GLASSWARE FOR HIRE. Up to 100 settings. Contact Ruth on 01544 350559 or 07870 752325. HANCOCK & MONKS MUSIC, 6 Broad Street, Hay-on-Wye. Tel: 01591 610555. Specialists in recorded and printed Classical Music for over 40 years. Huge stock of secondhand CDs, sheet music, scores and books on music. Open daily 10.30am - 4.30pm. Online catalogue at HAYSTACKSMUSIC,Backfold,Hay-on-Wye,HR35EQ. Tel:07527298199.Hay’sHeadlineMakingIndepend entMusicShop-onlyaoneminutewalkfromthemain carpark.Hay’sdestinationshoppackedwithpre-loved machinecleanedandnewvinylrecords,CDs,Booksand more. 4

ADVERTISE IN BROAD sheep LISTINGS ARE FREE!!! 1/16 page £20 1/8 page £35 1/8 page colour £40 1/6 page £50 1/4 page £60 1/4 page colour £80 1/3 page £85 1/3 page colour £95 1/2 page £100 1/2 page colour £140 Full page £170 Full page colour £220 FOOD BYTES DIRECTORY, BAND DIRECTORY & COMP. MED. DIRECTORY £40/year SMALL ADS 15p /word One Year’s Subscription £25 All cheques made out to Broad Sheep For more details phone Clare 07786 131159 or email BROAD sheep WEA AutumnAdultHEREFORDSHIREinClasses2022 Charity No. 1112775 Allen Fisher: Painting in 17th Century Europe Mondays 10.30am-12.30pm, 8 weeks from 26 Sept. Kindle Centre, Hereford. David Whitehead: Three Herefordshire Women: 6 Oct Joyce Jeffries (Conningsby Hospital) 13 Oct Lady Brilliana Harley (Brampton Bryan Castle) 27 Oct Elizabeth Barrett Browning (poet) Thursdays, 2-4pm. HARC, Rotherwas, Hereford. On-line Literature course, Cath Humphris Advance booking for all classes essential to ensure a place. Phone 0300 3033464 or visit, where full details of all on-line courses are available. You can join a course anywhere in the country. Queries to: Fee waiver available for income related benefits, please ask for details

Nick Jones
Back in 1992, after getting a call from the Calvin Klein group, John Pawson bravely took on a total refit of its 4-storey Manhattan flagship headquarters. He still managed to fly the minimalist flag and his successful transformation of the building lasted 25 years (‘No hinges. No knobs. No Jeans, even’ as the New York Times put it). “Twenty-five years isn’t bad for the fashion industry” the British architect ruefully observed at the end of his run. His interiors for Milan’s Valextra fashion store follow the same principle of W ‘elevating’ the merchandise to museum exhibits (Chipperfield has recently emulated this style for an Akris fashion boutique in Washington DC). This summer Pawson unveiled plans to build a pair of limestone-clad singlestorey minimalist villas on the island of Ibiza, one of his few excursions into housing. Minimalism for monks
The low-in-the-water serpentine footbridge in Kew Gardens is minimalism at its finest. More than 900 slender metal handrails, cast in military-grade bronze, protect a matt black granite walkway. This has to be the pairing of two of the most durable materials imaginable, which will surely mellow with age. Pawson describes his Kew creation as ‘like waking on water’. In terms of bravura architectural statements, it is about as far removed as possible from the Victorian extravagance of Decimus Burton’s Palm House or Chamber’s Pagoda.
The UK’s leading architectural minimalist is unquestionably Sir David Chipperfield - whose awardwinning Hepworth Gallery, Wakefield (a tribute to Dame Barbara Hepworth), bears an uncanny resemblance to the austere concrete facades of Louis Kahn’s Salk Institute in California. Chipperfield’s most recently completed project is in China, in Taoxishuan, one of the country’s largest porcelain producing regions. It comprises a 1200-seat opera house, with a cluster of four unadorned hotel blocks on an adjoining site, all in blush-pink brickwork. All credit to this Royal Gold Medallist for walking away from the practice’s restoration of Moscow’s 1920s Constructivist landmark the Central Telegraph Building, in protest at Putin’s vile war crimes.
E have Mies van der Rohe to thank for one of the Modern Movement’s most-enduring ‘isms’ –Minimalism, although the category wasn’t confined to architecture. Artists as diverse as Carl Andre, Samuel Beckett and Philip Glass have all been classed as minimalists.
Like walking on water architecture 6
The Nový Dvur Monastery in Bavaria followed shortly after Calvin Klein – a challenge which Pawson describes as ‘a game changer’. A 100-acre site with a current community of 20 which expects to eventually expand to around 36. Absence of visual and functional distractions, he believes, support the goal of a monastic life. Whether the building is as large as a monastery or as small as a bronze door handle, John Pawson’s eye for detail is the same: unwavering and single-minded. This summer Pawson’s collaboration with Thomas Ford & Partners on the refurbishment of the 18th century Hackney church of St John was among the 29 buildings chosen for the RIBA’s Best Buildings Awards.
Left to right: Kew Footbridge; Ibiza villas; Cloisters, Bohemia
The UK’s other outstanding Minimalist architect is York shireman John Pawson, with a diverse back-history of work. Pawson was undoubtedly influenced by Eastern philosophy, having studied in Japan under Shiro Kuramata before joining the Architectural Association in London in 1978, where he studied under Nigel Coates, Zaha Hadid and Rem Koolhaas (though he never qualified). As a schoolboy at Eton he stripped his study of all furniture, replacing the bed with a hammock.
Spanning almost half a century, Pawson’s impressive body of work has been unswervingly consistent in its minimalist approach to the built form. From Design Museum 3 (now housed within the shell of the former Commonwealth Institute); to what appears to be a lightweight pedestrian bridge winding across a lake in Kew Gardens; to an almost unclassifiable Bavarian woodland chapel, looking for all the world like a huge stack of neatly piled logs.
The most ‘pared back’ minimalist work in Pawson’s entire oeuvre is a log cabin deep in a Bavarian wood, formed from simply hewn blocks of Douglas Fir. It is one of seven ‘rest and contemplation’ woodland stops for walkers and cyclists commissioned from European architects by the German Denzel Foundation. This summer the London Serpentine’s 21st Gallery Pavilion was unveiled: Theaster Gates’ 10m-high minimalist cylindrical timber-framed ‘Black Chapel’, described by its Chicago creator as “a place of deep reflection”. The Observer’s architectural critic Oliver Wainwright dismissed it as “like a funerary chapel built in side a converted gasometer.” Pawson’s log cabin, or Gates’ Black Chapel – I know where I’d go for quiet contemplation.

Sept Many h.Art artists on show. 20th century works by JOHN BRATBY, JOHN BRUNSDEN, HUGH CASSON, BERYL COOK, FREDERICK COX, FELIKS TOPOLSKI, SIMON MARSH, JOHN ORMSBY, DAVID SMITH, PEGGY SOMERVELL, RICHARD SORRELL, KYFFIN WILLIAMS. Over 450 greeting card designs. Wed-Fri 10am-4pm, Sat 10am-1pm. The Workhouse Studio, Presteigne Industrial Estate 01544 267864 Rare antique carpets and kilims. Plus locally made pottery, art materials, textiles, haberdashery, jewellery, cards and gifts. Cafe. Wed-Sat 10am-4pm. Mid Wales Arts Centre, Caersws, Near Newtown 01686 688369 Until 30 Oct ‘Rage’, explores injustices through attacks on culture, land and identities. Dr. MARY LLOYD JONES and ALISON LOCHHEAD - paintings and sculpture. Until 30 Oct ‘Calm’. A joint exhibition with SUE HILEY HARRIS and CARINE VAN GESTEL - drawings, sculptures and ceramics. Thurs-Sun, 11am-4pm. WEEK 3 - 11 September 2022 Open studios, exhibitions and workshops, galleries and group exhibitions. Free guides with pull-out maps can be picked up from tourist outlets. Or download from
8 art StuderPOWYSFine Art, Art - The Gallery, 4 The High Street. WE HAVE MOVED! Sept The gallery welcomes you all to our new larger premises on Presteigne High Street just four doors up from the old venue. This beautiful new space will allow us to expand our collection of ceramics, paintings, prints and giftware. Do come and visit. We are currently exhibiting KEITH PETTIT’S beautiful Wood engravings alongside our regular artists and ceramicists. Thurs-Sat, 10.30am - 3pm. Erwood Station Gallery, Llandeilo Graban, Builth Wells, LD2 3SJ 01982 560674 A constantly changing mix of materials and styles occupying over 2000 square feet. Complimented by paintings and sculpture, plus seasonal exhibitions. Open 10.30am-4.30pm. Art by Osian (Celf gan Osian Gwent), Chatwood, 6 Long Bridge St, Llanidloes SY18 6EE 0800 999 www.osiangwent.com1953 Luxury works of fine art - paintings and limited edition fine art giclée prints. Exclusive and original paintings by Welsh contemporary artist Osian Gwent. Gallery open 11-2 Thurs-Sat. Far Hall Studios, Far Hall, Dolau, near Llandrindod Wells LD1 5TW 01597 851181 3 - 11 Sept JULIENNE BRAHAMpaintings. JASON BRAHAM - pottery. Open 10am-5pm. h.Art, Venue 63. Refreshments/homemade cakes, with donations to charity. Celf O Gwmpas, Centre Celf, Tremont Rd, Llandrindod Wells LD1 5EB 01597 822777 Until 29 Sept DAWN McINTYREintricate and colourful geometric paintings. Open Wed - Sun 2pm-7pm. Sidney Nolan Trust, The Rodd, Presteigne LD8 2LL 01544 260149 Until 1 Oct ‘Ngawiya. Ngubadi’ (To give with love). A major exhibition of Indigenous Australian art. Until 1 Oct ‘Dreaming the Land’. FIONA McINTYRE (selling exhibition). Plus new work ‘Chit’ from resident artist JONY EASTERBY. Until 29 Oct ‘Of Black Shires’. JIM CARTER - environmental artist working in sculpture, ritual, sound and photography to explore themes of loss, remembrance and regeneration in relation to animals and landscape. The Gardens, The Rodd. Open Thurs-Sat 11am-4pm. Oriel Davies Gallery, Newtown 01686 625041 Until 5 Nov ‘Shared Space’. SHANI RHYS JAMES & STEVEN WEST. Until 28 Nov ‘East in Colour’. ASHRAH SUUDY - photographs, celebrating the joy and colour of the Somali community in Cardiff. Until 18 May 2023 ‘Super Size Grain’. RICHARD WOODS.
Minerva Arts Centre, High Street, Llanidloes 01686 413467 3 Sept World Textile Day Wales. 10 Sept - 1 Oct Vintage Style Fair. Open Thurs - Sat 10.30am-4.30pm. St Michael’s Church, Discoed, Presteigne LD8 2NW 01547 560813 3 - 11 Sept h.Art. Artists include SIMON DORRELL, ALISON GRIMLEY, TONY HALL, JONATHAN HEALE, LOIS HOPWOOD, KATE KATO, VICTORIA KEEBLE, GUY LESTER, ALEX ORGILL, SHELAGH POPHAM, GILL TENANT-EYLES & ZOE WRIGHT. Open 11am-5pm. Court Cupboard Gallery, New Court Farm, Llantillio Pertholey, Abergavenny NP7 8AU 01873 852011 Sept ROSIE FAREY & MANDY COATS - baskets. SUSAN GALLAGHERpaintings. Open daily 11am-4pm. Lion Street Gallery, 6 Lion St, Hay-on-Wye HR3 5AA 01497 822900 Showcasing some of the very best artists from Wales and the Borders. Open 10.30am-5pm daily except Tues, Sun 11.30am-4pm. Knighton Fine Art, 2 Broad Street, Knighton 01547 528052
Open Tues-Sun 11am-5pm. Radnorshire Museum, Temple St, Llandrindod Wells LD1 5DL 01597 824513 Sept Search Radnorshire Museum Facebook page for up-to-date exhibitions, workshops and events. Tues-Fri 10am-3pm, Sat 10am-1pm. The Table, 43 Lion St, Hay-on-Wye 01497 822802 3 - 24 Sept CLARE WALTERS & MATHEW WALTERS. 1 - 22 Oct PETER STILWELL. Open Thurs-Sat 10am-3pm. Tower House Gallery, 29 High St, Knighton LD7 1AT 01547 529530 Gallery, shop, cafe. Tues-Sat 10am-4.30pm. The Hay Makers, St John’s Place, Hay-on-Wye HR3 5BN 01497 820556 Until 2 Oct Late Summer Exhibition. RACHEL BROWN & LUCY SPINK - jewellery. JANE LITTLEFIELDstained glass. GILLIFLOWER POTTERY - ceramics. Mon-Sat 10.30am-5pm, Sun 11am-4pm. Courtyard Antiques, London House, High St, Presteigne, LD8 2BA 07974 356128 outside normal hours. Antique pottery, country furniture and art. Mon-Sat 10am-4pm.
Ann Johnson, Courtyard Theatre, Hereford Carole Glove, Tinsmiths, Ledbury Julienne Braham, Far Hall Studios, Dolau Keith Pettit, Studer Fine Art, Presteigne Sue Maud, Greenstage Gallery, Bishop’s Frome Sally Ellis, Oxenham Art, Leominster

Eddie Knevett, Twenty Twenty Gallery Maggie Davies, Castlewood View, Lingen Jane Tudge, Aardvark Books & Cafe, Brampton Bryan Jonathan Adams, The Chapel, Ashford Carbonel Lynda Jones, Old Chapel Gallery, Pembridge Sharon Griffin, Wildegoose Nursery, Munslow Canwood Gallery, Checkley HR1 4NF Until 18 Sept ‘Save The Wye’ exhibition, supporting River Action UK. Open Thurs-Sun 11am-4pm. South Chapel, All Saints Church, Hereford 01432 370414 16 & 17 Sept THE CRAFTY LADIES. 10am-3.30pm.
StationHEREFORDSHIREApproach, Hereford HR1 1FN Until April 2023 Meadow Arts & Hereford College of Arts present the work of Lothar Götz. Vibrant and geometric public artworks on each end of the building, as well as a number of dazzling flags. The first of four new bold new public artworks that will engage with the site over 4 years. Old Stable Gallery, Leominster Tourist Information Centre, Corn Square, Leominster 01568 616460 3 - 11 Sept ‘Figuring It Out’. BOBBY BROWN. Open Mon-Sat 9.30am-4pm. The Forum, 18 Market Square, Tenbury Wells WR15 8EA 01584
The Lion Ballroom, Broad St, Leominster HR6 8BT 3 - 11 Sept ‘Blot & Flourish’. Annual calligraphy exhibition by the MARCHES SCRIBES. Open daily, 10am-5pm, Made in the Marches Gallery, 12 Church St, Kington, HR5 3AZ 07531 Beautifulwww.madeinthemarches.com820195workfromlocalartists and makers, including ceramics, paintings, prints, textiles, wearable art: clothes & jewellery, sculpture, stone, wood, metal and willow, cards and gifts. Commissions and vouchers available.
Sept & Oct ‘Industrial Pastorale’: An exhibition celebrating the traces of industry and the landscape, in media ranging from photography, drawing and painting to ceramics, jewellery and found materials, from fifteen local artists: AMANDA ATTFIELD, ROSAMUND BLACK, SARAH CADWALLADER, RUTH CAMERON-SWAN, SHANNON DONOVAN, REBECCA FINNEY, DENISE FORDYCE, ROB FOUNTAIN, NANCY FROST, FREYA GAMBLE-MAPES, LOIS HOPWOOD, GRETCHEN IND, JANE KEAY, REBECCA REYNOLDS, STUART ROPER. Open Tues–Sat, 11am-4pm. Oxenham Art, Broad St, Leominster HR6 8BT 01568 611898 Sept Featuring artwork from around the British Isles. JILL PARGETER - textiles. PHIL GREENWOODprintmaking. GABI BIRD - ceramic jewellery. Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-3pm. Mappa Mundi & Chained Library, Hereford Cathedral, Cathedral Close, Hereford 01432 374200 Until 3 Sept ‘Strangers: World views and marginalising the ‘Other”. 12 Sept - 31 Dec ‘Waste Not, Want Not’. Showcasing items from the collections that have reused or repurposed older materials and given them a new lease of life. Mon-Sat 10am-5pm, normal admission applies. The Courtyard, Hereford 01432 340555 3 Sept - 1 Oct Herefordshire Open Exhibition, supported by h.Art and Apple Store Gallery. Organised by members of Framework, supporting emerging artists. Open theatre times.
Until 10 Sept ‘Hill Finds... and All That Jazz’. ARABELLA STAND, JANET WALTERS, NICHOLAS SARGENTartists. BARRY HILL - photographs. ANABEL WYNDHAM - jewellery. NICK MEMBERY - pottery. 14 Sept - 15 Oct Celebration of Contemporary Welsh Paintings. KATE CORBETT-WINDER, KEN DUKES, CHRIS GRIFFIN, SUE HUNT, ANDREW McCUCHEIO, KEVIN SINNOTT, MAGGIE JAMES. Tues-Sat 10am-4.30pm. The Art Shop, Cross St, Abergavenny NP7 5EH 01873 852690 Until 3 Sept Mixed Summer Show. Until 24 Sept ‘Two Artists in the Garden’. GEORGE ROWLETT & SARAH PRICE. Until 24 Sept ‘Gallery in a Restaurant’. DAN LLYWELYN HALL. Open Tues-Sat 9.30am-5pm. Museum of Modern Art, Tabernacle, Heol Penrallt, Machynlleth SY20 8AJ 01654 Until 7 Sept The Tabernacle Art Competition. Until 7 Sept ‘Conversation with the Silent’. ROBERT BRYCE MUIR. Until 17 Sept ‘Nature is in the Detail’. TERENCE LAMBERT. Wed-Fri 10am-4pm, Sat 10am-1pm, by appointment only. Pavilion Mid Wales, Llandrindod Wells LD1 5EY 01597 258118 24 Sept Artisan Market. Arts, crafts, homemade, handmade, local produce. Cheese & Butter Market, Hay-on-Wye 07866 843538 Every Fri & Sat Flea & Vintage Market. Vintage clothing, bric a brac, antiques and jewellery. Open 9am-5pm. Knighton Museum, 1 Broad St, Knighton The Museum is run entirely by volunteers and reflects the social history of the area. The majority of the exhibits have been either donated or lent by local people and reflect the varied history of this border town from the drovers to the flannel weavers; from trade to agriculture. Wed- Sat, 10am-4pm, Sun 11am-4pm. The Old School, Whitton, near Knighton LD7 1NP 01547 560936 Museum of Welsh Textiles. A fine collection of Welsh costume, textiles. With a selection of antique textiles and blankets for sale, alongside changing exhibitions of art and antiques. Open by appointment, please phone to book.
11 Wyeside Theatre, Builth Wells 01982 552555 Until 25 Sept ‘A Brush with Nature’. An exhibition in loving memory of SEAN MILNE. Open theatre times. Found Gallery, 1 Bulwark, Brecon LD3 7LB 07736
Market Hall, Kington 07977 978676 3rd Saturday of the month, until Dec Print, paint, wood, wool, paper, met alwork, ceramics, baskets and more. 9:30am-3:30pm,
Glasbury Village Hall, Glasbury 14 - 18 Oct Glasbury Arts Annual Art exhibition which will form part of the third biannual celebration of Welsh contemporary painting. 19 artists including AMANDA TURNER, SALLY MATTHEWS, SHANI RHYS JAMES, DAVID CARPARINI and students of Gwenyfed High School. Open Fri 6-7.30pm, Sat & Sun 11am-4.30pm, Mon & Tues 10am-4pm. Rhayader Museum & Gallery, CARAD, East St, Rhayader, LD6 5ER 01597 Rhayader810561Museum are offering an enjoyable opportunity to take part in the creative process of making and installing the displays and installations, working with our team. Please email for details. Look out for new activities and sign up for our free information newsletter online: Tues-Fri 10am-4pm, Sat 10am-12pm.
3 - 11 Sept SARAH MONK - slipware. JON WILLIAMS - ceramics. Open 11am-5pm. The Basement, 18 Gloucester Rd, Ross-on-Wye HR9 5BU email
3 Sept - 31 Oct ‘When Soft was the Sun’. Autumn and h.Art exhibition. Featuring LYNDA JONES, SUE HAYDEN, JEMIMA JAMESON, KAREN PEARCE, RACHEL BAILEY, RACHEL WRIGHT & KARIN CELESTINE in a variety of media. All year ‘Shadows on the Grass’. Garden sculpture exhibition. An ever-changing collection of unique sculptures for your outdoor space in a variety of media including ironwork, carved stone, stone resin, iron resin, bronze resin, ceramics. Wed-Sat 11am-4.30pm, Sun 12-4pm. Mon & Tues by appointment. Gallery 54, 54 High St, Ross-on-Wye 01989 567917 Sept TESSA HOUGHTON & FRIDA KAHLO. KATE DELPINTO - vases. Plus gallery artists. Thurs-Sat 10-4pm. Greenstage Gallery, Hop Pocket, Bishop’s Frome WR6 5BT 01885
3 - 24 Sept An exhibition of pottery, wood and print inspired by the wooded landscape, curated by Tinsmiths. JESSICA TURRELL, SOPHIE MacCARTHY, CAROLE GLOVER, KATRIN MOYE - ceramics. BEN CASSON & LYN HODGSON - wood. SUSIE HETHERINGTON - prints. Open 11am-5pm. 3 & 4 Sept The exhibition includes two events for charity: Stuart Houghton’s Pottery Throwdown. Stuart aims to throw 100 porcelain squeeze jugs over the two days. Open 10am-4pm. 10 Sept Carole Glover will demonstrate her intricate sliptrail decoration tech nique. Open 10am-4pm. Charities are Herefordshire Mind, The Haemophilia Society, BEAT Eating Disorders and Ledbury Places. Eastnor Pottery, Home Farm, Eastnor, near Ledbury HR8 1RD 01531 633886
3 - 11 Sept JONATHAN ADAMSlandscapes, seascapes, still life in oils. Copies of old masters and examples of restoration. Open 11am-5pm. Castlewood View, Lingen, Bucknell SY7 0DY 07711 778563 3 - 11 Sept KIM AND MAGGIE DAVISan eclectic mix of quality wood turning together with mixed media art on cloth and paper. Open 11am-5pm. Bishop’s Castle Town Hall 01588
12 Apple Store Gallery, Unit 1, Rockfield Rd, Hereford HR1 2UA 01432 www.applestoregallery.com263937 Until 17 Sept h.Art @ASG. Studio artists exhibiting including JILL CROWTHER, DAVID LAWS AND CHRIS WILLIAMS - paintings. KATE DAWSON - ceramics. MICHELLE GORDON - letterpress printer. MARION CAMPBELL - glass artist. Wed-Fri 10am-3pm, Sat 10am-1pm. Wobage Makers Gallery, Upton Bishop, Ross on Wye HR9 7QP 01989 720495 Sept SHEILA HERRING - pottery. ANDREW McGARVA stoneware pots. CLARE McGARVA - stitched textiles. PATIA DAVIS - porcelain & pots. BEN CASSON - furniture. SHEILA CASSON - stoneware & earthenware pots. CLAIR HODGSON - silver. JEREMY STEWARD - wood-fired salt-glazed pottery. CLYDE HOARbaskets. Thurs-Sat 10am-5pm. Hereford College of Arts, College Road Campus, Hereford HR1 1EB 01432 273359 3 - 11 Sept HCA Staff Showcase. 34 of the HCA staff exhibiting their work in a variety of media. Open Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, Sat & Sun 10am-4pm. 9 Sept HCA Graduation ceremony at Hereford Cathedral. 19 - 23 Sept Freshers Week. 20 Sept Freshers Fair. Local businesses and arts and culture organisations, from 12pm on the Queens Lawn. Open Mon-Fri 10am5pm, Sat & Sun 10am-4pm. The Creswells, Sutton St Nicholas, Hereford HR1 3AX 07746 413986 3 - 11 Sept h.Art Venue no. 88. Open studio, RICHARD GILBERT - paintings and drawings showing new landscape work of trees, hills and orchards. Open 11am-5pm. RidgeBank Contemporary Art Space, 1 High Street, Kington HR5 3AX 07810 RollingInstagram:caroline@ridgebank.art526006@ridgebankprogrammeofexhibitions and events. Open Fri-Sun 12-6pm. Weavers Gallery, Church Lane, Ledbury 07881 926661 Until 11 Sept ‘Landscape’ and ‘Regeneration. STELLA DOWNINGpastels and mixed media. 12 - 18 Sept Hereford Painting Club. 19 Sept - 2 Oct ARTISTREEpaintings, prints, sculpture, ceramics etc. Open daily 10am-4pm. Tinsmiths Silva Exhibition, The Heritage Centre, Church Lane, Ledbury HR8 1DW 01531 632083
3 - 11 Sept JULIE CANNON - water colours. ROSIE CALLINAN - mosaics and mixed media. CHRIS CHAMPNESS - knitting and jewellery. SARAH FREERhand-weaving. STEVE FREER - ceramics. ELEANOR KERCHER - woodcraft. JAN MATTHEWScontemporary felt maker. LOUISE PILDITCH - paintings. JACKIE POULTER - silver jewellery. TARA SLATERS - printmaker. NIGEL STREET - watercolours. FRANCES WARREN - stone carvings and glass artist. SUE WHITE - silk artist. Open 10am-4pm. Trumpet Corner Cafe, Ledbury HR8 2RA 01531 670082
3 - 11 Sept Trumpet Gallery a range of art on display, Plus ED ELLIOTT Sculpture Studios. Open 11am-5pm. Old Chapel Gallery, East St, Pembridge HR6 9HB 01544 388842
Until 11 Sept A major retrospective of well known Herefordshire artist, SUE MAUD. An evening view of the show with refreshments will take place on 2 Sept from 6.30pm-8.30pm. 17 Sept - 30 Oct Autumn show, featuring PETE BRYDEN, IAN COOK & PLUM NEASMITH. Open Tues-Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 10.30am-4pm. AshfordSHROPSHIREChapel, Asford Carbonel, Ludlow SY8 4BX 01584 831343
Openglass.fabrics,Beautifulgabydevitt@live.comhandwovenlampshades,pottery,willowbasketsandAlsoarangeofeclecticlighting.Wed-Sat9.30am-4pm. Made in Ross, The Upstairs Gallery, Market House, Ross-on-Wye HR9 5NX 01989 Sept Made in Ross. A co-operative of local art and craft makers who produce a wide range of beautiful work, for all tastes and budgets.
Until 17 Sept ANDREW JENKINwatercolours of landscapes. Open 10am-4pm. (Please check before travelling). 3 Sept Antique & Flea Market, 9am-4pm. 17 Sept Michaelmas Craft Fair. Candles, jewellery, soaps, textiles, craft materials and knitted items. 10am-4pm. From 24 Sept SUE GOULD art exhibition. Open Mon-Sat 10am-4pm.

