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What if running could feel even better than not running? It’s possible. All you need is a shoe designed around every angle of your foot. Not just length and width, but 88 points of fit. From heel to toe, sole to laces and everything in between. It’s something we call Total Fit. Now go run. Besides, whenever you’re with QUITTING, you’re just thinking about RUNNING anyway. ©2009 New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc.
CONTENTS Running Briefs News and notes
In Memoriam Diane Goulett
Letters to the Editor Gear Guide The runner’s medicine cabinet
Get To Know Phil Rogosheske
On The Run Is your PMD enhancing your run?
Race Results
Race Recap
Race Photos
1 2
7 15
Minneapolis Duathlon
Race Calendar
33 34 35
MDRA 15K & MHI 5K American Cancer Society 5K Minneapolis Duathlon
Running Insights Spectator’s guide
Running in Minnesota
Share your Minnesota running experiences and stories
On the Cover: Mike Reneau wins the MDRA 15K. Photo by Wayne Kryduba.
Keep on running with the Institute for Athletic Medicine The IAM Running Program helps runners prevent and recover from injury, surgery and chronic muscle and joint problems so you stay on track. Our program is provided by physical therapists specially trained to care for the unique needs of runners and includes: t
complete examination and treatment of acute and chronic injuries
running-specific muscle imbalance assessment
video analysis of running gait
foot wear analysis and recommendations
running-specific exercises to enhance strength and flexibility and minimize re-injury
Appointments can be scheduled with or without a physician referral. Check your insurance for coverage. Ask for the IAM Running Program when you schedule. The Institute for Athletic Medicine is part of Fairview’s family of orthopedic services.
With the Total Fit of New Balance, you'll love RUNNING more.
Dear RunMinnesota Readers, MDRA is definitely this state’s most dominant and visible running club. This was again reinforced on a recent weekend morning run around the Chain of Lakes. As my girlfriend and I ran, I first pointed out someone with their bright, red MDRA singlet. I stated, ‘That must be an MDRA member.’ And for the next few hours, we spotted no less than 20 more runners wearing the same or similar red MDRA singlets. And, undoubtedly, there were countless other MDRA members who just happened to not be sporting their MDRA garb. It made me think that MDRA had control of the lakes in check. And, naturally, I recognized many members from race events and the Annual Party. In case you haven’t checked yet, MDRA’s website,, has been revamped. As always, there are still all the interesting slide shows, current MDRA programs, race and event information and other assorted running related content. But now there is also more regional and national running news. Additionally, this magazine is
And for the next few hours, we spotted no less than 20 more runners
wearing the same or similar red MDRA singlets...It made me think that MDRA had control of the lakes in check.
Visit your local retailer:
online for members to access. In the last issue, RunMinnesota’s historian, Patrick O’Regan, wrote about the incredible female running pioneer, Val Rogosheske. In this issue, he has spotlighted Phil Rogosheske, the spouse of Val Rogosheske. They are definitely an interesting and very talented couple as you’ll further discover. Regular contributing author, Mackenzie Lobby, has written a product review specifically with the runner in mind. In the product review, she educates us about some products that will help us avoid injury and increase overall strength. Being this close to the Twin Cities Marathon, perhaps there are a few people who may need one or more of these items at the present. And speaking of the Twin Cities Marathon being so close, you’ll want to read Chad Austin’s article discussing tips on being a spectator at a running race. This way, if you have friends or family members coming to watch, or if you will be a spectator yourself, you will be able to get the most out of race day or advise others as to how to best enjoy the day. Again, I hope you enjoy reading this issue, and I look forward to hearing from you. Please let me know what you liked, what you didn’t and what you’d like to see in future issues. Feel free to email me at
Mark C.Syring Senior Editor
MDRA Board Application Get involved with the Minnesota Distance Running Association! Submit your completed form to: MDRA, 5701 Normandale Rd., Edina, MN 55424 FULL NAME
Please give a brief description of your running background: _____________________________________________________________________________________
QUALIFICATIONS: What special talents and experience can you contribute to the Board? __________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
GOALS & PLANS: There are currently five committees that oversee the various activities of MDRA (Advocacy, Race, Promotions, Publications, Programs),
plus many outside committees (such as Twin Cities and USATF MN) that require representation from the Board. How would you like to devote your time as a Board member. Are there specific changes or new opportunities you’d like to spearhead during your tenure?
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Credits Managing Editor: Heidi Keller Miler
Senior Editor: Mark C. Syring
Chad Austin lives in Apple Valley with his wife, Amy, and two daughters. He followed his dad out the door at the age of 10 and has been running ever since. In addition to writing for MDRA, he’s an avid blogger. You can read his daily musings at Chad can be reached at
Art Director/Layout Artist: Jason Lehmkuhle
Advertising Coordinator/Sales: Heidi Keller Miler
Photographer: Wayne Kryduba
Mackenzie Lobby lis a Minneapolis-based freelance writer with an M.A. in Kinesiology with an emphasis in Sport and Exercise Psychology. When she’s not at a coffee shop writing, she’s out running the lakes training for her eighth marathon.
Pat O’Regan is a runner and freelance business writer. He is a graduate of St. Thomas College and the University of Minnesota. Born and raised in Montgomery, Minnesota, Pat currently resides in Inver Grove Heights. He runs eight to 10 races a year, mostly 5Ks and 10Ks, with two marathons to his credit. He has also “competed” in three National Championships.
Lisa Radzak currently serves as a MDRA board member. Radzak is a runner, a sommelier-in-training, a reader and a legal mediator. She lives with her husband, Jason, in St. Louis Park.
Gary Westlund, a Certified American College of Sports Medicine Health Fitness Specialist and USATF Level II Coach, is founder of Charities Challenge (CC). In addition to CC’s 21 annual road races and track events, CC volunteers actively support many other Minnesota road races and track events every year. As occasional race announcer, Gary delights in delivering enthusiastic, vocal support to all runners at many racing events, along with motivating music.
Want to be a contributor to RunMinnesota? Email Us:
Results: Jack Moran
MDRA Officers:
Kirk Walztoni,President Bill Knight, Vice President Kathryn Benhardus, Secretary Lori Anne Peterson, Treasurer Kevin Wojchik, Past President
MDRA Board Members:
Debbie Bohmann, Norm Champ, Darrell Christensen, Colin Farbotko, Michael Iserman, Maureen Kennedy, Robert Lindsey, Robert Lundquist, Michael Nawrocki, Lisa Marie Radzak, Rick Recker, Melissa Wieczorek
Contact RunMinnesota! RunMinnesota 5701 Normandale Rd. Edina, MN 55424
MDRA Seeking Board Applications Come see what happens behind the scenes, and run for the MDRA Board of Directors. MDRA is accepting application forms for the 2010 year. If you would like to run for the MDRA board or have any questions, please contact Heidi Keller Miler at The elections will take place in the November/December issue of RunMinnesota.
2010 Running Minnesota Race Information Collection Begins
In Memoriam by Bill Knight
The MDRA annual, Running Minnesota,
In 2007 Diane Goulett and her daughter Betsy Gomoll participated in a “memory walk” for people with Alzheimer's.
Diane Goulett, 1929-2009 Diane Goulett, a long time MDRA member who was also a skier, swimmer and world traveler, died August 3, 2009. She was 80. Goulett took up running when she was 49 years old and joined the Minnehaha Marathoners Running Club. Two years later, she finished the first of her 10 Grandma’s Marathons. She also finished five Twin Cities Marathons and one New York City Marathon. In 1999, she was Minnesota Runner of the Year for women 65 to 69 and later named a Minnesota Running Legend by the Active Life and Running Club. Goulett, who is remembered for the impact she had on the lives of other runners, struggled with Alzheimer’s in her later years. Shortly after her death, Nancy Carlson, a friend from her running club, was at Lake Harriet and recalls hearing some women running behind her. “I caught enough words to realize they were talking about Diane,” Carlson said. “One of them was telling the other two, ‘and she ran marathons and was a biker. She was amazing.’” Carlson added, “This woman’s voice was so full of awe and enthusiasm as she told her friends about Diane.” RM
is in the information gathering stage for all 2010 races. If you are a new race director or have not received an email from MDRA yet regarding the annual calendar and want to take advantage of this free listing, please contact Barb Leininger at Race photos are also welcome. Please send them to Barb Leininger, 901 North Third Street, #414, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401, or email them to Race information must be received by October 1, 2009, to ensure your event is included in the annual.
MDRA 15K & MHI 5K Race Director MDRA is always looking for interested parties to join the race directing ranks. There will be at least one MDRA race directing position available in 2010 and possibly other opportunities to get some experience breaking into this field. Please contact Heidi Keller Miler at for more info on the openings. your event is included in the annual.
State Running Records Mike Setter, who compiles the Runner of the Year data, wants race directors to make sure that record performances get recorded properly. Of course, a certified course is also necessary for any performance to count as a record. You can find information on how to get a course certified at Race Directors: Please remember to have at least two independent timers in place at the finish line and record the winner’s time with both timers. Fill out the documentation form, which can be found at, and fax or mail the form to Josh Gerber, the state long distance record keeper. His contact information is on the form. Email the results in a csv file (or other text file) to Josh at Results need to contain at a minimum, the runner’s first and last name, age, sex, city, state and gun time. If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact Mike at RM
Minnesota Distance Running Association
Letters to the Editor, New and Improved Checking in to say hello from Iowa. Great job on the website! Very user friendly and some nice additions! Like it!!! Ross Harris Johnston, Iowa
Let us know what you think! Mail Letters To: RunMinnesota 5701 Normandale Rd. Edina, MN 55424
Or Email To:
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E v e n t s Pe o p l e A c t i o n 612-522-4853 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2009
Share your favorite or most memorable Minnesota running stories by Lisa Radzak
Welcome to “Running in Minnesota,”
RunMinnesota’s newest column. “Running in Minnesota” will be written by you, and runners like you, who run in Minnesota. Hearing from runners about why they run, what got them started running and why they have not stopped running is always so inspiring, no matter the reason. And, to be sure, some of us have a bias toward Minnesota runners. Minnesota runners are a different breed in all the best ways. And, the fact of the matter is that I have never met a Minnesota runner that I didn’t enjoy. It’s true. It’s that intangible “something extra” we all have, unlike anywhere else in the country. I used to think the “something extra” was the strength born from our pioneering ancestors, who most certainly ran, oftentimes behind oxen or while chasing after nine or 10 children or while figuring out where the next meal would come from. I also used to think that Minnesota runners get that “something extra” from the most usual suspect: the weather. Surely the six to nine months of cold Minnesota weather means we get used to hurrying to get from place to place. Racing from our cars into the stores or homes is what we are raised to do. Why not pin on a number and get a t-shirt for doing what comes naturally? Over the years, I have been lucky to be at the starting line of quite a few marathons, half marathons, 5Ks and 10Ks. And I’ve always tried to take a moment to forget about the race in front of me in order to enjoy the moment of being surrounded by people who love to run. It was at one of those road races when it dawned on me what it is I so enjoy about Minnesota runners: we don’t have to run. We never had to start. And what is so wonderfully unique and enjoyable about Minnesota runners is that sometimes it doesn’t even make sense for us to run. But we do it, anyway. So, here’s to all of us who run in Minnesota. Here’s to all the miles we have traveled and the paths we have discovered, on the roads and within ourselves. Here’s to the hours and days we have spent, and will spend, running, learning and growing, thinking and dreaming, as we run. And we do it because we want to. Not because we have to. And we do it when it doesn’t make sense and when it makes all the sense in the world. On behalf of the MDRA Board of Directors and members like you, we look forward to reading your running stories. Tell us why it is you run in Minnesota? What made you start? Why do you still look forward to your runs? What is your most memorable run? What is your best running memory so far? What are your running goals? What is your best example of running, when it didn’t make sense to run? What is your best memory of when it made perfect sense to run? Please send your stories to Heidi Keller Miler at I’ll see you at the starting line. Until then, enjoy your runs. RM
Minnesota Distance Running Association
Every runner
should have a veritable running medicine cabinet with a few “extras” that serve to encourage injury prevention and overall strength. Running is a great workout, which is why runners tend to be particularly guilty of neglecting to do the extra work. In this issue’s product review, we looked at some products that will help you avoid injury and increase overall strength. From core exercises to self-massage, stocking your running medicine cabinet with a few of these accessories will help you go that extra mile, and then some.
The Running Medicine Cabinet
Extras for injury prevention and overall strength by Mackenzie Lobby
The “Stick”
The Stick (
If you haven’t gotten your hands on The Stick yet, go to your nearest specialty running store and give it a whirl. This “toothbrush for your muscles” serves as a self-massage device comprised of a stick with handles on both ends and spindles in between. By running the spindles over your leg muscles, you receive a nice, gentle stretch, as well as assist the lactic acid dispersal process. Depending on your needs, The Marathon Stick or The Sprinter Stick will appeal. The Marathon Stick is more flexible and is specially designed to work on lean muscle tissue. The Sprinter Stick is a bit more rigid and will really allow you to dig deep into tight muscles. The Stick is a great accessory for both injury prevention and recovery.
Barefoot Yoga Environmental Yoga Mat (
This non-slip yoga mat is great to throw down on a hard surface or a carpet. Use it for yoga or simply for a post-run core routine. No more bruising your tailbone on the hardwood floor or brandishing rug burns from the carpet. What’s more, this yoga mat is made of PER (Polymer Environmental Resin), a nontoxic material, better for both you and the environment. The mat comes in three lengths and two thicknesses. The thicker mat is recommended if you are planning on doing core work on a hard surface. Both yoga and regular core workouts will make you a stronger, healthier runner. Barefoot Yoga Mat
Trigger Point Foot & Leg Kit
Trigger Point Foot and Lower Leg Kit (
If you have a history of issues with your feet and lower legs, the Trigger Point Kit may provide relief. Running takes a toll on your body and your overall biomechanics. Since your feet are directly pounding the pavement, it'’s important to take care of them. Self-massage is an optimal means through which to do that. Included in the Trigger Point Kit are two TP Massage balls, the Baller Block and the Footballer, all to be used for massage of the calf and soleus region. Along with this comes a DVD that instructs you on the many uses of the kit. Whether it is chronic pain or the occasional twinge, maintenance massage will help you stay up and running.
