connect W I N T E R 2 017
connect Hello Everyone, As I write this letter, I am sitting under what I like to call my “Devotion Tree”. It’s a very large oak tree which serves as the starting line for our area cross country course, which just happens to be on some property that my home church owns. I find that 20-30 minutes a day here allows me to truly focus on what God has and can do as I hear the sounds and see the sights of His handiwork.
This morning, it seems as though there is something different in the air. You see yesterday was a “Day of Praise” for our church. It’s much like a homecoming event, where we take a look back and celebrate the things that God has done. This event takes place every year and is always capped off, just like any great church does, with a meal. But the “Day of Praise” at my church has another significance for me. If you’ve ever heard my testimony, then you know that Run for God was “birthed” at this event. That’s right, SEVEN years ago, a man by the name of HR Poe said SEVEN words to me that forever changed my life, and as a result, the lives of many others. It was seven years ago yesterday that HR said, “Mitch, don’t let this become your god”. HR (pictured right) said this in response to God revealing to him that I had allowed running to become more to me than just a sport. It had become an idol. What took place over days and weeks ahead was nothing short of God showing me that He was in control. Starting a running ministry made no sense. I had never been to seminary, I wasn’t a teacher, I was terrified to speak in front of a crowd, I wasn’t even that good of a runner, and I just wasn’t qualified to take on this role. I was absolutely correct! But what God showed me 7 years ago was that this wasn’t about me and what I could do in my own power, it was about Him, and what He was going to do if I would simply step aside and let Him move. Seven years, and thousands of churches later, God is still teaching me this principal. Let’s fast-forward six years. Last November as we were preparing to release the updated 5K Challenge, which includes the presentation of the Gospel and the plan of salvation, I began to pray for God to allow me to share the Gospel in a “big way”. I even wrote this on one of my prayer rocks that I keep in my office. It
wasn’t very long (six months or so) before God began to lay a vision on my heart.
He went on from there to a series about
This vision was to take the words of His Son to the masses through the pages of
Noah, and how God sometimes calls us
Runner’s World magazine by simply asking the question that Jesus asked to his
to do things that just don’t make sense!
disciples in Matthew 16:15, “Who do you say that I AM?” Readers would then be
God was putting people in my path that
directed to a webpage that would clearly walk them through the plan of salvation
it seemed were speaking directly to me
and give them the opportunity to reach out to us should they have questions.
saying, “your on the right path”.
Clean, Clear, and Simple! Let’s fast forward to this past Thursday. It seemed as though God was showing me a billboard with His fingerprints all
I was beginning to lose faith in this
over it. This vision was from God, and there was no denying it, but what I did over
plan. You see, since the beginning,
the next few months was allow doubt to creep in. I kept this vision to myself and
God had laid the January 2017 issue
would not discuss it. It just didn’t make sense! I couldn’t possibly be this bold.
of Runner’s World on my heart to
I couldn’t bear the thought of all the ridicule we’d receive from a world who is
kickoff this campaign. This is the most
growing farther and farther away from God. A full page Runner’s World ad costs
read issue and this effort would have
roughly $14,000 per month, I can’t afford that, and besides that, I’d never convince
the greatest impact because of this
Runner’s World to even run such an ad. Sound familiar?
fact. The deadline for confirming our
By August, God had convinced me once again that this wasn’t about me, it was about Him. I’ll never forget walking into our offices in early August and just springing this vision on our Run for God team. Needless to say, I got some blank stares, and lots of questions. Questions like how will we handle this, and how can we possibly afford this. Questions were many and answers were few! I began to reach out to some people whom I trust in my community to share this vision and to seek donations. I knew that we needed to raise some “seed money” to get this campaign off the ground before reaching out to the general public for help.
intentions to Runner’s World Magazine is TODAY, October 24, 2016. This past Thursday, I was even giving my brother an update on this campaign, all the while having that sinking feeling in my stomach that this campaign might never happen. How could it? I hadn’t raised enough money yet, I’d started to fear the persecution once again,
Run for God has never accepted donations. We’ve always kept the lights on
and “My Plans” just weren’t going “As
through book and t-shirt sales, but this campaign would blow the budget and
Planned”. I was allowing this campaign
break the bank for sure without some help. It seemed as though everyone I talked
to become a symbol of what “I” could
to was 100% on board. Checks began to come in, but they weren’t coming in at the
do rather than what God can do!
rate that made me feel comfortable about moving forward. I knew that 650 people donating $20 a month could keep this campaign in the pages of Runner’s World magazine indefinitely, but I needed to get this thing off the ground through local funds before making my case to the entire Run for God family.
