Unconventional careers, as–theresearch,groundbreakingorexploringworldthroughtravelwe'llfollowouralumnitheyforgenewpaths.

Cover photo credit: Dax Justin '02 Read more about Dax on page 11.


Blazing New Trails

Jason Rogers • •
42 244343437 464541 50484758
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AARON GOETTEL | EDITOR Director of Alumni & Advancement
Academy Graduate Refections SILVER LININGS
Patrick Ignasiak '22
DANA HEISE | COPYRIGHT EDITOR Director of Communications
DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI AWARD Zach Flower '06 Academy Emily Buchanan '13 College
College Historian RUNDLE'S TRAIL OF BELONGING Gary Sylven
Elina Mogan '22
Academy Historian HOME AWAY FROM HOME Shilo Vesey
Rundle Academy Alumni Officer
LESLIE TECKLENBURG | DESIGNER Coordinator of Communications
Editor's Letter WESTERN DAYS GONE BY Aaron Head’sGoettelMessage PORTRAIT OF A GRADUATE
Rundle College Coordinator of Alumni & Advancement
DR. GEOFF HILL Member Since 2014 Director
Member Since 2018 Director
MRS. MEHRI SALIMOVA Member Since 2017 Director
MR. ROSS WONNICK Member Since 2018 Director
was an active Rundle parent who served as a Director of the Society from 1988 to 2019 and as Secretary of the Society and Chairman of the Board’s Governance Committee from 2000 to 2019. Mr. Carrick’s son, Reg, graduated from Rundle in 1992.
MR. CHRIS CHAN Member Since 2021 Director
Member Since 2018 Secretary
Mr. Carrick was a positive supporter of the initiatives that built Rundle from its earliest beginnings and is the first Director, other than the Founders, to have served the Society in a volunteer capacity for 25 years. In his book, A Cottage That Became a Campus, Dr. Conklin observed of these early days that “Holder, McCarthy, Robertson and now Carrick dominated Board meetings and consequently did most of the work.”

Mr. Ronald B. Carrick, Secretary Emeritus of Rundle College Society, passed away on Monday, January 10, Mr.2022.Carrick

MR. IAIN MCCORKINDALE Member Since 2017 Director
Mr. Carrick’s dedication to Rundle is immeasurable and greatly appreciated. He will be dearly missed by the entire Rundle community.
MRS. CARRIE FERGUSON Member Since 2013 President & Chair
MR. DENNIS LOCKING Member Since 2008 Vice-President & Vice-Chair
MR. ERIC TOEWS Member Since 2015 Treasurer
MR. JON MCKENZIE Member Since 2018 Director

I hope you enjoy the stories and take as much pride as I do as you read about the many exciting and successful trails blazed by our Rundle community.

One of the most rewarding parts of my position as Director of Alumni Relations is witnessing the many trails our incredible alumni have blazed. Whether it be traditional careers, such as law, medicine or engineering; or new trails in entrepreneurship, volunteering, and research, our alumni do it very well and uniquely in their own way. The character, respect, passion and enthusiasm displayed by our alumni never ceases to amaze not only me and my fellow colleagues, but so many beyond the Rundle community. As you will read, Rundle continues to blaze new trails in its own way: from starting a new school to launching new programs and continuing every year to advance and progress in the field of education.
When first discussing this year’s theme, “Blazing New Trails”, visions of Rundle College’s Senior High Western Days at the Barlow Campus entered my thoughts. Memories of root beer chugging and “Yeehaw” contests came to mind. Although we do not host Western Days anymore, the Rundle community still continues to blaze new trails.

In essence, the "Portrait of a Graduate" articulates a vision of what our students aspire to be. This vision goes forward to give voice to the values, experiences and attributes of our graduates. Furthermore, the "Portrait" serves to inform each of our schools' decisions in our curriculum, programs, and practices.
you will hear the phrase shared, “When you graduate Rundle, your grades will be impressive; however, they will be the least impressive thing about you.” When hearing this, one may ask… but what could be more impressive than my grades?
The Portrait of a Graduate: What’s more impressive than your grades?
Earlier this year, I had the privilege of writing an article for our student newspaper, The Rundle Review. The editors of the publication simply requested that I write about anything the students may find interesting or something I would like to share with the student body. It was not long before I had written an article on the topic of "Rundle’s Portrait of a Graduate."
society, our "Portrait of the Graduate" is allowing us to blaze new trails for our current students and Rundlealumni.willcontinue to explore how the competencies of kindness, curiosity, wellness, empathy, critical thinking, mental well-being, industriousness, emotional intelligence, global thinking, innovation, antifragility, gratitude, optimism, pluralistic worldview and leadership, come together to support our graduates in reaching their individual potential. Ultimately, it is our belief that these competencies come together to realize our ultimate vision “To develop inspired minds and unparalleled Oftencharacter.”atRundle,
By Jason Rogers for The Rundle Review
One way to answer this question would be to look at “Rundle’s Portrait of a Graduate.” In essence, the concept of a "portrait of a graduate" is a clear articulation of the values, experiences and attributes our graduates will hold in their hearts and in their actions when they move from Grade 12 into their post-secondary experiences.
As we think about "Rundle’s Portrait of a Graduate," one may wonder whether a high average or a stellar academic transcript is not enough to see each student into the postsecondary institution of their choosing. What we are finding is that while the recognition of attending one of Canada’s top academic schools is certainly helpful, many top-tier post-secondary institutions are looking for a more dynamic picture of who the graduate is, beyond their grades. We are seeing universities such as the University of British Columbia, Oxford, Queens, and Harvard put an increasing emphasis on the quality of personal statements and the confidence demonstrated during entrance interviews. Due to the changing nature of university admissions, the added requirements of the workforce, and the dynamic nature of
To close, when you graduate Rundle, your grades will be impressive – but they will be nowhere near as impressive as the collection of values, experiences and attributes that your mind, heart, hands and feet bring together while you have attended Rundle.
At the core of a graduate’s heart is kindness We aspire to leave the world a better place than how we found it, and we achieve this lofty mission through individual and collective acts of kindness in our school and our communities. Furthermore, gratitude for our individual opportunities is shared with those who support us and with those who are instrumental in our success.
Rundle’s graduates will go forward and use their hands to be innovative and construct solutions to problems and challenges we will face in the decades ahead. This innovation may come in the form of engineering robots, creating code or writing persuasive position essays. We aspire to have our students use their hands to be industrious creators of objects, ideas and initiatives that lift both themselves and each other up.
Our graduates will use their feet to walk in the shoes of others, to wander widely, to be a part of another’s experience and to explore vast arrays of countries and cultures. Our feet are the vehicles of our experience and this experience deepens our personal and collective empathy The experiences of our students will strengthen their mental well-being and pluralistic worldview
The Hands of a Rundle Graduate
We hope that all Rundle graduates will be creative and curious students who use critical thinking, togetherness and global thinking to investigate local, national and global issues. In addition to the intellectual hardwiring that is expected of a Rundle graduate, we are committed to the soft skills inherent in acquiring a deep understanding of antifragility, emotional intelligence, and leadership
The Heart of a Rundle Graduate
The Feet of a Rundle Graduate
At Rundle, when we think about the ‘portrait of a graduate,’ we choose to frame it in the context of a graduate’s mind, heart, hands, and feet.
The Mind of a Rundle Graduate
Throughout my time at Rundle, there are a few defining moments for me: my first day in grade four, grade nine graduation and transferring to online school. I still remember the drive to school on the first day of school. I was so anxious. It was all new to me, somewhere where I didn't know anyone and wasn't sure how things work. I quickly realized that all of that nervousness was for nothing, the drive home was extremely
Throughout that year and the years to come, Rundle helped me build on different skills that I would need in my future. I learned how to better use accommodations and Rundle helped show me different ways to succeed. Most in Rundle are familiar with the uncertainty that comes at other schools, the not being 'normal'. Rundle and the people within it showed me how I cannot only overcome my struggles but embrace them. To this day, I use the different strategies I learned then to help me succeed.
short time, I had fallen in love with Rundle. The community and environment were amazing. The community within Rundle was amazing. It was full of people who genuinely cared and whom I was able to bond with. Early on I knew this was a place I both wanted and needed to be.

graduation ceremony. By that time, the entire grade was even more tight-knit and we were all starting to fully discover ourselves. That time was important for another reason: it was the year before we went into high school. It seemed like such a big deal then – like make it or break it. It wasn't. By the time I was in grade nine, I was starting to look more to the future.
One of the biggest things to happen to me, both at Rundle and in my own life, is COVID. For our grade, the majority of our high school experience has been online and during COVID. This has had a huge impact on how I experienced high school but COVID has had one silver lining. During this time, we have learned about the true extent of our grit and perseverance. We learned how to adjust to a digital platform for learning and with that how to find the small positives, even when things are difficult. We adapted and even in that time, our community came together to support and help each other. We proved to ourselves that we can succeed. These last few years have been hard and unconventional, but they have shown us how capable we are.
These are only a few of my many moments at Rundle, but I feel they help to highlight some of the things I love most about Rundle. They show what our school represents and stands for. Rundle has changed my life. I can say with full confidence that I would not be the person I am now without Rundle Academy.
Another key moment was the grade nine

Becoming a "Shepard of Nature"
Without a doubt, Mr. Justin has made an incredibly positive impact on his community. He puts a lot of effort into his public speaking, inspiring youth to discover their passions and find happiness in nature. Having spoken at numerous schools, Mr. Justin stresses the importance of nature for the younger generation, as it provides an escape from reality and gently heals our minds. His mission to “explore, illuminate, and activate” is aimed to fuel a movement of discovery and healing for the overall
If you have ever felt that urge to escape the city and discover the natural world through an artist’s eyes, Dax Justin '02 is the person to talk to. The epitome of a trailblazer, Mr. Justin has found a way to masterfully combine the worlds of creativity, adventure, public speaking, and business. He is an alumnus from Rundle College 2002 who has found his true calling in a multitude of pursuits: photography, exploration, design, public speaking, and education. After his journey at Rundle, he studied at the University of Lethbridge where he earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and honed his skills in branding and logo design. Now, after over 15 years of experience working with different companies as a creative director, Mr. Justin has an extremely long list of accomplishments and accolades. Most recently, he became a certified National Geographic educator, was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographic Society, and became a sponsored ambassador of Dell, as well as Canon Canada.