Minnesota Distance Running Association
Powerhouse Hit the Deck Cards Gaiam Toning Ball
Gaiam Toning Ball Workout Kit (
The toning ball, oftentimes referred to as a medicine ball, will assist in increasing strength, balance and overall power. The four pound Gaiam ball is accompanied by a 35 minute workout DVD that will help you isolate and train a number of muscle groups. A stronger core equals a stronger runner. Fitting in a core workout three to four days a week will do wonders for your running and your ability to avoid injury. While the DVD gives some good suggestions, you can find many more exercises to do with the medicine ball online.
Powerhouse Hit the Deck (
From local fitness expert and duathlete, Jenny Evans, comes Powerhouse Hit the Deck. Included are a deck of 30 cards, each with a different exercise, and a timer that beeps when its time to move on to the next card. The cards include instructions for exercises such as lunges, burpees and squat jumps. This workout is completely customizable, because it allows you to set the timer to any length, as well as gives you the option to mix and match the cards if you aren’t able to do the entire deck. Incorporating both strength and cardio, this serves as a great second workout that will get you sweating and strengthening muscle groups that are forgotten by many runners. RM
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The Kayaker Phil Rogosheske by Patrick O’Regan Top notch athletes are different than you and me. Mentally, as well as physically, different. Looking back, one can see that from an early age Phil Rogosheske was a gifted athlete. The seeds of what would later grow into Olympic athleticism were evident: great physical talent, self confidence, a capacity to endure incredibly intense workouts and an innovative approach to training. But who could have predicted he’d be an Olympian? Even more recondite, who could have guessed what his sport would be? The future Olympic kayaker wasn’t paddling a kayak or doing anything, in fact, to demon-
attended, football was something of a religion. Not surprisingly, he said, “I wanted to play football at Tech in the worst way.” He did play football as quarterback, and he was good at it. The football teams were outstanding: undefeated in Phil’s senior year and ranked third in the state. In addition to football, Phil played basketball, baseball and track and field. He was the last guy at Tech to compete in both track and field and baseball. Phil was naturally quick and explosive. Though he had good stamina and loved to run, pushing himself hard on the long runs during the summer in preparation for the football season, he didn’t run away from the other kids. Rather, he was to leave his mark in high school with his explosiveness in the high jump. Making steady improvement through the years, Phil set the school record in his senior
the high jump. “I was a running high jumper,” he said. “After the first of two miles, I would do a series of pop-ups.” Something like doing a high jump: four steps and jump as high as you can. “Doing this until I couldn’t do another one. Then run again.” After that, typically he would do several sets of 100 squat jumps. Interestingly, he would always jump at his best on the day of the meet. The first hint that Phil might become an athlete with great stamina came after college. For three years, he coached the track and field and cross country teams at his high school alma mater. Wanting to learn something about what the kids were experiencing on long runs, he began to run long distances himself. That changed things. He said, “Though I hadn’t done it before, I made a decision at that point that I wanted to be an aerobic athlete.” He would, in fact, be a good runner, running sub six minute miles for the 10K. But this, of course, was not Olympic caliber. The draft loomed, and with it the Vietnam War. Phil enlisted in the Army, became an officer and was assigned to the Engineering School at Ft. Belvoir, Virginia. This is where the story gets a little mysterious. “I went into the Army,” Phil said, “with the
He saw the rowing boats at West Point, but something about the greasy oar locks turned him aside. He also saw the small kayaks that guys would hoist on their shoulders when they came out of the water. That did it.
strate great stamina in high school. Or even college. Here’s the story. Phil grew up in St. Cloud, Minnesota, his lifelong home town. His parents, from Sauk Rapids, Minnesota, were athletic. His dad had been on the University of Minnesota swimming team and his mother had excelled at volleyball, which, as Phil pointed out, was the only thing women could do in those days. They encouraged their three boys and two girls to participate in sports. St. Cloud was rife with opportunities for kids to play organized sports, and Phil engaged in many of them. Besides that, Phil recalled, his dad spent a lot of time playing with his kids. At St. Cloud Tech High School, where Phil
year by leaping 6’2”. Receiving a scholarship, but without a stipend, Phil attended Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minnesota. The coaches wanted him to play football and basketball. He did the high jump in track as well. He would play guard on the basketball team for four years and play football for one year. And after a foot injury, he was told to drop one sport. But he excelled in the high jump. In his senior year, making steady improvement, he jumped 6’ 8_”. It is a school record that still stands (it’s been tied) and was for several years the best jump ever by a Minnesotan. Phil read books on training and technique and devised his own approach to training for
express purpose of making an Olympic team.” But what was the sport to be? Forget about the high jump. Merely terrific isn’t good enough for the Olympics. Phil pointed out that he was a fitness star in training, scoring the maximum on the PT test. This is commendable, but hardly the stuff of a future Olympian. In a stroke of luck straight from the pages of a novel, Ft. Belvoir had the prep school for prospective West Point cadets. Phil applied for a job teaching English and coaching at the prep school and got the assignment. Every year, as it happened, the students and faculty visited West Point. As Phil said, “I had been looking around for a sport [in which to make the Olympics].” He
Minnesota Distance Running Association
saw the rowing boats at West Point, but something about the greasy oar locks turned him aside. He also saw the small kayaks that guys would hoist on their shoulders when they came out of the water. That did it. Back at the prep school, Phil called every boat club in the area. Tellingly, he picked the Potomac Boat Club, because they told him to show up the next morning, not several days later or on the weekend. It was a struggle. Racing kayaks are very tippy. You have to develop balance and learn to feather the water to stay up. “I got to know every rock in the Potomac River,” Phil recalled. But he secured a more stable boat, learned balance, soon returned to the racing boat and rode in the wakes of the guys in front of him, though two of the guys in the club were among the top 10 kayakers in the country. “They’d blow me away at the end [of a hard paddle],” Phil said, “but pretty soon I could stay with them, and pretty soon I was beating them. It got to the point where they knew they were done for in the K-1 [one man kayak],” Phil said. How did he know he could be that good? “I had the confidence,” Phil said. “But, in retrospect, it was just blind determination.” Phil’s wife, Val, commented on his combination of confidence and a lot of hard work to go with it. “It’s a magical combination that works in any sport,” she said. “He gets clobbered at first, but goes on, just like a bulldog.” The world is full of bulldogs, but there are very few Olympians. In 1970, the K-4 (four man kayak: John VanDyke, Jerry Welbourne, Phil and Steve Kelly) won the North American Championship. As members of the North American Team, they won a trip to Europe to train for a year. Part of that time, they paddled with the Swedish team, then the best team in the world. Phil took careful notes of everything they did. And, thereafter, the team not having a coach, he planned the training routines. Training for the kayak is brutal. “Before I had the balance,” Phil said, “I ran a lot to maintain my max VO2.” His was 71, the same as marathoner, Frank Shorter. But the tough stuff was on the water. Like the Swedes, they did a lot of short, intense repeats: 10 by three minutes, four by 10 minutes and 90 by 15 seconds, on and off. One tough workout was to go as hard as possible for one minute, rest for a few seconds and repeat until you had utterly shattered yourself. The training included a lot of running, too. In 1972, the K-4 boat won the Olympic
Trials. They were headed for the Games. Waiting in the tunnel to march into the Olympic stadium in Munich, the Americans in their flamboyant uniforms of white dress hats with a red band, white sport coats, blue shirts, red, white and blue ties and white shoes, Phil happened to be standing near distance star, Steve Prefontaine. Each athlete had been given a camera. He took Prefontaine’s photo. “This standing around puts lead in your legs,” Prefontaine said. On the march into the stadium, Phil was in the same row as University of Minnesota and Olympic coach, Roy Griak. Roy said to him, “Not bad for a couple of country bumpkins, hah?” The kayaking competition was at the end of the Games. Phil spent a lot of time working out in the stadium with the track and field team. He recalled getting behind Prefontaine and running after him. Going past Coach Griak, smiling at him, he remembered seeing the coach shake his head. Likely out of some amused exasperation. The K-4 boat reached the semi-finals and finished fourteenth of 28. It was the best finish to that point by an American kayak in Olympic competition. It might be mentioned that this was the era when many of the performances of the Russians, who had the most medals in the Games, the East Germans, who were third in total medals, and Eastern Europeans, in general, were, at best, suspect. The athletes weren’t tested for drugs. During the competition, Phil distinctly recalled seeing a Romanian kayaker pop a white pill in his mouth just before his race. Likely, it was a stimulant, and not an aspirin. But, Phil said, “We just didn’t talk about it. We were there for the competition.” This was the Munich Games. Phil recalled vividly seeing guys in ski masks on the balcony of the building next to his in the village. But life went on as normal for the athletes during the standoff. Like most of the other athletes, he wanted the Games to continue. Now married to Val, who worked full time to support him, between the Munich and Montreal Olympics, Phil trained full time as a kayaker. It should be mentioned that kayaking at the time was pure sport. The American Canoe Association, the governing body for kayaking in the U.S., forbade athletes from taking money under any guise. The K-4 boat raced many times during the summer seasons, and, in four years, was never beaten. One year, Phil and Bruce Barton in the
K-2 boat were seventh in the World Championships. In 1973, in the National Championships, Phil won six of the seven events in the kayak competition: three at K-1, one at K-2 and two at K-4. In six years on the National Kayaking Team, he would win 14 national championships. During this time, the Potomac Boat Club had the services of a scrawny kid with a club foot who toted the paddles to and from the boat houses. That was Greg Barton, Bruce’s younger brother. He would later become the greatest flatwater kayaker in U.S. history. In a training camp in Florida, leading up to the Montreal Games, just three weeks before the Trials, Phil tore a muscle from a rib, taking him off the water in his training. To allow that the others in the K-4 boat could get on with the pre-Olympic competition, Phil gave up his seat in the boat. At the Trials, he tried to make the team in the K-1 10,000 meter race. In the best two-of-three competition, he lost in the third race by a boat length. “I was there,” Val said. “I had never seen him lose. I was worried [about how he’d take it]. But this guy. He really did it for the sheer joy of the sport. He said, ‘Wow, that was really close, wasn’t it?’” “I didn’t have as much invested as other people,” Phil said. “I had a job waiting for me.” Not long after Montreal, Phil incurred a shoulder injury that ended his kayaking career. Largely, he turned his attention to family. He and Val have daughters, Abby and Allie, and a teaching career. As a master athlete, Phil determined to get into the top five nationally in a number of sports. He did in four of them so far: mountain biking, swimming (200 meter butterfly), nordic skiing (winning the National 30K), race walking. Currently, he trains aerobically by race walking, swimming and running. For strength training, he does a series of body assisted exercises in his back yard. Phil may try the high jump at the National Masters this summer. He’ll do the 5K and 10K race walks for sure. “I’m going to try to crack the top three in one of those events,” he said. Carter Holmes and Val Rogosheske contributed to this article. RM
ning and racing as those who run with both their ears and eyes, and attentive minds, wide open to all the sounds, voices and cheers around them. I offer below a list of consequences and risks of those who wear PMDs during running events: • missing important pre-race announcements
• missing warnings about course safety offered by course marshals and police, and even fellow athletes and spectators, about changing conditions and circumstances, such as dangers ahead • missing motivational cheers from spectators, encouraging words from fellow athletes and the hearing of one’s name announced by race announcers • missing music and sometimes even live musicians along the course
What Are You Missing?