The Artists’ Gallery, Ludlow Farm (formerly Ludlow Food Centre), Bromfield, Ludlow SY8 2JR 07974 652866 Sept Artists include SHELLY PERKINS - wildlife artist. PRISCILLA HANN - bronze sculpture. DANIELLE FLOWERS - contemporary jewellery. KIM DAVIS - wood turning. MEGAN EVANS - collagraph prints. JAN JAY - textile designs and screen prints. PIP JONES - watercolours. SARAH BILLINGHAM - pottery. Mon-Sat 10am-5pm, Sun’Gallery.
Smithy Studio, Brampton Bryan SY7 0DH 07811 042478 Rustic homewares, fine art and craft. Local makers. Turned wood, slipware, lavender products, textiles, cards and gifts. Thurs-Sat 11am-4pm. Assembly Rooms, Mill St, Ludlow
home school art classes for 11-18 year olds. Stephen Hand, stephen@hand 07786 934880. ALEX ALLPRESS POTTERY SCHOOL - POTTERY WORKSHOPS Church Street, Builth Wells, LD2 3BS, Powys. Courses/workshop throughout the year. Throwing, Hand building, glazing, kiln firing and much more. Clay and equipment and your own wheel included. For more details 07443 875016. ics@gmail.comalexallpressceram/ VILLAGE ART CLUBS Love art? Come and join us! Friendly, local clubs with professional tuition run for three terms per year. Beginners and experienced paint ers all welcome. Call Liz on 07938 563716 or see the website for details - LAZY DAISY CHAINS CHILDREN’S SEWING WORKSHOP ‘Fruity Faces’ is our next workshop on Saturday 10th Septmber, 10am1pm, at Make-it-Happen, Gomond St, Hereford. For children aged 7-11, no experience is necessary. Cost £18. For more details go to GINN’S CREATIVE WORKSHOPS Discover your creative potential at my workshops covering, Art, Textiles and Sewing Techniques, catering for the experienced and inexperienced. Dates to suit you. 01432 760961.
Aardvark Books, The Bookery, Manor Farm, Brampton Bryan, near Bucknell SY7 0DH 01547 - 11 Sept ‘The Shield of Achilles’. Thirteen artists working in diverse media celebrate and interpret the imagery of The Shield of Achilles shield. Curated by Shannon Donovan. Tues- Sun, 10am-4pm. Twenty Twenty Gallery, 4 Quality Square, Ludlow 01584 Sept - 8 Oct ‘Between Worlds’. MARGOT BANDOLA. Open Wed-Sat 10.30am-4pm. Wildegoose Nursery, Lower Millichope, The Walled Garden, Munslow SY7 9HE 01584 875363 (Twenty Twenty Gallery tel. no.) 16 - 18 Sept ‘Sculpture in the Walled Garden’. Twenty Twenty Gallery will be holding a three day exhibition of sculpture. Artists include SHARON GRIFFIN, SUSAN HALLS, GLEN FARRALLY, SUE JONES, ANYA BEAUMONT, PATRICIA VOLK and more. Open 10am-4.30pm. The Hive, Belmont, Shrewsbury 01743 234970 2 - 28 Sept ‘Alternative Spaces’. JOHN WRAGG - paintings, prints and constructions. 7 Sept ‘From Sketchbooks to Completion: How Ideas Develop’. John Wragg will give an informal talk about his ideas and inspiration, 2pm, free to book.Tues-Fri 10am-4.30pm. Ogilvie Vaile Conservation, Unit 9, Lower Buckton Barns, between Leintwardine and Brampton Bryan SY7 0JU 07780 Specialisingwww.ogilvievaile.com616067intheconservation and restoration of fine art. Ragleth Gallery, 1 Sandford Place, Church Stretton SY6 6DY 01694 723225 A contemporary gallery full of original art, inspired by the landscape and wildlife of the Shropshire Hills. 1LG 10am-11am, Mon-Sat 10am-4pm, Sun 11am-4pm.
Sculpture, paintings, ceramics, glass, jewellery, prints, photographs, automata and more. Mon & Tue10am-5pm, Thurs - Sat 11am-5pm, Sun 11am-4pm. Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery, The Music Hall, Market Square, Shrewsbury SY1
01743 258881 Until 25 Sept The Quiet Hour,
Single, dated listings are free. Ongoing workshops, £40 per year.
530744 3
IKEBANA: THE ANCIENT ART OF JAPANESE FLOWER ARRANGING ‘Foam-free’, using seasonal materials. Workshops for maximum 6 people are run by Qualified Teacher and Master in Ikebana (Ohara School). Individual lessons are possible by arrangement. Visit Western flower arranging workshops are also available, see website ‘Western Style Workshops’, or ring 01432 880126 or noellaplasman@gmail.comemail
Launched by The Mortimer History Society. Photographers may interpret that as freely as they wish, but images may include, for example, historic landscapes, towns, castles, churches, effigies. The judges will select the 12 best photos to appear in the 2024 calendar and one overall winner will recieve £100. Entries close 28
GILBERT - new work from painters living in the area. An artistic journey through the Marches dedicated to the late Peter Bishop. Open theatre times. Art & Craft Workshops
a quieter time with fewer visitors. Open
MOOR HALL STUDIO ~ BOBBY BRITNELL Inspirational art and textile related courses delivered throughout the year by highly qualified tutors. Some courses are on-line, and others face to face. Refer to www.bobbybritnell. for further information and details of all courses. Contact Bobby Britnell on 01547 510664, or email at ART CLASS you like to learn how to paint or improve on the skills you already have? All you need is access to Zoom. Also art tuition and
KNIGHTON PAINTING & SKETCHING GROUP We meet Monday daytime at the Civic Centre, Knighton (near the Clock Tower) during spring and autumn terms. We have weekly topics with friendly tuition. All abilities, beginners welcome. Learn at your own pace. Discover new skills and increase your confidence. Own choice of art materials. Contact local artist tutor: Audrey Bradley: 01544 350369.

h.Art Venue No. 18 Jonathan Adams The Chapel, Ashford Carbonel, Ludlow, SY8 4BX Original oil paintings, old master copies and examples of restoration. 3rd - 11th September Open 10am-5pm

2 Sept - Silver Etruscan Chain. 10 Sept & 26 Nov - Make A Silver Ring. 13 Sept - Silver Chain Bracelet, for begin ners and improvers, 10am-4pm, £85.
18 STONE CARVING WORKSHOPS Monthly in Llangarron HR9 6PH. Glenn Morris, sculptor, leads an informal, friendly group. Suitable for beginners and those with some experience. Full tuition, safety equipment and tools provided. Stone available if required. Copious refreshments guaranteed. 01989 770776. CREATIVE BREAKS Learn a new skill and explore your creativity with experienced tutors, all based in beautiful countryside with outstanding views and local produce. We offer a wide range of courses throughout the year:- Basketmaking, Enamelled Jewellery, Felt-making, Glass Fusing, Hand Block Printing, Hedgerow Medicine, Mosaics, Painting, Pastels, Photography, Plant Dyeing, Spinning and Weaving, Rag Rug Making, Sewing, Stained Glass, Stonecarving, Woodblock printing, Drawing and Upholstery. For full details visit www.creativebreaks. Make it yourself - take it home - treasure it –or give it with pride! BASKETMAKING USING RUSH Presteigne. Courses available throughout the year covering many techniques. Small groups and all levels taught. All materials and equipment included. For more information see or contact Clair at 07713 514902. THE ARTHOUSE STUDIO Creative workshops including lino printing, glass fusing, jewellery making, fabric printing, traditional glass painting, stained glass. The Art House Studio, Weobley, 07467 941208,
10 Sept - Life Drawing with Sandy Craig, 10am-1pm, £18, £12 students. 10 Sept - Screen Printing Workshop with Emma Aldridge and Jacqui Dods, 10am-4pm, £60. Thurs 1, 8 & 15 Sept - After-School Pottery for children 7-11 years, 5-6.30pm, £7. 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 Sept - Pottery & Ceramic Sculpture Club for all ages and abilities, 2-4pm & 7-9pm, £10. 3 Sept - Family Pottery Workshop, 2-4pm, £10, children £8. Mid Wales Arts Centre, Caersws, Newtown, 01686 688369. FRANKLIN The Forum, 18 Market Square, Tenbury -
Jewellery Individual Contemporary Design Commissions undertaken
Sun 11th September HEREFORDSHIRE ART WEEK @ AARDVARK ‘The Shield of Achillies’. Shannon Donovan curates the work of 13 artists in a show titled “The Shield of Achilles”.
Wells, Worcs. WR15 8EA Phone 01584 810085 Please see website for studio opening times. Specialist in art, design, photography, history, gardening Also open our superb CAFÉ! The Bookery, Manor Farm, Brampton Bryan, Bucknell, SY7 0DH Off A4113 Knighton Road. Tel: 01547 aardvaark@btconnect.com530744 Bookshop open to visitors Tues-Sun 10am-4pm. Open Bank Holiday Mondays. 50,000+ titles; North Herefordshire’s largest indie bookseller; We buy books AARDVARK BOOKS & CAFE Website: Saturday 3rd
18 Oct - Enamelling Techniques for Jewellers. 21 Oct - Collet Mount Setting. 20 Oct & 15 DecCabochon Stone Setting. 4 Nov - Claw Settings. 7 & 13 Nov - Make a Round Pill Box in Silver or Copper, 10am-4pm. 12 & 13 Nov - Make a Pill Box in Silver or Copper, 10am-4pm, £8515 Nov - Tube Setting and Gypsy Setting. 3 Dec - Soldering Tips and Practice, 10am-4pm. All workshops are one day in duration. Melissa Hunt, Brampton Bryan,
16 Sept - Cold Connections (hinges, rabs and rivets). 20 Sept, 4 & 25 Oct, 8 & 29 Nov - 5 Day Introduction ot Sil versmithing, suitable for beginners and students who wish to develop their skills, 10am-4pm, £425. 22 Sept - An Introduction to Silver Clay with Lori Ridgway, suitable for beginners and improvers, 10am-12.30pm, £55. 22 Sept - Silver Clay Charm Bracelet with Lori Ridgway, 1.30-4pm, £55. 30 Sept - Wirework, beads and pearls. 1 Oct - Anti-Clastic Raising. 24 & 25 Oct - Spoon Making (1 ½ days).


Open 10am - 5pm Saturday 3rd - Sunday 11th September Tel: 01597 851 VENUE 63 OPEN STUDIOS, FAR HALL, DOLAU, LD1 5TW Jason Braham, Potter Julienne Braham, Painter
Sat 3 September FLOWER ARRANGING WORKSHOP at DIY flowers for weddings Village Hall in Moreton-on-Lugg. This is a full day’s workshop and very hands-on: hand tied posy - wiring for buttonholestable centerpieces - swags. From 10.30am to around 3pm, coffee and tea provided, bring your own lunch. £50pp plus flowers. All abilities welcome! Booking essential, contact Noella on 01432 880126 or email
Learn progging and hooking for recycling textiles, with Jenni Stuart-Anderson. Leysters & Middleton Parish Hall, HR6 0HP, 10am-4pm, £60 includes beverages and hessian, info and bookings, 01568 750229 or email jenni.
and events.
Pigments and Ink Workshop. Join artist Fiona McIntyre for a workshop exploring the materials in her current exhibition: Dreaming the Land. Fiona will demonstrate some of her own media used in the mulling of natural pigments into oil paint and the making of ink from foraged material. Suitable for all ages 12 and over. All materials will be provided. 11am-2.30pm. There will be a 30-minute lunch break so please bring a packed lunch. £30. Sidney Nolan, The Rodd, Prestiegne. Please book in advance at
Sat 17 September FREE SUMMER OF FUN FAMILY ACTIVIES CARAD, Rhayader, 1-4pm,
A celebration of Rhos Pasture. Family activities with Radnorshire Wildlife Trust. Willow Globe Theatre, near Llandrindod Wells, 1-4pm,
Thurs 8 September RAG RUG DAY WORKSHOP
First Saturday of the month, until 3 Dec - Monthly Figure Drawing with Lois Hopwood, 10.30am-1pm, £20 per session. Book online or in the gallery. Oriel Gallery, Newtown, 01686 625041,
5 - 9 Sept - 5 Days Painting on location in Shropshire. 30 Oct - 11 Nov - Italy Art Safari. Vicki Norman Art School, 21 Mill St, Bridgnorth, WV15 5AF,
September EASTNOR POTTERY INTO TO THE POTTERS WHEEL £49 per person. Perfect indoor activity for individuals, couples and small groups. 1.5 hr sessions take place on specific dates through September. Please check availability and book online. POTTERS WHEEL COURSES 10, 24 & 25 Sept. £150 day £280 weekend. Spend the day or weekend relaxing and creating pots on the potter’s wheel. Please book online. h.Art at EASTNOR POTTERY 3-11 Sept, 11am – 5pm. Perfect opportunity to peruse and purchase ceramics made by Eastnor Pottery founders Sarah Monk and Jon Williams. Please check availability book online Email admin@eastnorpottery. or tel 01531 633886.
Mondays, term time - Toddler Group, craft activities and prayer; suitable 1-3 years, 9.30am, free. Hereford Cathedral, September THE HIVE WORKSHOPS Every Tues - Life Drawing for all ages, 7-9pm. The Hive, Belmont, Shrewsbury, 01743 234970.
Sun 11 September IN THE LONG GRASS

21 Oxenham Art, 15b Broad St, Leominster, HR7 4FQ Email Alice: A carefully curated collection of work from around the British Isles. Through family’sgenerations,fourthehistoryin the arts is something we feel proud of. Open MondaySaturday10am-5pm,Friday10am-3pm.