that is often overlooked. “I saw life differently that day,” he told me. This is where Mr. Justin’s career in photography took off and he began his journey of forging new paths. If there is one thing I am sure Mr. Justin would hope for you to take away from this article, it would be to go out and explore nature, whether or not you consider yourself an “outdoorsy” person, because as he explained to me, “Nature is attractive to anyone, you just have to have the will to go out there and pursue it.”
to discover his love for creative pursuits. Rundle cultivates numerous opportunities for young artists, and any time a new gymnasium is built, the highest honour is being selected to paint the wall mural — in this case, it was the Rundle Cobra logo. An art student myself, I was able to share in Mr. Justin’s excitement as he explained how fun it was to be one of the artists for this opportunity. A straight-A art student, Mr. Justin was always doodling letters and symbols which paved the way for his title as a rediscoveredJustin’sgetwashisspecialist,brandingbutpassionfortheoutdoorsnotalwaysasapparent.Mosturbanitescanagreethattheroutineofthecitycanboringveryquickly,andMr.solutiontothiswastodriveoutintothemountainsoneday,andjustexplore.Hewitnessedthevitalityofnatureandtheworldaroundus
When I asked him about his experience at Rundle, Mr. Justin shared some highlights that allowed him

talking.” I recommend you visit his website or his instagram (@daxjustin) and get lost in some of the work he has produced–his expertise will speak for itself. While there, be sure to check out the mind-blowing captures of polar bears from Mr. Justin’s trek on the Arctic tundra where he experienced numerous, peaceful encounters with wildlife.
Dax Justin '02 College
betterment of our world. Taking one look at his portraiture collection, it is clear that Mr. Justin is able to capture the soul of a person in just one photograph. It truly is a gift to be able to create a tangible piece of a person’s personality and have it kept in that person’s family as a reminder of their loved one. One of Mr. Justin’s statements that stuck out to me was “Photos have a unique ability to speak to people. They speak to you based on your experiences, your outlook, and how you carry yourself.”
He photographsbelieves can act as
Dr. Zahra Goodarzi is a rare specialist in an underserved fIeld — a clinician-scientist who’s an expert in combining research and clinical care to help Canada’s elderly.
AGE 36
In 2017, Goodarzi helped found one of Canada’s first geriatric movement disorders clinics — a specialized centre where older adults with conditions like Parkinson’s disease can visit multidisciplinary health-care providers. She is also program director for the Leaders in Medicine program at the University of Calgary, mentoring the next generation of clinician-scientists. Geriatric medicine is about connecting with older adults and their families and Goodarzi, with her ringing laugh and effusive nature, craves those connections. One tip she hears most often from her patients and regularly repeats to herself: “Don’t worry about things. It doesn’t help you.”

Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine and Community Health Sciences, University of Calgary ZAHRA GOODARZI '03
She has since gone on to receive multiple nationally funded grants, including a $240,000 grant for a study on depression among residents of long-term care from the Canadian Institutes of Health
rare, she’s also a clinical researcher who leads studies to identify and treat the unmet needs of Canada’s elders, particularly those with mental illness or frailty, a state of reduced function and
Research. Goodarzi has been published in journals such as Nature and The BMJ (British Medical Journal). Her findings are changing care and quality of life for older people across Canada by improving the diagnosis and management of depression or frailty.
he grew up planning to become a scientist like her father, but Dr. Zahra Goodarzi took a different path after the experience of seeing her own mother in the health care system. “We felt heard and understood,” she says. “That’s really Today,powerful.”Goodarzi is one of around 300 geriatricians (specialists who care for older adults) in Canada. Even more
Goodarzihealth.was an undergraduate research student when she met a clinician scientist who inspired her to do both research and clinical work.
and mortar schools are costly to build and have a capacity limit, Rundle Studio understood that online learning was not only possible, as we proved through the pandemic, but also would provide an opportunity for students who needed support to get the help they needed to succeed.
Building a School in the Cloud

How do you start a school? Brick by brick would be my answer, but of course Rundle Studio doesn’t have any bricks. No, we are 100% online. So I suppose you could say byte-by-byte. The idea of the school was born quite some time before any students were enroled, but the focus has always been to provide personalized education for students who have learning disabilities and live anywhere in the province of SinceAlberta.brick
were one of the key considerations when developing Rundle Studio. We know how important it is for students to interact with each other and their teachers. That is why every student is part of a teacher advisor (TA) group that meets at the start of every day to check in, review announcements, and to touch base with each other. We use a virtual platform called Gather, where every student signs in as an avatar and sees all the other students in the school. Students move their avatars around and as they approach their peers, a virtual video window, like ZOOM, pops up. This allows students an unstructured way to interact with whomever they like.
online after each class. Students have access to materials, and recorded lessons 24/7. This allows students to get help when they need it and also allows them to review their material at their own pace as often as needed. Our learning management system (LMS) is continually being updated and improved upon to offer built-in accommodations to better support the needs of our Socialstudents.interactions
While shifting to online learning was difficult for some students, we found that other students actually thrived. By consciously removing the obstacles of travelling to school, shifting classes, distractions in the classroom, and the stressors associated with social anxiety, students are able to focus on what is really important and concentrate on their learning. At Rundle Studio, teachers are live online with quality personalized lessons throughout the day, while also providing a level of flexibility for those who need it. Teachers record their lessons and post them
At Rundle Studio, we found that students, teachers, and parents have created a caring and supportive environment where students feel they are seen, heard, and have a choice. As educators who understand learning
disabilities, we know how important it is for students and parents to know more about the learning process and how every child learns in their own way.
We haveCurrently,theschoolsagainstweprograminableStudentsfoundations.andart,suchoptionstudentsprovidewithcoursesasfoods,andcareertechnologyarealsotoparticipateouresportswherecompeteotheracrosscountry.we18studentsenroled

in our first year in grades 7 and 8. We are adding grade 9 next year and aiming to fill the remaining spots for grades 7, 8, and 9. Rundle Studio’s teaching staff consists of four teachers who are all highly qualified to teach students with learning
Connect with us at for more information about whether the Studio is right for your child.

is an excellent choice for students and their families. At Rundle Studio, all students can success.find
disabilities.RundleStudio is helping to change the lives of many families who are now able to access educationindependentanschoolfromthecomfortoftheirownhomes.Weknowhowimportantitisforstudentswhomightbeexperiencinglearningchallengestohaveaschoolandteacherswhoaretrulysupportive.RundleStudio
As the 2022 school year approaches its end and Rundle’s graduating class prepares for the adventures awaiting beyond high school, students are faced with a new chapter in the story of their lives. While this period of time will introduce numerous academic and social opportunities, it will also present challenges that are not easily faced alone. Rundle provides an astonishing support system to its students as they navigate this journey; however, the best comfort can only be found in a veteran of the program one wishes to pursue; an individual who can provide insight into what to expect
from university and the workplace. In this sense, relief may be found in following the lead of an alumna who has blazed the trail.
This is exactly the reason why students considering architecture as their career path should appreciate the determination of Rundle College alumna Alana Kerr '15, the first Rundle graduate to break this new ground. While there was no architecture pioneer from the school to lead the way, Alana found mentorship in a Rundle parent and a current architecture student who provided valuable advice

Alana stated that one thing she learned from this experience was the importance of versatility and being able to adapt to unforeseen circumstances. This skill especially demonstrated its value during her struggle to find employment within Calgary, leading her to seek opportunities in her homeland of Turks and Caicos because of their more tolerant COVID-19 measures. “COVID was a huge obstacle, like it was for pretty much everyone all over the world…but we’re all super adaptable to anything now,” Alana mentioned, demonstrating that although the pandemic has been a challenge for all, it has provided life-long lessons and revelations that will continue to enrich our Throughoutfuture.hersix
As she is faced with considering these possible implications throughout her professional forresponsibleandarchitecturetheencounteringaboutsheexperience,worrieslegalityofbeingmeetingbuilding
and safety codes. However, Alana’s experience is also filled with “optimism and just so much genuine passion” that emanates from her workplace because, while there are challenges, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.
One of her favourite parts of her career includes the collaboration of the design team as they talk through ideas and provide advice. Alana believes that “you learn so much more by doing things together than you do by doing them yourself,” and this aspect of the job has continually reinforced her love for the career path she discovered in second grade. Inspired by the European architecture she observed during her family travels and always finding herself drawn to the furniture of a dollhouse rather than the dolls themselves, Alana realized at a young age that her passions for art, as well as math, would be well-suited in architecture.
Throughout her experience in the field, she has developed an understanding of what she believes the role of an architect to be. “At the end of the day, it’s all about who’s going to be using the building. Buildings are nothing without people. It's all about coordinating and envisioning what the experience [of the space] will be like.” Putting this ideology into practice, Alana currently works on projects in British
navigate the reality of architecture. “I always say that architecture school is where you learn to think about architecture… and then your internship is how architecture is actually made,” Alana spoke, discussing how school allows students to explore their interests without the legal or financial constraints of the real world.
"You learn so much more by doing things together than you do by doing them yourself."
surrounding course selection and the demands of the architecture program at the University of Calgary. However, no amount of guidance could have prepared her for the challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic presented in her second semester of the architecture program, resulting in a year and a half of her degree being completed online. “I’d say the biggest thing I felt suffered in my education from being online was the lack of impromptu collaboration,” Alana stated, elaborating to describe how she was unable to benefit from the organic learning that usually occurs in an in-person classroom environment. In order to recreate this interpersonal communication, she and her classmates would meet virtually to provide suggestions and counsel for each other. The longest meeting lasting nine hours, they found it beneficial to simply converse with others. However, platforms like ZOOM and MS Teams could never replace the sensation of human interaction and collaboration, which is crucial in the field of architecture.
years of university education and current work experience as an intern architect, Alana has collected many skills and continues to progress in her understanding of them as she works towards her license as an architect. Some of these qualities include organization, coordination, problem-solving, multitasking, and time management, all of which have helped her succeed in her career and
Reflecting on her time at Rundle, Alana is grateful for the close-knit community that the school offers, as well as the opportunities she had to

that through her professional accomplishments and the introduction of architecture to the distinguished list of Rundle alumni careers, Alana Kerr has demonstrated immense leadership for current and future students, as they recognize more uncommon occupations to investigate. Her insight and advice encourage students to embrace their passions and to follow the path of their ambitions, even if it is unfamiliar and less traversed.
strengthen bonds with her fellow classmates. In particular, the trips to Ecuador in grade 11 and to Guatemala in grade 12, allowed her to see different parts of the world, enhance relationships, and experience independence for the first time. Alana believes that her “involvement in art was really meaningful to [her] experience at Rundle and helped build community.” Since graduation, her adventures have provided her with the wisdom she wishes had been granted to her when she was a student. “Go do something that you’ll enjoy, that you'll remember, and is fulfilling to you. It’s the things you do to enrich your own life that stay with you when you finish [school], so don’t be afraid to invest time and effort into those things too.” Alana’s words remind students to consider spending time on their own personal improvement, rather than chasing solely academic pursuits. Instead of measuring the worth of life in a number such as a grade, students should focus on the acts they accomplish to make others and themselves
Columbia, as well as Calgary. Her largest project at the present time involves an apartment tower complex with a community centre in Burnaby. Nevertheless, her work has also made her conscious of the steps that still need to be taken in the advancement of architecture and its impact on the environment. “It would be really cool to see more advancement in our industry and more embracing of better technology, better materials, and better environmental considerations,” she explained, as she stressed the importance of encouraging citizens to be more conscientious of the impact of the buildings they use every day.
— Barack Obama
As a graduate student pursuing a thesis-based master’s degree, Courtney’s daily endeavours center around her thesis on using model predictive control, essentially “using an algorithm
In the ever-changing world of technological advancement, novel science, and space exploration, I had the special opportunity to speak with Courtney Bashnick—someone who is actively contributing to these fascinating fields. Upon graduating from Rundle College in 2016, Courtney completed her Bachelor of Science (Honours) Degree in Physics and Astrophysics at the University of Calgary and is currently
Q&A with Astrophysicist Courtney Bashnick '16 College
pursuing her Master of Applied Science in Aerospace Engineering at Carleton University. I asked Courtney to describe her day-to-day life as a graduate student.

to get two spacecraft to dock together.”
A: Throughout high school, Courtney recalls binging television shows and movies about space with her dad. Although she had always been interested in the subject, it was this adoration for science fiction that truly compelled her to pursue astrophysics at university. During Courtney’s undergraduate years at the University of Calgary, she joined SOAR, the Student Organization for Aerospace Research. Being a part of this organization allowed her to experience a “hands-on approach” to astrophysics by building solid and hybrid rockets. Courtney describes this experience as “the best thing ever” and credits it for ultimately spiking her interest to obtain a master’s degree in aerospace engineering.
A: Courtney could think of two equally important accomplishments. In 2021, she was awarded the prestigious NSERC Graduate Student Research Award, which will aid her in funding her master’s research. Back in 2021, Courtney also received the Silver Medallion from the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Calgary for achieving the highest grade point average out of her graduating class. Courtney reflects that she values both accomplishments because “they were a lot of work,” showing how hard work truly does pay off!
Q: What sparked her interest in astrophysics and aerospace engineering?