• missing the sounds of nature • missing the ever present friendly, helpful, chatter amongst runners • missing course marshals’ directions to the correct finish line or finishers’ chute
Is your “PMD” really enhancing your run? by Gary Westlund What might I be missing when I plug my ears with earbuds or headphones while running? I’ve seen how much joy hearing-impaired-bychoice runners are missing. I find that runners who wear Personal Music Devices (PMD), compared to athletes who do not use a PMD during a road race: • enjoy their running and road racing experiences less than they would if they could hear clearly and attentively to all the natural sounds, cheers and announcements • are less focused on their moment-bymoment performance and, therefore, slower • are less safe • frequently impede the safe progress and performance of others • increase demands on road race volunteers • increase road race management costs and liability risks
Every runner has the right to wear headgear, headphones or ear buds to help them with their running. Sports psychologists report that many novice exercisers initially improve their adherence to exercise by listening to music. The music distracts the novice exerciser from what may initially be unpleasant feelings they experience with exercise.Yet, we also have responsibilities, especially when we go out in public, and especially in the crowded world of road races. Interestingly, sports psychologists also report that experienced exercisers improve their athletic performances and exercise experiences when they do not tune into PMDs. This is because they tune into the monitoring of both internal feelings and external challenges to performance.I’ve edited thousands of race photos. And I see confirmation in racers’ faces that headphone wearing runners are not nearly as happily engaged in all the experiences of run-
• missing the finish line altogether Also, PMD use in public may also communicate other unintended, or even intended, messages: • I’m a novice runner • I’m dependent on distraction from running by hearing music • I don’t want anyone to talk to me • I’m not interested in anyone else or even others’ safety But, if you insist that you just can’t run a road race without your headset, timely learn to remove the earbuds from your PMDs in the following three situations: • before the race to listen to pre-race announcements • along critical points on the course, such as when you see a course marshal or police officer • as you approach the finish line My hope is that more runners, once dependent on PMDs, will discover the joy of running and racing outdoors without PMDs. In this way, they will never have to finish a race wondering, “What did I miss?” RM
Minnesota Distance Running Association
Minnetonka Summer Fest 8K June 27, Minnetonka Overall 1 2 3 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 12 13 14 3 15 16 17 18 19 20 4 21 22 23 24 5 6 25 7 26 27 28 8 29 9 30 31 10 11 32 33 12 34 35 13 36 14 37 38 15 39 40 16 17 18 41 42 43
Nick Ross, 20 Matt Wiersum, 21 Joe Ziegenfuss, 34 Brooke Beskau, 20* Kurt Jewell, 40 Paul Barnard, 47 Perri Fabrizio, 41 Albert Vanderschans, 57 Ted Ahrenholtz, 47 Travis Riley, 26 Tom Eagan, 54 Brian Carlson, 33 Amy Smith, 45* Allen Gibas, 64 Sajid Terzic, 50 Terry Goeman, 48 Becca Joseph, 34* David McGoff, 52 Mark Lucke, 48 Doobie Kurus, 36 Timothy Malooly, 46 David Freeburg, 28 Tony Boe, 57 Meg Barrett, 47* Keith Ainsworth, 47 George Crawford, 47 Adam Max, 35 Chris Evenstad, 36 Carolyn Fletcher, 51* Anne Richardson, 45* Luke Erickson, 17 Jessica Craig, 24* Gregg Getchell, 55 Quinn Ruff, 23 Andrew Jewell, 12 Jill Jewell, 39* Jim Meehan, 53 Olivia Ruff, 22* Jeffrey Perkins, 51 Kent Battles, 46 Misty Allen, 25* Kelsey Goeman, 19* Wade Cofer, 16 Seth Craig, 23 Debra Wagner, 52* Michael Lindholm, 52 Shane Robertson, 35 Sara Ahlquist, 39* Craig Boeckers, 34 Rebecca Lindholm, 18* Steven Yussen, 62 Troy Roovers, 43 Kathleen Shea, 61* David Mischio, 43 Joseph Kinning, 48 Marlee Meshbesher, 50* Cortney Dammann, 23* Kate Manske, 22* Dave Manske, 52 Kevin Gaffney, 33 Sanford Hendrickson, 43
28:47 28:48 31:14 32:55 33:26 33:54 34:51 35:05 35:08 35:43 35:55 36:02 36:05 36:36 36:49 36:49 37:04 37:27 37:31 37:38 37:46 37:52 37:54 38:03 38:13 38:20 38:27 38:32 38:35 39:00 39:05 39:10 39:12 39:12 39:13 39:13 39:15 39:22 39:24 39:36 39:37 39:45 39:49 40:09 40:11 40:13 40:26 41:23 41:30 41:30 41:35 41:45 41:48 41:53 42:03 42:09 42:15 42:16 42:17 42:19 42:19
19 20 44 45 21 22 23 46 47 48 24 49 25 50 51 52 26 27 53 54 55 56 28 57 29 30 58 59 31 32 33 60 61 62 34 35 36 37 63 38 64 39 40 41 65 42 66 43 67 44 45 46 47 48 68 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 69 70 71 57 72 58 59
Jill Hendrickson, 43* Elizabeth Freeburg, 28* Dan Mueller, 52 Johannes Manlapaz, 40 Betsy Hausauer, 22* Sophia Bailey, 38* Ariana McAvoy, 20* Ralph Douglass, 53 Ben Lindaman, 29 Chris Olson, 42 Jennifer Carlson, 33* Gunther Wolff, 26 Louise Berry, 51* Kip Luttschwager, 41 Jason Greves, 34 Sawplow Bargak, 54 Stacy Sandler, 43* Kathryn Benhardus, 62* Jay Friedman, 44 Andy Oare, 44 John Dwyer, 51 Stephen Anderson, 32 Daisy Anderson, 32* Hugo Garcia, 57 Else Goll, 28* Amanda Olson, 39* Bill Berneking, 69 Steve Wilson, 44 Holly Wilson, 24* Jennifer Davy, 34* Heather Allen, 19* Bob Howard, 48 Vittorio Portier, 46 Alex Pacheco, 35 Julie Opfer, 38* Sandra Sevey, 51* Laura Evenrud, 32* Melissa Wieczorek, 37* Ken Smith, 50 Heather Grazzini, 28* Eric Diloreto, 54 Sue Manske, 54* Catherine Rupp, 43* Amy Schwantes, 38* Carl Smith, 54 Kathi Pitra, 49* Mike Berger, 49 Raeann Mysliwiec, 44* Bill Acheson, 44 Emily Acheson, 37* Maggie Shea Heinen, 41* Carey Meyer, 37* Jenn Lasota, 41* Debra Bond, 37* Ben Diamond, 21 Debbie Mueller, 50* Jenny Max, 34* Molly Hill, 48* Mary McNabb, 49* Toni Dauwalter, 54* Lisa Dutton, 44* Tammy Ravine, 38* Rebekah Ferguson, 34* Devon Sawyer, 69 Joel Borland, 40 Kurt Wolff, 63 Terry Magaard, 47* Gerry Gordon, 67 Nicole Roberts, 34* Rebecca Borland, 14*
42:22 42:30 43:25 43:26 43:28 43:37 43:42 43:44 43:46 43:58 44:02 44:10 44:38 44:42 44:42 44:54 44:58 45:02 45:04 45:24 45:40 46:00 46:00 46:17 46:18 46:21 46:22 46:27 46:28 46:28 46:29 46:32 46:36 46:45 46:45 46:58 47:03 47:13 47:23 47:26 47:26 47:27 47:30 47:39 48:11 48:29 48:35 49:04 49:04 49:14 49:14 49:19 49:51 49:52 49:53 50:02 50:29 50:40 50:40 50:41 50:42 51:16 51:16 51:35 51:37 51:47 51:58 51:59 52:45 53:14
60 Vickie Shaw, 32* 73 Adam Erickson, 11 Beth Allen, 60* 61 62 Julianne Spargo, 39* 63 Kelly McKernan, 41* 64 Lacey Klungseth, 27* 65 Jennifer Ness, 42* 66 Julie Eckhardt, 29* 67 Dawn Paulson, 33* 68 Anne Ripple, 31* 69 Lynn Jewett, 32* 70 Harpreet Kaur, 36* 74 Sumit Dhawan, 34 71 Jane Guyn, 53* 75 Jim Guyn, 56 72 Sandy Souba, 34* Debra Kessenich, 39* 73 74 Melissa Crawford, 40* 75 Kimberly Nguyen, 32* 76 Liya Sandberg, 16* 77 Susan Wilson, 51* 78 Karen Hopp, 40* 79 Dawn Rausch, 34* 80 Sarah Krake, 42* 81 Robin Stinnett, 38* 82 Nancee Meuser, 47* 83 Pat Clabo, 63* 76 Marcus Erickson, 41 84 Janice Diamond, 49* 77 Charlie Goll, 33 85 Jennifer Infanger, 32* 78 Jim Infanger, 61 86 Jeanie Larson, 40* 79 Paul Taylor, 70 80 Jim Storm, 68 87 Katrina Bergman, 38* 88 Sheila McAlpine, 37* 89 Mary Suddendorf, 30* 90 Anne Suddendorf, 25* 91 Patty Babler, 34* 92 Melanie Brudos, 49* 93 Maggie Crawford, 40* * indicates females
53:15 53:19 53:50 53:56 53:57 53:58 54:17 54:27 54:57 55:15 55:16 55:20 55:21 55:51 55:51 56:11 56:12 56:12 56:21 57:00 57:01 57:05 57:06 57:19 57:19 57:20 57:26 57:31 57:38 57:54 58:54 58:55 1:00:10 1:01:12 1:01:33 1:06:19 1:06:22 1:12:40 1:12:41 1:12:41 1:13:43 1:13:44
20:51 21:05 21:14 21:32 21:34 21:41 21:44 21:57 22:07 22:31 22:33 22:34 22:35
Open Women 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 91 130
June 27, Plymouth
Anna French, 12 Sadie Briggs, 33 Amy Sundet, 27 Michelle Boursier, 19 Melissa Cabak, 15 Sarah Stuart, 16 Jenny Moore, 47 Alisa Madson, 29 Hannah Rollin, 16 Heidi Rosati, 43 Jean French, 46 Jackie Forrette, 47 Hanni Johnson, 33 Tiffany Nelson, 33 Heidi Goerke, 24 Sophie Carlson, 14 Stacy Kurszewski, 43 Brenda Landwehr, 43 Karen Swenson, 50 Stacy Sullwold, 33 Eileen Pitel, 42 Melia Derrul, 54 Melissa Boyer, 35 Tiffany Crandall, 29 Meg Reese, 39 Diane Baltes, 42 Emily Holmgren, 28 Jennifer Nelson, 28 Megan Stuart, 12 Melissa Carlson, 35
19:44 21:23 21:50 22:09 22:47 23:29 23:45 24:01 24:26 24:29 24:44 24:49 25:19 25:36 25:50 26:17 26:49 26:52 26:52 27:13 27:33 27:40 27:48 27:50 27:57 28:01 28:02 28:04 28:06 28:25
Cameron Nazal, 6 Ryan Burnett, 7
29:15 1:06:35
Men 8 - 9 63 82 115
Open Men Stacy Sundet, 30 Doug Keller, 51 Andy Hall, 18 Adam Moline, 15 Matt Olson, 19 Matt Behmer, 19 Kirt Goetzke, 48 Paul DeSalvo, 17 Thomas Dale, 16 Joe Krekeler, 24 Bill Morrison, 17 Lars Egge, 17 Jared Eshelman, 14 Tom Polta, 15 Jeremy Starr, 23 Karl Iverslie, 48 Andy Lindberg, 15
Bryan Cisneros, 15 Zach Lang, 14 David Hargreaves, 16 Shawn Doll, 45 John Stuart, 52 Matthew Dole, 15 Jon Erstad, 45 Brett Schnobrich, 15 Tim Ackerly, 37 Grant Weber, 21 Jay Hempe, 42 Roger Hargreaves, 46 David Wymore, 33
Men Under 8
Music in Plymouth 5K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Seth Schricker, 8 Rafael Osuna, 8 Sam Stinson, 9
26:28 28:25 33:38
Men 10 - 11 16:11 17:14 17:16 17:27 17:32 17:46 17:59 18:16 18:47 19:15 19:24 19:50 19:53 20:08 20:21 20:37 20:42
32 45 74 86 117
Thomas Lerdall, 11 Maclane King, 10 Jeremy Pettis, 11 Bobby Moore, 11 Joe Stinson, 11
22:40 24:24 27:24 28:54 34:32
Men 12 - 13 37 113 125
Grant Benthin, 13 Jordan Sell, 13 Jackson Piechowski, 13
23:15 33:00 40:23
Men 14 - 15 4 13 14
Adam Moline, 15 Jared Eshelman, 14 Tom Polta, 15
17:27 19:53 20:08
continued on page 21
AT THE RACES: R A C E R E S U L T S Music in Plymouth 5K results continued 17 18 19 23 25 47
Andy Lindberg, 15 Bryan Cisneros, 15 Zach Lang, 14 Matthew Dole, 15 Brett Schnobrich, 15 Tim Hargreaves, 15
20:42 20:51 21:05 21:41 21:57 24:38
Men 16 - 17 8 9 11 12 20 127
Paul DeSalvo, 17 Thomas Dale, 16 Bill Morrison, 17 Lars Egge, 17 David Hargreaves, 16 Daniel Piechowski, 17
18:16 18:47 19:24 19:50 21:14 50:21
Andy Hall, 18 Matt Olson, 19 Matt Behmer, 19 Kyle Wesely, 18
17:16 17:32 17:46 27:08
Men 35 - 39 26 39 49 61 62 70 75 76 79 95
Tim Ackerly, 37 Matt Knutson, 36 Garret Breen, 35 Paul Anderson, 38 Shawn Carlson, 36 Michael McGraw, 36 Matt Messerli, 39 Peter Kramer, 38 Michael Hollenstein, 36 Michael Daniels, 37
22:07 23:22 24:54 26:11 26:16 26:45 27:24 27:25 28:06 29:35
Men 40 - 44 28 31 33 34 42
Jay Hempe, 42 Todd Schnobrich, 44 William Rosati, 43 Jim Cabak, 43 Todd Brand, 40
Randall Schaefer, 43 Tom Evenson, 40 Blake Boston, 41 Kevin Matkin, 44 John Schricker, 40
24:11 25:25 25:49 26:05 26:28
Men 45 - 49 7 16 21 24 29 35 46 78 96 103
Kirt Goetzke, 48 Karl Iverslie, 48 Shawn Doll, 45 Jon Erstad, 45 Roger Hargreaves, 46 Guy Pettis, 45 David Torgerson, 48 Robert Krause, 46 Kim Bonander, 47 Mike Wolf, 47
17:59 20:37 21:32 21:44 22:34 22:54 24:34 27:38 29:41 30:31
Men 50 - 54
Men 18 - 19 3 5 6 71
44 53 57 59 64
22:33 22:35 22:43 22:47 24:03
2 22 36 38 48 55 56 66 67 68