22 Sat 17 September HERITAGE OPEN DAYASTOUNDING INVENTIONS Free activities exploring the locks and mechanisms that make the Chained Library so special. Chained Library, Hereford Cathedral, 10am-3pm, no booking required, free entry, Fri 23 - Sun 25 September LEARN TO SPIN YARN WEEKEND Learn how to spin your own yarns for complete beginners. Held in a beautiful and relaxing countryside setting in the Welsh hills, (Montgomery). Accommodation available in farm cottage or glamping. Just workshops - £155 / With accommodation - £295 Email Lea: thetravellingpixies@ phone: 07581 221639. Sat 24 September MARCHES SCRIBES WORKSHOP ‘Minuskillian’, a contemporary approach to the lettering of Herman Killian with tutor Josie Brown. Monkland Village Hall, 10am-4pm, £25 visitors, £22 members, 01544 327657. Tuesdays DRINK AND DRAW Weekly life drawing group for all abilities. Bring your own materials and just turn up. Upstairs at The Green Dragon Hotel, Broad St, Hereford, 7-9:30pm, £8,07855 628626. Wednesdays INFORMAL ART GROUP All welcome, help given if required. The Old School Community Hub, New Radnor, 2-4pm, 01544 350242. Wednesdays DRINK AND DRAW Weekly life drawing group for all abilities. Bring your own materials and just turn up. Ty Tan Gallery (opp. Blue Boar), Hay-on-Wye, 7-9:30pm, block book in advance £90 for 10 weeks or drop-in for £11, 07855 628626.
Thursdays HEREFORD LIFE DRAWING The Courtyard, Hereford, 10am-1pm, £7.50, 01432 340555.

23 Please call or email Louise Vaile for appointments and further information. Specialising in the conservationrestoration of works of art on paper and archive material. Unit 9, Lower Buckton Barns, between Leintwardine and Brampton Bryan, SY7 0JU. T: 07780 616067 E: KIM AND MAGGIE DAVIS AT HOME CASTLEWOOD VIEW, LINGEN, SHROPSHIRE SY7 0DY An eclectic mix of quality turned wood and mixed media artwork 3rd September - 11th September, 10am - 5pm Tel 07711778563 e

24 cinema ABERGAVENNY FILM SOC. 21 Sept THE OUTFIT 5 Oct HIVE Melville Centre, Pen y Pound, Abergavenny NP75UD. 4pm for 4.30pm screening and 7pm for 7.30 screening. A limited number of seats available for non-members aged 18+ ASSEMBLY ROOMS, LUDLOW 2, 3 & 8 Sept NOPE (15) 5 Sept WHERE THE CRAWDADS SING (15) 7 & 15 Sept BULLET TRAIN (15) 9, 13, 15 Sept QUEEN OF GLORY (15) 10 Sept GREASE (PG) 12 Sept ANAIS IN LOVE (15) 19 & 22 Sept MR MALCOLM’S LIST (ctbc) 20 - 22 Sept FISHERMAN’S FRIENDS: ONE AND ALL (12A) 23, 24 & 28 Sept BEAST (15) Assembly Rooms, Mill St, Ludlow, 01584 873229 BRECON FILM SOCIETY 5 Sept PARALLEL MOTHERS (15) 3 Oct MEN WHO SING (12A) Doors open 7.15pm for 7.30pm start. Brecon Coliseum Cinema, Wheat St, Brecon. 01874 623166 CONQUEST, BROMYARD 16 Sept OPERATION MINCEMEAT (12) Conquest Theatre, Bromyard. 01885 488575 COURTYARD, HEREFORD 2 - 8 Sept EIFFEL Foreign language with English subtitles 1 - 3 Sept DC LEAGUE OF SUPER PETS (PG) 1 - 15 Sept FISHERMAN’S FRIENDS: ONE AND ALL (ctbc) 5 - 7 Sept THE GOOD BOSS (15) 5 - 10 Sept WHERE IS ANNE FRANK (PG) 7 & 9 Sept GOOD LUCK TO YOU, LEO GRANDE (15) 9 - 15 Sept IT SNOWS IN BENIDORM (15) 9 - 15 Sept QUEEN OF GLORY (ctbc) 12 - 15 Sept NOPE (15) 16 - 22 Sept NOTRE-DAME ON FIRE (12A) 16 - 22 Sept THREE THOUSAND YEARS OF LONGING (ctbc) 17 Sept JACKIE BROWN 25TH ANNIVERSARY (15) Cult classic 20 & 22 Sept FIRE OF LOVE (PG) 23 - 30 Sept SEE HOW THEY RUN (12A) 23 - 29 Sept FUNNY PAGES (ctbc) 24 & 28 Sept DRAGON BALL SUPER: SUPER HERO (12A) 24th dubbed, 28th subtitled The Courtyard Theatre, Edgar St, Hereford 01432 340555 1 September THE DUKE (12A) Bagley Sports and Social Club 07776 378622 2 Sept DOWNTON ABBEY: A NEW ERA (PG) Fownhope New Memorial Hall 01432 860717 7 Sept THE PHANTOM OF THE OPEN (PG) Cardington VH 01694 771295 8 Sept THE DUKE (12A) Brilley VH 01544 327227 9 Sept BELFAST (12) Callow End VH 01905 830469 9 Sept PARALLEL MOTHERS (15) Knighton Community Centre 01547 428088 9 Sept BELFAST (12) Dolau Community Hall 07904 883038 9 Sept BENEDICTION (12) Market Theatre, Ledbury 07967 517125 9 Sept THE DUKE (12A) Great Witley VH 01299 896412 9 Sept BELFAST (12) All Stretton VH 07812 583113 10 Sept BELFAST (12) Cawley Hall, Eye 01568 615836 13 Sept LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL (PG) St Mary’s Church Hall, Ross on Wye 07789 778048 14 Sept THE DUKE (12A) Market Theatre, Ledbury 07967 517125 14 Sept THE WALK IN THE WOODS (15) Hope Bowdler VH 01694 723648 15 Sept OPERATION MINCEMEAT (12) Huntington VH 01544 370692 15 Sept OPERATION MINCEMEAT (12) Diddlebury VH 07375 326381 15 Sept BELFAST (12) Pencombe and Little Cowarne Parish Hall 01885 400311 15 Sept TOP GUN (12) Leintwardine Community Centre 07572 442903 Outdoor screening, 7.45pm. 15 Sept DOWNTON ABBEY: A NEW ERA (PG) Silvester Horne Institute, Church Stretton 07508 072206 NOPE (15) Director/writer Jordan Peele’s breakthrough flick was the class-war thriller GET OUT which deployed discomforting racism endured by actor Daniel Kaluuya’s character and here he is again, this time as the almost unassuming scion of an ailing California ranch which, along with his more flamboyant sister, Emerald (Keke Palmer, wonderful in 2019’s HUSTLERS ), trains horses for the movies. However as with GET OUT, there’s much, almost too much more going on here and as the pair try to wrangle the ranch’s economic survival, Peele treats us to myriad themes including America’s emerging dubious political morality, as evidenced by a nearby theme park, and bizarre sci-fi dystopia. Sometimes the narrative threads are a tad hard to follow but as with last year’s epic DUNE, that’s overcome by gobsmacking cinematography, courtesy of Hoyt Van Hoytema (DUNKIRK) and either way, it’s a riveting, occasionally disturbing watch.
All reviews by Mark Williams

The longest running film society in Wales
25 15 Sept DOWNTON ABBEY: A NEW ERA (PG) Kinnerley Parish Hall 01691 683619 15 Sept THE DUKE (12A) Castlemorton Parish Hall 01531 631503 15 Sept THE DUKE (12A) Gorsley VH 01989 750649 15 Sept THE DUKE (12A) Much Birch Community Hall 01981 540097 16 Sept SPENCER (12) Marton VH 01743 792790 16 Sept OPERATION MINCEMEAT (12) Conquest Theatre, Bromyard 01885 488575 16 Sept DOWNTON ABBEY: A NEW ERA (PG) Lingen VH 01568 770920 16 Sept THE DUKE (12A) Cound Guildhall 01743 761451 16 Sept DOWNTON ABBEY: A NEW ERA (PG) Clungunford VH 01588 660159 16 Sept A BEAUTIFUL DAY IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD (PG) The Simpson Hall, Burghill 07726 148736 17 Sept THE DUKE (12A) Bicton VH 01743 850495 17 Sept THE PHANTOM OF THE OPEN (PG) Lady Emily Hall, Tarrington 01432 890720 20 Sept DARE TO BE WILD (PG) SpArC Theatre, Bishop’s Castle 01588 630321 21 Sept DOWNTON ABBEY: A NEW ERA (PG) Chetton VH 01746 789257 Conquest Theatre Bromyard Box office 01885 488575 Films 16 Sept, 8pm OPERATION MINCEMEAT(12) Saturday Coffee Shop open 10.30am-12.30pm Streamed Events Thurs 8 September, 7pm MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING National Theatre. Tues 27 September, 7.15pm MADAMA BUTTERFLY Royal Opera House. Wed 28 September, 7pm RICHARD III Royal Shakespeare Company. Live on Stage Sat 24 September, 7.30pm STEVIE GEOGHEGAN & SWING EASY Welcome back to Bromyard Stevie Geoghegan who for many years was involved with music in and around the area. Now established with the Swing Easy Jazz, this is a show not to be missed and say, welcome back! Coming Soon... Wed 19 - Sat 22 October Conquest Productions LEGALLY BLONDE The musical, booking now open. 22-23 Fortnightly screenings from September to March. Our programme includes mainly World Cinema and independent titles, foreign language films are subtitled of course. Licensed bar open between screenings. Website for film details Melville Centre, Pen y Pound, Abergavenny NP75UD 4pm for 4.30 screening and 7pm for 7.30 screening. A limited number of seats available for non-members aged 18+ @ £5pp.
Those that love a nice, sexy French drama won’t be disappointed with this on-off love affair ‘twixt the bourgeois Adrienne (Emma Mackey, SEX EDUCATION) and earnest engineer Gustave Eiffel (the ever reliable Romain Duris, THE BEAT THAT MY HEART SKIPPED) whose efforts to build the titular and clearly phallic landmark are the backdrop to newish director Martin Bourboulon’s impressive film. In time for the 100th anniversary of the great Revolution in 1889, Eiffel’s ultimately iconic project somehow took just over two years to complete and its somewhat factually-lite history is well observed here, with added intrigue provided by Adrienne’s other passionate affair with Eiffel’s colleague, Antoine de Restac (Pierre Deladonchamps) who has the power to stymie it. The lush, period settings – lots of frock coats, beards and bustles – and the CGI-rich work involved in its construction add to what would be a compelling drama with or without subtitles!

Even more preposterous than this month’s NOPE, but no less entertaining, is the latest comedic-thriller from David Leitch (ATOMIC BLONDE, DEAD POOL 2). His and newbie screenwriter Zak Olkewicz’s premise here is the retrieval of a mysterious briefcase (think RONIN but without the political subtext) tasked to emotionally distressed hitman, Ladybug (Brad Pitt at his most knowingly insouciant) aboard a speeding inter-city. Unfortunately for him, several other hit-men have the same goal and Leitch – who once worked as Pitt’s stunt double – employs almost impossibly balletic fight scenes as they battle each other to achieve their sometimes gory goals.
22 Sept ELVIS (2022) (12A) SpArC Theatre, Bishop’s Castle 01588 630321 22 Sept ROCKETMAN (15) Grimley Peace Hall, Sinton Green 01905 641572 22 Sept BELFAST (12) Norbury VH 01588 650306 23 Sept THE COURIER (12) Priest Weston VH 07912 274891 23 Sept LICORICE PIZZA (15) Market Theatre, Ledbury 07967 517125 23 Sept KING RICHARD (12) Little Wenlock VH 01952 505888 24 Sept THE FATHER (12A) Church & Chetwynd Aston VH 01952 813234 26 Sept THE LODGER (1927) (PG) Coalbrookdale & Ironbridge Community Centre 01952 433297 26 Sept BELFAST (12) The Red House, Albrighton 01902 373854 29 Sept THE DUKE (12A) Goodrich VH 01600 890609 29 Sept DOWNTON ABBEY: A NEW ERA (PG) SpArC Theatre, Bishop’s Castle 01588 630321 30 Sept DOWNTON ABBEY: A NEW ERA (PG) Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre, Craven Arms 01588 676060 30 Sept THE DUKE (12A) Colwall VH 07891 668124 30 Sept THE DUKE (12A) Dolau Community Hall 07904 883038 30 Sept BELFAST (12) Himbleton VH 01905 391143 THE HIVE, SHREWSBURY 23 Sept PARALLEL MOTHERS (15) 7 Oct MARTIN EDEN (15) Shrewsbury Film Society. The Hive, Belmont, Shrewsbury, 7.30pm, 01743 234970 KINGTON PRIMARY SCHOOL 16 Sept DARK SKIES WALES PLANETARIUM SHOW Three showings from 5-7pm. Part of Kington Walking Festival. To book, MKT. THEATRE, LEDBURY 9 Sept BENEDICTION (12) 14 Sept THE DUKE (12) 23 Sept LICORICE PIZZA (15) Market Theatre, Market St, Ledbury 07967 517125 26 OLD MKT. HALL, SHREWS. 2 - 8 Sept JOYRIDE (15) 9 - 15 Sept IT SNOWS IN BENIDORM (15) 16 - 22 Sept MR MALCOLM’S LIST (PG) 22 Sept TUBULAR BELLS 50TH ANNIVERSARY CONCERT (U) 23 - 30 Sept SEE HOW THEY RUN Old(12A)Market Hall, Shrewsbury, 01743 281281 SAVOY, MONMOUTH 1 Sept NOPE (15) 1 Sept WHERE IS ANNE FRANK? (PG) 2 - 4 Sept SPIDERMAN: NO WAY HOME (12A) 6, 14 & 15 Sept TOMORROW MORNING (ctbc) Savoy Theatre, Church St, Monmouth 01600 772467 SPARC, BISHOP’S CASTLE 20 Sept DARE TO BE WILD (PG) 22 Sept ELVIS (12A) 29 Sept DOWNTON ABBEY: A NEW ERA SpArC(PG)Theatre, Bishop’s Castle, 01588 638038 WYESIDE, BUILTH WELLS 1 Sept EASTER SUNDAY (ctbc) 1 Sept JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION (12A) 11 Sept MINIONS: THE RISE OF GRU (U) Relaxed screening Until 11 Sept NOPE (ctbc) 2 - 7 Sept EIFFEL (15) 2 - 8 Sept THE FEAST/GWLEDD (18) 9 - 15 Sept THE FORGIVEN (ctbc) 9 - 15 Sept WHERE THE CRAWDADS SING (15) Wyeside, Builth Wells 01982 552555 LIVE EVENTS ON SCREEN 2 Sept PRIMA FACIE National Theatre live. Blake Theatre, Monmouth, 7pm, 01600 719401. 3 Sept ANDRE RIEU’S 2022 MAASTRICHT CONCERT: HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN The Courtyard, Hereford, 2.30pm, 01432 340555. 8 Sept MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING National Theatre live. Blake Theatre, Monmouth, 7pm, 01600 719401. Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon, 7pm, 01874 611622. The Courtyard, Hereford, 7pm, 01432 340555. Wyeside, Builth Wells, 7pm, 01982 552555. Market Theatre, Ledbury, 7pm, 07967 517125. Ludlow BULLET TRAIN (15)
Fortunately the calibre of the cast here, which includes Michael Shannon, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, the literally disarmingly schoolgirlish Joey King (THE CONJURING), an under-used Sandra Bullock plus several lesser-known actioneers add glitz if not gravitas to the proceedings which, if nothing else, is a rip-roaring ride.

27 Assembly Rooms, 7pm, 01584 873229. Conquest Theatre, Bromyard, 7pm, 01885 488575. Regal Cinema, Tenbury Wells, 7pm, 01584 811442.
AGAIN National Theatre. Wyeside, Builth Wells, 7pm, 01982 552555. Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon, 7pm, 01874 611622. Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 7pm, 01584 873229. The Courtyard, Hereford, 7pm, 01432 340555. 9 Oct MAYERLING Royal Opera House. Wyeside, Builth Wells, 2pm, 01982 552555. WORKSHOPS Wednesdays FILM MAKING CLUB
28 Sept RICHARD III Royal Shakespeare Company. Wyeside, Builth Wells, 7pm, 01982 552555. Savoy Theatre, Monmouth, 7pm, 01600 772467. Market Theatre, Ledbury, 7pm, (encore screening),07967 517125. Conquest Theatre, Bromyard, 7pm, 01885 488575. 30 Sept MADAMA BUTTERFLY Royal Opera House. Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 7pm, 01584 878141. 2 Oct MADAMA BUTTERFLY Royal Opera House. SpArC Theatre, Bishop’s Castle, 2pm, 01588 638038. Wyeside, Builth Wells, 2pm, 01982 552555. Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon, 7.15pm, 01874 611622. Regal Cinema, Tenbury Wells, 2pm, 01584 811442. 5 Oct MAYERLING Royal Opera House. Booth’s Bookshop, 7.15pm, 01497 820322. Regal Cinema, Tenbury Wells, 7.15pm, 01584 811442. Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 7.15pm, 01584 878141. 6 Oct JACK ABSOLUTE FLIES
The Courtyard, Hereford, 5.15pm & 6.45pm, £73 per term, 01432 340555. Jack Absolute Flies Again
10 Sept PRIMA FACIE National Theatre ‘encore’. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, 7pm, 01743 281281. 11 Sept LA BOHEME Glyndebourne ‘as live’. Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 4pm, 01584 873229. 15 Sept MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING National Theatre live. SpArC Theatre, Bishop’s Castle, 7pm, 01588 638038 20 Sept EXHIBITION ON SCREEN ‘My Childhood, My Country: 20 Years in Afghanstan’. The Courtyard, Hereford, 7.45pm, 01432 340555. 27 Sept MADAMA BUTTERFLY Royal Opera House. The Courtyard, Hereford, 7.15pm, 01432 340555. Blake Theatre, Monmouth, 7.15pm, 01600 719401. Booth’s Bookshop, 7.15pm, 01497 820322. Conquest Theatre, Bromyard, 7.15pm, 01885 488575. Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon, 7.15pm, 01874 611622.