Through her daily readings of scientific papers, Courtney is constantly writing and correcting code to enhance her algorithm’s accuracy. In Carleton’s Spacecraft Robotics and Control Laboratory, Courtney is constructing a robot to simulate the behaviour of satellites in space. Courtney explains that her robots are similar to a “reverse air-hockey table” in the way that “air-hockey pucks float above the table, but instead of shooting air up and out of the table to make the pucks float, the robots shoot air down, causing them to float with no friction at all.”
Q: What is something she has accomplished in the past few years that she is most proud of and why?
Q: If Courtney could have a conversation with her high school self, what would Courtney say to her and why?
Despite Courtney’s rigorous schedule, she finds great satisfaction in dedicating her time to her passions.
A: “The only thing I would really say is don't be afraid to make mistakes.” Courtney recognizes youth is a time to experiment through trial and error and is a firm believer that learning from her own mistakes will serve as important lessons to improve herself for the future. She hopes that other high school students recognize the importance of self-reflection and self-growth.
A: “Travel.” Similar to many others, Courtney can’t wait to get back on a plane after two years of restrictions. Hoping to return to France someday, she reminisces about her trip to Toulouse during her third year as an undergraduate student where she participated in the Tools of Space Astronomy workshop. “A group of students from the Physics and Astronomy Department at the University of Calgary flew over to Toulouse and joined a group of master's students for a couple of weeks.” Her group analyzed space missions and rockets, with Courtney still claiming that Toulouse “was probably the best two weeks ever.” In her fourth year, Courtney travelled to Andøya, a Norwegian island, to participate in CaNoRock (Canada Norway Rocket Exchange) “We spent a week at their space facility building a rocket and then launching it! It was very cool.” Despite COVID-19 putting a damper on travel, Courtney is extremely grateful for her undergraduate travel experiences and still cherishes them to this day.

Q: What are her hobbies? How does she spend her free time?
Q: What inspires her?
Although Ontario offers plenty of beautiful scenery, Courtney will always prefer Calgary’s mountain views and proximity to the trails. Especially at Rundle College, she reminds us to look out our windows and take advantage of our city’s prime geographical location!
Q: What is something new she wants to experience in 2022?
A: “Creativity.” Courtney believes the ability to problem-solve, think outside of the box, and find new and different solutions to any situation is an extremely valuable skill to possess in the STEM field and beyond. Though creativity is a skill that is more often associated with the arts rather than the sciences, Courtney acknowledges that we should strive to find various ways to solve every problem.
A: “I love travelling, I love photography, and I love being outdoors.” Courtney states that her recent move to Ottawa has really made her miss the Rocky Mountains, as she is currently searching for hiking spots in her new home.
A: “Seeing the success of others.” Courtney shows deep admiration for what engineers have sent into space as she draws inspiration from the Voyager Mission and the James Webb Space Telescope. As she witnesses these historical
Q: In her opinion, what are the most important skills to have in the STEM field?
projects come to life, she is driven to be a part of something similar. Additionally, Courtney finds motivation in bringing back novel science and is hoping to contribute to these discoveries upon the completion of her degree.
A: Recently, Courtney has quite literally ventured onto a new trail in her life during her threeday-long drive from Calgary to Ottawa. Being away from her home, family and friends during COVID-19 has been both a challenge and an exciting opportunity for her to grow both personally and academically as she continues her education at Carleton University.
the close-knit community and met many of her life-long friends in Rundle’s halls.
Q: What words of encouragement do you have for future “trailblazers” who are hoping to join the STEM field?
Q: What factors does Courtney think contributed the most to her personal success to date?
Q: What does being part of the Rundle Alumni community mean to her?
A: Though Courtney has now moved across the country, she still feels a powerful connection to Rundle’s community through the alumni network. “I think it is truly special that Rundle dedicates so much of its time and resources to stay connected to its students even after graduation.” Courtney acknowledges that the strength of Rundle’s alumni community cannot be found anywhere else, and is extremely grateful to the Rundle community for showing such dedication to every single student.
Q: What does she remember most about her time at Rundle?
Q: How does she think she has blazed new trails in her life?
A: Courtney joined the Rundle community in grade four and summarizes her nine years at Rundle in one simple word: support. She recalls the one-of-a-kind community that Rundle afforded her for university, but also for life. “Rundle is part of that supportive community that I was talking about,” and she attributes Rundle for building the base of her foundation in both academics and character. As an aspiring aerospace engineer, Courtney states, “I don’t think I would be where I am today without the support of my teachers in mathematics and physics.” Additionally, Courtney also cherishes
A: “At the end of the day, to me, success means feeling fulfilled.” Courtney believes that fulfillment applies to both her academic life, mental health, and family—three things she values deeply. Her definition of success starts from within as Courtney believes that one who feels good about themselves is able to emanate positivity and support those around them.
A: For Courtney, two things came to mind: one external and one internal. Firstly, Courtney believes her community of family, teachers, supervisors, and instructors all throughout her schooling have provided an invaluable support system that has contributed greatly to her personal growth and success. Courtney recalls that aerospace and physics weren't popular disciplines for most of her peers to go into, but her family supported her regardless. Secondly, Courtney believes that her own competitive character also motivates her to succeed every day. Whether is it big competitions or small projects, Courtney always aims to be the best she can possibly be.
Q: What does “success” mean to her?
After having the pleasure of speaking with an astrophysicist and aspiring aerospace engineer, Courtney's remarkable accomplishments remind me to keep venturing into the unknown and never look back. I once believed in the metaphoric idiom “the sky’s the limit,” but in Courtney Bashnick’s case, I dare say that this phrase no longer holds true.
A: Courtney’s answer is simple, loud, and clear. “Do it. It’s the best thing ever. You won’t regret it.”
"After building a career in social media and email marketing, Amy began working for a San Diego engineering firm in 2021 as the marketing and business development manager. Her job takes her from writing proposals and creating marketing and advertising collateral, to planning company celebrations, managing business relationships, and travelling for professional development. Now Amy is invested in the San Diego and California communities she lives in, and uses her creative skills daily."
"As the world seems to still be in turmoil. I was able to find the love of my life just before the world shut down due to COVID. In August 2021, we were able to have a lovely wedding. We were very lucky that there were very few restrictions at the time so we were able to enjoy a smaller version of the wedding I dreamed of. This included arriving with my dad in the comfortable Jaguar we've had my entire life, all the men in kilts to make it a little more unique as we celebrated with friends and family. It was an amazing day. Even though I hesitated changing my last name from Slimmon to Anderson, it did feel a bit like I was loosing my identity. In the end, it has been well worth it."

"Although life during the pandemic has proven to be emotional and at times stressful, we were blessed enough to welcome our silver lining, our second daughter, Soha Kaur Johal Pandher on November 20, 2021. She has been an absolute joy for us during these tough times.

In 2021, Kaeleigh married Daniel Grant as well as started a new job as Marketing Communications Coordinator at Guusto.

Congratulations Kristina on the birth of your baby girl, Zola Alexis, on April 23, 2022.

In addition, after a long journey of several career detours, I was able to officially register as a psychologist in Alberta in 2021."
I’m looking forward to transitioning from current pre-clinical curriculum to clinical in the coming years and discovering where my passions lie within medicine. Although my journey to medicine hasn’t been conventional in a Canadian context, I’m extremely grateful for the experiences and lessons I’ve learned along the way and happy to finally be where I am now."
CATHLEEN TIMLICK '09 ACADEMY began her journey at Rundle Academy in grade 11. The Academy changed her perspective on learning and helped her find out who she was as a learner. Cathleen always knew she wanted to be a teacher and with her experience at the Academy, she knew she wanted to start her teaching career within the Rundle community.

now works at Rundle College's K-6 School and has been teaching grade two for four years. Her transition between the Academy and College campus was seamless and she's grateful to be a part of the Rundle community. Everything she learned as a student she can now incorporate into her teaching.
I’m living in now is very unique with a diverse population of Bedouins and immigrants from around the world. After finishing my masters in global health and having a passion for working in diverse communities, there is no better place I could be learning the intricacies of global health and cross-cultural medical competency in conjunction with the core medical curriculum.
"This year I started my studies at the Medical School for International Health in Ben Gurion University. After finishing my Bachelor of Science in Israel and masters degree in Canada, I was so excited to be coming back to Israel to continue my journey towards becoming a

For example, last semester I had the opportunity to take a specialized course on disaster relief which is a subject that is near to my heart as a former search and rescue instructor in the military. This course also tied in so well with past research I’ve done on cultural conflict in disaster relief as part of my masters. While the core medical curriculum is challenging, especially as a student who has always had significant learning challenges, it’s been extremely helpful being part of such an intimate program for my medical education with a class size of 35 and a faculty that is always available and invested in our success.
During university, she volunteered in some elementary classes at the Academy and was hired as an intern that fall. For Cathleen, it was a wonderful experience to work alongside the amazing teachers that taught
I’ve also been involved in the student government. Being elected as my class’ representative on the student council brings me full circle from the time I served as class rep during my high school days at Rundle. It has been very fulfilling to advocate for my classmates and also help my cohort integrate into Israel since most of them haven’t lived here or spoken Hebrew before.
Amanda Grant is the Founder of Sculptrition, a backgrounds.ageswomencoachingandbespokeprovidingcompanyhealthfitnessforofallandhealth
Just over a year ago, MACKENZIE BAILEY '11 ACADEMY moved to Montreal for a new job at a start-up called Taiga Motors, making electric snowmobiles and personal water-craft. As a test engineer on the electric motor team, he's also involved with the R&D development of new electric motor designs and validation of their current electric motor designs. For Mackenzie, it's been exciting developing new electric motors and being a part of creating the first electric snowmobile for market. Deliveries have started so it will be exciting to hear the feedback from their customers. So far he has found them a blast to ride!