Doug Keller, 51 John Stuart, 52 Mark Swenson, 50 Greg Lerdall, 50 Mark Weber, 53 Tom Wesely, 51 Mike Boursier, 53 Thomas Nero, 50 Ron Zimmerman, 54 Jonathan Otto, 53
17:14 21:34 22:56 23:17 24:52 25:26 25:46 26:30 26:33 26:36
Men 55 - 59 54
Steve Marti, 59
Men 60 - 64 51 69 83
Ronald Grossinger, 60 Dennis Babcock, 61 Sam Pearlman, 61
25:09 26:44 28:26
Men 65 - 69 81 88 93 121
Lanny Orning, 66 John Desanto, 65 Gerry Vande Garde, 65 Luis Tobon, 66
28:19 28:59 29:30 36:08
Women Under 8 145
Anna Stinson, 6
Women 8 - 9 78
Sofia Osuna, 9
Anna French, 12 Megan Stuart, 12 Brynn Gellner, 13 Molly Wuollet, 13 Emily Chambers, 13
19:44 28:06 32:27 32:27 38:36
Women 14 - 15 5 16 34 35 43 105 107
Melissa Cabak, 15 Sophie Carlson, 14 Gilly Mangan, 14 Shannon Murphy, 14 Alli Domingues, 14 Natalie Stevens, 15 Andrea Scharf, 14
22:47 26:17 29:00 29:00 29:56 38:15 38:16
Women 16 - 17 6 9 70 103 106 120
Sarah Stuart, 16 Hannah Rollin, 16 Eleanor Jackson, 17 Stephanie Twelves, 16 Rebekah Smith, 17 Samantha Dvorsak, 16
23:29 24:26 33:06 38:07 38:15 42:06
Women 18 - 19 4 69 84 101 102
Michelle Boursier, 19 Maura Jackson, 19 Afton Starr, 18 Elizabeth Chambers, 18 Katherine Chambers, 18
22:09 33:06 35:23 38:04 38:04
Women 35 - 39 23 25 30 31 36 51
Denae Vanden Berg, 36 Julie Ziessman, 35 Andie Helmich, 36 Sarah Anderson, 36
31:01 32:14 34:05 34:29
Women 40 - 44
Women 12 - 13 1 29 65 66 108
53 64 75 76
Melissa Boyer, 35 Meg Reese, 39 Melissa Carlson, 35 Kristin Allen Wyeth, 38 Jayme Strom, 39 Brenda Naffziger, 39
27:48 27:57 28:25 28:30 29:02 30:39
10 17 18 21 26 32 40 41 45 57
Heidi Rosati, 43 Stacy Kurszewski, 43 Brenda Landwehr, 43 Eileen Pitel, 42 Diane Baltes, 42 Kelly Kremin, 43 Diane Daniels, 42 Lori Hines, 44 Shannon Cisneros, 41 Sandy Hodgkin, 40
24:29 26:49 26:52 27:33 28:01 28:33 29:34 29:42 30:11 31:29
Women 45 - 49 7 11 12 44 52 60 67 71 73 94
Jenny Moore, 47 Jean French, 46 Jackie Forrette, 47 Corinne Jackson, 48 Helen Lafave, 49 Jana Hargreaves, 45 Renee Gruidl, 45 Jeanie Matkin, 45 Sandra Sullivan, 46 Michelle Hayden, 49
23:45 24:44 24:49 30:10 30:51 31:51 32:42 33:23 33:26 37:00
Women 50 - 54 19 22 42 92 124 125 127 132 133 135
Karen Swenson, 50 Melia Derrul, 54 Nia Wronski, 51 Connie Goerke, 53 Kim Steppe, 50 Terese Otto, 51 Cheryle Nibbe, 54 Marie Hayes, 50 Patricia (Pa Janikowski, 5
Rebecca Nylund, 50
26:52 27:40 29:45 36:50 48:02 48:02 49:42 50:35 50:50 51:33
Women 55 - 59 47
Dawn Grossinger, 59
Now Offering Chip timing! 21
Minnesota Distance Running Association
AT THE RACES: R A C E R E S U L T S 85 97 117 128 130
Jan Nielsen, 59 Michele Hawkins, 57 Ginny Black, 57 Sharon Nibbe, 58 Lorie Stemig, 56
35:24 37:04 40:44 49:45 49:52
Women 65 - 69 82 98
Judy Orning, 65 Shirley Strom, 66
35:07 37:21
Women 70 - 74 87
Dorothy Marden, 72
MSU 4th of July 10K Open Men Richie Spitsberg, 24 Jacob Lindaus, 18 Josh Lablanc, 21 Adam Kne, 23 Marcel MacFarlane, 37 Chris Hass, 31 Hitchel Bauske, 18 Tom Wixc, 18 Ezra Olson, 14 Eric Pegors, 40 Brandon Huether, 22 Jarrod Danuser, 30 Brian Pederson, 48 Mark Sailer, 41 Ross Hilgers, 42 Gene Simon, 43 Aaron Hill, 28 Toessawat Suparat, 23 Caleb Dahl, 19 Dan Seymour, 34 Mathias Valan, 17 Dan Helin, 28 Michael Krieger, 30 Terry Whisman, 40 Luke Anderson, 23 Tony Reinherdt, 37 Dave Bieznay, 39 Mark Pavicic, 57 David Pratt, 44 Wayne Kazmierczak, 38
33:42 34:16 34:41 35:31 37:19 37:29 38:24 38:35 38:49 38:53 39:23 39:28 39:29 39:55 40:01 40:05 40:10 40:21 40:24 40:48 40:55 40:57 41:16 41:22 41:37 41:48 41:54 42:06 42:24 42:46
Open Women 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Claire Kazmierczak, 32 Gina Aalgaard Kelly, 32 Lisa Dyer, 27 Kelly Peratt, 31 Jennie Rivard, 42 Karen Peterson, 47 Sarah Wuebker, 41 Therese Vogel, 56 Rachel Mjones, 19 Anna Lipetzky, 18 Sara Monson, 24 Hannah Dahl, 20 Nicole Rohrbeck, 36 Andrea Lyons, 31 Erica Henrikson, 16 Ashely Kassenborg, 17 Kelly Brammer, 17 Mackenzie Randklev, 15 Julie Lovaas, 31 Tamela Moran, 42 Erin Dahl, 13 Nicole Such, 24 Michelle Bredell, 33 Nicole Crawford, 31 Katie Tallackjan, 27 Leola Daul, 47 Kris Lym, 48 Christina Jacobs, 29 Jodie Stueland, 34 Angie Heckaman, 37
39:40 40:40 40:51 44:29 45:31 46:03 46:40 49:03 49:36 49:36 49:42 49:54 51:27 51:49 51:59 51:59 51:59 51:59 52:26 52:42 52:58 53:00 53:14 53:46 54:10 54:27 54:58 55:12 55:16 55:16
Men 8 - 9 54
John Busche, 9
Men 14 - 15
Ezra Olson, 14 Glen Ellingson, 15 Adam Larson, 15
38:49 43:20 48:39
Men 16 - 17 21 53
Mathias Valan, 17 Like Monkt-Lundberg, 17
40:55 47:00
Men 18 - 19 2 7 8 19 38
Jacob Lindaus, 18 Hitchel Bauske, 18 Tom Wixc, 18 Caleb Dahl, 19 Sam Olek, 18
34:16 38:24 38:35 40:24 44:42
Men 35 - 39
July 4, Moorhead 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
9 33 61
5 26 27 30 37 57 68 76 92 94
Marcel MacFarlane, 37 Tony Reinherdt, 37 Dave Bieznay, 39 Wayne Kazmierczak, 38 Wade Bloom, 38 Dean Froslie, 35 Brown Dana, 39 Alan Svangstu, 36 David Johnson, 37 Daniel Eilertson, 39
37:19 41:48 41:54 42:46 44:21 47:54 50:07 52:07 55:22 55:36
Men 40 - 44 10 14 15 16 24 29 34 35 36 50
Eric Pegors, 40 Mark Sailer, 41 Ross Hilgers, 42 Gene Simon, 43 Terry Whisman, 40 David Pratt, 44 Mark Johnson, 40 Roger Miller, 44 Ray Bauske, 44 Joel Johansen, 40
38:53 39:55 40:01 40:05 41:22 42:24 43:53 43:58 44:20 46:46
Men 45 - 49 13 39 41 52 55 56 63 75 86 95
Brian Pederson, 48 Norman Adams, 47 Rick Crume, 48 Kevin Moran, 49 Durk Thompson, 45 Thorvald Dahle, 45 Tim Harms, 45 Tom Newberger, 49 Michael Nordness, 47 Craig Smith, 46
39:29 44:58 45:12 47:00 47:15 47:38 49:00 51:58 53:39 55:46
Men 50 - 54 32 40 44 49 58 69 73 84 93 96
Patrick Gross, 52 David Backlund, 51 Shawn O'Laughlin, 53 Brian Thomas, 51 Jeff Seaver, 51 Rick Monson, 52 Joel Ransom, 54 Jerry Mykleseth, 50 Joel Kangas, 53 Scott Swanholm, 51
43:03 45:03 46:10 46:40 48:17 50:12 50:57 53:20 55:32 56:27
Men 55 - 59 28 48 64 70 72 77 79 81 99 113
Mark Pavicic, 57 Tim Martin, 56 Rod Lym, 55 Doyle Edwards, 55 Ken Mickelson, 58 David Tinjum, 55 Ramon Christensen, 55 Bruce Hanson, 56 Nuru Ahmed, 55 Mark Gustafson, 58
42:06 46:34 49:03 50:16 50:32 52:30 52:38 52:51 57:35 1:02:55
Men 60 - 64 112 120 121
Peter Schmidt, 62 Jerry Rogers, 62 Bob Perius, 62
1:02:22 1:05:37 1:06:27
Men 65 - 69 108 116
Gary Ness, 66 Gary Bakke, 69
59:28 1:03:57
Women 12 - 13 21 68
Erin Dahl, 13 Harshita Gaba, 13
52:58 1:03:24
Women 14 - 15 18 102
Mackenzie Randklev, 15 Zoe Richard, 15
51:59 1:24:02
Women 16 - 17 15
Erica Henrikson, 16
16 17 42 44 79
Ashely Kassenborg, 17 Kelly Brammer, 17 Jessica Nellermoe, 16 Katy Dahl, 17 Siri Manning, 17
51:59 51:59 56:39 57:23 1:05:22
Women 18 - 19 9 10
Rachel Mjones, 19 Anna Lipetzky, 18
49:36 49:36
Women 35 - 39 13 30 34 39 63 69 74 78 83 88
Nicole Rohrbeck, 36 Angie Heckaman, 37 Laurie Sieben, 35 Beth Randklev, 38 Shelly Peters, 38 Carmen Felch, 37 Amy Balluff, 35 Angela Kallmeyer, 39 Tammy Treiber, 38 Amy Soma, 35
51:27 55:16 55:35 56:24 1:01:45 1:03:45 1:05:01 1:05:16 1:05:48 1:06:59
Women 40 - 44 5 7 20 43 46 60 61 73 81 91
Jennie Rivard, 42 Sarah Wuebker, 41 Tamela Moran, 42 Geralyn Green, 41 Shelly Finneman, 40 Paige Bjornson, 40 Dianne Mullenhour, 42 Sonya Drechsel, 42 Donna Carlson, 41 Colette Jenson, 41
45:31 46:40 52:42 57:21 57:59 1:01:18 1:01:18 1:04:19 1:05:46 1:08:08
Women 45 - 49 6 26 27 51 53 55 57 71 108
Karen Peterson, 47 Leola Daul, 47 Kris Lym, 48 Laura McDaniel, 46 Marquita Hynes, 47 Julie Wilson, 46 Janice Larson, 47 Karen Burchill, 48 Beth Senn, 48
46:03 54:27 54:58 59:24 1:00:04 1:00:29 1:00:47 1:04:09 1:33:52
Women 50 - 54 32 40 49 58 62 66 75 87 89 95
Rhonda Magel, 53 Jennifer Swanholm, 52 Cindy Deuser, 50 Theresa Gross, 51 Melody Larson, 52 Cindy Varriano, 51 Deb Kluck, 51 Mary Gaffrey, 54 Nancy Tow, 54 Barb Grande, 54
55:27 56:27 58:51 1:00:59 1:01:36 1:02:26 1:05:06 1:06:27 1:07:32 1:10:54
Women 55 - 59 8 59 84
Therese Vogel, 56 Judy Seibel, 57 Mary Bartha, 57
49:03 1:01:16 1:05:59
Women 60 - 64 80 101
Susan Rogers, 60 Barbara Bentz, 62
1:05:37 1:16:46
Firecracker 10K July 4, Excelsior
William Leer, 24 Ben Sathre, 19 Seth Brickley, 22 Jaron Balgaard, 23 Matt Wiersum, 21 Ian Lovett, 27 Hady Cherif, 23 Philip Keller, 29 Aaron Bartnik, 16 John Ryan, 27 Mike Switzer, 21 Andrew Jahn, 23 Brian Griffith, 18 Mike Rodriguez, 18 Ayub Aden, 18 Nathan Engel, 17 Peter Kessler, 47
Todd Blatti, 46 Timothy Lillehaugen, 19 Andy Hall, 18 Brett Busacker, 23 Kirt Goetzke, 48 Paul Lillehaugen, 20 Bobby Davis, 18 Nick Emmans, 18 Erik Escher, 20 Jason Woods, 34 Jay Nelson, 39 Chris Celichowski, 46 Chris Humbert, 45
36:18 36:22 36:25 36:29 36:34 36:42 37:03 37:08 37:23 37:36 38:02 38:10 38:10
Open Women 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Emily Schwitzer, 19 Becky Hoover, 26 Johanna Winters, 25 Sara Rohde, 38 Chelsea Lee, 26 Jan Guenther, 50 Kari Koski, 36 Laurie Hanscom, 45 Nancy Schmelzle, 39 Lauren Newcomb, 30 Havila Peterson, 28 Jordan Vaughn, 31 Tonia Jorgenson, 36 Laura Lawton, 16 Taylor Light, 19 Katherine Himes, 31 Slaine Kelly, 16 Sarah Moon, 22 Sascha Hallstein, 41 Megan Kerr, 16 Anna Urdahl, 20 Lianna Walburg, 27 Brenna Wetsch, 18 Meghan Mayer, 24 Terry Goeman, 48 Julia Brandes, 20 Lisa Koeppen, 38 Lynn Dahlin, 38 Maureen Sabri, 27 Dina Dewing, 36
38:21 39:22 40:23 40:37 41:36 41:43 41:53 41:55 42:15 42:34 42:43 43:21 43:26 43:27 43:28 43:54 43:58 44:17 44:30 44:48 45:04 45:21 45:24 45:24 45:26 45:36 46:09 46:09 46:37 46:44
Men 10 - 11 301 331 452
Vail Baumer, 11 Will Kofski, 10 Andrew Hollenbeck, 10
53:58 55:26 1:06:35
Men 12 - 13 82 463
Carter Tate, 12 Judd Bruner, 13
42:52 1:09:41
Men 14 - 15 65 84 89 110 140 173 252 313 363 369
Tom Polta, 15 Zachary Lang, 14 Evan Olawsky, 15 Joe Vergeront, 15 Tipper Langseth, 15 Jay Evans, 15 Robbie McCandless, 15 John Paul Currie, 14 Blake Szalapski, 15 James Hermansen, 14
41:33 43:00 43:18 44:34 46:21 47:42 51:16 54:37 57:02 57:27
Men 16 - 17
Open Men 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31:19 32:51 33:00 33:29 33:49 33:58 34:04 34:05 34:33 34:44 35:04 35:13 35:32 35:35 36:12 36:16 36:18
9 16 33 39 41 60 69 71 73 75
Aaron Bartnik, 16 Nathan Engel, 17 Brady Gust, 16 Hayden Troy, 17 Nathaniel Hitt, 16 Paul Tokar, 17 Nik Ihlang, 16 Chad Claybaugh, 17 Brandon Onopa, 17 Spencer Davis, 16
34:33 36:16 38:20 38:59 39:11 41:17 41:42 41:48 41:59 42:12
Men 18 - 19 2 13 14 15 19 20
Ben Sathre, 19 Brian Griffith, 18 Mike Rodriguez, 18 Ayub Aden, 18 Timothy Lillehaugen, 19 Andy Hall, 18
32:51 35:32 35:35 36:12 36:22 36:25
continued on page 24
Race Recap
“Du”ing it in Minneapolis: Inaugural duathlon a hit for runners and bikers by Amy Leger
Team Ortho Foundation organized three training sessions for new duathletes, which got people excited. But the Du was also open to racers with different styles of bikes. “It was so exciting to see runners and cyclists take on this new challenge. Beginning with our training and then to watch them a few weeks later cross the finish line. There are no words to describe the pride I have in each and every one of these athletes,” Larson said. There were also two other kinds of races on the day of the duathlon: an individual bike time trial and a 5K run. Amongst all of these events and the different categories, 210 awards were given to top finishers.
