AWAKENING - free magazine

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awakening science, archaeology, medical science, philosophy and mystery



April Two thousand and twelve


e start from here ! This is the first issue on the english version of an italian magazine dealing with science. archaeology , medical science, philosophy and mystery and referring to the italian cultural association Runa Bianca. The main purpose of our association is synergically deling with many controversial themes being nearly ignored by mainstream science and media. With the invaluable aid of the experts involved and through the contribution of the associates, it aims to find the thread among the themes to gain a deeper understanding of them. In addition, it intends to satisfy and support the increasing thirst for knowledge concerning more and more people, leading to a sort of new global awekening. We decided that the right name for the english version of the magazine was AWEKENING. In fact, in our opinion media and “Youtube-like” information have put many peolple to sleep.


Nowadays, the chance given to anyone to express his opinions “throughtout the world” certainly represents an epoch-making turning point. On the other hand, this has involved a flattening of the contents. Today for the very common habit of copying and pasting links and videos on the net, many ideas are not even “digested” and elaborated but are quicly spreaded without taking any critical look at them. In addition, often it happens that, if a large number of people read the same piece of news on different sites, it is considered as “TRUE” almost by default. As a consequence, verifying the sources is getting more and more difficult as well as discriminating between TRUTH and UNTRUTH. As a reaction to this, we have decided to carry a precise line of action: those who are going to write for our e-magazine are characterised by their own personal approach to spirituality and knowledge. Our task is not determining if what they have found out (or what they think to have found out) is “objective” or not. We do not think we are able to do it.

Our task is spreading their words as best as we can through our magazine. This is the reason why an english version is needed. Therefore, at the beginning of each month Awakening will contain the articles issued 15 days before in the italian version by “Runa Bianca”. In the meantime, for more than 8 issues have been released to date, we have decided to mix (just for the next three issues) some “new” articles with others which, although they have been already issued in the last few months, deserve wider circulation for their quality. Therefore, we hope that this new publishing venture can be increasingly appreciated by the readers, and that some day we can have the chance of meeting them “in person” as well. In fact, we invite you all to write to us and send us e-mails making suggestions, asking for advive and (why not?) criticising us as well. For we all concur in informing and spreading this message of change, Awekening requires and ask for everyone’s contribution.

AWAKENING statue (ca. 1980) at its former location in East Potomac Park ( Hain’s Point ) in Washington, D.C.



Editorial Staff:

- Astore Lilly - Di Gregorio Vincenzo - De Salvia Francesca - De Martinis Cristian

Graphic planning : - Di Gregorio Vincenzo Translation : - De Martinis Cristian General contact : Redaction Contact : Public Realations : Website : Assoc. Runa Bianca : Via Per Bologna 2 - 23828 Perledo ( Lecco ) - Italy VAT/ Tax code : 03374340135

Authors: AWAKENING n° 1 - April 2012

- Astore Lilly - Bencini Valter - Biglino Mauro - Cassotta Manuela - D’Ambrosio Giulia - Di Gregorio Vincenzo - Garuti Fabio - Grande Marisa - Lo Musso Alberto - Polastri Ludovico - Rubino Alfonso - Tempo Mike - Truppi Fabio - Volterri Roberto

For any question or request, please contact the Editorial Staff. This first issue is free. In order to allow us to publish further issues, our association needs the financial contribution of new members. The registration fee is only 27 euros a year. It is possible to join by filling in the questionnaire through the following link:

The reproduction of the published articles is protected by copyright. The manuscripts and the originals will not be returned even though they are not published. Sending them to us implies the consent by the author for their free publication . The entire or partial reproduction of the text, photos , documents is not agreed without any written consent by the authors and the Runa Bianca magazine editorial staff. Awakening takes no responsibility for the texts and pictures published in the magazine.





The Bible UNVEILED by - Mauro Biglino


“Dr. Victor von Frankenstein, I suppose?” by - Roberto Volterri


ANIMAL TESTING by - Manuela Cassotta


THE CRONOVISOR by - Massimo Colangelo


THE MISTERIOUS SPOT “G” by - Valter Bencini


PYRAMIDS and the BOOMERANG by - Fabio Garuti - Vincenzo Di Gregorio


THE MASS ENIGMA by - Ludovico Pollastri


THE FOURTH KIND by - Giulia M. D’Ambrosio


THE DRUID and the their lost WISDOM by - Fabio Truppi




FIVE MOVIMENT TEORY by - Alberto Lo Musso




THE IMMORTAL by - Mike Tempo

50 awakening 3


Lilly Antinea Astore


hen dealing with dreams, at first blush something seems to apparently elude any rational close examination for being the dimension of wandering, as a ” vergin soil” of sense, thus excluded from the philosophical and sociological seriousness and, ultimately, from any speech bearing the logic of truth . Nevertheless dreaming appears as a necessity: this is the starting point. It is impossible to avoid dreaming even though paradoxically it is what we use to escape from ourselves. In the final analisys, hence we realize that we can not escape completely from ourselves and dreaming is the proof of that. This necessity as the law of being is inside the oneiric tissue, on two levels: dreaming as such in its spontaneous arising is part of human nature: the content of any dream referred to as a speech spreading through time and space not only is not absurd but also has a mening. Here are some ontological questions: What is the essence of dreaming? What is its function? What about his purpose? Why dreaming? Here are some semantic ones: what is the sense of the meanings expressed by dreaming? What is their plot? Aristotle stated: “ Every knowledge is the knowledge through the causes”; such necessity always implies a phenomenon perceived according to its causes. Dreaming is a vital necessity, to be more exact, life develops through it; the lack of it could lead to death, not only in the figurative sense.

The starting point to be taken into account is an Enigma , or rather, an aporia (in ancient greek philosophy it denoted the impossibility of giving a precise answer to an issue because there were two opposite solutions being both apparently valid, as that very obstacle in the path of thought which must be removed to proceed). Dreaming is the illusion , the ghost of reality carried by the deceiving forces of imagination and bound to vanish in the awakening moment when we come back to the truth of things, a hieroglyphic as the hidden sign of a



De Chirico : SOGNO world to be decoded and far from appearing as the illusion (MAYA, the deception) allows us to access the real world, in other words, the oneiric experience would be a mediumistic one. Is it the “main road” leading to the Essence beyond the appearance of an illusion? Here the paradox is everything : when considered as the expression of what is just transient and irrational, the dream precisely asks the question of Being: what does the boundary between apprearance and reality consist in? From the waters of the former to the foam of the latter, how to define the place where truth takes shape and falseness vanishes? Therefore this is the first approach, the philosophical one being a recurring theme during all the human history. A metaphysics of dreaming is the discourse inaugurating any kind of research about this issue. This metaphysical investigation, being derived from the study of dreaming, is confirmed by many different etnographic documents, as a sociology of dreaming clearly showing the initial philosophical scheme. Dreams can be seen as a divine message, as if a trascendental will had left a sign Will men have to decode in order to convey the “word” to the uninitiated ; this trascendental feature represents the link between divination and dreaming. This would imply that only the “premonitory dreams” have to be taken into account, according to the perspective of ancient sacred texts. being prophetic in nature, dreaming is a ”me-

dium” between the human dimension and a superhuman one. On the contrary, if this premonitory feature is relevant, it is necessary to notice a particular aspect of premonition: these dreams necessarily have to be fulfilled, in other words, they express what has absolutely to be fulfilled. A discourse on Dreaming leads to integrate metaphysics with sociology . Thus we are led to a “Science of dreams” trying to represent dreams as a strictly deterministic phenomenon. This science of dreaming represents , as any kind of science, an attempt to explain the “mental” universe according to some laws including the causation one. Therefore this scientific approach implies that the cause of dreaming has to be found. From a psyco-physiological point of view, whoever does not dream (because he is forcedly prevented from doing it for being awoken or prevented from sleeping) Dies or becomes insane. Therefore sleepind does have a biological function: it protects the psychic balance. Enquiring Further into this matter, it is worth noting that sleeping is connected to the relationship between conscious and unconscious . Has the necessity of sleeping to be related to these hidden realms of Being as the evidence of these theories? If it is so dreaming would reveal all its philosophical significance

as well as psycoanalytical and parapsycological. The teaching of this Universe can not pass unnoticed: on the contrary, the point is unveiling its sense without mutilating an aspect to the benefit of the other. The vitality of dreaming is evident and represents its functional feature. As a consequence, it is clear that dream has got a meaning.


The main purpose of this analysis is underlining the “ psyco- oneiric determinism” ( as the conception according to which in nature everything is rational and necessary, and any phenomenon is provided with a physical explanation through the causation law) on different levels. Therefore, the point is identifying a common order as the organizing structure which affects anything. Nothing is outside the law and the book of dreams is structured according to universal determinism ; this is echoed back even by art because any artistic expression is clearly inspired by the realm of dreams. In the past “dreaming” and “inspiration” have been carelessly associated : The theoretical structure for this link has been given by surrealism. Dreaming plays a role also in literature being not only formal but also active for representing the unconscious wth its essential influence on anyone’s life and expression. Poetry makes you dream but dreaming makes poetry. Likewise, dreaming can not be excluded from thought as if the former were a “secondclass” alternative of the latter: if dreaming makes poetry then it also makes you think and it deserves to be thought. Inside anyone dreams represent a mistery bound to last forever because it refers to what made it such, as dreaming refers to our deep self. Therefore, talking about dreams is going into our inner self and, if this process sometimes appears as a journey to the underworld , this is due to the fact that , although many centuries have passed, human thought is still at an infant stage. During the history of both mankind and human thought , dreaming has clearly played an essential role even, though the term “dream” implies a constellation of meanings. What is the process we call dreaming? Which part of Being can be given this name? The key is language as the very place where truth appears - although it is hidden behind symbols . Some mothers call their children as “dreamers” using expressions such as “ He is always lost in his dreams” , “He is a dreamer” or “ he does not keep his feet on the ground”. Thus dreams and the act of dreaming would allow to fly: it would be a flight , an escape or an absence. Then what is the place dreaming takes us to?



Where do dreamers lose their way? What is eluded through this exploration being as strange as common? When applied to everyday life, this issue leads to an initial observation: dreaming is escaping from reality, in other words, what other people see, hear, touch and understand. Nobody can enter my dream, nobody can see the very colour of the sea I dip into at night or the landscape I walk in. I am inaccessible and alone; even if many come along with me, they know it. Therefore this is the first opposition, to be more precise, the polarity between dreams and reality which is fundamental because other oppositions depend on it. In particular, it doubles in the couple appearance versus reality.


The real philosophical issue raised by dreaming is connected to that and concerns the theory of knowledge, to be more precise, it refers to the metaphysics of knowledge. In fact, if dreaming is the exploration of an incommunicable world, then it is deeply connected to subjectivity as a creation of the self and vanishing when the light of consciousness begins to shine again. Stating that dreams are linked to subjectivity corresponds to considering them as worthless as an illusion, a ghost of Being bound to vanish. As a consequence, dreaming would show a symptom of human weakness Instead of a sign of richness.

Carl Gustav Jung

Why should the images of dreams be more important than the smoke quickly blown by the wind? Nevertheless, dreams exist and this existence has to be taken into account. About this issue Plato stated: “there is a being in non-being”: even if dreaming is nonbeing, the being of it has to be understood anyway. When dealing with this issue, the history of thought has shown two directions . the first, as already mentioned, is represented by considering dreams and appearance as similar. This similarity has been supported through a “ theory of imagination” being erroneous and deceitful. This has been standardised in the classical tradition by some authors such as Descartes and Spinoza and their followers. Imagination prodicing images is an inferior world of knowledge; no “truth of imagination” do exist, only illusions do and, therefore, mistakes. A condemnation for dreaming and appearance corresponds to claiming reason as the only way of effectively accessing truth. This current of thought can be called as “rationalist”. The second direction is much more ambiguous but also much richer. It is represented by investigating the very being of dreaming as related to a cosmology and to a “theory of the soul” linked to this cosmology.

René Magritte : THE DREAM

Accordingly, dreams are often used in greek philosophical texts as a metaphor: through it we are able to understand that the world we live in is nothing but an illusion, a “phenomenon”.

This double formulation is the starting point: we will try to overcome the initial hurdle that is either denying dreams or appreciating them as the expression of what is real.

we live through them and that some essential desires of ours are fulfilled through dreaming..

The life of every man can be compared to a dream whence he is going to awaken comprehending the unreality of the oneiric realm.

In addition, even if dreams put us in a difficult position but they also stimulate that part of ourselves which, through this inner struggle, forces us to discover who we are.

Therefore, it is worth getting to the heart of the metaphorical use of dreams made by these philosophers.

Dreamin means knowing both oneself and the Universal: it raises the problem of the existence of appearence opposing to Being.

She is an eclectic researcher dealing with several fields such as ‘borderland’ science, esotericism, archaeoastronomy, art and ufology.

On the contrary, there is another interpretation giving dreams back an ontological significance which can be comprehended only through referring to the

It also represents the place where the past and the fundamental outcome of the marriage between the sacred and the profane are disclosed.

She is a Knight of the Ancient Mystical Rosicrucian Order.

Orphic – Phythagorean tradition: having influenced both Plato and Aristotle, this tradition considered the human soul as a part of the world greater soul and, therefore, as a divine portion.

Dreaming frees men from their desires which are blown up in the unusual light of the night: through it we get to our inner self. What dialogue occurs in the night of consciousness?

The soul is a medium and allows the connection between the two worlds. The oneiric phenomena represent a clue to understand which dimension it belongs to. Therefore this issue is dialectical: on the one hand, dreaming has got no ontological value and it just belongs to the realm of appearance and illusion, these being a deceitful figment of imagination; on the other hand, dreaming, as a phenomenon related to nous (intellect or understanding), is the sign of the essential truth leading man to the awakening from the deceitful appearance, a divine message inviting anyone to look for what is indeed real.



Who speaks through the images hidden by the oneiric visions? Dreams are signs and men have the task of decoding them to live better.

Shortly we are going to show the social function of dreaming from a civilization to another by entering into sacred texts, psycoanalysis and parapsycology. This path will lead us to realize anywhere we look we find dreams,


Biography : Lilly Antinea Astore

As for exotericism, she has learnt holistic medicine from Maria Rosa Franco whom she cooperates with at the “Centro Study” in Lecce. From the cultural point of view, she is an international representative of the “SynergeticArt”, the artistic movement conceived by Marisa Grande and aiming to promote an open and multidisciplinary approach to knowledge. She has attended many meeting and conferences on ufology and has cooperated with Rete- Ufo, a no-profit association dealing with the study of extraterrestrial phenomenon. Since 1990 she has conceived and anchored “DIMENSIONEX: indagine nel mistero”, a radio broadcast dealing with many alternative themes ( such as exotericism, ufology and archaeoastronomy) which are ignored by mainstream science and media. Currently, she is a member of the online magazine “Runa bianca” editorial staff.

The Bible Unveiled

Mauro Biglino

From Bibble literaral translation we discover that we were not told either everything or the truth


he Bible has been read through several interpretative keys and these different approaches have led to many teological interpretation as well as allegorical, metaphorical, teosophical, esoteric, psycanalitical, sociological… Each interpretation has been influenced by ideas and purposes of various scholars claiming to have found in the biblical text the plausible validation to their own doctrines and concepts to be used subsequently as a foundation To entire structures of power aimed at exercising a type mass control not always related to spirituality. For their purposes Interpreters voluntarily misinterpreted the book and altered its meanings through the perspective of some doctrines whose origin do appear to be external to the very text and not even coherent. On the other hand, reality often takes revenge, tends to overcome the interpretative will and Succeeds in pevailing even on those who want it to necessarily comply to a certain version of the truth to be spread… Rashi of Troyes – one of the greatest hebrew exegetists (X-XI century B.C.) was aware of this issue being fundamental for the topics to be treated further and to the choice of considering only the the literal translations of the most ancient and generally accepted version of the Bible, in other words, the Leningrad Codex. Rashy stated that in the Thorah words can have up to seventy different meanings but there is only one these words must necessarily have, in other word, literal one (peshat) as the simple meaning accompanied with its explanation, followed by the clue (remètz), the homiletic interpretation ( derùsh) and the kabbalah (sod). The point is taking into account that biblical authors meant “exactly” what they wrote, without any particular message or encoded content: this also means respecting the words of the very Elohim called Yahvèh stating that he speaks face to face and not in riddles (Nn 12,8) Therefore the suggested perspective for unusual it may seem is considering the Old Testament as an history book, a text where various



authors wanted to tell saga of ther people. Thus that text acquires the same eatures as a historiographic work and consequently contains some truth as well as some falseness, some mistakes, some omissiion being accidental or voluntary; some events can be emphasised while others unsaid or even subjectively interpreted as a fondation for a particular inference or message to be spread. This choice has been defined as unusual because it is well known that whoever is about to explain the biblical meanings (whether he is a teologist, a kabbalist or an esotericist) always tends to think: “when the Bible tell this, actually it means that…” On the contrary, as a new approach “let’ s pretend” to think that the right meaning is just the one conveyed by authors ; thus this leads the reader to an overall view requiring no use of any particular kind of interpretation such as

“the mistery of faith”, the “ the esoteric secret of initiates” or “the mystical enlightenment” which have influenced creation of many new esegetic versions, one for each of all the possible mental categories their authors. It is woth noting that one of the fundamental and obvious characteristics of any text is the following: authors write using their own cultural category as well as conceptual and linguistic. Every author must necessarily use the available communications tools in his time; he could not use terms yet to be coined to describe a new and amazing reality for him and for those who will read his writings. This implies a double methodological preliminary remark concerning both the importance of the literal meaning and the historical contextualization of the communications tools used by an author.

It is worth underlining this issues because they represent a peculiar element distinguishing this interpretation of the Bible from that of the Church which tends to reinterpret on a through a doctrinal basis anything apparently abstruse or simply different from the dogmatic canon spread for two millenia. Respecting Rashi of Troyes’ approach the text is translated in its literal meaning, bearing in mind that biblical authors had to use expression coming from the language of their times and relating to that cultural context; they needed to tell some quite uncultivated nomadic or seminomadic people some very unusual events and phenomena beyond their knowledge and comprehension. Therefore everything referring to flying was defined through the proper terminology used for byrds ; everything passing quickly through the air had to be described as a kind of wind (ruàch, a term whose meaning evolved until it has acquired the abstract sense of “spirit “); everything emitting some sort of visible energy was defined “burning or blazing”; sudden flashes or reflection of light was necessarily “lightnings”; every rumble, roar or noise co-



ming from any means was considered as a “thunder”or as the sound of a large quantity of water; every optical tool, especially a round one, was clearly an “eye” and so on… A literal translation of the Bible as the most ancient form established by the masoretes ( the watchers of tradition ) leads ,as just stated, to some very relevant discoveries. The astonishing (which arouses the wonder) appears to us and reveals also the unaxpected as confirmed both directly and indirectly. The literal traslation of the Biblia Stuttgatensia allows to discover what has been partially clarified or even hidden; after some years spent translating this translator as the author of both this article and the book has come to a precise conviction. As an important preliminary remark, this translator is not an ufologist or a contactee; he has never seen an UFO in his life - although he has always lived near the most ufologic mount (the Musinè) – and he has never dealt with and therefore he considers that it is worth quoting a teologist, monsignor Corrado Balducci, the spokesman for the Vatican about the extraterriastrial issue: he stated that aliens do exist and the Bible certainly knew them.