along with multiple qualifications in fitness training and coaching.
When the pandemic hit in 2020, she went through her own transformational journey with health and fitness after losing over 50 pounds. She started Sculptrition at the start of 2021 and now teaches her clients the lessons she learned along that journey, providing them with the tools needed to help them achieve their own transformations.
Upon completion in 2016, she went on to become a certified Group Fitness Instructor and worked alongside top fitness leaders in both Canada and the United States.
Congratulations Stefanie on your graduation from UBC Nelson with your degree in education.
Everyone can learn more about Amanda Grant and her work by going to
'10s 26 2022 ASCENT MAGAZINE

Amanda has helped women from all over the world ranging from their 20s to their 70s, in great health and with debilitating conditions achieve their health and fitness goals through creating personalized programs that are tailored to their individual needs. She ensures that no one is held back from achieving transformational change through providing a range of different offerings, including 1:1 coaching, fitness classes, and wellness products.
After moving to the UK in 2019, she expanded her expertise through obtaining a diploma in Integrative Health & Nutrition
Her passion for health and fitness stemmed from 14 years of competitive dance and was nurtured at Rundle College, which led her to pursue a bachelor’s degree in kinesiology at Western University.

school, I have made (some) progress towards my bucket list goal of visiting 40 countries by the time I turn 40. Currently I'm just under halfway there — thanks COVID.
During my Rundle days, I was always interested in criminal law and policing and have taken that interest further and am now stepping into the world of criminal law. Upon graduation from U of C in April, I am set to join a criminal defense firm here in

After I graduated from Rundle Academy in 2014, I studied kinesiology at the University of Lethbridge. Initially, the transition from small classrooms to large university lecture theatres was intimidating. I remember being nervous about how I would cope. I adapted to the changes and enjoyed my time in Lethbridge very much. Studying kinesiology was perfect for me since I enjoyed physical activity and learning about the physiology behind it.
I started my medical school journey in 2016 at the Royal College of Surgeons (RCSI) in Dublin, Ireland. It has been a long journey, but I am in my final year and will graduate this May. My final year consisted of many medical and surgical placements all over Ireland. After I graduate, I plan to work in Ireland or the UK before returning to Canada.

In my free time, I enjoy travelling with my friends and taking part in extracurricular activities. This year, I was captain of the RCSI running club, and very excited to have run the 2022 Boston Marathon with the team back in April.

Back in 2013, I never would have envisioned graduating from law school — high school was hard enough but I managed to take some of the skills I learned at Rundle and I achieved some form of academic success.
During my time in Lethbridge, I also found a new interest in medical anthropology, which led me to pursue a career in medicine. I found it interesting that cultural factors could influence patient care, adherence to treatment and ultimately could improve medicine around the world.
I graduated from Rundle in 2013 – it's hard to believe that's nine years ago now. Since then, I've taken a few twists and turns to wind up where I am now, weeks away from graduating from the University of Calgary's Faculty of Law.
After about 1.5 years of being together, working in the kitchen, Coby asked me if I would move to Grande Prairie with him, this small little town I'd never heard of, that he'd lived in for a couple of years prior. I like small towns, and had never had the opportunity to live in one. So I followed my heart and said yes, and within a month of moving out to
I can't wait to see what life has in store for me next. Thank you so much for reading!
I felt like I was just adopted into the circus! I cried a little, I was blubbering, I gave him a huge hug, and now 2.5 years later, I'm working as a Junior Artist at a well-known tattoo studio in GP. I graduated as an apprentice at the beginning of 2022, and I am living my dream.
My name is Loren, and I graduated from Rundle Academy 8 years ago, in 2014. That same year, I applied and got accepted to the Alberta College of Art and Design (ACAD). So much has happened since then, that it'll be hard to break it all down into a couple of paragraphs, but I'll do my best!

I spent the next 6 months afterwards taking care of my grandma, and when she passed, I started working at Earls in the kitchen, and that is where I met the love of my life, the Sous Chef, Coby.
So I redid my resume, grabbed my sketchbook, and headed towards our little downtown that held all 17 tattoo studios in the city. I didn't get any interviews immediately, and I was pretty discouraged, but 3 days later I received an email from the last place I had applied to. They were looking for a receptionist. I was in. I worked my butt off for the next year, organizing the business, and creating a professional portfolio to present to my boss at my 1-year mark of working at the Sterling Skull Studio. I had no idea what to expect when I showed it to him, I asked, "Chris, would you be interested in taking me on as an apprentice?" He looked through my portfolio, mentioned that he was impressed with the amount of art I had ready, and then just said, "Yep, I'll take you on."

the GP, he asked me to marry him. I said yes again, and he has been my rock ever since.
'10s 28 2022 ASCENT MAGAZINE
I ended up dropping out of ACAD after completing the first semester. I had a job, and was living alone, and it was all just a bit too much to take on at once.
I did work in a kitchen for about 6 months when we first moved; however, I wasn't getting hired where I wanted to work, even with constant applications. I went back to working in customer service at the mall, and I think I complained about the job one too many times, as Coby said to me one night after one of my work rants, "Why don't you just go be a tattoo artist?" I had never heard it put so plainly. Just go be a tattoo artist? Yeah, okay. That was my dream, but it just felt so unattainable. But then I realized, I had never actually gone after that dream, I just assumed it was something that would never happen for me.
DENISA KIRZINGER '17 COLLEGE finished her bachelor of science in psychology at the University of Victoria last spring. She recently started a new career with the legal services branch of the BC Ministry of the Attorney General working as a legal clerk in civil litigation. Her goal is to obtain her paralegal and legal assistant certifications. She also hopes to join the Victoria PD reserves and eventually get hired on with the Calgary Police Service.
Congratulations to LAUREN REYNOLDS '14 ACADEMY on her recent wedding.

of a swerve of a career path, going from pre-law to animation, but I'm pursuing something now that I'm infinitely more passionate about. It's not something I knew I'd pursue when I left Rundle but I'm absolutely loving it!
Ellie still works in the orthopedic unit and continues to assist with surgeries. She also got married last September.
I started out doing a bit of work on the Fox comedy Housebroken, and have been working with Canada-based company Jam Filled on their Nickelodeon production
DOMINIC PETTI '17 ACADEMY began his masters degree in mathematics at McGill University in January and is doing research in the field of geometric group theory.

ELLIE VAN ES (NEE) HARDOCK '17 ACADEMY received her nursing diploma from Bow Valley College after graduating from Rundle. She then moved to southern Alberta and started her career. As a new nurse, she learned a lot in the orthopedic surgery unit and it's still her passion
I went from obtaining a Bachelors of Criminology from Seneca College to a full-time career as an animator in the booming Canadian industry.
start of the pandemic, all elective surgeries were cancelled and more people with COVID came through the unit. Many shifts ended in frustration and tears but the staff pushed through.
METHAB BRAR '18 COLLEGE is making a name for himself in the Calgary stand-up comedy scene, being recognized as one of the top newcomers to start performing. Headlining some of the top clubs in the city, he is definitely in the zone! Mehtab is also making waves in the content industry, having produced short films catching the attention of producers in the film industry. He's also producing his first independent feature, scheduled to release December 2022. He recently sold a show to Snapchat, producing a sports/history series called The Blind Siders, and is currently producing a show for the City of Niagara Falls.

— Jim Rohn
CHRISSA FOSCOLOS '21 COLLEGE has completed her first year at the University of California at Berkeley. For the summer months, she plans to work at the Konofagou Lab at Columbia University in New York, which focuses on ultrasound technologies and their ability to aid the medical field.
'20s NOTES
Chrissa's research project focuses on accessing the blood brain barrier through ultrasound technology to hopefully learn how we can use the technology to help those with Alzheimer’s.

"If you don't design your own life, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much."
Rundle has helped a lot with this. Brad looks fondly on his not-so-long-ago high school days, saying that his time at Rundle has helped him immeasurably, both in university and in his work at Proper PPF. His biggest takeaways, he says,
They say that if you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. Brad Burgess, selfdescribed adrenaline junkie and the co-founder and CFO of Proper PPF, is certainly giving the popular platitude a new meaning.

His parents were both entrepreneurs, so from a young age he was instilled with a strong sense of the value of hard work, as well as the numerous rewards and freedoms which accompany being your own boss. He claims he’s only trying to sit still long enough to run Proper PPF with his co-founder but examining his budding career no one could argue that he has not been the engineer of his own success.
Before founding Proper PPF in February 2021, he was a student at Dalhousie, enrolled in a bachelor of commerce degree. Then the business took off, and he decided to transfer to MRU to finish up his degree by taking evening and early morning classes. When asked how he balances everything, he graciously credits the prowess of his “extremely knowledgeable” cofounder and partner, and says that as for himself, he just tries to stay as organized as possible.
How Brad Burgess '18 College is Seizing the Day
Although initially the high demand for Proper PPF’s services in Calgary helped them get their feet in the door and take off, Brad admits that recent supply chain issues have put a strain on the volume of cars they receive from dealers. But overall, their retail or customer direct dealings are going stronger than ever, and he says it’s just the beginning. He and his partner have ambitious plans for their next steps. “In an