You can now call yourself a Duathlete
A rare, crisp morning along the Mississippi River in downtown Minneapolis greeted approximately 1,000 athletes arriving for the Inaugural Minneapolis Duathlon and Bike Time Trial, on August 30, 2009. Even before the sun began to rise over the river, racers were showing up, picking out their spot in the transition area, ready for some fun, exercise and maybe a little competition. The weather couldn’t have been any more perfect for these athletes who wanted to become duathletes. The Adventure of the Minneapolis Duathlon The race began with a 5K run along West River Road, across the River onto Boom and Nicollet Islands and back to the transition area. The 18 mile bike route went south with the Mississippi River along a tree-lined West River Road. The road was closed for the race from West Broadway nine miles south to the road’s turnaround. When the racers returned from the bike, they did the same 5K run again. “It was a beautiful route,” participant Kelly White said. She, her husband and 13-year-old son drove in from Wisconsin to race in the duathlon as a relay team.
The duathlon for every BODY Team Ortho Foundation prides itself on organizing amateur events like the Minneapolis Duathlon and the Minneapolis Marathon (Monster and Polar Dashes also) to keep people active. Ultimately that activity promotes strong bone, muscular and skeletal health. This is why Team Ortho Foundation decided to organize a race that would give a first-timer the chance to compete in a duathlon without feeling intimidated or not good enough. “I really wanted to see new athletes try a duathlon for the first time,” said John Larson, Team Ortho Executive Director.
First-timers signed up for the Minneapolis Duathlon in droves; including Kristina Koznick, a Minnesota-native who has been on the U.S. Olympic Ski Team three times, the White family, who did the duathlon as a relay, and Gary Smisek, a 62-year-old runner who wanted to celebrate his birthday with his first duathlon. Kristina Koznick: The former Olympian says she was talked into the race by a friend. Kristina has done a lot of cross training to prepare for skiing events, but had never done a duathlon before. Kristina finished without a problem saying she had an “absolute blast.” “There were people of all shapes, sizes, fitness levels. What a cool event.” Kelly, Rob and Peter White: Kelly started running in August of 2008. After doing a triathlon and a half marathon, she talked her husband into doing the Minneapolis Duathlon as a family. “I thought it would be a great race for Rob, Peter and I to do together,” Kelly explained. After the race, Kelly and her husband, Rob, described doing the family relay as a bonding experience. “It’s kind of cool that the family is now getting into racing and exercising,” Kelly said. Gary Smisek: Gary turned 62 on the day of the Minneapolis Duathlon and he says he wouldn’t have had his birthday any other way. Gary started competing in running races in 2000. Two years ago, he hit a rough patch with a minor stroke. He has now recovered and feels great. After crossing the finish line at the duathlon, Gary exclaimed, “It was the best day of my life.” He decided to go with a slow and steady pace for the whole event, and he said it worked. Gary said he never walked and he “increased his speed in his last 5K.” Gary says he wants to be back for the duathlon each year. Even when he turns 82.
2010 Duathlon date is set Next year’s Minneapolis Duathlon is already open for registration. The date is August 29, 2010. You can register at RM
Minnesota Distance Running Association
AT THE RACES: R A C E R E S U L T S Men 70 - 74
Firecracker 10K results continued 24 25 31 32
Bobby Davis, 18 Nick Emmans, 18 Ryan Anderson, 18 Luke Merickel, 18
133 448 37:03 37:08 38:14 38:16
Men 35 - 39 28 36 42 44 55 79 105 107 122 123
Jay Nelson, 39 Clifford Owen, 37 Kevin Franck, 39 Wayne Board, 39 Alexander Thoman, 37 Dan Gatchell, 35 Daniel Stuessi, 35 Eric Best, 39 John Seaverson, 36 Devon Ross, 38
38:02 38:47 39:15 39:33 40:54 42:23 44:08 44:16 45:18 45:31
Jeff Brown, 40 Patrick Kruegel, 41 Robert Fan, 44 Kevin Lentsch, 42 Sean Finn, 43 Rick Dusha, 44 Dan Peterson, 41 Tracky Nevells, 42 Roger Norvell, 44 Kurt Schmitz, 40
40:03 41:29 43:24 43:26 43:27 43:43 44:26 45:39 45:44 45:51
Peter Kessler, 47 Todd Blatti, 46 Kirt Goetzke, 48 Chris Celichowski, 46 Chris Humbert, 45 Robert Jacobson, 49 Peter Davis, 45 Mark Myers, 49 Jon Lane, 47 Kevin Kaiser, 49
36:18 36:18 36:34 38:10 38:10 38:56 39:05 40:35 41:03 41:05
Mike Setter, 53 John Trettel, 50 John Hayes, 50 Eric Stich, 50 Greg Engel, 52 Art Berman, 52 Chuck Barden, 53 Robert Barthel, 51 Eric Swanlund, 54 Allen Hanson, 52
41:16 41:31 42:22 42:56 44:07 44:37 44:46 45:58 47:21 47:25
Steve Maupin, 58 Albert Van Der Schans, 57 Greg Albrecht, 55 John Traul, 57 Gary Podany, 55 Dennis Jabs, 57 Roger Krueger, 59 Michael Duffy, 57 David Ching, 59 Gene Runke, 59
43:52 43:57 45:01 45:43 47:12 48:32 48:42 49:41 49:55 49:57
Allen Gibas, 64 Todd Grant, 61 Bob Koens, 60 Gene Geller, 60 Joseph Wagner, 61 Hal Ulvestad, 64 Joseph Kraska, 60 Silas Bell, 61 Denis Tierney, 62 Harley Feldman, 62
44:37 47:52 51:14 53:13 54:33 55:42 57:01 1:03:21 1:12:14 1:15:03
Fred Kycek, 66 Bill Berneking, 69 Gerry Gordon, 68 Ed Volker, 66 Carl Walstem, 67 Phil Erickson, 68 Roger Williams, 66
Women 8 - 9 375 376
Emme Simning, 8 Corina Lawrance, 9
1:16:42 1:16:43
Women 10 - 11 373
Sophia Maher, 10
96 117 314 340 381
Kaley Inman, 13 Emily Graupmann, 13 Lila Anderson, 13 Allie Mechtel, 13 Beret Leone, 13
67 81 98 150 175 195 232 243 303 329
Zoe Goldstein, 14 Alexandra Hitt, 15 Payton Schultz, 15 Nellie Bubb, 15 Anna Pohlad, 15 Judy Berning, 15 Kayla Herpers, 14 Ashley Melco, 15 Kelly Wiens, 15 Katie Noyed, 15
14 17 20 43 51 52 76 77 78 89
Laura Lawton, 16 Slaine Kelly, 16 Megan Kerr, 16 Laura Brandes, 16 Jocelyn Hannan, 17 Kayla Goeman, 16 Christie Wirth, 17 Colette Celichowski, 16 Megan Bailey, 16 Kelly O'Neill, 17
1 15 23 37 41 59 64 74 111 132
Emily Schwitzer, 19 Taylor Light, 19 Brenna Wetsch, 18 Katie Osberg, 18 Kristen Wiersma, 19 Kelsey Goeman, 18 Faith Brisbois, 18 Gina Luke, 18 Rosie Bubb, 18 Katie Kelly, 19
4 7 9 13 27 28 30 33 34 36
Sara Rohde, 38 Kari Koski, 36 Nancy Schmelzle, 39 Tonia Jorgenson, 36 Lisa Koeppen, 38 Lynn Dahlin, 38 Dina Dewing, 36 Jill Hughes, 35 Cindy Cook, 37 Jodee Hollenbeck, 37
19 38 39 42 63 71 120 128 134 140
Sascha Hallstein, 41 Barbara Capece, 43 Colleen Jason, 44 Paula Schulze, 41 Annie Stokes, 40 Elizabeth Tate, 44 Julie Lonning, 42 Stacey Finn, 41 Sherri Schultz, 43 Judy Chase, 43
47:32 59:22 1:08:12 1:11:23 1:12:09 1:16:42 1:19:40
8 25 40 60 72 86 91 108 110 116
Laurie Hanscom, 45 Terry Goeman, 48 Heidi Knight, 45 Diana Massey, 48 Patsy Foster, 47 Marci Roesler, 47 Deb Miller, 45 Teri Fisher, 48 Dawn Colton, 45 Jeanne Krake, 45
6 58 66 84 95 106 107 133 157 163
Jan Guenther, 50 Nancy Martinson, 51 Wilma Ruppert, 53 Karen Kinzie, 51 Judy Hauritz, 52 Marlee Meshbesher, 50 Virginia Skruppy, 52 Mary K Ryan, 53 Helen Gunther, 52 Barbara Sampson, 54
Women 55 - 59
51:45 53:28 1:06:04 1:09:42 1:23:15
130 290 350 351 352 360
Women 12 - 13
Priscilla Franken, 57 Linda Schwitzer, 57 Pam Geller, 58 Susan Caligiuri, 57 Debi Steinkraus, 57 Julie Albrecht, 59
41:43 48:53 49:37 50:48 51:39 52:16 52:25 54:41 55:51 56:05 54:26 1:03:37 1:12:01 1:12:09 1:12:23 1:13:20
43:27 43:58 44:48 47:59 48:39 48:39 50:23 50:32 50:33 51:05 38:21 43:28 45:24 47:29 47:49 48:54 49:32 50:06 52:58 54:36 40:37 41:53 42:15 43:26 46:09 46:09 46:44 47:01 47:07 47:19 44:30 47:36 47:42 47:49 49:21 49:52 53:44 54:25 54:50 55:01 41:55 45:26 47:43 48:55 49:54 51:02 51:11 52:38 52:46 53:18
103 125 156 260
Suellyn Tritz, 60 Marien Bradsher, 63 Kathryn Benhardus, 62 Annette Caruso, 60
52:04 54:07 55:47 1:01:35
Women 65 - 69 177
Judy Cronen, 68
Komen Brainerd Lakes Race for the Cure 5K July 11, Brainerd Open Men 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Justin Grunewald, 23 Tom Sederquist, 20 Ben Puhl, 23 Sean Olson, 20 Tyler Rose, 19 James Dean, 17 Jayson Pyatt, 34 Jason Havey, 25 Paul Lillehaugen, 20 Mike Reponen, 21 Hans Storvick, 23 Randy Wiinanen, 54 Michael Shelendich, 20 Mitch Lorenz, 19 Scott Niemela, 46 Stephen Delwiche, 17 Chris Knutson, 17 Jeffrey Emery, 17 Riley Nelsen, 15 Tim Dirks, 37 Titus Goodew, 21 Jeff Delwiche, 50 David Haugen, 20 Jason Henry, 24 Andrew Raske, 20 Anthony White, 16 Shannon Finnegan, 31 Tyler Rohloff, 19 Chad Nelson, 29 Dustin Maurer, 19
15:15 15:43 16:15 16:15 16:34 16:48 16:50 16:55 17:10 17:18 17:31 17:39 17:47 17:47 17:50 17:54 18:39 18:39 18:49 19:01 19:02 19:09 19:09 19:18 19:22 19:24 19:24 19:27 19:30 19:30
Open Women 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Ladia Albertson-Junkans, 2
Mallory Van Ness, 22 Gabriele Anderson, 23 Hailey Brenden, 20 Julie Schwengler, 23 Christina Roberts, 23 Wanda Gau, 47 Brittney Christianson, 22 Jacki Devine, 47 Shauna Maurer, 16 Julie Berg, 37 Megan Holmes, 16 Rachel Pedersen, 20 Stacey Gustafson, 18 Pamela Kaercher, 25 Sara Carlson, 30
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Anna Gessell, 16 Sarah Neururer, 13 Sara Bucknam, 34 Kate Hendrickson, 19 Amber Close, 26 Leah Heggerston, 42 Kristine Gustafson, 15 Richelle Brennan, 38 Tami Barrett, 23 Jenna Ruzich, 16 Stacy Grossman, 24 Sarah Simpson, 35 Leslie Garcia, 52 Gabrielle Murphy, 15
22:30 22:54 22:57 22:58 22:59 23:10 23:14 23:18 23:26 23:29 23:39 23:51 23:58 24:03
Men Under 8 150 177 183
Carson VanVickle, 7 Benjamin Kaus, 7 Kaleb Sundquist, 7
