BROAD sheep

South East England is like a foreign land They speak a language I don’t understand I drove west till the car broke down That’s what I’m doing living in your town
As you can tell from these lyrics to a song of mine, called The Real World, I am a bit out of my depth east of Basingstoke but since ‘our kid’ has just moved to Hastings I felt it was time for me to explore my prejudice. The plan was to meet in Brighton after he had grabbed a posh electric mountain bike from a very friendly hire shop (www.cannon, dump the car there, then cycle The South Down Way from Brighton to Eastbourne and continue on along the coast to Hastings. Apart from a slightly tedious departure alongside a busy road out of Brighton it was brilliant. Once we hit the South Down Way we were spinning along on top of the hills in the sunshine, looking down on Newhaven and Eastbourne until we were forced to stop at the Eight Bells in Jevington for a liquid top up and then we plunged down into Eastbourne and headed east past all sorts of hillbilly housing along the coast which eventually turned into quiet coastal lanes all the way to Bexhill. Had a really excellent meal at the very popular Rocksalt on Sea in Bexhill and then as darkness descended, fuelled by an excellent bottle of Sangiovese, we scrambled our way along a pebble strewn cycle track behind the beach huts back to the bright lights of Hastings. Despite having to drive for 6 hours through middle England, (Swindon, Newbury, Basingstoke) before I even got started it was the nicest days cycling I have had for ages.
The following day I got to look round Hastings and I must say I was very taken with it. The Old Town on the east end with its massive, black timber, net drying sheds, proper fish shops, a working fishing fleet and tiny lanes full of cafes, bars, second hand shops, arty shops and good food shops is a real delight. The New Town is … well like everybody else’s except it’s got a massive sea front and beach and to the west St Leonards is the increasingly groovy bit of town and all three bits wind in and out of one of the hills with S bends, little staircases and funicular railways. It’s great.
Next day we took the bikes on a local train (with a special place for bikes and push chairs) to Lewes to continue West on the South Down Way. The whole Cycling / Walking route is 100mls and runs from Winchester to Eastbourne. After a bit I decided it was time for me to head back to Brighton as I had another 6 hour drive ahead of me and Lou carried on to see how far he could get before handing back the bike. I set off in the direction of Brighton down a chalky South Down track and in a quarter of a mile hit a dip full of water that had amalgamated with the limestone to make a pit of your finest
Plaster of Paris. I went in, arse over tit and, once I had checked neither the bike nor I was broken, discovered that I was no longer dressed in black but was now mainly in white. In fact I looked like The Abominable Snowman.
I set off towards Brighton but the white stuff was starting to set solid. When I reached the first village I stopped a lycra clad women on a bike to ask for the best route for the 6 mile ride into town. She took one look at me plastered in white goo and cycled off in the opposite direction as fast as she could go! Eventually I found a sweaty runner who despite my appear ance described the cycle route through the university district into town. As it happened it was the first Saturday of fresher’s week and the dear little 18-year-old students were having a massive outdoor rave beside one of the colleges. Consequently there were about 3 or 4 thousand students on foot, all dressed in their best nightclub gear clogging up all the cycle paths within a 2 mile radius of the rave. I had no option but to try to force my way through the drunk, hypedup throng horribly aware of the fact that I didn’t really fit in. I shall not repeat any of the comments I received but let’s just say I was mighty relieved to get back to my car in the middle of town and after chipping away some lumps of my, self imposed, plaster cast, I tearfully set off for the long drive west.
entMusicShop-onlyaoneminutewalkfromthemain carpark.Hay’sdestinationshoppackedwithpre-loved machinecleanedandnewvinylrecords,CDs,Booksand more.
SPINDWYER RECORDS Specializing in Folk, Blues and Country. Search my 20,0000 at 07709 904836.
VIOLIN LESSONS: ex Halle , ECCO, Guadagnini Trio, professional violinist RCM dip hons ARCM. 30 years experience. Classical, World Music traditions taught. Kirsten 07421 453114,
BEEKEEPING FOR BEGINNERS Introductory courses, talks on bees and beekeeping and one to one tuition. For further details phone 07813 276308/01886 884752, or email
CHAIR REPAIRS: seats rushed & recaned. Also Danish cord & Habitat sheet cane seats. Paul Richards, 01544 209140.Email -
PIANO LESSONS IN PRESTEIGNE. All ABRSM grades or simply for fun. Contact Mzia 07981752405,
RETIRED PROFESSIONAL PAINTER AVAILABLE for local work. References available. £75.00 per day. Try me. Roy 01547 520164.
JAZZ PIANO TUITION A specially created course for beginners through to intermediate level students. Also coaching for Associated Board jazz exams. Presteigne/Knighton, but happy to travel. Simon Deeley, 07890 303681.
CATERING CROCKERY, CUTLERY AND GLASSWARE FOR HIRE. Up to 100 settings. Contact Ruth on 01544 350559 or 07870 752325.
PRESTEIGNE POP CHOIR Every Thursday. Contact John Hymas for details: 07969 440183.
HANCOCK & MONKS MUSIC, 6 Broad Street, Hay-on-Wye. Tel: 01591 610555. Specialists in recorded and printed Classical Music for over 40 years. Huge stock of secondhand CDs, sheet music, scores and books on music. Open daily 10.30am - 4.30pm. Online catalogue at
FRUIT TREE PRUNING From one branch to an entire orchard. Tel: 01544 260656. WANTED URGENTLY VINTAGE CLOTHING for male/ female, plus accessories including jewellery, shoes, etc. Also wanted: quality curtains, lace and textiles, even damaged. Plus designer clothing including male/female... tweeds, evening dresses etc. Also unusual items including fans etc. Please telephone: Annie 07798 632247. Teagowns and Textiles.
P/T OR OCCASIONAL WORK WANTED Cheerful, fit, educated, mature woman seeks employment. Clean driving licence, DBS checked. Anything considered from office/business support to house sitting including driving, gardening and dog walking. Phone Katy 01547 520328.
VIOLIN/VIOLA LESSONS All styles, all ages, beginners to advanced. Help with composition, theory, aural training. Accompaniment also offered. Ring Tony on 01544 321925 or visit his website: for a CV and more information.
ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS ON THE PRESTEIGNE TOWN WEBSITE FOR 50P PER WEEK Support your town website and publicise your business on our popular site. For more information please contact the Town Clerk, Tracey Price on or 01547 528575.
VIOLIN & VIOLA LESSONS given by experienced professional in Presteigne. All abilities and styles taught. John Hymas 07969 440183.
A STITCH IN TIME Careful repairs & creative alterations to well-loved clothes. Vintage a speciality. Anne 01544 267997.
AN art gallery: visitors drift along a row of paintings. They look nonchalant, they hesitate. Something catches their eye, they peer at it, as though inspecting the brushwork, and then they look for reassurance to the little label with the special font that summarises the names, dates, maker, owner, price, and the image’s puzzlingly complex cultural values. A box or two may be ticked in the mind. The viewer - or by then the reader - gives the image a final once over and moves on, maybe taking a picture of the picture as a way of laying it to rest in their iCloud, but not in their memory. Having withstood the shock of the unknown and settled its puzzling iDentity with the cliches of the commentary the nagging question “But what is it?” has been addressed and the effort of thinking for oneself has been voided. Unfortunately due to the antiquity of most of the works there is noone on hand to poke a microphone in the face of a breathless Leonardo, Rembrandt van Rijn or Van Gogh to ask “How does it feel to have painted a priceless masterpiece?” or “So now you can tell us, what was the joke that made her smirk like that?” I have nevertheless heard Beethoven’s Ninth accompanied by a running commentary as though it was the Grand National. Spart, but we’ll leave that for another time.
My plan is to reverse the viewers’ gallery experience so as to reflect what actually happens here. It will make the Art easier. The little notice and the big picture will swap places. Imagine therefore a row of big Notices and tiny paintings. The one below is called Conversation Piece, and it’s by Wendy A.Hole.
“important” life-styles and presented to us as part of their “oeuvre”, particularly if they died in the attempt or were junkies, from Byron and Shelley onwards to the latest dead rapper. A slippery slope that leads to the sensory deprivation chamber that is Tik-tok and TV. Reality minus almost all of your senses.
Here is a knowledgeable after dinner Conversation Piece with bottles:
“You could have an anonymous show like that “Spirit of Man“ anthology.”
“What? Who?”
“Poet laureate Robert Bridges published an anthology of poems and prose on various themes - love, war etc., but you could only find out their titles or who wrote them by looking in the index. It leaves the writing naked. The reader too. No preconceptions. You could do the same with a bunch of pictures.”
“But surely biography provides fascinating insights, and just knowing who the artist is, … you know?”
“Gossip …. it’s just gossip ….Bertrand Russell seduces T.S.Eliot’s wife. What difference does that make to The Waste Land.”
“Or the other way about? Maybeeeee?”
“It increases the sales.”
“The motive is not the message.”
“Could I have the red please?”
“You get to the point where you’re not meant to watch American Beauty because it’s got Kevin Spacey in it.”
“The image of Byron as a Romantic hero - the seducer, dying young for a cause.. That’s now more resonant than anything he wrote.”
“What did he write? In fact?.....”
“And Radio 3 always tells you what to think before a concert.”
“That’s true!”
People will be happy. They will have just enough information to talk about Aargh!-t* with their friends, and even be able to discuss whether the details on the notice, the biography on the fly-leaf, the sexual orientation of the star or just knowing the price at auction dilutes or amplifies the meaning, beauty, truth of a work of Aaaaargh!t*, music, writing, film, sculpture etc... (Aargh!t* - develop a Ya-arkshire accent and imagine Michelangelo falling off the scaffolding in the Sistine Chapel.)
Long ago I had to submit “Aarght!-ist’s Statements” to the shows I participated in. I wasn’t giving much away. “If my work does not convey its meaning to you then one of us has failed and no amount of explanation or personal history will rescue it. End of.” And was not invited back. I might have added, “If it spills out beyond the confines, disciplines or frame of the alleged work of art by the addition of my trivial emotiono-sexual history, philosophy or pet theory etc., it then becomes not a work of complex and almost magically disguised yet unified feeling, distilled simplicity, grace or cleverness, aka “art”, but a clumsy rambling work with pretentious extra baggage and self-regarding asides”.
However three decades on I’m less sure. Many selfindulgent romantic images have been inflated from artists’
“Think of skill when you use the word art. The art to disguise art.”
“Shall I get another bottle?”
“People complain that nobody knows anything about Shakespeare. Right?.... This is the clincher… he might as well be A.Nonny Mouse.”
“... academics demand to see his stained sheets etcetera… Like our prurient press.”
“Red or white?”
“Sadly we only have 39 plays, 160 sonnets, 4 narrative poems and sundry other works to tell us just exactly what he thought, which is the only thing of any importance.….. and you still want more? His laundry bills? What colour his hose or horse was depending on how you interpret the ancient scrap of paper found behind the wattle and daub of the Dirty Duck? Doesn’t change a word. I don’t even give a fig if “he” didn’t write Shakespeare at all, or she or they - or someone called Fuzzlewhit - they are still the best thing in English whatever - if you’re prepared to disentangle the language.”
“Much easier than Welsh.”
“But the life-style is part of the oeuvre isn’t it?”
“I’m going to bed now.”
© Hugh ColvinA rail aphorism which your Philosopher-in-Residence might also consider (‘A Certain Train Of Thought’ BS Oct) is: “Anything can happen on a train, and sometimes does.”
Returning to Hereford by GWR from London one rush hour, our 125 train was involved in a suicide at Slough (sadly, this station is the second most ‘popular’ site after Beachey Head). Carriages filled with acrid smoke from the train’s braking; dim emergency lighting switched on; and the shocked silence was broken only be tearful passengers who’d guessed what had occurred. The traumatized train driver was taken away by ambulance. “A relief service will arrive shortly” an announcement assured us. An hour later we were transferred to another 125 commuter service, packed in like sardines. I finished up pressed against a prosperous male Cotswold businessman in the exit lobby adjoining the café /bar. “We shall be stopping at all stations to Worcester,” the Tannoy assured us. “All items in the café / bar are free, courtesy Network Rail.” “What d’you fancy?” my new travelling companion asked. “Brandy.” He smiled. “Good call”, soon returning with a brace of miniatures for each of us. I got home at 2.00am – very drunk.
Rev E. Membridge-Tinninges, BartestreeWE have written before about civic statuary – or ‘public realm art’ as we must now refer to it; but that column (BS April 2020) dealt with the decent (and forgettable) works of art which can be found around Hereford. This time, let’s take a look at the capital, with special reference to a new art work – inevitably a cast bronze statue - honouring the life of Elizabeth II.
Judging by the traditional versus modern brouhaha which has festered over more than three decades, the new Carolean Age promises UK architects a pretty bumpy ride if they don’t fit into the mould of classicists like Quinlan Terry or the Luxembourg master planner Leon Krier. The latter has been put in charge of Poundbury II (aka East Faversham). It is therefore a ‘given’ that the likes of Rachel Whiteread or Anthony Gormley will not be short-listed for this commission. Nor will Tracey Emin: a pink neon sign reading ‘HUGZ’ would hardly cut the royal mustard.
Scottish artist Philip Jackson’s statue of a Queen Elizabeth – this time the Queen Mother – already exists in a civic square at Poundbury: a rather matronly portrayal, perched perilously high on a Cenotaph-like pediment. For my money, Jackson’s most moving work – tucked away in a side street behind London’s Marble Arch – is of the humanitarian Raoul Wallenberg, said to have saved the lives of thousands of Jews being deported to Auschwitz at the start of WWII. Life-size, it is at pavement level and unprotected by railings. ‘Moving’ because the sculptor has elected to have the Swedish diplomat, head bowed as if on guard by the Westminster Hall catafalque, standing in front of boxes of forged passports.
Queen Victoria’s memorial to her late husband, in Hyde Park facing the Albert Hall, took 10 years to design and execute, under the supervision of Sir Giles Gilbert Scott. Delays are said to have occurred as a result of the intense scrutiny which The Queen paid to the enclosing structure’s decoration, with much of this work entrusted to the Coventry workshops of Francis Skidmore & Co. Scott and Skidmore collaborated closely on the famous Choir Screen, designed by Scott for the 1862 London Exhibition and subsequently installed in Hereford Cathedral. Weighing 7 tonnes and described by Pevsner as “a huge Victorian monument of the first order” it lasted only eight years, before being dismantled and unceremoniously put into storage. It now resides in an upper gallery of the Victoria & Albert Museum, the museum’s largest exhibit.
Who knows, royal emissaries may even now be on discreet scouting expeditions to find the capital’s perfect location for QEII, which I suspect will be fast-tracked. Whitehall – the government hub - is a natural starting point, particularly as The Queen was inordinately fond of
Parliament Square would come a close second, though things are getting a tad noisy and crowded down there these days. The Mall might be the scouts’ third choice, especially if the statue could be within sight of the Buckingham Palace balcony (her late Mother and Father have statues beside the steps to Carlton House Terrace). And the fourth location - another of The Queen’s favourite venues, because of its association with the Trooping of the Colour - might be Horse Guards’ Parade. Hampshire-based Morris Singer, the world’s oldest brass foundry would be a shoe-in to handle the bronze cast ing. They worked regularly with Henry Moore and one of their best known works, by Jacob Epstein, adorns the east front of Basil Spence’s restored Coventry Cathedral. Thankfully, the late Queen’s plinth will bear her classical E II R monogram and not that hastily-botched CR III, surmounted by a cherry-topped Lyons fair cake, dreamed up by the College of Heralds.
For more
Studer Fine Art, Art - The Gallery, 4 The High Street, Presteigne. Nov Studio artists. Thurs-Sat, 10.30am - 4pm.
Erwood Station Gallery, Llandeilo Graban, Builth Wells, LD2 3SJ 01982 560674
A constantly changing mix of materials and styles occupying over 2000 square feet. Complimented by paintings and sculpture, plus seasonal exhibitions. Open 10.30am-4.30pm.
Art by Osian (Celf gan Osian Gwent), Chatwood, 6 Long Bridge St, Llanidloes SY18 6EE 0800 999 1953
Luxury works of fine art - paintings and limited edition fine art giclée prints. Exclusive and original paintings by Welsh contemporary artist Osian Gwent. Open Mon-Sat, 10am-4pm. Celf O Gwmpas, Centre Celf, Tremont Rd, Llandrindod Wells LD1 5EB 01597 822777
Until 17 Nov SANDY CRAIG. Solo exhibition. 2 Nov - 22 Dec LLANDRINDOD
WELLS ART GROUP. Open Wed - Sun 2pm-7pm.
Tower House Gallery, 29 High St, Knighton LD7 1AT 01547 529530 Gallery, shop, cafe. Tues-Sat 10am-4.30pm.
Oriel Davies Gallery, Newtown 01686 625041
Until 5 Nov ‘Shared Space’. SHANI RHYS JAMES & STEVEN WEST.
Until 28 Nov ‘East in Colour’. ASHRAH SUUDY - photographs, celebrating the joy and colour of the Somali community in Cardiff.
Until 18 May 2023 ‘Super Size Grain’.
Open Tues-Sun 11am-5pm. Wyeside Theatre, Builth Wells 01982 552555
Until 18 Dec ‘A Brush with Nature’.
SEAN MILNE. Open theatre times. Radnorshire Museum, Temple St, Llandrindod Wells LD1 5DL 01597 824513
Nov Search Radnorshire Museum Facebook page for up-to-date exhibitions, workshops and events. Tues-Fri 10am-3pm, Sat 10am-1pm.
The Table, 43 Lion St, Hay-on-Wye 01497 822802
26 Nov - 17 Dec ANTHEA STILWELL.
Open Thurs-Sat 10am-3pm.
The Hay Makers, St John’s Place, Hay-on-Wye HR3 5BN 01497 820556
Until 13 Nov Autumn Exhibition. JESS BUGLER - sculpture and prints. CHARLIE HIGH - jewellery. ADRIFT POTTERY - ceramics. STEWART ROBERTS - sculpture. Mon-Sat 10.30am-5pm, Sun 11am-4pm.
Courtyard Antiques, London House, High St, Presteigne, LD8 2BA 07974 356128 outside normal hours.
Antique pottery, country furniture and art. Mon-Sat 10am-4pm.
Minerva Arts Centre, High Street, Llanidloes 01686 413467
12 Nov - 24 Dec Christmas Craft Fair. Pottery, clothing, class work, knitwear, accessories, art, felt art, jewellery, toys, decor, pyrography, fabric, fine art, wood and more.
Open daily 10.30am-4.30pm.
Court Cupboard Gallery, New Court Farm, Llantillio Pertholey, Abergavenny NP7 8AU 01873 852011
Nov ROSIE FAREY & MANDY COATS - baskets. SUSAN GALLAGHERpaintings. Open daily 11am-4pm.
Lion Street Gallery, 6 Lion St, Hay-on-Wye HR3 5AA 01497 822900
Showcasing some of the very best artists from Wales and the Borders. Open 10.30am-5pm daily except Tues, Sun 11.30am-4pm.
Knighton Fine Art, 2 Broad Street, Knighton 01547 528052
Nov ‘The more it snows - Tiddely Pom’. Many packs of charity Christ mas cards, calendars, ‘Three Kings’ by John Hall Thorpe plus other wintry artworks. A plethora of gifts from Traidcraft, Lightstyle, Meri-Meri and Beamers plus local craft ideas. Wed-Fri 10am-4pm, Sat 10am-1pm. Hay Castle, Oxford Rd, Hay-on-Wye HR3 5DG 01497 820079
Until end Nov ‘The Printed Line’. This exhibition considers how artists have used a variety of printmaking tech niques to exploit the potential of the printed line. Open daily, 10am-5pm.
The Workhouse Studio, Presteigne Industrial Estate 01544 267864
Rare antique carpets and kilims. Plus locally made pottery, art materials, textiles, haberdashery, jewellery, cards and gifts. Cafe. Wed-Sat 10am-4pm. Mid Wales Arts Centre, Caersws, Near Newtown 01686 688369
6 Nov - 18 Dec Christmas Open & Represented Artists exhibition. Artwork by artists living and working in Wales. Perfect opportunity to buy original art locally as a Christmas present. Thurs-Sun, 11am-4pm.
Found Gallery, 1 Bulwark, Brecon LD3 7LB 07736 062849
Until 19 Nov ‘Coming in from The East’. SUSAN VAUGHAN WILLIAMS - artist. RICHARD GREATREX ‘Only Japan’ - photographs. CHRIS PYEMaster carver. PAMELA THORBY - pottery. HELYNE JENNINGS - multi-media artist. JENNY JACKSON - textile designer. MAUREEN RICHARDSON - upcycling. CHRISSIE NASH - jewellery. 22 Nov - 22 Dec Seasonal Exhibition. HELEYNE JENNINGS - multi-media artist. RICHARD STUDERprintmaker. TONY BENNETTphotographs. FAYE LAVERY GRIFFITHS - woodturner. KIM COLE BROOK - ceramics. CHRISSIE NASH - jewellery.