He attributes his own entrepreneurial success partly to the fact that he fears regret far more than he fears failure. In his thoughts, failure is healthy; it is what pushes us past our limits and drives us to be better.
this company I had no idea how many extremely high-end and expensive cars there are in Calgary.” In terms of the sheer quality of the cars, Brad believes Calgary to be a worthy rival for cities like Vancouver.
As for now, Brad says that his pure passion for cars is what gets him out of bed every day. Proper PPF is a Calgarybased detailing company offering various services but specializing in, as its name suggests, Paint Protection Film or PPF. From the Proper PPF website: “PPF is a plasticbased film with an adhesive backing that is installed on vehicles to protect the raw paint against swirling, rock chips, colour fading and even accidental impacts such as door dings.” It comes in various colours and finishes, and
doing current events every week. I enjoyed debating and arguing a point with my classmates.”
Brad says that, despite the pandemic, the founding of Proper PPF may have come at the perfect time. “We were very fortunate that the pandemic had almost the reverse effect on our industry.” Proper PPF’s clients— people who can afford highend carcasesmoneytocars—continuedspendalotofthroughthepandemic,insomespendingmorethanusual.Thiswasespeciallytrueforcars,andparticularlysoinCalgary.ForBradandhispartner,itwassomethingofaperfectstorm.“ThesceneinCalgaryisveryimpressive,”Bradsays.“UntilIstarted
their work often involves restyling vehicles; the company’s tagline is “Protect andInterestingly,Perfect.”
are the presentation and time management skills he acquired. “When I am making pitches to dealer groups or individual clients, I can see that these skills are invaluable,” he says. He emphasizes in particular that good time management skills are too 30SocialAfterFootballisfromHisallOfstruggling.hetimesayingaccomplishthingsabusiness.tryingespeciallyunderestimated,frequentlywhentorunyourownHekeepsdailylistof15to20heneedstothatday,thatwithouthismanagementskillswoulddefinitelybecourse,he’snotworkandnoplay.favouritememoryhistimeatRundlewinningthe2015Championship.that,henamesStudies20andashighlights:“Iloved
His advice for any high schoolers or other alums looking to take the leap and start their own business runs very much in the same vein. He says that he believes there are two types of fear: the fear of failure, and the fear of regret. He attributes his own entrepreneurial success partly to the fact that he fears regret far more than he fears failure. In his thoughts, failure is healthy; it is what pushes us past our limits and drives us to be better. “My biggest piece of advice is to embrace that.” Failure is often worth its price in valuable lessons, but with regret, you can only make peace with it and move on. Failure and the fear of failure can and should be overcome; regret should be held at a distance. In short, we should not be afraid to follow Brad’s example and seize the day.
full advantage of the long-awaited benefits of running his own business: “I love being able to control the direction that the company moves in; for example, we had the unique opportunity to work with a company that imports race cars. Now we are the exclusive livery designers and installers for all these race cars.”
Of course, Brad is also passionate about the business side of the operation. “It’s very difficult to run your own company. We have a common saying, ‘I quit my 9 to 5 job and now I work 24/7.’”
As for his own dream car, Brad says it’s a tough question. “I think back to the kid I was in high school and if he only knew that his job would be working on, driving and hanging out with people who own these high-end cars. These were once poster cars on my wall; now, I deal with them every day.” He says that he feels fortunate that he has been able to drive a lot of his previous dream cars—Lamborghinis, Ferraris, and Porsches. The coolest car he’s ever worked on was a 2010 Porsche 997 GT3RS; it was painted in a custom PTS (Paint to Sample) colour. But after everything, Brad says that he still loves a “nicely restored classic car.” He currently drives a restored 1967 Ford Mustang and he calls that his dream car because, in his highly expert opinion, “nothing gives a more unique driving experience.” “It’s also fun to keep up with clients who drive $500,000+ cars, in my 55-year-old car,” he says.
ideal world, we are looking at expansion to an entirely different demographic and market,” he says. “We believe that the future of our company is international as opposed to national.”
An exaggeration, he says, but it isn’t uncommon for him and his co-founder to work 80 hour weeks. All that time feels hard to justify until you start to see the payoff, he says, and it’s definitely a challenge—especially while still in school. But it’s also part of the fun, and he’s taking
To Brad, being a small business owner in an industry he loves is all worth it. “I feel very proud of my career so far,” he says. Still, it’s been quite a journey to get to where he is. If he could go back to founding Proper PPF in February 2021, he says he would tell himself not to be afraid of investing in himself and taking reasonable risks for the sake of his future: “If an opportunity comes your way to expand the business, take it.”
Despite having to limit our alumni events to virtual gatherings for the first part of the year, we have since been able to slowly start to come together in person again.
Pictured: James Bouchard '14 College, Zachary Kendall '14 College, Lidia Jones '11 Academy, Emily Buchanan '13 College, Cassandra Will '11 College.

We would like to thank all of our committee members for their time and commitment in coordinating events that bring our alumni community together.
Not pictured: Anya Curtis '11 Academy and Dave Braakman '13 College.
College Alumna, Jenna Galloway '10, yoga instructor and owner of Wymbin Yoga here in Calgary, led our Rundle Alum and faculty through a Vinyasa Flow Class in December, where we had a mix of in-person and virtual attendees.
Rundle Alum and faculty joined College Alumna, Lauren Bell '10 for a virtual High-Low fitness class in November.

Virtual Wellness
It seems like just yesterday, my 22-year-old self was walking excitedly and hopefully up the front steps of the Academy for my first day on the job. Sometimes I have to pinch myself and remember that day was actually in September 2006. A lot about the school has changed since then, including staff, students, and the infrastructure. However, there is one constant, and that is the feeling of togetherness that this school breathes every day.
the wonderful students at the Academy learn how to thrive in academics,

At the heart of this togetherness is the staff, who are open, collaborative, and hard-working. I admire my colleagues for the amazing work they do every day, the way they support their students, and the confidence they instil in young hearts and minds. Collectively and individually, we work relentlessly with the goal of listening and knowing our students, providing them with the tools they need to follow their passions and to move their own mountains.
Heart is also synonymous with our students, as our students have so much of it. Many of our young minds arrive at the Academy feeling scared, exhausted, and frustrated with education. Providing a safe and caring environment is one of our strengths, and it typically does not take long for those same students to start believing in themselves, advocating for their needs, and discovering a world of possibilities using the tools and strategies specific to them. Personalization and differentiation in every classroom allows our students to thrive and believe that they have choice in this world, because they can finally be themselves and have the abilities to show what they know. To witness this evolution and see confidence blossom is the most rewarding part of Notteaching.onlydo
Reflecting on my time at Rundle College and then communicating my thoughts with any ounce of wisdom or charisma is quite the task. Rundle has dominated much of my formative years. Even as I begin to doff my burgundy blazer, Rundle, as pictured in my mind, is a hegemonic structure. I struggle to separate my personal experience from the mythical space the school occupies in my thoughts. While I believe my passage through its identic hallways to be of some stark significance, the precise meaning of it is difficult to articulate. There is a temptation to rattle off inhuman sounds, hoots and growls, ripped straight from my limbic system. Real emotion that is immeasurable, albeit poorly translated to text. Language is insufficient when faced with the magnitude of these last twelve years. I’ll try nonetheless. A quality student must exercise hopeless perseverance in their work, or so I’ve learned.
My first instinct is to recount some amount of my experience in chronological order. Unfortunately,

"Rundle is ultimately a place of contentment,success,preparationpreparation,forforgeneralforthewholeoflife,andallcontainedwithin."
so much of my time at Rundle was spent whilst I was only partially formed, uncomfortable in my own skin, and so my memory of those first few years is reduced to a handful of cheery figures looming above a foggy disorder. Of those figures, muddled down to silhouettes by the passage of time, Rundle teachers number a respectable majority. They had a particular knack for engaging the roughly fourteen of us. We would wriggle and whine like stubborn lambs yet still find ourselves shepherded onto those harlequin carpets. I imagine the promises of stories and watercolours went a long way in securing our fickle cooperation. A clever teacher knows when to leverage the more acceptablesettlesMyrepertoire.activitiesbewitchingintheirmemoryintoan
Morgan Saunders '15 Coaching soccer

Micalee Chow '21 and Mr. CoachingDomstadjavelin

Jenna Gregg '19 (left) Coaching volleyball

Matt Sirianni '17 Coaching rugby
Rhys Kramer '16 Coaching rugby

Academy Alumna Morgan Emery '20 coaching Cheer Team at the College

Jules Szarko '20 and Jenna Gregg '19 Coaching track

Meg Williams '16 Coaching rugby
Evan Beck '12 Coaching rugby

for them and are seeking a polar opposite experience for their child. For them, school was something to be endured, not embraced with enthusiasm and curiosity.
Others are looking for something similar to their own experience, and some want to return to exactly what they had — a place of learning and growing that enabled them to become the best version of themselves — a journey that left them with fond memories of their youth and the gift of a bright future. We can all recall a special teacher who believed in us and possibly made a difference in some way. Does the physical space
In my experience interviewing prospective families to join our Rundle family, I have become aware of a common thread running through our conversations — a need from parents to share their own personal school experiences with me. This common thread ties together their rationale for seeking the best possible choice for their child's own educational journey.

As adults, we all have stories, good and bad, about our own experiences during our school days and the impact that journey had on us in our formative years. There are those who shudder when they regale how school was
Many of our Rundle alumni have not had the privilege of being at our 17th Avenue campus. Many have colourful stories of school days spent in our previous buildings dotted around the city. It is with gratitude that today's students and staff enjoy these modern, custom-designed buildings that were a vision of our Founding Fathers, Dr. Rod Conklin and Dr. Jack Collett. They say that Rome was not built in a day, so similarly, plans for Rundle's Academy Campus enhancement are well underway. Good things come to those who
He replied that the choice was an easy one, stating to Mary, before their wedding day, that "Our kids MUST go to Rundle!"
Peter joined Rundle in 1992 for Grade 7 when Rundle was housed in a small community school in Bridgeland, built in the 1930s. He described it as a magical, cozy place to learn with a somewhat "human element" existing within its walls. The student population at that time was 108. Peter signed up for wrestling with Mike Tieman, a teacher who looked out for him during those tough junior high years and consequently made a difference by fostering his selfconfidence. Peter left Rundle at the end of grade 9 in order to pursue his interest and passion for football. It was the absence of a football field, and
Such is the case with our Rundle College Alumni!
in which we learn have any significance to the acquisition of knowledge?
play a role in the selection process in choosing a learning environment for one's child?
I asked Peter Thymaras.
beyond the confines of a traditional classroom environment, Rundle Studio, our online, virtual campus, has made inroads to reaching students who thrive in their learning in a virtual setting. Do "state of the art "buildings