Yesterday morning I showed up to church early to help setup for our day of praise. This is usually a day of celebration and reflection for me
Since the day I decided to step out and start this process, God has been confirming
on what God has done through this
this decision in my heart. He’s done so in many ways. I attend our youth services
ministry. HR Poe even rode with me to
on Wednesday nights at our church, and our youth pastor started a series called
the place that I am currently sitting (my
“Being Bold” literally the week that I began to put this plan in action. He spoke
Devotion Tree) to help set up for the
each week about people who took on “God Sized” tasks throughout the Bible.
meal that would be after church. HR
People like Esther and Daniel. People whose plans would fail if God didn’t show up.
and I even talked about that day seven
years ago when God prompted him to
to make the phone call to Lifeway years ago about publishing Run for God. But for
lovingly confront me about an idol in my
some reason I had not mentioned this campaign to my pastor. Not because I didn’t
life. But yesterday didn’t start with joy
want to, but because it just never happened?
in my heart. As much as I tried to put on a happy face, I couldn’t help but dwell on the fact that I had failed God and this evangelistic outreach that he laid on my heart was imploding. You may have heard the phrase that our God is an on time God. I’m here to tell you that is TRUE! Once we got everything set up for the “Day of Praise”, I ran home to get the family for church. We hurried back, took our seats, and began to worship with our church family. Something felt different. The
Once Charlie took the stage and put his first slide up on the big screen I knew why the subject had never come up. It was so that there would be no question or explanation for what was about to happen. Charlie’s entire message was built around Matthew 16:15 “Who do you say that I AM?” I was instantly a basket case! I was hitting my wife in disbelief at what I was seeing. Was it a dream? Was I seeing things? This couldn’t be real! Seven years ago to the day I was confronted with seven words that began the ministry known as Run for God and today, seven years later, I’m being confronted with seven words that could change the hearts and lives of over 2.8 million people a month. Once the invitation was given, I couldn’t get to the altar fast enough. I knew my doubt was a lack of faith and therefore sin. I had to get on my knees and confess to an almighty God that I was attempting to limit what He could do based on what I could do.
music seemed to be more piercing, the
As if that were not enough, as I lay there weeping on the alter, I felt a hand on my
atmosphere seemed to be more electric,
shoulder. At first nothing was said, I just knew someone was there praying with
and it was obvious that God was moving
me. Then, it was as if God had brought this journey full circle as I heard HR Poe’s
in our church yesterday morning. Then
voice praying for me.
my pastor took the stage! God is Good all the time, and all the time God is Good! Charlie Bridges took the stage to give his message. Over the years, I have
reached out to Charlie for advice on
Hebrews 12:1 James 1:2-4
many occasions. In fact, he and his wife are the ones that encouraged me
Copyright © 2016 Run for God, LLC. All rights reserved.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any other form or by any means without the prior written permission of the Run for God, LLC. Printed in the United States of America Dalton, Georgia If you require medical, fitness, or nutritional advice, you must contact your own health care professional. You should seek the advice of a doctor before starting any exercise routine. This publication may contain information relating to various medical conditions and their treatment and an exercise/nutrition protocol. Such information is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to be a substitute for the advice of a physician or health care professional. You should not use this information for diagnosing or treating a health problem or injury.
Dean Thompson serves as
Front Runner Athletics
the National Race Director
Specializing in shoe fittings
for the Run for God Race
for men, women, and kids
Series as well as serving as
in Chattanooga. Additional
an instructor at his home
sports equipment includes:
church in Cohutta, GA. Dean
swimming, soccer, tennis,
loves to run, loves life, loves
wrestling, and track.
his wife Debbie and loves Christ. Look for all of Dean’s stories in Run for God’s Devotions.
To make informed health care decisions, you should always consult your physician for your personal medical needs. Neither Run for God nor its agents, affiliates, partners, or licensors are providing these materials to you for the purpose of giving you medical advice. For any questions about your health and wellbeing, please consult your physician.
18 Instructor Spotlight: Running with Horses
8. DEAN’S THOUGHTS: Road or Trail?
10. I Wanted to Run Today
25 Student Spotlight: Relying on God to Direct Your Path
14. DEAN’S THOUGHTS: earning from L the Olympics
23. Sticky Notes 24. Gear & Gadgets 29. Behind the Scenes
8 WINTER 2017
Dean’ s Thoughts
Road or Some people like to run on the road or sidewalk, while others prefer a trail. There are other surfaces, like treadmills and synthetic tracks, but most outdoor running falls into a smooth firm surface versus a softer, yet more uneven surface. So which one is better?
either and both. If you
If you’re smart about the way you
you have difficulty doing the ͞extra͟
have ever entered into
train, you can take advantage of the
things like core work and strength
a debate about which
benefits of each.
training? Trail running will help you.
is better, you have no doubt heard that running on trails prevents injury because the softer surface is easier on your joints. However, that’s only half the story. More recent studies show that running on trails produces more accidents that result in injury. Makes sense. You are far more likely to fall on a trail than on the road.