Thurs - Silver Swans Adult Ballet, 1.30pm & 2.30pm, £6 per session, www.starlightcompany. Thurs - Adult Performance Class with LG Dance, 8pm, £48 for 6 weeks, £8 drop in, Fri - Chance to Dance, 10.15pm, £5 per session. Junior Classes with LG Dance. Mon - Junior Contemporary, 4.30pm, £21 per month. Mon - Senior Contemporary, 5.30pm, £21 per month. Tues - Junior Street Jazz, 5.15pm, £21 per month. Tues - Senior Street Jazz, 6.15pm, £21 per month. Thurs - Mini Musicals, 5.30pm, £23 per month. Thurs - Junior Musical Theatre, 5.30pm, £23 per month. Thurs Senior Musical Theatre, 6.40pm, £28 per month, Wed - Irish Dance with Ludwig Theatre Arts, Beginners (6+) 6pm, advanced 7pm, £5 per session. Fri - Dancing Tots for ages 2-4, 11.30pm, £4 per session. The Courtyard, Hereford, 01432 340555.
Dance & Fitness for adults. Fortnightly Saturdays CHORUS LINE Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon, 07943 417561. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays MID WALES DANCE ACADEMY Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon, 07943 417561. Tuesdays FOXWELP MORRIS Why not try Morris dancing? We practice every Tues evening at 7.30pm in Moccas Village Hall from Sept to May. Mainly dances from the Cotswolds, but also some from the Welsh Borders. All sexes welcome, and ability to dance not necessary! Beginners welcome. Contact Paul 01497 821003 or Jed 07549 096291. Wednesdays SOLO LATINO DANCE Parish Hall, Hay-on-Wye, 7pm. Mely 07837 169505. dance Black Umfolosi Visit listingslivemusic,ofawarmseats,withintimatepurposeLedbury’sbuilt,theatrecomfortablebarandawelcome,forgreatprogrammeoriginaldrama,cinemaandscreenings-seeforwhat’son
A fun and nostalgic dementia friendly event, full of music, tea, cakes and dancing. Accompanying carers go free. The Courtyard, Hereford, 2pm, 01432 340555.
COURTYARD, HEREFORD CLASSES Adult Classes. Mon - Contemporary Dance with LG Dance, 6.30pm, £21 per month, £8 drop in,
Performances are inspired by the traditional song and dance of their native South Africa. The world famous acappella and dance group return to the UK. Theatr Hafren, Newtown, 7.45pm, £14/£12, 01686 948100.
Mon - Bartestree Village Hall, Hereford, HR1 4BY 7.30-8.30pm. Silvester Horne Institute, Church Stretton, SY6 6BY, 7.30-8.30pm. Tues - Pembridge Village Hall, HR6 9EB, 7.30-8.30pm. SaxonHall, HR2 6HE, 7.30-8.30pm. Ludlow Assembly Rooms, SY8 1AZ, 7.30-8.30pm. Wed - Burford Village Hall, Tenbury Wells, WR15 8LA, 7.30-8.30pm. Holy Trinity Parish Hall, Malvern, WR14 4LR, 7.30-8.30pm, Beginners Jive. 8.30-9.30pm, Intermediate Jive. Thurs - Ledbury Dance Studio, Bye Street, HR8 2AA, 7.30-8.30pm. Abberley Village Hall, WR6 6AZ, 7.30-8.30pm. Sun - Eardisley Village Hall, HR3 6NH, 7.30-8.30pm. For more information e-mail 01989 750354. Coolmoves
Tues - Street Jazz with LG Dance, 7.15pm, £21 per month, £8 drop in, Wed - Adult Irish Dance, 8pm, £60 for 10 week course,
Tues 6 September EAZY AEROBICS WITH ESME Full body workout, fun, low impact dance moves to good music. No equipment needed, all abilities welcome. Pavilion Mid Wales, Llandrindod Wells, 11am-12pm, £5, 07711 133720.
Sun 25th Septemer COOL LATIN TEA DANCE WITH THE LITTLE RHYTHM BAND Learn some Latin dance with Sapa Dance School Latin Teacher to a live band. Join in or watch and enjoy. SpArC Theatre, Bishop’s Castle, 3pm, £12, child/student £8, 01588 638038.
ALANYA’S BELLYDANCE CLUB - OPEN LEVEL Bodenham Parish Hall, HR1 3LB. 1st & 3rd Saturday of the month, 1.00-3.30pm. No-obligation taster, then pay per term. For full information visit www.alanyabellydance. com or call Abbie on 07962 161081. Matt or Sarah on
Dance Performance
Single, dated listings are free. Year round entries £40.
Dance Workshops
Thurs 22 September BLACK UMFOLOSI

Wednesdays BIG FISH LITTLE FISH FOR MUMS & TOTS! Dance Centre, Llandrindod Wells, 2-3pm, £3 drop in, for tots aged 8 months+, 01597 824370. Wednesday mornings & Thursday evenings TUDOR & MEDIEVAL DANCE Would you like to learn to do Tudor and Medieval dances? Come and join us in Leominster on Wednesday mornings or Thursday evenings. Beginners welcome; no previous experience necessary. Contact Maureen Crumpler on 01568 613477 or email Thursdays WILD WEST SALSA Left Bank Village, Bridge St, Hereford, 7.45pm, £6, students £5, social dance only £4, 01432 357753. Thursdays JENNY PIPES MORRIS is a lively well established female Morris side looking for new dancers to join us, all abilities welcome including beginners. If you are a musician (male or female) looking to play for Morris dancing, then please join us and have some fun! We dance Cotswold and Border Morris, practicing on Thursday evenings at 7.30 at Stoke Prior Village Hall, Leominster, HR6 0LG. Contact Helen 07821 411236 or Rose 07815169566. Fridays CHANCE TO DANCE For the over 50s. The Courtyard, Hereford, 10.15am, £4.50, 01432 340555. Fridays DANCING TOTS For ages 2-4 years. Courtyard, Hereford, 11.30am, £4, 01432 340555. Fortnightly Sunday HIGHFLYERS YOUTH DANCE COMPANY For ages 11-18 with disabilities or additional needs and their siblings. All welcome. The Hive, Belmont, Shrewsbury, 2-4pm, 01743 234970 or email Rachel

Mr P thought of The Lion while he was on his way to dine at The Checkers in Montgomery. When he last reviewed The Lion for the Woolly Organ in 2011, among his guests had been a local Distinguished Thespian and his wife, who lived nearby, he described their hors d’oeuvres
“The Distinguished Thesp and his lovely wife, as ever in concord, chose the same - Potted Crab and Brown Shrimp in miniature Kilner jars with chervil salad and saffron mayonnaise – which soon had the DT smacking his lips like Marcello Mastroianni in La Grande Bouffe” - a pleasing image of a fine actor who is, very sadly, no longer with us, last September leaving bereft his many friends and multitude of fans.
Moving on to the pudding element, a raspberry, white chocolate and pistachio custard was described by the DTW as ‘a little jewel of a pudding’. However, she had no room for the Salted Caramel Tart that followed, which meant the greedy Mr P indulged in a tart too far. It was as good as all the other dishes they’d had, but by then, they felt that something fresh and zingy – some kind of sorbet perhaps, might have given a better balance. A small chunk of Trefaldwyn (Montgomery) blue cheese and chutney made a fine finale.
Mr P with his Lovely Companion and the Distinguished Thesp’s widow sat in comfortable modern chairs in a corner of the room where Mr P was pleased to observe that a carpeted floor, the table napery and a low ceiling would allow him to catch all the subtle nuances of the DTW’s conversation, as well as her fulsome demonstration of the late Barbara Windsor swearing at a waiter in a Plymouth restaurant (during the panto season). The newly decorated room was a little pale and bland for the exotic tastes of Mr P and the LC, but relaxed, and hung with charmingly bucolic pictures. For practical reasons none of Mr P’s party chose to indulge in the flight of wines paired with each dish. From an imaginative list, Mr P chose house wines by Le Sentier, a white from Gascogne and a red from Vaucluse, both good value. The first of the seven courses was a chilled cucumber and horseradish gazpacho, which immediately suggested the touch a chef of considerable talent and imagination, with tiny trout roe bursting freshly in the mouth. Harissa Charred Carrots provided an uplifting cacophony of flavours. Steamed plaice on laverbread and chervil risotto was another impressive example of the chef’s distinctive subtleness.
Veal is not a meat served often enough in Mr P’s view and it was a treat to be offered roast rump and sweet breads of rose veal, especially when sweet breads eschewed by the fastidious DTW were passed to him.
30 food page DThe Checkers, Montgomery
Driving along sinuous lanes in the slanting rays of a golden sunset, through the deserted hills of Shropshire and Powys, Mr P was taking his own spouse, and the Distinguished Thesp’s lovely widow to dine in the ancient borough of Montgomery. The Checkers, a small town pub, had been taken over by French chef, Stephane Borie in 2011 and awarded a Michelin Star within 7 months. Regrettably, despite his success, by 2019 he had wound the place down and left. Enter Andrew Birch who, having worked in some of England’s most successful restaurants, was looking for a place of his own. With this wife, Rachel, an experienced pastry chef, they took on The Checkers and re-opened it in early 2022. Making no compromises, despite prevailing tricky trading conditions, they offer a 7 course tasting menu at £65 and a lunch menu at £30. They earned a Michelin listing within months of opening.
URING what has been an exceptional, if not entirely comfortable period of balminess, Mr Pernickety’s thoughts have turned to swimming. For Mr P there are few things more special than bathing in a torrent of tingling fresh water in the shade of riparian alder and willow. Unhappily, however, a large proportion of the best spots are not legally accessible without permission from those who ‘own’ these gifts from nature and the banks that contain them.
They all agreed; it had been a sublime dinner, an unfold ing gastro-drama of wonderful, original tastes. It had been perfectly presented and served by well-trained staff. Mr P’s only, very minor, cavil was that for most of the evening he had to endure a background sound of banal, middle-ofthe-road popular music that did nothing to enhance the experience. However this won’t remotely hinder Mr Birch going from strength to strength, without having to do anything to compromise his ambitious standards. Mr Pernickety -
The enlightened and generous-spirited owners of the grazing meadows at the confluence of the Rivers Clun and Teme at Leintwardine do allow the public to swim in the deep pools there, and a great pleasure it can be, with the opportunity afterwards to walk across the old road bridge to the shady lawns of the Lion Hotel and drink a pint of ale, or eat a good lunch.

AARDVARK BOOKS LTD, THE BOOKERY, MANOR FARM, BRAMPTON BRYAN, BUCKNELL 01547 530888 Cafe serving refreshments, cakes etc. Tuesday - Sunday 10am-4pm and Bank Holiday Mondays.
Mon 19 September DINE IN THE DARK Put your senses to the test in this unique culinary experience. You can choose from either a meat, fish or vegan surprise menu. The Courtyard, Hereford, 7pm, 01432 340555. Fri 23 September WINE TASTING WITH HAY WINES Sample eight wines and cheeses. West Malvern Social Club, 145 West Malvern Rd, Malvern, 8pm, £16.91,
Bishop’s Castle Town Hall, 9am-1pm, 01588 630023,
Advance tickets only.
The best collection of artisan food producers in the area.
LEOMINSTER FARMER’S MARKET Corn Square, 9am-1pm, 01568 797427.
THE WORKHOUSE CAFE, INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, PRESTEIGNE 01544 267864 Cafe, gallery, light lunches, good coffee, homemade cakes. Wed-Sat 10am - 4pm. BYTES
This year’s Festival offers an amazing day out on a £12 Day Stroller Ticket – an unrivalled shopping experience, terrific food and produce, inspirational guests, and a great atmosphere. Children under 16 get in for free (if with an adult). The Festival Stroller Experience The markets comprise 150 exhibitors across six venues with live events in the mix. Market Hall is the go-to place for live cooking demos from the likes of Thomasina Miers, Matt Tebbutt, and Santosh Shah. Upper Brewery Yard for wine, beer, spices, all things garlic and Welsh home wares plus Street Food Market with hot food to go – Plus craft beers and free entertainment. Tiverton Market is the largest market. The Priory Courtyard is all about Fish ’n’ Fizz – bringing coast to town. The Priory Souk have the best new and small-scale food producers. The Castle area is a beautiful retreat (away from the market bustle) featuring the Blorenge Bar and family-friendly areas, plus catering on offer, copper cookware and firepits plus music.
Hightown Community Rooms, Vicarage Rd. Clun, 10.00am - 12.00pm. 01588 641180.
Every Thursday HAY MARKET DAY Local produce, meat and fish, hot food, artisan bread, cakes, crafts, vintage, plants. Memorial Square and Clock Tower, Hay-on-Wye, 9am-2.30pm, Every 2nd & 4th Thursday LUDLOW LOCAL PRODUCE MARKET Castle Square, 9am-2pm, 01584 872043. Every Friday KINGTON PRODUCE/CRAFTS MARKET Market Hall, Kington, 9am-1pm, 07867 483135.
2nd Saturday of every month
THE GREEN BEAN CAFE, WEOBLEY 01544 318865 Good, locally sourced, homemade food. Soups, all day light lunches, cakes and scones. Set in the heart of Weobley. Free wifi. Tues-Sat 9.30am-3pm. With The Green Bean Shop/Deli under the same roof.
First Saturday of every month (except August)
Sat ABERGAVENNY FOOD FESTIVAL or in person from E H Accountancy, 1 Horsingtons Yard, Abergavenny NP7 5PN - 09:30 to 14:00, Mon - Fri. No walk-up on the day. Stroller tickets will be posted out along with a free magazine/guide in early September.
Top-notch chefs and food experts, chef demonstrations, interactive talks, tastings and workshop, plus 150 local and regional exhibitors and producers. In the grounds of Ludlow Castle, Fri, 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-6.30pm, Sun 10am-5pm, day tickets £13.50, children 5-13 £4, under 5s free, family £33,
September & October HEREFORD BEER HOUSE
Third Saturday of every month PRODUCE MARKET
17 & Sun 18 September
14 Sept & 12 Oct - Hereford Amateur Brewers, 6.30pm. 23 Sept - Meet the Brewer, Dog’s Window, 4pm. 9 Oct - Weird & Wacky Beer Tasting, 4pm, £10 deposit. Hereford Beer House, West St, Hereford. Every Saturday LUDLOW COUNTRY MARKET 9am-12pm at The Womens Centre, Ludlow. Local produce, handicrafts, plants & veg, cut flowers, cards.
2nd and 4th Saturday of every month
Bishop’s Castle Town Hall, 9am-1pm, 01588 630023.
Every Thursday MONTGOMERY TOWN MARKET Regular stalls on the lower floor. First Thurs of the month, using both floors with community cafe. Open 9am-3pm, 07790 100462.
Why not advertise? Only £40 per year.
FARMER’S MARKET Produce, craft, gifts, kitchen cafe open. Eaton Bishop Village Hall, 10am-12pm. First Saturday of every month PRESTEIGNE LOCAL FOOD MARKET Memorial Hall Presteigne, 9am-1pm.
THE ORGASMIC CIDER COMPANY, GREAT PARTON, EARDISLEY, HEREFORDSHIRE, HR3 6NX 01544 327244 or 07773 037448 Craft cider and perry off licence and gift shop with local products. Open Friday and Saturday 12 to 5pm. Group tours available. PLANTASTIK cic, 15 WEST ST, LEOMINSTER serving plant-based food from supermarket rejected produce. Open Fridays and Saturdays 11am – 3pm. Lunches and takeaways, cakes, drinks, vegan pastries from Alex Gooch. Run by volunteers. A meeting about future development Wednesday 14th September 6pm ffi: POT & PAGE, 8 NEW STREET, LEDBURY HR8 2DX 01531 248743 Bookshop, vegan eatery and events. Family run plant based eatery, serving wholesome home cooked food with an emphasis on fresh, local and seasonal ingredients. Open Wed-Sun. RHOS MARKET GARDEN, KNIGHTON 01547 528315 Growers & providers of organic veg, fruit & flowers. Eco cleaning products & refills. Large range of groceries & wholefoods. The Old Garage Shop Knighton LD7 1EN. Wed. - Fri. 9 - 4, Sat. 10 - 2. Free parking. Thursday morning market stall in Presteigne. Local deliveries of veg.
KNIGHTON COMMUNITY MARKET Knighton Community Centre, 9.30am-12.30pm, 07751 221487.
Third Saturday of every month FARMER’S MARKET
3rd Saturday of every month
The Barn, Ledbury, HR8 1EA, 6-8pm.

THE UPBEAT BEATLES The Courtyard, Hereford, 7.30pm, 01432 340555. ALTERNATIVE ROUTES
Thurs 1 September
ALBERT HATES KARAOKE Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 11pm, 01743 241124. ALMELEY STEADY SESSION
TOM BOWES ‘Nicolo Paganini: An afternoon of mystery, myth and magic’. Nicolo’s first twelve caprices from Opus 1. Old Downton Lodge, Downton on the Rock, Ludlow, SY7 2HU, 3-6pm, £5, champagne, canapes. Fundraiser for Arcadia Festival.
An eclectic mix of music and spoken word in the setting of the Oak Circle at Moors Meadow Gardens, Collington, HR7 4LZ, gardens open from 12pm, performance starts at 4pm, £10, Teas available. In aid of St Michael’s Hospice, uk or 01885 410318. CHORAL EVENSONG Leominster Priory, 6.30pm.
LESFEST Celebrating Les the landlord’s 60th. Live music, barbeque, cider stall. The Duke’s Arms, Presteigne, from 2pm in the garden, £5. INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 8pm, 01743 241124. HR4K OPEN MIC Unit 12a, Thorn Business Park, Hereford, 6.30pm, pre-booking advised,
Formerly known as Purple Rain delivers a non-stop, hit packed show, celebrating the music of Prince. Pavilion Mid Wales, Llandrindod Wells, 8pm, 01597, COLLISION
SAM WEBER, HUMBIRD & LUKE CALLEN The Lost Arc, The Old Drill Hall, Bridge St, Rhayader, 7.30pm, www.thelostarc. 5 September CIDER CITY JAZZMEN Barrels, St Owen St, Hereford. TEO Pop-up jazz in Bill’s Kitchen. Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 7.30pm, £25 for music and meal, 01584 878141. part of their tour, US group link music, poetry and word. With support from Haress. Myndtown Church, SY7 8BL, near Bishop’s Castle, 7.30pm, £12, 01588 680100, www.myndtownchurch. FOLK CLUB Brimfield Village Hall, 7.30pm, 01584 711480. Please bring your own drinks/glasses. Tues 6 September LOVES JAM NIGHT Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 9pm, 01743 241124. Mon
The Bull Inn, Shrewsbury. BRODSKY QUARTET & RICHARD TUNNICLIFFE Programme includes Bach, Shostakovich and Schubert. St George’s Church, Clun, 7.30pm, £15,
The Bull Inn, Shrewsbury. VISIO IMPROVISUS The music of St Hildegard von Bingen. A masterful improvisational duo Brackenbury Bianco. St Lawrence’s Church, Church Stretton, 2.30pm, £5 tickets on the door cash,
32 music
Sat 3 September LOZ CAMPBELL + THE 501S & THE VULCAN STRAIGHT Rock and indie. The Lost Arc, The Old Drill Hall, Bridge St, Rhayader, £5, MARTIN BLAKE’S FABULOUS ALL-STARS Newtown Food Festival, Town Centre, evening. CANTALOOP Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 8pm, 01743 241124.
Sun 4 September
The Bells Inn, comwww.almeleysteadysession.wordpress.Almeley, Fri 2 September SAM & THE HOTRODS Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 9pm, 01743 241124.
HEREFORD JAZZ CLUB Featuring Apex Jazz Band. Richmond Place Club, Edgar St, Hereford, 7.30pm, £8, 01432 276304.


FOLK AT THE FALCON Linked to Bromyard Folk Festival, a free ‘in-town’ concert in support of Ukraine. Featuring The Cherrystones, Roger Pugh, Koppelli, The Three Disagrees, Huw Knight & Viv Bell, with contributions from soloists John Bloor and Chris Barltrop. Falcon Mews, Bromyard, www.folkatthefalcon.com7.15pm,
THE RADICAL BAKERS HARVEST CAMP See 8 Sept for details. Crabapple Community, Berrington Hall Housing Co-Operative, Berrington, Shrewsbury, SY5 6HA.
SARAH MCQUAID IN CONCERT Experience the lush, distinctive vocals of this singer/songwriter combined with performances on acoustic and electric guitars, piano and floor tom drum. For ages 16+. Escleyside Hall, Michaelchurch Escley, 7.30pm, £12/£6/£30, 01981 510116. Arts Alive.
Sat 10 September
A hardy and free-thinking camping weekend with the purpose of building our resilience and self-reliance. Days of hands-on workshops with live music and real ale bar each evening. Crabapple Community, Berrington Hall Housing Co-Operative, Berrington, Shrewsbury, SY5 www.radicalbakers.org6HA.
QUE SERA SERA A show that pays homage to one of Hollywood’s greatest stars, Doris Day. The Albert Hall, Llandrindod Wells, 7.30pm, 0333 666 3366. 8 September THE BROTHER BROTHERS Indie folk duo of Adam and David Moss. The Art Shop and Chapel, Abergavenny, 7.30pm, £20, 01873,
THE TOO OLD TO ROCK AND ROLL SIT-DOWN SHOW Delboy (Derek Rutherford) and Dave (Chris Smith) local performers for more than 20 years. Market Theatre, Ledbury, 7.30pm, £10, 07967 517125.
See 8 Sept for details. Bromyard, evening/day/weekend, GOLDWATER Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 9pm, 01743 241124.
BROMYARD FOLK FESTIVAL Family friendly folk music festival with great food, drinks, songs and dance. Featuring Manran, Michael McGoldrick and Family, Heisk, John Tams, Meclir, Sian, John Kirkpatrick, Granny’s Attic, The Norfolk Broads, Sam Carter, Suntou Susso and many more.
THE WHISKEY RIVER TRIO The Loft Cinema, West St, Hereford, 8pm, £3.
WILD FRUIT Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 11pm, 01743 241124.
34 Wed 7 September KHAMIRA The Lost Arc, The Old Drill Hall, Bridge St, Rhayader,
Bromyard, evening/day/weekend tickets,
BABAR CAFE OPEN MIC Hosted by Dan Jay. Babar Cafe, Union St, Hereford, 7pm, pre-booking advised,
WEIRD HARE Presents ‘Off The Rails!’ An evening of song celebrating three outstanding singer-songwriters, all notable for their idiosyncratic writing and performances. Featuring Steve Ashely, Helen McCookerybook and Howie Reeve. Great Western Railway Staff Association (Railway Club), Hereford, 7.30pm, £10,
THE RADICAL BAKERS HARVEST CAMP See 8 Sept for details. Crabapple Community, Berrington Hall Housing Co-Operative, Berrington, Shrewsbury, SY5 6HA.
The Bull Inn, Shrewsbury. THE FITZWILLIAM AT HAY Workshop with Richard Wigmore and the musicians on the works included in the evening programme, 3.30pm, £10, under 25s £5. Concert featuring The Fitzwilliam Quartet and The Hill Quartet. Programme includes Shostakovich, Haydn and Mendelssohn. St Mary’s Church, Hay-on-Wye, £20, under 25s £10, 01981 510570,
GABBA GABBA HEY! Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 9pm, 01743 241124.
BROMYARD FOLK FESTIVAL See 8 Sept for details. Bromyard, evening/day/weekend, SHAKEN & STIRRED Vaga Tavern, Hereford, 8.30pm.
DAVE JONES QUINTET Plays ‘A Hole in One’. Celebrating the music of Kenny Garrett. The Queen’s Head, St James St, Monmouth, 01600 712767.