The books dealing with the possibility of some extraterrestrial contact as the source of human life and evolution are many; sometimes the authors of these books quote and analyze some passage of the Old Testament taken from the most widespread versions of the Bible. On the other hand the literal translation of the hebrew text has revealed that through it the reader can know more as well as obtain a more significant confirmation, find the real validation to the words of monsignor Balducci but also go beyond by considering what he could not conceive for being just a priest bound to his mother Church doctrines. The examples are countless: Ezekiel’ s visions of flying chariots, the incident of the so called abduction of Elias (although the term abduction seeems improper when compared to the facts narrated by the biblical authors), the vision of Zechariah much less known but its direct translation reveals a clear and indisputable representation of some flying object not (clearly) identified. Some other passages are omitted without a reason whereas they represent an interesting undirect confirmation as a fundamental pie-

ce of evidence. There are some useful examples to clarify the value of these details being apparently marginal but actually explaining the events better than any other specious teological or doctrinal interpretation. Every single topic will be studied in depth through the next articles and thus in this writing only some spur for discussion will be given. Who knows what did the disciples of Elias do and how do they behave before and after his ascent to the sky on a flying chariot? The answer to this question reveals that this behaviour could be coherent only if the prophet would be literally picked up and could not be explained otherwise. Who Considers that Zechariah after having seen the flying objects and the “females” piloting them clearly correlated those UFOs and the land of Shin’ar ( Sumer) which was defined by Sitchin as the place in which everything had sprung because it was the original terrestrial base of the very UFOs and of their pilots? How is it possible to really understand the consequences of God’s glory manifesting itself to Moses without knowing that the he-



brew term (kevòd) does not refer to something abstract at all ( as erroneously interpreted by Greeks and then accepted by the tradition ) but actually to ‘something heavy’ comparable nowadays to a plane, a tank or a truck? Why was God unable to control the effects of this manifestation being inevitably mortal for anyone closely looking at it? Who is able to coherently explain the strange behaviour of the ‘angels’ ( mal’akim) who met Abraham and Lot and acted in way ridiculuous for any spiritual being ? How to explain the description of that individual (angel?) meeting David in an place as unusual as the farmyard of an humble house and frightening him? The answer to these questions as well as to many others to be deallt with soon does represent direct testimony: the contents of those stories would not be comprehensible if considered spiritual as well as dreamlike, ecstatic and mystical…an even worse misinterpretation would be comparing them to mere allegorie as someone did with the aim of making them less dangerous or inoffensive for the doctrinal truth. On the other hand, the angel of the christian tradition have ‘received the wings’ only since the IV century A.C. by the intervention of the theologists of Cappadocia and were declared ‘spiritual’ during the fourth Council of the Lateran held in 1213. On the contrary, literal translation does not give rise to any doubt and reveals that whoever considers the origin of the Old Testament in terms of spirituality is definitely wrong. Following the teachings of Rashi of Troyes , there are other contents representing direct testimony through the choice of their literal meanings instead of any arguable interpretation. Infact other elements are absolutely enlightening in terms of evidence: one of them is the concept of blessing which has been continuously changed through time until becoming spiritual whereas at the beginning, as a ritual act, it clearly had a material meaning referring only to earthly goods and not to the soul or the afterlife. Therefore its original meaning reveals to a sharp –eyed observer some important aspects about the personality and the purposes of the Elohìm as a group of individuals obstinately represented as one transcendent God. by the Roman Church. The ten commandments we know are not those the Elohìm clearly states that he wants to use as a foundation for his Covenant . those conveyed to us by the Church have an ethical quality allowing the creation of a religion . On the contrary, the real commandments the Elohìm defined as fundamental while they were being carved in the

stone can not be used for this porpose. No one would adhere to a religion based on that rules ; on the contrary they were more useful to create a nation through a very concrete covenanant between a powerful (but not trascendent) individual and a mass of people looking for their own land in the middle-east. The elohìm of the jews had other purposes: that space traveller who did not like to alk about himself, the soul or the afterlife was not interested in religion and theology at all. Jews knew well who or what he was and all the events about their relationship show that the theological issue was completely absent. The point was respecting the covenant as proposed and that could also be rejected; the religious tradition has never mentioned this possibility of ‘not accepting’ and, on the other hand, has artificially created a God who can not be contradicted because he is (or would be) the almighty creator as well as omniscient, spiritual, trascendent and absolute: this portrait is extremely different from the biblical character who was indeed very powerful but he could also be contradicted. Actually the idea of one God has arisen through some theological revisions subsequent to the events narrated in the Bible: monotheism did not belong to hebrew authors who talked naturally about the plurality of the Elohìm. For them this plurality did not represent a problem : it was the rule for the people which through all its history has continuously betrayed the covenant of allegiance to choose time by time the one of the Elohìm apparently giving them more guarantees. Furthermore those poor jews can be understood : the Elohìm calling himself Yahwèh never kept completely any of his many promises : reading carefully the Bible is enough to understand he was not able to do it. And reading the masoretic text reveals some other things .

Biography : Mauro Biglino He deals with History of Religions, he is an ancient Hebrew translator as well as a writer. He translated 23 books of the Old Testament into italian for San Paolo publishing house . For thirty years he has dealt with sacred texts in the belief that we can really understand religious thinking of humanity through the ages only by knowing and analyzing directly what ancients wrote. His latest book is “Il Dio Alieno della Bibbia” (Uno publishing house, 2011).

“Dr. Victor von Frankenstein, I suppose?” Roberto Volterri genious idea which would inspire both Mary Shelley’s novel and ‘The Vampire’ of Polidori. In fact, Byron suggested that they each write their own ghost story. In the meanwhile, in the long evenings, the conversation dealt with the nature of life, death, darwinism, electricity, galvanism and, not least, the possibility of creating an artificial creature and giving life to it. These reflections let Mary’s imagination run wild and reminded her of something to be mentioned shortly; although they woke some soothed nightmares from the past, they led her to the origin of one of the myths of gothic novel: a medical student, a doctor observing the creature he assembled in a ‘blasphemous’ as some may say, a creature which, thanks to the energy of creation, began showing some sign of life. Mary effectively described both the success of the scientist in having given some sort life to ‘his’ creature and his terror when thinking that the ‘moster’, once left to its fate, could die – “did I solicit thee - From darkness to promote me?” It could cause distruction and death around it as well. I am not going to delve deeper into the plot and the concepts of this novel, published in 1818 and subsequently reissued through many editions, but I do recommend it: regardless of the ‘effort’, it is really worth while reading! However, I am certain that Mary Shelley knew of some the deeds done by a strange character called Konrad Dippel, and that she probably visited some of the places Dippel had lived in and had carried out his ‘forbidden’ experiments. o, do not worry (so to speak…)… Through these pages, as the next Stanley being on trail of the missing explorer , we are not about to meet the fruit of Mary Shelley’s literary work; on the contrary, through a brief and unforgettable experience, we are going to become acquainted with some imitator of his who really did exist… “Did I request thee, Maker from my clay to mould me man? So it was written by John Milton (1608 – 1674) in his epic poem ‘Paradise Lost’, published in 1667, concerning the expulsion of man from the Garden of Even and the temptation of him ( and of the woman being Eve, of course) by the Fallen Angel, Satan himself.



This lines perfectly coincide to the events narrated in a very famous novel which have inspired hundreds of movies and…imitations: “Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus”. It is worth while seeing how this novel was conceived… In May 1816 Claire Clairmont, stepsister of Mary Shelley and George Byron’s lover, invited her with Percy Bysshe Shelley and their son to spend the Summer together at the Villa Diodati, close to Lake Geneva.

It can not be ruled out that she visited the castle being few kilometers far from Darmstadt, today known just as the ‘Castle of Frankenstein’, and that, when she was on holiday in Switzerland , her took her cue from it to write his famous novel.

Byron joined them few days later , with John Polidori,his young physician. The rainy weather confined them to the house boring them.

All that would be also confirmed by the research of Radu Florescu, a romanian scholar teaching at the Boston Institute and the author of the book “In Search of Frankenstein” concerning this fascinating occurrence.

Under such circumstances, there is nothing better than reading some ghosts stories beside the fire. Nevertheless, after having read all the books in the house, they got bored again… Thus Lord Byron promptly suggested an in-

Maybe, she was also inspired by what had happened in London due to the actions of Giovanni Aldini whose ‘ghastly’ experiments I have described in my latest book “the Laboratory of Dr. Frankenstein”.

Florescu would have found the proof that the ‘sulphureous’ alchemist Johann Konrad Dippel actually managed to create an ‘arcanum chymicum’, the strange organic compound he himself called ‘Oil of Dippel’,made by soaking some bones of corpses with prussic acid and able to give life to rot-

going to mention three imitators of Dr. Frankenstein who – beyond good and evil, in short in the style of Nietsche – dared perform some operations being much more ‘forbidden’ than those of Dr. Robert White whom I am going to deal with later on… The first is Dr. Robert Cormish of the University of California: in 1939 he tried to ‘resurrect’ some dead animals by adding anticoagulants and adrenaline to their blood without damaging any important internal part. He used several dogs – each of which he obviously called …Lazarus – and, after having asphyxiated them, he put them on a special ‘swing’ of his and made them oscillate. Some animals recover but their organ of eyesight was severely crippled as well as their brain. Almost at the same time Sergej Bryukhonenko, a russian scientist, developed the fist artificial ‘heart – lung’ device called ‘Autojektor’, and throught it he carried out some experiments on dogs: if compared to such experiments, those of Dr. Voronoff could seem to be a childish game!Through the Autojektor’, the scientist could keep some dog heads alive and a ting bodies again On the contrary, in 1734, instead of being a sort of diabolic ‘elixir of life’, the poisonous substances contained in the Oil of Dippel and taken by him as well, would have killed him. Once having known of this occurrence, Mary Shelley would have made it even more gloomy and ‘scientific’ emphasizing the use of the atmospheric electricity as the catalyst for the weird reactions which should have awaken the monstruos creature. Therefore, it seems an ode to the eternal delusion of grandiosity which human beings apparently harbour in their soul and tricks the most ‘intelligent’ creature of the planet into believing he can ompete with the Almighty. Wherever and whoever He is. Could “madmen” and sharp imitators be absent ? On May 18th 1908 dr. Charles Guthrie (1880-1963), a teacher of physiology and pharmacology at the Washington University, carried out the transplant of the head of a small-sized dog to a large-sized one, obtaining some kind of strange ‘chimera’ in which the two unlucky dogs lived with their heads side by side. In 1912, four years after his strange ‘Frankenstein-like’ experiment. Guthrie published an interesting book entitled “Blood Vessel Surgery and its Applications” where he minutely described the complex tecnique used in the early attempts to transplant organs. Including the head… Guthrie was actually tryng to develop several ad hoc surgical tecniques, also dealing with all the possible issues related to ‘rejection’. At the time Guthrie, a genius of a sort, could become a Nobel prizewinner but his experiments making animal activists get indignant and shudder, according to Hugh E. Stephenson, a surgeon of Missouri Columbia University, made him lose that coveted scientific award. I hope animal activists fighting against vivisection will not hold it against me for I am



he made a video – which cab be senn on Youtube, writing ‘Russian Dog Experiement’ – where there is haed of a poor ‘test animal’ being decapitated from the rest of its body but still sensitive to any external tactile stimulus as well as auditive, chemical etc. Subsequently, in 1954, Vladimir Demikhov, a russian surgeon, managed to implant the head of a small dog in the body (including the head) of a larger one. He obviously did not succeeded in doing ot on his first attempt and consequently many couples of animals were sacrificed to a mad science. Demikhov tried to transplant also some head of monkey, thus paving the way to the experiments carried out by Dr. Robert White some decades later in his ‘hovel’ which we are going to visit shortly... It seems they are able to do it because the artificial circulation can support brain activity, so much so that what remains of the poor animal is able to react to sensorial stimula. These studies could even imply that, in the transplant of an entire …human head, artificial circulation could be used for keeping brain alive while performing the extremely complex operation. In the eighties of the last century, Dr. Robert white an american neurosurgeon from Cleveland (Ohio), stated that he had solved most of the problems concerning the transplant of a human head, by lowering encephalon temperature from 37°C to about 10°C. This expedient allowed him to activate keep brain for about an hour. That hour was necessary to reconnect all the innervations, all the circulatory system which then would allow the transplanted head to pass all the information to its new body. Does it sound weird? Not quite because… “Cooling the brain”- as explained by White – “ reduces metabolism and saves some precious time to connect the head to its new body”. The complex operation first implies a deep incision on the back of the body being intended to receive the ‘foreign’ head, so that the backbone and the main blood vessel can

be highlighted. Subsequently, the head must be connected to the cerebral cooling device which initially would supply the brain with the blood coming from the former body. According to Dr White, who has already performed the operation on some corpses, it is possible to definitely separate the head from its body and, even if the encephalon lost the necessary oxygenation, the drastic drop in temperature (about 27°C9 would reduce the risk of cerebral tissues being irreversibly damaged. If the extremely complex operation is successfully performed, there will be an available head to be connected to a new body. It is easy to say! The very Dr. White - a Frankenstein of our times – stated without any hesitation that



the risk is great because it is extremely difficult to connect all the innervations to the backbone and, as a result, the patient could be paralysed from the neck down! White has practised the operation a long time before raising the possibility of trasplanting a whole human head. He managed to exchange the heads of two monkeys, to be more precise, the head of a monkey was transplanted onto the body of another monkey which kept it alive for about seven days through its heart and lungs. At the this stage of the research many bioethical arguments can be obviously raised and they will undoubtedly prevent any further advancement in this direction. These are the same issues, being ethical rather than medical and biological, which hve benn outlined not only by scientist but

also by some religious representatives through neverending round- table discussions – on TV as well ( I remember something similar in some broadcasts on RAI, the italian television network…) since December 3rd 1967 , the day Christiaan Barnard successfully performed the first heart transplant on Louis Washkansky. Although he died 18 days before the transplant for the ‘rejection’, from then on, heart surgery has made great strides; although some problem has not been solved yet, nowadays heart transplant is …almost a routine operation. On the other hand, that is how Science and Knowledge usually progress: through mistakes and improvements, courageously… If you enjoyed this brief excursus

in the

‘forbidden’ realm of Knowledge, you could go and have a look around the “Laboratory of Dr. Frankenstein” (Eremon press , 2011) which I have just published … Have a good journey! Biography : Roberto Volterri

cles published in magazines such as Aracana, Abstracta, Hera. He wrote more than twenty books, among which it is worth mentioning - Rennes-le-Château e il mistero dell’Abbazia di Carol (SugarCo press, 2005); - I mille volti del Graal (SugarCo press, 2005); - Archeologia dell’Introvabile (SugarCo press, 2006);

He has got a degree in Archeology with a thesis on Archaeometry. He has a good knowledge of Electronics, Physiscs, Biology and for a long time he has dealt with Archaeometallurgy within universities.

- Archeologia dell’Invisibile (SugarCo Press, 2007);

He is a researcher dealing with the unusual aspects of reality and ‘counter-information’ issues.

- Archeologia dell’Impossibile (Eremon Press, 2010) and finally…

He has collected his studies in some arti-



- Gli ‘stregoni’ della Scienza (Eremon press, 2009);

- il Laboratorio del Dr. frankestein (Eremon Press, 2011).

nimal testing W

ould you go to the veterinarian’s to be cured ? In your opinion, would it be reasonable to test the treatment for feline leukemia on a human being? If your dog is ill, are you going to call your family physician? If you see a cat biting a dead mouse and you notice it is seems to be healthy, do you think you can do the same? If drains are the ideal habitat for a rat, can you consider them as the same for you? Of course, you do not. Nevertheless this is what happens everyday in thousands of laboratories, through the “so called” medical research based on livind animals, also known as vivisection. The aim is obtaining some piece of information being helpful for mankind from animals which generally are rodents but also rabbits dogs, cats, monkies and others. These animals are artificially induced some diseases similar to those of human beings: as a result there are obese rats, mice with some defective gene leading to tumours or diabetes, dogs suffering from infarction, immune- deficient guinea- pigs, etc. All these rodents, rabbits and dogs are killed by some toxic dose of drugs and chemical additive just for testing if they are innocuous for human species. In recent years the use of transgenic animals with human genes has increased: actually this practice can be very dangerous either because there are some evolutive divergences and a gene can have a different functions from a species to another, or because the induced reaction could activate some compensatory mechanism to kep the condition of balance or homeostasis (Vincent et al. , 2009). These practices are cruel and beneath some highly-civilized beings as humans call themselves. Furthermore, what makes animal testing practice more and more immoral is the fact that not only is it useless but it also represents an obstacle to the progress of biomedical science. More and more researchers and several fa-



not only an ethical issue

mous scientific journals such as BMJ , Scientific American, Plos Medicine, etc. are challenging into question the scientific base and the reliability of the animal model in medical research BMJ, Scientific American, Plos Medicine, al. 2007, van der Worp 2010). In an article appeared on the scientific journal Nature in November 2005, animal testing was defined as “bad science” (Abbot 2005). Even in 2007, An historic change leading to the abandonment of testing on animals was made by NRC (National Research Council) in the USA, through the document “Toxicity testing in the XXI century: a vision and a strategy”. In the light of the new knowledge sprung from the human genome project, epigenetics, genomics, evolutive biology, molecular biology and from some new disciplines such as pharmacogenomics, given the present complexity of scientific research , the animal model can not suit the needs of modern bio-medical science. In particular, concerning the reaction to drugs and substances and the response to some pathological processes, it is not predictive for man at all (Shanks & Greek, 2009). We can learn from the past. Thalidomide effect on human embryos limbs development ( the lack of it leading to infants suffering from phocomelia ) was devastating and, afterwards, no one has been able to reproduce it on animals. Phocomelia was subsequently reproduced in some animals by using a much larger dose of the drug and altering their own physiology (Schardein 1976, Schardein 1985, Dipaolo 1964, Hague 1967). The murine model applied to human muscular dystrophy has turned out to be a complete failure (Bohn et al 2009), as well as the carginogens studies on rodents (Knight et al. 2006). Monkies were used as a model in the study on human poliomyelitis considerably delaying the comprenhension of its pathogenic machanisms in humans (Shank, 2009). Chimpanzee have been used since the early eighties as a model for in the study on HIV infection ( the virus responsible for human immune deficiency – AIDS) but none of these studies has shown any significant relevance for mankind (Knight 2008; Bailey 2005; Bailey 2008; Shanks & Greek, 2009a). It is worth noting that chimpanzee share the 98,5% of genes with us and as a species they are phylogenetically the most similar to man. The response to drugs and toxic substances changes significantly not only from a species to another but also within a single species depending on gender, state of health, physiological conditions, stress (always present in laboratori animals) (Balcombe et al., 2004). It is clear that comparing the results coming from different individuals is very difficult, a sit is demonstrated by the fact that a drug being salutary for an individual can be toxic for another and vice versa. This is much more difficult, if not impossible, when extrapolating the results from a species to another , for instance, from mice to man. Therefore, why is