When it’s time to run fast, a firm smooth foundation will help you run faster. If you are going to be racing on the roads, then it makes sense to train that way. If you’re training is intense and you’re focusing on hitting interval splits, a flat surface will help you gauge your fitness
The varied terrain, uneven footing, twists and turns, and hilly elevation all combine to force us to engage our core muscles and develop power and strength. Although it doesn’t take the place of strength training, it will help to make you stronger and provide a little injury prevention.
through each workout. Running on
Do you find yourself having to be
Chances are that you prefer one or
undulating, uneven surfaces will slow
careful around roots, rocks and
the other, but there are benefits to
you down making it more difficult to
holes? If you tend to spend time on
running on both. A good training plan
see improvement from one workout
the ground when these things are
will address many needs and varying
to another. But, it’s still a good idea
present, it probably means you should
surfaces provide different results.
to run on trails occasionally. Why? Do
do more of it.Increasing your trail
r Trail? running frequency will help with
running will make you faster both on
and a time to laugh.͟Like running
your form. When you run around the
the trail and the road.
on varied surfaces will help us to
obstacles that are presented on a trail,
be better runners, taking part in all Do you have stress in your life? Trail
of life’s many challenges and tasks
running often takes you away from
will strengthen our Christian walk.
the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
Whether we’re working, mourning,
Seeing wildlife, the beautiful scenery,
having fun, or even running, whatever
and the tree’s canopy of protection
we do, we should realize that when
from the sun’s rays are enough to calm
God carries out His plan for our
even the most tightly wound runners.
lives, he is bringing us closer to Him.
Do you want to run faster? A stronger,
Get away from the world occasionally,
Sometimes God’s plans include taking
more efficient runner is a faster
and the stress relief will be worth
us out of our comfort zone. Is God
runner. If you’re concerned with
the effort!
telling you to talk to that co-worker
it forces you to lift your knees higher to avoid tripping over that root. It also requires you to use your arms to keep your balance. Don’t think your arms are important for running? Try running with your arms by your side!
running faster, trail running is a great way to facilitate improvement. Despite persistent rumors that you have to train exclusively on the road to get faster on the roads, it’s not true. Trail
Solomon tells us in Ecclesiastes chapter three that there is a time for everything. He lists a number of opposites like, ͞A time to weep
about a personal issue? Is He telling you to find another job? His plan will often take us where we fear to tread, but the payoff is huge! Trust Him today! WINTER 2017
Our friends at Front Runner Athletics discuss ways to ensure you follow through with your running plan:
I Wanted to Run Today... IT’S 6PM AND ALREADY DARK. You ask yourself why you didn’t go for a run
in the morning, but then quickly remember pushing the snooze too many times. You hardly had enough time to pack a lunch, much less fit in a run too. As a local shoe store, we’ve heard all the “I didn’t run yet today because...” stories, and the truth is, we’ve all been there. Daylight savings time can be a runner’s worst enemy. But for a lot of us, these cooler months are the most efficient time to run. Whether you’re starting a new workout plan or trying to increase your mileage, we’ll share a few tricks for safer running, injury prevention, and strategies for staying motivated. When the sun starts to set, lace up your shoes anyway, because the sun doesn’t have to dictate your running schedule. Follow these 3 safe running habits to best utilize night runs!
1. BE SEEN: Reflective vests, flashing clip-on lights, comfortable headgear, and handheld running flashlights are all perfect for staying seen. At Front Runner Athletics, we can help you decide which equipment will best complement your running schedule while keeping your budget in mind. Knowing where
For more information about becoming a sponsor contact Dean Thompson at 10
to strategically place the lights is another skill we folks at Front Runner are happy to help with too!
to walk. Luckily, we offer relief at Front Runner. Powerstep insoles are orthotics designed to support the arch by relieving pressure on the heel. The best part? They’re guaranteed! 2.
Shin Splints: Overusing the muscle
New routes can be a great way to stay motivated, but even with the right
along the shin bone can cause
lighting gear, your range of sight will be less than what it is during the
shooting pain up your leg, and may
day. Stick to lit paths and routes you’re comfortable with so you can better
put your training to a halt. Often, the
recognize when something is out of place.
cause for shin splints is from being in a shoe that wasn’t designed for your
foot, or that doesn’t provide adequate
Bringing a friend or telling someone where you’re going may be a tip you’ve
support. Our primary service at Front
heard before, and that’s because it continues to be one of the most effective
Runner is fitting customers for athletic
ways to avoid potentially dangerous situations. If you’re in the market for a
shoes. Our fittings are a four- step,
new watch, check out the new Garmin Forerunner 735xt at Front Runner. It
complimentary service that pairs your
automatically streams your route to popular running and cycling apps like
foot and running habits with the shoe
Runkeeper and Strava, so your friends know exactly where you are at all
that best suits your need. The right
times! Injuries can be a huge setback to your training plan. At Front Runner,
shoe usually makes all the difference,
we often serve doctor-referred customers by fitting them in the right shoe
but some severe cases of shin pain
or orthotic. It’s no joke: the right fitting shoe for your foot really can make all
may require additional measures.
the difference! Here are just a few common injuries we see at Front Runner
Compression sleeves and socks,
and the solutions we recommend. 1. Plantar Fasciitis: When the thick band
made by companies such as Zensah
of tissue that connects the heel bone to the toes becomes inflamed, it can
and Sockwell, provide medical-grade
cause serious irritation, sometimes even preventing you from being able
compression support for the shins
READY WHEN YOU ARE! These durable, roomy bags make it easy to plan your day around your run.