Fast forward to 2022, Peter and his wife Mary, have two children attending Rundle Primary today. Leo is attending grade 4, and his sister, Liberty, is in grade 2. I asked Peter how the decision to have Leo and Liberty attend Rundle came about, and his answer was simple! He replied that the choice was an easy one, stating to Mary, before their wedding day, that "Our kids MUST go to Rundle!"
I probed a little deeper and learned that, for this family, Rundle today has the perfect balance of appropriate physical space and the warmth of dedicated, caring staff surrounding its students. His children love their school days at Rundle and know how lucky they are to be part of such a close-knit community. During a conversation with Leo, Peter explained to Leo that he could be staying with Rundle until he graduates grade 12, prompting the question from Leo: "Dad, what if Rundle could have a University?" Peter feels that a spontaneous statement such as this is 100% proof that he and Mary have made the right decision for their children's education.
Alumni are given priority application status through the enrolment process.
and his wife Holly appreciate the warmth and support that they and their daughter receive at Rundle. He recognizes that the experience he had is continuing for Sydney, who is presently enjoying grade 1. Matt credits small class size as a key to unlocking EVERY student's curiosity and having their questions answered. This strikes a chord for him, because at Bridgeland, back in grade 7, he was not afraid to speak up and ask those questions. He states, "I felt comfortable enough to ask a question, and I felt that it was OK to just be myself!" Matt also observed other fellow students struggling to figure out "who they were." The support they all received was such a gift, an acknowledgment that growing up is tough! For him, getting good marks was the easy part, shaping yourself into the person you aspire to be, presented more of a Mattchallenge.andHolly
are thrilled to see that the core values that have shaped Rundle in the past, continue to nurture Sydney today. Why would any parent not choose that for their child? They know that the next generation of their family is in the all-encompassing hands of our Rundle family.
Enrol your child and give them the advantage of a Rundle education.
program that prompted the move. After leaving, Peter felt like he had left his second family, a family that was trying to become "more." It had a staff who were collectively making an all-around effort to grow this little school into something special. At this point, the story of "The Little Engine that Could" popped into my head.
In closing, Peter couldn't leave this interview without speaking to the beauty of our football field, and he has played and coached on a few! In 2019, Peter himself returned to Rundle in his role as a football coach!
Another Rundle Alumni, Matt Waldorf, echoes similar sentiments. Like Peter, Matt joined Rundle in grade 7 at the Bridgeland school, moved to The Barlow campus for grade 8 and graduated grade 12 in 1999 along with 41 other Graduates. For Matt, physical spaces are simply that: a space! It's what's within those spaces that is Today,important!Matt
Reach out to
It was with excitement that Rundle College Summer Camps came back to life in the summer of 2021, following a one-year pause due to COVID-19. The planning and preparation of our “Summer of Play” came with much uncertainty and anxiety. Knowing we had experienced
To have these Rundle alumni join me to take on this challenge was very rewarding. I saw in them their willingness to take a risk and to do something that was difficult and to continue to strive for excellence. In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
Front row: Hillary Graham '18, Michelle Kim '21
When I reflect on the success of the 2021 “Summer of Play” Summer Camps, I am in awe of how our alumni boldly took on the challenge to blaze a new summer camp trail during this difficult time. While restricted by cohorts, masking, heightened cleaning, sanitizing, hand washing and modifications to play and sport, our alumni took on the challenge and delivered a program that was second-to-none.
alumni staff on board to navigate this unique summer made the difference. Our Jr. Cobras Sport Camp coaches, took on the challenge of running camps during a global pandemic, with strength, optimism, and enthusiasm.

Rundle College Alumni, Tobin Cook '21, Sarah Hougen '14, Matthew Sirianni '17, Hillary Graham '18, Jules Szarko '20, Michelle Kim '21, and Rundle Academy Alumni Henry King '21, went above and beyond as they offered an experience for our young community that was safe, active and FUN!
Back row: Henry King '21 , Tobin Cook '21
And leave a trail they did! We welcomed over 800 students to Rundle College in the summer of 2021, making this our most successful camp to date. Our most positive feedback focused on the kind, caring, and professional conduct of our alumni staff. Thank you to all of our alumni staff who made this experience possible for our young community.
Middle row: Sarah Hougen '14, Matthew Sirianni '17
That’s how I introduce myself these days. When I started with Rundle in 1995, an introduction like that would have been met with abject confusion. In fact, a pronoun clarifier would have still seemed strange even in 2020.
“My name is Gary and I use the pronouns he/ him.”
Rundle acted for many years with a traditional, conservative approach not unlike many of Canada’s other private schools. Although it was ‘normal’ at the time, some of our practices were biased and camouflaged in our own privilege. This blindness was unintentional but that doesn’t change the fact that it was wrong. As a result, I personally harbour shame and guilt associated with some of those memories and my only consolation is to push and push to help make a better version of Rundle in the future.
There were three important turning points in our society that had a profound impact on Rundle school culture. The first can be credited to the Alberta government when they introduced Bill 10 in 2014. Essentially, schools were compelled to allow an activity or organization that a student requested if it intended to promote a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment that respects diversity and fosters a sense of belonging. Not unlike Malcolm Gladwell’s ‘Tipping Point’, this legislation ignited a maelstrom of conversations in Alberta schools and forced a calibration that was long overdue. A number of changes came to life at Rundle including Gay Straight Alliances

This is the story of Rundle’s history on the path of diversity, equity and inclusion. (We use "pluralism" as an umbrella term to describe our aspiration for students to feel they truly belong at Rundle.) Pluralism is a challenging path for any independent school right from the start: How can a school that mandates uniforms embrace diversity? How can a school with a selective application process embrace inclusion? Our starting line is in a different place than public
schools, and yet our moral obligation to eliminate bias and discrimination is at least as Instrong.hindsight,
TOGETHER, we embrace our diversity and foster a culture of belonging. Through our character program, we highlight our commitment to BE KIND to each other and to support all members of our community. We continue to BE CURIOUS, learning from each others’ experiences, celebrations, and values while building an inclusive environment. As holistic individuals, we strive to BE WELL through opportunities that nurture our mind, body and spirit.
(GSA) and other clubs, re-written policies and practices, and facility modifications to allow for a more inclusive environment.
There is no doubt that Rundle has blazed new trails in pluralism since its founding years. We are still committed to the essence of Rundle’s original mission; we still focus on character, academics and co-curricular participation; uniforms are still burgundy but our society has evolved and Rundle has evolved in lockstep. May these new trails become well trodden paths in the years to come.
The second turning point is also a credit to Alberta Education. Mandatory teacher and principal evaluations came into effect in 2019 that required a focus on Applying Foundational Knowledge about First Nations, Métis and Inuit (FNMI) peoples. Up to this time, high quality FNMI resources were scarce and the new evaluation requirement spurred volumes of resources to be created and shared among educators. This change has been embraced at Rundle and you can see its impact in all of Rundle’s schools.
The third turning point was born of tragic events across North America. The death of George Floyd in May of 2020 and the swell of the Black Lives Matter movement allowed frank discussions of racism to be addressed. Across Canada, investigations of incidents of bias, privilege and discrimination were moved from individual cases to the systemic level. Intersectionality, microaggressions, and marginalization became popular and important topics. The discovery of the unmarked children's graves connected to the Kamloops Residential School in 2021 also compelled us to take efforts in reconciliation from a less superficial to a more profound level. These events have motivated our society as well as Rundle to do better.
In closing, we should be proud of our recent growth and yet understand that there is still so much more work to do. For Rundle’s first 30 years, there were no explicit values woven into the school’s culture. When Mr. Jason Rogers became the Head of School, he introduced our current value statement of Together: Be Kind, Be Curious, Be Well. That statement has stuck like Gorilla Glue™ and it’s rare to get through a meeting or an assembly without some combination of those words coming up. Rundle’s values are now so entrenched that they form the core of Rundle’s current view of pluralism:
These turning points have led to real change at Rundle. Students are getting involved in national pluralism conferences, in special committees, and in teacher training. The number of clubs and activities continue to expand. This year Rundle appointed a Pluralism Coordinator to drive further improvement and as a direct result the school has developed a partnership with Elder Bruce Starlight. Holding us accountable, pluralism is now infused as a requirement of Rundle’s accreditation with our national association, CAIS.
I currently stand, mesmerized by the future ruthlessly hastening towards me, I am struck by the terror inherent in departing from Rundle, in charging that uncertain beyond. I do, however, feel familiar with whatever it is that comes next, as though I’ve been granted some idea, some imperceptible precognition. When I look outwards across those pale, (very metaphorical) waters, I cannot help but notice the hairs of my back shiver, disturbed by pathways of electricity. I am tuned in. The proper frequencies are in the cavities of my lungs, the metronome beating of my heart, as they have been for some time. I am prepared. My steps are guided by plaster and burgundy detritus eddied like stepping stones by a vast ocean.
general contentment, for the whole of life, and all contained within. No amount of preparation, regardless of how rigorous, is sufficient, but Rundle has allowed me to be confident in my ability to be. A triumph orchestrated by dozens of individuals whom I’ve met through the school, all eager to assist and accept at every Nowopportunity.fromwhere
level of clarity just months before the cataclysm begins. I will always appreciate the efficiency with which Rundle conducted the multiple transitions between in- and out-of-person schooling. The routine cycle of assignments and tests, while sometimes dreary, proved an effective anchor to the familiar during a period in which I wished for nothing more but to be devoured by my own languor. The semblance of normalcy I found by simply cracking my laptop open at 8:15 AM assured me that this too could be weathered. When everything beyond the confines of my bedroom was intent on the burglary of my soul, there was comfort, even nostalgia at points, in seeing that my teachers and classmates continued to live in spite of it all.
Rundle has always been both my home and destination. It’s hard to fathom a weekend without that solidly geometric campus waiting to receive me at the end. Even as I write this, I prepare myself to brave those uncomfortably spaced steps so that I may slip back through the senior high entrance in pursuit of further preparation. Rundle is ultimately a place of preparation, preparation for success, for
Private Juan Asin Berti '21 and Ms. Weddell

Trinity Derksen '21 and Jaylah Lawson '21 both attending Mount Royal University

Isabella Carinelli '20 stopping by to pick up her yearbook

Chance Maxwell '20 coaching Senior Boys' volleyball

Jakson Pashelka '18 and Mr. Lawson
A visit with
BenediktsdóttirElizabeth'21RUNDLE ALUMNI 45
Zander Clay '20 and Jack O'Connor '20

Morgan Emery '20 coaching Cheer Team

Stop by for a visit anytime!

ZACH FLOWER '06 Academy
It is our honour to award the 2021 Rundle College Distinguished Alumni Award to Emily Buchanan.
In September 2019, Zach posted on his Facebook. "Blame it on my roots. So excited to accept a position with Rundle College Academy! Can’t wait to work with some incredible, young people, and empower them to see their strengths, challenge their faults and build a foundation for a wonderful future!” Not only have you succeeded in doing this for our students, you have positively impacted our staff culture in wellness and morale. You make Rundle Academy a better place for our faculty and students!

After graduating from Rundle Academy in 2006, Zach maintained a connection with the Academy. He returned to the Academy with his leadership, citizenship, determination and personal integrity. We also had the opportunity to hear Zach perform at the Rundle Rocks Fundraiser in 2020. He is a creative, energetic and a kind human being who continues to volunteer his time.
Emily is a very worthy recipient of our Distinguished Alumni Award and we thank her for her many contributions to our community. Emily is currently a first-year resident in Family Medicine at the University of Calgary. Congratulations Emily!

We are very grateful for the many hours Emily has volunteered at Rundle since graduating. She has volunteered her time extensively to our students by coaching Jr. High Volleyball and our Jr. Cobra’s program. She has taken the time to mentor our current students, by being a spokesperson to parents at open houses and high school transition events, and taking part in a promotional video for Rundle. She also has been a long-standing member and leader of our Alumni Committee, organizing several events to keep our alumni community engaged and connected.
It is our honour to award the 2021 Rundle Academy Distinguished Alumni Award to Zach Flower.
Volleyball • Junior girls won bronze. Senior boys finished 1st in the 1A, Tier 1 ISAA League but fell just short of a provincial berth in the 1A Metro Final. Sr. Girls had the opportunity to play in 3 tournaments including the Girls Dig Pink tournament to raise awareness for breast cancer and women in sport.
Basketball • Gr. 7/8 Girls finished the season with a Bronze medal. Gr. 8/9 Girls placed second in the playoffs after losing a heartbreaking double-overtime game to the eventual league champions. Gr. 8/9 Boys won the Boys ISAA Tier 3 Championship. Sr. Girls
Cheer Team • The team, made up of athletes from both the Academy and College showcased their jumps, tumbling, stunts, and dance in a final video!
Newspaper Club • This is a student-led club that published its first edition in March, writing about events in the school. This club was created by two grade 7 students.
Mindfulness • A group of students meets weekly at lunchtime to experiment with various mindfulness practices. The idea is that students will develop their own consistent mindfulness practice.