MID WALES R&B CLUB Featuring Jo Carley and The Old Dry Skulls, plus Candy Mountain. The voodoo sounds of the blues combined with old timey vaudeville cabaret. The Muse, Glamorgan St, Brecon, 7.30pm, £12,
AND FINALLY... PHIL COLLINS Tribute singer, Chris O’Connell. Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon, 7.30pm, £18.50/£16.50, 01874 611622.
THE TANNAHILL WEAVERS Traditional Celtic music at its best. The Courtyard, Hereford, 7.45pm, 01432 340555. Sun 11 September
Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 8pm, 01743 241124.
THE SOLAR MOHICANS The Bull Inn, Shrewsbury. VISIO IMPROVISUS The music of St Hildegard von Bingen. A masterful improvisational duo Brackenbury Bianco. St Andrew’s Church, Adforton, SY7 0NE, 7.30pm, £5, tickets on the door cash, SKABURST Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 9pm, 01743 241124.
THE FITZWILLIAM AT HAY Workshop with Richard Wigmore and the musicians on the works to be performed, 2.30pm, £10, under 25s £5. Concert with the Fitzwilliam String Quartet at 4.30pm. Programme includes Liz Dilnot Johnson, Mozart, Schubert and Beethoven, £18, under £25s £9. St Mary’s Church, Hay-on-Wye, 01981 510570,
Mon 12 September
36 Sat 10 September SHREWSBURY PROMS IN THE PARK A magical night of classical music featuring all the classics, performed by opera singer Holly Teague and the 40-piece Midlands Proms Orchestra. West Midlands Showground, Shrewsbury, 6pm, £37.50-£17.50, 01743 281281.
Tues 13 September
The Underground, Bishop’s Castle (Side gate, Public Hall). Free, turn up and play or support, 6.30pm, 01588 638038. Wed 14 September
With guests Edward Jay (accordion) and Chris Moreton (guitar). Playing music from film and TV. Savoy Theatre, Monmouth, 3pm, £10, 01600 772467.
THE PRINCE REGENT’S BAND ‘Brazen Harmony’. This programme showcases compositions that emerged from the fertile imaginations of composers associated with the French school of brass playing. Hellen’s Manor, Much Marcle, Ledbury, 7.30pm, £16, students free, 01531 660504,
ALL ABOUT ABBA The Left Bank, Bridge St, Hereford, 7.30pm,
The Gower Bluegrass Festival. The Heritage Centre, Parkmill, Gower.
Peter Dyke performs Franck’s final works. Hereford Cathedral, 7pm, £12, £5 student ID, please www.herefordcathedral.orgbook, ALBERT LOVES JAM NIGHT
THE FITZWILLIAM AT HAY Outreach event with the Family Place Workshop, 10.30am. Concert at 11am with the Fitzwilliam String Quartet, followed by discussion//Q&A, £20, under 25s £10. Workshop with Richard Wigmore and the musicans on the works to be performed, 3pm, £10, under 25s £5. Concert at 5pm with the Greenwich Piano Trio, programme includes Clara Schumann, Fanny Mendelssohn, Felix Mendelssohn and Brahms, all at St Mary’s Church, Hay-on-Wye. ‘Bows & Bellows!’ in the Great Hall, Hay Castle, 8.30pm, Paul, Sophie and Lucy play traditional and baroque plus some of their own, £10, under 25s £5. 01981 510570,
THE INDIGO MACHINE Crown Inn, Oakengates, Telford. KINGTON SHOW A traditional agricultural show featuring The Squibb Freestyle Stunt Team, Wye Valley Axemen, Corner Exotics, Climbing Wall, Wonderwheelers, The Radnor & West Hunt, Ferret/Owl World, LM Quads for Kidz, Wye Valley Falconry, The Grand Parade of livestock, sheep-shearing competitions, Young Farmer’s Club competitions, live music with the Bill Bailey Band, trade stands, food, bar and more. Open 9am-6pm, £12.50, under 18’s £5, under 10s free, WILL KILLEEN Blues. Hereford Beer House, West St, Hereford, 7.30pm.
CHORAL EVENSONG Ross Parish Church, 6pm.
Outreach events include a workshop by the Fitzwilliams String Quartet for senior school pupils at Gwernyfed High School; Workshop by FSQ for primary school pupils at St Mary’s Primary School, Hay and FSQ will play for adults suffering from dementia at the HayDay Cafe, Cusop. 01981 510570,
THE JOHN MARTYN PROJECT St Mary’s Church, Shrewsbury, 8pm, £18, 01743 361666.
See 8 Sept for details. Bromyard, evening/day/weekend, MONMOUTH BAND AUTUMN CONCERT
Tannahill Weavers
RADICAL BAKERS HARVEST CAMP See 8 Sept for details. Crabapple Community, Berrington Hall Housing Co-Operative, Berrington, Shrewsbury, SY5 6HA.
Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 9pm, 01743 241124. WILD FRUIT Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 11pm, 01743 241124. BABAR CAFE OPEN MIC Hosted by Dan Jay. Babar Cafe, Union St, Hereford, 7pm, pre-booking advised,

CHRIS WOOD West Malvern Social Club, 145 Malvern Rd, 7.30pm,
The Bull Inn, Shrewsbury. LOOPFEST A free, multi-venue music, arts and creative festival in Shrewsbury. Featuring Smokin’ Eskimo, Alex Davies, Packet Racket, National Milk Bar, Calico Palace, Blix, Audio Thieves, Trademark Blud, The Red Bastards, Jack & Alice, Secret Elephant, Barry Williams, A Pig Called Eggs, Wax Futures, Vincent White, The Barebacks, Born Next Door, Untamed Shrews, Si Alton, Estate, Kate Rose Rainford, Chasing August, The Founders, Mair Thomas, Greysha, Sam Ryan, Dan Woodvine, Dixie Riot, Charlotte Tongue, The Goat Show, David Busby, Rowan Lawson, Radio Rumours, Daniel James, David Molby, Rapture, Smiling Ivy, Say Less, Exit/ Out, Indigo Club, Homecoming, Meme Detroit, Charmist, Josh Lobley, Brvised Knees, Broozer, Alan Jenkins, Smoke Like a Fish, Louis James, Platform Zero and more.
org THE ALMIGHTY JOHNSONS The Bull Inn, Shrewsbury. CHRIS WOOD West Malvern Social Club, 145 West Malvern Rd, Malvern, £16, 07583 410254. OPEN MIC Hosted by Mark Richards. The Rose & Crown, Ludlow, 8pm. Please pre-book your slot, markianrichards@hotmail. com
TURIN BRAKES Standing gig. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, 8pm, £25, 01743 281281.
ESCAPE ROOM Book one to see if you can crack the code. It’s 1890... You have been accused of embezzling money from the Vicars Choral funds and been shut in the Old Chapel until police arrive, you have one hour! Hereford Cathedral, sessions cost £45, www.herefordcathedral.org2-6pm, Fri 16 September
org THOMAS ATLAS Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 9pm, 01743 241124.
Featuring Paul Bridgwater electric Blues Rebellion and Blue Moon. Ludlow Brewery, £12 in advance from Ticketsource and Ludlow Brewery, £15 on the door.
MONEY FOR NOTHING Dire Straits tribute. Savoy Theatre, Monmouth, 7.30pm, £22, 01600 772467. Sat 17 September CORVEDALE FESTIVAL ‘Trout In The Dale’, piano quartet. Programme includes Schubert. St Michael’s Church, Munslow, 12.45pm, £12 (includes light lunch). Duncan Honeybourne, piano recital. Programme includes Brahms, Henley and Debussy. St Michael’s Church, Munslow, 7.30pm, £15 (includes wine). 01584 873229. www.corvedalefestival.
SLEEP IN MOTION Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 9pm, 01743 241124. SCOTT MATTHEWS St Mary’s Church, Shrewsbury, 8pm, £17.50, 01743 361666.
CORVEDALE FESTIVAL Featuring The Jarualda Quartet. Programme includes Haydn, Beethoven and Ravel. St Michael’s Church, Munslow, 7.30pm, £15 (includes wine), 01584 873229. www.corvedalefestival.
THE JAM’D Tribute band. Standing gig. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, 8pm, £18.50, 01743 281281.
Thurs 15 September

38 Sat 17 September
ALBERT LOVES JAM NIGHT Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 8pm, 01743 241124.
WHISKEY RIVER TRIO Burton Hotel, Kington, 8pm. Part of Kington Walking Festival, to book,
FLAMES OF DURGA + PHOENIX Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 8pm, 01743 241124.
Thurs 22 September
ALMELEY VILLAGE CEILIDH Dancing to Bandamania with Sue Harris. Almeley Village Hall, 7.30pm, £4, 07578 280089.
Best Foot Ceilidh Band, Party at the Castle
ANDREW WAITE Accordion player and composer from the Scottish Borders. His music is rooted in Scottish, Irish and English Trad music, but he takes influences from many genres such as jazz, gypsy jazz, bluegrass, funk and classical music. The Hub, New Radnor, LD8 2SS, 3pm, £12, 07870 752325 or email or on the door.
CHARITY CAR BOOT Raising funds for Hopton Rehab and Homing’s Winter Hay Fund. £5 per boot, pre-booking only. Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre, Craven Arms, 2-4.30pm, 01588 676060.
Tues 20 September
PARTY AT THE CASTLE Four fab bands, great eats, enchanting backdrop. Bands include Buffalo’s Wake playing traditional Eastern European folk with 30’s swing, plus punk and gypsy rhythms. Best Foot Ceilidh Band. Around About Dusk is a quintet playing original music with influences ranging from New Orleans jazz, and European folk traditions. The Poobahs, barnstorming fiddle hoedowns and Tex Mex polkas. The Castle, Abergavenny, 7.15-11pm, £25, advance tickets www.abergavennyfoodfestival,only.
LIVE MUSIC IN THE GARDEN Featuring PigDaze, Jake and the Jesters, Kaz & Simon, The Invisibles, plus more. The Apple Tree, Onibury, 2.30-8.30pm. OPEN MIC Hosted by Mark Richards. The White Swan, Eardisland, 4pm. Please pre-book your slot, markianrichards@
BISHOP’S CASTLE MICHAELMAS FAIR Vehicle processions at 12.30 & 5pm. Lantern procession will set off from the Six Bells crossroads at 7.45pm. Music on stage from 1.30pm, featuring Bad Dogs, Modified Youth, Mudlarks, The All Skas, Fight the Bear and The Conspiritalists. The Hung Gar Dragons are back, plus the Bishop’s Castle Orchestra and the Swing Band will be playing in the
THE BON JOVI EXPERIENCE Tribute band. The Courtyard, Hereford, 7.30pm, 01432 340555. Sun 18 September
Part of Abbergavenny Food Festival. SHREWSBURY JAZZ NETWORK Featuring Brigitte Beraha - Lucid Dreamers. Brigitte Berah (voice, electonics) is accompanied by George Crowley (reeds, electronics); Alcyona Mike (keyboard) and Tim Giles (drums, electronics). The Hive, Belmont, Shrewsbury, £23, under 22’s £12, 01743 234970.
GOOD TO GO Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 9pm, 01743 241124.
A variety of acoustic and electric guitars with Tom Moore on double and electric bass. All Saints Church, High St, Hereford, 7.30pm, £15, 01584 881564.
CORVEDALE FESTIVAL ‘Oboe & Co!’ Oboe quartets, programme includes Mozart and Malcolm Arnold. All Saints Church, Culmington, 12.45pm, £12 (includes light lunch), 01584 www.corvedalefestival.org873229.
The Rising Sun, Moseley Green, Parkend, Lydney, 3-5pm. THREE ACRES AND A COW A history of land rights and protest in folk song and story. The show connects the Norman Conquest and Peasants’ Revolt with current issues. Family friendly show. There will be a tour around the estate and farm after. Canon Frome Court,, CORVEDALE FESTIVAL ‘Tea on the Edge’. The Edge Chamber Choir. St Peter’s Church, Diddlebury, 3pm, £15 (includes afternoon tea in village hall), 01584 www.corvedalefestival.org873229.
STARS OF IRISH COUNTRY Owen Mac Shawn Cuddy, Stephen Smyth and Curtis Magee showcase their hit songs with backing band Keltic Storm. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, 7.30pm, £26.50, 01743 281281.
NEWTON FALKNER Stripping his songs back to their purest form, Newton will be out there solo, just him, his acoustic guitars and his voice. Pavilion Mid Wales, Llandrindod Wells, 8pm, 01597, OCG DUO De Koffie Pot, Gwynne St, Hereford, 3-5pm.
Wed 21 September BABAR CAFE OPEN MIC Hosted by Dan Jay. Babar Cafe, Union St, Hereford, 7pm, pre-booking advised, WILD FRUIT Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 11pm, 01743 241124.
Traditional Irish folk music. Babar Cafe, Union St, Hereford. CORVEDALE FESTIVAL ‘Two’s Company’. Violin and viola duets. Programme includes Mozart and Martinů. St Margaret’s Church, Abdon, 12.45pm, £12 (includes light lunch), 01584 873229. www.corvedalefestival. org QUEENZ The trailblazing, life affirming drag extravaganza. Featuring mind blowing live vocals. The Courtyard, Hereford, 7.30pm, 01432 340555.
Mon 19 September BATTLE OF THE BANDS Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 7.30pm, 01584 878141.
BLACK UMFOLOSI Performances are inspired by the traditional song and dance of their native South Africa. The world famous acappella and dance group return to the UK. Theatr Hafren, Newtown, 7.45pm, £14/£12, 01686 948100.
Fri 23 September
The music of St Hildegard von Bingen. A masterful improvisational duo Brackenbury Bianco. Priory Church, Leominster, 7pm, £10, £5 benefits/ students, under 18s free, cash on the door,
Henry Tudor House, Barracks Passage, Shrewsbury, 8pm, £12, 01743 361666.

Mozart: ‘Prussian’ Quartet No.2 Mozart: Flute Quartet K.285 Bartok: Quartet No.2 Friday 7th October at 7pm St. Laurence’s Church, Ludlow Mozart: Quintet for Horn & Strings K.407 Alberga: Dancing with the Shadow
The Sun Inn, Leintwardine Free ‘Taster’ event to meet some of the musicians and hear extracts of the music. Thursday 6th October at 7pm Kingsland Parish Church Telemann: Sonata for Flute and Violin
Artistic Directors Thomas Bowes & Eleanor Alberga OBE Wednesday 5th October at 7.30pm
Alberga: On a Bat’s Back I do Fly Mendelssohn: String Octet op.20 Saturday 8th October at 7pm Leintwardine Parish Church Mozart: ‘Prussian’ Quartet No.3 Bartok: Quartet No.3
Further details at ARCADIAMUSIC.ORG.UK TICKETS £20 for each concert, or free of charge to all people of any age in full-time education. For more information & booking:
Telemann: Concerto for 4 violins in D Mendelssohn: String Octet op.20 Sunday 9th October at 3pm St. Giles Church, Downton on the Rock Mozart: Duo for Violin and Viola in G K.423 Mozart: ‘Prussian’ Quartet No.1 Bartok: Quartet No.5

SAM CAVE Guitarist. Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 12.30pm, 01584 878141.
org PREST FEST Live music, bar, bouncy castle. Over the road to Wentes Meadow, Presteigne, from 2pm, fundraiser for St Michael’s Hospice.
Wed 28 September
MICHAEL MCCOLDRICK, JOHN MCCUSKER & JOHN DOYLE Bringing their own blend of top-class folk songs, tunes and charming bonhomie. Regal Cinema, Tenbury Wells, 8pm, 01584 811442.
WILD FRUIT Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 11pm, 01743 241124.
Sat 24 September
Fri 23 September
THE ULITMATE BOY BAND PARTY SHOW The Courtyard, Hereford, 7.30pm, 01432 340555.
Tues 27 September
STICKY WICKET AND THE INCREDIBLE RHYTHM BAND The sounds of Santana, Tito Puente and other funky Latin grooves. SpArC Theatre, Bishop’s Castle, 8pm, £15, students/children £8, table of 4 £70, table of 6 £100, 01588 638038. UP FRONT The Bull Inn, Shrewsbury. KICKBACK Presents Innocent Criminals, PigDaze and Waking the Neighbours. Ludlow Brewery, 7.30pm, £8. MAGGINI QUARTET & ROBERT PLANE One of Britain’s most eminent string quartets is joined by one of Britain’s finest woodwind players. Hellen’s Manor, Much Marcle, Ledbury, 7.30pm, £16, students free,
THE ESSENTIALS The Bull Inn, Shrewsbury. THE DEVIL’S VIOLIN ‘The Beast in Me’. A tapestry of music and stories about our perception of beauty and the value of kindness. Storytelling at it’s best. For ages 10+. Garway Hall, 7.30pm, £12/£6/£30,
The show features solo sets plus unique collaboration performances through out the night. The Hive, Shrewsbury, 7.45pm, £14, 01743 234970.
JIVE TALKIN’ Hear all the greatest hits from The Bee Gees. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, 7.30pm, £24.50-£22.50, 01743 281281.
OPEN MIC Hosted by Mark Richards. The Castle Inn, Wigmore, 4pm. Please pre-book your slot, markianrichards@hotmail. com
THE MERSEY BEATLES Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, 7.30pm, £23-£21, 01743 281281.
BIRDBROTHER Original songwriting duo plus guests. Clee St Margaret Village Hall, 7.30pm, £10/£8. To book Birdbrotherband@gmail.comemail
LONDON CONCERTANTE ‘A Night at the Opera by Candlelight’. Hereford Cathedral, www.herefordcathedral.org7.30pm, CORVEDALE FESTIVAL ‘Sweet Ayres of Arcadia’. Early music for soprano and lute. St Catherine’s Church, Tugford, 12.45pm, £12 (includes light lunch). The Jarualda Quartet, classical string quartet. Programme includes Mozart, Henley and Dvorak. St Michael’s Church, Munslow, 7.30pm, £15 (includes wine), 01584 873229, www.corvedalefestival.
NEWTON FAUKNER A new acoustic show from one of UK’s most successful singers/songwriters. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, 8pm, £29.50, VIP £62, 01743 281281. Thurs 29 September
JORDAN BROOKES Henry Tudor House, Barracks Passage, Shrewsbury, 8pm, £15, 01743 361666.
Sun 25 September BEWARE OF THE BULL: THE ENIGMATIC GENIUS OF JAKE THACKRAY Featuring John Watterson and Paul Thompson. Savoy Theatre, Monmouth, 2pm, £10, 01600 772467. THE WHISKEY RIVER BOYS The Grape Vaults, Leominster, 3-6pm. MAGGINI QUARTET With clarinettist Robert Plane. Programme includes Beethoven, Ireland, Mozart and Brahms. Lion Ballroom, off Broad St, Leominster, 3pm, £16 from Leominster TIC 01568 616460 or Hereford Courtyard 01432 340555. PIGDAZE The Sun Inn, Leintwardine, 4-7pm. HEREFORDSHIRE INTERFAITH GROUP International day of peace celebration. Music and readings from different faiths and cultures. Madley Church, 3pm, 01981 500764.
MARTIN SIMPSON Nominated ‘Musician of the Year’, BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards, 2018. Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 7.30pm, 01584 873229.
CHORAL EVENSONG Ross Parish Church, 6pm. COOL LATIN TEA DANCE WITH THE LITTLE RHYTHM BAND Learn some Latin dance with Sapa Dance School Latin Teacher to a live band. Join in or watch and enjoy. SpArC Theatre, Bishop’s Castle, 3pm, £12, child/student £8, 01588 638038.
QUIZ The Balance Inn, Luston, 8pm, £2 with all proceeds going to a different charity each month. Every team gets a free homemade pizza. Plus raffle and ‘Play Your Cards Right’ with cash prize. 01568 616801. OPEN MIC Crown Inn, Oakengates, Telford, 6.30pm. The Devil’s Violin
WATERMELON CHRONICLES Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 9pm, 01743 241124. STEVIE GEOGHEGAN AND SWING EASY Jazz. Conquest Theatre, Bromyard, 7.30pm, 01885 488575.
CORVEDALE FESTIVAL ‘A Miscellany of Music for Soprano and Harp’. Programme includes famous arias from opera and Latin American songs. St Michael’s Church, Munslow, 7.30pm, £15 (includes wine), 01584 873229,
ALBERT LOVES JAM NIGHT Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 8pm, 01743 241124.
BABAR CAFE OPEN MIC Hosted by Dan Jay. Babar Cafe, Union St, Hereford, 7pm, pre-booking advised,