Manuela Cassotta animal testing still going on? The system based on the research on animals is feeded by the very forces peculiar to man which have turned out to be dangerous from the dawn of time: ignorance, greed, ego, survival instinct and fear. Adding inertia and blind obedience to the system leads to the perfect formula to support this multimillionaire industry having little to do with science and public welfare. The medical science of the future is the customized one taking into account any individual genetic difference and opposing the research based on the animal model (Greek et al. 2012) which absorbs most of the available funding although it represents only a part of bio-medical research (Rice, 2011). Society does not need to economically support some new research methods but those being already available. The knowledge we need is the one coming from those research areas which are not being given all the funding and attention they deserve such as genetics, epidemiology, clinical research (Begley 2003, Schechter 2002) and the one in vitro through human tissues and organs (including the nonvital embryos deriving from abortions), autopsies, the development of human tissues banks, toxicogenomics, pharmacogenomics, bioinformatics and customized medical science. In addition, we need an interdisciplinary and integrated approach. In UK prevention gets less than 3% of the medical research funding (Rice, 2010) while it should be the main tool to spread health. What can we do as citizens? First of all, we have to correctly inform ourselves. Internet is a jungle and the media often spread some pieces of information distorted either by some animal activists acting as scientists or by some researchers being compliant to vivisection. There are a site and a page on Facebook, “Critica scientifica alla sperimentazione animale” (Scientific criticism toward animal testing), whose adresses are shown below. A group of some biomedical sector representives, being mainly biology and medical students, manage both the page and the blog which I do recommend to visit and spread. Secondly, when we give our money we need to be well-informed before doing it because

most of the associations “for the research” waste the funding for the studies based on animal models. Further information on Facebook page: https// sperimentazione.animale.vivisezione For any question: sperimentazioneanimale@ Bibliography Abbott A. Animal testing: more than a cosmetic change. Nature 2005 Nov 10;438(7065):144-146 Bailey J. Non-human primates in medical research and drug development: a critical review. Biogenic Amines 2005; 19(4-6): 235– 255. Bailey J., “An Assessment of the Role of Chimpanzees in AIDS Vaccine Research,”Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 36 (2008): 381-428. Balcombe J, Barnard N, Sandusky C. Laboratory routines cause animal stress. Contemp Top Lab Anim Sci 2004; 43(6): 42-51. Barnard, Neal D., Kaufman, Stephen R., Animal research is wasteful and misleading . Scientific American, 00368733, Feb97, Vol. 276, Issue 2. Begley S: Financial Obstacles Help Keep Doctors From Patient Research. Wall Street Journal New York; 2003. Böhm S., Panayiotis Constantinou, Sipin Tan, Hong Jin, Roland G Roberts, Profound human/mouse differences in alpha-dystrobrevin isoforms: a novel syntrophin-binding site and promoter missing in mouse and rat BMC Biology 2009, 7:85 (4 December 2009) Dipaolo A.J., Helmut Gatzek, Pickren Malformations induced in the mouse by thalidomide Article first published online: 3 FEB 2005, The Anatomical Record Volume 149, Issue 1, pp.149–155, May 1964 Greek R., Menache A., Rice MJ Animal models in an age of personalized medicine, Personalized Medicine January 2012, Vol. 9, No. 1, Pages 47-64 , DOI 10.2217/pme.11.89



(doi:10.2217/pme.11.89) HAGUE, D. E., FABRO, S. and SMITH, R. L. (1967), The fate of [14C]thalidomide in the pregnant hamster. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 19: 603–607. doi: 10.1111/ j.2042-7158.1967.tb09596.x Hackam & Redelmeier. Translation of research evidence from animals to humans. [research letter]. JAMA 2006;296(14):1731-2. Knight A, Bailey J, Balcombe J. Animal carcinogenicity studies: implications for the REACH system. Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 2006; 34 suppl 1:139-147 Knight A, Bailey J, Balcombe J. Animal carcinogenicity studies: 1. Poor human predictivity. Altern Lab Anim 2006; 34(1): 19-27 Knight A, Bailey J, Balcombe J. Animal carcinogenicity studies: 2. Obstacles to extrapolation of data to humans. ATLA: Altern Lab Anim 2006; 34(1):29-38. Knight BSc., Andrew The poor contribution of chimpancé experiments to biomedical progress. REDVET. Revista Electrónica de Veterinaria, vol. IX, núm. 10B, octubre, 2008, pp. 1-34 Veterinaria Organización Málaga, Españ. National Research Council. Toxicity Testing in the 21st Century: A Vision and a Strategy. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2007. Perel P., Ian Roberts, Emily Sena, Philipa Wheble, Catherine Briscoe, Peter Sandercock, Malcolm Macleod, Luciano E Mignini, Pradeep Jayaram, Khalid S Khan, Comparison of treatment effects between animal experiments and clinical trials: systematic review BMJ. 2007 January 27; 334(7586): 197. Published online 2006 December 15. doi: 10.1136/ bmj.39048.407928.BE Pound P., Shah Ebrahim, Peter Sandercock, Michael B Bracken, Ian Roberts Where is the evidence that animal research benefits humans? BMJ. 2004 February 28; 328(7438): 514–517. Rice JM, 2010 The institutional review board is an impediment to human research: the result is more animal-based research. Philoso-

phy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 2011 6:12. Schardein J: Drugs as Teratogens CRC Press; 1976. Schardein J: Chemically Induced Birth Defects. Marcel Dekker 1985. Shanks, Ray Greek, Jean Greek, Are animal models predictive for humans? Philos Ethics Humanit Med. 2009; 4: 2. Published online 2009 January 15. doi: 10.1186/1747-5341-42 Shanks and C. Ray Greek. Animal models in light of evolution. Boca Raton, Fla. : BrownWalker Press, 2009b. Rice JM, The institutional review board is an impediment to human research: the result is more animal-based research. Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 2011 6:12. Schechter AN, Retting RA. Funding priorities for medical research. JAMA 2002;288: 832. Usha Sankar. The Delicate Toxicity Balance in Drug Discovery. The Scientist 2005, 19(15):32 van der Worp HB, Howells DW, Sena ES, Porritt MJ, Rewell S, O’Collins V et al.: Can animal models of disease reliably inform human studies? PLoS Med 2010, 7: e1000245 Vincent J. Lynch Yale J, Use with caution: Developmental systems divergence and potential pitfalls of animal models Biol Med. 2009 June; 82(2): 53–66. Published online 2009 June. PMCID: PMC2701150 Biography : Manuela Cassotta She has got a degree in Biology with a graduation thesis on cetacean ethology. She is a freelance researcher. For years she has opposed animal testing on a scientific basis thanks to her academic and personal experience. In the near future she hopes she will be able to do doctoral research in the biomedical field, with the aim of finding an innovative way to do research promoting human health and respecting animals.

Ettore Majorana and


Father Ernetti

the Chronovisor

ttore Majorana was born in Catania on August 5th 1906 but the date of his death is unknown. In fact in 1938 he travelled to Naples for resting: He stayed at the hotel “Sole” for just half - day and then he boarded for Naples. Nevertheless the last time he was seen was in the evening near Capri on the steamship hull. He never arrived officially to Naples, misteriously vanishing forever. Many conspiracy thories were advanced; this event occurred on the threshold of the Second World War and the superpowers were in search of the most eminent scientists. Who really was Majorana? It is easy to answer to this question by taking into account what he did during the first 32 years of his life. Majorana had been a pupil of Enrico Fermi and his studies made a fundamental contribution to the development of the modern physics , dealing with many issues from an original perspective: in his early phase he published some research papers on atomic spectroscopy, the chemical bond theory (showing his deep knowledge of the mechanism for electron valency exchange) and the spin- flip probability culculus for aligned atoms of a polarized vapour ray moving in time-varying magnetic fields. The most relevant scientific contribution of Ettore Majorana is represented by the second phase of his career including three branches of research: the first on nuclear force ( or Majorana force as it is called nowadays), the second on the particles with arbitrary intrinsic momentum and the third on the symmetrical theory of electrons and positrons. In addition, Ettore is remembered by international scientific community for having elaborated a particular relativistic wave equation (the Majorana equation) which applies to quantum open systems (quantum computation, cryptography and teleportation). Many people think that for his mathematical skill he was contacted by some american secret agent and he was offered to work with Fermi on a research project which would lead to the construction and subsequently to the drop of the first nuclear bomb… to avoid the risk of being involved in the development of this evil device Majorana voluntarily would hide somewhere disappearing without a trace. His physical description at the time of his disappearence is the following: aged 31, 1,70 metres tall, slim, dark hair. Dark eyes. With a long scar on the back of his left hand. He was educated by his father (until reaching aproximately the age of nine years). Subsequently when hi family moved to Rome, since 1921 Ettore attended the jesuit college “Massimiliano Massimo” in Rome. About his character Fermi’s wife stated: “Ettore Majorana had a strange character: he wax excessively shy and introvert. In the morning while going to take the tram, he started thinking with his forhead wrinkled. Then he had a new idea or he realized the so-



Massimo Colangelo

lution to a difficult problem as well as the explanation for some experimental results which previously seemed incomprehensible: he started going through his pockets and from them he extracted a pencil and a pack of cigarettes; then he doodled some complicated formula on the packet with the pencil. Once he had got off the tram he walked lost in his thoughts with his head bent and his ruffled hair on the eyes. When he arrived at the institute he looked for Fermi or Rasetti and holding the pack of cigarettes in his hand he explained them his idea. As they approved it getting enthusiastic and telling him to publish an article about it, Majorana withdrew into himself jabbering that it was a childish issue and was not worth talking about it.: once he had smoked the last cigarettte (it did not take too much time for him to do it)

he threw the pack, his calculations and his theories into the wastepaper basket”. However the most interesting piece of news was the one reported by a girl on a forum and taken up by this writer and his friend, the Eng. Sabato Scala: that girl refererred to “ a folk tale about a strange monk withdrawn in a small village in my neighbourhood (called Visciano) seemingly writing strange things on everything but paper , in particular on walls and packs of cigarettes. Monks of the old Camaldoli abbey in Visciano gave him an isolated house in their region. For a long time monks have left the abbey which at the present time is open to the public anyway. The house of the solitary guest of the abbey is a crumbling and has become an unauthorized garbage dump…The evacuee, who told the world that he had withdrawn there to avoid working on the creation of the nuclear bomb, was nicknamed “the professor” by the local people. I immediately started looking for some piece of information about this misterious guest and I found the book “the Last Shelter of Majorana” written by Fioravante Meo : although this book has been published it is impossible to find and I could get a copy only through a phone call to its author and the intervention of my publisher. In the book there is an identikit being extraordinarily similar to the known portraits of Majorana. It has been reconstructed through at least ten accounts given by some people who are still living and besides, they were interviewed by a journalist of the italian newspaper Stampa Sera.


“The professor” who helped the boys of the small village to do their maths exercises and gave private lessons of this subject settled there as other evacuees from 1943 until 1945 and had the following distinctive features: 1. a scar on the left hand; 2. a marked sicilian accent; 3. the Father of the abbey in Visciano called him Ettore; 4. he was in the habit of writing mathematical formulas on packs of cigarettes, matchboxes and walls 5. The professor leant on a stick having the year of his birth being 1906 (the same of Majorana). This correspondence between the two men is too strange not to be verified particularly because the hovel the misterious evacuee lived in still exists and maybe inside it there is some trace of what he wrote on the walls; therefore, through a simple handwriting analisys it could be possible to check the real identity of this man with a high degree of realiability. On the evidence of the villagers the man officially would have died in 1952 and have been buried in a mass grave which has never



been found. So,If he did not die whatever happened to him afterwards ? I thing that nowadays any track has not to be either rejected or accepted a priori but about the issue a source of mine has reported the possible presence of majorana at the monastery of Subiaco near Rome (about 15 kilometres far from Rocca Santo Stefano, the home town of Father Ernetti). In that place there are two benedictine monasteries, that of Santa Maria scolastica (with thousands of ancient books containing some precious alchemical secrets) and the Hermitage: I think that Majorana probably settled in the latter for being less accessible and he would have lived there until the beginning of the new millenium. This piece of information is very easy to be verified because among the monks lived in that hermitage those older than ninety can not be many indeed, therefore … I wish my readers good luck for their research. What is the link between Majorana and Father Fernetti? And most of all, what is Father Fernetti known for? This benedictine monk suddendly hit the headlines for two interviews

given to some italian national newspapers, the first on May 2nd 1972 to “La Domenica del Corriere”(number 18) and the second again in 1972 to “Giornale dei Misteri” (number 17). In these interviews Father Pellegrino Ernetti , well-known as an exorcist, a musicology expert of world renown and a scientist, lived in the monastery of San Giorgio Maggiore island in Venice, announced to the world that he had made a device to see past events which would be subsequently called “CHRONOVISOR”. According to him he designed it in the early fifties with 12 other scientists and among them he mentioned Enrico Fermi and a known disciple of his (whose name he did not deliberately), the german scientist Wernher Von Braun (the inventor of V2 and the first director of NASA Marshall center), a japanese Nobel prizewinner and a portuguese scientist called De Matos. Although the statements of Father Fernetti were unbelievable he was not an ordinary man but rather one of the most trusted assistants of Father Gemelli, the founder of the catholic university “Sacro Cuore” in Milan.

However he was a humble man who did not want to draw attention to himself at all: Moreover, as It will be described in detail later, the monk provided some piece of evidence to support his statements. As a matter of fact, in the interview on “La Domenica del Corriere”, for instance, Ernetti stated: “Its entire elaboration is based on a generally accepted physical principle whereby sound and visual waves, once they are emitted, are not destroyed but rather transformed; they are ever-lasting and omnipotent, therefore they can be reconstructed as any form of energy because they are energy”. The physical principle behind this device can be summarized by the theory implying that through time every human being would leave a sign made of a some sort of energy. These signs in the shape of sound and visual



energy would not be completely erased through time but rather simply faded; they would be “recorded” in the environment they appeared in, being confined in an unspecified “astral sphere” whence they coud be retrieved anytime. Therefore, around the Earth there would be a sort of energy belt storing up any piece of information transmitted by this planet and its inhabitants. These pieces of information are accessible for anyone capable of “tuning” to the same wavelength. This theory is deeply and curiously related to Jung’s reserch on the “universal mind” whence we all can draw in sleep. According to its inventor, the Chronovisor was composed of three diferent parts:

1 – a set of transducers and antennas made of an alloy of three misterious (unspecified) metals fused in an alloy which could receive any wavelength of sound and electromagnetic radiation; 2 – a self- directing unit according to the electromagnetic and sound waves it received; 3 – a set of very complex devices which recorded images and sounds, then clearing and filtering them , with the aim of selecting the targeted subject. In addition, Father Ernetti revealed that he would have travelled through time by using this device. He stated that he wanted to “ verify first of all that all we saw was true. Thus we started doing it with a quite recent event which we had a large amount of audio and visual documentation on . We set the device on Mussolini giving one of his speeches”. Once they had made themselves familiar with the device: “ We went backwards picking up Napoleon. If I understood correctly what he was saying. It was the speech he was declaring the abolition of Venice Republic to proclaim an Italian Republic.” Subsequently we went back to the roman ancient times. We saw a scene in the fruit and vegetable market of Traiano, one of the most famous speeches given by Cicero, the first Catilinaria. We also saw and heard the famous ‘Quousque tandem Catilina’ ”. Assisting to Cicero’s declamatory enthusiasm in front of the roman Senate in 169 B.C. must have been very exciting. In fact Father Ernetti commentedon it as follows: “How powerful his gestures and intonation were . And what a fantastic oratory!” Moreover, Ernetti maintained that through the chronovisor he had watched a performance of the tragedy Tieste written by the latin poet Ennio: this play was deemed to be definitely lost but, on that occasion, Ernetti would have trascripted it . Anyway, how did Father Ernetty have the idea of creating such a device? The very inventor explained it. Ernetti was the main assistant of Father Agostino Gemeli (as already mentioned, the founder of the catholic univesity Sacro Cuore). Both shared the study of pre- polyphonic music on gregorian chants. He told that in 1951,

while they were recording a gregorian chant in the physics laboratory at the university Cattolica, a wire of the tape recorder they were using broke . That incident could definitely jeopardize all the work by done by the two scientists until that time. To avoid the data loss, Father Gemelli somehow knotted the broken wire again hoping to succeed in doing it and when the device started working again he exclaimed: “Oh dad, please, help me!” To everyone’s astonishment a voice coming from the loudspeaker answered to his request: it was the voice of Gemelli’ s late father exclaiming: Of course I will help you, I am always with you”. Father Gemelli immediately switched off the device but Pellegrino Ernetti insisted on hearing more. The voice started speaking again just using words familiar to Father Gemelli:” Of course, blockhead, can’t you see it is just me?” That moment de facto represented the birth of electronic psycophony or EVP (Electronic voice phenomenon, also known as ITC – instrumental trans – communication), to be more precise, the communication between spirits and the living through any sort of electronic device such as tape recorders, fax machines, television sets or computers; that was also the discovery whence Father Ernetti took his cue to conceive the chronovisor. After having conceived the idea, Fernetti needed some ‘minds’ capable of solving some “practical” and “mathematical” issues were needed and this is just the clue leading to the famous and misterious “disciple of Enrico Fermi”, in other words, Ettore Majorana. Perhaps the link between Ernetti and Mahorana is weak but it does exist. Maria, Ettore’s sister, obtained a diploma in piano performance with full marks at the conservatory Santa Cecilia which numbered Father Ernetti among its teachers. In his interview Ernetti told that in the project team there was a “disciple of Fermi” (whose name he did not mention, maybe due to an eplicit request of the person concerned). Besides being the most talented disciple of Fermi, it was just Majorana who had preferred anonimity to



being famous and hitting the headlines… in addition, He was an expert on “waves physics”, in other words, on the specific field concerning the new device which was about to be constructed. In the fifties (exactly at the time when the “birth of the chronovisor” occurred) Majorana definitely dissapeared, to be more precise, it was actually “the professor” writing mathematical formulas on his packs of cigarettes who did …then a misterious benedictine monk suddenly appeared from nowhere and took refuge at the Hermitage in Subiaco being 15 kilometres far from Rocca Santo Stefano, the home town of Father Ernetti. However some member of the Majorana family had to know the truth. As a matter of fact, none of them wore mourning for his supposed death. Thus, what would have become of the CHRONOVISOR? In recent years a urban legend has been spreading and, according to it, the only model of the chronovisor made by by Father Ernetti would have been dismantled and accurately hidden somewhere inside the Vatican museums. As a matter of fact, if this device existed, its owners could control all the worls events and know ANY piece of in-

formation about the past (including the most “hidden” ones). Inventions of that kind could be at the bottom of “science fiction” movies such as “Dejà Vu” or they are the source of inspiration for books like the novel “The Light of Other Days” by Arthur C. Clark where the author described some devices being very similar to the chronovisor. The point is that sometimes between fiction and reality there is a fine line.