OGIO® Big Dome Duffel
$42.99 OGIO® Excelsior Pack
to get in your run, the kids are at a birthday party, and they actually cleaned the house before they left (haha, yeah right!). Either way, there shouldn’t be anything stopping you from pounding the pavement. For some reason, you start to drum up excuses for why you should skip today. When this starts to happen, try these simple tips to help keep you motivated. 1. Remember why you started: No one ever regrets going for a run (most of us at least!). When
Visit our store located at 4251 Hixson Pike in
you find yourself doubting your abilities and feel like giving up, just remember
Chattanooga, or give
and after a run. You’ll be surprised by how much more positive you feel after
them a ring at (423) 875-
what got you out there in the first place. Try journaling your thoughts before your run! If you enjoy social media, upload a photo to Facebook or Instagram and use #FeaturedFrontRunner for a chance to win some new gear from Front
3642. Store hours are
Runner! How’s that for motivation?! 2. Join a Running Group: You’ll stay more
Mon-Sat 10am-6pm. No
motivated when you’re not the only one out there! Run with your Run for God
appointment is necessary
club or check out the variety of running events Front Runner hosts. These can
to be fitted for athletic
and calves. These are available at Front Runner as well. So you’ve made time
be found on our website. 3. New Gear!: Yes, sometimes this is the best way to stay active. Whether it’s giving yourself a
shoes, and Run for God
new sports bra for your next 5k or asking for a gift card to get fitted for shoes
participants receive 10%
this Christmas, you’ll be much more likely to keep running when you know you
off their entire purchase!
have awesome stuff to look forward to using!
Dean’ s Thoughts
Olympics Learning from the
I NEVER SEE TABLE tennis, field hockey, fencing, or badminton any other
time. There are certainly competitions for these sports in non-Olympic years, but unless you follow them faithfully and search opportunities to see them, you’re not going to see them. Of course, I’m a track & field junkie.
If you’re anything like me, you stayed glued to the television as
but not too often. It’s exciting every four years to see the sport take the big stage along with swimming and gymnastics. I know there are others, but
much as time allowed during the
these are the ones that really get me going. So, what can we learn from the
two weeks of the Olympic Games.
Olympics? Here are a few things I think are important for us to take away
I love watching the incredible
from the 2016 Olympics:
athletes compete on the world’s
1. Everyone has a different talent.
most competitive stage. At the
The competitions at the Olympic Games are vastly diverse. Some athletes
same time, it is interesting to learn
are great swimmers, while others have a talent for rowing. Some can use
about sports we only see once every four years.
You will find the occasional track meet on television in non-Olympic years,
a flexible pole to jump over a bar more than eighteen feet off the ground, while others thump a ball over a net better than most humans. There are those who can do amazing things with a soccer ball, while others have
an aptitude for smacking a small white ball back over a net that can come at
Hamblin and they both went down.
them at over 60 miles per hour. They can make you feel pretty inadequate
D’Agostino’s knee bent awkwardly
as a runner! But, each of these talented people do other things besides their
as she went down. Her and Hamblin
particular sport. For example, my friend and multiple medal winner in track
helped each other to their feet in
and field, Dee Dee Trotter, has a passion for baking. I’ve never tried any of her
a great show of sportsmanship,
tasty-looking deserts, but they look wonderful! There are others who enjoy
intending to finish the race. When
the culinary arts, like decathlete Ashton Eaton and field hockey player, Lauren
D’Agostino tried putting weight on
Crandall. Swimmer Elizabeth Beisel is a classically-trained violinist. Others
her right knee, the knee buckled
are artists, and some are gamers. So, what am I trying to say? Your talent may
inward again. In obvious pain, she
be something other than running. I always joke with my wife that she may
gathered the fortitude to jog the final
not be able to run as fast as me, but she can do other things much better than
five laps (yes, that’s over a mile!) with
me, and most of those things are much more useful! If you’re not a fast runner,
an injured knee. When she finished,
realize that God blessed you with another talent, and that particular talent may
she had to leave the track in a
be much more useful anyway.
