Tom Huberty When did you start running and why?
I started running while I was in the Navy and I was finding I was getting fat. When I returned home to Minnesota, my younger brother was running in 10Ks and already had competed in the 1976 City of Lakes Marathon. He died in an accident in 1978 and that was motivation to get more serious about running. My family established the Terry Huberty Memorial Races in Hastings and, as the oldest child, I was expected to be the organizer. Pat Lanin, one of the really great runners of the 60s and 70s, connected us with the MDRA. I went to a Race Directors’ workshop and learned not only about race directing, but better running and training. I went to the 1979 MDRA Annual Meeting and met a Washington DC transplant who wanted to create a run club similar to the Beltway Striders. The Minnehaha Marathoners formed in early 1979 and I was one of the charter members. I attribute most of my early success in 1979 to 1989 to running with the MMs.
Why do you run or what keeps you motivated?
I have geared my business improvement consulting practice to running and performance improvement. I wrote a runners’ logbook, 52 Weeks of Better Running and Better Living, (call or write me for a copy), and while half the weeks’ motivation entries are related to physical fitness, the other weeks are noting spiritual, emotional and intellectual development. I am currently writing a book on the logbook concept for organizational leaders so that they might improve their businesses, every week.
What do you consider to be your favorite distance/race?
The marathon. I have competed in over 110 marathons with only two DNFs and I have completed marathons in 32 states and DC; I am also a Twin Cities Marathon Charter Club member.
Tom Huberty has run more than 110 marathons in 32 states. Contributed photo
What is your best memory from a race?
What are your favorite pre- and post-race meals?
Coming off the 59th Street Bridge during the 1990 New York City Marathon. The roar of the crowd seemed to lift me off my feet as I made the turn up 1st Avenue.
I regularly stop at McDonalds for pancakes on the way to a marathon or half marathon for that last shot of carbs before a race.
What does a typical week of training look like for you?
I will add one to two additional states where I have marathons; likely the Mississippi Gulf Coast Marathon and Route 66 Marathon in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I am likely to run in the Anchorage Marathon in June 2018.
I have streaks of running at least one mile daily for as long as four years. I will walk two miles on the airport concourses between planes to ensure I cover my daily distance. Most days are two to four miles with longer runs on weekends.
What is your shoe of choice?
Nike, lately Vomeros, but I have also worn out a lot of Pegasus.
What is your favorite quote?
“Beat Yesterday” a Garmin ad copy which fits the motto of my consulting practice: “Better today than yesterday, better tomorrow than today.”
What’s your bucket list/running goal for 2017-18?
Why are you a member of the MDRA?
I think I have been a member of MDRA since 1978 or 1979.
Have you participated in any MDRA training programs or races? If so, describe your experience?
I ran all the City of Lakes 25K races from 1982 to 2014 and Jeff Winter half marathons. I have run in MDRA races since 1978 including the 1979 to 1981 City of Lakes Marathons.
What are your interests outside of running?
I like good music of all kinds, writing and reading.