28:03 29:43 29:51
Men 8 - 9
Women 60 - 64 49:38 50:46 51:50 55:31 56:28 57:37 59:26 59:53 1:04:45 1:08:02
Women 45 - 49
Men 65 - 69 169 396 458 468 469 478 480
1:00:29 1:07:24
Women 40 - 44
Men 60 - 64 111 177 251 292 310 336 362 436 470 476
Sam Hirabashi, 82 Burt Carlson, 83
Women 35 - 39
Men 55 - 59 100 101 116 127 159 191 193 204 212 213
410 457
Women 18 - 19
Men 50 - 54 59 64 78 83 104 112 114 131 164 165
Men 80 - 84
Women 16 - 17
Men 45 - 49 17 18 22 29 30 37 40 54 57 58
Women 50 - 54 46:05 1:06:10
Women 14 - 15
Men 40 - 44 50 62 91 92 93 97 109 124 128 130
Nick Rogers, 70 Paul Tattersall, 74
17:55 18:34 19:00 19:28 19:38 19:48 20:14 21:15 21:33 21:37 21:42 21:44 21:45 22:04 22:11 22:15
92 108 125 134 138 178 181 182 186 191
Matt Fischer, 9 Nick Hastings, 8 Tanner Larson, 9 Eli Sundquist, 9 Danny Olson, 9 Samuel Ruhl, 8 Levi Nagel, 9 Connor Glasford, 8 Konrad Kisch, 8 Jared Warling, 9
23:55 24:56 26:09 26:51 27:07 29:44 29:50 29:51 30:13 30:41
Men 10 - 11 70 90 99 106 160 166 179 189 201 205
Aiden Basco, 10 Samuel Hunter, 11 Joshua Maucieri, 10 Slate Rostal, 10 Reese Benson, 10 Brett Schnyder, 10 Carter Anderson, 10 Matt Patrick, 10 Jacob Bankers, 11 Steven Glasford, 10
22:43 23:49 24:17 24:40 28:50 29:15 29:46 30:30 32:44 33:13
Men 12 - 13 100 109 110 145 151 163 173 192 196 220
Samuel Howard, 12 Adam Fischer, 12 Mitchell Rahn, 12 Tyler Gardner, 13 Lucas Tschida, 12 Beau VanVickle, 12 Nate Jaskowiak, 12 Tim Jackson, 13 Chris Giovik, 12 Leon Yaunick, 13
24:21 25:00 25:01 27:48 28:04 29:09 29:26 30:43 31:04 36:47
Men 14 - 15 19 33 35 38 39 57 72 89 104 115
Riley Nelsen, 15 Zean Baker, 14 Matthew McDonald, 15 Matthew Neururer, 14 Damon Grilz, 15 Michael Ryan, 14 Gerrit Garberich, 14 Tyler Miller, 14 Jonah Jaskowiak, 15 Christian Roth, 14
18:49 19:46 19:51 20:10 20:11 21:43 22:45 23:47 24:35 25:30
Men 16 - 17 6 16 17 18 26 31 45 46 59 62
James Dean, 17 Stephen Delwiche, 17 Chris Knutson, 17 Jeffrey Emery, 17 Anthony White, 16 Zakayo Magomolla, 17 Aaron Thompson, 17 Sean Halverson, 17 Rian Hutchison, 16 Dylan Neururer, 16
16:48 17:54 18:39 18:39 19:24 19:32 20:47 20:52 21:53 22:19
Men 18 - 19 5 14 28 30 41 42
Tyler Rose, 19 Mitch Lorenz, 19 Tyler Rohloff, 19 Dustin Maurer, 19 Michael McDonald, 18 Jake Stunek, 19
16:34 17:47 19:27 19:30 20:14 20:38
continued on page 25
AT THE RACES: R A C E R E S U L T S Race for the Cure 5K results continued 94 98 111 119
Nathan Palkert, 19 Christopher Nelson, 19 Eric Edman, 19 Mitch Schueller, 18
23:59 24:17 25:01 25:38
Men 35 - 39 20 40 47 52 55 56 76 79 117 118
Tim Dirks, 37 Chad Paulson, 37 Gabriel Churchill, 38 Mike Solderburg, 35 David Clausen, 38 Chris Olson, 38 Joshua Carter, 37 Daniel Bucknam, 36 Jason Herfel, 37 Steve Sundstrom, 39
19:01 20:12 20:55 21:31 21:40 21:41 22:51 22:57 25:32 25:33
Men 40 - 44 32 49 51 66 71 105 114 144 168 175
Gabriel Mercado, 41 Tim Tschida, 42 Steve Karels, 44 Dale Nelson, 44 Joseph Mussell, 40 Joel Miller, 42 Terry Hollingsworth, 40 Gerry Strathman, 41 Randy Herrlich, 41 Joe Fleisher, 44
19:36 21:08 21:22 22:35 22:43 24:37 25:26 27:30 29:18 29:34
Men 45 - 49 15 37 60 67 69 85 87 88 122 132
Scott Niemela, 46 Danny Backberg, 49 Stephen Rose, 49 Kodi Phillips, 48 Paul Miller, 46 Roger Roy, 45 Dan Radunz, 46 Keith Reeves, 49 Tom Ryan, 47 Scott Lucas, 48
17:50 20:00 21:54 22:35 22:40 23:27 23:32 23:41 26:00 26:41
Men 50 - 54 12 22 68 103 131 154 162 167 169 190
Randy Wiinanen, 54 Jeff Delwiche, 50 Mike Woodard, 50 Donald Milless, 54 Gregory Randahl, 54 Scott Parsons, 53 Tim Halvorson, 51 Eugene Wempner, 50 Kelly Smith, 53 Tom Jackson, 53
17:39 19:09 22:37 24:31 26:38 28:17 28:51 29:15 29:20 30:38
Men 55 - 59 81 107 124 148 161 165 172 202 207
Gregg Getchell, 55 Bud Reponen, 57 Mike O'Rourke, 55 Albert DeNigris, 56 Jim Benson, 56 Scott Gibson, 55 Roger Forcelle, 56 Rick Caya, 57 Jim Adams, 55
23:13 24:41 26:08 27:58 28:50 29:14 29:23 32:44 33:13
Men 60 - 64 91 101 113 158 184 212 216
Bill Barnacle, 62 Stu Sorensen, 61 Mick Justin, 61 Barry Benest, 61 Earl Bancroft, 63 Michael Theisen, 60 Gerald Zwack, 60
23:49 24:26 25:14 28:30 29:54 34:07 35:19
Women Under 8 251
Madeline Morrison, 7
Women 10 - 11 142 183 232
Bailey Hastings, 11 Hannah Chisholm, 11 Grace Sundberg, 11
29:54 31:45 36:35
Women 12 - 13 18 45 68 80 104 119
Sarah Neururer, 13 Amber Posner, 13 Hanna Ruzich, 13 Elizabeth Lindner, 12 Madison Brown, 13 Sierra Rostal, 12
22:54 24:58 26:32 26:59 28:26 28:50
120 166 207 208
Claire LePage, 12 Kassey Wilson, 12 Catarina Brambilla, 12 Margaret Heggerston, 12
28:50 30:57 33:57 34:01
Women 14 - 15 23 30 31 32 33 124 134 150 153 170
Kristine Gustafson, 15 Gabrielle Murphy, 15 Jordan Roy, 15 Alexa Stilp, 15 Maddie Hastings, 14 Samantha Schnyder, 15 Sarah Gilmer, 14 Lexi Brecht, 15 Marissa Headington, 14 Nikki Leland, 14
23:14 24:03 24:10 24:19 24:26 29:15 29:33 30:11 30:18 31:12
81 103 138 160 196 239 246
Nancy Phillips, 58 Sue Weber, 56 Mary Claire Ryan, 57 Cheryle Theisen, 58 Bertie Simcox, 58 Beverly Oehrlein, 56 Barbara Howard, 56
27:00 28:19 29:47 30:39 32:31 37:09 38:23
Women 60 - 64 148 206 247 255
Linda Giesen, 61 Carol Demgen, 64 Diane Swenson, 60 Paula Smith, 60
30:08 33:56 38:23 40:22
Women 65 - 69 37 214
Kathleen Peterson, 66 Kathy Trees, 66
24:37 34:29
Women 16 - 17 10 12 17 26 35 43 65 93 111 125
Shauna Maurer, 16 Megan Holmes, 16 Anna Gessell, 16 Jenna Ruzich, 16 Katie Hutchison, 17 Amanda Finstad, 17 Donimique Caya, 16 Jenna Riley, 17 Cami Ebinger, 17 Kelly Johnson, 17
21:37 21:44 22:30 23:29 24:30 24:51 26:25 27:47 28:34 29:19
Women 18 - 19 14 20 39 59 69 101 114 165 184 200
Stacey Gustafson, 18 Kate Hendrickson, 19 Nicole Maleski, 18 Claire Buethe, 19 Michaela Larson, 18 Allison Serakos, 18 Jessie Marolt, 18 Megan Monse, 18 Emily VanLandschoot, 18 Lauren Johnson, 18
22:04 22:58 24:45 25:42 26:33 28:13 28:40 30:55 31:47 33:15
Women 35 - 39 11 24 28 34 47 63 70 77 88 89
Julie Berg, 37 Richelle Brennan, 38 Sarah Simpson, 35 Janet Hennies, 39 Cari Lucas, 35 Violet Mussell, 35 Dolly Matten, 39 Angela Kuppich, 36 Kristen Lahr, 37 Cindy Hidde, 36
21:42 23:18 23:51 24:30 25:01 26:03 26:41 26:50 27:18 27:21
Women 40 - 44 22 41 46 49 53 73 78 85 98 100
Leah Heggerston, 42 Christine Roy, 42 Janine LePage, 44 Rhonda Behm-Severeid, 43 Shelly Langer, 44 Vicki Maleski, 40 Diane Palkert, 44 Connie Miller, 43 Jodie Provost, 42 Ann Hutchison, 44
23:10 24:46 25:01 25:07 25:25 26:47 26:51 27:10 27:58 28:13
Women 45 - 49 7 9 60 61 82 115 117 129 135 136
Wanda Gau, 47 Jacki Devine, 47 Renee Gorron, 45 Theresa Ryan, 48 Mary Ambroz, 49 Camille Cady, 45 Carol Kramer, 45 Kim Radunz, 47 Kari Headington, 48 Kelly Coughlin, 45
20:14 21:33 25:44 26:01 27:02 28:46 28:47 29:24 29:37 29:45
Women 50 - 54 29 79 128 149 159 224 238 241 243
Leslie Garcia, 52 Diane Meyer, 52 Mary Tschida, 51 Deby Zarling, 54 Ruth Reeves, 50 Lynn Adams, 54 Linda Groen, 51 Polly Roe, 53 Ann Nelson, 51
23:58 26:52 29:21 30:09 30:26 35:29 37:08 37:32 37:39
Women 55 - 59 54 55
Peggy Rutman, 58 Deb Roberts, 58
25:26 25:29
Men 10 - 11 175 193 212
Peyton Syverson, 10 Jace Jordan, 10 Derek O'Brien, 10
44:19 46:20 49:19
Men 12 - 13 176 184
Aaron Axford, 12 Cody Thompson, 13
44:21 44:33
Men 14 - 15 33 59 79 89 99 110 111
Evan Walpole, 14 Sam Evans, 15 Seth Loeffler-Kemp, 14 Brandon Channell, 14 Luke Heine, 15 Stephan Anderson, 15 Manilan Houle, 15
31:27 34:03 36:22 37:13 38:06 39:01 39:06
Men 16 - 17
Park Point 5 Miler July 17, Duluth Open Men 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Jeremy Polson, 31 Eric Hartmark, 31 Chris Lundstrom, 33 David Green, 22 Digger Carlson, 47 Gregg Robertson, 39 Scott Behling, 19 Adam Swank, 33 Benjamin Bayer, 20 Andre Watt, 27 Adam Staineger, 19 Erik Kaitala, 37 Kirt Goetzke, 48 Henry Eichman, 31 Andrew Carlson, 19 Randy Wiinanen, 54 David Hyopponen, 29 Darrin Johnson, 43 Luke Jordan, 19 Jon Lindberg, 47 Joel Johnson, 18 Rod Raymond, 44 Christopher Langdon, 32 Thomas Knoll, 22 Jesse Fenstermacher, 17 Carl Sherman, 34 Matt Nistler, 20 Ben Hadrich, 25 Eli Walberg, 20 Mike Haag, 45
24:42 25:00 25:06 26:51 26:59 27:00 27:09 27:18 27:33 27:43 27:53 27:55 28:05 28:20 28:22 28:32 28:38 28:41 28:49 29:03 29:49 30:02 30:07 30:15 30:17 30:27 30:37 30:39 30:49 31:14
Open Women 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Jen Houck, 25 Serena Sullivan, 28 Melissa Gacek, 33 Marlo McGaver, 38 Jessica Rossing, 23 Rachael Stack, 20 Jody Zeleznikar, 36 Nellie Adams, 21 Tatum Garrity, 17 Alanna Schwanke, 21 Shyanne McGregor, 25 Sarah Chasson, 18 Michelle Flanagan-Haag, 44 Kaitlyn Buchwitz, 14 Terri Erickson, 34 Anne Flueckiger, 40 Chelsea Davidson, 19 Erin Dalpiaz, 26 Jessica Landwher, 26 Brenda Cid, 37 Janilyn Murtha, 32 Kyle Elden, 28 Amy Flessert, 25 Melissa Fosseen, 35 Alison Hull, 44 Lori Onstad, 38 Melissa Huray, 36 Genevieve Teasley, 26 Jenna Willoughby, 19 Gloria Jansen, 62
28:30 30:20 30:59 31:09 31:30 31:36 33:43 34:36 34:43 34:43 34:44 35:02 35:39 35:50 35:58 36:55 37:08 37:13 37:13 37:24 37:41 37:44 37:51 38:26 38:33 39:12 39:16 39:23 39:27 39:29
25 31 39 57 62 67 96 102 106 115
30:17 31:13 32:09 33:48 34:24 34:51 37:54 38:27 38:50 39:24
Men 18 - 19 7 11 15 19 21 44 71 95 100 141
Scott Behling, 19 Adam Staineger, 19 Andrew Carlson, 19 Luke Jordan, 19 Joel Johnson, 18 John Hunn, 18 Kyle Standen, 18 Justin Sperl, 18 Jon Anderson, 18 Tyler Wegerle, 19
27:09 27:53 28:22 28:49 29:49 32:25 35:19 37:53 38:13 40:57
Men 35 - 39 6 12 36 38 54 55 83 94 105 112
Gregg Robertson, 39 Erik Kaitala, 37 James Johnson, 37 Tim Maki, 35 Jay Monson, 37 Matthew McKercher, 37 Michael Huray, 37 Barry Brokaw, 36 Curt Fernandez, 39 Scott DeFoe, 38