Open Tues-Sat 10am-4.30pm. Memorial Square, Halls and Beyond, Hay-on-wye 07989 980601
10 Dec Hay-on-Wye Christmas Fayre. 50+ traders bring Christmas to the streets of Hay with festive gifts, hot food, mulled gin, singing from Hay Shantymen, carols, children’s treasure hunt and more! 10am-4pm.
The Art Shop, Cross St, Abergavenny NP7 5EH 01873 852690
5 Nov - 28 Jan ‘The Power of Enchantment’. Long Winter show. Myths, legends and other worlds - the curious, the fabled and the playful. Works on paper including etchings, lithographs, monotypes, drawings and collages; alongside paintings, jewellery and ceramics. Tues-Sat 9.30am-5pm.
Museum of Modern Art, Tabernacle, Heol Penrallt, Machynlleth SY20 8AJ 01654 703355
Until 5 Nov ‘Woven Responses’. BILL HENDERSON - paintings. VICKY ELLIS.
Until 5 Nov ‘Growing’. Until 5 Nov ‘Assemblage’. Wed-Fri 10am-4pm, Sat 10am-1pm, by appointment only.
Cheese & Butter Market, Hay-on-Wye 07866 843538
Every Fri & Sat Flea & Vintage Market. Vintage clothing, bric a brac, antiques and jewellery. Open 9am-5pm.
Knighton Museum, 1 Broad St, Knighton
The Museum is run entirely by volunteers and reflects the social history of the area. The majority of the exhibits have been either donated or lent by local people and reflect the varied history of this border town from the drovers to the flannel weavers; from trade to agriculture. Wed- Sat, 10am-4pm, Sun 11am-4pm.
The Old School, Whitton, near Knighton LD7 1NP 01547 560936 Museum of Welsh Textiles. A fine collection of Welsh costume, textiles. With a selection of antique textiles and blankets for sale, alongside changing exhibitions of art and antiques. Open by appointment, please phone to book.
Rhayader Museum & Gallery, CARAD, East St, Rhayader, LD6 5ER 01597 810561
Rhayader Museum are offering an enjoyable opportunity to take part in the creative process of making and installing the displays and installations, working with our team. Please email for details. Look out for new activities and sign up for our free information newsletter online: Tues-Fri 10am-4pm, Sat 10am-12pm.
Theatr Brycheiniog, Canal Wharf, Brecon LD3 7EW 01874 611622
Oct ‘Brecon in Bits: Inspired by the Streets’. YEAR 10 GCSE ART PUPILS, BRECON HIGH SCHOOL. Part of the Celebration of Contemporary Welsh Painting 2022. Open theatre times.
Pavilion Mid Wales, Llandrindod Wells LD1 5EY 01597 258118
10 Nov Artisan Market. Arts, crafts, homemade, handmade, local produce. Open 10am-4pm.
3 Dec Christmas market, 12pm-6pm.
Station Approach, Hereford HR1 1FN
Until April 2023 Meadow Arts & Hereford College of Arts present the work of Lothar Götz. Vibrant and geometric public artworks on each end of the building, as well as a number of dazzling flags. The first of four new bold new public artworks that will engage with the site over 4 years.
Jenny Pickford Sculpture Gardens, Newton Lane, Leominster HR6 0PF 07985 246056
2 - 4 Dec Christmas Bizarre Bazaar. Handmade arts and crafts featuring sculpture, paintings, prints, jewellery, copperwork, basketry. Try taster blacksmith lessons, copper workshops, mulled wine and roast chestnuts. Open 10am-6pm, free entry.
Herefordshire Archive & Records Centre, Fir Tree Lane, Hereford HR2 6LA 01432 260750
Until 23 Dec ‘Foldlines’. KATE
Other exhibitors include Studio Mirai, Martha Cass, The Lugg Embroiderers including Maggie Crompton and Rose Tinted Rags. Open Tues 10am-4pm, Sat (second in month) 10am-4pm.
The Forum, 18 Market Square, Tenbury Wells WR15 8EA 01584 810085
GEORGINA FRANKLINjewellery. Individual contemporary design. Commissions undertaken. Market Hall, Kington 07977 978676 3rd Saturday of the month, until Dec Print, paint, wood, wool, paper, met alwork, ceramics, baskets and more. 9:30am-3:30pm,
Old Stable Gallery, Leominster Tourist Information Centre, Corn Square, Leominster 01568 616460 1 - 30 Nov ‘Blot & Flourish’.
MARCHES SCRIBES - calligraphy exhibition. Mon-Sat 9.30am-4pm. Wobage Makers Gallery, Upton Bishop, Ross on Wye HR9 7QP 01989 720495
Nov SHEILA HERRING - pottery. ANDREW McGARVA stoneware pots. CLARE McGARVA - stitched textiles. PATIA DAVIS - porcelain & pots. BEN CASSON - furniture. SHEILA CASSON - stoneware & earthenware pots. CLAIR HODGSON - silver. JEREMY STEWARD - wood-fired salt-glazed pottery. CLYDE HOARbaskets. Thurs-Sat 10am-5pm.
Oxenham Art, Broad St, Leominster HR6 8BT 01568 611898
Nov Featuring HARRIET WILSONenamel jewellery, GABI BIRD & KAREN FAWCETT - ceramics and SALLY ELLIS - original paintings. Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-3pm. Lion Ballroom, Leominster 01568 612277
3 Dec ‘Chopin & Champagne’. An evening of live music by concert pianist Helen Farrar and live painting on stage by Fine Artist, RICHARD GOWER RBA. 6.30pm, £29 includes glass champagne, canapes and programme, booking essential.
Made in the Marches Gallery, 12 Church St, Kington, HR5 3AZ 07531 820195
Beautiful work from local artists and makers, including ceramics, paintings, prints, textiles, wearable art: clothes & jewellery, sculpture, stone, wood, metal and willow, cards and gifts.
Commissions and vouchers available. Nov & Dec All things bright and beautiful for the festive season, including unique gifts, creative kits and artisan decorations and cards, from artists, HELEN ARTHUR, RICHARD BAVIN, LIZ BEAGLEY, CAROLINE BEAUMONT, JANE BISBY, ROSAMUND BLACK, RACHAEL BLAKEWAY, SHANNON DONOVAN, REBECCA FINNEY, NANCY FROST, FREYA GAMBLE-MAPES, JANE KEAY, MALCOLM MELLEN, SUSAN MULCOCK, JUDE PIPER, REBECCA REYNOLDS, HELEN SMITH, MARY SMITH, ZOE WRIGHT and more! Open Tues–Sat, 11am-4pm.
South Chapel, All Saints Church, Hereford 01432 370414 4, 5, 25, 26 Nov, 9, 10, & 17 Dec THE CRAFTY LADIES. High quality crafts. 10am-3.30pm.
Until 17 Dec Cards for good causes. Mon-Sat 9.30am-5.30pm.
Beautiful Chapel available to hire for Exhibitions and Sales, for information contact allsaintssouthchapel@gmail. com
De Koffie Pot Gallery Sapce, Left Bank Village, Bridge St, Hereford, HR4 9DG
Until 8 Nov BRIAN GORST - artworks. Still life, landscape and assemblages from a local artist and tutor. Open 10am-4.30pm daily.
Mappa Mundi & Chained Library, Hereford Cathedral, Cathedral Close, Hereford 01432 374200
Until 31 Dec ‘Waste Not, Want Not’. Showcasing items from the collections that have reused or repurposed older materials and given them a new lease of life.
20 Oct - 16 Nov ‘Places of Mourning in the Western World’. PHIL WHITING - landscape paintings. Open Mon-Sat 10am-5pm, normal admission applies. The Courtyard, Hereford 01432 340555
Until 6 Nov ‘Thinking’. SCULPTURE CYMRU.
Open theatre times. Apple Store Gallery, Unit 1, Rockfield Rd, Hereford HR1 2UA 01432 263937
Until 12 Nov ‘Making the Invisible Visible’. CHRISTINE EARL & GEORGINA FOWLER.
16 Nov - 17 Dec ‘Christmas Delights’. Wed-Fri 10am-3pm, Sat 10am-1pm.
RidgeBank Contemporary Art Space, 1 High Street, Kington HR5 3AX 07810 526006
Instagram: @ridgebank
Rolling programme of exhibitions and events. Open Fri-Sun 12-6pm. Weavers Gallery, Church Lane, Ledbury 07881 926661
7 - 13 Nov ‘A Sense of Place’. SUE DENNING EMBREY & SCOTT
GREATWOOD. Open 10am-4.30pm, Sun 10am-12pm.
14 - 20 Nov ‘This is who we are. This is what we do’. LEDBURY MAKERS. Open 10.30am-4pm.
21 - 27 Nov Christmas Show. LEDBURY ART SOCIETY. Open 10am-4pm, Sun 10am-12pm. Made in Ross, The Upstairs Gallery, Market House, Ross-on-Wye HR9 5NX 01989 769398
Nov Made in Ross. A co-operative of local art and craft makers who produce a wide range of beautiful work, for all tastes and budgets. Open 10am-4pm.
The Basement, 18 Gloucester Rd, Ross-on-Wye HR9 5BU email
Beautiful handwoven lampshades, fabrics, pottery, willow baskets and glass. Also a range of eclectic lighting. Open Wed-Sat 9.30am-4pm.
Old Chapel Gallery, East St, Pembridge HR6 9HB 01544 388842
5 Nov - 31 Dec ‘Winter Curiosities’. Featuring TAMSIN ABBOTT - stained glass. MARY GRIFFIN - pastels. SEREN BELL - pen and ink drawings. JO VERITY - mixed media decoupage. RACHEL WRIGHT - textile collage embroidery. RACHEL BLAKEWAY - papier mache recycled art . JOSIE WALTER & LYN HARRISON - pottery. All year ‘Shadows on the Grass’. Garden sculpture exhibition. An ever-changing collection of unique sculptures for your outdoor space in a variety of media including ironwork, carved stone, stone resin, iron resin, bronze resin, ceramics. Wed-Sat 11am-4.30pm, Sun 12-4pm. Mon & Tues by appointment.
Gallery 54, 54 High St, Ross-on-Wye 01989 567917
Plus gallery artists. Thurs-Sat 10-4pm.
Greenstage Gallery, Hop Pocket, Bishop’s Frome WR6 5BT 01885 490839
4 Nov - 24 Dec Christmas Show featuring work by SUE CALCUTT, SARA HUXLEY-EDWARDS, DEWI OWENS & JANINE PARTINGTON as well as a host of gallery favourites. Open Mon-Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 10.30am-4pm.
Bishop’s Castle Town Hall 01588 630023
Until 26 Nov ‘A Journey through the border country from Knighton to Ludlow’. DAVID HENRY.
5 Nov Antiques & Flea market, 9am-4pm.
Open Mon-Sat 10am-4pm.
26 Nov Christmas Craft Fair. Two floors of stalls with handmade gifts, 10am-4pm. The Hive, Belmont, Shrewsbury 01743 234970
Until 11 Nov LEAH GORDON: Monument to the Vanquished | Part 1 | The Commoners. A Meadow Arts Project by Leah Gordon & Annabel Edwards exploring how the historic events of land enclosure (started in the 16th century) still impacts the landscape and its access today.
15 Nov - 9 Dec ‘Life’. CHARLIE ADLARD - selection of figurative sketches. Tues-Fri 10am-4.30pm.
Twenty Twenty Gallery, 4 Quality Square, Ludlow 01584 875363
From 26 Nov ‘Winter Festival’ with MARION ELLIOT, CHRISTOPHER CORR, JONNY HANNAH, JIM PILSTON, IRVINE PEACOCK and more! Open Wed-Sat 10.30am-4pm.
Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre, Craven Arms 01588 676060
5 & 6 Nov ‘Frost Fair’. A wide selection of handmade crafts and Christmas gifts from talented Shropshire crafts people. Free entry. 10am-4pm.
The Gateway Gallery, Chester St, Shrewsbury SY1 1NB
Until 4 Nov ‘Spaces In Between’. SASHA MORRIS-BHATIA.
18 Nov - 16 Dec ‘Dazzle!’ Open exhibition with the theme being ‘Colour’. All work for sale and nothing over £150. Mon-Fri 9am-4.30pm.
Ragleth Gallery, 1 Sandford Place, Church Stretton SY6 6DY 01694 723225
A contemporary gallery full of original art, inspired by the landscape and wildlife of the Shropshire Hills. Sculpture, paintings, ceramics, glass, jewellery, prints, photographs, automata and more.
Mon & Tue10am-5pm, Thurs - Sat 11am-5pm, Sun 11am-4pm.
Aardvark Books, The Bookery, Manor Farm, Brampton Bryan, near Bucknell SY7 0DH 01547 530744
3 & 4 Dec Brampton Bryan Open Studios. Six fantastic makers, special offers and prize draw.
4 Dec Aardvark Christmas Fair with over 20 stalls, find that special something. Filled with great Christmas presents. Also featuring live Christmas Jazz with Dutch Lewis Trio, plus hot food, free mulled wine and more. Tues-Sun 10am-4pm.
Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery, The Music Hall, Market Square, Shrewsbury SY1 1LG 01743 258881
Every Tues Until 6 Dec ‘Spotlight Talks’. Each week one of the curators, volunteers or members of staff will give a 20 minute talk, 12pm. Mon-Sat 10am-4pm, Sun 11am-4pm.
Please see website for studio opening times.
The Forum, 18 Market Square, Tenbury Wells, Worcs. WR15 8EA Phone 01584 810085
Specialising in the conservationrestoration of works of art on paper and archive material.
9, Lower Buckton Barns, between Leintwardine and Brampton Bryan, SY7 0JU.
Please call or email Louise Vaile for appointments and further information.
Ogilvie Vaile Conservation, Unit 9, Lower Buckton Barns, between Leintwardine and Brampton Bryan SY7 0JU 07780 616067
Specialising in the conservation and restoration of fine art.
The Artists’ Gallery, Ludlow Farm (formerly Ludlow Food Centre), Bromfield, Ludlow SY8 2JR 07974 652866
Nov Artists include SHELLY PERKINS - wildlife artist.
PRISCILLA HANN - bronze sculpture. DANIELLE FLOWERS - contemporary jewellery. KIM DAVIS - wood turning. MEGAN EVANS - collagraph prints.
JAN JAY - textile designs and screen prints. PIP JONES - watercolours.
SARAH BILLINGHAM - pottery. Mon-Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 10am-4pm.
Open daily 10am-5pm.
Facebook - The Artists’ Gallery. Smithy Studio, Brampton Bryan SY7 0DH 07811 042478
Rustic homewares, fine art and craft.
Local makers. Turned wood, slipware, lavender products, textiles, cards and gifts. Thurs-Sat 11am-4pm.
Beacon Room, Ludlow Castle 26 Nov Makers Market. Top selection of local makers. Part of Ludlow Winter Festival & Castle Light Show. Open 1pm-9pm.
Castle Square, Ludlow 6, 13 & 20 Dec ‘Tinsel Tuesdays’. Over 40 stalls brimming with local artists, crafts people and artisan food makers. Open 9am-4pm.
Assembly Rooms, Mill St, Ludlow 01584 878141
Until 19 Nov ‘Pink Lady’. Food Photographer of the year exhibition. A myriad of images of ingredients, harvesting, cooking and more. Open theatre times.
Single, dated listings are free. Ongoing workshops, £40 per year.
Discover your creative potential at my workshops covering, Art, Textiles and Sewing Techniques, catering for the experienced and inexperienced. Dates to suit you. 01432 760961.
IKEBANA: THE ANCIENT ART OF JAPANESE FLOWER ARRANGING ‘Foam-free’, using seasonal materials. Workshops for maximum 6 people are run by Qualified Teacher and Master in Ikebana (Ohara School). Individual lessons are possible by arrangement. Visit
Western flower arranging workshops are also available, see website ‘Western Style Workshops’, or ring 01432 880126 or email
We meet Monday daytime at the Civic Centre, Knighton (near the Clock Tower) during spring and autumn terms. We have weekly topics with friendly tuition. All abilities, beginners welcome. Learn at your own pace. Discover new skills and increase your confidence. Own choice of art materials. Contact local artist tutor: Audrey Bradley: 01544 350369.
Inspirational art and textile related courses delivered throughout the year by highly qualified tutors. Some courses are on-line, and others face to face. Refer to www.bobbybritnell. for further information and details of all courses. Contact Bobby Britnell on 01547 510664, or email at bobby@
Love art? Come and join us! Friendly, local clubs with professional tuition run for three terms per year. Beginners and experienced painters all welcome. Call Liz on 07938 563716 or see the website for
Church Street, Builth Wells, LD2 3BS, Powys. Open 7 Days a week, Bespoke family Days, Throwing Workshops and Courses. Children’s Parties, Corporate Festivities, Hen Dos. Hand-building, Gift Sales and Vouchers available. From £40ppTasters - Half day or Full day. Call for more details: 07443875016 e:
‘Starry Nights’ is our next workshop on Saturday 12th November, 10am1pm, at Make-it-Happen, Gomond St, Hereford. For children aged 7-11, no experience is necessary. Cost £22. For more details go to https://www.
Monthly in Llangarron HR9 6PH. Glenn Morris, sculptor, leads an informal, friendly group. Suitable for beginners and those with some experience. Full tuition, safety equipment and tools provided. Stone available if required. Copious refreshments guaranteed. 01989 770776.
Learn a new skill and explore your creativity with experienced tutors, all based in beautiful countryside with outstanding views and local produce. We offer a wide range of courses throughout the year:- Basketmaking, Enamelled Jewellery, Felt-making, Glass Fusing, Hand Block Printing, Hedgerow Medicine, Mosaics, Painting, Pastels, Photography, Plant Dyeing, Spinning and Weaving, Rag Rug Making, Sewing, Stained Glass, Stonecarving, Woodblock printing, Drawing and Upholstery. For full details visit
Make it yourself - take it home - treas ure it – or give it with pride!
Presteigne. Courses available throughout the year covering many techniques. Small groups and all levels taught. All materials and equipment included. For more information see or contact Clair at rushmorebaskets@ 07713 514902.
30 Oct - 11 Nov - Italy Art Safari. 12 & 13 Nov - Weekend drawing retreat at Acton Hall. 15 - 17 Nov - ‘Seeing with Artist’s Eyes’, online zoom workshop. Vicki Norman Art School, 21 Mill St, Bridgnorth, WV15 5AF,
26 Nov - Make A Silver Ring. 8 & 29 Nov - 5 Day Introduction ot Silversmithing, suitable for beginners and students who wish to develop their skills, 10am-4pm, £425. 15 DecCabochon Stone Setting. 4 Nov - Claw Settings. 7 & 13 Nov - Make a Round Pill Box in Silver or Copper, 10am4pm. 12 & 13 Nov - Make a Pill Box in Silver or Copper, 10am-4pm, £85.
15 Nov - Tube Setting and Gypsy Setting. 3 Dec - Soldering Tips and Practice, 10am-4pm.
All workshops are one day in duration. Melissa Hunt, Brampton Bryan,
Creative workshops including lino printing, glass fusing, jewellery making, fabric printing, traditional glass painting, stained glass. The Art House Studio, Weobley, 07467 941208,
14 Nov - Carborundum Printing with Jess Bugler, 10am-4pm, £60. 15 Nov - The Painters Tools - Acrylics with Allison Neal, 10am-4pm, £60. Apple Store Gallery, Unit 1, Rockfield Rd, Hereford HR1 2UA 01432 263937
1 Nov - Printing with Recycled & Natural Materials. 10.30am for 3-10 year olds, 1pm teens session, £5. 16 Nov - Lino Printing Workshop - Let’s
Try Reduction Printing with resident printmaker Aidan Saunders. Ideal for anyone with basic Lino skills, 10am, £65. Hay Castle Clore Learning Space, Hay-on-Wye, 01497 820079.
November MID WALES ARTS CENTRE Thurs - After-School Pottery for children 7-11 years, 5-6.30pm, £7. Thurs - Pottery & Ceramic Sculpture Club for all ages and abilities, 2-4pm & 7-9pm, £10. Fri - Pottery & Ceramic Sculpure Club, 11-1pm, £10. 5 Nov - Monthly Family Pottery Workshop, 2-4pm, £10, children £8. 12 Nov - Life Drawing with Sandy Craig, 10am-1pm, £18, students £14. 12 Nov - Christmas Enamelling Workshop with Jill Leventon, 10am-4pm. 19 NovScreen Printing Workshop with Emma Aldridge and Jacqui Dodds, 10am-4pm, £60. Mid Wales Arts Centre, Caersws, Newtown, 01686 688369.
INTRO TO THE POTTERS WHEEL £49 per person. Perfect indoor activity for individuals, couples and small groups. 1.5 hr sessions take place on specific dates through the Autumn.