Biography Michelangelo Magnus (also known as Massimo Colangelo) is the author of the novel “La macchina del tempo e la ricerca della Menorah” (Publisghing house Giordano E, October 2006). He wrote the book “Il Tesoro più nascosto: alla riscoperta del femminino sacro” (Publishing house Giordano , December 2007) as well as the essay “Sulle tracce di Ettore Majorana e del cronovisore di Padre Ernetti”: both convey an argument whereby, if the inventor of the chronovisor was Father Pellegrino Maria Ernetti, then the theorist who made it feasible was actually the scientist Ettore Majorana.

The misterious spot Is


spot erotiC or initiatoRY

???? ?

Valter Bencini

ince G-Spot was discovered by Grafenberg in the early fifties and named after him (by the initial of his surname ) , it has been brought up into discussion, become the subject of fierce denial or under the accusation of being based on some arguable studies: thus it has become something misterious whereas it is actually an extremely important issue of feminine sexuality. In my opinion , the old feminist debate denying the G-Spot is as anachronistic and specious as the old chauvinist one, because the former gives importance to penetration and to male role again while the latter aims to establish the superiority of vaginal orgasm to the clitoral one. Sexuality is much more simpler than any human contrast ; my Tantra Master used to state:” If Cosmos has given women two kinds of pleasure, then it is sensesless thinking that only one exists or one is better than the other; we just have to accept reality” and my Teacher added: “Where is the problem if we have the chance of coming in two ways?”. Through this brief piece of writing I am going to chronicle the history of this spot and the research either in favour or against it as well as to briefly explain the massage tecniques and the position to stimulate it better. The G-Spot: the discovery In 1950 Ernst Grafenberg, a jewish germanborn gynecologist , discovered the G-Spot whereby he rose fame also after his death; actually, Grafenberg was already regarded and known as a gynecologist for having developed an intrauterine contraceptive device and for his important studies on the role of woman’s urethra in orgasm. The G-Spot is a mass of erectile tissue located about 5 centimetres up the front wall of the vagina in the middle between the pubic Bone and the cervix . If properly stimulated, this mass dilates and changes its own structure. Any woman can find it by herself but it is clearly easier to to do it with the help of a partner. The english term defining it is G-Spot and its literal translation in italian would be more appropriate indeed because it means a part or a zone rather than a point; however, In Italy the term “Punto G” (G- point) has been conventionally accepted now by anyone. With respect to any individual variation, at its maximum degree of stimulation it can be compared to an area being as broad as a two euros coin in diameter. As an alternative, in scientific texts it is referred through synonyms such as erotic tactile sensibility –zone, urethral sponge body, skene glands, feminine prostate.



A little history G-Spot has been known for a very long time ned, in other words, female ejaculation, as frequently occurring in G-Spot orgasm; according to statistics, 33 to 39 per cent of women experience this type of orgasm. Kamasutra is not the only available source. The Koka Sa- stra (XII century) describes this spot as purna chandra (full moon). The Ananda Ranga (XVI century) is even more detailed when it refers to saspandana ( the spot of beatitude or sacred spot) and kama salila (love juice): “At the end of love pleasure, the female allows the liquid of love god to flow, crying and screaming tosses and turns , she becomes weak and closes her beautiful eyes, extremely satisfied she can not bear anything”. Crying and screaming! What orgasm is this, then? The female can not bear anything: why? The answer to these questions is likely to be found shortly. G-Spot is present in our culture as well as in others; in 377 Hippocrates described it a s well as Galen in his “De Semine”. In the

Middle Ages, the Catholic Church considered the feminine fluid as fertile as well and thus, in the Moral Theology, it forbade dry orgasms. Taking into account other peoples, the american indian women of the Mohave tribe are known to have stated that they always secrete a fluid during the orgasm, in vaginal intercourse as well as oral and anal. An ancient custom of the Trukesi people, living in the southern Pacific, implies that the males insert the tip of their penis inside the vagina of their partners moving it like a spoon in a cup to stimulate G-Spot. In Uganda, the women of the Batoro tribe taught the young girls the custom of kachapati, literally meaning “ squirt on the wall”. Maybe italian popular wisdom can teach 1950, when Grafenberg described it, he was surprised by the fact that it is made by erectile tissue which he compared to the corpus cavernosum penis. Hyme, an urologist who agreed with his discovery, was made out to be a visionary and mocked in three scientific conferences. Since the time of the discovery thirty years of silence and confusion passed.

us something more important than a cold comfort for a rainy day spoiling a marriage, through the statement:” Wet bride , lucky bride”. Although it can not be defenitely proved, suspecting that our popular wisdom is aware of the real effect of the stimulation of the GSpot is legitimate and appropriate ! Science from 1950 to 1980: thirty years of silence and confusion about GSpot The dutch anatomist Ernst De Graff was actually the first to notice the existence the G-

- inside the vagina there is a spot being very sensitive to any strong pressure; it is located on the front wall of the vagina, about 5 centimetres far from the opening; - it has been found in all the 400 women examined ; - if properly stimulated it dilates and leads to orgasm; - the stimulation often leads to a series of orgasms; - many women think they are urinating and feel embarassed (the mockery by some male partners being not very sensitive made them stifle or hide orgasm). The main studies which have been carried out from then on are given below: 1981: Belzer discovered that the fluid is different from urine; 1984: through the analysis of some electromyogram of pubococcygeus muscle, Perry discovered that G-Spot orgasm is deeper and more powerful than the clitoral one; 1985: Alzate concludes that in 89% of the cases taken into account in his study, women reach orgasm stimulating only the vaginal walls and not the clitoris; 1987: through some photos and models Sevely highlighted the skene glands, considered by her as the source of feminine ejaculation; - 1990: Darling noticed that 40% of the tested by him experienced ejaculation during orgasm; - 1994: Sabine zur Nieden concluded that one-third of the 309 women interviewed by him had experienced ejaculation almost once in their lifetime; - 1995: Westhmeir, a psycosexologist, denied the very existence of G-Spot; - 1997: Cabello explained that women often are not aware of ejaculating because in 75% of the cases ejaculation goes back to flow into bladder; - 2002: Jannini, an italian researcher, concluded that skene glande s the homologous witk the prostate in males and are rich of

Spot in XVII century; Straddling the sixties and the seventies, Master and Johnson as well as Kinsey drew attention on clitoris. It was the time of feminism and the denial of the freudian concept of the penetrative orgasm being mature. Although these studies were biased and incomplete it is indisputable that they were extremely important in gaining a deeper knowledge of sexual physiology; some of the statements characterizing them are given below: “Clitoris represents the focal point receiving the external sexual stimula”; “ Therefore the conclusion is that the vaginal orgasm and the clitoral one are not two separate phenomena”. As a consequence, no distinct vaginal orgasm was taken into account until 1980, when the sexologist Whipple and Ladas with Perry studied 400 women and came to these conclusions:



issue anyone can notice, empirical point of view.

at least from an

Something which does not exist, can not be subject of research (as the G-Spot for twenty years after Master and Johnson’s studies); If the G-Spot is not properly stimulated can not be found, then for science it does not exist. In fact, as we know, it dilates in the arousal. Some paradoxes about the search for the G-Spot To find it one has to stimulate it and to stimulate it one has to find it.

phosphodiesterase type 5, a substance being crucial in male arousal. In 2008, using ulstrasound scan , the same Jannini found that, in at least 80% of the cases examined, there was a a thick small area between urethra and vagina, corresponding to the G-Spot. - 2010: The research apparently backed off: A scientific team of King’s college in London pompously maintained that the G-Spot in is not in the vagina but rather in some women’s mind. he conclusion is that some of those women (however twins ) were aware of the experiment, other were not. shame some doubt has been raised about the scientific method applied to this study by many rersearchers. As a matter of fact, this study carrried out on 1800 women (900 twins both heterozygous and homozygous) a looked for a common genetic base; on the contrary, it is well-known that, unlike the homozygotes. although two eterozygotes have got the same parents, their genetic complement is not identical. Moreover, it is well-known that an exposure to hormons during foetal period can inflence the development of the glandular organs and this parameter can be certainly different even in female twins both heterozygous and homozygous. Last but not least, did they test the 1800 females with the same male? Certainly not, and partner ability is a relevant parameter in G-Spot stimulation. How to stimulate it? It is amazing how a scientific view, when it is given the social and historical consent, can strengthen, for many years obscuring an

During a check-up, gynecologists do not arouse their patients for complying with professional ethics; not even urologists obviously masturbate their male patients but no one has doubts about the existence of erection and male orgasm. Therefore, why having doubts about the G-Spot and the pleasure connected with it? Just because penis is visible whereas the G-Spot is not? The parameter of time is fundamental: some scientific studies can be unreliable for a too short stimulation. Cultural conditioning Male: - for its stimulation the finger is better than the penis – A stimulation lasting longer than foreplay which “lasts even too long” for the unappropriate and impatient psycological attitude of some males. Female: - having to return to the freudian concept of the mature vaginal orgasm, once left behind the clitoral one promoted by Hite. - reconsidering her own autonomy as a feminine achievement which corresponded to clitoral masturbation. - Reassessing the dependence on a partner for assuring a deeper and better stimulation. Tantric research The purpose of Tantrism ( instrument to expand knowledge) is leading to the perception of the whole as one (non-duality), in other words, subtracting the primacy of mind over the body as a typical conception of western thinkers . The G-Spot eludes any system based on an action-reaction linear response: its responses follow a circular path. Stimulating it rather implies a body – emotion body – state of mind body dynamics. The tecnique I am going to explain was taught to me by the tantric masters E. &M. Zadra who have dealt with the G-Spot through examining 65 cases in a study I am

honoured to have participated in. The tantric ritual leading to the discovery and the stimuation of G-Spot is definitely initiatory and can be divided into the following steps: - Planning the journey - Knocking on the door. - Opening the door. - Unveiling. - The eminine unveiled. The first two times, a lot of time ha sto be devoted to it (about four hours in that study carried out in the tantric course). In one’s house calmness I think two hours are enough for this type of ritual. In addition, in a tight couple, in the foreplay few seconds are enough for an expert male to find the G-Spot and start stimulating it as long as female needs to feel the pleasure. First step - planning the journey Female: - do not undertake this experience to please your partner. It is an inner journey. - Observe your thoughts and the expectations in your mind; put them down on paper and do not brood over them any more. - Take care of your body lovingly: a hot bath, scented oil, etc. - Urinate before making the journey. Male: - prepare the environment: bed, pillows, accessories, incense, massage oil, vaginal gel, towels, water, some sweet and sald snacks. To cut a long story short, prepare the room so that your female can feel comfortable as a queen in this experience being so intimate. - Cut and file your nails. - Keep breath – centered Both: - Enter the ritual with a greeting - Use very few words and do it concisely. - Female lies on her back and male sits or kneels by her; both get concentrated on their breath. A 15 minutes massage to loosen up the neck, the shoulders and any other tensed muscles in the back. - Male sits between her legs putting his kneels on her legs (being outstretched or crossed). Second step – knocking on the door Male has to remember that he does not have to get excited but rather relaxed and he has to initially relax the partner by massaging her vulva for a maximum of 25 to 30 minutes. Female can give some simple instructions (for instance, “slower”, “stronger”) and use a feedback from sounds and sighing. She has to avoid any criticism. MASSAGE OF THE VULVA lasting 5 minutes for each part shown below: 1. Fingertips on the pubes. They enter more and more with each breath.



onto twelve, eleven, ten and so on, until you complete the clock. - You move to the center. - You wait another invitation and then you enter with the second phalanx. - You avoid the twelve: you do not have to excite her yet. - Moving to the center again, after the last invitation you enter with the entire finger and, avoiding the twelve, you complete the clock again. 2. The fissures of thigs and glutei. keeping below the central tendon: in practice, keeping in the lowest part of the groin. 3. Perineum. To be massaged with a thumb, two thums, flexed fingers, fist. 4. Oil on the labia majora and the vulva in general. Massage of the labia majora without touching the clitoris: moving close to them, pull, scrub, press, open and close them. Never forgetting the relaxing purpose

Fourth step - Unveiling The wrinkled and rough spot shows you the position. It is a zone changing its consistency when pressed; when it is at rest, it becomes turgid if stimulated.

5. Labia minora. Some slight touch as touching the petals of a rose. Massaging indirectly with the labia majora closed so that the labia minora are included and protruding.

Some suggestions for men: - Be curious about this feminine explortation.

Sprinkle your finger with some gel. ATTITUDE: - You are not about to penetrate the vulva, you rather wait for it to come to you; it is like a flower blooming and inviting you to enter up to the first joint of your finger. - With the other hand you caress her belly, breasts and legs. Hold your finger straight and use only the fingertip to connect with the walls which you will imagine to be a clock with the clitoris at twelve: you will move counter- clockwise



Fifth step – The feminine unveiled Moving the finger to the center again. Coming out taking 3 or four minutes to do it . keep for a minute at the opening being in contact with the labia minora. Putting the hand on the vulva to give the woman a sense of protection. Then detaching from her. - Respecting the partner without getting offended over her desires as well as her reactions: she might need to be left alone, embrace you or simply hold your hand.

Biography : Walter Bencini

avoid the sense of sacrifice to please female.

- Breath, be centered on yourself, be open minded about anything can come from here (crying, irritation, deep pleasure, nothing) and, if she feels some discomfort, do not feel guilty. Remember that the G-Spot is not only erotic but also initiatory and it can make her reconnect with some traumas being possibly repressed, forgotten or actively present in her soul. Anyway, be ready for the discomfort and the sense of refusal she could feel before fully experiencing pleasure.

PISTON-LIKE (up and down), FLUCTUATION”(being similar to a circle), VIBRATION( stopping with the fingertip in a precise point and making the finger vibrate), INVITATION ( scraping-like movement made toward the opening)

Warm thanks to my tantric masters E. & M. Zadra for all they have taught me during the long training course. Some of the concepts , the pictures as well as the the massage -tecnique described above come from their teachings and their books.


- You do not have to arise excitement but rather consciousness, awereness so that your partner can feel every little part of her vagina.

Types of motion:


Third step – Open the door

- With the other hand caress her belly, breasts and legs.

15-20 minutes are suggested.

If you are not able to immediately find it , try to choose different points on the line of twelve. The fact that in every woman it would be 5 centimetres far is just an urban legend. The measure is given purely as a guide and only experience can help. Imagining that his own breath is passing through his finger can help man to keep centered on what he is doing. The confirmation oh having found it comes from her, through some electric discharges, sometimes discomfort or the sensation of having to urinate. THE G-SPOT IS NOT AS DELICATE AS CLITORIS, IT REQUIRES PRESSURE.

He is a surgeon, physician board certified in bodily functional psychotherapy and couple therapy. He particularly deals with communication of men and women and sexual problems ( especially those of men). He took some courses and conferences on communication, intimacy, character, parental projections on the partner, gender identity, sexuality. He wrote some scientific articles on Olos magazine. He is a pupil of Tantra masters E. & M. Zadra and of Tao master Edy Pizziuti. In his courses he combines his knowledge of oriental sexuality with his psycotherapy know –how . He is a member of the W. Reich center in Florence and of SIF ( Functional Psycology Institute).



BOOMERANG Fabio Garuti

verything has been said and written about the pyramids. It is nearly impossible to say something original about this topic as the most popular both for writers and TV programmes during the last decades . In the mood for originality the aim of this piece of writing is discovering what are the results of the unusual comparison between the invention of boomerang and that of the pyramids .

best answer to the purpose of building an “artificial hill” is contradicted by the relevant number of egyptian pyramids with some static problem ( for instance, the one of Senusret II and the one at Meidun belonging to Sneferu, the father of Cheops, with their remaning central cores that have completely lost the pyramidal shape)

The very form of the pyramid evokes ancient rites and cultures.

In the egyptian museum of Torino there is a whole section where all the boomerang

The first population coming to mind when we think about pyramids are the Egyptians . it is only recently that the world has become known for being full of pyramids. Thus it has been wondered how peoples living on the opposite side of the world as the Chinese or the Central American could build temples so similar in shape for their gods. The so called “classical” archeology has replied to this question by referring to the selfevident saying “A similar use leads to a similar shape”. This correspondance is usually exlained through the fixed example of the chair. The act of sitting is typical of the whole human race anywhere and therefore the natural need for an object to “sit” on has led to the discovery of similar objects in several different places throughout the world. This correspondance is usually represented by the fixed example of the chair. Although these objects are similar this does not necessarily demonstrate that those peoples reaaly came in contact either directly or culturally. The theory of “similar use leads to a similar shape” maintains that besides being the most lasting the pyramidal shape is the most “simple” and the best for building. Nevertheless this statement can be argued. The most “simple” shape is absolutely the cone. Anyone has come to this conclusion since childhood playing with a shovel in the sand. A sand hill spontaneously takes the shape of a cone ( the slope is determined by the material of the cone). The pyramidal shape is not so simple. Concerning the building issue there are many problems to solve including the slope that must be uniform to create four sharp edges ending in the same point at a height of more than 150 metres (as in the case of the Pyramid of Cheops); this implies a huge expenditure of energy and a strong will directed only to this purpose. Therefore the hypothesis of the “randomness” in the discovery of the pyramidal shape as the



The same explanation has been used since it was discovered that the “boomerang” is not a typical australian invention and it can be found everywhere throughout the world, even in the egyptian tombs.

V. Di Gregorio

found in the egyptian tombs have been collected. Moreover, there is an assyrian low relief which shows a babylonian man throwing a boomerang. However the most ancient boomerang was found in Poland; it was made with the tusk of a mammoth and goes back to 23.000 B.C. As usual, in the beginning it was not recognized as such and it would be exhibited for decades in a museum being entitled as “ornamental head gear of a tribal chief”. One day a person who made boomerang as a hobby passed by and he immediately recognized its shape. After having obtained the permission to take the measurements of it he made an aluminium copy returning perfectly to him

egyptian’s boomerangs

when thrown. In fact the secret of the aerodynamic properties of boomerang is the shaping of both sides being comparable to that of the wings of an aeroplane . The whirling motion given by the thrower creates the lift sustaining the boomerang during the flight and a precise change of balance to the point of gravity allows a “ curved” path, making it return to the initial point ( with some exception intended for “war” models”). Thus for more than 20.000 years the aerodynamics properties have been known and used to make hunting tools. In addition, the complexity of an australian boomerang made by an aboriginal (through three weeks of work) implies that this kind of invention can not be labeled as “a similar use leads to a similar shape”. Therefore two other hypotheses must be taken into account to explain how some similar artefacts (boomerang and pyramids) can be found at opposite ends of the world: 1) There was a civilization prior to ours that developed its scientific knowledge as well as astronomical and mathematical. For an unknown event ( maybe a cataclysm) It spread throughout the world leaving some trace of its existence in these “artefacts”. This




hypothesis refers to the legend of Atlantis or of a golden period prior to our civilization known in the greek mithology as the golden age (aurea aetas) followed by four other ages (of Silver, of Bronze, of the Heroes and of Iron ) . This distinction is present in almost any culture, from the biblical earthly paradise to the five ages described by the mayan calendars. Almost any people maintains that “Once” human living conditions were better than ours nowadays. 2) The second hypothesis refers to the existence of a communication system (evidently by sea) being so developed that it probably allowed an intense and lasting trading from Australia to America as well as from China to Europe. Both theories have been opposed by the so called orthodox science. We can not define ourselves as “men of science” but simply “researchers”. One of the skills of a good resercher is “picking up the scent”, realizing even through a little clue if what is taught at school has something “clashing”, as some squeaking nails on a blackboard. In 1998 a certain Bauval supposed that the three famous pyramids of Giza have not been positioned at random but they are the terrestrial representation of the three main stars of Orion’s belt.