wheelchair, called for by Hamblin. As it turned out, she had completely torn
2. Age is not so important.
her ACL, partially torn her meniscus
Oksana Chusovitina is a 41 year old gymnast whose son is older than some of
and strained her MCL. The show of
the women she competes against. The fact that Aly Raismen, US gymnast, is
sportsmanship was heartwarming.
nicknamed ͞Grandma͟ at age 22 is an indication how unusual Chusovitina is. A
The show of courage was uplifting.
little closer to home, Bernard Lagat and Meb Keflezghi, competing in the 5,000 athletes have been able to compete far past the age considered as ͞prime͟ in
4. We can use anything to glorify Him.
their respective sports. So what does that mean to you and I? Have you ever
In the grand scheme of things the
used age as an excuse to avoid doing something, maybe even running? Sure,
Olympic Games are fun and offer
it’s more difficult to work out the stiffness as we age, but if these athletes can
serious competition and compelling
still compete at the Olympic level, we can certainly get out for a casual run
viewing. However, although God is
several times a week. Baseball player Satchel Paige, who played major league
involved in all we do, I don’t think
baseball until he was 47 years old and pitched three innings in a game when he
the outcomes of Olympic events rates
was 59 years old, once posed the question, ͞How old would you be if you didn’t
high on His list of priorities. But, just
know how old you are?͟Good question.
because it’s outside of typical ministry
meters and the marathon respectively, are both 41 years old as well. These
doesn’t mean it can’t be used to
3. Sometimes the ͞spirit͟of the competition is more important.
elevate Him. When the United States
Did you happen to see Abbey D’Agostino compete in the women’s 5,000 meter
women swept the medals in the
preliminary race? Running for the United States and with a good chance
women’s 100 meter hurdles, the three
to qualify for the finals, D’Agostino collided with New Zealands’s Nikki
ladies were interviewed immediately
following the race. Gold medalist
We have the opportunity to bless God with our response to those who ask
Brianna Rollins gave credit to God
about our shirt. Make Him smile the next time someone asks.
and talked about how her and silver Kristi Castlin had formed a prayer
5 –We’re never too low or too down and out that He can’t find us and lift us up.
circle in the morning of the same day
It was hard to miss the stories of Michael Phelps’ change in disposition. Phelps
as the evening final took place. These
had arrived at a point in his life where he was so depressed he wasn’t sure he
ladies had just done something that
wanted to live. His life had spiraled into a mess that included DUIs and other
had never been done before and were
dealings with the police. It seemed that the only thing that could save him
using a huge stage to give the glory
was an encounter with the One True God. A friend, former Baltimore Ravens
to Christ! I think God smiled. It made
linebacker Ray Lewis, gave him a book entitled The Purpose Driven Life by
me think about opportunities we have
Pastor Rick Warren. He credits the book and its contents with saving his life.
to share Him through our actions as
One of the things that I found most interesting about the story is this: Ray
runners. Wearing a Run for God shirt,
Lewis, at one time in his life, had his own problems he had to overcome. He
for example, is a positive witness for
was accused of being an accessory to murder. To this day, there are still some
Christ, but even better is sharing
who believe he was guilty. At a minimum, he was guilty of hanging out at the
what that shirt represents. If you
wrong places and participating in the wrong activities. But now God is using
have worn one of those shirts more
him to change the lives of those around him. Not only can God find us and
than a couple of times, you know that
lift us up, He can use us for great things! How many times have you offered a
those opportunities are going to come.
small gesture of help to someone? Giving Phelps that book was a small thing.
medalist, Nia Ali and bronze medalist,
If I was guessing, I’d say that Lewis had probably given more of those books away than just this one. But, THIS
one made a big difference. I believe we sometimes think those little things don’t yield much fruit, and sometimes
they don’t.But, I believe if we are faithful to keep working on that running buddy who is not a believer, or help a co-
worker who needs it, God will move. God wants us to be faithful to Him whether we see immediate results or not. If we keep offering the little things, God can make them great things.
For more information about becoming a sponsor contact Dean Thompson at
Instructor Spotlight
Running With Horses It was important to
IF YOU’VE EVER SPENT five minutes in conversation with David, you would
understand. He thinks big. Many Instructors head towards that first RFG class
David Holcomb from the beginning that his Run for God class be a community event rather than an outreach program for his church. 18
with fear and trepidation, just hoping to represent a righteous God fairly to the running community, but David sees a larger picture. The running kinship is not confined to River Oaks Community Church where he attends. There are other churches and those who are not attending anywhere. David decided before his first class that he would be there for all of them. David has now led and completed his fifth Run for God class since 2012. He admits that classes are exhausting and he’s ready for a rest as those last couple of weeks fly by. But, as soon as the exhilaration of the graduation race hits him, he’s planning the date for next year’s class!He can’t wait to be a part of another life transforming group. Last year, he was so excited that he planned and led a less
formal 10k training group in the fall. This is how David looks at his RFG
and praise God that our paths have crossed and we have been used to encourage and disciple one another.”