POTTERS WHEEL COURSES 4, 5, 19 & 20 November. £150 day £280 weekend. Spend the day or weekend relaxing and creating pots on the pot ter’s wheel. Please check availability book online Email or tel 01531 633886.
First Saturday of the month, until 3 Dec - Monthly Figure Drawing with Lois Hopwood, 10.30am-1pm, £20 per session. Book online or in the gallery. Oriel Gallery, Newtown, 01686 625041,
16 Nov - Waste Not Want Not Creative Workshop: Notebook making, 10am1pm, £30, all materials provided.
19 Nov - Waste Not Want Not Creative Workshop: Bookstar making, folding star for your Christmas tree, 10am1pm, £30, all materials provided.
23 Nov - Lego Club, 3.30pm-4.30pm for 8-14 year olds, free. Mondays, term time - Toddler Group, craft activities and prayer; suitable 1-3 years, 9.30am, free. Hereford Cathedral, 01432 374225,
Every Tues - Life Drawing for all ages, 7-9pm. The Hive, Belmont, Shrewsbury, 01743 234970.
4 Nov - Firework-inspired art and crafts for ages 5 and over, 11am-12pm, £5. 12 Nov - Cultivate - A creative programme for ages 15-25 year olds, 10am-1pm, free. 26 Nov - Christmas Wreath Making with natural materials sourced from The Rodd. Mince pies and mulled wine included, 10.30am1pm, £35. Every Monday - ‘Make’. Weekly arts and creative sessions for young people aged 10-14, using a wide variety of materials and mediums, no experience or skills are needed, 3.30-5pm, free. Starting weekly until Thurs 24 Nov - Life Drawing Sessions with Sarah Redway, 3-5pm, £10 per session or £50 for six. To book01544 260149 or
Hands-on clay modelling workshop, lead by one of their expert model makers. ‘Shaun The Sheep, 11am. ‘Gromit’, 1pm. ‘Feathers McGraw’ 3pm. Blake Theatre, Monmouth, 01600 719401.
‘Minuskilian’, based on the lettering of Herman Kilian with tutor Josie Brown. Monkland Village Hall, near Leomin ster, 10am-4pm, £20 members/£25 visitors, please book, 01544 327657.
With Jess Bugler. 14 Nov - Carborundum. Applestore Gallery, Rockfield Rd, Hereford, HR1 2UA, 10am-4pm, £60 per workshop, 01432 263937.
With Allison Neal. Acrylics. Applestore Gallery, Rockfield Rd, Hereford, HR1 2UA, 10am-4pm, £60 per workshop, 01432 263937.
Christmas demonstration with National Demonstrator, Ian Buxton. Regal Cinema, Tenbury Wells, 7.30pm, 01584 811442.
Learn how to make a willow Christmas tree and flower hurdle to take home with you If you have secateurs, please bring them with you. Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre, Craven Arms, 10am-4pm, £50, booking essential, 01588 676060.
24 Nov - Book Art Workshop with Kate Kato, 10am-3pm, book via the Hay Castle website. 26 Nov - ‘An Odd Dog Christmas’ with Rob Biddulph, author, illustrator for ages
5+, bring along your own pencils and drawing pad, 10am, £6. 26 Nov - ‘Clay Portrait Workshop with Rachel Ferrington and Mari Fforde, 10am, £15. 26 Nov‘After Hours: Tour of the Printed Line Exhibition’ with Paul Coldwell, 8pm, £10. 27 Nov - ‘Cyanotype Workshop with Mari Fforde, 10am, £15. 27 Nov - Flower Lampshade
Workshop with Layla Robinson, 4pm, book through Hay Castle website. All at Hay Castle. 01497 822629.
Calligraphy workshop for all levels with tutor Nick Caulkin at Monkland Village Hall, near Leominster 10-4pm, £25 guests/, £20 members. 01544 327657 to book. Marches Scribes.
With Angela Gladwell. Second of two terms of 9 sessions each. This term each participant will make a painting, drawing or model of their own design in response to the theme. Shropshire Museums Collections Centre, Ludlow, 10.30am-1pm, £130, booking at
Weekly life drawing group for all abilities. Bring your own materials and just turn up. Upstairs at The Green Dragon Hotel, Broad St, Hereford, 7-9:30pm, £8, 07587 192495.
All welcome, help given if required. The Old School Community Hub, New Radnor, 2-4pm, 01544 350242.
Weekly life drawing group for all abilities. Bring your own materials and just turn up. Ty Tan Gallery (opp. Blue Boar), Hay-on-Wye, 7-9:30pm, block book in advance £90 for 10 weeks or drop-in for £11, 07855 628626.
The Courtyard, Hereford, 10am-1pm, £7.50, 01432 340555.
Set on the titular if mythical island off Ireland’s west coast, THE BANSHEES OF INISHERIN finds lifelong friends Padraic (Colin Farrell) and Colm (Brendan Gleeson), in sudden and bitter conflict when Colm unexpectedly puts an end to their friendship. Farrell and Gleeson famously starred together in Martin McDonagh’s IN BRUGES and here the writer/director again capitalises on the obvious rapport between them, abetted by Kerry Condon, (co-star in McDonagh’s THREE BILLBOARDS) who as his sister Siobhan tries to comfort the stunned Padriac. Together with troubled young islander Dominic (Barry Keoghan, AMERICAN ANIMALS), she endeavours to repair the relationship, refusing to take no for an answer, but Padraic’s repeated efforts only strengthen his former friend’s resolve and when Colm delivers a desperate ultimatum, events swiftly escalate, with shocking consequences in a acting masterclass whose dark, sometimes macabre comedy is enriched by Ben Davis’s soulful cinematography.
4 - 10 Nov JUNIPER (15)
4 - 17 Nov THE LOST KING (12A)
5 Nov LABYRINTH (1986) (U) free pre-activity from 10.30am
11 - 17 Nov EMILY (15)
12 & 15 Nov LANCASTER (PG)
18 - 25 Nov BANSHEES OF INISHERIN (ctbc)
18 - 25 Nov AMSTERDAM (15)
18 & 21 Nov PETER VON KANT (ctbc) French Film Festival UK
17 & 22 Nov RODEO (ctbc) French Film Festival UK
19 Nov LYLE, LYLE, CROCODILE (U) free pre-activity from 10.30am
23 & 25 Nov MORE THAN EVER (PLUS QUE JAMAIS) (ctbc) French Film Festival UK
25 & 30 Nov FULL TIME (A PLEIN TEMPS) (15) French Film Festival UK
28 & 30 Nov CALL JANE (12A)
29 Nov FATHER EARTH (PG) A special screening followed by a Q&A with Graham Fellows (AKA John Shuttleworth).
The Courtyard Theatre, Edgar St, Hereford 01432 340555
Melville Centre, Pen y Pound, Abergavenny NP7 5UD. 4pm for 4.30pm screening and 7pm for 7.30 screening. A limited number of seats available for non-members aged 18+
1 & 2 Nov THE WOMAN KING (15)
Assembly Rooms, Mill St, Ludlow, 01584 873229
Finding Happiness in Troubled Times. Part of Wings of Change Festival. Assembly Rooms, Presteigne, 7pm, free email
A celebration of Revel Guest with Michael Morpurgo. Join in the cinema bar after the screening for a reception to celebrate Revel’s life where Michael will be signing copies of the 40th anniversary edition of War Horse. 1pm, £12. Richard Booth’s Bookshop, Hay-on-Wye. 01497 822010
7 Nov LIMBO (12A)
5 Dec CRIES AND WHISPERS (15) 7.30pm, Brecon Coliseum Cinema, Wheat St, Brecon. 01874 623166
25 Nov LITTLE WOMEN (2019) (U) Conquest Theatre, Bromyard. 01885 488575
2 Nov TOP GUN - MAVERICK (12) Cardington VH 01694 771295
3 Nov BELFAST (12) Brilley VH 01544 327227
3 Nov KING RICHARD (12) Lindridge Parish Hall 01584 881615
4 Nov THE PHANTOM OF THE OPEN (12) Fownhope New Memorial Hall 01432 860717
4 Nov DOWNTON ABBEY - A NEW ERA (PG) Callow End VH 01905 830469
4 Nov BELFAST (12) Market Theatre, Ledbury 07967 517125
4 Nov TOP GUN - MAVERICK (12) Kelsall Methodist Hall 01829 752931
5 Nov TOP GUN - MAVERICK (12) Hanley Broadheath VH 07972 183164
5 Nov THE PHANTOM OF THE OPEN (12) Ballingham Old School Hall 07967 017759
8 Nov BELFAST (12) Ashford Carbonell VH 01584 831574
8 Nov THE OUTFIT (15) St Mary’s Church Hall, Ross-on-Wye 07789 778048
8 Nov COMPARTMENT NO. 6 (15)
All Stretton VH 07812 583113
8 Nov BENEDICTION (12) Garway Hall 01600 750465
9 Nov OPERATION MINCEMEAT (12) Market Theatre, Ledbury 07967 517125
9 Nov WHERE THE CRAWDADS SING (15) Hope Bowdler VH 01694 723648
11 Nov WEST SIDE STORY (2021) (12A) Bosbury Parish Hall 01531 640333
11 Nov OPERATION MINCEMEAT (12) The Simpson Hall, Burghill 07726 148736
11 Nov TOP GUN - MAVERICK (12) Great Witley VH 01299 896412
12 Nov WOMAN AT WAR (12A) Lady Emily Hall, Tarrington 01432 890720
12 Nov TOP GUN - MAVERICK (12) Clifton on Teme VH 01886 812238
12 Nov OPERATION MINCEMEAT (12) Cawley Hall, Eye 01568 615836
13 Nov TOP GUN - MAVERICK (12) Martley Memorial Hall 01886 888406
14 Nov THE OLIVE TREE (15) Coalbrookdale & Ironbridge Community Centre 01952 433297
16 Nov A WALK IN THE WOODS (15) Chetton VH 01746 789257
16 Nov TOP GUN - MAVERICK (12) Myddle VH 07706 450075
17 Nov THE PHANTOM OF THE OPEN (12) Pencombe & Little Cowarne Parish Hall 01885 400311
17 Nov PARALLEL MOTHERS (15) Leintwardine Community Centre 07572 442903
17 Nov THE PHANTOM OF THE OPEN (12) Gorsley VH 01989 750649
The VH, Norbury 01588 650306
17 Nov BELFAST (12) Much Birch Community Hall 01981 540097
17 Nov CABARET (15) Pudleston VH 01568 750303
17 Nov TOP GUN - MAVERICK (12) Diddlebury VH 07375 326381
17 Nov BENEDICTION (12) Huntington VH 01544 370692
17 Nov OPERATION MINCEMEAT (12) Kinnerley Parish Hall 01691 683619
17 Nov FISHERMAN’S FRIENDSONE AND ALL (12A) Silvester Horne Institute, Church Stretton 07508 072206
18 Nov THE PHANTOM OF THE OPEN (12) Marton VH 01743 792790
18 Nov THE PHANTOM OF THE OPEN (12) Cound Guildhall 01743 761257
18 Nov FINDING YOUR FEET (12) Clungunford VH 01588 660159
In the 1800s the Agojie were an all-female army of an unprecedented fierceness in the African kingdom of Dahomey (now Benin) and this epic tale finds its leader, General Nanisca (Oscar-winner Viola Davis) training the next generation of warriors to do battle against an enemy determined to destroy their way of life. No stranger to action-packed fare, e.g. Netflix’s THE OLD GUARD, director Gina Prince-Bythewood also has a knack of infusing them with dramatic subtexts and as Dahomy was a major supplier to the Atlantic slave trade we find that as well as her skills as a fighter, Nanisca works to persuade her king (John Boyega, STAR WARS’ Finn) that the trade, which mainly used their enemies captured in battle, should be abolished. Much delayed by studio wrangling, these rarely chronicled but world-changing events infuse a sprawling but engrossing historical drama.
18 Nov BRIAN AND CHARLES (PG) Knighton Community Centre 07940 279903
18 Nov GONE TO EARTH (PG) Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre, Craven Arms 01588 676060
18 Nov TOP GUN - MAVERICK (12) Stoke Prior VH 07850 030821
18 Nov ELVIS (2022) (12) Clun Memorial Hall 01588 640109
19 Nov THE RAILWAY CHILDREN RETURN (PG) Bicton VH 01743 850495
19 Nov OPERATION MINCEMEAT (12) Upton upon Severn Memorial Hall 01684 592273
19 Nov THE DUKE (12A) Chapel Lawn VH 01547 530258
19 Nov ELVIS (2022) (12) Trefonen VH 01691 657011
19 Nov TOP GUN - MAVERICK (12) Lindridge Parish Hall 01584 881615
19 Nov THE ANGELS’ SHARE (15) Cleobury Mortimer Parish Hall 01299 270047
19 Nov OPERATION MINCEMEAT (12) Everest Hall, Llanfair Waterdine 01547 528842
19 Nov DOWNTON ABBEY - A NEW ERA (PG) Waverton VH 01244 336055
19 Nov THE DUKE (12A) Bettws-yCrwyn Parish Hall 01588 640233
22 Nov THE PHANTOM OF THE OPEN (12) SpArC Theatre, Bishop’s Castle 01588 630321
22 Nov OPERATION MINCEMEAT (12) Acton Scott VH 01694 781260
24 Nov TOP GUN - MAVERICK (12) Goodrich VH 01600 890609
24 Nov BRIAN AND CHARLES (PG) SpArC Theatre, Bishop’s Castle 01588 630321
24 Nov TOP GUN - MAVERICK (12) Almeley VH 07557 659291
25 Nov PARIS, TEXAS (15) Market Theatre, Ledbury 07967 517125
25 Nov DOWNTON ABBEY (PG) Himbleton VH 01905 391143
25 Nov LITTLE WOMEN (2019) (U) Conquest Theatre, Bromyard 01885 488575
25 Nov BELFAST (12) Little Wenlock VH 01952 505888
25 Nov THE OUTFIT (15) Colwall VH 07891 668124
25 Nov BENEDICTION (12) All Strettton VH 07812 583113
25 Nov TOP GUN - MAVERICK (12) Longden VH 07539 545846
26 Nov DOWNTON ABBEY (PG) Church & Chetwynd Aston VH 01952 813234
26 Nov THE PHANTOM OF THE OPEN (12) Tasley Parish Room 01746 764881
26 Nov DOWNTON ABBEY - A NEW ERA (PG) Aston on Clun VH 01588 660545
Rare is the rom-com in megastar George Clooney’s extensive canon, although there were hints of it with Vera Farmiga in UP IN THE AIR and more subtly with Julia Roberts’ character in the OCEANS films, which makes his pairing with the latter in writer-director Ol Parker’s feelgood offering all the more tantalising. They play long divorced married couple, David and Georgia, who despite deep- seated enmity feel mutually obliged to fly to Bali – in reality Australia’s verdant west coast – to stop their daughter Lily (Kaitlyn Dever DETROIT, THE FRONT RUNNER) making the same mistake they did in her plan to wed Balinese seaweed farmer (!) Gede (Maxime Bouttier). You can pretty much guess the ending but the pleasure here is seeing Clooney and Roberts with their obvious chemistry riffing off each other and fully exploiting Parker’s lively script, all set against such a intoxicatingly lush background.
26 Nov TOP GUN - MAVERICK (12) Rodington VH 01952 771147
26 Nov TOP GUN - MAVERICK (12) Ripple Parish Room 07717 292976
26 Nov ELVIS (2022) Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre, Craven Arms 01588 676060
28 Nov THE DUKE (12A) The Red House, Albrighton 01902 373854
28 Nov THIS YEAR’S LOVE (18) Coalbrookdale & Ironbridge Community Centre 01952 433297
7 Dec TOP GUN (12A) Knighton Community Centre 07940 279903
4 Nov THE BLACK HILL Knighton Community Centre. Part of Knighton Festival,
18 Nov HONEYLAND (2019) (12) Shrewsbury Film Society. The Hive, Belmont, Shrewsbury, 7.30pm, 01743 234970
4 & 5 Nov
The Loft, 18a West St, Hereford HR4 0BX 01432 507460
4 Nov BELFAST (12)
25 Nov PARIS, TEXAS (12) Market Theatre, Market St, Ledbury 07967 517125
3 Nov THE FATHER (12)
1 Dec BELFAST (12) Dragon Hotel, Montgomery, 8pm, 01686 668442
Until 3 Nov THE LOST KING (12) Old Market Hall, Shrewsbury, 01743 281281
9 Nov RIVER (U) A Kleen Film presentation, 7pm. The Oxford Arms, Duke St, Kington
4 Nov MURINA (15)
18 Nov COMPARTMENT NO. 6 (15)
2 Dec SMALL BODY (12A) Assembly Rooms, Presteigne, 8pm.
5 & 7 Nov THE WOMAN KING (15)
11 & 14 Nov TICKET TO PARADISE (12A)
Regal Cinema, Teme St, Tenbury Wells, 01584 811442
1, 2, 4 - 6 Nov LYLE LYLE
1 - 3 Nov AMSTERDAM (12A)
6 Dec ROCKS (PG)
8 Nov THE HERMIT OF TREIG (PG) Savoy Theatre, Church St, Monmouth 01600 772467
1 Dec TOP GUN - MAVERICK (12) SpArC Theatre, Bishop’s Castle, 01588 638038
1 Nov LOVE AROUND THE WORLD (12A) Followed by Director Q & A. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury 01743 281281
Until 3 Nov HALLOWEEN ENDS (ctbc)
Until 3 Nov THE WOMAN KING (ctbc)
Until 6 Nov BLACK ADAM (ctbc)
Until 27 Nov LYLE LYLE
1, 26 - 30 Nov BROS (ctbc) subtitled screening
4 - 9 Nov EMILY (ctbc)
4 - 16 Nov THE LOST KING (12A)
4 - 6 Nov SMILE (18)
11 - 13, 15 - 23 Nov BLACK
13 Nov PARALLEL MOTHERS (15) Film Club
18 - 20, 22 - 24 Nov AMSTERDAM (15)
25 - 30 Nov, 1 Dec MATILDA THE MUSICAL (PG) Wyeside, Builth Wells 01982 552555
3 Nov THE SEAGULL National Theatre. SpArC Theatre, Bishop’s Castle, 7pm, 01588 638038. Blake Theatre, Monmouth, 7pm, 01600 719401. Regal Cinema, Tenbury Wells, 7pm, 01584 811442. The Courtyard, Hereford, 7pm, 01432 340555. Booths Bookshop Cinema, 7pm, 01497 822010. Market Theatre, Ledbury, 7pm, 07967 517125. Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 7pm, 01584 878141.
5 Nov LA TRAVIATA Metropolitan Opera. The Courtyard, Hereford, 4.55pm, 01432 340555.
7 Nov THE SEAGULL National Theatre. Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon, 7pm, 01874 611622.
8 Nov THE SEAGULL National Theatre. Conquest Theatre, Bromyard, 7pm, 01885 488575.
10 Nov THE SEAGULL National Theatre. Wyeside, Builth Wells, 7pm, 01982 552555.
Royal Opera House. The Courtyard, Hereford, 7.15pm, 01432 340555. Blake Theatre, Monmouth, 7.15pm, 01600 719401. Regal Cinema, Tenbury Wells, 7.15pm, 01584 811442. Market Theatre, Ledbury, 7.15pm, 07967 517125. SpArC Theatre, Bishop’s Castle, 7.15pm, 01588 630321. Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon, 7.15pm, 01874 611622. Conquest Theatre, Bromyard, 7.15pm, 01885 488575. Old Market Hall, Shrewsbury, 7.15pm, 01743 281281.
Royal Opera House. Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 7.15pm, 01584 878141.
Royal Opera House. Wyeside, Builth Wells, 2pm, 01982 552555.
23 Nov THE CAMERA IS OURS Britain’s Women Documentary Makers. Conquest Theatre, Bromyard, 7.30pm, 01885 488575.
PORTRAIT OF A LIFE Exhibition on Screen. Old Market Hall, Shrewsbury, 12pm, 01743 281281.
PORTRAIT OF A LIFE Exhibition on Screen. The Courtyard, Hereford, 7.45pm, 01432 340555.
Royal Opera House. Blake Theatre, Monmouth, 7.15pm, 01600 719401.
Royal Opera House. Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 7.15pm, 01584 878141.
The Courtyard, Hereford, 5.15pm & 6.45pm, £73 per term, 01432 340555.
CROWN BALLET from Moldova present a charming and kindly fairy tale. Enter a magical new world, a treat full of glitter for the whole family. The Courtyard, 7.30pm, 01432 340555.
CROWN BALLET present Tchaikovsky’s best works, featuring some of the ballet’s most memorable music and breath-taking dance. The Courtyard, Hereford, 7.30pm, 01432 340555.