It is well known that this Hypothesis did not convince many and from then Bauval has not had free admission to the Giza Plateau any more ( for having not obtained the necessary permission from Zahi Hawass any more). Nevertheless this theory does not seem to be so “weird” because for the Egyptian people Orion was the most impostant deity and representing the constellation of their God on earth would be absolutely coherent to the famous statement “As above so below”. As a matter of fact, comparing the three stars of Orion’s belt to the three pyramids of Giza does reveal a clear correspondance in their position. Perhaps this alignment could be achieved by chance. On the contrary, the analysis of the other pyramids throughout the world riveals that : 1) The three italian pyramids located in the wildlife reserve of Montevecchia and Curone are oriented and positioned as the three stars of Orion constellation (to be more precise, they are specular). 2)The three main pyramids in Teotihuacan are aligned in the same way ( the third is slightly unaligned). 3)In China, in the city of Xian, thare are three pyramids with the same alignment.


If these can be considered as a piece of evidence then they are a “clue to be studied further by other researchers or scientists”. Sometimes a clue should be studied further. For amusement we put fourth of the most famous archeological sites with pyramids in the world on a world map (a map of the surface of the earth on a plane). It has been observed that the pyramids in Central America and those in China are aligned; this line intersects the pyramids of Giza and those in the Canary Jslands Between two points there is always a line that can be drawn; we did it with Central America and China(at opposite ends of the world map). On the contrary, the fact that this line perfectly intersects the egyptian pyramids and those of the Canaries is not so obvious.There are four archeological sites of primary importance being all aligned althogh they are far from one another many thousands of chilometres. This is another “clue” which will lead (maybe) to further important results. It can not be left unsaid that this line connecting the Canaries to Central America. Is just (by chance?) the very famous route of Columbus, in other words, the one Columbus held to get to America from Europe. It is worth noting that this route was the only available to be chosen both in that period (as today), for the dangerous Gulf current for the wind direction that eases the sail of boats hea-





ding to America … in any time.

rica) between Europe and Asia.

The validation to this hypothesis can be found inside the museum of the archeological park built around the pyramids in Tenerife : in a room there is a documentary showing the possible human migrations in ancient times and the similarities among the cultures living on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

Venice – Athens -Iskenderun – Damascus – Cairo Baghdad – Teheran – Mashhad - Samarkand – Kabul – Taskent – Peshawar – Kashgar – Delhi Benare – Calcutta –

In the museum, housed in the mansion of Casa de Chacona, there are reproductions of sculptures, photos, some pieces of pottery, models and other items showing the undisputable similarity between ancient atlantic civilizations. Therefore it can be supposed that in a PREcolumbian epoch that line was a well known and very important route not only for trading goods and materials but also for knowledge and information. Moreover, at school we are taught that Columbus discovered America by chance…because he actually wanted ( and he thought ) to reach East India which both the so called “spices” and silk came from. It is known that Columbus read carefully the book “Il Milione” which describes in detail Marco Polo’s travel to Asia at the fabulous court of Kublai Khan with his huge wealth. Until the epoch of Columbus the only way to reach India and China was travelling by feet through a long and very dangerous journey. Thus the purpose of Columbus was getting to East India by sea because he knew the Earth is a sphere …but he ignored that sailing westwards there is another continent ( just Ame-

Turfan .- Anxi – Lanzhou – Xi’an The way goods did by landa as well as the city of China they stopped at are well known (as shown in the picture above). This city, being the the final destination of any travel by land as well as the final destination of Columbus travel by sea, was just Xian, the chinese city with the most important and amazing pyramids. On the other hand, (as mentioned for the record) some put forward the thesis that the shape of boomerang is so complex that primitive men could not conceive it without previously seeing something “similar” FLYING. In recent years, throughout the world many people have seen some “unidentified” flying objects being “triangular” in shape and very similar to a boomerang. Therefore, some could “guess” that, if these aircrafts had been seen by some primitive men, they could have represented a hint for those men to make something smaller and similar in shape being able to FLY…in addition, once having realized that THIS shape could be used to make objects fly , they could have been rubbing down side surfaces of the boomerang to such a degree that they allowed it to effectively perform those incredible aerial evolutions we see today…thus finding by random the fundamental principles of “our” aeronautical flight based on the aerofoil.



In conclusion, this treatise provides several examples appearing more as a clue than a coincidence; they can not be ignored any more because they imply that many discoveries and inventions are backdated to times that are outside any “traditional” dating. The possibility of the existence of a lost civilization living in distant times “before the Ice Age” is getting more and more probable every day. Perhaps the ultimate piece of evidence convincing even the most skeptical people will never be found. On the contrary, life on Earth is like a puzzle with some pieces to be found : maybe this piece of writing can add a little one but significant to the great puzzle of life.



Biography : - Vincenzo Di Gregorio : He is an architect and an entrepreneur. He has always been very passionate about archaeology and he is known for the discovery of the so-called Montevecchia pyramids he described in his book “Il Mistero delle Piramidi Lombarde” (Fermento Press, 2009). He created the site and the e-magazine Runa Bianca. His studies have been published in several scientific journals. - Fabio Garuti : He studied German Literature and Law. He has worked as a managemente consultant in the import- export trade show field.He is very passionate about archaeology and he wrote the book “Le Piramidi, un Sistema Planetario” (Ilmiolibro Press, 2011).


THE MASS ENIGMA Mass is a feature of objects which has not been clearly defined yet Ludovico Polastri he three types of mass What is the origin of mass and what do we mean by it? A clear and unequivocal solution to these issues has never been found, even by those who have got a degree in physics or a scientific education. Any attempt of answering them usually leads to some statement such as ”It is an intrinsic feature of matter”, being very vague and inconsistent . The point is that, curruntly, the

to these two types of mass shown above there is a another one related to the conception of energy; mass is represented as an energetic “node” expressed by the famous equivalence E=mc2: : mass is energy. Testing this ha sbeen possible through the nuclear explosions where matter is disintegrated by producing an enormous anount of energy; suffice it to say that one gram of matter can release the power of ten tons of dynamite. One of the key points for physics is explaing where all this energy comes from, in other words, what is the force being released when the inner bonds of matter “are broken”? In addition, what are the building blocks of matter itself as the basic elements on which action is taken to produce energy ? The origin of mass: the Higgs boson Nowadays modern science has assumed that the fundamental particles of matter are “glued” by four fundamental forces: electromagnetism, the weak nuclear force, the strong nuclear one and the gravitational one. Electromagnetism binds all the atoms of our body together, the weak nuclear force and the strong

definition of mass is one of the most hidden scientific secrets. Nevertheless we all daily experience its existence when we have to move or carry a heavy object. It almost seems that bodies want to keep their position and oppose any alteration of their state. In his first law of motion Newton summarized this feature stating that:” very body persists in its state of being at rest or of moving uniformly straight forward, except insofar as it is compelled to change its state by force impressed”. The opposition of a mass in keeping its state is commonly called “inertia” and its denomination being “inertial mass” is the most familiar of all the mass forms. In addition to inertia, mass is connected with another known concept, weight. These terms necaessarily imply a preliminary explanation because they are often enunciated awkwardly confusing their meaning . Weight is nothing but mass affected by terrestrial gravitational force: therefore, it is a force typical of the gravitational attraction of our planet whereas mass does not change, as proven by Galileo. When we step up onto the scale, what is measured is just the weight force and not the mass! Physicists call the mass responding to the gravitation force as “gravitational mass” as well. Inertial mass and the gravitational one are strictly related; if a body doubles its own inertial mass, the same occurs to the gravitational one: the inertial effect and the gravitational one perfectly coincide. This misterious feature is the very cornerstone of general relativity developed by Einstein in 1915. In addition



nuclear one rule the world of the smallest elements while the gravitational one regulates the scale of the entire Universe with planets and galaxies. The particles composing matter and affected by these forces are quarks and leptons combining each other. These elementary constituents “communicate” through exchanging some other “messenger” particles which are the intermediaries of the fundamental forces of nature: the photon (light in all its forms) carries electromagnetism which underlies all the chimical phenomena and interactions we daily experience; the gluons carry the “strong” force which binds quarks and atoms nuclei together; some particles called W and Z are the force carriers which mediate the weak force underlying radioactivity. The theory concerning these interactions is also called “Standard Model” and currently it is the most accredited theory dealing with particle physics. Although it is believed to be self- consistent, the Standard Model has got a relevant gap: it maintains that particles should not have any

mass, as corpuscles without weight! It is very puzzling because we perfectly know that things have got mass, therefore the particles composing them must have it a s well. On the contrary, if we forcedly add the particle mass

to the Standard Model, the equations are destroyed and do not work any more (theoretical physicists maintein that Gauge invariance is not respected). In the sixties Peter Higgs supposed that particles are massless of their own while in the Universe there is actually a field permeating everything as a sort of cosmic “molasses” particles have to pass through when moving. This molasses would slow them down to a variable degree making them different in weight. Being expressed by an equation, the idea worked: particles acquired mass and the equations remained valid without crumblin. The problem was proving it. Higgs noticed that, if this hypothesis had beeen true, besides giving mass, this sort of “cosmic molasses” should have clotted creating a new particle named “Higgs boson”. For this reason, if the “Higgs boson” does exist, it is the result of the condensation of a field underlying the mass of all particles. After many years spent in constructing it, LHC, the most powerful particle accelerator ever constructed, is expected to find the proof of this misterious particle. If we could see it we had the proof that Higgs theory is right, then we would understand the reason why everything has got a mass and why there are also different types of mass. Of our body together, the weak nuclear force and the strong nuclear one rule the world of the smallest elements while the gravitational one regulates the scale of the entire Universe with planets and galaxies. The particles composing matter and affected by these forces are quarks and leptons combining each other. These elementary constituents “communicate” through exchanging some other “messenger” particles which are the intermediaries of the fundamental forces of nature: the photon (light in all its forms) carries electromagnetism which underlies all the chimical pheno-



mena and interactions we daily experience; the gluons carry the “strong” force which binds quarks and atoms nuclei together; some particles called W and Z are the force carriers which mediate the weak force underlying radioactivity. The theory concerning these interactions is also called “Standard Model” and currently it is the most accredited theory dealing with particle physics. Although it is believed to be self- consistent, the Standard Model has got a relevant gap: it maintains that particles should not have any mass, as corpuscles without weight! It is very puzzling because we perfectly know that things have got mass, therefore the particles composing them must have it a s well. On the contrary, if we forcedly add the particle mass to the Standard Model, the equations are destroyed and do not work any more (theoretical physicists maintein that Gauge invariance is not respected). In the sixties Peter Higgs supposed that particles are massless of their own while in the Universe there is actually a field permeating everything as a sort of cosmic “molasses” particles have to pass through when moving. This molasses would slow them down to a variable degree making them different in weight. Being expressed by an equation, the idea worked: particles acquired mass and the equations remained valid without crumblin. The problem was proving it. Higgs noticed that, if this hypothesis had beeen true, besides giving mass, this sort of “cosmic molasses” should have clotted creating a new particle named “Higgs boson”. For this reason, if the “Higgs boson” does exist, it is the result of the condensation of a field underlying the mass of all particles. After many years spent in constructing it, LHC, the most powerful particle

accelerator ever constructed, is expected to find the proof of this misterious particle. If we could see it we had the proof that Higgs theory is right, then we would understand the reason why everything has got a mass and why there are also different types of massEnergy of the original particle; however, the equivalence between mass and energy is just one of the features of mass; where do the others, in other words, the inertial feature and the gravitational one, come from? They would be the result of the interaction of the particle with the environment; currently several physicists are persuaded of this and have elaborated a new theory: the vacuum in quantum mechanics. The theory of the vacuum in quantum mechanics In common use, the term vacuum refers to a zone in space without anything, characterized by absolute nothingness. From a scientific point of view, absolute vacuum actually does not exist. On the contrary, the so-called vacuum is a zone of space full of electromagnetic waves corresponding to a precise energy state: the zero-point energy state. According to scientists, the vaccum in quantum mechanics is a necessary consequence of the existence of the force fields. According to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, every oscillation of an electromagnetic wave must contain at least a small amount of energy and, for the equivalence between mass and



energy, this implies that the fundamental particles are nothing but bumps, protuberances, nodes and the vaccum is a sea rippled by infinite electromagnetic fields , each of which having its own frequency and wavelength. Virtual particles emerge for a very short time to be subsequently annihilated in a neverending cosmic dance whose protagonists are matter and antimatter. This peculiar condition of space has particularly enthralled two scientists, Davied and Unruh: while studying the the features of black holes and, in particular, the radiation of Hawking, they began to suppose that the gravitational deformation of the event horizon in a black hole could help in explaining the gravitational and inertial phenomena. In particular, according to Hawking, the huge gravity near a black hole distorts the vacuum so much that the particles of matter and antimatter (in particular that with positive energy), instead of being annihilated, can avoid the attraction and thus can create real particles to be possibly ejected from the black hole. For this possibility, the energetic balance should imply a progressive weakening of the gravitational field in the black hole which would disappear after a very long time. The resulat of these considerations is that the equivalence principle between inertia and gravitation must lead to an analogous one between gravitation and zero-point energy. Moreover, the two scientists has demonstrated that, if some observer watched the black hole,

he “would see” some radiations being very similar to those emerging from a hot oven, with a mix of colours created by the existing temperature. Likewise, in a black hole the mix of colours would be created by its gravity, in other words, gravity confers temperature on the black hole. Black holes are hot! From this unexpected discovery Davies and Unruh have extrapolated something interesting, to be more clear, when an object experiences an acceleration , it receives energy and changes its own quantity of motion altering the radiation of the vaccum; the force of this change is proportional to the acceleration. If this radiation flow is allowed to interact with matter (on the same level with quarks and electrons), the reaction force produced can be interpreted as the cause of the inertial force. From this perspective, which we could call “ quantum vacuum inertia theory”, matter does nor resist to acceleration for some innate property of its but rather the quantum electromagnetic vacuum produces a resistance force being proportional to the acceleration. nevertheless, an explanation of the gravitational mass has not been provided yet. Although these masses are interchangeable, Settling this issue so quickly would be too simplistic. General relativity states that gravity can be interpreted as a curvature of spacetime. The

physicist Wheeler has coined the term “geometrodynamics” to describe the dynamics of objects affected by gravity according to the geometry of spacetime in four dimensions. “geometrodynamics” deals with the geodesics (the shortest distance in a spacetime being four- dimensionali s a geodesic) with the presence of a gravitational body. The path of falling bodies and the rays of light is a geodesics. When an object is compelled not to follow a geodesic, it experiences the weight force. For instance, an aeroplane flying does not follow the geodesic and experiences the weight force; on the contrary, if the aeroplane and the passengers follow the geodesic going down in free fall, then they would experience weightlessness. Where does this force come from? This is the same process which has been mentioned above when referring to the quantum vacuum inertia theory. As already stated, the vacuum in quantum mechanics is represented by electromagnetic waves; these waves follow the geodesics creating the same variation in the quantity of motion either for an object at rest or for one experiencing an acceleration, this being fully consistent with Einstein’s statement of the equivalence principle between gravity and inertia. An object at rest on a gravitating body will perceive itself as being accelerated through the vacuum as a body accelerating through



the vacuum in a flat spacetime.

quantum mechanics.

Some intuitive example might help in understanding this concept. An helicopter flying is plunged in the terrestrial gravitational field and, therefore, it perceives the attraction force of the field.

The feature of mass being a trial to many physicists would be put back in their right perspective and considered just a a consequence of the alteration in the sorrounding space: the vacuum would explain the bending of light just as a piece of glass explains its refraction.

Now the curvature of the spacetime near the earth also attract the vacuum electromagnetic waves which apply pressure on the helicopter in the “attempt” to drag it down following the shortest path toward the center of the earth. That distance (being basically perpendicular to the earth surface) is nothing but the geodesic. This is the reason why the helicopter experiences the weight force. In practice, the electromagnetic vacuum in quantum mechanics exists in spacetime; if this spacetime is curved , it has to forcedly follow the curvature dragging everything with it ! Some stunning conclusions The consequence of these assessments is nothing if not amazing. As a matter of fact, the vacuum is not empty but rather permaeated by a huge sea of electromagnetic waves being able to become polarized and to energetically interact with matter, this being visible or not. This is a modern “ether” according to which the gravitational force would not be considered as a fundamental force any more but rather as a consequence of the vacuum in

We should even suppose to reach faster-thanlight speed through the alteration of the vacuum limiting the speed of any mass to that of light: inertia would be equal to zero. Also the relation between mass and energy, implying one transforming into the other, would be differently considered. It would represent the energy which zeropoint fluctuations confer on elementary particles and its concentration would be their mass. Finally, since every electromagentic wave can be associated with some energy, we should suppose that we have found a free and inexhaustible source permeating all the cosmos. This scenario is as fascinating as misteriuous, rich in future opportunities as well.

Biography : Ludovico Polastri obtained a degree in engineering. He completed his graduate studies at the Politecnico in Milan. He is an indipendent researcher and works for many newspapers as a free-lance journalist.