27:00 27:55 31:46 32:06 33:24 33:29 36:50 37:41 38:39 39:07
Men 40 - 44 18 22 41 46 76 82 90 98 136 159
Darrin Johnson, 43 Rod Raymond, 44 Pete Langr, 44 Shane Olson, 41 Michael Antonich, 44 Steve Willis, 41 Brian Bergerson, 43 Ross Swanstrom, 44 James Axford, 43 Thomas Murtha, 41
28:41 30:02 32:16 32:31 35:50 36:48 37:19 37:57 40:35 41:46
Men 45 - 49 5 13 20 30 50 51 56 60 63 78
Digger Carlson, 47 Kirt Goetzke, 48 Jon Lindberg, 47 Mike Haag, 45 Ross Johnson, 49 John Moores, 49 Bear Moreland, 49 James Evans, 48 Lon Anderson, 48 Michael Thorstad, 48
26:59 28:05 29:03 31:14 32:50 33:00 33:32 34:16 34:28 35:56
Men 50 - 54 16 34 35 40 64 103 104 108 121 125
Randy Wiinanen, 54 John Beirl, 50 Jim Boatman, 53 Bill Zaharia, 51 Edward Fuhs, 53 John Conry, 52 Jeffery Purcell, 52 Ken Loeffler-Kemp, 50 Dale Hanson, 52 Jon Willoughby, 53
28:32 31:33 31:35 32:12 34:30 38:35 38:37 38:55 39:39 40:09
Men 55 - 59 58
Jesse Fenstermacher, 17 Aaron McNamara, 17 Michael Kangas, 17 Colton Allen, 16 Chase Anderson, 17 Justin Markon, 16 Sean Perrin, 16 Garrett Hanson, 16 Richard Lees, 17 Michael Brannan, 16
Jeff Hallett, 56
Minnesota Distance Running Association
AT THE RACES: R A C E R E S U L T S 61 73 77 88 91 124 129 133 138
Duane Millslagle, 58 Tim Zbikowski, 57 Dan Packa, 56 Paul Stein, 58 Jim McLean, 56 Tim Sobczak, 58 Jim Anderson, 57 Douglas Bandli, 57 Robert Olson, 55
34:16 35:45 35:52 37:10 37:20 40:05 40:18 40:27 40:40
Men 60 - 64 43 117 167 207 226 230
Jim Graupner, 64 Charles Russell, 61 Bruce Paulson, 61 Lyle Koivisto, 64 Harlan Stech, 60 Bob Craigin, 62
32:22 39:30 42:53 48:23
Harvey Johnson, 67 Daniel Sydow, 65 Nels Lawrence, 67 Jim Heinz, 69
39:14 43:22
Sophia Davis, 11 Kaitlyn Buchwitz, 14 Rachel Radzak, 15 Jessica Marsalla, 14 Emily Axford, 14 Rachel Davis, 14 Sydney Will, 14 June Gee, 14 Tatum Garrity, 17 Katie Axford, 17 Sarah Chasson, 18 Chelsea Davidson, 19 Jenna Willoughby, 19 Meghan Flattery, 18 Helen Severin, 19 Solveig Mellem, 19 Maria Lanari, 19 Hannah Davis, 19 Nichelle Martenson, 18 Carissa Davis, 18 Marlo McGaver, 38 Jody Zeleznikar, 36 Brenda Cid, 37 Melissa Fosseen, 35 Lori Onstad, 38 Melissa Huray, 36 Dawn Torrel, 35 Denise Kaitala, 36 Megan Mikulich, 38 Melissa Bromme, 39
1:15:40 34:43 42:30
Michelle Flanagan-Haag, 44 Anne Flueckiger, 40 Alison Hull, 44 Sue Baker, 41 Yvette Maijala, 41 Ann Robertson, 41 Sandy Bergerson, 43 Jeanie Peterson, 41 Beth Lindberg, 42 Amy Stewart, 42
31:09 33:43 37:24 38:26 39:12 39:16 40:12 40:45 42:39 44:48 35:39 36:55 38:33 40:11 40:38 40:59 41:34 42:43 42:44 42:45
Women 45 - 49 42 46 68 74 93 94 125 128 180 196
Karen Sirois, 45 Lisa Robinson, 47 Katie Mars, 47 Carol Rooney, 45 Nancy Gallagher, 48 Connie Pender, 46 Sandi Davis, 45 Shana Flynn, 49 Karen Nichols, 48 Patricia Nephew, 49
40:43 41:08 42:54 43:22 45:02 45:03 47:35 47:56
Women 50 - 54 33 61 85
Wendy Packa, 51 Elaine Bradley, 53 Melanie Hannan, 52
39:35 42:52 46:17 47:32 49:24
Gloria Jansen, 62 Sara Cherne, 60 Rosemary Harnly, 62 Patricia Goodwin, 63 Carol Klitzke, 62 Marie Peterson, 70 Betty Eglinton, 74
Florence Rawn, 83
39:29 40:32 41:35 43:52 48:15
1:12:00 1:14:11
Lumberjack Days 10 Mile July 25, Stillwater
40:00 42:41 44:16
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Jeremy Polson, 31 Brandon Gleason, 23 Jason Finch, 32 Josh Metcalf, 34 Pieter Gagnon, 19 Eric Hartmark, 31 Ben Puhl, 23 Benjamin Kampf, 22 Patrick Russell, 33 Carl Gladitsch, 22 Pete Gilman, 34 Michael Henderson, 30 Ed Whetham, 32 Kelly Mortenson, 38 Jason Minnick, 36 Gregg Robertson, 39 Nick Jamnick, 20 Jeff Lombardo, 22 Aaron Beaber, 26 Otto Renner, 21 Digger Carlson, 47 Jason Havey, 25 John Roberts, 19 Erik Solberg, 28 Wynn Davis, 28 Steven Babcock, 23 Tony Gerten, 21 Mike Rodriguez, 18 Ryan Rapacz, 30 Doug Keller, 51
50:38 50:43 50:45 50:47 50:49 51:58 52:32 52:32 53:08 53:08 53:22 53:50 53:59 54:36 55:02 55:03 55:09 55:21 55:23 55:26 55:35 56:36 56:54 57:09 57:31 57:36 57:39 57:40 57:45 57:47
Open Women 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Jennifer Houck, 25 Kim Magee, 26 Bree Ray, 29 Serena Sladek Sullivan, 2
Laura Edlund, 23 Kelly Scheller, 33 Zoe Nagell, 27 Clare Kazmierczak, 32 Danie Ashford, 22 Becky Hoover, 26 Angie Voight, 32 Molly Borski, 23 Robin Balder-Lanoue, 40 Sandra McClellan, 31 Bridget Hines, 20 Kristin Hirschboeck, 28 Katie Moraczewski, 18
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Shannon Braun, 25 Melissa Jansen, 38 Wanda Gau, 47 Sheila Eldred, 35 Amy Halseth, 39 Kristin Haubrich, 23 Jan Ochocki, 38 Rachel Boldt, 20 Pamela Weier, 49 Beth Ellickson, 42 Chelsea Lee, 26 Kelly Faris, 30 Lori McElwain, 40
1:06:18 1:07:16 1:07:17 1:07:26 1:07:29 1:07:46 1:07:54 1:07:59 1:08:14 1:08:28 1:08:32 1:09:07 1:09:11
Men 8 - 9
Open Men 35:02 37:08 39:27 42:37 44:10 44:43 46:25 48:10 48:44
Women 40 - 44 13 16 25 35 41 45 49 62 63 65
30 39 50 79 133
Women 80 - 84
Women 35 - 39 4 7 20 24 26 27 36 44 60 89
Judy Willoughby, 55 Claudia Cottrell, 58 Amy Rogge, 55 Sandra Marden-Lokken, 55 Shelly Russ, 55 Shelley Bachke, 55 Kate Regan, 58 Anna Samuelson, 56
35:50 40:33 41:18 45:47 48:07
Women 18 - 19 12 17 29 59 83 88 111 132 137 150
31 67 103 123 146 159 163 171
195 199
Women 16 - 17 9 57
Women 55 - 59
Women 14 - 15 14 40 47 99 130 177 201
45:20 48:43 49:18
Women 70 - 74
Women 10 - 11 131
Lynn Hallett, 54 Krista Carson, 50 Elizabeth Sobczak, 52 JoAnn Mattson, 50 Mary Madden, 53 Kathy Doth, 52
Women 60 - 64
Men 65 - 69 113 171 228 235
95 136 143 147 153 157
57:51 58:00 1:01:11 1:02:02 1:02:33 1:02:47 1:03:32 1:04:05 1:04:13 1:04:26 1:04:38 1:04:39 1:04:51 1:05:27 1:05:49 1:05:55 1:06:05
31 45 61 299 345 358 407 416 421 425
Jeffrey Redfern, 9 Tom Zimmerman, 9 Andy Clasen, 9 Roy Plana, 9 Jim Duppong, 9 Carl Obert, 9 Wilson Eugster, 9 Richard Herod Iii, 9 Steven Libby, 9 Nathan Smith, 9
57:53 59:53 1:01:03 1:19:49 1:22:50 1:23:58 1:27:08 1:27:57 1:28:10 1:28:20
Men 14 - 15 78 198 220 351 433 525
Brandon Clark, 15 Alex Kelley, 15 Jacob Weber, 14 Kellen Wessels, 14 Tanner Rayman, 15 John Olsen, 14
1:03:39 1:13:47 1:14:47 1:23:15 1:28:51 1:38:29
Men 16 - 17 52 58 81 98 122 154 158 337 381 403
Michael Howe, 17 Brian Brochman, 17 Tyler Riggs, 16 Steven Coozennoy, 17 Mitchell Wohlk, 17 Erik Linnell, 16 Scott Wambold, 16 Matt Doneux, 17 Nick Neutkens, 17 Kevin Younker, 16
1:00:27 1:00:57 1:03:53 1:05:42 1:07:28 1:10:23 1:10:39 1:22:17 1:25:01 1:26:52
Men 18 - 19 5 23 28 40 92 108 135 138 161 242
Pieter Gagnon, 19 John Roberts, 19 Mike Rodriguez, 18 Andrew Carlson, 19 Jonathan Kasprisin, 18 Nick Krinkie, 18 Luke Merckel, 18 Blake Gust, 18 Raleigh Morgan, 19 Stephen Ojalvo, 19
50:49 56:54 57:40 59:10 1:05:18 1:06:18 1:08:14 1:08:23 1:10:48 1:16:18
Kelly Mortenson, 38 Jason Minnick, 36 Gregg Robertson, 39 Douglas Cowles, 35 Torry Kraftson, 36 Scott Siegenthaler, 38 Mike Moore, 38 Jason Rezac, 36 Kevin Franck, 39 Thomas Schaffer, 36
54:36 55:02 55:03 58:29 59:10 1:00:14 1:00:23 1:01:16 1:01:28 1:04:00
Hyun Yoon, 44 Bill Sevold, 43 John Ostergren, 41 Tom Styrbicki, 44 Erich Schwab, 43 Nicholas Pilney, 44 John Hopkins, 43 Rob Sevold, 41 Jeff Hathaway, 41 Raymond Mitchell, 44
1:00:34 1:01:55 1:02:48 1:03:58 1:05:01 1:05:04 1:05:05 1:05:45 1:05:47 1:06:34
Digger Carlson, 47 Kirt Goetzke, 48 Robert Economy, 45 Tom Prentice, 49 Michael Moulsoff, 46 Kevin Rogers, 47 Jim Ramacier, 45
Men 50 - 54 30 44 47 56 63 80 95 101 104 115
Doug Keller, 51 Paul Brown, 51 Michael Kennedy, 51 Bobby Paxton, 52 Greg Lindusky, 50 Bill Langhout, 51 Joel Kaul, 50 Mike Setter, 53 Dale Heinen, 53 Katsuyuki Yamamoto, 52
57:47 59:37 1:00:08 1:00:39 1:01:27 1:03:49 1:05:27 1:05:48 1:06:07 1:06:43
Men 55 - 59 48 107 114 118 131 137 139 146 150 153
Dan Morse, 56 Pentz Ron, 57 Larry Cerling, 59 Denny Jordan, 57 Craig McCoy, 56 Michael Bjornberg, 55 Douglas Bakkene, 55 Conrad Woerner, 57 Rob Whetham, 57 Mike Connolly, 55
1:00:12 1:06:15 1:06:40 1:07:13 1:08:07 1:08:23 1:08:40 1:09:33 1:10:11 1:10:23
Men 60 - 64 127 160 205 215 238 248 325 344 355 360
Jjim Graupner, 64 Bruce Smith, 60 Donald Williams, 60 Dennis Black, 60 Wayne Grundstrom, 63 Michael Gaetz, 61 Steve Peterson, 61 Ron Hill, 62 Johnnie Johnsen, 61 Jim Thompson, 61
1:07:37 1:10:40 1:14:10 1:14:33 1:16:00 1:16:59 1:21:28 1:22:36 1:23:28 1:24:01
Men 65 - 69 82 322 361 437 496 512 520 523
Roger Carlson, 65 Harvey Johnson, 67 David Roseen, 69 Roger Carlson, 66 Jim Simons, 68 Fredrick Bruns, 68 Don Wright, 67 Gerry Strathman, 67
1:03:54 1:21:12 1:24:04 1:29:03 1:34:53 1:37:00 1:38:12 1:38:27
Men 70 - 74 289 332 511 567
Larry Eaton, 71 Darrell Christensen, 72 Richard Burch, 74 Pat Brown, 72
1:19:23 1:22:00 1:36:51 1:48:59
Women Under 8 420
Marianne Short, 1
44 75 95 112 182 183 208 213 318 341
Christine Muller, 9 Michele Boser, 9 Abbey Wilhelm, 9 Kari Jones, 9 Kristen Lonetree, 9 Kimberly Rostvold, 9 Megan Becker, 9 Mary Raymond, 9 Laura Eiklenborg, 9 Kathryn Brown, 9
1:11:48 1:16:30 1:19:07 1:20:17 1:25:45 1:25:45 1:27:00 1:27:21 1:33:42 1:35:15
55 56 87 101 125 166 173 217 218 242
Anne Hart, 16 Betsy Cogan, 16 Katie Moran, 16 Kelsey Coulter, 16 Katie Schlafke, 16 Katie Sneden, 17 Emma Morley, 17 Caroline Potts, 16 Dayna Johnson, 16 Danielle Mangine, 17
1:13:31 1:13:55 1:17:56 1:19:23 1:22:20 1:24:27 1:25:01 1:27:24 1:27:25 1:28:58
Women 18 - 19
Men 45 - 49 21 32 37 59 60 65 67
1:02:42 1:05:48 1:06:26
Women 16 - 17
Men 40 - 44 53 68 77 83 87 88 89 99 100 113
John Maas, 48 Wiseman Sikakane, 48 Juma Ikanga, 46
Women 8 - 9
Men 35 - 39 14 15 16 34 41 49 51 62 64 84
76 102 111
55:35 57:58 59:01 1:00:58 1:01:02 1:01:32 1:01:54
17 31 83 133 165