An authentic flamenco experience when dancers Ester Tal and Tomas Arroquero perform. Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 7.30pm, £16, 01584 878141.
CONCORD COLLEGE. An evening of internationally inspired dance, drama, music and art. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, 7.30pm, £10, all proceeds to local charities, 01743 281281.
BALLET CYMRU. A vibrant, fresh and innovative fulllength ballet based on Shakespeare’’s ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’. Theatr Hafren, Newtown, 7pm, £13, under 18s £8.50, 01686 948100.
BALLET THEATRE present one of the most enchanting love stories of all time. Blake Theatre, Monmouth, 3pm, 01600 719401.
Single, dated listings are free. Year round entries £40.
The Red Lion, Bredwardine, 7.30pm, 01568 720510.
The Monkland Arms, Monkland, near Leominster, 01568 720510.
Open Level Adult Belly Dance Classes. Bodenham Parish Hall, HR1 3LB. 1st & 3rd Saturday of the month, 1-3pm. Pay-as-you-go - please book by the previous Wednesday. For full information visit or call Abbie on 07962 161081.
Adult Classes. Mon - Contemporary Dance with LG Dance, 6.30pm, £21 per month, £8 drop in, Tues - Street Jazz with LG Dance, 7.15pm, £21 per month, £8 drop in, Wed - Adult Irish Dance, 8pm, £60 for 10 week course, Thurs - Silver Swans Adult Ballet, 1.30pm & 2.30pm, £6 per session, www.starlightcompany. Thurs - Adult Performance Class with LG Dance, 8pm, £48 for 6 weeks, £8 drop in, Fri - Chance to Dance, 10.15pm, £6 per session. Junior Classes with LG Dance. Mon - Junior Contemporary, 4.30pm, £21 per month. Mon - Senior Contemporary, 5.30pm, £21 per month. Tues - Junior Street Jazz, 5.15pm, £21 per month. Tues - Senior Street Jazz, 6.15pm, £21 per month. Thurs - Mini Musicals, 5.30pm, £23 per month. Thurs - Junior Musical Theatre, 5.30pm, £23 per month. Thurs Senior Musical Theatre, 6.40pm, £28 per month, Wed - Irish Dance with Ludwig Theatre Arts, Beginners (6+) 6pm, advanced 7pm, £5 per session. Fri - Dancing Tots for ages 2-4, 11.30pm, £4 per session. The Courtyard, Hereford, 01432 340555.
Mon - Bartestree Village Hall, Hereford, HR1 4BY 7.30-8.30pm. Silvester Horne Institute, Church Stretton, SY6 6BY, 7.30-8.30pm. Tues - Pembridge Village Hall, HR6 9EB, 7.30-8.30pm. SaxonHall, HR2 6HE, 7.30-8.30pm. Ludlow Assembly Rooms, SY8 1AZ, 7.30-8.30pm. Wed - Burford Village Hall, Tenbury Wells, WR15 8LA, 7.30-8.30pm. Holy Trinity Parish Hall, Malvern, WR14 4LR, 7.30-8.30pm, Beginners Jive. 8.30-9.30pm, Intermediate Jive. Thurs - Ledbury Dance Studio, Bye Street, HR8 2AA, 7.30-8.30pm. Abberley Village Hall, WR6 6AZ, 7.30-8.30pm. Sun - Eardisley Village Hall, HR3 6NH, 7.30-8.30pm. For more information please e-mail Matt or Sarah on 01989 750354. Coolmoves Dance & Fitness for adults.
Fortnightly Saturdays CHORUS LINE
Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon, 07943 417561. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays
Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon, 07943 417561.
Why not try Morris dancing? We practice every Tues evening at 7.30pm in Moccas Village Hall from Sept to May. Mainly dances from the Cotswolds, but also some from the Welsh Borders. All sexes welcome, and ability to dance not necessary! Beginners welcome. Contact Paul 01497 821003 or Jed 07549 096291.
Parish Hall, Hay-on-Wye, 7pm. Mely 07837 169505.
Wednesdays BIG FISH LITTLE FISH FOR MUMS & TOTS! Dance Centre, Llandrindod Wells, 2-3pm, £3 drop in, for tots aged 8 months+, 01597 824370.
Wednesday mornings & Thursday evenings TUDOR & MEDIEVAL DANCE Would you like to learn to do Tudor and Medieval dances? Come and join us in Leominster on Wednesday mornings or Thursday evenings. Beginners welcome; no previous experience necessary. Contact Maureen Crumpler on 01568 613477 or email
Thursdays WILD WEST SALSA Left Bank Village, Bridge St, Hereford, 7.45pm, £6, students £5, social dance only £4, 01432 357753.
Thursdays JENNY PIPES MORRIS is a lively well estab lished female Morris side looking for new dancers to join us, all abilities welcome including beginners. If you are a musician (male or female) looking to play for Morris danc ing, then please join us and have some fun! We dance Cotswold and Border Morris, practicing on Thursday eve nings at 7.30 at Stoke Prior Village Hall, Leominster, HR6 0LG. Contact Helen 07821 411236 or Rose 07815169566.
Fridays CHANCE TO DANCE For the over 50s. The Courtyard, Hereford, 10.15am, £4.50, 01432 340555.
Fridays DANCING TOTS For ages 2-4 years. Courtyard, Hereford, 11.30am, £4, 01432 340555.
Fortnightly Sunday HIGHFLYERS YOUTH DANCE COMPANY For ages 11-18 with disabilities or additional needs and their siblings. All welcome. The Hive, Belmont, Shrewsbury, 2-4pm, 01743 234970 or email Rachel
ON the death last month of the great French film maker, Jean-Luc Godard, Mr Pernickety was reminded of the risks of using Microsoft Word – exemplified a few year ago in this very organ when the Assembly Rooms in Prest eigne were advertising their imminent showing of the late maestro’s first picture, known in English as Breathless – a weak translation of a French term meaning Out of Breath, or as the Assembly Rooms chose to express it in French: Au bout de Souffle, for which MS spell-check gave them Au bout de Soufflé or Out of Soufflé - a little known kitchen sink drama, maybe, with added chic. Mr P was once caught by an MS Word glitch when he needed to change the name of a key character in a novel from Jack to John. He instructed his machine to seek the word Jack and globally replace with John. Drafts later, maybe even at proof stage, an oddly alert editor at Hodder & Stoughton spotted that this same character had just shrugged on a tweed johnet; these things happen in genre fiction.
Mr P was once again drawn back to previous ouevres when producing this month’s food review. He’d been to The Bell in Yarpole, which he found he had reviewed twice before for the Woolly Organ, in September 2010 (unimpressed) and in May 2017 when his piece opened: “It’s with a heavy heart that Mr Pernickety undertakes this month’s column for he is not unmindful of the distress that a discouraging review of an eating establishment can cause its patron.” These words preceded a description of one of the worst dinners Mr P had eaten in his food-writing career.
In both earlier reviews he notes the obvious physical advantages of the place - its location in a fine traditional village amid the curvaceous uplands of North Hereford shire; the classic characteristics of an ancient timber-framed cider-making hostelry, its extensive beamery and rustic fittings, and its obvious potential for warm ambience - all hideously abused, as it turned out, by the incumbents when Mr P visited last in 2017.
The pub suffered for years when it belonged to a horrible PubCo called Enterprise Inns, landlords whose own spectacular greed led to multiple lawsuits with tenants and their own ignominious absorption by another, equally disreputable PubCo.
In 2018, when Enterprise were unable to find a new tenant for the place, the village community in Yarpole got together and boldly devised a way of purchasing the freehold for themselves. Mr P, an avid supporter of villages saving pubs from the clutches of PubCos, was disappointed at first to see that it didn’t seem to be going well for them, unlike other hugely successful attempts to do the same with The Boot at Orleton and The Pheasant at Neenton.
Yarpole village had been unable to find a way of running it themselves, especially in the grip of the Covid lockdowns. However, with a combination of skill, luck, judgement and downright serendipity, they eventually found new tenants to run The Bell.
Although in later years, as his more astute readers will have observed, Mr Pernickety has not entirely shed a stout mantle of youthful cynicism, nor has he abandoned an earlier childhood conception of the supernatural, and his heart can still quicken at evidence of the miraculous. As soon as Mr P and his Lovely Companion walked into the familiar old pub, they sensed with a warm tingle the utter transformation of the place. Stepping up into the same low-ceilinged bar, they found it had been opened up stylishly and without pretension, lucidly refreshed in subtle colours and with furniture that is absolutely right. Beautifully lit, warmed by a big, efficient wood-burner, this was all nudged into perfection by the sublime strains of Miles Davis’ trumpet in Kinda Blue wafting in as if just from the other bar next door. Before they had even ordered, Mr P’s boxes were effervescent with ticks. He and the LC grew more excited at the prospect of the Sunday lunch they had come for.
Over the meal that followed there was not an item that disappointed. After a platter of Salt Pig charcuterie, pickles and olive bread, they were brought a serving of delicious smoky pink roast beef, with special, unusual treated accoutrements took traditional Sunday lunch to a new plane. Even a Yorkshire pud of proportions a little exuberant for Mr P, was delicious enough to justify its size. There was good selection of wines at fair prices. Frankly, Mr P can’t remember what they chose and he can’t read what he wrote in his little red book, but it was a thoroughly good accompaniment, and not expensive. He and the LC happily shared a rich chocolate brownie and ice cream to round off their lunch. They were more than content. It was obvious that what they had eaten as food which had been prepared with knowledge, talent and, above all, love. The two tenants, Iain Dixon and Nikki Pybus both cook, with backgrounds in a great variety of exceptional establishments. They achieve an extra dimension in their art by cooking over a wood fire pit when that will intensify flavours. The efficient, good-mannered service at The Bell is exceptional and achieved with an obvious commitment to making guests feel cared about, as rare in these times as the excellent beef.
Mr P and the LC look forward to going back to experience the A la Carte menu which is offered from Wednesdays to Saturdays.
Mr Pernickety - info@misterpermickety.com9 Nov - Hereford Amateur Brewers, monthly meeting and beer tasting with guests Woofy’s Brewery from Ross, 6.30pm, free entry. 10 Nov - 7th birthday celebration featuring barrel0aged beer tasting with James from Cloudwater, 7.30pm, £25. 11 Nov - Tap takeover with James from Cloudwater, 4pm free entry. 12 Nov - Cult of Oak meet the brewer and mini tasting event, 3pm, £20. Live blues from Howlin’ Mat, 7.30pm, free entry. 13 Nov - A journey from wine to beer via cider with Albert from Ross Cider, 4pm, £25. Hereford Beer House, West St, Hereford.
A night of unusual pairings, introduced by Michele Longari of Hay Wines. Featuring a taster menu of local artisan creations, including from Twigs & Dough, Little Bento Box sushi and The Crafty Pickle kimchi and more. Pot & Page, New St, Ledbury, 7.30pm, £30,
100 thrilling top exhibitors, street food. Music in the streets of Kington including Whitton Voices. A gastronomic inspiration from the marches. Free and free parking. Kington, 9.30am-3.30pm.
Every Saturday LUDLOW COUNTRY MARKET 9am-12pm at The Womens Centre, Ludlow. Local produce, handicrafts, plants & veg, cut flowers, cards. First Saturday of every month (except August) FARMER’S MARKET Produce, craft, gifts, kitchen cafe open. Eaton Bishop Village Hall, 10am-12pm.
First Saturday of every month PRESTEIGNE LOCAL FOOD MARKET Memorial Hall Presteigne, 9am-1pm. The best collection of artisan food producers in the area.
2nd and 4th Saturday of every month KNIGHTON COMMUNITY MARKET Knighton Community Centre, 9.30am-12.30pm, 07751 221487.
3rd Saturday of every month FARMER’S MARKET Bishop’s Castle Town Hall, 9am-1pm, 01588 630023,
2nd Saturday of every month LEOMINSTER FARMER’S MARKET Corn Square, 9am-1pm, 01568 797427.
Third Saturday of every month PRODUCE MARKET Hightown Community Rooms, Vicarage Rd. Clun, 10.00am - 12.00pm. 01588 641180.
Third Saturday of every month BURGERS, BYTES & BOARDGAMES
Table top games in good company, fast food and drinks on tap! Play in-house games or bring some of your own to share. Pot & Page, New St, Ledbury, 7.30pm, please book,
Third Saturday of every month FARMER’S MARKET Bishop’s Castle Town Hall, 9am-1pm, 01588 630023.
First Thursday EVENING FARMER’S MARKET The Barn, Ledbury, HR8 1EA, 6-8pm.
Regular stalls on the lower floor. First Thurs of the month, using both floors with community cafe. Open 9am-3pm, 07790 100462.
Every Thursday HAY MARKET DAY Local produce, meat and fish, hot food, artisan bread, cakes, crafts, vintage, plants. Memorial Square and Clock Tower, Hay-on-Wye, 9am-2.30pm,
Every 2nd & 4th Thursday LUDLOW LOCAL PRODUCE MARKET Castle Square, 9am-2pm, 01584 872043.
Every Friday KINGTON PRODUCE/CRAFTS MARKET Market Hall, Kington, 9am-1pm, 07867 483135.
First Friday of the month BOOKCLUB DINNERS Join Katie and the bookworms for an evening of literary delights. Each month we meet to discuss a different book and share a meal inspired by the story. Nov - ‘The Secret History’ by Donna Tartt. Pot & Page, New St, Ledbury, 7pm, please book,
Why not advertise? Only £40 per year.
AARDVARK BOOKS LTD, THE BOOKERY, MANOR FARM, BRAMPTON BRYAN, BUCKNELL 01547 530888 Cafe serving refreshments, cakes etc. Tuesday - Sunday 10am-4pm and Bank Holiday Mondays.
THE GREEN BEAN CAFE, WEOBLEY 01544 318865 Good, locally sourced, homemade food. Soups, all day light lunches, cakes and scones. Set in the heart of Weobley. Free wifi. Tues-Sat 9.30am-3pm. With The Green Bean Shop/Deli under the same roof.
THE ORGASMIC CIDER COMPANY, GREAT PARTON, EARDISLEY, HEREFORDSHIRE, HR3 6NX 01544 327244 or 07773 037448 Craft cider and perry off licence and gift shop with local products. Open Friday and Saturday 12 to 5pm. Group tours available.
PLANTASTIK cic, 15 WEST ST, LEOMINSTER is closed now but has morphed into NORI’S CAFE. Vegetarian and vegan food from your old friend. Open Thursday 11-3, Fridays and Saturdays 10-4 ffi:
POT & PAGE, 8 NEW STREET, LEDBURY HR8 2DX 01531 248743 Bookshop, vegan eatery and events. Family run plant based eatery, serving wholesome home cooked food with an emphasis on fresh, local and seasonal ingredients. Open Wed-Sun.
RHOS MARKET GARDEN, KNIGHTON 01547 528315 Growers & providers of organic veg, fruit & flowers. Eco cleaning products & refills. Large range of groceries & wholefoods. The Old Garage Shop Knighton LD7 1EN. Wed. - Fri. 9 - 4, Sat. 10 - 2. Free parking. Thursday morning market stall in Presteigne. Local deliveries of veg. boxes.
THE WORKHOUSE CAFE, INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, PRESTEIGNE 01544 267864 Cafe, gallery, light lunches, good coffee, homemade cakes. Wed-Sat 10am - 4pm.
Just post the wording you require (around 40 words) together with a cheque payable to ‘Broad Sheep’ and post to: Broad Sheep, The Fred Bulmer Centre, Wall St, Hereford,HR4 9HP Further enquries, call 07786 131159
Featuring Claire Roberts Quartet, vocalist and violinist playing standards-based swinging jazz. The Muse, Brecon, 7.30pm, £12 in advance, £14 on the door,
The X Factor winner in 2010. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, £42-£22, 01743 281281.
Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 8pm, 01743 241124.
Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 9pm, 01743 241124.
Nori’s Cafe, 15 West St, Leominster, 7.30pm, £25 with meal, please book, 01584 831386 or email noriscafe@
Hosted by Dan Jay. Babar Cafe, Union St, Hereford, 8pm, pre-booking advised,
The Adele Songbook starring Katie Markham. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, £25, 01743 281281.
Funky grooves sit alongside raunchy earth-rock riffs, jazzy improvising, haunting ballads, synth sounds and folk tinges. Queen’s Head, St James St, Monmouth, 01600 712767.
Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 11pm, 01743 241124.
Toe tapping Country classics. Savoy Theatre, Monmouth, 8pm, £21.50, 01600 772467.
Henry Tudor House, Barracks Passage, Shrewsbury, 8pm, £15, 01743 361666.
The Bells Inn, Almeley, www.almeleysteadysession.wordpress. com
British music legend celebrates his 50th anniversary in music. Rescheduled from 4 Oct, existing tickets remain valid. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, £35-£31, 01743 281281.
The UK’s leading rock ‘n’ roll show take you on a journey through the years from the 50s to the 80s. Combining hilarious comedy sketches and impersonations with brilliant vocals and musicianship. For ages 12+. Theatr Hafren, Newtown, 7.30pm, £28.50, 01686 948100.
Gaz Keenan and his backing band. Regal Cinema, Tenbury Wells, 7.30pm, 01584 811442.
The Sociable Beer Company, Worcester.
The Monkland Arms, Monkland, near Leominster, 01568 720510.
One of the great American singer songwriters. Supporting Beth will be singer-songwriter and world renowned bassist Scott Mulverhill. Savoy Theatre, Monmouth, 7.30pm, 01600 772467.
The brilliant South African cellist Abel Selaocoe moves seamlessly across genres and styles. Together with his trio Chesaba he presents his own distinc tive way with music from the African continent. Abel combines virtuosic performance with improvisation, singing and body percussion, his energised performances bringing together classical, jazz, and world music in a unique fusion. Museum of Modern Art, Machynlleth, 7.30pm, £25, students £21, under 18s £5, 01654 703355.
The Globe, Hay-on-Wye, 8pm, 01497 821762.
Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, £25, 01743 281281.
Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 9pm, 01743 241124.
The Bull Inn, Shrewsbury.
The Crown Inn, Oakengates, Telford, 7.45pm, 01952 610888.
The Bull Inn, Shrewsbury.
A big party to celebrate Becky’s ten years at the Vaga Tavern, Hereford, 8.30pm free entry, free food and drinks offers.
Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 9pm, 01743 241124.
All your favourite Motown songs. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, £29.50, 01743 281281.
Plus live music from Fight The Bear. Went’s Meadow, Presteigne, 6.45pm, £5, under 12s free. (No parking except disabled parking at Went’s Meadow). Sheep Music event.
Multi award-winning Scottish super group Manran have been at the heart of the Scottish traditional music scene for over a decade. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, 8pm, £20, 01743 281281.
Plus The Briars. The Lost Arc, Rhayader, 8.30pm, 01597 811226.
Featuring The Cider City Jazz Band. Richmond Place Club, Edgar St, Hereford, 7.30pm, £8, 01432 276304.
CHORAL EVENSONG Leominster Priory, 4.30pm.
LUNCHTIME LIVE Music from Henry Parker and David Ian Roberts. The Globe, Hay-on-Wye, 1pm, 01497 821762.
Unit 12a Thorn Business Park, Hereford, 6.30pm, pre-booking advised,
The high-energy production features ABBA’s best loved hits. The Courtyard, Hereford, 7.30pm, 01432 340555.
The Barrels, St Owen St, Hereford.
Brimfield Village Hall, 7.30pm, 01584 711480. Please bring your own drinks/ glasses.
Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 8pm, 01743 241124.
Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 11pm, 01743 241124.
Hosted by Dan Jay. Babar Cafe, Union St, Hereford, 8pm, pre-booking advised,
A groundbreaking pianist. Programme includes Brahms, Clementi and Mozart. Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 7.30pm, £18, £10 for under 18s, 01584 878141.
Featuring Trio Volant, wind trio. Methodist Church, High St, Welshpool, 7.30pm, £15, students £5 on the door, 01938 559087.
Anniversary concert. Conquest Theatre, Bromyard, 7.30pm, £10, 01885 488575.
A double bill, featuring singer songwriters Colin Pitts and Mair Thomas, each with their own unique material and style. Falcon Mews, Bromyard, 7.30pm, £10 from the Falcon Hotel or 07726 462220.
The Globe, Hay-on-Wye, 8pm, 01497 821762.
The band will perform a selection of well-known jazz favourites, swing, original music, Latin and funky grooves. Pudleston Village Hall, 7.30pm, £15, booking essential, 01568 750303,
Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 9pm, 01743 241124.
Unplugged. Old Street Tavern, Ludlow, 8pm.
The six-piece band is made up of some of the country’s top tribute musicians. Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 7.30pm, £22, 01584 878141.
The Bull Inn, Shrewsbury.
West Malvern Social Club, 145 West Malvern Rd, 7.30pm, £25, 07974 725374.
Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 8pm, 01743 241124.
Live blues. Hereford Beer House, West St, Hereford, 7.30pm, free entry.