From the myth of real alien abduction to mental interference

Presentating a case - Part one Close encounters of the fourth kind ino seems to be a person who tends to analyse not only himself but also, more in general, “all that exists”. His research on what is happening to him began on the sly in a period when he was frightened by some night occurences and has allowed him to get more and more pieces of information and to connect some events of his life with others related to his closer family members. The occurrences which marked him during his childhood were related to a particular desease of his brother and the strange perceptions experienced both by his father and his brother. He himself perceived the presence of something strange and he prepared some defensive ritual for it . During the night he felt he was touched and this sensation has continued to date. His brother was not so frightened but the oddity of his disease would influence our experiencer forever. Dino is a practical type, balanced and pragmatic, used to directly facing any problem after careful consideration. He is tempered, stable and capable of handling his aggressiveness. He took a degree in a scientific discipline and specialized in modelling proteinic structures. From a genetic point of view, his father is Scottish and her mother is French. Our first firs conversation dealt with the fact that the reality we see and perceive is nothing but a tiny part of all that exist, and we do ignore the real essence of reality. Dino underlined the importance of some concepts such as virtual nature of daily experience: when we experience, simulate or expect an occurrence, we are actually using our brain on a virtual level. Therefore, reality, which we create through thinking and imagination, is not completely disconnected from the material world; on the contrary, our reality does concur to create it even if we do not realize that because we are baffled by the images of our inner world. In confirmation of his belief, after few weeks he had a dream: he KNEW it was a simulated dream, in other words, being apparent, as a screen. It was not the first one he had. These dreams end abruptly as if ‘someone pulled out the plug’. In that dream there were some grey beings looking like robots. If those robots crossed some bounds, their structure changed



as if they began disintegrating. When the dream suddenly ended, he had the sense that he had actually experienced something different from what he had perceived. Like any dream, this event has to be analysed on different levels. The first to be taken into account is the aspect relating to UFOs. The feeling that the Greys are robots or, anyway, something artificial is an element being usually found in IR4 types with their markedly introspective tendency. It is as if some subject could go beyond the visual perception of phenomena, beyond the surprise and fear ; in addition, it is as if some aspects of perception could lead conscience to objectively consider these entities as different from what they look like (and maybe, in some cases, the fact that they are artificial can be proven). This

artificial feature is confirmed by the

dream of a another IR4 subject whose fictitious name is Victor. He calls it ‘Black Dream’. There is a concentration camp where there are some children; they have to wait in some areas. They are treated badly and poked. There are some men as well. Their shirt is black as well as their trousers and their neckerchief. They wear leather boots. They are evil and merciless; they stink of human blood. Victor is aware of ongoing the struggle between good and evil; he knows that they are just pawns. These being are going to exploit human race; they are power-hungry. They are puppets and all is decided by some beings above them. Subsequently, Victor would state that these beings acted as if they were artificial; for this reason, at the end of the period spent with me, he would divide his encounter in two categories (those with robotic beings and those with creatures being apparently more real), both belonging to some grey species.

The account of another IR4 subject, Leo, and the works of Derrel Sims lead us to the conclusion that at least some of this creatures are artificial and they have some task to perform on the physical plane concerning our daily life. Leo told: “ One night I woke and I found them in my bedroom. I jumped out of bed and I grabbed one of them(Leo is a soldier being used to special operations). It seemed to be made of rubber but what surprised me most was the fact that, touching its wrist, I could feel its fright for having been captured and seized”. What has surprised me most is the fact that this memory flowed after Leo got a neck massage, as if touching some structures could activate memories. Taking into account the part of second dream (when the artificial beings could not go beyond some bounds upon pain of being disintegrated) we think it can be put in relation to the fact that those being seems to be part of a hierarchy of creatures ( being living, partially robotic or belonging to the spiritual



realm?) and, among them, the most suitable to interact with the material world without any damage, at least for a limited time. The feeling of deception behind the dream conveys the Idea of ambivalence as an extremely important feature concerning IR4 subjects. During the night occurrences terror and passion go hand in hand as far as conscience is awakened to such a degree that it does not tolerate anything hidden any longer. Mystery is fundamental for any spiritual experience; likewise, deception, although it is rawer, represents a possibility, an opportunity of evolving, provided that one is able to realize it and to manage it. Human beings, as the robotic greys in the dream, can not go beyond some bounds as well, upon pain of unbalance and disintegration (mainly from a mental point of view). In another dream, Dino is walking among some people bearing a symbol on their back and he is the only one who can see it. There-

fore, the people in the dream are different from the others and They could represent either an unknown part of him being different from the rest, or some possible ‘marked’ aspect of his body ( maybe his psyche or his spirit) - and currently we still do not know if this mark can be removed or not. Dino himself sometimes woke up either with a knee aching and bearing a red circular inflamed spot, or, alternatively, with two square dots on a shoulder blade, near some scratches. Marked. Life can mark people through some terrible grief, huge discoveries or the sense of not belonging to what we see perceives and we are compelled to live and share. Daily life events can create a discrepancy between what we express and our real emotions. More often than not, alien forces attacking

IR4s take advantage of this rift between conscious and unconscious to hook on and get possession of the images of their real life; then they manipulate those images to puzzle their perception of what is real and to cover something unknowable, inexpressible and subtly obscure, with the aim of discovering how to get possession of them bypassing any common means of defense. Are those of IR4 subjects just dreams or the memories of something they really experienced in the past? Are they some attempts to reveal that something is wrong? Are they signs of a devilish deception where the subject experiences something which actually does not belong to him and leads him to mingle his own events and emotions with other subjects apparently unrelated to him in a sort of fictitious involvement ( giving him the misleading feeling of not being the only one to face that problem). The dreams concerning robotic creatures are recurring. As Dino stated, they seem to be disposed to a quite simple communication, just as the grey creatures appears to be, unfinished beings working for someone else, puppets without a soul. A seemingly feminine creature is inside a futuristic structure. It really looks like a command base. Some creatures give some presents to other people. Dino peeks at the scene and he feels his life is in danger. Therefore, a part of him is able to keep its distance from what is happening. Night paralyses with hallucinations are common for him but, besides them, there are other strange phenomena occurring and leading him to theorize about something new concerning these issues.



IR4 subjects often hear some strange sounds being pounding like the rounds of a machine –gun fire. According to Dino, this cadence is used for causing a state of openness. The sound is able to involve the subject and prevent him to use any means of defense, allowing him to be conscious of what is going to happen. The sound ends when the paralysis is complete. At that point something (not a Grey) interacts with the body of the subject. In Primocontatto forum a user wrote: “ since a couple of days in the evening I have perceived something in my bedroom…it starts at 23.00; I feel it because my left ear is somehow stimulated: it is as if I heard someone coming closer and his footsteps were a particular ultrasound. Although I can not hear it, it is able to stimulate the auditory system. When this ‘stimulation’ occurs, then, nine times out of ten, I have some apocalyptical dream or I dream something concerning ETs. How can this phenomenon occur? Could the sound be a sort of hypnotic signal or it is able to activate, through particular shockwaves, the receptors which would be involved in the creation of the abductive settings related to UFO? Perhaps, the electric nature of sound should be taken into account: it could be the real cause of interference with the nervous system and, maybe, with the energetic structure of the individual. During the interaction, contact could be consciously interrupted. In fact, if there is a sound mechanism allowing to gain access to the subject, it must be part of the human structure; it is possible that the very subject

could unconsciously keep this channel open allowing a repetition of contact, if not even causing it. Human beings could be like a conductor, like a bridge through which many signals could pass. Likewise, domestic animals could serve the same function ( all that would lead us to the conclusion that IR4 subject ’s body is not a target for alien forces). All that calls to mind the aforementioned case of Victor: after a year’s work, he managed to remember that, at night, he heard a sound whence he knew they ‘were coming’. To avoid abduction , Victor emitted a sound in turn , mentally, allowing him to move his conscience to a place being dear to him and whence it was very hard to take him away. Victor stated: “If my conscience is absent, they can not use my body”. On the contrary, sound in not a constant in IR4 subjects. The easiest explanation is that Different entities use different passages and tools to gain access to any part of a human being. The transduction implants apart, many of the alien objects found inside the body are not technologic and the could just serve the function of energetically resetting some areas or destructuring them. However, the sound causing paralyses is present in subjects bearing no foreign body as well. What is real purpose of all that? Pain seems to be these entities’ food. They play on our less conscious parts, on our racial defects, on our psychological “shadows”. The dark side is the ideal choice for them to ensnare humans: it is readily available and it is easy to be nourished. Fear is the perfect tool to do it. The trap lies in the fact that, when a subject tries to go beyond the ordinary aspects of existence

and undertakes a spiritual path, unless his psychic consciousness does not increase, he is not able either to realize what is happening to him, or to isolate his own personal problems representing the gateway for these phenomena. In fact, abduction mechanism is activated through the use of the own internal images and personal experiences of the subject. A progress being only Spiritual allows the intruding forces to gain access to some subtler levels of universal consciousness, thus speeding up some general creative processes which are beyond individual sphere of action. Concerning the fact that these creature seem to be artificial, we and Dino have come to the same conclusion, to be more clear, that they are controlled by some superior being. Dino states: “ These creatures can be huge and amorphous, dark and made of the very substance “Evil” is made of”. It would imply a Physics of Evil. Accordingly, a well-known physicist came to this conclusion: “these phenomena are certainly related to Zero Point Field, the universal consciousness creative capability (both in the light and in the dark), the superstring multidimensional Universe. Behind those weird, often frightening phenomena there is a science and somewhere the throughout universe, to be more precise, of the Zero Point Field there is a clever being who has absorbed all our fears, thus finding the mechanism of Creation without any effort. Actually, he is more stupid than clever because GOD IS USING HIM and he does not know it. Dino states:” Greys represent an real opportunity for amorphous ( without shape able to take some shapes) structures to interact with our third dimension. Amorphous beings can interact with the abductee but that happens on a vibrational frequency being different from ours. I am under the impression that Greys predispose the subject to come into contact with these entities, stimulating him. I think that, if it were possible to interact with the Greys, the others would have much more troubles, even if the situation is spiritually much more complex”. Therefore, our hypothesis implies that there are some forces being more material, the Greys, whose physical consistence could partly derive from the DNA of human beings and animals, and which would be the most suitable for our vibrational frequency, serving the function of allowing abductees to come into contact with some forces being less material. Besides them , there are several forces being less and less material and organized in a hierarchy on a spiritual (negative) level; their control on living matter can not be direct but rather mediated by grey creatures or some subtler mechanism affecting our central nervous system, in particular some receptors – probably serotonergic ones. The visions, sleep trouble, the flashes of light which affect the subject lead us to the conclusion that midbrain is effectively involved. When affected by a damage or involved in a chronic use of LSD and serotonergic re-



ceptor antagonist drugs, serotonergic receptor seem to be the most probable physiological target for some stimulus (internal or external?) being fundamental in recreating the peculiar recurring environment which include both the creatures and the silent setting described by the subjects. Either a hyperstimulation or a block of such receptors could explain this phenomenon from a Physio- neurological point of view. Dino states: “I think the Amorphous use the holography of our perceptive system to appear as they like or as we like – or even both, because use they gather some little pieces of memories each being linked to a particular emotional or sensitive part. I rarely saw reptiles, mechanical dinosaurs being brown skinned, a sort of cyborgs very aggressive but fake and with a very limited sphere of action. At the same time, I thing they all are nothing but a sort of juju whereas the dark real is hidden behind them and it does not need to have a shape of its own… on the contrary, I think darkness is a raw material for Light, being dark still icy. For creative capability is inside us and our unalterable nucleus is a cosmic Light, we probably shape them”. This situation is not univocal because, although most of IR4 cases follow a set pattern, there are some exceptions. We have to doubt about the uniformity of grey creatures. If we can assume that the appearance of Amorphous beings is just a sly expedient to come in contact with some human being, this feature is unlikely to apply to Greys for their ‘material’ nature being incompatible to any sort of shapeshifting. There must be several ‘races’ of grey creatures and they have probably transformed themselves through time. Sims maintains that with the passing of the years they have been programmed in a different way. Although this can be true and they have become much more specialized in mental interference than they were twenty or fifty years ago, there must be some ‘race’ capable of eluding this kind of control. Some have assumed that some creatures could be carrying out their original sampling ‘program’ following an experimental being totally unaware of its conclusion. According to another hypothesis one race of Greys would be trying to make up for the damage done by other beings. there is probably another race which is at variance with what is happening and remains aside because they do not know how to effectively contact us. These hypotheses would imply a deep analysis of mental and biochemical functions bordering psychic ones with the aim of understanding how the interaction with these ‘forces’ can influence our attention, our capability of transform the images, the possibility of gaining access to an immaterial world. However, concerning the ‘Forms’ which seem to act in a more intrusive way and are identified as spidery grey beings, dinosaurs, Men in Black, soldiers at various levels, shadows and Nordics , after many years spent doing research what has emerged is their psychological immobility .

This issue lend itself to the most dangerous and ludicrous suppositions. According to those who have submerged themselves in the exploration of his sensations as Dino has done, the answer seems to be basically one: “Divide and rule: they are mutilated and are angry for this, they have been angry for millions of years”. The awakening of human consciousness (about two thousand years ago in our culture – previously, in eastern culture but I say no more) has caused an uproar un the invisible world. We are being who are capable of experiencing both the visible and the invisible, through the right techniques; therefore, we are able to gain a high level of evolution and knowledge. In the cosmos we know, probably there is no other created Being with such features. Accordingly, the aforementioned physicist has stated: “ Once considered as a transcendental concept, nowadays consciousness is becoming one of themes of theoretical physics. It does seem to work holographically and can be studied through the algebraic topology techniques of quantum mechanics but we have not known its wave function yet;we only know that it is bound to a strange quantum field where information is not conveyed through signals reaching the speed of light but rather through some strange resonance effects sparked off by some ‘ passion factors’. It will take years to develop some mathematical operators allowing us to quantitatively understand how consciousness can immediately interact with matter, energy, space and time, but we will get it. Common people and the scientific community are not ready. Thus, this evolutionary process is occurring behind closed doors, but it is doing it .” Out there ‘someone’ is frozen , timeless, spaceless and without any possibility to evolve. The spark of contact is lit by the clash between ‘alien’ anger over this immobility and human unconsciousness. Those alien forces being more visible and material aim at obtaining a body made of both physical and astral parts, in other words, malleable subtle matter. In fact, such a possibility is peculiar to human beings and it precisely represents their connection with the divine aspect of the Cosmos, as well as their possibility to evolve to some planes whose existence we have just found out.

Biography :

Giulia M. D’Ambrosio She has got a degree in Medicine and Surgery specializing in child Psychiatry with a thesis concerning Attachment theory. She is a s physician a and psychotherapist. For ten years She has worked at the University in Milan dealing with neurophysiology. For many years she has studied several subjects concerning the occurrence of some apparently unexplainable phenomena. Her websites are and www.

The Druids and the magical power of their lost WISDOM Fabio Truppi owadays some issues such as the National Druidic Corporation, bardic poetry contests, italian druidic schools as well as the international druidic communities can appear as weird and anachronistic at face value, especially to those who do not know much about it or they heard it only as a vague notion taught at school. Perhaps, druidism is best- known through its narrative fortune in modern fantasy narrative, starting with the imaginative Shannara Saga by the american writer Terry Brooks. Nevertheless, Among the ancient civilizations it is difficult to find a figure being As mysterious and fascinating as the with his celtic typicality.


women) who, already at the end of Paleolithic, drew magical pictures and symbols on rocks and in the most inaccessible crevices of caves with the aim of providing an ideal link between ephimeral and changeable human sphere, and the metaphysical and supernatural divine one. It is no accident that the real first form of art, just being the figurative one represented by cave painting, rose simultaneously with the magical religious activity of the sciamans who, trying to propitiate gods for the success of hunting or simply for the survival of some individual, unmistakably represented a sort of social cornerstone inside the clans and were capable supporting them psychologically as well as and spiritually in a wild, unmerciful and violent world.

deserving ones. For this reason, the tripartite celtic society (1) having no social hierarchy or political structure except for the king attendant, would hold druids in high esteem to such a degree that not even the king would be allowed to take any important decision without their assent. The available pieces of information on druids actually differ depending on the authors and the epochs taken into account, but fortunately they can be complemented because they do not contradict each other; it is possible that at the beginning they were a single class but subsequently their organization developed becoming more complex and thus they split into different classes.

Concerning this, after many centuries the influence of the men capable of interpreting divine will and nature, would fall on celtic druids who would undertake this role without interruption claiming the right TWO DRUIDS IN A NINETEENTH- CENTURY CARVING

In fact, in a time where newspapers did not exist, events were divulged through

Therefore, his real function can not prescind from the one carried out by those men (or

to be repository of the most mysterious teachings and to hand down them to the most

Never ending and captivating jingles people enthusiastically listened to.


Although the etymology of term is doubtful and arguable in certain ways – even though many associate it with the root of the word “oak” or translate it as “very wise”, undoubtedly it does not represent any social element derived from the remote and fundamental dimension of sciamanism being present in any ancient civilization.

One of those classes was formed by the socalled Vates, being learned in sociology, history and natural sciences; on the fringes of druidic community there were the Bardes, a sort of poets and official storytellers of celtic society and, at the same time, their chroniclers.



In Ireland, besides the druids, there were the Filid whose role was dealing with

other words, the season with the longest days. In Breton June is called ‘midsummer’.

Science and poetry; they were as worthy as druids and were organized in a strict hierarchy.

Winter started on November 1st which in breton corresponded to the beginning of ‘black months’, as shown by October meaning ‘ in the autumnal period’. Moreover, Druids were the keepers of trees, whose symbology was highly esteemed.

fulfilling somehow the same scientific and poetic function as them Ancients had heard of them since the IV century B.C. and deeply respected them for their knowledge and their wisdom. Nevertheless, there is no ancient text containing either druids’ teachings or any original line of bardic poetry but we know that, although this cultural heritage was not esoteric or secret, it was exclusively disclosed to the students of their school specialized in rural seminars (as the Peripatetics (2) in 1) The King, the priests and the warriors. 2) Philosophers who taught only walking in the open air. Ogham Alphabet The greek tradition) being far from the bustle of the world and attended preferably by the son of the aristocrats. Therefore, Druids were essentially priests who officiated religious ceremonies and, most of all, performed the sacrifices. All their knowledge and secrets , including the use of an ‘initiatory’ aphabet called Ogham, were the privilege of the druids. Their natural magic was able to interpret reality and to restore its eternal balance. They marked time according to ancient rituals. Among the Celts the entire conception of time was regulated according to the phases of Moon as the matron goddess of the fertility of the earth and women ( based on four main seasonal events), which Ireland has been named after. The year started on May 1st, in



As is well known, oak was particularly sacred because mistletoe was picked on it , in other words, the precious plant come up on the sacred tree, without contact with the ground and, therefore, endowed with divine properties. On the other hand, woods, even more than lakes and rivers, were places filled with the divine presence. They were an integral part of the celtic culture to such a degree that the Celts did not dissociate them from the efforts to defeat the enemies. In fact, for trees probably were considered as an essential and tangible form of contact between the earth and the divine, they represented a reference point when predicting the future and preparing vaticinations. As you can easily imagine, for the Romans tearing down celtic arboreal sanctuaries became a cynically strategic action as defeating their troops on the battlefield. The conception of life the Celts acquired from the druidic teachings, suffering no fear of death and the afterlife, could not be explained without a rooted belief in the immortality of the soul and in the possibility of men experiencing many different forms of existence. In fact, their devotion to all forms of life, their openness to any experience has revealed their belief in the unity of the cosmos, more than two thousand years before modern science began just to assume it through its techniques. Therefore, as the sciamans in prehistoric so-

cieties, Druids represented the cornerstone of the unity of the celtic spiritual empire, as the ones spreading harmony and wisdom as well as the master of elements (water, fire, wind , earth). For this very reason, the roman conquerors went as far as to suppressing their caste and banning their assemblies and cult so that they could hit celtic society, thus causing its premature decline. Biography : Fabio Truppi He has got a degree in Conservation of Cultural Assets with a brilliant graduation thesis on Atlantis published in 2004. He is a guitarist and is very passionate about fantasy literature. He has won several italian literary contests. Currently he works as an Arts teacher.