family: ͞”The race day “family reunion”
It’s no surprise, with the far reaching focus of David’s classes, that they
picture is more than a snapshot of our
have averaged 85-100 students. In many cases, attending groups from
experience for that particular morning.
other churches have taken RFG back home to their own communities and
Every time I look at this colorful image
taught the 5K Challenge the following spring. David’s vision of reaching
(which this past year looks more like
past the boundaries of the church has had a large impact in and around
a skittle factory explosion) I see the
the Winston-Salem area.
faces, and the faces tell a unique story. I have learned that for as many members who participate each season
there are almost as many reasons why
David’s driving force comes from Jeremiah 12:5. “If you’ve raced with men on foot and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses? If you stumble in safe country, how will you manage in thickets by the Jordan?” (NIV)Leaning on this verse, he rises above the pettiness
IF YOU’VE RACED WITH men on foot and they have
worn you out, how can you compete with horses? If you stumble in safe country, how will you manage in thickets by the Jordan?” — Jeremiah 12:5
they signed up. From physical and spiritual interests, to dedicated time with a family member, to battling past demons, to simply a desire to belong. Each individual speaks to a certain level of growth and accomplishment that has occurred over the previous 13 weeks to achieve their goal. And here they all are, together, as one, celebrating that growth. It is a privilege to join their journey, and a pleasure to look back into their eyes as we give thanks RUNFORGOD.COM
Instructor Spotlight
“Often when we complain, we stumble.
of everyday life, being mindful to not allow the little things to drag him down. He says, “When we don’t let the little things drag us down, God has an amazing adventure waiting for us. He wants us to run with horses!”͟If you like that thought, David takes time to write a blog called Running With Horses found at He further explains the verse,͞”Often when we complain, we stumble. But when we recall our joy, we overcome!”͟
But when we
At 47 years old, married to Christy, and with two daughters, Lauren and Katelyn,
recall our joy,
graduates of Auburn University, have both daughters following in their footsteps
we overcome!”
you would think that he had been running for a lifetime. He and Christi, both by attending their alma mater. The girls made their decisions independently of any pressure from the parents, a testimony to the veneration they feel for their parents. They have moved around the country to ten different locations in the past 25 years. Surely, he was already a runner, because there was no way he could begin a lifelong habit with all that he had on his plate, right? Wrong! In 2005-06, while living in California, David found himself down for thirty days with a medical concern with his back. His doctor explained that he needed to become more active.He suggested walking, so David began to walk. Soon, he began to feel the benefits of the exercise and getting his heart rate up. He thought, “If walking is good for me, running should be even better!”͟There was only one catch; he didn’t like running. Like many, he had developed a distaste for running when he was younger, but he was willing to give it a try because he felt the benefit would be worth it. Then, a crazy thing happened. He found himself enjoying it. The peaceful time after work, down by the lake, was therapeutic and it felt good.
Being a disciplined guy, he increased the time and mileage steadily and eventually decided that he would try to tackle a half-marathon. As he crossed the finish line he was hooked for good! In 2010, he was talking to some friends who had run the
Disney Marathon. He decided that it sounded like fun and it was time to check off a bucket list item and train for the next year’s Disney Marathon. He trained for it, ran it, and came home with an entirely new focus. He decided that he wanted to run another one, but there was something inside endeavor.”͟With his family and responsibilities, he didn’t
Ken’s Carstar South 1018 South Thornton Ave. Dalton GA 30720
want running to become his chief focus. That’s where idols
Ken’s Carstar North
are born. That’s when he came across Run for God and he
3518 Cleveland Hwy.
found a way to use his running to inspire and transform
Dalton GA 30721
that bothered him. As he puts it, “Running can be a selfish
others. He remembers distinctly coming across one of Mitchell’s blogs and he knew what he wanted to do. He pitched the idea of a Run for God class to the staff at River Oaks Community Church in Clemmons, North Carolina, and they agreed to allow him to lead a class. The rest is history and continues to this day. When David found out that his brother had run the Chicago Marathon and his finish time was only seven seconds away from his in Orlando, he hatched a plan to meet his brother for a second marathon. They could experience the marathon together, a treat to brothers who lived apart and were not able to see each other often. They ran the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington D.C. and had a great experience. While they were there he ran across a group promoting the 50 States Challenge. There were groups of people who had a goal of running at least one marathon in all 50 states. He loved the idea and set out to meet the challenge. You can find the 17 states that David has checked off the list on his aforementioned blog. What keeps him going is the encouraging community of runners he has met, not only in his Run for God classes, but all across the country. Sometimes, when you run a marathon,
For more information about becoming a sponsor contact Dean Thompson at
you’ll see the same person over and over again as you yo-yo
Instructor Spotlight back and forth. There’s a kinship and a bond that forms in
professions a little less than three years
those moments that can’t be explained unless you’ve been
ago. The door was opened for him to
there. Those relationships, whether temporary or permanent, are
become Minister of Discipleship at
special. As David describes it, it’s a Happy Place. “Those Happy
his home church. Isn’t that how God
Places can be found at the starting line, in a church service,
works? While inspiring and helping
or in a small group where people are supporting one another,
to transform lives through the Gospel
encouraging each other to keep the focus where it should be.”
and the sport of running, God was preparing him for more intense service.