ALBERT LEE IN CONCERT Savoy Theatre, Monmouth, 7.20pm, £21, 01600 772467. Fri 30 September
RALPH MCTELL Performing songs from his latest album ‘Hill of Beans’, alongside material from his 50+ career. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, 7.30pm, £29, 01743 281281.
OCTOBER Sat 1 October
Wed 7 September
SHROPSHIRE OKTOBERFEST 150 real ales, gin, cocktails, wine and cider bars. Local bands, Oompah, silent disco, live comedy and street food. Shrewsbury Quarry,
‘How to make the most of your church organ - be it large or small’ with Hilary Norris. Leominster Priory, 10am12.30pm. Contact Grahame Taylor to book and details on 07789 005962 or by 1 Sept. Sunday 25 September
NORTHERN ECHOES Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 9pm, 01743 241124.
DAVE & RICH Crown Inn, Oakengates, Telford, 3pm. CLUN VALLY MUSIC Featuring Jongsun Woo (piano); Luba Tunnicliffe (violin) and Richard Tunnicliffe (cello). Programme includes Beethoven. St Cuthbert’s Church, Clungunford, 12pm, £10/£5, 07811 867114,
Music Workshops
ALTO Desperately sought for Early Music choir, Bishop’s Castle based. More details, call Nigel 07950 798787. Until Fri 2 September & Mon 24 - Fri 28 October
SHROPSHIRE OKTOBERFEST 150 real ales, gin, cocktails, wine and cider bars. Local bands, Oompah, silent disco, live comedy and street food. Shrewsbury Quarry, ALIVE & BREL A cabaret revue of the finest songs of Jacques Brel. Coach House Theatre, Grange Rd, Malvern, 7.30pm, £12/£10, 01684 892277.
Mon 3 October CIDER CITY JAZZMEN The Barrels, St Owen St, Hereford. EDDY WHITE Pop-up jazz in Bill’s Kitchen. Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 7.30pm, £25, 01584 878141. BRIMFIELD FOLK CLUB Brimfield Village Hall, 7.30pm, 01584 711480. Please bring your own drinks/glasses. Tues 4 October ALBERT LOVES JAM NIGHT Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 8pm, 01743 241124.
Sat 10 September
An In-Person Workshop for Singers. Tutor - Sally Dunkley. Aston-on-Clun Village Hall, Aston-on-Clun, Craven Arms. Registration from 9.30 Workshop 10am-4.30pm. Please book, Bowjangles
EDDY WHITE DUO Jazz. Oscars, Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 7.30pm, £20, 01584 878141.
We sing and play mainly West Gallery music, which is energetic, rousing, no-nonsense stuff that is great fun to perform. It is what you would have heard in rural parish churches in the 18th and early 19th centuries. Led by Andy Watts. FREE for newcomers! Instrumentalists (typically flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, violin and cello) are particularly welcome.Lydbury North Village Hall, 2-5 pm. trevorchalkley@gmail.comEnquiries:
The Bull Inn, Shrewsbury. BOWJANGLES ‘Dracula in Space’. Bowjangles bring music, theatre and comedy together in their own, unique way. For ages 8+. Brilley Village Hall, 7.30pm, £12, 01544 327227. Arts Alive,
CHORAL EVENSONG Leominster Priory, 6.30pm. HR4K OPEN MIC Unit 12a, Thorn Business Park, Hereford, 6.30pm, pre-booking advised,
A gentle, no pressure, experience of singing with an established male voice choir. Hereford Railway Club, Barton Yard, Hereford, HR4 0AZ, 7pm, free,
TALON: BEST OF EAGLES Blake Theatre, Monmouth, 7.30pm, £27, 01600 719401. REGIME + CARTOON VIOLENCE Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 9pm, 01743 241124.
Sun 2 October
NICK AND JANE Poptastic duo perform the hits of the 60s, 70s and more. Part of Tenbury Wells Applefest. Burgage Recreation Ground, Tenbury Wells, 9am-5pm. BOWJANGLES ‘Dracula in Space’. Bowjangles bring music, theatre and comedy together in their own, unique way. For ages 8+. Meole Brace Peace Memorial Hall, 7.30pm, £12/£8/£25, 01743 235384. Arts Alive, GREY WOLF A four-piece band with their own brand of American Old Time music. Cedar Hall, Dilwyn, 7.30pm, cabaret seating, bring your own bottle, £10, 07791 907912.
Sun 2 October
CLUN VALLY MUSIC Featuring Jongsun Woo (piano); Luba Tunnicliffe (violin) and Richard Tunnicliffe (cello). Programme includes Shostakovich and Schubert. St Cuthbert’s Church, Clungunford, 7.30pm, £15, (combined ticket for 1st & 2nd Oct £20, 07811,
CLUN VALLEY MUSIC SPECIAL EVENT Jongsun Woo (piano); Luba Tunnicliffe (violin) and Richard Tunnicliffe (cello) will present a lecture/ concert at Community College, Bishop’s Castle, 2pm, www.clunvalleymusic. 07811 867114.
LIVEWIRE CENTRAL Young musicians play, create their own parts, perform, make friends and finish with a Hereford gig, audience welcome. For ages 11-21, details email lisa@
ESCAPE ROOM Book one to see if you can crack the code. It’s 1890... You have been accused of embezzling money from the Vicars Choral funds and been shut in the Old Chapel until police arrive, you have one hour! Hereford Cathedral, sessions cost £45, www.herefordcathedral.org2-6pm,

Tuesdays term time only LIVEWIRE SESSIONS
Thursday CANTORION LLANDRINDOD A non auditioned mixed voice choir early and classical music. Rehearsals currently in Holy Trinity Church, Llandrindod Wells. 7.45pm. 01597 810601,
Mondays ALIVE & KICKIN’ CHOIR Old Muse, Glamorgan St, Brecon, 7-9pm, £5,
Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon, 12pm, 07723 016837.
Tuesday DOLAU MIXTURES Mixed choir. Dolau Community Hall, Llandrindod Wells, 8pm, 01597 851427.
Thursday EDGE CHAMBER CHOIR Auditioned chamber choir led by Ros Crouch. Friends Meeting House, Ludlow, 7.30-9.30pm. 01584 841053 or
First Thursdays BLACK HILL TUNE CLUB 2pm at the Crown Inn Longtown. Free. 01432 263495.
Friday BUZZY BEATS! A fun music filled morning for the under 5s. The Hive, Belmont,
Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon, 7pm, 07779 390954. Monday BANDAMANIA Bright and breezy traditional and original music.Assembly Rooms, Presteigne. Mondays at 7.30pm, Sue Harris 01547 550158 Monday (from Sept) GARRICK SINGERS For over 55s, no prior experience of singing. The Courtyard, Hereford, 2-3.30pm, £5 per session,
Thursday PRESTEIGNE POP CHOIR Contact John Hymas for details: 07969 440183,
Friday LITTLE HEREFORD VOICES COMMUNITY CHOIR We are a non-audition choir formed 10 years ago with 25+ mixed voices. Rehearsing at Little Hereford Village Hall, 7.30pm- 9.15pm. Subscriptions £3.50 per session paid termly, first trial session free. Broad repertoire (usually 3 & 4 parts) – all welcome. Info: term dates etc: Facebook: @LittleHerefordVoices
Wednesdays CASTLE VOICES Community choir, songs from around the globe. Town Hall, Bishop’s Castle, 7pm. Sue Harris 01547 550158.
Tuesdays SAMBA BRECON Sue on 07792 165481 or Gill on 01497 821631. 7-9pm, VH, near Brecon.
Mondays CRAVEN ARMS MALE VOICE CHOIR All ages welcome singing a broad repertoire of traditional and modern songs. Practice at The Craven Arms Community Centre, 7.30pm. Martin on 01694 722500.
Tuesday WHITTON VOICES Mixed community choir. Traditional, world and original songs. Assembly Rooms, Presteigne, 7.30pm. Call Sue Harris 01547 550158.
Shrewsbury, 10.30am11.30am, £7, 01743 234970. Friday CRAVEN ARMS SAMBA CIRCLE Craven Arms Community Centre.10.30 a.m - 11.45 a.m. regularly during term time with some holiday sessions. Join our friendly group to learn traditional djembe rhythms from Africa and samba rhythms from Brazil - Adults £5 (children accompa nying their parents can join in with holiday sessions - £1, second child free). Enquiries Friday FAMILY MUSIC MAKERS Fun sessions for parents and toddlers 12.30-2pm, £4 per adult and child pair, under 1s free. The Courtyard, Hereford, 01432 340555. Sessions back next month String Qtet in C minor Op 18 No 4 Beethoven String Qtet No 1 in D minor Ireland Clarinet Qtet in E flat (K160 arr Smith) Mozart Clarinet Quintet in B minor Op 115 Brahms Tickets £16 from Leominster TIC 01568 616460 Hereford Courtyard 01432 340555 & online at The celebrated MAGGINI QUARTET and outstanding clarinettist ROBERT PLANE Sunday 25 September 2022 at 3pm Lion Ballroom, off Broad Street, Leominster
Wednesday LUDLOW LARKS COMMUNITY CHOIR Led by Polly Bolton. Songs from around the world. Ludlow Women’s Centre, 7.30pm-9pm. 01584 823604 or or
Thursday BELLA A CAPPELLA All-female 4-part close harmony singing group. Oscars, Assembly Rooms, Ludlow, 7.15-9.45pm, email
Mondays, term time only CLOSE HOUSE MUSIC MONDAYS You will have the opportunity to play songs with other musicians who are just starting out and grow alongside them as the weeks progress. You can explore creating your own musical parts all the way from a riff to a whole song. We will rehearse suitable covers where you should never feel out of your depth. Ages 11-21. Close House, Hereford, 4-6pm. For more information lisa@encore-enterprises.comemail
The Castle Green Pavilion, 5:30 - 7:30pm. A drop-in for anybody interested in music. Whether you’ve never picked up an instrument before or you’re a grade 8, classically trained or not, we invite you to flex your musical muscles. In these sessions you can explore different song & lyric writing methods, an original take on covers, music production, rap, band development & recording. Ages 1121. Information email
Wednesday ROCKSPRING COMMUNITY CHOIR Rockspring Community Centre, Ludlow. 01584 529053.
Wednesdays (online session only) SINGING FOR LUNG HEALTH GROUP Specifically for people who suffer from progressive lung diseases, these sessions help you breathe better, reduce stress and have fun. 11am, email for information.
Thursday CLUN SINGERS Informal community choir, traditional and original songs taught by ear. 10am in High Town Hall, Clun. Sue Harris 01547 550158.
Tuesday LEOMINSTER COMMUNITY CHOIR Choir leader: Olivia Preye. No auditions, no need to read music. World, folk music, and more. 7-8.30pm at Leominster Community Centre. 01568 369074.


THE RAGTIME JUG ORCHESTRA A roots string-band (duo) recreating the sounds of the early 20th century America, playing a good-time mix of blues, skiffle and Americana music. We like to get audiences involved! Available for festival, events, parties, folk clubs, pubs and bars; performance presentations and workshops for all occasions too. Web: Contact: John; 01594 861151. Email: ragtime jug orchestra.
This is a band that will entertain and delight any audience that has its wits about it and has an ear for beautiful melodies infectious beats and songs that tell stories. From Winchcombe Live “Absolutely fantastic evening from you guys tonight. We had so many positive comments from the audience; very gratifying! Great musical talent, great humour, variety, and warmth of performance.” Contact Jacqui
foot-tapping, fun music that will make you
LITTLE RUMBA Savage 07966
THE CHICAGO SWING KATZ - New Orleans Blues to Chicago Swing. 6/7 Piece band playing feel Birthdays, events, Festivals, even funerals Jazz Trios, Quartets07831 383636
HOT CLIMATE Ultimate party band, best 6-piece line up ever. For top musical entertainment at your party/ wedding/festival or corporate function. Book now! New footage on Contact Charlie 01568 613895 or mobile 07702 528088 anytime!
NICK AND JANE – The Poptastic duo bring you the greatest hits of the 60’s, 70’s and more. Great harmonies and infectious enthusiasm to make your event a memorable success. Perfect for parties, pubs, festivals and weddings. Facebook @nickandjane email: or call Jane on 07512 368433.
The hottest dance band on the borders + caller. Available for weddings, barn dances and parties. Contact:
THE LUDLOW JAZZ COLLECTIVE Local Quartet/Quintet with singer if required, playing smooth sounds of well-known standards, Latin and blues. Available for all types of events and celebrations. Contact Paul Brooks 07980 822014. pppbrooks@gmail.
44 band directory
943314 Email –
MODE-X Female fronted Party/function band, playing a diverse and up to date range of pop/rock by great artists/ bands like Blondie, Bonnie Raitt, PJ Harvey plus driving grooves from the post punk era like Elvis Costello, XTC, Martha & The Muffins etc. We can supply all the logistics to support and enhance your party/function.
A BAND - Real instrument backing to your own music. Perfect for singer songwriters etc. Studio near Newtown., 07515 401635. APPLEBY STONE Live acoustic duo/trio, guitar, flute, saxophones, voices, double bass, jazz, folk, R&B, pop, many originals, perfect for private and public events. 07979 542 449.
RHYTHM THIEVES Funky, folky and fun. Firm favourites at festivals, pubs, parties and events around the Midlands and beyond, Rhythm Thieves are a lively must-see band who deliver an unforgettable and highly entertaining night out. “Full of fire and enthusiasm” Mike Harding, BBC Radio 2 “Great, super, lovely - our resident band” Genevieve Tudor. BBC Radio Midlands Folk Show. “If they don’t make you smile, you’re probably dead.”
happy. Weddings,
440183 or john@johnhymas. com
MELOMANICS A wacky, Shropshire-based Duo with an amazingly dynamic sound, playing their eclectic and cosmopolitan repertoire with engaging humour and infectious energy (sustainable). Far more than just great music. And stilts if appropriate. Find out how much fun a ceilidh can be with Tim calling and playing. Ideal for parties, weddings, fund-raising events, festivals, shows, pubs, restaurants, etc. Scottish, Irish and French-themed specialities (Timoléon pour vos soirées francaises). For more info call Tim on 01743 719438, or Rich on 01743 718612. Email: Website:
“Professional purveyors of punchy pop rock”. Sue 07397 188543.
Wheaton Aston Folk Festival Tel: 01568 770 134, e-mail
also available. email:,,JeffMatthews
THE ROTUNDAS are a pair of jolly chaps who sing and play contemporary versions of industrial and social folk songs from Birmingham and the Black Country. Listen on Soundcloud and contact us at our Facebook page @TheRotundas or email
- but book well in advance for those! Traditional
Authentic Highland music for your formal event or gathering from international piper Keith Wellings. Keith is a former British diplomat bringing Scotland’s music to festivals, theatres, balls, weddings and funerals. Contact by phone 07580 389903, email facebook keith.wellings instagram keiththepiper BANDAMANIA Community band playing wild and wonderful traditional music. Perfect for ceilidhs, parties and all sorts of local events. Sue Harris
THE DRAGON BIG BAND - 14 musicians playing Basie, Ellington, exclusive Jazz to Swing to Latin. Trumpets, trombones, saxes, bass, guitar, keyboard, drums. play every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, 8.00 - 10.30 at: The Montgomery Town Hall, Broad St., Montgomery, SY15 6PH. Local free car parking and nearby Hotel for food or drink. Free admission but £5 donation gratefully received. Available for weddings and events. Band enquiries: Jeff Matthews - 07831 383636.
BAGPIPES 01547 550158
THE VILLAGE QUIRE spine-tingling harmonies sung with all the emotional clout, subtlety of expression and love of life that you get when voices are raised together in song. Sensational vocals mingled with enthralling stories. Various shows to book. For bookings / further info ring 01497 847676 /
of the British Isles and beyond for miles around and leagues beneath. Concertina, mandolin, fiddles, whistles, cittern, jews harp... Available for weddings, parties and public events. For information and bookings,
SIR DANCELOT 4/5 piece ceilidh/twmpath band. traditional dance music contact: Cornelius 01686 411147 or Peter 07561 820509.
CEILIDH BAND with caller. Available for weddings/ birthday parties/fund raisers, etc. For photos/videos please see our Facebook page. For further enquiries, ring David on 01981 540832 or Anna on 07980 961187.
WHISKEY RIVER is a 5/6 piece electric Americana band that play swamp blues, Cajun, Zydeco and good country music to set the dance floor rocking. To suit smaller venues and smaller budgets, pruned down acoustic versions of the band are available as “The Whiskey River Quartet”, “The Whiskey River Trio” or as a Duo [“The Whiskey River Boys”]. Laissez les bon temps rouler!! Contact Martin, phone: 07846 669890, 01432 342018. Email: Website:
corns@mousemusic. email: info@singledoutband. com
SILVER BRANCH (UN-CALLED FOR) - Five piece cutting edge instrumental Folk Band. Concerts/gigs. SIMON THE PIPER Highland Piper with 20 years experience. Available for all occasions - weddings, funerals, Burn’s Night, Hogmanay, festivals, processions etc. Based in Hereford. Call 07791 045831 or facebook. com/simonthepiper Email SINGLED OUT Experienced, 3-piece band covering the best pop and rock music from the 50’s to the current era. We focus on great tunes that don’t usually get played by other bands, but which everyone will know. Of course, we do some of the more usual songs as well! Phone 07518 291 676.
SHRED BELLY Ludlow/Shropshire based acoustic duo, playing covers of popular ‘Dad’s Rock’ songs from the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and more. Full band can also be available. All bookings and enquiries please contact: Kevin on 07873 426205 or Paul on 07957 247851.
Far and away the best exponents of
UNDAUNTED Female influenced indie rock band hailing from South Shropshire. This lively 4 piece brings you strong vocals, great rocking sound, fun and always something different from the norm. For events and booking contact Tracey 07547188402 or Liz 07807531151. Enquiries welcome.
SILVER BRANCH (Ceilidh and Concert Band).
THE CHERRYSTONES are Aly (whistles, flute, accordion, vocals), Matt (bass, foot drum, vocals) and Dave (guitar, bouzouki, mandolin, vocals) who bring you a mix of original and traditional folk songs and tunes. From thoughtful, well-crafted songs to infectious uptempo Irish whistle tunes, we will warm your heart and stir your souls and soles! Contact : Dave 07817 220016, Find us here The Cherrystones. Website coming soon!