The origin of

SACRED GEOMET RY Marisa Grande here is plenty of stories concerning hidden treasures, mysterious galleries, secret chambers and esoteric symbols to be decoded. These are recurring elements in many legends and, in some respects, are widespread throughout Italy. Getting the essence of the elements of nature, human beings have always looked for the load bearing structures of all the forms in the Universe, and have made some models which include the very laws harmonizing the cosmos. As a consequence, for millenia men have tried to recreate some perfect structures being based on geometrical models which include the mathematical laws deriving from the cosmic cycles dynamics. For this reason, the forms conceived by man to harmonize the earth with the cosmos belong to an ancient knowledge deriving from empirical astronomy and applied through “sacred geometry”. Sacred geometry is related to the deep and regular structure of the simple and complex natural forms belonging to the visible and to cyclical dynamics which has created them. The basic understanding of “natural geometry” has begun when man chose a distinct point of view gain all the possible perspectives of an hemispherical and bright space, where some phenomena occurred ; although they looked apparently chaotic, he realized that they were certainly interconnected and related to some cosmic macrostructure.

to the left one.

sidered as its beginning

Serving the function of reasoning, these faculties allow him to catalogue, associate and evaluate anything he can perceive through his senses, and to give any element of the Creation a meaning being deeper and more complex than the intrinsic and objective one.

For man was the observing intermediary for that curve without a hierarchical order among its points, all the closed curves being its submultiples had the same center on which the regularity of the concentric circumferences expanding from it to the horizon depended.

As the real source of his rationality making him different from the other natural beings, man’s “reasoning soul”, playing on his universal “spiritual nature”, combines the faculties of both cerebral hemispheres and allows him to see, associate, catalogue, connect, compare and evaluate all the elements belonging to his experience as well as to his knowledge, until he can express a critical judgement and “recreate them” as he likes in order to better reuse their properties and function. The upright position undoubtedly favoured him while spatially interacting with the environment. He could get a complete vision by rotating apparently till the limit of 360 degrees. Although that horizon being a limit to the vision was perceived as a straight line delimiting the visible extent of the earth as well as the sky, it appeared as a circular closed line without any break. Man symbolically compared such maximum circumference to a serpent eating its own tail, thus conceiving the image of the Ouroboros, one of the most powerful archetypes, extremely rich in meanings being sometimes contrasting and ambiguous. For the far and unreachable curve was anyway equidistant to a given central observation point , any point of its could be con-

as well as its end.

Any area included in that privileged locus was considered as sacred because it represented the expansion of a fertile mother womb around a central navel. For the only hierchical point was the one existing between the center and the circumference , any human circle around a vital central point – such as fireside, table, altar, sacred “coppella” (melting pot) – was considered as a set of elements being equal and part of a shared common action. The actions done inside that circle were as centripetal for the concentration of the energy being channelled to the center and sent to the sky, as centrifugal for coming down from the sky and irradiated on the earth through the same center. Therefore, energetically linking the earth with the sky in some precise points seemed to be the necessary condition to make their union tangibleand it would have been impossible to do it on the unreachable line of the horizon. An innate innate “horror vacui” gnaws human beings whenever they face the mystery of infinite space and eternity: with the aim of to exorcizing this fear they conceived some secred measurable circles as the terrestrial projection of the sacred circle

Therefore, “sacred geometry” very precociously arose from man’s relationship with the environment. His interaction with the changing aspects of nature pushed him to seek an order inside elements which appeared to be ruled by some unintelligible law. His ability (peculiar to the right cerebral hemisphere) to get all the natural forms of the landscape he was phenomenologically immersed in, allowed him to easily interact with the elements composing his habitat and to take its resources. His character, being compliant to nature for belonging to the the animal kingdom, allowed him to activate his sensitivity as well as his emotionality to perceive any environmental feature and to react accordingly , even by using through his innate spirit of survival in dire straits. As a thinking being, man soon expressed his rationality peculiar to the intellectual sphere, perfectly combining right hemisphere global perception with the faculties intrinsic



“Coppella”(melting pot) – photo by Ezio Sarcinella

irradiated around some stars. Such conditions of time and space uncertainty seemed to be more comprehensible for some divine and immortal beings , in other words, for superior minds, than for the limited mind of an earthly mortal being. Thus, the central locus of some expanded circumferences made of equal points depending on the center, corresponded to the tangible point of contact between man and these superior entities:

Sacred fire – graphic design by Marco Sarcinella

that point, as those cyclically appearing on the horizon, , was one of the numberless points of infinite space which, although it was perceived by man as a hemispherical vault, to his limited reasoning , appeared as incommensurable and unlimited.

The extent on the horizon- photos by Ezio Sarcinella



Biography : Marisa Grande After having taught History of Art at school, she continues dealing with art through an original language, the Sinergetic – Art which is fully conveyed by the “meta-realism” of her painting and poetry. Her “Synergetic-Art 1990” Cultural Movement Manifesto ( represents a new multidisciplinary approach to find the meaningful link among all branches of knowledge. She has a partnership with some cultural asscociations and publishing houses; she writes articles for some factual magazines. She wrote : - “L’Orizzonte Culturale del Megalitismo”, (Besa press, 2008) - “Dai Simboli Universali alla Scrittura” (Besa press, 2010).

FIVE MOVEMENTS THEORY The Scientific basis of ancient chinese philosophy Alberto Lo Muscio


ive elements (or movements) theory represents the undisputed base of chinese scientific thought and allows the understanding of the dynamic transformation of the universe and life. These five elements are named WU XING, where wu means 5 and XING acting or walking: therefore the idea of action and movement is conveyed; thus, even though the translation of WU XING as 5 Elements prevails in the common use, it would be better to traslate it as the 5 Agents or 5 Movements just to avoid the idea of WU XING being some kind of material substance without any dynamism. Five elements must be seen as general categories that include every appearence of reality in a precise order of time and space, not strict and fixed but in a perpetual opposition and transformation, with the aim of building a model of the universe structure. HONG FAN states:“First of all the 5 elements : the first one Water, the second Fire, the third Wood, the fourth Metal, the fifth is Earth. Water properties are infiltrating and going down, those of fire are burning and tending to rise, those of wood bending and straightening, those of metal being ductile and fit to be forged, those of earth receiving seeds and yielding some harvest (picture 1)

FROM COSMOS TO LIVING MATTER How do we get to 5 elements circle construction? Concerning this it is useful to remember that the western conception of a living being basicly corresponds to a cluster of matter provided with organic functions as different energy forms (electric energy of nervous tissue, chemical energy of the various cellular systems, mechanical energy of muscles, etc. ). On the contrary, for eastern medicine, matter and energy are not divided but are linked as a single dynamic reality subject to continuous mutations. As stated by physics, pure energy at its highest level of expression is movement, fluctuation, dynamism in the shape of heat and makes life possible only if melted with its opposite, this being not absence of energy but absence of movement because it represents the maximum of potential in the total lack of any manifestation; this is what we the western people call matter in a very reductive way while the Chinese more effectively express it as YING energy (at its highest level) dialectically opposed to YANG energy, this being the expression of dynamic manifestation.



Life is possible only in the intermediate part of nature, where sky yang (sun heat) melts with earth yin (as the supporting cold matter and the basis of feeding). Sky heat from sun represents the maximum yang and alone it does not allow life( could living on a star surface be possible?); the same is on earth because life could not be possible at the maximum yin (can life exist on the surface of a planet too far from its star?). therefore life is possible only where

yin and yang melt in a dynamic balance as on the surface of our planet. Heat or maximum yang is the primeval energy including all other forms of energy: it is expansion, vibration( for physics this means light too). It is the sun and at its maximun of expression (at noon on the solstice day) is just above our heads high in the sky and therefore maximum yang or heat is in the 5 movements circle while its opposite or the cold of matter

supporting us called yin is under our feet and so is inscribed at the lowest part of the circle. However energy is not static and fixed but continuously moving in a form of motion as the manifestation of a preceding potentiality : it is just like a tree which is the manifestation of an iperconcentrated potentiality (the seed) and must pass through an intermediate stage to manifest itself with yin gradually becoming yang ( the young shrub growing ); after its manifestation it gradually loses yang energy ( the three getting older until it dries) to finally go back to the state of still matter or yin (the tree dying) after it has given earth the seed for a new tree to be born in a dynamic living cicle perpetuating itself. Similar examples can be used for human life, for seasons, for the different parts of a day, etc. ; potentiality and manifestation are always the expression of yin and yang following each other because “yang follows yin and yin follows yang”. The presence of yin and yang or potentiality and manifestation can be partioned endlessly. Absolute yang does not exist as

well as absolute yin. This concept is effectively represented by the very famous symbol of Tao, constitued by two opposite attached embryos in which it is possible to notice that even in the occurrence of maximum yang and maximum yin there is always a seed (represented by the embryo eye ) of the opposite sign. Picture 2:

The Tai Ji

Thus, if we combine the maximum yang with the maximum yin (South- North line) we will obtain the so called “ states axis” that is the axis of balance between maximum and minimum; drawing a perpendicular axis to the other one called “changes axis” we will obtain the East- West axis of balance where yin and yang are harmonized penetrating each other as two equal forces . From a cosmological point of view, states axis corresponds to solstices while changes axis corresponds to equinoxes. This configuration has deeply taken root in everyone’s experience as the picture representing the cardinal points and perfectly applies also to astrology with South –North line being the hinge for rotation of all the fixed stars pivoted around the North Star as immutable celestial bodies and always visible for a terrestrial observer. On the contrary other constellations moving above or below the horizon by the passing of seasons are mutable and through their variation they demonstrate a cyclical motion also at the cosmic level . Earth and man are dipped in this reality and suffer its cyclical variations because their living energy is just the same and comes from the alternating presence of yin and yang melting and following each other at every level. This uniform dynamic system organizes and structures also living organisms, both from a typographic and a functional point of view. The most fitting example of perfect melting between yin sand yang giving birth to life and making it possible is represented by the elementary living unit that is the cell: here we find maximum yang being a fire burning inside maximum yin being water. At the bottom of life ther e is a “submerged combustion”, in other words, life is possible because insi-



de the mitochondrion there is a combination between substrata and the oxigen as the basis of the oxidative phosphorilation capable of creating energy for the cell life (a combination with oxigen is nothing but a combustion and therefore a fire), all is submerged in a semi liquid solution represented by the cytoplasm; so this is the amazing fusion of fire and water making the very base of life possible and in this case it is represented by the production of energy as phosphates through the cellular respiration.

THE EARTH ROLE After the comparison of the living organism to a being provided with a fixed and immutable structure ( as the states axis, comparable to the individual gene pool) and with a variable structure ( as the changes axis, comparable to the phenotype interacting with the environment), the issue of the energetic supply must be taken into account because the process of mutual pursuit by yin and yang causes a continuous and irreversible lack of energy. Moreover, as previously explained, our living system seems to be bound to absorbe its necessary energy to live only through respiration, as shown in the example of the cell. If we consider the states axis and the changes one instead we can notice that in the center where they intersect there is a perfect balance between yin and yang: this is Earth as the center of everything, the neutrality. It is essential to create human motion , to move other forms of energy, in other words, to make them usable. This means that man can’t live by feeding directly on sun heat but he has to use it indirectly after the earth has absorbed, metabolized, individualized and finally given back this heat. For this reason the earth .- center is a mirror that reverberates, throws back the energy coming from the sky, the sun heat, taking the role of an energy transformer : therefore the sun is pure energy but to allow life Earth must

receive this energy, transform it ( for eample by giving birth to a plant) and then make it disposable for the consumption of men feeding on this plant which was cosmic energy now modified and reverberated by earth- center mediating action. Then for the action of the re- emitted heat ( picture 3 ) in the Fire sector there is a splitting between the original fire ( called “imperial” fire) and a reverberating one (called “minister”) that represents that ministerial heat just like an imperial emissary carrying energy from the center to all the pronvinces of the empire. Picture 3: the Earth role Therefore reverber axis represents the motion one which is at the basis of evolution and, through the eastern perspective on living organism , it gave rise to the concept of “ministerial heat” called SAN JIAO. The two preceding axes represented man only as rigid topographical structure Without motion and vitality while reverber axis allows the transfer of cosmic energy (sun heat) to the individual microcosm ( food ) thus originating enacted life from its previous state of potentiality. This clarifies how the earth lodge inside the 5 movements circle is responsible for the transformation, metabolization and redistribution of any form of energy ( even mental ). Nevertheless it also expresses that part of motion and dynamism inside each of other movements: it is the passing season , the fifth one , the inertial flywheel allowing the change from a season to another. It is a slight but essential “out fo phase” condition making our inner microclimate fluctuation possible as well as the celestial and terrestrial ecliptic that allows the passing of seasons by moving out of phase( if the terrestrial inclination to its axis did not exist the simple planetary rotation around the sun would not be sufficient to ensure the changing of seasons) (Picture 4). For this reason the earth lodge has been shifted to SE as the axis extreme indicating the middle point (the center) of energy flow circadian cicle ( starting at 3 o’clock at night and therefore standing in the middle of midnight – the North and the dawn – the East): clearly

it has not been positioned at NE because, as previuosly mentioned, the Earth is also a “reverber” of fire and so it can not precede it but follow. Furthermore, our planet with its “central” axis stands in the middle of energy circannual cycle which constantly begins in the middle point between the North and the East because in the chinese calendar a year begins in the middle of winter solstice (the North) and spring equinox (the East); to be more precise, the “center” of a chronological year and its beginning are diametrically opposite (picture 5). Thus the integration of the Earth – center among the circumference four basic movements has led to an integration between the living material structure being three – dimensional and its time cyclical progression perfectly expressing the four- dimensional essense of living matter: to be more precise, we do not live just because we have got a body and some organic function but mainly because we do move through time.

contain all colours getting them together (like the wheel with coloured segments quickly spinning ); on the other hand, yellow indicates the Earth – center and in the spectrum it represents the perfect center among visible colours; finally violet - black as the maximum yin is the one passively and completely penetrated by light and is at the opposite extreme with respect to red. In China the emperor whose behaviour had to perfectly comply with cosmic laws, wore green to visit his eastern provinces in Spring while he wore a red vestment to visit the South in Summer, wore imperial yellow to return to the capital city at the end of Summer ( the center of the empire), in Autumn he left to visit western lands wearing white

Picture 5: integration of the fifth movement.

Wood must be considered as a living vegetable instead of siple dried wood to be burnt. It implies a balance between yin and yang but this is a dynamically active process because yang is rising and increasing just like in the plant kingdom: a plant is apparently motionless as expressing balance between matter and energy but constantly active meta bolically, biochemically, etc.

At this point adding some remark could help : if we consider the 5 movements of the circle, we will notice that each of them represents a whole system and not simply an organon or a function: for example , Spring and wood represent not only liver and gall bladder but also the yang entirety increasing and coming out of yin being the East as the life impulse coming from potentiality and also As the eye, rage, vitality, allergies, etc. In other words, each movement represents the entirety of any morpho - functional part as well as psychic, physiological , phatological , climatic, cosmic, social, biological and so on. In addition ,it is worthwhile taking into account how solid the foundation of this scientific theory is, also through the perspective of physics, in particular the one concerning the electromagnetic radiations : the colour of fire is red because it is the warmest one in the wave length chromatic spectrum ; green is a balanced colour because is a yin (blue) “heating itself” (yellow - reddish), in other words, expresses the passing from yin to yang; autumnal white – the west represents the introjection, the harvest and from a spectroscopic point of view it does

and in winter he concluded his tour in the northern provinces wearing black. WOOD

Wood represents the East, birth, everything that is beginning as well as the awekening, the getting out, a projection onto the outside world. Psycologically it is related to pre-conscious as that psycological structure constantly pushing memories to go beyond consciousness; so does yang emotional energy as a drive, courage, the acting to do something while it is a yang immature drive rising and projected onto the outside world as rage and aggressivenessif it degenerates. The organ is the liver (and viscera, the gallbladder) because as in the plant it represents the yang acting deeply, apparently motionless but so full of chemical energy energy that the liver zone is s the warmest of the whole body. The tissue is responsible for allowing and devoloping dynamism, the beginning of a move , and is represented by the tendon and the muscle (here seen as the neuromuscular synapse instead of the muscular belly which belongs to the earth lodge. The sensory organ is the eye bevcause it perceives the passing from darkness (yin) to light (yang) and it symbolizes the awekening; moreover, more than other sensory organs the eye enables us to reach the outside world and to get in contact even with the farthest objects as the stars. Thus wood secretion is clearly the tear. The energy related to wood is the wind because it is the most dynamic and active and, as previously stated, this aspect of its nature is connected to the concept of balance between yin and yang: wind is apparently motionless because no one can see ita s such (it is invisible air) but it is maximum yang because it moves and shakes everything . Its taste is the bitter –acid, sour, in other words, the taste of something which has not ripened yet, as unripe fruit. Its color is clearly green as the one of the living vegetation. FIRE



Fire brings light and heat and, a s a consequence, for man it is a sign of light (the mind ) and of heat ( being carried in the organism through vascular ramification ). As already mentioned, from a biological point of view there are two fires: an imperial fire represented by heat – light and a ministerial one as heat – warmth being more related to the biological environment. For consciousness it is the active waking as the light of full awareness, a feeling being full, mature and radiant , in other words, the joy which can degenerate into excessive hilarity as well as into frenzy, anxiety and insomnia. Its organ is the heart which is considered as the human thinking center by all medicines and philosophies and is responsible for ensuring the constant circulation of blood related heat. Actually, all the nervous tissue including the brain belongs to the water lodge; however the heart represents the point of contact between the psychic (and physical) events and the living system interacting with them , both in a state of full awareness (for example with a stress tachycardia) and in the organism ( with a tachycardia due to physical strain): therefore the heart represents the point of impact between our mind and the outside world. Accordingly, the tissue belonging to the fire lodge is clearly the vascular endothelium. Small intestine as the most dynamic of the viscera for its peristalsis is responsible for the passing and the absorbing of the external food. The sense is the touch because it allows us to actively interact with the outside world. However, from a more yang oriented perspective , the tongue function is very important (its own motion, in other words, the oral expression as a real “psychic touch” making us interact with other people) is very; on the contrary, the tongue as related to the sense of taste belongs to the earth lodge. The secretion is the most radiating one, to be more precise, it is the one connected to the heat spread through the sweat ; it is worth noting that the seats where sweat appears more frequently are just those considered by MTC as the most representative areas for the heart: they are the armpits (where the heart



main meridian begins running outward), the sternum ( seat of the heart alarm points), the hand palm ( the seat of XIN BAO), the lumbar region ( seat of the original fire called MING MEN) and the head considered both in general a and in particular with the forhead being a very yang part.

mental structuring”, the logical framework of thought, the sintax of mind.