If you’re ever around Clemmons, North Carolina on the second Saturday in May, find the ROCC 5K. The race benefits the ROCC Prison Ministry and is held at River Oaks Community Church. You’ll find one of David’s Run for God classes running their graduation race there. It’s just one more huge undertaking that David provides for his class and those in the running community at large. It takes a lot of energy and time but, as David puts it, ͞”The view is always worth the climb.͟It is, ͞all about the adventure and overcoming obstacles.”͟He’s helping others to ͞run with men͟ both physically and spiritually so that one day they can ͞run with horses.͟
Matthew 25:29 says, ”For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance.”͟David made the most of his efforts through Run for God and now God has entrusted him with an even greater adventure. Even while helping others transform their lives, his has been transformed. God continues to reveal His plan, and if David’s previous experiences are any indication of his direction, buckle up for the adventure
In a twist that only God can provide, David changed
of a lifetime!
RUNNING GRAC E PICTURE THIS: YOU’RE in a local 5K race and you are at the two mile mark in
the race. As you approach the volunteer at the corner where you should turn, he says, That’s it, the race is over.͟You look at him and ask, ͞What, I still have a mile to go?͟ He explains that the leader just crossed the finish line, so the race is over. Everyone else can just go home. Is that a silly scenario? Sure, it is, but that’s how some people look at God. They believe they must be perfect, essentially winning the race, or there’s no sense in competing. But, just as they don’t stop a 5K because you didn’t cross the line first, God doesn’t count us out if we’re not living a perfect life. As a matter of fact, He tells us that we can’t be perfect no matter how hard we try! But, He wants us to keep running the race set before us with our eyes fixed on the only one who can carry us to the ultimate prize of eternal life. No matter how tough life gets, we have to remember, we’re still in the race. In addition, even though we don’t cross the line first, there is the greatest prize waiting for all who find the finish line of the Cross!
Keep pressing onward! RUNFORGOD.COM
Rolling Recovery THERE ARE MANY FANCY devices on the market that can help speed recovery, from simple
rollers to electronic gadgets, costing thousands of dollars. They are all designed to get blood to the muscles, and/or to work out tight spots and knots. You can spend a lot of money on fancy equipment that is a little better than basic tools, but the basic tools are all you really need if you’re not planning to contend for a national championship. Foam rollers – There is nothing that will do more for your recovery and getting tight areas loose than a basic foam roller. You can find them for $20 to $60, and if used properly, they will work wonders on those sore areas. Buy a foam roller and try several techniques you’ll find online to discovery what works best for you. Stick rollers – There are a number of stick rollers, from rigid to flexible, that can do some of the same things that foam rollers can do, and are easier to use in some areas. They allow you to more easily vary the pressure applied to the trouble spot. You can find them typically from $20 to $40. Foot rollers – If you particularly have trouble with your feet or lower legs, there’s nothing better than a contoured foot roller. If you use one regularly before plantar fasciitis sets in, you will probably never have it. In addition, a lot of lower leg problems like tight calves and shin issues can be the result of tightness in your feet. They can be found in the $20 to $30 range. Keep your feet flexible and loose and you’ll see fewer injuries. It all starts with the foundation!
on Cotton’s road
not injured severely, he was bruised
As it happens, the Lord had blessed Don’s
to the 5K Challenge
and battered enough to discontinue
faithfulness to this ministry and he found
his daily ritual for fear of his safety. In
himself having to hire someone to help
to many. He had a need to get into better
addition, the driver had driven away
with the show. His new assistant, Jan
shape, so he began walking. A daily walk
without so much as a sorry. And he did
White, told Don that she was going to run
through downtown Andalusia, Alabama
not see him for over week after that
a 5K. He admits to being very skeptical
was just what he needed to elevate
incident. Very strange.
at first, thinking that she didn͛t seem the
finish line began similar
his heart rate and begin the process of becoming healthier. He͛s a friendly guy, so the interaction with those he sees along the way is stimulating too. What a great way to nurture the temple!
Though the need for exercise was still in the back of his mind, he wasn’t especially pushing to get busy again after his hair-raising, bruise-inducing encounter, but he continued life as
On one of his daily excursions, God
usual plus the exercise, which included
allowed a huge roadblock to spring up
his Sunday morning routine. Don
(or roll up as it turns out) in his path.
has been hosting a Sunday morning
Don was hit by a pickup truck driven
southern gospel music show on the
by someone he knew. Though he was
radio for twenty years.