The Globe, Hay-on-Wye, 8pm, 01497 821762.
An award winning musician, a digital superstar, one of the world’s best beatboxers, a multi-instrumentalist, a groundbreaking live looping pioneer and musical comedic talent. Pavilion Mid Wales, Llandrindod Wells, 8pm, 01597 258118,
The Grapes, Hereford.
A varied programme and the evening will include guest singer John Davis. Proceeds to Multiple Sclerosis. Market Theatre, Ledbury, 7pm, £12, 07967 517125.
More a party than a concert, this is a feast of Latin music, superb musician ship and hit songs. Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon, 7.30pm, 01874 611622.
Featuring Vitor Pereira Quintet & Electric Chamber. The Hive, Belmont, Shrewsbury, 8pm, £23, £12 for ages under 22, 01743 234970.
Programme includes Saint Nicolas by Benjamn Britten and the premiere of The Age of Anxiety by John Bowen. Shrewsbury Abbey, 7.30pm, £15, under 18s free, 01743 232236.
Full of fashion and entertainment. Regal Cinema, Tenbury Wells, 6.30pm, 01584 811442.
The Bull Inn, Shrewsbury.
Rock band. The Crown Inn, Oakengates, Telford, 01952 610888.
A tribute to Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons. The Left Bank, Bridge St, Hereford, 7.30pm, £20.
Featuring Due Cain: Tabitha Selley, cello and Emily Harris, harp. ‘Schubert and Song’. Community Hall, New Radnor, 7.30pm, £15, under 14s £3. 01544 350268. Bar, feel free to bring snacks, no parking at the hall.
Richmond Club, Edgar St, Hereford, 3-5pm, free.
Prince of Wales, Ledbury, 4pm, 01531 632250.
Toured with The Who and The Kinks are back on tour this year. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, £25, 01743 281281.
Featuring Lore Lixenberg - mezzosoprano and Bartosz Glowackiaccordion. Programme includes JS Bach, Henry Purcell, John Cage, Karine Polwart, Hildegard von Bingen and Frederic Acquaviva. St Mary’s Church, Hay-on-Wye, 4.30pm, £12.50, under 25s £6.25,
Ross Parish Church, 6pm.
An evening of traditional music by this Anglo-Scottish duo. Bishop’s Castle Town Hall, 7.30pm, £12, 01588 630023,
Laid back cool jazz with Surco Trio.
Featuring piano, double bass and drums, 7.30pm, £25 jazz and meal, £15 jazz only. Please book your table (you may share a table unless requirement is stated beforehand), between 5-6.30pm on 01584 877956. 01584 878141.
Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 8pm, 01743 241124.
Hosted by Dan Jay. Babar Cafe, Union St, Hereford, 8pm, pre-booking advised,
Rock ‘n’ Roll Christmas show to kick off the festive season. For ages 12+. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, £29-£25.50, 01743 281281.
Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 11pm, 01743 241124.
JOHN SMITH & KATHERINE PRIDDY St Mary’s Church, Shrewsbury, 8pm, £18, 01743 361666.
Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 8.30pm, 01743 241124.
Amongst the most in demand folkbased groups to emerge from Scotland in the last decade. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, £18.50, 01743 281281.
From The Primrose Farm Collective, plus support acts. The Globe, Hay-on-Wye, 6.30pm, 01497 821762.
Hosted by Martin Chapple. The Boat Inn, Whitney-on-Wye, 8pm, pre-booking advised,
Featuring Back to the Border who will be performing with two guest bands. Music is usually rhythm and blues, rock ‘n’ roll and country. Bagley Social Club, Shrewsbury, 7.30pm, free.
Crown and Achor, Vaults, Bishop’s Castle, 9pm.
Peter Knight and his trio return. Bishop’s Castle Town Hall, 8pm, £18, 01588 630023,, bcth
The Bull Inn, Shrewsbury.
A show for people who don’t necessarily like jazz as well as those who do! Chris and Al revisit some much-loved jazz classics and present them with energy and a large dose of dry humour. For ages 12+. Silvester Horne Institute, Church Stretton, 7.30pm, £12/£6, 01694 720132. Arts Alive.
Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 9pm, 01743 241124.
Tribute show. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, £26-£23, 01743 281281.
A musical journey through the career of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons. Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon, 7.30pm, £26.50, 1874 611622.
The Globe, Hay-on-Wye, 8pm, 01497 821762.
String quartet play Queen’s greatest hits. Malvern Cube, Albert Road North, Malvern, WR14 2YF, 7.30pm, £18 in advance,
From Ghana. Upstairs at the Chapel. The Artshop & Chapel, Abergavenny, 8pm, workshop available for 9-16 year olds, 1.30pm, £25, concert, £18, under 16s £11, 01873 736430.
Guitarist, playing blues, Spanish and Middle Eastern stylings into unchartered territories. Bishop’s Castle Town Hall, 8pm, £14, 01588 630023,
De Koffie Pot, Gwynne St, Hereford, 1-3pm.
Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 8pm, 01743 241124.
See 18 Nov for details. Upton Magna Memorial Hall, £12/£6/£30, 07854 220609. Arts Alive.
Vintage music and cocktail night with Hot House Combo and The Washboard Resonator. A night of classic vaudeville swing and early jazz sounds. The Lost Arc, Rhayader, 01597 811226,
Playing pieces ranging from Bach to jazz and tango. St Peter’s Church, Withington, Hereford, HR1 3QE, 3pm, free, refreshments, retiring collection.
Walton ‘Belshazzar’s Feast’, Vaughan Williams ‘Toward the Unknown Region’ and Stanford ‘Songs of the Fleet’. Conductor, Geraint Bowen and Hereford Sinfonia. Hereford Cathedral, 7.30pm, £10, under 16s free with an adult, 01432 751175.
Concert and book launch to celebrate the release of Jeb’s new LP, also th erelease of his new novel ‘Knock Turn’. Mid Wales Arts Centre, Caersws, near Newtown, 7.30pm, £10, 01686 688369.
The Bridges, Ratlinghope, music from 8.45pm, food tables must be booked prior, 01588 650260.
Uniquely captivating band with original songs. The Hive, Belmont, Shrewsbury, 7.45pm, £18, 01743 234970.
Live music plus vinyl DJ sets. The Globe, Hay-on-Wye, 8pm, 01497 821762.
An electro acoustic folk-rock duo from Bromyard. The Courtyard, Hereford, 7.45pm, 01432 340555.
Featuring Mark Cherrie, with support from Rattle. UNHCR charity music ranging from calypso to jazz with much in between! SpArC Theatre, Bishop’s Castle, 7.30pm, £15, £8 students/ children, 01588 630321.
The Bull Inn, Shrewsbury.
Shanties, cider and sausages in the Great Hall. Hay Castle, 6pm, £7, under 16s £4 plus sausage/veggie sausage & mash, 01497 820079.
A mix of blues, rock ‘n’ roll and swing. The Crown Inn, Oakengates, Telford, 01952 610888.
Malvern Cube, Albert Road North, Malvern, WR14 2YF, 7.30pm, £20,
An afternoon concert of British music featuring Holst, Vaughan Williams and Iestyn Harding. Our Lady & St Michael’s Church, Pen y Pound, Abergavenny, 2.30pm.
The Globe, Hay-on-Wye, 11am, 01497 821762.
Part of fund raising event at Percy’s Cafe, The Star Hotel, Watergate, Whitchurch, SY13 1DW, 3-4pm.
80 strong choir, four professional soloists and orchestra perform Handel’s Messiah. St John’s Church, Bishop’s Castle, 7pm, £15, children/students free, 01588 650315, online TicketSource or on the door.
Richmond Club, Edgar St, Hereford, 3-5pm, free.
Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 8pm, 01743 241124.
Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 11pm, 01743 241124.
Hosted by Dan Jay. Babar Cafe, Union St, Hereford, 8pm, pre-booking advised,
‘Lies & Morals, The Finale’. The repertoire portrays female composers from both the 17th and 18th centures, plus the darker and more complicated side of Vivaldi. Bishop’s Castle Town Hall, 7pm, £12 from the Town Hall or
Hosted by Clare Bennett & Dan Jones. The Crown Inn, Oakengates, Telford, 8pm, 01952 610888.
Book one to see if you can crack the code. It’s 1890... You have been accused of embezzling money from the Vicars Choral funds and been shut in the Old Chapel until police arrive, you have one hour! Hereford Cathedral, sessions cost £45, 12-4pm,
RWCMD Percussion Ensemble. A varied programme of tuned and untuned percussion. Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 12.30pm, £10, £5 under 18s, 01584 878141.
The Balance Inn, Luston, 8pm, £2 with all proceeds going to a different charity each month. Every team gets a free homemade pizza. Plus raffle and ‘Play Your Cards Right’ with cash prize. 01568 616801.
‘Nosferatu’ screening with organ music. St Mary’s Church, Hay-on-Wye, 7.30pm, £15. Part of Hay Festival
Winter Weekend, 01497 822629,
The Bull Inn, Shrewsbury.
West Malvern Social Club, 145 West Malvern Rd, £14, 07974 725374.
Maximum 6 per team, booking essential. The Monkland Arms, Monkland, near Leominster, 01568 720510.
DON’T FEED THE GOAT + PIGDAZE Plus DJ Dy Bry. Babar Cafe, Union St, Hereford, 6pm, free until 9pm, £3 from 9pm.
Will is joined by gifted musicians Clovis Phillips, Jack Gonsalez and James Batten - a tight collective of highlyexperienced jazz instrumentalists. Hanging Gardens, Llanidloes, 7pm, £15,
The Globe, Hay-on-Wye, 8pm, 01497 821762.
Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 9pm, 01743 241124.
An evening of diverse harp music ranging from French classical favourites to 20th century jazz. St Mary’s Church, Hay-on-Wye, 7.30pm, £15. Part of Hay Festival Winter Weekend, 01497 822629,
With music, food and good cheer. Market Square, Hay-on-Wye, 6pm, free.
Featuring Fergus McCreadie Trio. Bishop’s Castle Town Hall, 7.30pm, 07768 504322.
The Bull Inn, Shrewsbury. CANTALOOP
The Globe, Hay-on-Wye, 8pm, 01497 821762.
English folk musician playing the fiddle and spreading the word of English traditional music. Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 7.30pm, £22, 01584 878141.
A concert of the music of Ralph Vaughan Williams. St Peter’s Church, St Peter’s Square, Hereford, 7.30pm.
Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 9pm, 01743 241124.
All the greatest hits featuring five professional musicians. Market Theatre, Ledbury, 8pm, £16, 07967 517125.
Foot-stomping folk tunes. Malvern Cube, Albert Road North, Malvern, WR14 2YF, 7.30pm, £15,
Will is joined by gifted musicians Clovis Phillips, Jack Gonsalez and James Batten - a tight collective of highlyexperienced jazz instrumentalists. Hermon Arts, Oswestry, 7pm, £11 in advance, £15 on the door,
Bee Gees tribute show. Blake Theatre, Monmouth, 7.30pm, 01600 719401.
The Crown Inn, Oakengates, Telford, 7.45pm, 01952 610888.
Vaga Tavern, Hereford, 8.30pm.
‘Winter Warmer’. St Mary’s Church, Hay-on-Wye, 7.30pm, £10. Part of Hay Festival Winter Weekend, 01497 822629,
The Crown Inn, Oakengates, Telford, 7.30pm, £1 per person, 01952 610888.
Music from The Cardboard Box Thieves. The Globe, Hay-on-Wye, 1.30pm, 01497 821762.
‘Advent Musical Meditation’. Carols, anthems, readings for advent. Including music by Howells, Britten, Mendelssohn, MacMillan, Byrd. Holy Trinity Church, Bosbury, 7pm, drinks/ nibbles, donations invited.
Leominster Priory, 4.30pm.
Bring your own teams of four, or come and make new friends. Wales Stage, Hay Castle, Great Hall, Hay-on-Wye, 7.30pm, £5. Part of Hay Festival Winter Weekend, 01497 822629,
Autumn concert featuring Starter, Junior and Intermediate Ensembles, Ukulele Group, Herefordshire Youth Choir and Herefordshire Youth Brass Band. Kindle Centre, Belmont Rd, Hereford, 2pm, donations welcome.
Held in Oscars, each round will see the three local bands face off against each other for a chance to go through to the next round. Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 7.30pm, £10, 01584 878141.
Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 8pm, 01743 241124.
Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 11pm, 01743 241124.
Livewire Saturday members rock the stage with a great playlist of songs from this term’s sessions. The Loft Cinema, Hereford, 7pm, free.
The Railway Club, Barton Yard, Barton Place, Hereford, 01432 272782.
Hosted by Dan Jay. Babar Cafe, Union St, Hereford, 8pm, pre-booking advised,
3-course meal created by guest head chef Jason Henderson with live music featuring Will Rawlings as Dean Martin. The Oak Inn, Staplow, HR8 1NP, £45, pre-paid event only, 01531 640954,
LEDBURY BRASS BAND Christmas concert. Holy Trinity Church, Bosbury, 7pm, £10 on the door or 01531 670634. Drinks and nibbles.
The Bells Inn, Almeley,
The Bull Inn, Shrewsbury.
ABBA tribute act. Regal Cinema, Tenbury Wells, 7.30pm, 01584 811442.
Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 9pm, 01743 241124.
Ledbury’s wealth of independent traders and eateries will stay open until 8pm to welcome you to their annual late night Christmas Shopping event. Carol Singers, Bell Ringers, Mulled Cider & Charity Mistletoe Sale. For information call:- 07983 495698.
Featuring Hexad. A solo voice vocal ensemble. Programme includes music for Tudor Queens, Mary, Queen of Heaven and new works commissioned to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II. Hay Castle, Hay-on-Wye, 7pm,
GreenMatthews present their new festive show, spanning several centuries. Featuring Christmas carols, winter folk songs and toe-tapping tunes. Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 7.30pm, 01584 878141.
‘An Entertainment of Sweet Singing’. Kindle Centre, beside ASDA, Hereford, 2.30pm, 01432 357552. Hereford Arts Appreciation Society.
West Malvern Social Club, 145 West Malvern Rd, 8pm, £11, 07974 725374.
‘Chopin and Champagne’. An evening of live music by Helen Farrar a concert pianist and live painting on stage by Richard Gower. The Lion Ballroom, Leominster, 6.30pm, £29, includes a glass of champagne, canapes and a programme on arrival. Booking essential, 01568 612277 or email
Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon, 7.30pm, 01874 611622.
Malvern Cube, Albert Road North, Malvern, WR14 2YF, 7pm, £7.50 on the door.
The Bull Inn, Shrewsbury.
Featuring Haydn’s Harmoniemesse. St Chad’s Church, Shrewsbury, 7.30pm, £15, under 18s free, 01743 234970.
Christmas Charity Concert. Regal Cinema, Tenbury Wells, 7pm, 01584 811442.
Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 9pm, 01743 241124.
100 thrilling top exhibitors, street food. Music in the streets of Kington including Whitton Voices. A gastronomic inspiration from the marches. Free and free parking. Kington, 9.30am-3.30pm.
Michaelchurch Escley, 7.30pm, £12, children £6, family £30, 01981 510116. Arts Alive.
An organ concert performed by Peter Dyke, featuring all kinds of festive favourites for Advent and Christmas. Hereford Cathedral, 1.15pm, free with retiring collection.
Aardvark Christmas Fair, with over 20 stalls, filled with fantastic Christmas presents. Hot food, free mulled wine and more! Aardvark Books, The Bookery, Manor Farm, Brampton Bryan, 10am-4pm, 01547 530744.
Unit 12a Thorn Business Park, Hereford, 6.30pm, pre-booking advised,
Featuring The Sauce City Jazz Band. Richmond Place Club, Edgar St, Hereford, 7.30pm, £8, 01432 276304.
The Barrels, St Owen St, Hereford.
Brimfield Village Hall, 7.30pm, 01584 711480. Please bring your own drinks/glasses.
Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 8pm, 01743 241124.
Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 9pm, 01743 241124.
Albert’s Shed, Barker St, Shrewsbury, 11pm, 01743 241124. SIRINU
Concert featuring vocal and instrumental music from the 12th to 14th centuries. Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 7.30pm, 01584 878141.
(No unaccompanied children under 12). Theatr Brychein iog, Brecon, families 10am, adults 12pm, 01874 611622.
A Workshop for Instrumentalists. Constanzo Porta – Missa Ducalis.Tutor – David Hatcher. Yarpole Parish Hall, Yarpole, HR6 0BL, 10am-4.30pm. Prior booking essential,
With RWCMD. A rhythm workshop inspired by the samba rhythms of Brazil. no prior experience needed. Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 10.30am, free, 01584 878141.
We sing and play mainly West Gallery music, which is ener getic, rousing, no-nonsense stuff that is great fun to perform. It is what you would have heard in rural parish churches in the 18th and early 19th centuries. Led by Andy Watts. FREE for newcomers! Instrumentalists (typically flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, violin and cello) are particularly welcome. Lydbury North Village Hall, 2-5 pm. Enquiries:
Mondays CRAVEN ARMS MALE VOICE CHOIR All ages welcome singing a broad repertoire of traditional and modern songs. Practice at The Craven Arms Community Centre, 7.30pm. Martin on 01694 722500.
Mondays, term time only LIVE WIRE MUSIC MONDAYS You will have the opportunity to play songs with other musicians who are just starting out and grow alongside them as the weeks progress. You can explore creating your own musical parts all the way from a riff to a whole song. We will rehearse suitable covers where you should never feel out of your depth. Ages 11-21. Close House, Hereford, 4-6pm. For more information email
Mondays ALIVE & KICKIN’ CHOIR Old Muse, Glamorgan St, Brecon, 7-9pm, £5,
Monday BRECON TOWN BAND REHEARSALS Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon, 7pm, 07779 390954.
Monday BANDAMANIA Bright and breezy traditional and original music.Assembly Rooms, Presteigne. Mondays at 7.30pm, Sue Harris 01547 550158
Monday (from Sept) GARRICK SINGERS For over 55s, no prior experience of singing. The Courtyard, Hereford, 2-3.30pm, £5 per session,
Tuesday DOLAU MIXTURES Mixed choir. Dolau Community Hall, Llandrindod Wells, 8pm, 01597 851427.
Tuesday LUNCHTIME UPLIFT SINGING SESSIONS Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon, 12pm, 07723 016837.
Tuesdays SAMBA BRECON Sue on 07792 165481 or Gill on 01497 821631. 7-9pm, VH, near Brecon.
Tuesdays term time only LIVEWIRE SESSIONS The Castle Green Pavilion, 5:30 - 7:30pm. A drop-in for anybody interested in music. Whether you’ve never picked up an instrument before or you’re a grade 8, classically trained or not, we invite you to flex your musical muscles. In these sessions you can explore different song & lyric writing methods, an original take on covers, music production, rap, band development & recording. Ages 11-21. Information email
Tuesday LEOMINSTER COMMUNITY CHOIR During Liv’s maternity leave our leader is Hannes Rainer. He has a Steiner background and is drawingbeautiful harmonies from the choir. Come and have a inspiring sing -7.15 - 8.45 at Leominster Community Centre ffi 01568 369074.
Tuesday WHITTON VOICES Mixed community choir. Traditional, world and original songs. Assembly Rooms, Presteigne, 7.30pm. Call Sue Harris 01547 550158.
Wednesday ROCKSPRING COMMUNITY CHOIR Rockspring Community Centre, Ludlow. 01584 529053. Wednesdays (online session only) SINGING FOR LUNG HEALTH GROUP Specifically for people who suffer from progressive lung diseases, these sessions help you breathe better, reduce stress and have fun. 11am, email lisa@ for information.
Wednesdays CASTLE VOICES Community choir, songs from around the globe. Town Hall, Bishop’s Castle, 7pm. Sue Harris 01547 550158.
Wednesday LUDLOW LARKS COMMUNITY CHOIR Led by Polly Bolton. Songs from around the world. Ludlow Women’s Centre, 7.30pm-9pm. 01584 823604 or or
Thursday EDGE CHAMBER CHOIR Auditioned chamber choir led by Ros Crouch. Friends Meeting House, Ludlow, 7.30-9.30pm. 01584 841053 or
Thursday CLUN SINGERS Informal community choir, traditional and original songs taught by ear. 10am in High Town Hall, Clun. Sue Harris 01547 550158.