The taste is the bitter like something burnt and the colour is red like the fire.

Human physiology has perfectly clarified the relation to the connective tissue as the supporting tissue and center for the organism and thus including also muscles considered such as “muscular meat” and not as motion ( as in the wood lodge).

EARTH Earth element is considered as soil, this being anywhere and supporting everything exists in nature; it is the real connective tissue of the outside world. It is the central among the elements : it is a fertile humus for wood, it is the element receiving light and heat from sun –fire, it is the repository of metal, it is the vessel of water: in one word, it is the ubiquitous reference point, the fifth element. On a mental level the center can be defined as the mental tank allowing any conscious and unconscious psychic function: it is the “

This centrality looks like a tendency to reflection and concentration but it degenerates when it is the mulling over ideas (obsessions, having a one track mind and even paranoia).

The connective is the center bacause it is ubiquitous as well as the lymphatic tissue and this is so true that the spleen also carries out some important functions related to the defence machanisms based on the action of the mononuclear phagocyted system and blood coagulation. The organ is the spleen – pancreas with its “central” function in dividing food principles,on a digestive, assimilative, distributive, secretory and connective level as well. Viscera are represented by the stomach

which pancreas indeed merges with (it is worth noting that the Chinese do not distinguish between the stomach and the duodenum). Except for this anatomic feature, the stomach plays a leading role because it is the center in the production of all the different kinds of energy and is represented by the triple heater (SAN JIAO) being just seated in the stomach. The sense organ is the one connected ti the first impact with fodd, in other words, the tongue and, more in generale, the entire oral cavity with lips therefore the sense is the taste. By analogy the secretion is the spit allowing the beginning of the digestive action and therefore the “interiorization” of food. The taste is the one peculiar of the basics elements of nutrition, in other words, the sweet insipid of cereal as well as the colour is the yellow – ochre of the earth and cereal.The energy is the one of earth, in other words, the hunidity allowing every chemical process in the living organism. METAL This element is strongly connected to balance, in other words, to homeostasis ; yin and yang are balanced but this equivalence is static and decreasing unlike the dynamic and increasing one of wood. Unlike wood it is not a strictly “living” element but it is full of decreasing yang power materializing itself to become yin ; through



this power makes it is the foundation of any forceful action ( inherently yang) directed to the material and physical (inherently yin) world as the metal tool cutting wood , as the hemoglobin metal ion (the iron) let a yang (the oxigen) pass through a yin (blood); as previosly stated, the same is for the powerful function of internal to external connection in every homeostastic balancing process (lung and skin thermoregulation, acid – base balancing, etc.) Even physically metal is the perfect conductor for any kind of energy ( infact lung is called the “master” of energy); as a whole it represents the “little yang” hiding , in other words, the increasing yang. Mentally it is the period when consciousness forces want to rest, in other words, when yin forces get the upper hand: It is the period when sun yang dives into the horizon, the dusk as the time for thought and meditation. It is basically the interiorization corresponding, on an emotional level, to that crepuscular and slightly impressionistic feeling; it has been described as sad but it is really so only when it degenerates; when it does not it is just a deeply harmonzing melancholic languor, some sort of melodic balance of the soul allowing to fully appreciate the most artistic expressions of nature. The organ is the lung for its constant rhythmic function allowing a permanent exchange with the external environment by receiving the celestial yang and eliminating the internal waste ( carbon dioxide)

Viscera are represented by the most involved organ in connecting the inside to the outside, with a rhythmic motion and yang in nature though weaker than small intestine, in other words the colon; its functions are both eliminating the yin already materialized ( the feces ) and absorbing the yin as water. The excreting function is related to the materialization, starting from yang ( the ileocecal dynamism ) toward yin ( semi –solid rectal stasis ) and therefore with a descending - decreasing yang . The tissue is the skin as a border beween the inside and the ouside, with its homeostatic function for skin temperature and for balancing several features as the right degree of dryness or humidity in tissues in contact with the external environment. B analogy, the sense organ is the nose, the sense is the smell and the secretion is the nasal and bronchial mucus (when pathologically worsened it is the phlegm). The colour is white because , as already stated, it includes and “gathers” all the other colours and the taste is the alkaline, the sparkling and the hot in contrast to the bitter acid of the liver - wood. Finally its energy is dryness which is essential in allowing lungs and colon To work properly. WATER It is the great yin as the maximum passivi-

ty, receptiveness and passive informality as a liquid taking the shape of its own container . It is the absence of yang and consequently it is the cold energy as well as the life starting center because, when it is maximum, yin becomes yang: therefore vitality comes from from absolute “inactivity”. Its motto is “Ne varietur” and so it does preserve individual characteristics at most; this is so true that water also represents the DNA , the cell nucleus , the transmission of inherited traits. It is Winter, darkness, the North where nothing is visible and all is possible:it is Potentiality quintessence, the chessboard at the beginning of a game, it is the universe before big-bang. On a phychic level it is the absence of any conscious content as the absolute oblivion, a deep sleep without dreams and on a psychanalytical level it corresponds to the unconscious. On an emotional level it is the most individualizing feeling as well as the most solidifying and persistent, in other words, the will and when it degenerates it becomes the opposite sensation as well as the most yin, paralysing, irrational , in other words fear, terror and phobia. The organ serving an essential role in regulating bodily liquids and electrolytes is the kidney considered as yin kidney ; on the contrary, yang kidney represents the termoproducing root of the organism.



Life springs from their unione (submerged combustion). Kidney is also responsible fo the transmission of inherited energy through the sexual function: infact kidney is related to the genital apparatus because it accomplishes some of its functions in concert with the endocrine system ( suffice it to say that the adrenal cortex and the gonads release the same hormones). Since the maximum yin also represents, as previuoly mentioned, the highest concentration of matter (water as ice) thus the tissue related to the water lodge is clearly the most passive as well as the most condensed and rich in inert mineral slta, in other words, the bone whose structure depends on the ionic balance regulated by the kidney ( as for the consequences of kidney injury on bone metabolism): Another essential tissue related to kidney is the nervous one and thi si si tue that ancient Chinese considered the bone and its content as a whole: therefore both the nervous tissue and the other “marrows” are afferent to the kidney, as the the hemopoietic marrow ( however creating an “individual” and “ invariable” matrix, in other words, the blood type ), the yellow marrow and the spinal cord. Through the perspective of human physiology, the connection between kidney and nervous tissue could be explained by the relation between thalamus –ipothalumus – hypophysis and the endocrine axes. Viscera are clearly represented by the blad-

der for its role in water regulation. The sense is the hearing because sound can be perceived only with the presence of matter (as some air molecules vibrating); the organ is the ear its own role but also because it corresponds to the somatotopic representation of the kidney i and, more in general, of the entire organism. The colour is the one passively absorbing everything , in other words, black and the taste is salty as our ancestral water. In conclusion, considering a living organism as such is misleading ; on the contrary, it should be considered as the risult of what it has become ; to be more precise, a living organism is its own transformation. Biography : Alberto Lo Muscio He has got a degree in Medicine specializing in Cardiology and in Internal Medicine. He obtained his Chinese Medicine diploma from the Società Italiana Agopuntura and is a Chinese Medicine teacher (OMS certified). He is a member of the Società Italiana Agopuntura executive council and, since 2006, has been Editor in Chief for the Rivista Italiana di Agopuntura. He has published many papers on Cardiology, Energetic Medicine and Chinese medicine in many Italian and international journals; he wrote two books on Cardiology. His latest book is “Dante e la Sincronicità dell’ I-KING” (Anima Press, 2011).

The function and the ultimate reason of this spiritual dimension The secret of the Vitruvian Man by Leonardo Da Vinci


In the book “Il Segreto dell’ Uomo Vitruviano di Leonardo” (The secret of the Vitruvian Man by Leonardo Da Vinci) I have described and explained the geometric harmonic code behind the drawing by Leonardo. It is a generative geometry which implies the possibility of defining the geometrical quadrature the of circle corresponding to the value of pi as 22/7, as theorized by Archimedes in his book “De Mensura Circuli” (it is shown in the picture below).

The generative geometry we know is not the only one being able to represent Archimedes’ quadrature square as 22/7.I am going to present a very interesting sequence I called “Davidic Code”.

we called Nazareth points. The motive will be explained shortly. We drew a horizontal line passing through the points (N) thus identifying the points of intersection with the omphalos external diagonals.

In this case, at the beginning of the process starting as usual with the fundamental square called omphalos, the equilateral triangle is highlighted (phase 2) and the star of David (phase 3). The last configuration (phase 6) expresses the quadrature square of 22/7.

These new points allow one to draw the perimetrical quadrature square corresponding to the value of pi as 22/7, as shown in picture.

Thus it is possible to generate the right relation between the circle and the square characterizing the Vitruvian Man. The two geometrical models converge on Archimedes’ quadrature connecting each other. According to Vitruvius, the sacred – harmonic space is created through three constructive phases being roughly equivalent to plan, elevation and section in modern architectural language. The first ichnogram ( corresponding to the plan ) was accomplished through the trinity code 3-4-5. This procedure is described in the book “The secret of Vitruvian Man by Leonardo”. The second ichnogram was accomplished through the trinity code 1-1-1. In the Davidic Code we used some energetic centers (N)



Nazareth Holy House In Loreto The Santa casa (Holy House) universal congregation has always promoted any study on the artefact inside the basilica in Loreto. Thanks to archeological research carried out in Loreto as well as in Nazareth, it has been possible to value the most reliable measures both of the original structure in Nazareth and In our opinion, it is extremely important to ask the researchers about the length of the original walls and the measure of the part added to them in Loreto, being symbolically equivalent to the cave space in Nazareth. On the contrary, its width is almost certain. The artifact is 9 cubits wide corresponding to about 4,05 meters. I will report the survey performed by Prof. Dante Tassotti in the seventies with an estimate of the long walls compared to the probable configuration in Nazareth at the time of Mary, Joachim and Anne. Supe-



rimposing the davidic ichnogram to the official survey on the Santa Casa in Loreto ( Prof. D. Tassotti), the resulting correspondence is remarkable also for the partition line N – N between the worshipped walls coming from Palestine and the part added to them in Loreto in 1294. In Palestine, at the time of Anne and Joachim , asking for rabbis’ advice was normal. Joachim built his house in accordance with the tradition of modelling the architecture of one’s own “domus” on the hexagonal geometry of the star of David. This hypothesis is shared by many scholars and researchers (Eng. Arch. N. Monelli La Santa Casa a loreto La Santa Casa a Nazareth, Ed. C.U. della S.C., Lo- reto, 1997). The connection between the model of the Santa Casa in Loreto with the Geometrical quadrature of the circle as well



as with the ichnogram of the Vitruvian Man is new and unexpected. Turin Shroud Once analyzed through Radiocarbon 14 dating, this important relic of Christianity turned out to be medieval, dating to 1260 -1390 AD . If this result is confirmed, it can not be the burial cloth of Jesus.

the Nazareth points (N). These lines intersect the fundamental circle in four points and form a square. The diagonal angle of the dotted square is equal to 14° 19’ 32,99”. The measures surveyed through different periods are reported in the table below being ordered according to the increasing values of diagonal angles. The harmonic square con diagonal angle being equal to 14° 19’ 32,99”

Leaving aside its authenticity as the shroud of Jesus instead of a medieval cloth, we intend to take into account only its proportions and measures. The cloth is made of linen and has been measured on several occasions each to a different degree of stretching.

is inside the range of real measured values and in all likelihood it corresponds to the original measures (unknown) of the Turin Shroud.

Examining the Davidic Code again, we draw two vertical lines passing through

The shape of the davidic square and that of the square in the Turin Shroud are generated by

The harmonic relation

the same ichnogram. We put forward a further simple geometrical dynamics highlighting a harmonic relation among their parts as well. According to this dynamics, if the size of the Santa Casa is 404 cm by 944 cm, then the Turin Shroud will measure 112,6 cm by 440,9 cm. For the Santa Casa we used a contracting geometrical dynamics. Then we will use an expansive one. The comparison between the measures of the model Santa Casa / Turin Shroud and the architectural measures of the Kaaba in Mecca reveals minimal differences. In brief, shape and measures of the Santa Casa / Turin Shroud transmute to those of the Kaaba and vice versa. Their two architectures strictly derive from the Vitruvian Code essential geometry based on quadrature and probably expressing some important aspects about the cosmic laws of harmony.



From the world of causes a silent ideal melody comes to ours. Let’s try to tune to it and listen to its message. Conclusions In the article I have reported the ichnographic model of the Vitruvian Man by Leonardo and some other ichnograms, sometimes without describing their dynamic sequences. My purpose is stimulating the readers to become drawers and to elaborate the models shown above by themselves . They will realize that, in any case, the secret of these models can be revealed through the Vitruvian Man by Leonardo. After due consideration I dare say that the Vitruvian Code is a wisdom keystone to gain access to the geometrical harmony laws as they were meant by Ancients to create any sacred harmonic space.

This is just what I experienced. The Vitruvian Man (and actually not only it) has begun disclosing its secrets. How many more is it hiding? Biography : Alfonso Rubino He is a civil engineer. He has death with the construction of civil and hydraulic works. During the elaboration of a basic mathematical paradigm to understand psychic phenomena, he became passionate about Ancient Egypt. He has carried out some studies on perception finding out a new type of energy he called PSINERGIA. During his research he has discovered some harmonic sequences being very similar to music scales. His new book “Il Segreto dell’ Uomo Vitruviano di Leonardo” is about to be published.



rying and silence, screaming and joy … These were the emotions he was feeling in that moment. Everything was energy and vibrations and what was happening in the center of that galaxy caused many various emotions. Inside him. While observing those hundreds of worlds swallowed by the massive black hole , he could not help being sad for those billions of life forms vanishing from this dimension but, at the same time, the fascinating spread of radiations exploding and intersecting, spreading around infinite multicoloured spirals, could not awaken but admiration for the enchantment that the universe could arouse. Then He remembered when he had gone to that part of the multitime and he had seen directly that whirling tangle of waves, radiations and time synapse. Right… it was TIME! How much time had passed since that event? He hardly counted it although he was aware that his computing skill was vitually infinite. He gathered very slowly all the particles of his being spreaded along a length equal to that of an entire solar system to observe those phenomena. Occurring nearly on the other side of the universe. Amost Idly and at his leisure as only an immortal could do, he was ready to reach one of those planets that his particles showed him as full of life and thriving. It was a blue world, full of life and contradiction… maybe as it was right for it . Although that world had been the subject of his interest for hundreds of aeons, as the majority of the worlds in that galaxy, any time he went onto it he always found something different , even in its maddening monotony. An struggling world, in a perpetual war, forever. Animals struggling against plants and themselves. Powerful people against the weak ones. The most intelligent life forms against the least evolved ones. The very planet emitted some polluting substance then to be reabsorbed and recycled to restore order. Every time there was some new event being different (althogh identical in essence) from those occurred previously for centuries, maybe for millenia. Geological ages followed one another, dominant species were born , grew and became extinct always through a fixed rhythm and cycles he could recognize and predict by then. In that period the dominant race was about to reach the end of one of those



cycles and he went there just to understand and “help” this dimensional shift. Sometimes he thought about the time his race had also lived in a material and “physical” plane of existence and how they had gradually freed themselves from the burden of a “body” through the development of knowledge and technology. After the replacement of all perishable biological parts with some made of replaceable materials they could transfer their own thoughts to some “thinking” crystals and they reached immortality. Through the unlimited lenghtening of life for any individual of his race, technology and spirituality developed so enormously that a goal always yearned as unexpected was achieved: it was the transmutation of thought to pure energy. When this happened they all the unlimited power of any existing form of energy of the universe they were unaware of. This new “condition” allowed him to see for the first time “things” existing” now , in this universe, as well as in any universe … and to move back and forth through time. How partial and limited their vision was and how extremely complicated and simple reality seemed before their eyes! After an initial phase of spiritual growth melting each other in a single huge mass of energy and thought, each of them decided to give a meaning to his unlimited existence going to a different part of the multiverse to spread intelligence and spiritual evolution. In fact, love was the keystone for all the existing life forms.

Althogh they were inclined “by nature” to do it , they had had difficulty in reaching their levels and had fell back to a recessive state weighing down their existence as well as that of everything around them On the contrary, they already knew that the time of the entire universe woul not be enough to completely achieve their purpose. He had gone to that spiral galaxy and for a very long time he had visited almost all its worlds. He had chosen one of the most promising planets: it was the blue one. Working hard he had succeeded in making the existing dominant race reach a decent level of awareness but there was much more to do. Sometimes he went down among them and he pushed their evolution towards the right direction. He left a seed which sometimes grew bearing fruit, sometimes was deprived of its nourishment by the hidden forces of evil and died out. No trouble. He began again from where he had stopped being as patient as just a timeless being like him could be. From that advantaged position he waited the planet to make a complete rotation, identifying and mapping the position of all the children born after his last arrival there. That was the last seed he had left for that dominant race to make it take another little step on the infinite stair of spiritual evolution. That group of children was growing and

developing some essential skill for the new humanity. He counted them all and virtually hugged them in a single loving embrace. That mental hug was perceived by all the thousands of children as a wave of heat and infinite love reaching not only them (as a group) but also everyone else. Their prompt and instant answer definitely convinced him that it was the right time to immensely encrease their still soothed faculties, thus creating a new type of humanity.

Those children would hand over their skill to anyone being open minded and spiritually awakened enough to get it … and they all would repopulate the new world together. In fact the old world had to end; too many people with negative vibrations and too many toxins had polluted that planet puhing it beyond the point of no return. His intervention was needed to balance everything again and to give those skies and seas the same pureness as those

children’s hearts had. He saw a huge asteroids with an elliptical orbit and he shifted its motion, quickly calculating a path to make it come close to the planet without any risk of impact. It would “simply” come close to it. As a consequence, the gravitational forces of both bodies would create some tidal and telluric wawes being so strong that the planet would not be the same any more after that event. It came to him the statement he had telepathically suggested to a writer some time before: ”New skies and new lands”. Well…right. He had just thought of everything. Now he could enjoy the sight. He became a solid mass of energy and went down at ground level lying down on a sunny meadow. Whoever had witnessed the event would have been under the impression that a morning hoarfrost was spreading all over the plain. In that moment if he had got the lips a slight smile could have been glimpsed on them.

Biography : Mike Tempo He is a freelance writer. He wrote many science- fiction stories published in many countries under several pseudonyms. He has stood out for his great ability to combine imagination and the realistic description of the contradictions in modern society. For he has assigned copyrights of his literary work to the e-magazine “Runa Bianca”, this is the first piece of writing he has published in Italy



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