R+ Pom Squad • New this school year is our R+ Pom Squad! Students with a love of dance joined the team and brought the College and Academy campuses together, promoting school spirit and providing entertainment to events.
Football • Students from Rundle Academy joined Rundle College and Springbank for this year's season. They ended the season with an extremely close playoff game, losing out to Bert Church in overtime by a touchdown.
Buddies Program • The grade 12s and 6s have participated in various activities throughout the year including the Terry Fox walk, Christmas gift exchange, and bowling.
Grade 6 Club • The grade 6 Challenge Club had the opportunity to learn more about the sports of volleyball and basketball.
Rugby • The Varsity Girls team traveled to Victoria and trained with National team members and a game against Brentwood College.
Cross Country • The junior high team won the 2J banner and a senior high student participated in the Provincial Cross Country race in Red Deer.

It was exciting to be "back to normal" this year and come together to be kind, curious, and well.

STEAM • Students completed building challenges, designing and printing their own 3D key chains, and developed their technological literacy by engaging in online robotics and coding. The group took part in the Tomatosphere Program again and also participated in the Science Olympics program run by APEGA.
team dedicated their final game to their friend and teammate Emily Frizzle, donning warm-up jerseys with a little heart and the initial E to commemorate her love of basketball. It was a great game and the girls should be proud of their tenacity. Sr. Boys had a great season, just falling short in the semifinals.
Track and Field Day • After two years, we were excited to host the annual school-wide track and field day again!
Music • Junior High Guitar Club has started up with students in the junior high coming once a week at lunch and learning to play the guitar.
Maker Club • This year students have been working collaboratively, using design thinking processes to create and design our very own graphic to represent our club.

Why does Rundle need to fundraise?
Can I make donations monthly?
“The original mission statement of Rundle College was created with a visionary lens provided by our founding fathers, Drs. Collett and Conklin: ‘help students discover their potential, challenge them to attain their best, and celebrate with them when they do.’ This mission has served as a foundational pillar for my professional career both as a teacher and as an Whyadministrator.Igiveisintricately linked to this mission, at the core of what Rundle College has provided to students since its inception in 1985. I give with the hope that Rundle College will continue to be a place where students can realize their potential without financial barriers preventing them from doing so.”
Every year, we rely on the generosity of the Rundle community, past and present to help us support our students and programs so that they may benefit from the same opportunities you had.
— Allison Belt | Principal, College Senior High
Can my donation be directed towards a specific project or campus? Yes, you can designate your gift to any existing program offered — academic, athletic, art, and co-curricular. We appreciate donations directed towards existing programs you value most.
Each year, our dedicated faculty and staff donate an average of $12,000 to our Bursary Fund to help students continue their education at Rundle.
We would like to thank all of our alumni who generously gave back to Rundle over the past year. The gifts we received went to support our deserving students and programs.
Yes, monthly donations are a fantastic way to give! $5-$10/month adds up and will provide funding for Rundle’s programs and students.
What did my tuition pay for? Our facilities and programs are funded primarily by charitable gifts made to our schools. Tuition fees only cover operation costs.
Is Rundle a registered charity? Will I receive a tax receipt for my donation? Yes, Rundle is a charitable organization and you will receive a tax receipt for any donation.
Our Teachers Give Too
Here are some interesting facts you may not have known about giving at Rundle:
If you would like to help a student blaze their own trail, please visit our Giving Page at for more information.
We invite you to support the legacy of these two remarkable young individuals. Please visit for more on the legacy Emily and Supul have left at Rundle.

It is the families' wishes to continue Emily and Supul's legacies by establishing The Emily Frizzle Memorial Endowment Bursary Fund and The Supul Jayasinghe Memorial Fund at Rundle. These funds support Rundle programs and students, so they too will have the same life-changing educational experience that Emily and Supul had as part of the Rundle community.
“The programs across the Rundle College Society have changed many lives for over 35 years…I have chosen for my family’s donations to go to the Emily Frizzle Academy Bursary Fund. I have first-hand experience watching how transformative Rundle Academy has been for students and their families, with learning disabilities. While many people need the Academy program, not everyone has the means to be able to attend the Academy. To be able to assist some of our families to gain access to this specialized program is a gratifying feeling."
— Bob Forman | Retired Teacher, College Senior High
The Rundle community was deeply saddened by the sudden passing of two of its members in April 2021. Emily Frizzle was a grade 9 student attending Rundle Academy and Supul Jayasinghe ‘17 was attending Memorial University in Newfoundland.

— Chris Paz | Teacher, Academy Junior High
“My giving story is centred around one major value and that is that every child deserves what Rundle has to offer. I have seen Rundle grow from a tiny school of 100 students in grades from 7–12 in 1994, to 27 years later, a school of over 1000 children from kindergarten to Grade 12. I have seen first-hand what small class sizes can accomplish. Bottom line is that Rundle College works and it is a fabulous template for what effective education can look like. My vision is to make this kind of quality education accessible to a broader portion of children regardless of their socioeconomic status… I have always been happy to give, and I will continue to give.”
helped women from all over the world ranging from their 20s to their 70s, in great health and with debilitating conditions, achieve their health and fitness goals through creating personalized programs that are tailored to their individual needs. I ensure that no one is held back from achieving transformational change through providing a range of different offerings, including 1:1 coaching, fitness classes, and wellness products.”
Sculptrition provides bespoke health and fitness coaching for women of all ages and health backgrounds. Using a holistic approach, you'll receive the strategies and tools needed to help you achieve your health and fitness goals. Whether you are looking to lose weight, improve strength, reduce stress, manage a health condition or simply create a positive relationship with food, Sculptrition can support you to ensure success that
Mention your Rundle connection to receive a free consultation and 25% coaching packages, 20% off products and 10% off fitness class memberships.

Our Alumni Committee compiles content on our alumni business entrepreneurs to feature monthly on our social channels and annually in The Ascent Magazine.
“My passion for health and fitness stemmed from 14 years of competitive dance and was nurtured at Rundle College, which led me to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology at Western University. Upon completion in 2016, I went on to become a certified Group Fitness Instructor and worked alongside top fitness leaders in both Canada and the United States. After moving to the UK in 2019, I expanded my expertise through obtaining a diploma in Integrative Health & Nutrition along with multiple qualifications in Fitness Training and Coaching."

We invite you to submit your business details so we can help promote your business and share your success with our community.
Amanda Grant '12 SCULPTRITION
Rory Sharpe (nee Salahor) '09
Western June is a platform for a durable, modern, western-inspired style of clothing, home decor, and accessories. Bringing comfort and warmth to your everyday life. Visit her website or follow on social to see all of Stefanie’s beautiful designs, including handmade blankets, wraps, totes, patches, earrings, prints, pillowcases and more! These unique handmade pieces are the perfect gift!

Remarkably Chic is a one-of-a-kind home-based beauty salon, offering a wide array of hair and esthetic services. Everything from trendy and organic airbrush tans, natural teeth whitening, body sugaring, lash & brow services, as well as hair extensions, cuts and blow-outs.

Stefanie Mudry graduated from the University of Victoria in theatre design. After designing and working in the theatre world she has decided to continue her passion for design in the form of her own clothing, accessories and home decor lines. Influenced by the colours and shapes of the natural body and world around her, Stefanie is able to create smooth geometric and playful designs for every type of person and every kind of “Ihome.hope you enjoy wearing all these products as much as I've enjoyed creating them.” Each piece of Western June is handmade in Stefanie's studio in Fernie BC.
"As a mom of two beautiful girls, I needed to be able to bring my work home with me. In doing so, it has allowed me to offer clients flexibility and a family-friendly environment with the same high standards as a storefront studio. I am always excited to welcome new faces into RC!

Stefanie Mudry '12
With 11 years of experience in the beauty industry and a passion for serving others, I love being able to add value to people and make them feel their best."
Mention your Rundle connection when booking to receive 10% off products and services.
Headquartered locally in Calgary, UPWEGO’s goal is to leave members feeling uplifted and connected with a social community that shares a mindset of positivity, fitness, purpose, self-growth, self-love, and wellness.
"This business was dreamed up from years of making memories in the outdoors. Being outside, yearround is our passion and we want to give people the confidence to get outside and make memories. I am a one-woman show, so clients are working with not only the owner but also the person who designed and manufactured their gear."

Steve graduated from Rundle College in 2011 and has since gone on to develop UPWEGO - a personal journey platform. UPWEGO offers a positive online space, with wellness and lifestyle content.
Born out of a love for dogs and bikes. Handcrafted gear made right here in Calgary, AB. Bike pogies, chalk bags, bike bags, hip packs, Silver Dog merch and more!

To get a bite-sized taste of what UPWEGO has to offer, peruse their feed on instagram and toss them a follow. Visit or download the UPWEGO app on your phone.

Steve Gatenby '11 UPWEGO
UPWEGO is emerging as one of the most inclusive online platforms. The UPWEGO experience is rooted in six key categories: fitness, mindfulness, relationships, life skills, creativity, and self-care. They encourage members to bring their quirks, their strengths, their weaknesses, their whole self. It’s all welcome!
Webb (nee Aguilera) '94 SILVER DOG DESIGNS
Rundle Alum receive 5% off online orders with code
While this is a local business, content is global. The platform is populated by staff and creators from across North America: from Vancouver to Toronto to New Jersey.
UPWEGO is offering Rundle Alum one free month by using the code AlumniFreeMonth.

“I believe that we are as strong as the people that we employ and I treat my employees like family, giving them opportunities to grow and develop with the company. We are continuously growing and adapting to the "new" world order. Our dream is to become a household name in Alberta, the rest of Canada and the US.”
Taylor Caldwell '13 VIVID SPECTRUM
Rundle Alum, families, staff and students receive 10% off cleaning services, so don’t forget to mention your Rundle connection.

“My business was built on a passion for servicing clients and making their lives easier. My business grew in the midst of COVID and lockdowns based on hard work, dedication and sound relationships.”
"Many local businesses prefer not to pay all costs up-front. Try it free for three months and subscribe to monthly or annual payment plans to suit your needs. Once you’ve booked an appointment, you will receive a pre-session questionnaire so that we can understand your business and your goals."
Taylor is a co-founder of Vivid Spectrum and is here to take your business to the next level. "Vivid Spectrum will help your local Alberta business achieve its full potential using new technologies. We offer interactive 360o virtual tours, photography, and 360o videography services.”