Thursday BELLA A CAPPELLA All-female 4-part close harmony singing group. Oscars, Assembly Rooms, Ludlow, 7.15-9.45pm, email
Thursday CANTORION LLANDRINDOD A non auditioned mixed voice choir early and classical music. Rehearsals currently in Holy Trinity Church Llandrindod Wells. 7.30pm-9.15pm.www.cantorion-llandrin 01597 810601
Thursday PRESTEIGNE POP CHOIR Contact John Hymas for details: 07969 440183,
First Thursdays BLACK HILL TUNE CLUB 2pm at the Crown Inn Longtown. Free. 01432 263495. Every Friday WELLSPRINGS Song-writing course, open to anyone over 18 who would like to improve their mental wellbeing. For more information email
We are a non-audition choir formed 10 years ago with 25+ mixed voices. Rehearsing at Little Hereford Village Hall, 7.30pm- 9.15pm. Subscriptions £3.50 per session paid termly, first trial session free. Broad repertoire (usually 3 & 4 parts) – all welcome. Info: term dates etc: home Facebook: @LittleHerefordVoices
Friday BUZZY BEATS! A fun music filled morning for the under 5s. The Hive, Belmont, Shrewsbury, 10.30am11.30am, £7, 01743 234970.
Friday CRAVEN ARMS SAMBA CIRCLE Craven Arms Community Centre.10.30 a.m - 11.45 a.m. regularly during term time with some holiday sessions. Join our friendly group to learn traditional djembe rhythms from Africa and samba rhythms from Brazil - Adults £5 (children accompa nying their parents can join in with holiday sessions - £1, second child free). Enquiries
Friday FAMILY MUSIC MAKERS Fun sessions for parents and toddlers 12.30-2pm, £4 per adult and child pair, under 1s free. The Courtyard, Hereford, 01432 340555.
ADD A BAND - Real instrument backing to your own music. Perfect for singer songwriters etc. Studio near Newtown., 07515 401635.
APPLEBY STONE Live acoustic duo/trio, guitar, flute, saxophones, voices, double bass, jazz, folk, R&B, pop, many originals, perfect for private and public events. 07979 542 449.
BAGPIPES Authentic Highland music for your formal event or gathering from international piper Keith Wellings. Keith is a former British diplomat bringing Scotland’s music to festivals, theatres, balls, weddings and funerals. Contact by phone 07580 389903, email facebook keith.wellings instagram keiththepiper
BANDAMANIA Community band playing wild and wonderful traditional music. Perfect for ceilidhs, parties and all sorts of local events. Sue Harris 01547 550158
BEST FOOT CEILIDH BAND The hottest dance band on the borders + caller. Available for weddings, barn dances and parties. Contact: 07969 440183 or john@johnhymas. com
THE CHICAGO SWING KATZ - New Orleans Blues to Chicago Swing. 6/7 Piece band playing foot-tapping, fun music that will make you feel happy. Weddings, Birthdays, Corporate events, Festivals, even funerals - but book well in advance for those! Traditional Jazz Trios, Quartets also available. email:,, Jeff Matthews07831 383636
HOT CLIMATE Ultimate party band, best 6-piece line up ever. For top musical entertainment at your party/ wedding/festival or corporate function. Book now! New footage on Contact Charlie 01568 613895 or mobile 07702 528088 anytime!
LITTLE RUMBA This is a band that will entertain and delight any audience that has its wits about it and has an ear for beautiful melodies infectious beats and songs that tell stories. From Winchcombe Live “Absolutely fantastic evening from you guys tonight. We had so many positive comments from the audience; very gratifying! Great musical talent, great humour, variety, and warmth of performance.” Contact Jacqui Savage 07966 943314 Email –
THE LUDLOW JAZZ COLLECTIVE Local Quartet/Quintet with singer if required, playing smooth sounds of well-known standards, Latin and blues. Available for all types of events and celebrations. Contact Paul Brooks 07980 822014. pppbrooks@gmail. com
MELOMANICS A wacky, Shropshire-based Duo with an amazingly dynamic sound, playing their eclectic and cosmopolitan repertoire with engaging humour and infectious energy (sustainable). Far more than just great music. And stilts if appropriate. Find out how much fun a ceilidh can be with Tim calling and playing. Ideal for parties, weddings, fund-raising events, festivals, shows, pubs, restaurants, etc. Scottish, Irish and French-themed specialities (Timoléon pour vos soirées francaises). For more info call Tim on 01743 719438, or Rich on 01743 718612. Email: Website:
MODE-X Female fronted Party/function band, playing a diverse and up to date range of pop/rock by great artists/ bands like Blondie, Bonnie Raitt, PJ Harvey plus driving grooves from the post punk era like Elvis Costello, XTC, Martha & The Muffins etc. We can supply all the logistics to support and enhance your party/function. “Professional purveyors of punchy pop rock”. Sue 07397 188543.
NICK AND JANE – The Poptastic duo bring you the greatest hits of the 60’s, 70’s and more. Great harmonies and infectious enthusiasm to make your event a memorable success. Perfect for parties, pubs, festivals and weddings. Facebook @nickandjane email: or call Jane on 07512 368433.
THE RAGTIME JUG ORCHESTRA A roots string-band (duo) recreating the sounds of the early 20th century America, playing a good-time mix of blues, skiffle and Americana music. We like to get audiences involved! Available for festival, events, parties, folk clubs, pubs and bars; performance presentations and workshops for all occasions too. Web: Contact: John; 01594 861151. Email: ragtime jug orchestra.
RHYTHM THIEVES Funky, folky and fun. Firm favourites at festivals, pubs, parties and events around the Midlands and beyond, Rhythm Thieves are a lively must-see band who deliver an unforgettable and highly entertaining night out. “Full of fire and enthusiasm” Mike Harding, BBC Radio 2 “Great, super, lovely - our resident band” Genevieve Tudor. BBC Radio Midlands Folk Show. “If they don’t make you smile, you’re probably dead.” Wheaton Aston Folk Festival Tel: 01568 770 134, e-mail
THE ROTUNDAS are a pair of jolly chaps who sing and play contemporary versions of industrial and social folk songs from Birmingham and the Black Country. Listen on Soundcloud and contact us at our Facebook page @TheRotundas or email
SHRED BELLY Ludlow/Shropshire based acoustic duo, playing covers of popular ‘Dad’s Rock’ songs from the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and more. Full band can also be available. All bookings and enquiries please contact: Kevin on 07873 426205 or Paul on 07957 247851.
SILVER BRANCH (Ceilidh and Concert Band). CEILIDH BAND with caller. Available for weddings/ birthday parties/fund raisers, etc. For photos/videos please see our Facebook page. For further enquiries, ring David on 01981 540832 or Anna on 07980 961187.
SILVER BRANCH (UN-CALLED FOR) - Five piece cutting edge instrumental Folk Band. Concerts/gigs. SIMON THE PIPER Highland Piper with 20 years experience. Available for all occasions - weddings, funerals, Burn’s Night, Hogmanay, festivals, processions etc. Based in Hereford. Call 07791 045831 or facebook. com/simonthepiper Email
SINGLED OUT Experienced, 3-piece band covering the best pop and rock music from the 50’s to the current era. We focus on great tunes that don’t usually get played by other bands, but which everyone will know. Of course, we do some of the more usual songs as well! email: info@singledoutband. com Phone 07518 291 676.
SIR DANCELOT 4/5 piece ceilidh/twmpath band. Far and away the best exponents of traditional dance music of the British Isles and beyond for miles around and leagues beneath. Concertina, mandolin, fiddles, whistles, cittern, jews harp... Available for weddings, parties and public events. For information and bookings, contact: Cornelius 01686 411147 corns@mousemusic. or Peter 07561 820509.
THE CHERRYSTONES are Aly (whistles, flute, accordion, vocals), Matt (bass, foot drum, vocals) and Dave (guitar, bouzouki, mandolin, vocals) who bring you a mix of original and traditional folk songs and tunes. From thoughtful, well-crafted songs to infectious uptempo Irish whistle tunes, we will warm your heart and stir your souls and soles! Contact : Dave 07817 220016, Find us here The Cherrystones. Website coming soon!
THE VILLAGE QUIRE spine-tingling harmonies sung with all the emotional clout, subtlety of expression and love of life that you get when voices are raised together in song. Sensational vocals mingled with enthralling stories. Various shows to book. For bookings / further info ring 01497 847676 /
UNDAUNTED Female influenced indie rock band hailing from South Shropshire. This lively 4 piece brings you strong vocals, great rocking sound, fun and always something different from the norm. For events and booking contact Tracey 07547188402 or Liz 07807531151. Enquiries welcome.
WHISKEY RIVER is a 5/6 piece electric Americana band that play swamp blues, Cajun, Zydeco and good country music to set the dance floor rocking. To suit smaller venues and smaller budgets, pruned down acoustic versions of the band are available as “The Whiskey River Quartet”, “The Whiskey River Trio” or as a Duo [“The Whiskey River Boys”]. Laissez les bon temps rouler!! Contact Martin, phone: 07846 669890, 01432 342018. Email: Website:
ALBERT HALL, Ithon Rd, Llandrindod Wells 0300 102 4255
ASSEMBLY ROOMS, Mill Street, Ludlow 01584 878141
BARRELS, St Owen Street, Hereford 01432 274968
BASKERVILLE ARMS, Clyro, near Hay-on-Wye 01497 820670.
BASKERVILLE HALL HOTEL, Clyro Court, near Hay-on-Wye 01497 820033.
BELL HOTEL, Commercial St, Newtown 01686 625540
BELL INN, Etnam St, Leominster 01568 616811
THE BRIDGE HOTEL, Tenbury Wells 01584 810434
THE BRIDGE, Ludlow 01584 872963
BLACK LION, Bridge St, Hereford, 01432 266000
CARAD, East St, Rhayader, 01597 810192
CENTRE CELF, Tremont Rd, Llandrindod Wells 01597 822777
CHARLTON ARMS, Ludlow, 01584 872813
THE CLIFFE AT DINHAM, Halton Lane, Ludlow 01584 872063
CONQUEST THEATRE, Bromyard, 01885 488575
THE COURTYARD, Edgar St, Hereford. 01432 340555
THE DUKES ARMS, Presteigne 01544 267318
DUN COW, Shrewsbury 01743 356408
THE EXCHANGE, Newtown 01686 621814.
GLEANINGS, near Bishop’s Castle, 01743 891412
THE GLOBE AT HAY, Hay-on-Wye 01497 821762
THE GOLDEN CROSS INN, Sutton St Nicholas, Hereford 01432 880274.
GORDON BENNETTS BAR, St Peter’s Square, Hereford, 01432 360250.
GRAPE VAULTS, Broad St, Leominster 01568 611404.
THE HARP INN, Glasbury-on-Wye 01497 847373
THE HERDSMAN, Widemarsh St, Hereford, 01432 277330
HOPE & ANCHOR, Rope Walk, Wye St, Ross-on-Wye. 01989 563003.
HUNDRED HOUSE INN, Purslow, 01588 660541
THE LAKESIDE CAFÉ, Llandrindod Wells, 01597 825679
LICHFIELD VAULTS, Church St, Hereford. 01432 266821
LION BALLROOM, Broad St, Leominster. 01568 612277
LUDLOW BREWING COMPANY, The Railway Shed, Ludlow 01584 873291
THE MALTHOUSE, Ironbridge, 01952 433712
MINER’S ARMS, Priest Weston 01938 561352
NELSON INN, Ludlow 01584 872908
OAKENGATES THEATRE, Telford. 01952 619020
THE OLD MILL, High Street, Llanidloes 01686 412008
THE OXFORD ARMS, Duke St, Kington 01544 230322
PAVILION MID WALES, Llandrindod Wells 01597 258118
THE PLOUGH INN, Whitecross Road, Hereford 01432 358867
REET PETITE, 18 West St, Leominster 07484 545368. ROSE & CROWN, Tenbury Wells, 01584 811336
ROYAL FOUNTAIN, Cleobury Mortimer 01299 272720
THEATR BRYCHEINIOG, Canal Wharf, Brecon 01874 611622
THE HAFREN, Llanidloes Road, Newtown 01686 614555
THE TOWN HALL, Bishop’s Castle 01588 630023
THREE TUNS, Bishop’s Castle. 01588 638797
THE VICTORY, 88 St Owen St, Hereford 01432 274998
VOLUNTEER, Harold St, Hereford 01432 276189.
WHITEHORSE INN, The Square, Clun. 01588 640305. WHITE SWAN, Eardisland, 01544 388577
WYESIDE ARTS CENTRE, Builth Wells, 01982 552555
JUST SOME THEATRE. The Silence of the Lambs meets Last of the Summer Wine in this dark comedy thriller. Former game show champion Walter Crump lives for murder, but did his obsession with death ultimately lead to his own? For ages 16+. 3 Nov - Wem Town Hall, 7.30pm, £13/£6, 01939 232299. 4 Nov - Steiner Academy, Hereford, 7.30pm, £12/£6/£30, 01981 540221. 5 Nov - Chapel Lawn Village Hall, 7.30pm, £12/£8, 07964 710983. Arts Alive.
Thurs 3 November OH, WHISTLE...
NUNKIE THEATRE. Two ghost stories by MR James and performed by RM Lloyd Parry. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, £15.50/£13.50, 01743 281281.
Sat 5 November
THE PANTALOONS. Join Pip the orphan on a journey through his eventful life via hilarious turns and tragic twists. Market Theatre, Ledbury, 7.30pm, £14, students £9, 07967 517125.
Sat 5 & Wed 9 November
BLACK RAT PRODUCTIONS AND BLACKWOOD MINERS’ INSTITUTE. A brand-new comedy to celebrate a wonderfully original take on the HG Wells’ classic sci-fi horror. For ages 12+. 5 Nov - Theatr Hafren, Newtown, 7.45pm, £15/£13, 01686 948100. 9 NovTheatr Brycheiniog, Brecon, 7.30pm, 01874 611622. Wed 9 - Sun 12 November
SHROPSHIRE DRAMA COMPANY. Serge has bought a painting. It is white on a white background, with three white lines down the middle. He invites his friends Marc and Yvan over to view it... A dark comedy about how disagreement among friends can affect the survival of their friendship. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, 8pm, £17.50, 01743 281281.
FARNHAM MALTINGS. A story of two people longing for home. Told with affection, irrepressible humour and bread - because without bread nothing happens. Stories, fresh bread, Syrian coffee and Mamoull. For ages 12+. 10 Nov - SpArC Theatre, Bishop’s Castle, 7.30pm, £14/£8/£40, 01588 630321. 11 Nov - Welshamption Parish Hall, 8pm, £15, 01948 710586. 12 Nov - Farlow and Oreton Village Hall, 7.30pm, £12/£6/£30, 01746 718642. 13 Nov - Meole Brace Peace Memorial Hall, 7.30pm, £12/£8/£35, 01743 235384. Arts Alive.
Performed by Ex-RSC and West End actor, Nicolas Collette. June 2000, ex Battle of Britain pilot, 80 year old Peter Walker re-lives past glories, losses, family memories, blue skies and battles. Market Theatre, Ledbury, 7.30pm, £14, students £10, 07967 517125.
ROOFTOP THEATRE COMPANY are back at Ludlow Brewery with Shakespeare’s glorious bittersweet comedy. Twelfth Night is one of his best loved plays and delightfully messes with your mind - mistaken identity, gender confusion and sheer joyous escapism. In Ludlow Brewery all the action and emotion is within reach and Rooftop make the most of this amazing dramatic space. Tickets £15 or £12 for u25s. Book online at www.rooftoptheatre. or buy in person from The Castle Bookshop, Ludlow.
CRIME & COMEDY THEATRE COMPANY. Featuring renowned stars Colin Baker and Terry Molloy to commemorate the 120th anniversary of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s most popular thriller. Savoy Theatre, Monmouth, 7.30pm, £21, 01600 772467.
TWO SCORE THEATRE COMPANY is presenting two short plays, ‘New-Found-Land’ by Tom Stoppard (30 minutes) and ‘Overruled’ by George Bernard Shaw (45 minutes), with dinner in the middle during an extended interval. Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 7.30pm, £20 including meal, 01584 878141.
Psychic medium. Savoy Theatre, Monmouth, 7.30pm, £25.50, 01600 772467.
CONQUEST SPOTLIGHT PRODUCTION. Anxious to cash in on the public’s appetite for detective dramas, the Chairman Gordon writes a whodunnit. But in a bizarre twist he then finds himself embroiled in a real-life murder mystery that threatens to put him behind bars. Conquest Theatre, Bromyard, 7.30pm, 01885 488575.
BROTHER WOLF. Based on the works of Bram Stoker. Blake Theatre, Monmouth, 7pm, 01600 719401.
PYRAMUS & THISBE PRODUCTIONS. Totally bonkers and so funny it should come with a government health warning. Suitable for ages 10+.
24 Nov - Linton Village Hall, 7pm, £15, £6 children, £36 family, 25 Nov - Clungunford Village Hall, 7.30pm, £12/£6/£30, 01588 660152.
26 Nov - Harley Village Hall, 7.30pm, £12, 01952 510422.
27 Nov - Llanwarne Village Hall, 2.30pm, free, 01981 540406. Arts Alive.
Thurs 24 - Sat 26 November
OFF CENTRE THEATRE present a thriller of passion and betrayal from the Queen of Crime. An unhappy game of romantic follow the leader explodes into murder at The Hollow, home of Sir Henry and Lucy Angkatell. Nearly everyone has a motive... Savoy Theatre, Monmouth, 7.30pm, £12, 01600 772467.
A sensational new Phantasmagoria which encompasses amazing and bizarre circus acts with an original rock score and a sinister story of witchcraft and the darkest of magic. Suitable for ages 16+. Theatr Hafren, Newtown, 8pm, £24, 01686 948100.
REGAL SCHOOL OF CREATIVE ARTS. Performance by students aged between 4 - 18 years. Regal Cinema, Tenbury Wells, 6.30pm, 01584 811442.
LIGHTHOUSE THEATRE return with a live radio play version of the Oscar winning classic film, a play that will delight the young and old alike. Savoy Theatre, Monmouth, 7.30pm, £15, under 16s £13, 01600 772467.
Priscilla Queen of the Disaster is brutally honest about being a mum. With tears streaming down your face, laugh along with the sometimes savage experiences that can be motherhood. Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon, 7.30pm, 01874 611622.
THE ADDAMS FAMILY HEREFORD MUSICAL THEATRE COMPANY. In its typical creepy, kooky, mysterious and spooky fashion, the ghoulish Addams family is visiting the graveyard for an annual gathering... The Courtyard, Hereford, 7.30pm, plus Saturday matinee 2.30pm, 01432 340555.
MID WALES OPERA. This age-old children’s story tells of the wealth-seeking, match-making cat who, in return for a hat, a sword and a pair of boots, secures for his young master (a lowly miller) a kingdom and a royal marriage to a princess, tricking a slow-witted ogre out of his castle along the way. 2 Nov - Theatr Gwaun, Fishguard, 7.30pm.
3 Nov - Theatr Felinfach, Ystrad Aeron.
10 Nov - Theatr Brycheionig, Brecon, 7.30pm, £20, under 18s £10, 01874 611622.
5. 11 Nov - The Dragon Theatre, Barmouth, 7.30pm. 12 Nov - Neuadd Dyfi, Aberdovey, 7.30pm.
MATILDA JR THE MUSICAL LUDWIG THEATRE ARTS. Based on the book ‘Matilda’ by Roald Dahl and adapted from the award-winning fulllength musical, Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical JR tells the story of an extraordinary girl who, armed with a vivid imagination and a sharp mind, dares to take a stand and change her own destiny.. Conquest Theatre, Bromyard, 7pm & 3pm, 01885 488575.
Wed 9 - Sun 13 November
NATIVITY THE MUSICAL GET YOUR WIGLE ON are back with another festive musical for all the family. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, £24-£16, 01743 281281. Amateur production.
Thurs 10 - Sat 12 November
NMTC. After evil Lord Farquadd banishes all magical creatures to his swamp, grumpy ogre Shrek accompanied by a donkey must go on a quest to rescue Princess Fiona. Amateur production. Theatr Hafren, Newtown, £16/£13.50, 01686 948100.
Fri 11 & Sat 12 November
LAURA GALE DRAMA’S fabulous cast transport you to a magical kingdom fathoms below in Disney’s classic. Wonderful songs, dance numbers and heart-warming story. Suitable for all ages. The Courtyard, Hereford, 7pm, plus Saturday matinee, 2.30pm, 01432 340555.
THEATR IOLO. Based on the illustrated children’s book by Arnold Lobel. An enchanting tale with music, Owl at Home shows us how friendship can be found in the most unlikely places. For ages 5-11 years and their families. Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon, 10am & 2pm, 01874 611622.
SHERMAN THEATRE present this warm, funny and magical show full of catchy songs, laughs, and wonderful sets and costumes. English performance 11am, Welsh performance 1.30pm. Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon, £10, 01874 611622.
You think science is boring, think again; this is science like you have never seen before. Awarded ‘Best Kid’s Show’ at Edinburgh Fringe. Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon, 2.30pm, £15, 01874 611622.
TUTTI FRUTTI PRODUCTIONS. Jack Frost’s magic frozen touch transforms the landscape, but this year, the snow begins to melt and, along with it, Jack’s extraordinary magic fades. For ages 3+. SpArC Theatre, Bishop’s Castle, 11am & 1.30pm, £7.50, 01588 630321. Steiner Academy, Hereford, 4pm, £12/£6/£30, 01981 540221. Arts Alive.