Wed 14 September
Sun 18 September
The multi-award winning production of JB Priestley’s Inspector calls by Stephen Daldry! Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, 2.30pm & 7.30pm, £40.50-£11.50, schools (Wed/Thurs) £16.50, 01743 281281.
LITTLE BITS OF RUINED BEAUTY PENTABUS THEATRE COMPANY. A new play by Tom Wentworth about guilt, masculinity but most of all, love. This darkly comic play examines the subtle shift from cared-for to carer and how dignity and independence are maintained in isolated rural areas. 29 & 30 SeptPentabus, The Old School, Ludlow, SY8 2JU, 7.30pm, £12.50, under 25s free. 1 Oct - Quatt Village Hall, 7.30pm, £10, under 25s free, 0333 666 3366. 4 Oct - Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon, 7.30pm, 01874 611622.
TIL TOMORROW THEATRE. This vibrant ensemble have an international voice at their heart - using native accents from nine different countries and bringing a multilingual perspective to Shakespeare’s much loved comedy. Willow Globe, Llanwrthwl, Llandrindod Wells, 3pm & 7pm, £12, under 16s £6, family £30, 01597 811487,
Sat 10 September TWELFTH NIGHT THE FACTORY give a fresh spin on Shakespeare’s classic comedy of mourning and misrule, hedonism and heart ache. Willow Globe, Llanwrthwl, Llandrindod Wells, £15, under 16s £7.50, family £37.50, 01597 811487,
A ROOM OF ONE’S OWN DYAD PRODUCTIONS. A 21st century take on Virginia Woolf’s celebrated pre-TED talk. Take a wry, amusing and incisive trip through the history of literature, feminism and gender. Blake Theatre, Monmouth, 7pm, £16/£15, students £12, 01600 719401.
Sat 10 September LEARNING TO FLY A new show from James Rowland featuring his captivating mix of theatre, comedy and music. James tells the story of a remarkable friendship he made as a lonely, unhappy teenager, with a scary old lady, whose last wish is: to get high before she dies. For ages 14+. Presteigne Assembly Rooms, 8pm, £10, £7 for 14-18 year olds. Tickets from The Workhouse, Presteigne (cash only) and
Tues 20 - Sat 24 September
A classic tale restored to its Victorian setting in this one-man show, performed by Jonathan Goodwin. Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 7.30pm, dinner and show £35, 01584 878141. Thurs 29, Fri 30 September, Sat 1 & Tues 4 October
46 Little Bits
THE GOAL! The Goal introduces us to the ball boys, Chris, Bob, Dan, Yorkie, Twig and Brian. This is their story - “of that season” on the touchline at Edgar Street watching their heroes make history. Based on the lives of real Herefordians. The Courtyard, Hereford, 7.30pm, plus 2.30pm matinee on 10th and 15th, 01432 340555.
Fri 9 - Fri 16 September
PSYCHIC SALLY Sally Morgan, the nation’s favourite Psychic and forerunner in the psychic world. Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 7.30pm, 01584 873229.
HORSE COUNTRY A play by CJ Hopkins. Sam and Bob are not so much waiting for Godot, nor are they waiting for the audience to keep up. Their window on the world is one of menace, hilarity, disappointment and improbability, all delivered with a high-octane comic brio. Adults only. Savoy Theatre, Monmouth, 7.30pm, £16, 01600 771467. of Beauty
Mon 19 September
AS YOU LIKE IT THE WILLOW GLOBE THEATRE welcomes you to Arden. Love, laughter, music and philosophy join hands under the greenwood tree in this sunniest of Shakespeare’s comedies. Llysdinam Gardens, Newbridge-on-Wye, 3pm & 7pm, £12, under 16s £6, family £30, 01597 811487,
Sat 24 September
Fri 30 September

Tues 27 - Fri 30 September
THE LESSON ICARUS THEATRE’s blistering and award winning production of Eugene Ionesco’s classic dark comedy. A comically surreal exposé about power, knowledge and those who hoard both. Recommended age 14+. Blake Theatre, Monmouth, 7pm, 01600 719401.
Thurs 15 - Sun 18 September DEMON DENTIST THE BIRMINGHAM STAGE COMPANY. David Walliam’s award-winning book takes to the stage; one of his most thrilling adventures. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, various times, £22.50-£20.50, children £19-£17, schools £11, family £73-£68, 01743 281281.
LLANDRINOD WELLS THEATRE COMPANY. More details on Llandrindod Wells Theatre Company Facebook page. The Albert Hall, Llandrindod Wells, 7.30pm, tickets from Coversure Insurance Services, Middleton St, Llandrindod Wells.
The ultimate variety show, blending stylish cabaret, comedy, music, circus and burlesque. With world-class entertainers and stars from stage and screen. The Courtyard, Hereford, 7.30pm, 01432 340555.
Sat 17 September EDWARD LEAR’S DREAM - THE OWL AND THE PUSSYCAT SEA LEGS. Meet celebrated Lear characters, the Quangle Wangle, The Jumblies, the Fissgigious Fish and the legendary Owl and the Pussycat. Told with a cast of puppets, innovative stage set and a musical soundtrack.
CALENDAR GIRLS THE MUSICAL GET YOUR WIGLE ON. Unforgettable songs and laughter. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, 2.30pm & 7.30pm, £24-£19, 01743 281281. Amateur production.
THE SECRET DIARY OF ADRIAN MOLE AGED 13 ¾ GET YOUR WIGLE ON bring this brand new musical to the stage, based on the iconic Sue Townsend novel. For ages 11+. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, 7.30pm, £17.50/£15, first night special £13.75, 01743 281281. Amateur production.
LUDLOW Mon - Go MAD in Lud low, 5-6.30pm, Oscars. Contact Simon 07506 478235 & Suzanne 07484 289215 or email hello@gomadinludlow. org Sat - Ludwig Academy of Musical Theatre. 7-11 years 1-2pm, 12-16 years 2-3pm. Oscars. Contact Jack Lud wig, 077922 66225. Assembly Rooms, Ludlow. Tuesdays YOUTH THEATRE For 7-14 year-olds after school. Ledbury Market Theatre, 01432 383663. Wednesdays KINGTON YOUTH THEATRE Kington Primary School. Wed - Junior 7-11 years, 4-5.30pm. Intermediate 11+ 5.30-7pm. £42 per term, 01432 340555. Thursdays (term time) SHROPSHIRE YOUTH THEATRE Seniors, 7-9.30pm, 14-25 years. All abilities welcome. The Hive, Belmont, Thursdays IMPULSIVE THEATRE COMPANY For ages 13-19. The Hive, 5 Belmont, Shrewsbury, 5-6.45pm, 07916 277928. Fortnightly HAVE A GO SHAKESPEARE At Willow Globe, Llanwrthwl, Llandrindod Wells, LD1 6NN, £5 per session, for details. Fortnightly (term time) HAVE A GO SHAKESPEARE All welcome, £7. Wyeside, Builth Wells, Learning To Fly
Fri 9 - Sun 11 September
The Conquest, Bromyard. Mon - Juniors, Year 3-6: 4.30pm, £39 per term. Intermediates, Year 7-9: 7.15pm, £43 per term. Seniors, Year 10+: 7.30pm, £46 per term. The Phoenix Theatre, Ross-on-Wye. Sat - Juniors, Year 8-14: 10am, £39 per term. Market Theatre, Ledbury. Mon - Intermediates, Year 7-9: 7.30pm, £39 per term. Seniors, Year 10+: 8.30pm, £39 per term. Details email or 01432 346526.
Fri 30 September & Sat 1 October
Tues 4 October
Thurs 1 - Sun 4 September
The Courtyard, Hereford, 11am, plus free pre-activity from 10.30am, 01432 340555.
With weekly sessions tailored to suit the needs of each year group, from 4 years and up. Mondays 3.45pm4.45pm Roundabout, Reception & Years 1 & 2. Wednesdays 5pm - 6pm Junior Youth, Years 3,4 & 5. Wednesdays 6pm - 7pm Junior Youth, Years 6,7 & 8. Thursdays 8.30pm - 10pm Senior Youth, Years 9, 10 & 11, 16 - 25. Call 01874 611622,
COURTYARD THEATRE, HEREFORD Sat - Junior Yourth Theatre. Year 3: 9.15am. Year 4: 10.15am. Year 5: 11.15am. Year 6: 12.15pm. Year 7: 1.45pm. Year 8: 3pm. Year 9: 4.45pm, £68.50 per term. Wed - Intermediate Youth Theatre. Year 10 & 11, 5.15pm, £70.50 per term. Fri - Senior Youth Theatre for Year 12+, 7pm, £73.50 per term. Courtyard, Hereford, 01432 340555.
OLIVER! CURTAIN CALL hit the stage with the famous musical, Oliver. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, 2.30pm & 7.30pm, £20.50-£16.50, 01743 281281. Amateur production.

A history of land rights and protest in folk song and story. The show connects the Norman Conquest and Peasants’ Revolt with current issues. Family friendly show. There will be a tour around the estate and farm after. Canon Frome Court, 3pm,
Sun 11 September SEVERN JESTERS Discover the new stars of stand-up. Featuring MC Dave Twentyman, Dan Evans, Rachel Creeger and Ignacio Lopez. Ages 18+. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, 8pm, £12, 01743 281281.
Fri 16 & Fri 30 September WESTONS CIDER COMEDY CLUB Enjoy laugh out loud comedy with some of th hottest up-and-coming comedians on the circuit. For ages 18+ only. The Courtyard, Hereford, 8.30pm, 01432 340555.
A tour of the most endangered foods. Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 7.30pm, £12, 01584 878141.
Wed 7 September & Tues 11 October
‘A Mortimer! A Mortimer: The Mortimers in Battle’, a talk by Philip Hume, exploring how Herefordshire was host to one of the most prominent and long lived medieval families. Conquest Theatre, Bromyard, 7.30pm, members free, guests £5, 01885 488575. Rich Hall
Thurs 22 September COMEDY CLUB Featuring Daliso Chaponda, Sol Bernstein and MC Hayly Ellis. Henry Tudor House, Barracks Passage, Shrewsbury, 8pm, £14, 01743 361666.
Sun 18 September TOM STADE With style, and his usual sense of mischief, the Canadian comedy legend goes to places others dare not to tread. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, 8pm, £20, 01743 281281.
Fri 9 September & Sun 9 October AN EVENING AND A LITTLE BIT OF A MORNING WITH MARK STEEL There is so much to yell about. There’s the modern world in which you spend so long trying to work out iTunes, that it’s easier to form a band and learn the songs... 9 Sept - Regal Cinema, Tenbury, 8pm, 01584 811442. 9 Oct - Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, 01743 281281.
5 Sept - ‘Exquisite Corpses and Angels of Anachy: the Surrealists and their Art’. A lecture by Justine Hopkins. 3 Oct - ‘Cezanne: the Greatest of them all?’ a lecture by Michael Howard. The Larruperz Centre, Grammar School Close, Ross-on-Wye, 1.30pm, £10, 01989 565465.
Sat 10 September
Sat 10 September
Talks Mon 5 September & Mon 3 October
Fri 7 October JENNY ECLAIR: SIXTY! (FFS!) Having hit 60 (but still a year younger than Madonna), Jenny Eclair confronts a new decade of decrepitude. Savoy Theatre, Monmouth, 8pm, £20, 01600 772467.
Sun 18 September THREE ACRES AND A COW
RICH HALL: SHOT FROM CANNONS Montana’s transatlantic messenger returns with new rants, knife-edge observations, musical interludes and a formidable knack for laughs on the fly. The Courtyard, Hereford, 8pm, 01432 340555.
Wed 14 September
‘Climbing and Wall Plants’, a talk by Gordon Malt. Lingen Village Hall, 7.30pm, visitors welcome, £4.
LIFE & LEARNING TALK ‘The Czech holocaust Survivor Torah Scrolls: A Story of Bravery, Memory and New Beginnings’. Hereford Cathedral, 7pm, £10, 01432 374225,
Fri 23 September THE DEVIL’S VIOLIN ‘The Beast in Me’. A tapestry of music and stories about our perception of beauty and the value of kindness. Storytelling at it’s best. For ages 10+. Garway Hall, 7.30pm, £12/£6/£30,
Wed 14 September
A talk by Dr Fred Slater, 1-2pm, £5. Followed by ‘Talk and Draw’ until 4pm with Sorrel Matei, £9, all materials provided. CARAD, Rhayader,
7 Sept - Richard King, author of ‘Brittle With Relics’ in conversation with Alastair Laurence. 11 Oct - Cornelia Parker, one of Britain’s leading contemporary artists, in conversation with Alastair Laurence. The Artshop and Chapel, Abergavenny, 7.30pm, £10, 01873 736430,
Wed 21 September
48 word Poetry & Storytelling
Tues 6 September

Thurs 22 September ADRIAN HAYES Adventurer and author Adrian Hayes takes you on a journey through the jungles, seas, deserts, ice caps and mountains. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, 7.30pm, £19.50/£16.50, 01743 281281.
Wed 14 September
A talk by Peter the Bee and Friends. The ups and downs of growing wild flowers and pollinators. Lydbury North Village Hall, 7.30pm, £5,
Sat 17 & Fri 23 September SCOTT QUINNELL: THE LION SPEAKS TONIGHT Rugby legend Scott Quinnell will share some of the most extraordinary stories and facts about his life on and off the rugby pitch. Joining Scott is his son, Steele who may give his side of some of the stories and will also perform some of the greatest songs from musical theatre. 17 SeptTheatr Hafren, Newtown, 7.30pm, £25.50, VIP £39.50, 01686 948100. 23 Sept - Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon, 7.30pm, from £24.50, VIP ticket £40, 01874 611622.
First Wednesday of the month POETRY CAFE, Charlton Arms, Ludlow, 7.30pm, 01584 872813. Every Thursday WELSH CLASSES FOR ADULTS Presteigne Assembly Rooms, 10.30am-3pm, 01639 841751. Every other Thursday PHILOSOPHY CAFE Informal group which offers the chance to discuss philosophical issues. The Globe, Hay-on-Wye, 7pm, 01497 821762.
Tues 20 September
LUDLOW AND MARCHES HUMANISTS ‘Towards Inclusive Education’. Robert Cann, Education Campaigns Manager for Humanists UK, will talk about reforming religious education and ending admissions and employment discrimination in state-funded faith schools. The Friends Meeting House, St Mary’s Lane, Ludlow, 7.30pm, 01584 872492.
All welcome, 6.30pm, Babar’s Cafe, Union St, Hereford, 01432 342334.
TALKING OF ADVENTURE: BONITA NORRIS Acts of endurance, bravery and skill wth Q & A from the audience. Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 7pm, 01584 878414.
Last Thursday of the month BOOK CLUB De Koffie Pot, Bridge St, Hereford, 8pm, 01432 357753,
Mondays WRITING ROOM The Courtyard, Hereford, 6.30-8.30pm, £75 per term, 01432 340555.
Fri 23 September
Thurs 29 September
MY LIFE WITH MURDERERS: PROFESSOR DAVID WILSON David Wilson’s journey from idealistic prison governor to expert criminologist and professor. Blake Theatre, Monmouth, 7.30pm, £16/£15, 01600 719401.
Fri 2 September (monthly on the first Friday)
Fri 16 September
READING ROOM EXTRA The Courtyard, Hereford, 6-8pm, £55 per term, 01432 340555. International Poetry Writers’ Collective: Abergavenny 01873 856350 Leominster Writers’ Circle, Leominster Community Centre, Frank Pavitt, chairman LWC, 01568 614973, meet first Tuesday, monthly, 2pm. Presteigne Writers’ Circle, 3rd Thursday, Assembly Rooms, 7.30pm, 01544 260398.
Thurs 15 September GOING WILD Bishop’s Castle Town Hall, 8pm, free, donations welcome, 01588 630023,
AN EVENING WITH DAN BIGGAR Current captain of the Welsh national rugby team, having won his 100th cap in the recent Six Nations. Blake Theatre, Monmouth, 7.30pm, 01600 719401.
Wed 21 September THE ARTS SOCIETY TEME VALLEY ‘The Sahara as Palimpest’. A lecture on the cultural history of the world’s greatest desert. Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 2.15pm, visitors welcome, £8, 0780 1178846,
From 26 Sept, 8 weeks - Allen Fisher: Painting in 17th century Europe, Kindle Centre, Hereford, 10.30am12.30pm. 6 Oct - David Whitehead: Three Herefordshire Women: 6 Oct, Joyce Jeffries (Coningsby Hospital). 13 Oct, Lady Brilliana Harley (Brampton Bryan Castle). 27 Oct, Elizabeth Barret Browning (poet), Thursdays, HARC, Rotherwas, Hereford, 2-4pm. On-line literature Course with Cath Humphris. Advance booking for all classes essential. WEA Hereford Branch, 01432 804130, email
Thurs 22 September DAVE GOULSON Professor of Biology at the University of Sussex, specialising in bee ecology. Savoy Theatre, Monmouth, 7.30pm, £10, 01600 772467.
David Lovelace: Landscape History of Wellington. Wellington Community Centre, 7.30pm, 07377 728822.
Workshops & Courses
Share words written by themselves or others. Music, good company and food. No booking required. Pot & Page, 8 New St, Ledbury, 6.30pm,
First Wednesday of each month BABARS’ BOOK CLUB
Mondays STORY CORNER AT THE COURTYARD For ages 4 years and under. The Courtyard, Hereford, 01432 340555. Every Tues, Wed & Thurs SPANISH LESSONS FOR BEGINNERS Tues - Advance beginners 10am-11.30am, Wed - Advance Spanish B1, 10am. Thurs - Total begin ners, 10am-11.30am with Mely. Private tuition - GCSE students and A Level. The Globe, Hay-on-Wye, 7pm, 07837 160505. Every Tuesday READING ROOM The Courtyard, Hereford, 10.30am-12.30pm, £55 per term, 01432 340555.
Last Tuesday of each month HOMEND POETS
Wed 28 September
A meal inspired by the book will be served during the evening and our all local bar will be open serving literary cocktails until close. Free entry, but please book your space online, Pot & Page, 8 New St, Ledbury, 7pm, 01531 248743.
September & October
The answer is of course that the two governments, the Environment Agency, and Natural Resources Wales have tough powers to impose drought orders and permits. The failure to use those powers in good time only goes to underline the degree of dithering there has been by politicians as this crisis has taken shape.
Julian O’Halloran I Fish rescue in the River Teme
grass roots
For a town to fail to take prompt water-saving measures at a time of growing water crisis is one thing. But to pour good water into the gutters suggests a level of stupidity that is hard to credit.
Are we really to believe that this government has no powers to force water-saving to be carried out? To imply that the measures taken to deal with such a widespread environmental threat are not really the government’s call is surely taking laissez-faire to a new level of absurdity. Can it really be down to individual water companies to decide?
As my friends Miranda and Richard strolled around Aberystwyth, they wondered how drought might be affecting that town of some 15,000 people. They reckoned a water shortage and threat of drought measures could have quite an impact. But imagine their horror when they came across a person actually hosing down the streets!
As the drought intensified and spread day by day in July, hundreds of conservative MPs were taking energetic measures to overthrow their party leader, and to set in motion the convoluted process of choosing his replacement. It was no great surprise to learn that the two candidates nominated in the final round have shown very little interest in the environment, or in food, or drought measures. After Johnson was ousted, Liz Truss made it clear to the Telegraph that, for her, climate change was “on the back burner” - a position described without a hint of irony, or awareness of that clanger of a metaphor!
The overall response to the developing drought has been sluggish and complacent in many parts of England and Wales. The water companies themselves have been part and parcel of this feeble attitude. Environment secretary George Eustice has let it be known that he wants the water firms to be more pro-active. But what has he himself done to ensure that they take vitally needed conservation measures?
It is only nine months since the huge climate change conference in Glasgow at which Britain led 197 nations signing up to a pact which agreed to “phase down” the use of coal and to work towards limiting global heating to 1.5 degrees C. But, for some supporters of Liz Truss, it is almost as though Glasgow never happened, and alarm bells have not been ringing on global heating over the last twentyTheyears.UNclimate conference in November was chaired by Truss’s cabinet colleague, the former energy secretary,
Alok Sharma. Remember him? But however hard he and scores of others may have worked to get agreement on trying to limit global heating to 1.5 degrees, it seems that the brains of Liz Truss and her backers were elsewhere. What planet do they live on, I wonder?
Heat, Dust & Drought - A Saga of Dither and Delay!
T was a hot sunny morning in Aberystwyth, in the first few days of August. Several areas in both England and on the west coast of Wales had been told that serious water shortages were developing. Indeed, parts of Pembrokeshire and Carmarthen had been warned that strict hosepipe bans were on the way.
In the last two months most Tory MPs, whatever their views on climate change, have been content to create a vacuum in Whitehall and Westminster. For, largely ignoring the world around them, they have hurled themselves into a process to select a new leader which will drag on through the dog days of August and well into September. Along the way, they failed to notice that some farmers and market gardeners across Britain were starting to stare ruin in the face. By early August, in most of England and Wales, not even the bare minimum of drought measures had been imposed. Did these MPs become so focused on “red wall” seats, that they could not see the grass in their own back yards becoming burnt and brown? Ministers and backbenchers alike blithely went sleepwalking into this summer of self-indulgence. First, they set off a leadership struggle longer drawn out than anything I can recall in the Tory party in the last 50 years. And second, they failed to clock that their heartlands in the shires were being overtaken by a serious agricultural crisis. It surely threatens the futures of many farms and smallholdings. And it is a clear danger to UK food production across the board.Did Truss, and the Tory MPs who back her, ever notice that the weather had been become very strange and extremely dry. This column issued its own early weather warning in July, noting that Wales had had less than two thirds of its normal spring rainfall. Since then, as one bone dry week has followed another, the lack of precipitation has become even more severe. Don’t these politicians read Broad Sheep? If they had done, they might have taken steps much sooner to save water, thereby averting at least some of the worst effects of the drought.