Rundle Alum receive a free consultation and 15% off all services! Mention your Rundle connection when you book your appointment to receive the discount.
David"CobraAmmo”.Fahlman '11
"In today's world, we believe that putting money in our fellow Canadians' pockets and providing a local option is important and matters to consumers." The ultimate goal of the company is to feed the ammo & firearms needs of all gun owners, support Canadian manufacturing, and make a positive impact in the oftmisunderstood community of sport shooters and hunters. "Overall, we wish to change perceptions and promote firearms education, shooting sports and sustainable conservation."
Open online at and for pickups by appointment. Rundle Alum receive a one time, 5% off with coupon code
Founded in July of 2020, Canada First Ammo Corp. is a Calgary-based ammunition and firearm retailer that puts Canadian-made products first, while offering competitive prices.

Continued from page 35 — Home Away From Home
The equation is really quite simple. The open collaboration between teachers, the small class sizes, and the personalized philosophy toward education enables teachers to differentiate at a level that is rarely seen. It also allows teachers the time to listen to their students, and learn about their lives. This connectedness is what makes the Academy so special, and it helps foster a feeling of belonging, of safety, and of Consistently,family.
I share this phrase with my students because my hope is that they will all be lucky enough to follow their dreams, just as I have. Thank you to the wonderful students I have had the privilege to teach throughout the years, the phenomenal colleagues I have had the honour to work with, and the entire Rundle community, for my days that are constantly full of happiness, hard work, challenges, learning, and most importantly, meaningful connection. Truly, I am blessed that the same excitement and hope I felt on the front steps of the Academy 16 years ago, remains with me every day.
Another interesting fact about the Academy is that this actual building introduced me to my husband, Eric Vesey, in 2006. As we began our teaching career in the high school, we taught right next door to one another. We now have two beautiful daughters who mean the world to us and keep us on our toes. I am grateful that my family and my work family are so closely connected, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.
However, I did leave for a few years. In 2009, Mr. Vesey and I decided to take a massive leap. One of our life goals was to travel the world, so we made our way to Istanbul, Turkey, to teach at an international school. This was not an easy decision to make because we both adored our jobs and our school so much, but our curiosity won out in the end. Trust me when I say that travelling the world was breathtaking, and eyeopening, and I am so grateful for the opportunity we shared. It seems though, that trekking the cobblestone streets in ancient Istanbul every day, whisking off to Venice for a random weekend, exploring the fjords in Flam, Norway, taking a safari in Tanzania, or learning about the temples in Siem Riep were just not enough.
We met people from all walks of life, witnessed suffering, hope, and victories, and worked with children from all over the world — yet something was missing. When we decided to return to Calgary, the Academy was our only option. Stubbornly, we were willing to teach anything and wait as long as it would take to return to the Academy. Luckily for us, jobs opened up and we did not have to wait long. We were able to return to our home away from home.
My Grandpa used to repeat this famous quote to me: “Find something you love to do, and you’ll never work a day in your life.”
but they are given a plenitude of opportunities to develop passions in athletics, the arts, a variety of community service endeavours, and a plethora of clubs. Although we are a "small school," the students are often given "big school" experience with activities such as Cheerleading, Ultimate Frisbee, Wrestling, Golf, Rugby, Kids Helping Kids, Art Club and Maker Club being offered, in addition to the extracurricular activities schools typically offer. These are other areas where strong and long-lasting connections are made. Students and teachers are involved in these activities because they are passionate about them, and the collaboration between students, staff, and the surrounding community are truly special.
Duke of Edinburgh • Many students were able to complete their adventurous journeys last summer despite the many restrictions. We had many students complete all three award levels this year.
Peer Support • Members continued to present topics to the student community with a focus on inclusivity, empathy, and understanding.
The Ascent • A program for senior high students looking to learn about excellence in leadership. Self-guided modules are offered that encourage exploration, and guest speakers are brought in. This year's guest speakers included Eliot Buchanan, Stephanie Thompson, Rundle alumnus Ravinder Minhas '00, and Minister Doug Schweitzer.
Reach for the Top • The senior high had two teams competing at Provincials in April.

Rundle students were welcomed back to Wentworth after a two year absence. Many of our ADP friends still attend the program and were so happy to reconnect with a new group of student volunteers. The intergenerational interactions are beneficial for both the seniors and the students.
HEART Committee • Members gained leadership experience through implementing health initiatives throughout the school community.

Band • The final band concert was live at the end of May. We are excited to announce the band will travel to New Orleans in February of 2023!

Debate • High school debate tournaments have continued in the online Zoom format this year. Six two-person teams participated this year, with three teams going all the way to the Provincial Tournament, and one team competing in Nationals!

CAUSE • A record number of students signed up to participate in the CAUSE club this year (40% of the student body). We spearheaded the Veterans' Food Drive in addition to volunteering at the Community Kitchen, Calgary Food Bank and at Stephen’s Backpacks. Our culminating activity this year was spending the day volunteering at Camp Kindle, the Kids Cancer Care Camp.
QSA • Members shared information with the student body at assemblies and virtually welcomed a Rundle alumnus guest speaker to share his experience with the group.
Money Talks • A student-led forum where business leaders from across the world of finance tell stories and answer questions.
Prefects • The goal this year was to build and nurture an inclusive and passionate community by organizing House Events and spirit days.
Business Club • For students looking to engage in a variety of business-related activities, events, competitions and information sessions offered locally and nationally. These include case competitions, entrepreneurial opportunities, and exposure to learning about different fields in the business industry.
Volleyball • The senior girls finished first place in both WIC’s Tournament and Calgary Academy’s Dig Pink Tournament this year.
R+ Pom Squad • New this school year is our R+ Pom Squad! Students with a love of dance joined the team and brought the College and Academy campuses together, promoting school spirit and providing entertainment to events.
Wrestling • The team won the CISAA Team Championship. At the ASAA High School Provincial Championships, the boys team placed 2nd as a team, with individual gold and silver medalists.
Golf • The Girls Team won the ASAA Provincial Golf Championship while the Boys Team finished second.
Cheer Team • Cheer Team consistently models the Rundle value of "together" as the students from both the Academy and College worked hard all season on building a strong team.
Soccer • The co-ed senior team won the Tier 1 League Championship!
Competitive Speech • Twelve students from grade 10–12 participated online this year. Siya L. won a bronze medal at Provincials.
Basketball • The senior boys teams was ranked 6th in the province and lost by 3 points in the City Championship Semi-finals to the eventual Provincial silver medalists.
Staff and students alike were thrilled to come together to be kind, curious, and well.
season. They ended the season with an extremely close playoff game, losing out to Bert Church in overtime by a touchdown.
Spring Production • Drama Club was excited to bring Clue to the Rundle stage in early May, complete with a live audience.
Football • Students from both Rundle Academy and Rundle College joined the Springbank Phoenix this
Outdoor Ed Trip • Students from both Rundle Academy and Rundle College spent four days in the mountains. Hosted and led by the Canadian Rockies Outdoor Learning Centre, the students were taught the best practices for winter travel in mountain environments.
STEMRx • A new club led by students who are passionate about STEM and exploring STEM through investigating, sharing, and experiencing opportunities in the community. We have had students apply for STEM fellowships, HYRS medical sciences research program, participated in the Creative Destructive Lab program and development experiences in Biology and Chemistry in partnership with Ambrose University.
Robotics • This year’s Victoria First Robotics competition was held in March and the team made it to the finals for the first time finishing with the silver medal!

After 35 years with Rundle, Mary Baird has decided to retire from her role as Assistant Principal/Head of Student Life with the College Sr. High School. Over three decades as both a teacher and administrator, Mary has been instrumental in helping to both envision and develop many junior and senior high college programs. Her role allowed her to share her love of travel with students. She worked directly with students and teachers to further develop the senior high character and co-curricular pathways for learning. Ensuring that students respond to the world with acts of kindness and generosity has been at the heart of much of her work. Through her attention to the celebrations of students’ accomplishments and milestone achievements such as graduation, the value of “celebrate with them” has been successfully and eloquently fulfilled throughout her time at Rundle and will continue onwards.

Mary Baird

We want to sincerely thank and congratulate Mary, Barb, Bob, Marcella and Aukje and wish them the very best in retirement. Rundle will miss you!
After 27 years with Rundle, Bob Forman has decided to retire from his role as senior high physics teacher within the College Senior High School. Bob joined Rundle as a part-time physics teacher during Rundle’s early days at the Bridgeland campus. His trajectory as a science teacher at the senior high level continued as Rundle grew in numbers, evolved towards success, and changed locations in the city. His passion for physics has influenced an entire generation of students who used their high school physics as a stepping stone to successfully further their education and careers in science and engineering. Through international travel programs that spanned many years and continents, Bob helped our students experience a world beyond the classroom. Rugby is close to Bob’s heart and he was instrumental in creating an inclusive rugby program with a positive ethos across all of Rundle.
Barb Collin
Bob Forman

After 281/2 years in education, Barb Collin retired in 2021. Barb began teaching art on a part-time basis at the Barlow Campus in 2002. When the junior and high schools were reunited through the move to the College Campus, Barb began her work with the junior students as well. Over the past 19 years, she developed a robust art program, mentored students in the development of technique, challenged them to grow their skills in unique platforms, and consistently encouraged them along the way. Barb was instrumental in creating annual fine arts shows through which her students were celebrated and continued the tradition of the Fine Arts Day so that all students could experience the arts. Beyond her teaching role, Barb provided leadership to the fine arts department and was consistently a champion for all the fine arts events throughout the years. In the true spirit of Rundle community, Barb’s faithful commitment was broad, supporting cocurricular and athletic events, taking students on national and international trips, and capturing memorable events through photography.

After 13 years with Rundle, Aukje van Engen decided to retire from her role as French Teacher at the College K–6 School. Mme van Engen's French classroom was a warm environment where she shared her love for language learning through engaging and fun activities. She also shared her passions for gardening and service through the We Care, Enviro, and Gardening clubs. As our specialist team lead, she supported our community in organizing many exciting events, such as Carnaval and Spring Showcase. She organized French Cafes, trips, parent volunteer luncheons, and consistently helped with other school-wide activities. As a staff member, Aukje was collaborative and considerate and brought people together with her thoughtful questions and positive attitude. Many students and families benefited from her excellence as a teacher who embodied our Rundle values — Be Kind, Be Curious, Be Well.
Aukje van Engen
Marcella Moodie


Marcella first came to Rundle at the Barlow Campus in 2000. After 20 years, our beloved Ms. Moodie retired this past spring break. As an administrative assistant, she has been an integral part of our Rundle community and has gone above and beyond her role to ensure the success of every student that has come through Rundle in that time. Whether that be helping students with transcripts, helping check in or out of the school, or countless other tasks, everything she did was done with vibrant kindness and a smile. We would like to thank her for everything she has done for the Rundle community throughout her time at the College Senior High, and we wish her a very happy retirement and unwavering success in all of her future endeavors.

This image was chosen from YYC’s ‘Capture Alberta Through Your Lens’ photo contest and can be seen in Calgary's International Airport Terminal.

Alumni Department
Rundle College Society 7379 17 Avenue SW Calgary, AB T3H 3W5 403-291-3866 |