Set in the magical forest, Fox goes on an adventure to learn from the Aurora that sharing is caring. Experience a world of puppetry, music, light projection and bubbly energy as two storytellers bring household objects to life. The Courtyard, Hereford, 11am, 01432 340555.
Expect hilarious comedy, lavish sets, fantastic music, beautiful costumes, magic and mayhem. Starring legendary Dame Brad Fitt, Tommy J Rolason, Samantha Dorrance, Jo Osmond and Kane Oliver Parry. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, £27.50-£16, 01743 281281. (Relaxed performance 16 Dec, Stagetext performance 20 Dec).
OUR STAR THEATRE COMPANY. Dick is off to London Town to make his fortune. On the way, he teams up with a trusty feline friend, falls in love, gets a job at the local sweet shop and has to stop evil King Rat’s master plan to take over London town! Conquest Theatre, Bromyard, 7pm, 01885 488575.
Who can save Christmas? An interactive show with loads of familiar songs and colour. Every child can meet Santa and get a personal gift. Perfect for ages 2-8 year olds. Savoy Theatre, Monmouth, 11am & 2.30pm, £9.50, under 16s £8.50, family £32, 01600 772467.
Dive into Eric Carle’s bright and colourful world as his beloved stories are transformed from page to stage, using a menagierie of 75 puppets and charming music. Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon, Wed 2pm & 4pm, Thurs 11am & 2pm, 01874 611622.
THE BIRMINGHAM STAGE COMPANY. A terrific tale from the West End producers of David Walliams’ Gangsta Granny and Billionaire Boy. Hilarious and jaw-dropping fun. Theatr Hafren, Newtown, £14, children £12, family £46, schools £10, 01686 948100.
MA STAGE SCHOOL - HARRY POTTER Pavilion Mid Wales, Llandrindod Wells, 10am-4pm, book ing essential, email for further information.
Sat - Junior Yourth Theatre. Year 3: 9.15am. Year 4: 10.15am. Year 5: 11.15am. Year 6: 12.15pm. Year 7: 1.45pm. Year 8: 3pm. Year 9: 4.45pm, £68.50 per term. Wed - Intermediate Youth Theatre. Year 10 & 11, 5.15pm, £70.50 per term. Fri - Senior Youth Theatre for Year 12+, 7pm, £73.50 per term. Courtyard, Hereford, 01432 340555.
The Conquest, Bromyard. Mon - Juniors, Year 3-6: 4.30pm, £39 per term. Intermediates, Year 7-9: 7.15pm, £43 per term. Seniors, Year 10+: 7.30pm, £46 per term. The Phoenix Theatre, Ross-on-Wye. Sat - Juniors, Year 8-14: 10am, £39 per term. Market Theatre, Ledbury. Mon - Intermediates, Year 7-9: 7.30pm, £39 per term. Seniors, Year 10+: 8.30pm, £39 per term. Details email or 01432 346526.
With weekly sessions tailored to suit the needs of each year group, from 4 years and up. Mondays 3.45pm4.45pm Roundabout, Reception & Years 1 & 2. Wednesdays 5pm - 6pm Junior Youth, Years 3,4 & 5. Wednesdays 6pm - 7pm Junior Youth, Years 6,7 & 8. Thursdays 8.30pm - 10pm Senior Youth, Years 9, 10 & 11, 16 - 25. Call 01874 611622,
ASSEMBLY ROOMS, LUDLOW Mon - Go MAD in Ludlow, 5-6.30pm, Oscars. Contact Simon 07506 478235 & Suzanne 07484 289215 or email Sat - Ludwig Academy of Musical Theatre. 7-11 years 1-2pm, 12-16 years 2-3pm. Oscars. Contact Jack Ludwig, 077922 66225. Assembly Rooms, Ludlow.
Tuesdays YOUTH THEATRE For 7-14 year-olds after school. Ledbury Market Theatre, 01432 383663. Wednesdays KINGTON YOUTH THEATRE Kington Primary School. Wed - Junior 7-11 years, 4-5.30pm. Intermediate 11+ 5.30-7pm. £42 per term, 01432 340555.
Thursdays (term time) SHROPSHIRE YOUTH THEATRE Seniors, 7-9.30pm, 14-25 years. All abilities welcome. The Hive, Belmont, Shrewsbury.
Thursdays IMPULSIVE THEATRE COMPANY For ages 13-19. The Hive, 5 Belmont, Shrewsbury, 5-6.45pm, 07916 277928.
Thursdays Fortnightly HAVE A GO SHAKESPEARE At Willow Globe, Llanwrthwl, Llandrindod Wells, LD1 6NN, 2-4.30pm, £6 per session, for details.
Thursdays Fortnightly (term time) HAVE A GO SHAKESPEARE All welcome, 10.30am-1.30pm, £7. Wyeside, Builth Wells,
Saturdays (term time) SHROPSHIRE YOUTH THEATRE Beginners 9.30am-10.45am, 6-8 year olds. Juniors 11am-1pm, 9-12 year olds. The Hive, Shrewsbury,
Visit Ledbury’s purpose built, intimate theatre with comfortable seats, bar and a warm welcome, for a great programme of original drama, music, cinema and live screenings - see listings for what’s on
Includes talks and readings by poets, visual artists, writers and scientists, as well as children’s activities, an art exhibition and musical performances. There are also some outdoor activities, including guided walks, rambles and cycling.
A new one-woman poetry show, touring sustainably by bike. The performance includes poems and stories of Caroline Burrows’ adventures whilst cycling across the UK. The Courtyard, Hereford, 7.45pm, 01432 340555.
The bird takes to the air again, with readings from poets Graham Hartill, Ric Hool and Rhiannon Hooson. Rhiannon will also be launching her new book from Seren. No 46, The Wine Bar, High St, Presteigne, 7pm, £5, half the takings will be donated to Ukrainian refugees.
Kestral Morton presents ‘The Mountain of the Sun’. (Side Gate, Public Hall), Bishop’s Castle, 6.30pm, £5, group of four £28, refreshments available, 01588 630321.
Poetry Live with Yomi Sode. The Poetry Bookshop, Hayon-Wye, 7pm, £12, 01497 822629,
After lockdowns and isolation this show is about the simple act of being in a room together and toppling international capitalism. For ages 16+. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, £19, 01743 281281.
He’s an hilariously funny observational comic with an enviable gag rate. For ages 14+. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, £16.50, 01743 281281.
Sat 5 November
With Troy Hawke who tackles modern issues head on in his uniquely untimely manner. The Left Bank Village, 7.30pm, £12.50,
Sun 6 November
Starring MC Nik Coppin, Dan Antopolski, Craig Deeley and Steve Harris. For ages 18+. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, £12, 01743 281281.
Telford Comedy Club, 7.30pm, show only £7, £12 to include meal, 01952 610888.
Britain’s King of Comedy. Savoy Theatre, Monmouth, 7.30pm, £24, 01600 772467.
Enjoy laugh out loud comedy from some of the hottest upand-coming comedians on the circuit. For ages 18+ only. The Courtyard, Hereford, 8.30pm, 01432 340555.
The Edge Arts Centre, Much Wenlock, 7.15pm, 01952 728911.
Finalist of Britain’s Got Talent with a new show of the slickest, sharpest look at life. Wyeside, Builth Wells, 8pm, £15, 01982 552555.
Host of the smash hit podcast ‘Have a Word’. For ages 16+. Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury, £15.50, 01743 281281.
The Edge Arts Centre, Much Wenlock, 7.30pm, 01952 728911.
Exceptional comedians. Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon, 8pm, £15, 01874 611622.
Little Wander in association with PBJ Management present a preview of Mike Wozniak’s stand up tour, ‘Zusa’. For ages 14+. Hay Castle, 8.30pm, £15, 01497 822629,
Fri 2 December
There is so much to yell about. There’s the modern world in which you spend so long trying to work out iTunes, that it’s easier to form a band and learn the songs... Borough Theatre, Abergavenny, 01873 850805.
Fri 2 December
The hilarious Sarah Millican is back on tour with a Bobby Dazzler of a new stand-up show. Theatr Hafren, Newtown, 8pm, £29.50, 01686 948100.
Thurs 15 December
Montana’s transatlantic messenger returns with new rants, knife-edge observations, musical interludes and an ever-formidable knack for laughs on the fly. Theatr Hafren, Newtown, 8pm, 01686 948100.
Wed 2 November
This talk is part of the Wednesday evening history talks. Hay Castle Clore Learning Space, Hay-on-Wye, 7pm, £10, 01497 820079.
Thurs 3 November
In this talk, Dr Michael Gray explores some the of the foundational themes such as the framing of the Holocaust within western consciousness and its representation in contemporary society and within a wider context of genocide. Hereford Cathedral, 7pm, £10, 01432 374251.
Until 6 November
1 Nov - Children’s authors’ talks plus activities, 10am, Knighton Library. 4 Nov Nandita Dowson: Palestinian Cookery Demonstration, plus author’s talk and lunch, 11am, pre-booking required. 5 Nov - ‘The Edge of Cymrua Journey’, Julie Brominicks, 1pm. Talk by the Astronomer Royal, Martin Rees, 2pm. ‘Drift’, Caryl Lewis, 3pm. ‘The Tree in British Art History - from Thomas Gainsborough to the Arborealists’, Tim Craven. 6 Nov ‘The History of the Marches Castles’, Alison Webb, 3.30pm.
Mike Alexander managed the National Nature Reserves throughout Wales, was warden of Skomer Island for 10 years and is now Chairman of the Wildlife Trust for South and West Wales. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology, a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management and an honorary lecturer at Bangor University. Museum of Modern Art, Machynlleth, 7.30pm, £10, 01654 703355.
7 Nov - ‘The Two Gustavs: Mahler & Klimt’, a talk by Gavin Plumley. 5 Dec - ‘Food For Thought’, a talk by Cindy Polemis. The Larruperz Centre, Grammar School Close, Ross-on-Wye, 1.30pm, £10, 01989 565465.
BROMYARD & DISTRICT LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY Cradley and the Early Church in North-East Herefordshire & West Shropshire’, an anniversary lecture delivered by Dr Keith Ray. Conquest Theatre, Bromyard, 7.30pm, mem bers free, guests £5, all welcome, 01885 488575.
Shropshire Bird Atlas ‘changes’ between surveys 19892010, a talk by John Arnfield. Bishop’s Castle Town Hall, 7.30pm, donation box at the entrance, 01588 630023.
Pip Smith, landscape architect and former head gardener at Wollerton Old Hall, on how to create colourful spring displays in your garden. Pembridge Village Hall, 2pm, £5, 07711 719505, Hardy Plant Society.
An entertaining evening for those who look and wonder - astronomy and the deeper cosmos has never been so much fun! Blake Theatre, Monmouth, 7.30pm, 01600 719401.
‘The Challenges of teaching Religious Education in the UK Today’. A talk by Laura Ball, a RPE (religion, philosophy and ethics) teacher. The Friends Meeting House, St Mary’s Lane, Ludlow, 7.30pm, 01568 770282.
In conversation with Alastair Laurence, discussing and debating violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence. All money from ticket sales will go to Cyfannol Women’s Aid. The Art Shop & Chapel, Abergavenny, 7.30pm, 01873 852690.
‘Breugel - The Seasons and the World’. Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 2.15pm, visitors welcome, £8, 07801 178846,
LEOMINSTER HISTORICAL SOCIETY AGM plus talk on ‘Quakers and their Archives’ by Rhys Friffith, Senior Archivist at HARC. Grange Court, Leominster, 7pm, members free, visitors welcome, £4.
Thurs 17 November
Author and comedian talks about her new book ‘Stone Blind’, the story of Medusa. Blake Theatre Monmouth, 7.30pm, 01600 719401.
Fri 18 November
‘Story from the Herefordshire Suffrage Campaign’. A talk by Clare Wichbold related to her recent book. Fownhope New Memorial Hall, 7.30pm, members free, visitors welcome £3 including refreshments, 01432 860319.
Fri 18 November
Adam Kay will have you in stitches in his painfully funny and startling powerful new book. Blake Theatre, Monmouth, 7pm, 01600 719401.
Fri 18 November & Fri 2 December
18 Nov - ‘Georgian Life Through the Eyes of Jane Austen’. Members and friends of HAAS. 2 Dec - ‘An Entertainment of Sweet Singing’, Lucy Bowen. Kindle Centre, beside ASDA, Hereford, 2.30pm, 01432 357552.
Sat 19 November
Concert and book launch to celebrate the release of Jeb’s new LP, also the release of his new novel ‘Knock Turn’. Mid Wales Arts Centre, Caersws, near Newtown, 7.30pm, £10, 01686 688369.
‘Drunkards through the Ages’. A talk by Dr C Duff Gordon. Walton Village Hall, Presteigne, LD8 2NU, £5 on the door, 01544 350511.
Mon 21 & 28 November, Mon 5 & 12 December
A lecture series by Dr Maureen Palmer. LIbrary, Hereford Cathedral, 10.30am-12pm, £10 per session, please book, email: or 01432 374225.
‘The Monster, The Mountain and The Monkey’, a talk by Andrew Wyton. Lydbury North Village Hall, 7.30pm, £5, visitors welcome,
‘The Magnificent Maya’, lecture by Dr Diane Davies. Powis Suite, Royal Oak Hotel, Welshpool, 3pm, £6, visitors welcome, 01938 555574.
A seasonal weekend of wonder! Explore the programme for a very special Hay Festival Winter Weekend in the newly renovated Hay Castle. You can also join us digitally and purchase an Online Festival pass to watch from home. All at Hay Castle, Hay-on-Wye, 01497 822629,
First Half - Dr Hammond’s Covid Inquiry. Second HalfHow I Ruined Medicine. Wyeside, Builth Wells, 7.30pm, £15, 01982 552555.
Lecturer: Professor Kirsti Bohata. This talk will dip into a century of farming stories in Wales to explore how farms and farmers have been represented in the past, present and imagined futures of Wales and how these portrayals speak to us in the present. Wyeside, Builth Wells, 2.30pm, £5, 01982 552555.
This illustrated talk by David Thomson will paint some pictures of education before, during and beyond formal schooling in medieval Hereford. Hereford Cathedral, 7pm, £10, email or 01432 374225.
Stephen Bates, a former journalist for more than 30 years will talk about Major Herbert Rowse Armstrong, Hay-onWye’s most infamous citizen and only solicitor ever to be hanged in Britain. Hay Castle, Oxford Rd, Hay-on-Wye, 7pm, £10, 01497 820079.
One of the top female adventurers of our time, UK ambassador for Girl Guiding and has run, swum and cycled over 20,000 miles across the globe. The talk is followed by a Q&A session with the audience. Ludlow Assembly Rooms, 7pm, 01584 878141.
This free playwriting programme is open for all young people aged 16-30 from rural areas. Members will write a short play for a professional production, guided by the Pentabus team. It will be run through a combination of online evening sessions and in-person weekend sessions in Hereford. no previous experience is necessary. Contact to register your interest or for more information
Fri 4 November (monthly on the first Friday)
A meal inspired by the book will be served during the evening and our all local bar will be open serving literary cocktails until close. Free entry, but please book your space online, Pot & Page, 8 New St, Ledbury, 7pm, 01531 248743.
Until Thurs 3 November
Plus CD’s and DVD’s. Fixed price bargains for all. Children’s books half price. Bishop’s Castle Town Hall, 10am-4pm, 01588 630023.
1 Nov - Poetry & Storytelling. Poet Francesca Kay shows simple ways to create poems, exploring the themes of loss, hope and resilience. No experience necessary, 10.30am-12.30pm. 5 Nov - Active Hope Workshop facilitated by Karen Scott offering strengthening practices, supporting our capacity to cope with our global predicament, 10am-4.30pm. Assembly Rooms, Presteigne, email
Dr Peter and Mrs Elizabeth Fenwick with Sue Brayne. Death Cafe discussion chaired by Martin Redfern. Knighton Community Centre, 11am,
The Courtyard, Hereford, 6.30-8.30pm, £75 per term, 01432 340555.
For ages 4 years and under. The Courtyard, Hereford, 01432 340555.
Tues - Advance beginners 10am-11.30am, Wed - Advance Spanish B1, 10am. Thurs - Total beginners, 10am-11.30am with Mely. Private tuitionGCSE students and A Level. The Globe, Hay-on-Wye, 7pm, 07837 160505.
The Courtyard, Hereford, 10.30am-12.30pm, £55 per term, 01432 340555.
Last Tuesday of each month HOMEND POETS
Share words written by themselves or others. Music, good company and food. No booking required. Pot & Page, 8 New St, Ledbury, 6.30pm,
First Wednesday of each month BABARS’ BOOK CLUB
All welcome, 6.30pm, Babar’s Cafe, Union St, Hereford, 01432 342334.
First Wednesday of the month POETRY CAFE, Charlton Arms, Ludlow, 7.30pm, 01584 872813.
Presteigne Assembly Rooms, 10.30am-3pm, 01639 841751.
Every other Thursday PHILOSOPHY CAFE
Informal group which offers the chance to discuss philosophical issues. The Globe, Hay-on-Wye, 7pm, 01497 821762.
Last Thursday of the month BOOK CLUB
De Koffie Pot, Bridge St, Hereford, 8pm, 01432 357753,
First Friday of the month BOOKCLUB DINNERS
Join Katie and the bookworms for an evening of literary delights. Each month we meet to discuss a different book and share a meal inspired by the story. Pot & Page, New St, Ledbury, 7pm, please book,
The Courtyard, Hereford, 6-8pm, £55 per term, 01432 340555.
International Poetry Writers’ Collective: Abergavenny 01873 856350
Leominster Writers’ Circle, Leominster Community Centre, Frank Pavitt, chairman LWC, 01568 614973, meet first Tuesday, monthly, 2pm. Presteigne Writers’ Circle, 3rd Thursday, Assembly Rooms, 7.30pm, 01544 260398.
Specialist in art, design,
The Bookery, Manor Farm, Brampton Bryan, Bucknell, SY7 0DH Off A4113 Knighton Road. Tel: 01547 530744
Bookshop open to visitors Tues-Sun 10am-4pm.
Over 20
Lewis Trio, 11am-2pm
from the
THE onslaught against Ukraine launched by Vladimir Putin has brought us face to face with something that many people around my age have tried not to think about since the 1960s. The threat of an attack involving nuclear weapons is now being referred to every day by the papers and the news bulletins.
I can’t even begin to answer the question that many media outlets are posing – namely, “Will the Russian leader use nuclear weapons?”. What I can do is to remind people of some efforts that have been made to prevent Armageddon during the decades since atom bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.
In Britain the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament got much attention from the late 1950s onwards. And I recall seeing its supporters marching from Aldermaston to London, with the philosopher Bertrand Russell at the forefront.
Russell also played a key role in setting up another peace group, the Pugwash Conference. It was named after the fishing village in Nova Scotia where its first meeting was held, in 1957. Despite its odd, satirical-sounding name this body was also deadly serious.
Pugwash still exists today and has made trenchant statements this year on the war in Ukraine. In June a Pugwash “Note on Present Dangers” referred back to the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, when the world seemed to be on the brink of nuclear annihilation. President Kennedy and the Russian leader, Nikita Khrushchev, confronted each other over nuclear missiles, which the USA claimed had been secretly installed on the pro-Soviet island of Cuba, a few minutes flying time from the USA mainland.
The Pugwash statement of a few months ago said that… “not since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis have we had such a dangerous environment. But while the Cuban Missile Crisis lasted 13 days, the present situation has continued for over 100 days since February 2022.”
Of course, that 100 days has since become more than 230 days and there seems no prospect of a let-up. The Pugwash group say that nuclear deterrence was long believed to have prevented war in Europe, but that this can no longer be taken for granted. Regarding Ukraine, they say, “…the danger of an escalation of the hostilities toward the use of nuclear weapons is clear and serious.”
A leading light in the Pugwash group in its first few decades was Professor Joseph Rotblat. He was a giant both for his knowledge of atomic weapons and for his moral stance. As a very young scientist he had worked on the Manhattan project at Los Alamos in the 1940s. But he did his best to further the anti-nuclear cause in the decades that followed.
I recall being dispatched by a BBC editor to interview Rotblat at his home in Belsize Park in the 1970s. I was hugely impressed by his clarity and intellect. But I also felt guilty that, until that day, I really had no idea who he was.
In 1995 Joseph Rotblat was awarded the Nobel Peace
Prize, which he shared with the Pugwash group. At the time he sent a message to nuclear scientists everywhere calling on them to refuse to work on atomic weapons projects as well as those involving chemical and biological weapons.
Rotblat referred to what he called “the disgraceful role played by a few scientists, caricatured as “Dr Strangeloves”, in fuelling the arms race. They did great damage to the image of science.”