5K type. But, as each week passed, she would tell him she was running a little longer, beginning with the familiar one minute runs, until one day she came in and told him that she was going to run for twenty minutes. That’s when Don admitted to himself that she was not only serious about this, but she was going to follow through and complete a 5K. His next thought was, “If she can do it, so can I !”
He got in touch with Jennifer O͛Neal and Casey White and the Andalusia Run for God group which had grown into a sizable community phenomenon. He began his journey down the 5K Challenge path in the fall of 2015. Like most, that first run seemed longer than one minute. As a matter of fact, he was sure the group leader͛s (Casey) whistle was broken. But it wasn͛t, and he soon found out that he wasn’t broken either. Over the twelve weeks of that class, he found he could do more than he had thought, and completing the 5K was not only an end to a fantastic journey, but the beginning of another one! He completed a couple more 5Ks in 2015 and then set a goal to complete sixteen 5Ks in 2016. 16 in 16! As of the second week in September, he has already completed 14 and will, in all likelihood, surpass his goal. One thing that doesn’t take long to figure out about Don is that he is forward-looking. In the next breath after explaining the 16 in 16 campaign, he͛s already talking about 17 in ͛17. With that kind of goal-setting and with his ability to put them into real-life steps and execute his plan, it was a no-brainer to move to the next logical phase. This fall, Don will become part of the leadership team in Andalusia and will be leading his own Run for God group. From his first steps toward his first 5K finish
For more information about becoming a sponsor contact Dean Thompson at
line to helping others realize they too can surpass their own expectations took him about a year. It’s amazing how fast God can work when we get out of His way and let Him lead us where we He wants us to go!
For the first time, the Andalusia group will be meeting at a Church this fall. They still want to have a community focus and have invited folks far and wide to join them. The reason for the change in location to First Baptist Church is because the group is simply too big now. Of course, Don was instrumental in finding a suitable place to allow the group to continue its growth trajectory!
The Andalusia assemblage has also found it works better to split running sessions into several smaller groups. Don explains that the family atmosphere is essential for them to support each other in a much more intimate and meaningful way. Don explains, “That’s your family out there. We take care of each other.”͟In addition, it is safer to travel the running paths in smaller groups. Don is also part of a smaller collection of fitness friends who help each other out year-round. They call themselves, ͞Keeping Fit For the King.͟All of this is in response to a verse of scripture that became important years ago through business. Don owns his own thriving business, but it hasn’t always been that way. He had a ͞Spiritual Awakening͟ through his business that shook him to his core and focused him on a verse of scripture that continues to be his life verse today. Proverbs 3:6 says,
him know that everything was okay seemed to be a relief for
“In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your
everyone at the table.
paths.”͟Since he began following the instruction of that verse, his life hasn͛t been perfect, but it has been blessed.
The man had been very sick and had spent a week in the hospital, which is why he had not been able to find him. The
Using that verse to guide him, Don decided he needed to
very next day after their conversation, the man died with
get back to the older gentleman who was driving the errant
a little extra peace in his heart. As He often does, God had
pick-up truck and let him know he was okay. After searching
orchestrated a meeting between two old friends in perfect
for him in his usual spots for a week, he ran into him and his
timing, to bring closure to an unfortunate incident.
son one day at a restaurant. After a short conversation, it was apparent to Don that the man had either forgotten about the
I believe Don is following God’s heart just as David did many
incident, or was embarrassed by it and was hoping it wouldn’t
years ago. For that faithfulness, he has had opportunities to get
be mentioned. Don finally asked him if he remembered. After
into better shape, lose weight, complete many 5Ks, share his
his son berated him a bit for what he had done, Don told him
story while encouraging others to complete their first 5K, as
that everything was okay and there was no harm done.
well as impact the lives of countless others through a radio program and even through an unfortunate accident. Don is
It became clear that the man recalled what had happened
acknowledging Him in all his ways, and God is directing his
and was disconcerted by it. The fact that Don was there to let
path. He͛s living Proverbs 3:6.
Telling the
Run for God Story “RUN FOR GOD PUTS FAITH on the ground in a pair of
running shoes, and those are the stories I enjoy telling.” Teneara Faw, Art Director at Run for God has been telling the Run for God story for the last 6 years, using graphic design, photography and video to motivate and encourage runners and walkers all over the world. “Run for God is an integrated experience that changes lives both spiritually and physically. Every transformation story I get to tell through various design mediums is
“Run for God puts faith on the ground in a pair of running shoes.”
always a reminder to me that incarnation is at the heart of the Gospel story — Christ “put on flesh”, and redeemed us entirely. Run for God exemplifies that truth.” When Teneara is not hard at work on her creative designs, you will most likely find her on the golf course or a warm sandy beach. We love and appreciate Teneara and all she creates for Run for God!