Wed 7 September
Clun Methodist Church Forecourt, 10am-12pm. Proceeds: Medicins sans Frontieres and Clun Methodist Church.
FESTIVAL 2022 A wide range of walks for all abilities led by experienced leaders. Brochure available from local outlets,
Until 2 Sept - A Discovery Summer Children’s Holiday Club for ages 4 - 11 years, 9am-1pm, £9.50 per day, includes cooked lunch. 2 Sept - Iron Age Camp for ages 4-11 year olds, 1-2.30pm, £4.40. 25 Sept - Autumn Apple Day. Bring apples to be identified, get crafty with apples, bring your apples for pressing, apple jelly making demo and toffee apples, 11am-3pm, free. Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre, Craven Arms, 01588,
Explore the Chapter House, Cloister garden, Canon’s garden, Dean’s garden and Bishop’s garden. Hereford Cathedral, bookable sessions between 10am and 3.30pm, £5,
HARVEST CAMP A hardy and free-thinking camping weekend with the pur pose of building our resilience and self-reliance. Days of hands-on workshops with live music and real ale bar each evening. Crabapple Community, Berrington Hall Housing Co-Operative, Berrington, Shrewsbury, SY5 6HA.
HERITAGE OPEN DAY A guided walk around Ross-on-Wye’s Museum Without Walls. St Mary’s Church, 2pm, details
Sat 24 September
Learn from experts in their field: mammals, moths, bees, freshwater habitats, birds, fungi, fossils. CARAD, East St, Rhayader, £5 with free refreshments, book online,
2nd Thursday of the month KINGTON KLEEN Networking drinks. Oxford Arms, Kington, from 7pm,
51 Green Events
Every Third Saturday in the Month PRESTEIGNE REPAIR Presteigne Youth Centre, Hereford Street. 10am-12pm. Household items repaired for free. Info: 01544 267997. Mondays & Wednesdays KNIGHTON MENS SHED Sharpening service available. Teme Mill, Station Yard, Knighton, 10am-2pm. John on 01544232750 or email
A Quiet WigmorePlace,Castle T HERE’S a lot to be said for period restoration and expensive upkeep. No such folly up on the Wigmore hills with panoramic views across the low lying Moor, the Roman Watling Street and on towards Ludlow. Owners English Heritage have stepped in and, with minimal expense on signage, have left Wigmore Castle mainly to the natural elements. Grasses, ferns and flowers run wild and now protect its substantial walls from rain, wind and snow. What you get is both ruinous and spectacular. A sorrowful decaying collection of crumbling towers and eroded stonework.
Sitting proud, surrounded by rich woodland and connected to the village and church by a ribbon of high ground, the castle must have been huge in its day. Begun in 1067, it provided a major power base for the Mortimer family for 500 years. Park at the small village hall car park and walk back and across the main road, up the steep footpath to the lovely church of St James which dates back to Saxon times. From there, if you’re not dead already it’s a long, often muddy walk to get to the castle, but well worth the pain!
On approach, the massive gatehouse is now sunken and opens onto a huge apron of tended grassland inside the castle walls. Just standing here evokes the ghosts of yesterday; pageantry, wind, rain, procession, cooking, laughter, fires burning bright into the night sky…… now nothing but blissful peace and the winds blowing around the romantic stone ruins. It’s an amazingly powerful thinking space. You may even have the whole place to yourself - and it’s all free! Not many of those to the pound. Where is your Quiet Place? Dave Fletcher
Electric, custom and standard bikes. Some working, some need work, plus boxes and boxes of all types of cycle parts. Everything at knock down prices! In the yard behind Daphne’s Pizzas, Presteigne, 10am-4pm.
Sat 10 & 17 September
Thurs 15 - Sun 18 September KINGTON WALKING
4 Sept - Vaynor Park, Berriew, 1-5pm, £6, teas. 8 & 9 Oct - Dingle Nurseries and Gardens, Welshpool, 9am-5pm, £3.50, teas. 15 & 16 Oct - Tranquility Haven, Whitton, Knighton, 2-4pm, £4.50. 15 & 16 Oct - Gregynog Hall & Garden, Tregynon, Newtown, 10am-4pm, donations, teas. Details
Thurs 8 - Sun 11 September THE RADICAL BAKERS
September & October NGS POWYS GARDENS
Sat 3 & Sun 4 September MASSIVE BIKE SALE

GONG BATH SOUND MEDITATION SESSIONS Group sessions twice a month. 1:1 sessions. Private groups. 07870 345216.
52 Disclaimer. We would like to emphasise that these listings relate to COMPLEMENTARY medicine practitioners. Broad Sheep does not endorse any of the practitioners or healing methods listed. We provide no recommendation and take no responsibility for their content. complementary therapies A is for ACUPUNCTURE with Joanna Bruce RGN, MBAcC at The Body Clinic, Leominster & Richard’s Castle. Treating pain (NICE recommended) and long-term health conditions since 1985. Food intolerance testing. Phone 01584 831 840 or text 07984 460969. E-booking: ACCREDITED, EXPERIENCED PSYCHOTHERAPIST & COUNSELLOR: One-to-one sessions for adults age 18 up wards, in Hay-on-Wye (HR3) and by online video. Find relief from anxiety and depression; overcome trauma; transform anger and low self-worth; navigate divorce, bereavement, and other difficult life experiences. Contact Sarah Hamilton at HAY COUNSELLING, 07580 482751, Sandy Sandaver Lic Ac MBAcC. I practice an integrated style of acupuncture using 5 element and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and am a member of the British Acupuncture Council. I also carry out home visits. Hay Acupuncture Clinic, Rose Cottage, Cusop Dingle, Hay-On-Wye 01497 821625/07980 596218 or ANXIETY, DEPRESSION, TRAUMA, LOW SELF WORTH and emotional difficulties - our innovative approach is being used with private and NHS clients with great success. Clients attend an average of 4 sessions to achieve a substantial, some say transformative, effect on their well being. You can check out the testimonials and book a one to one session on our website or get in touch for more information Mike Buckley 07931 986168 AROMATHERAPY massage and facials - Bach Remedies - Herbalism - Reiki. For comprehensive, holistic treatment: Roz Myers Brown, Dip. Ar. IPTI, MIPTI. Kington clinic. 07967 137208, ASTROLOGY Have you ever wondered if your life is on the right path, or what the year might hold in these uncertain times? Astrological interpretations including natal and year ahead from Pagan Art. 10% off first chart with code BS22CA. BABIES, BIRTH AND BREASTS: I am an experienced Midwife, teacher and Craniosacral therapist. We can share KGHypnobirth sessions, Rebozo skills, Birth physiology, Postnatal healing, Breastfeeding support and ‘Closing-the-Bones’ nurture at home, online or in Talgarth. or phone Rachel 07484295235 for more info. THE BRIGHT N BUTE COMPANY - Medical/Sports & Veterinary - K-laser (low level laser therapy) endorsed by vets (VBS Direct) & NHS (NICE guidance) for GP practices & medical profession. Contact: Louisa Clarke BSc(hons) RVN BHSPT Cert Ed. Email: thebrightnbutecompany@ Website: https://the-bright-n-bute-company. CLEAR HEAD, FREE BODY, OPEN HEART Craniosacral Therapy, Therapeutic Massage and Yoga Classes with Clare Johnson, to help you feel more at ease and aligned physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I work in Ludlow and Elton, near Wigmore. Please phone 07980 070675 or email CHARTERED CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST & PSYCHODYNAMIC PSYCHOTHERAPIST with over 25 years professional NHS experience, providing psychological help to adults. Please see website for details: www. I am highly trained and experienced in using evidence–based psychotherapies to relieve distress and help you achieve your life goals, and offer sessions in Ludlow and Leintwardine. I also offer supervision to mental health professionals. Please contact me by email: mfaull@, to arrange a free initial phone conversation to consider your needs. Registered with British Psychological Society, British Psychoanalytic Council, Health Professions Council.
EQUINE FACILITATED LEARNING. Personal growth for individuals and groups through powerful yet gentle interactions with horses, with seasoned Eponaquest facilitator Angela Dunning. EFL sessions involve spending time outdoors with these beautiful sentient beings, where you will be guided to deepen your connection to yourself and your body; build true confidence; reconnect to your Soul’s purpose and bring greater authenticity to your life. No horse experienced required. Author of “The Horse Leads the Way”. Shropshire/Herefordshire/Borders. Contact me on: 01588 630061/07583 726207; angela@equinereflections.; or visit
DEEPLY RELAXING Craniosacral Therapy can increase your well-being by releasing emotional and physical tensions. Given a safe space and correct focus, your body knows the way. I am an accredited practitioner, qualified since 2004, based in Shrewsbury, Crickhowell and Mid Wales. Email: Mobile: 07476 012299.
HAPPINESS COACHING & PERSON CENTRED COUNSELLING I’ve been practicing for 27 years and offer a safe confidential space to off load your stresses and problems bringing relief and skills for life enabling you to be your true, authentic, fulfilled, relaxed and happier self. I’m compassionate, empathic, focused and work with integrity. Check my profile online at The Body Clinic Leominster and for booking an appointment or call me on 07903 415359.
EMOTIONAL WELLBEING: Anne Cummings FETC (Adv Dip), BAoG (Dip), MBIG (Dip) offers a safe, effective therapy to help adults and children heal their emotional and spiritual wounds and fulfil their personal potential. If you have difficulty relating to others, or have troublesome emotions call Anne on 01547 530977. Specialist knowledge and experience of working with panic attacks, anger, stress, bullying, low self-esteem, bereavement/loss and anxiety. For more information see
HEREFORD HOMEOPATH Juliet Ablett RHom, MARH, MNCHM. Holistic health care with experienced practitioner using homeopathy, essences and homeobotanicals; safe and effective for all ages. I work with you as an individual, listening without judgement, working with whatever issues or problems you may have. Regular clinics in Monmouth and Hereford, incl. Saturday morning children’s clinic in Hereford. See website:
PHYSIOTHERAPY, CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY, REFLEXOLOGY & YOGA with Hermione Evans, Chartered Physiotherapist at Radnor Physiotherapy. For all back and neck pain, headaches, sports injuries, RSI, stress related illness and more. I’ve been a Reiki practitioner and Spiritual Healer for 15 years. It’s a very gentle powerful healing of the mind and body, relieving pain, stress and anxiety bringing relief, comfort and relaxation. Check my profile online at The Body Clinic Leominster and for booking an appointment or call me on 07903 415359. Suzanna Underwood Advanced Reiki Master. SPIRITUAL HEALER. 30 years plus experience. One-on-one healing and ‘introduction to healing’ workshops. “If you truly know yourself you will truly know freedom”. Please contact Gilly Williamson, MNFSH, Field House, Kinnerton. 01547 560874.
To discuss your needs or to make an appointment, please phone 01544 350691 or email or view REFLEXOLOGY WITH ALICE Offering holistic and tailored treatments at The Body Clinic, Leominster. Reflexology can be used as a safe and effective way to support any number of physical and emotional health needs. Book online at or contact Alice directly on / 07464948568. REIKI
53 OSTEOPATH. Mr R A Hughes D.O. Registered Osteopath and Sports Therapist. Fully qualified and registered since 1995. Established in Presteigne for over 20 years. Sciatica, Arthritis, Trapped Nerves, Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain. Headaches, Sports Injuries. 07961 352056, The Retreat, Presteigne – free car parking. ONE-TO-ONE SHADOW WORK SESSIONSEXPERIENTIAL, RELATIONAL & EMBODIED THERAPEUTIC PROCESS Shadow work is a great way of approaching your inner experience and those things you want to change. It is a deep, sensitive and safe way of working with all manner of issues even when you have no idea how or where to begin. As we unburden ourselves from the limiting beliefs, behaviours and associated stuck emotions what emerges is an integrity and an authentic expression of our true self; a wholeness from which flows a greater engagement and enjoyment of life. I offer experiential psychotherapeutic process for personal development and for the exploration and transformation of inner conflict and difficulty. Find out more and schedule a free 30-minute consultation at: Kirk - 07878 964 792. PARKINSON’S LIFE PROGRAMME: 1 to 1 Neuro Physio-Led Coaching, Education and Exercise for People with Parkinson’s and their Families. A Flexible and Positive Approach from Diagnosis onwards. Sarah Edwards Parkinson’s Specialist Physiotherapist, MCSP HCPC-Registered. Clinic Based in Castle Street, Hereford. Home or Gym visits available. Contact us on 01432 628123 or
or contact Juliet at or 01981 241456 HOLISTIC MASSAGE THERAPY: Meg Lawrence MTI. A listening and sensitive therapy, treating the whole person. For relief from aches and pains, easing of occupational and postural tensions, providing relaxation and calm in peaceful surroundings, 20 minutes from Presteigne, Hay-on-Wye and Kington. Email; phone or text 07910 892172. HYPNOTHERAPY Vicky Nicolson-James DipHP HWHP Herefordshire based empathetic hypnotherapist offering online or 1-1 therapy to help you live the life you want and deserve. Professional Hypnotherapy Practitioner Association and National Society of Hypnotherapy. T:01568 760 306 E: WhatsApp: 07790 162067. JINGTM LUCIA LLOYD-CLOKIE ACMT (ADV.CLINICAL MASSAGE THERAPIST) JING Method Advanced Clinical Massage -a unique outcome based system for addressing chronic musculoskeletal pain through a tried and tested fusion of advanced soft tissue and massage techniques. If you’re looking to reduce your pain and increase range of movement in 6 treatments or less (+ or -) contact Lucia, who will facilitate your healing journey. Discover your #bodyamazing! m:07506 906614; email:; visit website: on FB and IG. In Hereford Daytime Thur & Fri: Lotions and Potions (opposite Fodder), Church St, or Hereford Yoga Centre Monday till 8pm. LEOMINSTER NATURAL HEALTH CENTRE Chiropractic, Herbal Medicine, Kinesiology, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Reflexology, Emmet technique. Remedial and Holistic Massage. Counselling inc: Couples and Family, Cognitive Behaviour and NLP Stress Management, Child Birth Issues, Psychotherapy. Telephone 01568 616411 email infoleominstercommunitycentre@ Or visit Leominster Community Centre, School Road HR6 8NJ (behind Bridge Street car park). MASSAGE THERAPY WITH MARIAN HARDIMAN (MTI, CNHC, MLDUK). Remedial, Sports, Holistic, Indian Head Massage. Organic Facial and Manual Lymph Drainage. Clinic in Presteigne (The Retreat), Presteigne, LD8 2UF. Contact:,,07816981454. MINDFULNESS Alithea Waterfield MBCT teacher offering Mindful Walks in Nature, 8-week Mindfulness courses and Mindfulness Guided Meditations. Committed to helping you reconnect with a more authentic and compassionate self and develop skills to manage life’s challenges resourcefully, skillfully and creatively. 07899 361316 alitheawaterfield@ NUTRITIONAL THERAPIST JULIE HOWES If you suffer gut problems, dementia, hormone imbalance, chronic fatigue or any degenerative disease, I can help. Four consultations £150. Home visits or therapy room Hereford. Call 07462 937 389. Web site Email YOGA IN PRESTEIGNE Groups and one-to-one tuition in Stapleton Move more freely • Breathe better Think more clearly • Experience joy New: Vedic chant classes Marie Hudson 01544 260352
website HEDGEROW MEDICINE, KITCHEN PHARMACY Herbal Medicine Making Courses with Rowan McOnegal, Medical Herbalist. Practical weekend courses which explore identifying, growing, harvesting, drying, storing and using herbs. Covers the basic principles of herbal medicine, and making and using teas, tinctures, infused oils, ointments, creams, syrups, inhalations and baths. 01531 670075. Human medical / Sport Rehabilitation Clinic: The-Bright-n-Bute-company@lasering1Hay-on-Wye Veterinary Low Level Laser Therapy I will travel to your horses and pets. Mrs Louisa Cookson BSc (hons) Cert Ed. RVN, BHSPT Email: thebrightnbutecompany@gmail.comMobile:07972220082 Weobley, Dilwyn & Locally Gentle Restorative Yoga • Beginners Flow Yoga Relax and Restore Evenings • Private Yoga Classes Yoga for Hen Dos 07808 777515
SOULFUL AND SHAMANIC HEALING AND GUIDANCE WITH SUE ROSE GOULD. Facilitating wellbeing to realise fullest potential through Soul Plan coaching and Shamanic Practice. All consultations can be virtual and online. Contact Sue through website: or message 07591 130762. SOUND HEALING TRAINING AND WORKSHOP RETREATS We run the 5 part Sound Therapy training programme for the College of Sound Healing as weekend retreats in the beautiful setting of Primrose Haven with lovely gardens and sacred spaces. Also Seasonal Sounds Days and weekend retreats: Sound Healing and Nature; Magical Resonance of Celtic Sounds and Sound and gardening for the soul. Retreat stays in our cosy Shepherd Huts. Occasional evening sound and Gong meditations. Please contact Paul, and 07811 816637. SOUND THERAPY, with Gongs, Singing Bowls and other therapeutic instruments to relieve stress and anxiety, restoring mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. Monthly group ‘sound bath’ sessions in Herefordshire, 1-2-1 treatments, retreats, private groups, celebrations. Cecilia 07857 128 082,, THE BODY CLINIC LEOMINSTER Health Support with rehabilitation, pain, mobility, long term health conditions, mental health, wellbeing, women’s and men’s health, fertility and pregnancy and much more. Struggling to figure out how best to approach your health issue? Feeling lost or overwhelmed? Book a Holistic Health Assessment. This will give you the opportunity to talk through your symptoms with an experienced health practitioner who will listen and understand your problem from all angles and advise you on your best course of action. 17 West St, HR6 8EP. 01568 368 907, 07493 078 566, TRANSFORMATIONAL COACHING & COUNSELLING WITH WENDY YOUNG Compassionate and focussed conversations and body-centred processes to heal developmental & emotional trauma and core wounding. This supports your transformational journey of becoming and living your authentic and joyful self. I offer a FREE 30 mins discovery call to answer your questions and see if it feels right for us to work together. Online nationally and inperson in Llanidloes, mid-Wales. For more info and to book call 07388 491 990; email; website 54 Workshops Starting Tues 6 September for 4 weeks MEDITATION GROUP No experience necessary. Plas Dolerw Conference Centre, £6 per session. See FB, Kadampa Meditation Centre Wales, Swansea. FELDENKRAIS Awareness Through Movement Classes. Learn to move more freely, with greater ease and flexibility, improving posture, balance and coordination. The Feldenkrais method uses a combination of gentle movement and relaxed attention to improve comfort and function and to enhance our sense of well being. Online classes (Tuesday mornings and Wednesday evenings); live classes in Tenbury (Wednesday mornings). To book and for more information, please contact Jane at or on 07949 432555.
Slow down, soften and turn inwards. Move and breath your way back into a natural state of vibrant well-being. Join via Zoom weekly on Mondays and Tuesdays from 6:15pm - 7:30pm. Classes are small, friendly and suitable for all levels of flexibility and experience. For more info and to book call Wendy Young 07388 491 990; email;