On the other side, said Rotblat, “there are the scientists, in Pugwash and in other bodies, who devote much of their time and ingenuity to averting the dangers created by advances in science and technology. However, they embrace only a small part of the scientific community.”
Rotblat said claims that “science is neutral” or “science has nothing to do with politics” were part of an ivory tower mentality. In his view that ivory tower had been demolished by the atom bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. He called on all scientists everywhere to refuse work on creating, improving or manufacturing further weapons of mass destruction.
Rotblat highlighted the tendency of governments to mislead the public and to conceal the truth about such weapons. Therefore, he said, whistle-blowing should become part of the scientist’s ethos.
Over a quarter of a century later, Rotblat’s words may sound idealistic or even quaint. But that is surely because the rights and wrongs of nuclear weapons are debated so rarely, and because taking an ethical, principled stand is regarded as a luxury which most scientists and governments feel they can’t afford.
Julian O’HalloranWE have a little ongoing joke in our family that it’s not a proper car journey unless part of it takes place on minor roads with grass running down the middle. It usually happens. This week it happened - even driving through the middle of a farm into the bargain! We were in the Herefordshire flatlands in the sleepy village of Marden, home to prime S&A fruit farming and to the church of St Mary the Virgin. Only 7 miles from Hereford, there’s a lot of history to absorb here, a lot of quietness and a lot of church. The first thing to strike you is the quiet stillness and reverence. This really is a Quiet Place.
A little background then. Dating back to 794AD, when Marden was home to the opulent but wild palace of the Kings of Mercia, young Ethelbert of the East Angles arrived on the palace doorstep fully expecting King Offa’s daughter’s hand in marriage, The Queen, however, was unhappy. King Offa was probably having a bad hair day and subsequently decided to have Ethelbert beheaded. A miraculous spring then erupted at the spot where his blood was spilled. To repent for this rather over the top response, King Offa built the church - although originally out of wood - the stone version dating from 1220. Its size was solely due to the huge medieval pilgrimages that followed.
Inside the church it’s cool, dark and very restful even though Ethelbert’s sorry corpse was unceremoniously dumped here many moons ago. The building now can’t seem to decide whether it’s a church, a pilgrim meeting place or a bookshop but it’s a lovely quiet place to be browsing, the old wooden pews supporting the printed word. Much like the pilgrimages, the trains don’t stop here anymore and now rattle straight through between Shrewsbury and Hereford.
Back outside into the dazzling sunlight and warmth of a summer’s day, the bell tower has been crudely butted up to the rest of the church and holds its own ghostly tale. It is believed to be haunted by a Civil War cavalier soldier who was chased by Roundheads into the upper chambers of the bell tower and killed. His ghost now haunts the tower. All I will say is that the atmosphere inside is more than a little oppressive and I would probably pass up on the offer of an overnight stay, thank you! The large graveyard however provides another haven of peace and wildlifeprime thinking territory. Meanwhile, across the gravel car park, the silt laden River Lugg floats quietly by, huge water lilies hugging the deep and steep banks. The rickety stile leading onto the riverbank walk looks like it’s also from Offa’s time! Despite the river’s obvious penchant for regular flooding, some benches wouldn’t go amiss here, just to sit and wonder at the Constable-esque view of beautiful cows drinking from the river in dappled sunlight. The Lugg and Lugg Meadow are SSSI (site of special scientific interest) protected - it’s a site teeming with more birds, fish, flora and fauna than you can shake a stick at. But don’t do that - you’ll scare the cows!
Timeless and serene. Dappled with sunlight. A Quiet Place indeed.
So, where are your Quiet Places? Feel free to get in touch. Dave Fletcher Copyright@2022
3 Nov - Guided Cycle Ride for Women, 10am. 2 & 6 Nov - Guided Ramblers Walk in countryside with Jacqui Salt, 10am. 6 Nov - Guided town walk round Knighton with John Davis, 2pm. Booking required, www.knightonfestival.
Protecting our wildlife, gardening for nature, green energy, electric bikes and cars, plant stall, repair, re-use, recycle, ethical finance, 30+ stalls, talks, children’s art and eco activities, refreshments. Colwall Village Hall and Primary School, Mill Lane, Colwall, WR13 6EQ, 11am-4pm, free entry,
Sustainable fashion show. Reject fast fashion. Recycle, reuse, reinvent, repair rebel! Malvern Cube, Albert Road North, Malvern, 7pm, pay what you can tickets,
1 Nov - ‘Bumblebee Keeping’, by Paul Hand. Marden Community Centre, 7pm. 1 Nov - ‘Building Better Opportunities: Basic Woodworking’, 7-week course. Queenswood Country Park, Dinmore Hill, Leominster, 10am-1pm. 3 Nov - ‘Hedgerows & Hidden Herefordshire’, an illustrated talk by Tim Kaye. Hopelands, Weobley Village Hall, 7.30pm.
14 Nov - Age UK Talk on Dragonflies, aimed at 60+. 10.30am, £3. 16 Nov - Autumn’s Beauty Guided Walk, 10am, £10. 22 & 26 Nov - Green Willow Weaving Course, 10am-4pm, £50. Booking essential for all events. Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre, Craven Arms, 01588 676060,
We manage woodlands for the benefit of wildlife and our members. Volunteer with us on our weekly task days to learn new skills. land-project Email 01547 520374.
Learn from experts in their field: mammals, moths, bees, freshwater habitats, birds, fungi, fossils. CARAD, East St, Rhayader, £5 with free refreshments, book online,
Presteigne Youth Centre, Hereford Street. 10am-12pm. Household items repaired for free. Info: 01544 267997. Mondays & Wednesdays KNIGHTON MENS SHED
Sharpening service available. Teme Mill, Station Yard, Knighton, 10am-2pm. John on 01544232750 or email
Every Tuesday, monthly until end March (except 27 Dec) ENERGY ADVICE SURGERY
Providing energy advice to local residents, especially those struggling with their energy bills. Knighton Community Centre, 10am-2.30pm, free, drop-in or book via 01547 520374 or email
2nd Thursday of the month KINGTON KLEEN Networking drinks. Oxford Arms, Kington, from 7pm,
Disclaimer. We would like to emphasise that these listings relate to COMPLEMENTARY medicine practitioners. Broad Sheep does not endorse any of the practitioners or healing methods listed. We provide no recommendation and take no responsibility for their content.
A is for ACUPUNCTURE with Joanna Bruce RGN, MBAcC at The Body Clinic, Leominster & Richard’s Castle. Treating pain (NICE recommended) and long-term health conditions since 1985. Food intolerance testing. Phone 01584 831 840 or text 07984 460969. E-booking:
ACCREDITED, EXPERIENCED PSYCHOTHERAPIST & COUNSELLOR: One-to-one sessions for adults age 18 up wards, in Hay-on-Wye (HR3) and by online video. Find relief from anxiety and depression; overcome trauma; transform anger and low self-worth; navigate divorce, bereavement, and other difficult life experiences. Contact Sarah Hamilton at HAY COUNSELLING, 07580 482751,
ACUPUNCTURE. Sandy Sandaver Lic Ac MBAcC. I practice an integrated style of acupuncture using 5 element and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and am a member of the British Acupuncture Council. I also carry out home visits. Hay Acupuncture Clinic, Rose Cottage, Cusop Dingle, Hay-On-Wye 01497 821625/07980 596218 or
ANXIETY, DEPRESSION, TRAUMA, LOW SELF WORTH and emotional difficulties - our innovative approach is being used with private and NHS clients with great success. Clients attend an average of 4 sessions to achieve a substantial, some say transformative, effect on their well being. You can check out the testimonials and book a one to one session on our website or get in touch for more information Mike Buckley 07931 986168
AROMATHERAPY massage and facials - Bach Remedies - Herbalism - Reiki. For comprehensive, holistic treatment: Roz Myers Brown, Dip. Ar. IPTI, MIPTI. Kington clinic. 07967 137208,
ASTROLOGY Have you ever wondered if your life is on the right path, or what the year might hold in these uncertain times? Astrological interpretations including natal and year ahead from Pagan Art. 10% off first chart with code BS22CA.
BABIES, BIRTH AND BREASTS: I am an experienced Midwife, teacher and Craniosacral therapist. We can share KGHypnobirth sessions, Rebozo skills, Birth physiology, Postnatal healing, Breastfeeding support and ‘Closing-the-Bones’ nurture at home, online or in Talgarth. or phone Rachel 07484295235 for more info.
THE BRIGHT N BUTE COMPANY - Medical/Sports & Veterinary - K-laser (low level laser therapy) endorsed by vets (VBS Direct) & NHS (NICE guidance) for GP practices & medical profession. Contact: Louisa Clarke BSc(hons) RVN BHSPT Cert Ed. Email: thebrightnbutecompany@ Website: https://the-bright-n-bute-company.
CLEAR HEAD, FREE BODY, OPEN HEART Craniosacral Therapy, Therapeutic Massage and Yoga Classes with Clare Johnson, to help you feel more at ease and aligned physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I work in Ludlow and Elton, near Wigmore. Please phone 07980 070675 or email
CHARTERED CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST & PSYCHODYNAMIC PSYCHOTHERAPIST with over 25 years professional NHS experience, providing psychological help to adults. Please see website for details: www. I am highly trained and experienced in using evidence–based psychotherapies to relieve distress and help you achieve your life goals, and offer sessions in Ludlow and Leintwardine. I also offer supervision to mental health professionals. Please contact me by email: mfaull@, to arrange a free initial phone conversation to consider your needs. Registered with British Psychological Society, British Psychoanalytic Council, Health Professions Council.
COMPLETE BALANCE I am fully trained in the therapies of The Bowen Technique, Health Kinesiology and Reiki and Seichem. These therapies re-balance the individual on physical, emotional, and mental levels helping you to resolve issues and live your best life. I offer face to face sessions from my clinic near Hereford and online consultations via Zoom, Skype, or Telephone. Treatment can resolve a multitude of problems often incredibly quickly, some of these include; back problems, emotional problems, fears, anxiety, sciatica, arthritic pain, sports injuries, hip/ ankle/knee and foot problems digestive disturbances, hormonal imbalance, asthma, hay fever, migraines & headaches and more. Contact: Helen Mawson. Mobile: 07904 457 075 Email:,
DEEPLY RELAXING Craniosacral Therapy can increase your well-being by releasing emotional and physical tensions. Given a safe space and correct focus, your body knows the way. I am an accredited practitioner, qualified since 2004, based in Shrewsbury, Crickhowell and Mid Wales. Email: Mobile: 07476 012299.
EQUINE FACILITATED LEARNING. Personal growth for individuals and groups through powerful yet gentle interactions with horses, with seasoned Eponaquest facilitator Angela Dunning. EFL sessions involve spending time outdoors with these beautiful sentient beings, where you will be guided to deepen your connection to yourself and your body; build true confidence; reconnect to your Soul’s purpose and bring greater authenticity to your life. No horse experienced required. Author of “The Horse Leads the Way”. Shropshire/Herefordshire/Borders. Contact me on: 01588 630061/07583 726207; angela@equinereflections.; or visit
EMOTIONAL WELLBEING: Anne Cummings FETC (Adv Dip), BAoG (Dip), MBIG (Dip) offers a safe, effective therapy to help adults and children heal their emotional and spiritual wounds and fulfil their personal potential. If you have difficulty relating to others, or have troublesome emotions call Anne on 01547 530977. Specialist knowledge and experience of working with panic attacks, anger, stress, bullying, low self-esteem, bereavement/loss and anxiety. For more information see
GONG BATH SOUND MEDITATION SESSIONS Group sessions twice a month. 1:1 sessions. Private groups. 07870 345216.
HAPPINESS COACHING & PERSON CENTRED COUNSELLING I’ve been practicing for 27 years and offer a safe confidential space to off load your stresses and problems bringing relief and skills for life enabling you to be your true, authentic, fulfilled, relaxed and happier self. I’m compassionate, empathic, focused and work with integrity. Check my profile online at The Body Clinic Leominster and for booking an appointment or call me on 07903 415359.
HEREFORD HOMEOPATH Juliet Ablett RHom, MARH, MNCHM. Holistic health care with experienced practitioner using homeopathy, essences and homeobotanicals; safe and effective for all ages. I work with you as an individual, listening without judgement, working with whatever issues or problems you may have. Regular clinics in Monmouth and Hereford, incl. Saturday morning children’s clinic in Hereford. See website: or contact Juliet at or 01981 241456
HOLISTIC MASSAGE THERAPY: Meg Lawrence MTI. A listening and sensitive therapy, treating the whole person. For relief from aches and pains, easing of occupational and postural tensions, providing relaxation and calm in peaceful surroundings, 20 minutes from Presteigne, Hay-on-Wye and Kington. Email; phone or text 07910 892172.
HYPNOTHERAPY Vicky Nicolson-James DipHP HWHP Herefordshire based empathetic hypnotherapist offering online or 1-1 therapy to help you live the life you want and deserve. Professional Hypnotherapy Practitioner Association and National Society of Hypnotherapy. T:01568 760 306 E: WhatsApp: 07790 162067.
JING - LUCIA LLOYD-CLOKIE ACMT Looking to reduce your pain? Increase range of movement? You’ve found Unwind-clinic to help you! Advanced Clinical Massage Therapy; a unique outcome based system for addressing musculoskeletal pain through a fusion of advanced soft tissue techniques, myofascial release, trigger point therapy, and hot stones. Don’t delay, book in today and discover how amazing the body really is. Lucia looks forward to facilitating your healing journey, mobile: 07506 906614; email:; website:; on IG and FB. Monday: Hereford Yoga Centre; Tuesday & Wednesday: Peretun, Ashperton; Thursday: Hop Pocket Village, Bishops Frome; Friday: Lotions and Potions, Church St, Hfd. Positive changes, one session at a time.
LEOMINSTER NATURAL HEALTH CENTRE Chiropractic, Herbal Medicine, Kinesiology, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Reflexology, Emmet technique. Remedial and Holistic Massage. Counselling inc: Couples and Family, Cognitive Behaviour and NLP Stress Management, Child Birth Issues, Psychotherapy. Telephone 01568 616411 email infoleominstercommunitycentre@ Or visit Leominster Community Centre, School Road HR6 8NJ (behind Bridge Street car park).
MASSAGE THERAPY WITH MARIAN HARDIMAN (MTI, CNHC, MLDUK). Remedial, Sports, Holistic, Indian Head Massage. Organic Facial and Manual Lymph Drainage. Clinic in Presteigne (The Retreat), Presteigne, LD8 2UF. Contact:,, 07816 981454.
NUTRITIONAL THERAPIST JULIE HOWES If you suffer gut problems, dementia, hormone imbalance, chronic fatigue or any degenerative disease, I can help. Four consultations £150. Home visits or therapy room Hereford. Call 07462 937 389. Web site Email
OSTEOPATH. Mr R A Hughes D.O. Registered Osteopath and Sports Therapist. Fully qualified and registered since 1995. Established in Presteigne for over 20 years. Sciatica, Arthritis, Trapped Nerves, Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain. Headaches, Sports Injuries. 07961 352056, The Retreat, Presteigne – free car parking.
ONE-TO-ONE SHADOW WORK SESSIONSEXPERIENTIAL, RELATIONAL & EMBODIED THERAPEUTIC PROCESS Shadow work is a great way of approaching your inner experience and those things you want to change. It is a deep, sensitive and safe way of working with all manner of issues even when you have no idea how or where to begin. As we unburden ourselves from the limiting beliefs, behaviours and associated stuck emotions what emerges is an integrity and an authentic expression of our true self; a wholeness from which flows a greater engagement and enjoyment of life. I offer experiential psychotherapeutic process for personal development and for the exploration and transformation of inner conflict and difficulty. Find out more and schedule a free 30-minute consultation at: Kirk - 07878 964 792.
PARKINSON’S LIFE PROGRAMME: 1 to 1 Neuro Physio-Led Coaching, Education and Exercise for People with Parkinson’s and their Families. A Flexible and Positive Approach from Diagnosis onwards. Sarah Edwards Parkinson’s Specialist Physiotherapist, MCSP HCPC-Registered. Clinic Based in Castle Street, Hereford. Home or Gym visits available. Contact us on 01432 628123 or
PHYSIOTHERAPY, CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY, REFLEXOLOGY & YOGA with Hermione Evans, Chartered Physiotherapist at Radnor Physiotherapy. For all back and neck pain, headaches, sports injuries, RSI, stress related illness and more. To discuss your needs or to make an appointment, please phone 01544 350691 or email or view
REFLEXOLOGY WITH ALICE Offering holistic and tailored treatments at The Body Clinic, Leominster. Reflexology can be used as a safe and effective way to support any number of physical and emotional health needs. Book online at or contact Alice directly on / 07464948568.
Groups and one-to-one tuition in Stapleton
Move more freely • Breathe better Think more clearly • Experience joy New: Vedic chant classes Marie Hudson 01544 260352
REIKI I’ve been a Reiki practitioner and Spiritual Healer for 15 years. It’s a very gentle powerful healing of the mind and body, relieving pain, stress and anxiety bringing relief, comfort and relaxation. Check my profile online at The Body Clinic Leominster and for booking an appointment or call me on 07903 415359. Suzanna Underwood Advanced Reiki Master.
SPIRITUAL HEALER. 30 years plus experience. One-on-one healing and ‘introduction to healing’ workshops. “If you truly know yourself you will truly know freedom”. Please contact Gilly Williamson, MNFSH, Field House, Kinnerton. 01547 560874.
SOULFUL AND SHAMANIC HEALING AND GUIDANCE WITH SUE ROSE GOULD. Facilitating wellbeing to realise fullest potential through Soul Plan coaching and Shamanic Practice. All consultations can be virtual and online. Contact Sue through website: or message 07591 130762.
SOUND THERAPY, with Gongs, Singing Bowls and other therapeutic instruments to relieve stress and anxiety, restoring mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. Monthly group ‘sound bath’ sessions in Herefordshire, 1-2-1 treatments, retreats, private groups, celebrations. Cecilia 07857 128 082,,
THE BODY CLINIC LEOMINSTER Health Support with rehabilitation, pain, mobility, long term health conditions, mental health, wellbeing, women’s and men’s health, fertility and pregnancy and much more. Struggling to figure out how best to approach your health issue? Feeling lost or overwhelmed? Book a Holistic Health Assessment. This will give you the opportunity to talk through your symptoms with an experienced health practitioner who will listen and understand your problem from all angles and advise you on your best course of action. 17 West St, HR6 8EP. 01568 368 907, 07493 078 566,
TRANSFORMATIONAL COACHING & COUNSELLING WITH WENDY YOUNG Compassionate and focussed conversations and body-centred processes to heal developmental & emotional trauma and core wounding. This supports your transformational journey of becoming and living your authentic and joyful self. I offer a FREE 30 mins discovery call to answer your questions and see if it feels right for us to work together. Online nationally and inperson in Llanidloes, mid-Wales. For more info and to book call 07388 491 990; email; website
WORKSHOP LISTINGS - Single (dated) listings are free. Year round, ongoing workshops will cost £40 per year.
3 Nov - ‘Finding Resilience in the Face of an Uncertain Future’. This recorded talk by Tara Brach looks at ways our meditation can help us find resilience. Followed by discussion, tea/cake, 2-4pm. 4 Nov - Grief Cafe facilitated by Karen Scott and Liminal Space, 4.30-6pm. Old School, Hereford St, Presteigne, email
PILATES GROUP CLASSES in Presteigne Memorial Hall, Titley Village Hall & Lyonshall Memorial Hall. Private lessons in my garden studio. All abilities and ages welcome. Pilates reduces back pain, increases strength and flexibility, tones your body from top to toe. Move tor lose it! Helen Boley 01544 231512, 07968 970093.
FELDENKRAIS Awareness Through Movement Classes. Learn to move more freely, with greater ease and flexibility, improving posture, balance and coordination. The Feldenkrais method uses a combination of gentle movement and relaxed attention to improve comfort and function and to enhance our sense of well being. Online classes (Tuesday mornings and Wednesday evenings); live classes in Tenbury (Wednesday mornings). To book and for more information, please contact Jane at or on 07949 432555.
Slow down, soften and turn inwards. Move and breath your way back into a natural state of vibrant well-being. Join via Zoom weekly on Mondays and Tuesdays from 6:15pm - 7:30pm. Classes are small, friendly and suitable for all levels of flexibility and experience. For more info and to book call Wendy Young 07388 491 990; email; website HEDGEROW MEDICINE, KITCHEN PHARMACY
Herbal Medicine Making Courses with Rowan McOnegal, Medical Herbalist. Practical weekend courses which explore identifying, growing, harvesting, drying, storing and using herbs. Covers the basic principles of herbal medicine, and making and using teas, tinctures, infused oils, ointments, creams, syrups, inhalations and baths. 01531 670075.