Katie Moraczewski, 18 Beth Hauer, 18 Lauren Nelson, 19 Carolyn Skaar, 19 Lauren Alt, 19
1:06:05 1:09:29 1:17:25 1:22:58 1:24:25
continued on page 27
AT THE RACES: R A C E R E S U L T S Lumberjack Days 10 Mile results continued 206 296 450 507 513
Christine Delmore, 19 Kira Sedwitz, 19 Steffani Whitmyer, 19 Kayla Knudsen, 19 MacKenzie Rayman, 19
1:26:59 1:32:05 1:45:18 1:53:19 1:54:42
Women 35 - 39
Bartlings Shoes “NIKE HEADQUARTERS� 410 Fourth St. - Box 207 Brookings, SD 57006 (605) 692-2414
19 21 22 24 34 35 36 39 47 65
Melissa Jansen, 38 Sheila Eldred, 35 Amy Halseth, 39 Jan Ochocki, 38 Stephanie Boss, 35 Victoria Nill, 35 Lisa Witt, 38 Kristin Carlson, 38 Jane Melgeorge Anderson, 38
Melissa Malinowski, 36
1:07:16 1:07:26 1:07:29 1:07:54 1:10:17 1:10:23 1:10:32 1:11:03 1:12:21 1:14:57
Women 40 - 44 13 27 30 32 54 70 74 93 94 96
Robin Balder-Lanoue, 40 Beth Ellickson, 42 Lori McElwain, 40 Joelle Nelson, 41 Deb Humphrey, 44 Stacey Klein, 40 Vicky Ebensperger, 40 Tia Pederson, 40 Katherine Eggan, 43 Reiko Sugisaka, 43
1:04:51 1:08:28 1:09:11 1:09:32 1:13:24 1:15:56 1:16:28 1:18:25 1:18:57 1:19:09
Women 45 - 49 20 26 37 45 49 50 53 69 85 86
Wanda Gau, 47 Pamela Weier, 49 Cindy Lewandowski, 47 Amy Clark, 45 Karen Dawson, 48 Jacki Devine, 47 Amy Coulter, 45 Susan Malecha, 47 Meg Barrett, 47 Shannon Lorbiecki, 47
1:07:17 1:08:14 1:10:33 1:12:05 1:12:37 1:12:46 1:13:14 1:15:44 1:17:44 1:17:44
Women 50 - 54 40 46 61 80 146 161 178 186 225 295
Kristi Larson, 51 Karen Manske, 53 Donna Melody, 51 Anita Baugh, 51 Linda Christen, 50 Susan Olsen, 52 Sonia M Jacobsen, 53 Mary Maas, 51 Kathy Gray, 54 Wendy Linnell, 51
1:11:05 1:12:19 1:14:31 1:17:05 1:23:41 1:24:13 1:25:24 1:25:53 1:28:03 1:32:02
Women 55 - 59 121 132 249 263 333 339 376 411 436 462
Pamela Cutshall, 56 Catherine Johnson, 57 Patti Vitek, 57 Ann Haugejorde, 55 Joyce Conley, 55 Jane Jensen, 57 Jan Johnson, 57 Pamela Hache, 57 Debra Mirabella, 56 Sally Vanerem, 59
1:22:14 1:22:49 1:29:20 1:30:00 1:34:44 1:35:05 1:38:00 1:40:54 1:43:24 1:46:34
Women 60 - 64 140 257 271 279 291 354 427 444 452 488
Kathleen Shea, 61 Mary Croft, 63 Candy Patrin, 61 Patricia Goodwin, 63 Marien Bradsher, 63 Peggy Trager, 63 Kathryn Benhardus, 62 Jacqueline Long, 62 Mary Hiatt, 63 Linda Giesen, 61
1:23:29 1:29:31 1:30:21 1:30:52 1:31:31 1:36:04 1:42:23 1:44:16 1:45:25 1:48:44
Women 65 - 69 533
Patricia Wolkoff, 69
Lumberjack Days 5K July 25, Stillwater Open Men 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Tyler King, 19 Joshua Hoff, 21 Scott Degner, 22 Andrew Stevens, 21 Tyler Olson, 16 William Fladland, 19 Joey Doyscher, 17 James Dean, 17 Tom Linner, 15 Joe Jackson, 15 Pete Hoyem, 28 Gabe Hanson, 17 Ryan Miller, 19 Ryan Nichols, 17 Wayde Hall, 14 Merrill Hausenfluck, 37 David Ritter, 18 Charlie Corcoran, 52 Matthew Harren, 21 Randy Wiinanen, 54 Jeffrey Emery, 17 Christopher Knutson, 17 Kirby Neaton, 17 Tom Brenberg, 17 Connor Olson, 12 Nate Hanson, 15 Brett Parendo, 16 Sean Bjork, 14 Matthew Chu, 15 Scott Urban, 17
15:22 15:36 15:48 16:05 16:11 16:20 16:27 16:29 16:35 16:36 16:39 16:43 16:43 16:46 17:00 17:15 17:21 17:26 17:28 17:28 17:29 17:30 17:35 17:37 17:46 17:46 17:47 17:51 17:51 17:51
Open Women 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Mercy Ray, 27 Kelly Keeler-Ramacier, 47 Alex Chapman, 21 Jordan Kelch, 17 Elisa Johnson, 31 Taylor Heinselman, 18 Christine Volkmann, 29 Vicki Ostendorf, 44 Kristen Bourne, 14 Lori Anne Peterson, 36 Haley Diem, 17 Jamie Close, 34 Bailey Cogan, 14 Charity Carlson, 15 Patricia Percival, 43 Alana Hardt, 28 Elaine Sauer, 26 Celia Lenarz-Geisen, 16 Racquel Wohlk, 12 Maria Hauer, 14 Molly Noel, 20 Kiko Wemmer, 17 Emily Benz, 31 Jessie Behrman, 20 Alisha Ayers, 18 Kaylee Nelsen, 17 Kara Paquette, 26 Kristen Bischel, 14 Andrea Wistrcill, 31 Tammy Sjolander, 37
18:50 19:15 19:32 20:09 20:15 20:26 20:27 20:58 21:09 21:13 21:24 21:30 21:33 21:37 21:42 21:52 21:52 22:07 22:10 22:11 22:12 22:23 22:34 22:35 22:37 22:39 22:45 22:57 23:01 23:13
Men Under 8 431
Stuart Glaser, 7
Men 8 - 9 93 209 283 297 304 309 329 343 371 373
Ben Waldera, 9 Al Anderson, 9 Nate Shikenjanski, 8 Bob Green, 9 Alex Anderson, 9 Dustin Kresen, 9 Eric Adams, 9 Henry Mapstone, 8 Jeff Raiche, 9 Eric Enslin, 9
21:34 25:44 27:34 27:46 27:54 28:02 28:44 29:03 30:00 30:06
Minnesota Distance Running Association
AT THE RACES: R A C E R E S U L T S Men 10 - 11 164 184 197 199 200 218 260 275 287 302
Ray Munsterman, 11 Sam Hanson, 11 Ryan Martin, 11 Cason Hiers, 11 Patrick Allan, 10 Robbie Dunham, 11 Robby Enright, 11 Cole Nelson, 11 Corey Johanneck, 11 Sam Clark, 11
24:26 25:01 25:19 25:23 25:26 25:55 27:01 27:22 27:38 27:49
Men 12 - 13 25 69 70 86 107 112 136 151 166 174
Connor Olson, 12 Tayler Aarness, 13 Alexander Percival, 12 Jake Anderson, 12 Tashi Tsering, 12 William Schlafke, 12 Brent Lecuyer, 12 Jerene Leferink, 12 Seth Heinen, 13 Ethan Stanley, 12
17:46 20:21 20:22 21:12 22:10 22:14 23:13 23:46 24:28 24:34
Men 14 - 15 9 10 15 26 28 29 34 41 49 51
Tom Linner, 15 Joe Jackson, 15 Wayde Hall, 14 Nate Hanson, 15 Sean Bjork, 14 Matthew Chu, 15 Michael Greenstein, 15 Eric Herbert, 15 Ethan Anderson, 15 Garvin Westgate, 15
16:35 16:36 17:00 17:46 17:51 17:51 18:23 19:10 19:25 19:28
Men 16 - 17 5 7 8 12 14 21 22 23 24 27
Tyler Olson, 16 Joey Doyscher, 17 James Dean, 17 Gabe Hanson, 17 Ryan Nichols, 17 Jeffrey Emery, 17 Christopher Knutson, 17 Kirby Neaton, 17 Tom Brenberg, 17 Brett Parendo, 16
16:11 16:27 16:29 16:43 16:46 17:29 17:30 17:35 17:37 17:47
Men 18 - 19 1 6 13 17 35 39 53 60 84 88
Tyler King, 19 William Fladland, 19 Ryan Miller, 19 David Ritter, 18 Justin Wolf, 19 Christopher McMahon, 18 Jim Peterman, 19 Tim Emahiser, 18 James Robinson, 18 Kevin Barry, 19
15:22 16:20 16:43 17:21 18:35 18:51 19:30 20:01 21:05 21:15
Men 35 - 39 16 52 75 77 91 95 114 137 140 145
Merrill Hausenfluck, 37 John Levasseur, 37 Adam Janiak, 35 Brian Hasty, 36 Kyle Johnson, 38 Thomas Peterson, 38 Jason Mimay, 37 Michael Dillon, 38 Chris Neperud, 39 Andrew Sandquist, 36
17:15 19:28 20:32 20:38 21:26 21:35 22:17 23:15 23:20 23:31
Men 40 - 44 46 71 121 123 125 134 138 139 146 157
Mark Enright, 42 Fred Woltman, 40 Brent Johnson, 41 Scott Tomek, 44 Bob Clark, 42 Michael Fry, 40 Woody Armitage, 44 Sam Bosley, 40 Michael Hebert, 40 Mark Anderson, 40
19:22 20:23 22:34 22:41 22:45 23:10 23:18 23:20 23:32 24:02
Men 45 - 49 94 96 109 130 132
Craig Lampright, 46 Martin Bill, 45 Robert Geisen, 48 Kevin Wohlk, 46 Tom Stormont, 49
21:34 21:37 22:12 23:00 23:04
143 149 158 160 187
Lonny Stormo, 46 Bill Tetrick, 48 Tim Bohannon, 48 Rick Schallhorn, 47 Steven Hamer, 47
23:28 23:38 24:11 24:15 25:06
171 177 208 214 230 232
17:26 17:28 19:12 22:17 23:35 24:14 24:24 24:29 24:48 25:23
Women 14 - 15
Men 50 - 54 18 20 42 115 148 159 162 168 179 198
Charlie Corcoran, 52 Randy Wiinanen, 54 Walter White, 52 Dale Shaller, 52 Wally Lee, 50 Kevin Schumacher, 53 Brad Bechel, 54 Craig Hansen, 53 Drew Lamosse, 52 Michael Gray, 50
Men 55 - 59 87 110 116 117 175 189 238 261 306 342
Rich Lachowski, 59 Charles Howe, 56 Richard Anfinson, 58 Robert Ames, 59 Paul Damrow, 56 Dan Davis, 55 Don Roth, 58 Pat Egan, 57 Merle Olson, 58 George Miller, 55 Ron Kretsch, 61 Steve Sauer, 61 William Brown, 62 William Meingast, 62 Dennis Johnson, 60 Greg Brown, 60 Gary Knutson, 63 James Crassweller, 63 Gary Smisek, 61 Jon Cumpton, 60
Women 16 - 17
22:03 22:06 24:42 25:14 25:35 25:42 26:28 29:22 29:54 30:16
Women 18 - 19
Men 65 - 69 163 312 481 516 534 540
Gary Lundeen, 65 Gerry Vande Garde, 66 Darroll Bengtson, 68 Roger Williams, 66 Willie Pouncy, 66 Raymond Anderson, 69
24:25 28:16 35:08 38:43 45:10 55:50
Men 70 - 74 514 525 528 539
Richard Schultz, 72 Sy Gross, 73 Brad Ayerssr, 74 James Peloquin, 72
38:27 40:51 41:48 54:22
Unknown Runner, 99 Unknown Runner, 99
19:58 33:36
Women Under 8 407 574
Britta Hornback, 7 Gabrielle Price, 7
33:24 39:05
Women 8 - 9 88 184 191 240 291 351 376 402 421 436
Molly Olson, 9 Laura Lovell, 9 Rita Miller, 9 Taylor Hornback, 9 Angela Lemke, 9 Valora Hart, 9 Elise Rossez, 9 Laura Jacobsen, 9 Madison Gackstetter, 9 Liz Fleury, 9
26:01 28:38 28:47 29:55 30:54 32:11 32:42 33:19 33:42 34:05
Women 10 - 11 32 113 174 197 212 233 255 258 263 330
Grace Gutierrez, 10 Ellea Goodrich, 11 Kaitlyn Burgess, 11 Erin Chase, 11 Jayme Taverna, 11 Emma Perkins, 10 Paulina Scheid, 11 Olivia Venuta, 10 Laura Ramacher, 11 Katie Lottsfeldt, 11
23:27 26:55 28:25 28:54 29:26 29:48 30:16 30:16 30:23 31:52
Women 12 - 13 19 39 159 170
Racquel Wohlk, 12 Lauren Lampright, 12 Sadie Kroll, 12 Jane Vezina, 12
4 11 18 22 26 36 55 56 62 114 6 25 60 61 65 66 83 84 86 110
Jordan Kelch, 17 Haley Diem, 17 Celia Lenarz-Geisen, 16 Kiko Wemmer, 17 Kaylee Nelsen, 17 Amber Anderson, 17 Maggie Desmet, 17 Anne Swanson, 17 Abby Pepera, 16 Grace Eggan, 16 Taylor Heinselman, 18 Alisha Ayers, 18 Lauren Harden, 18 Abigail Selmecki, 18 Tesia Zietlow, 18 Kayla Johnson, 18 Kaylee Wagner, 19 Julianna Drennen, 19 Nicole Brandt, 19 Amanda Johnson, 19
28:24 28:29 29:23 29:27 29:45 29:47 21:09 21:33 21:37 22:11 22:57 23:27 24:07 24:24 25:36 25:40 20:09 21:24 22:07 22:23 22:39 23:47 24:34 24:35 24:58 26:55 20:26 22:37 24:56 24:58 25:02 25:08 25:54 25:57 26:00 26:53
Women 35 - 39 10 30 34 53 69 79 80 93 95 96
Lori Anne Peterson, 36 Tammy Sjolander, 37 Stephanie Byland, 37 Deanna Kohanek, 39 Renae Kiser, 35 Samantha Keeney, 39 Stacy Houge, 38 Tamara Hausenfluck, 38 Amy Anderson, 35 Megan Prom, 39
21:13 23:13 23:29 24:32 25:23 25:48 25:50 26:15 26:19 26:22
Women 40 - 44
Men 90 & Up 58 456
Kristen Bourne, 14 Bailey Cogan, 14 Charity Carlson, 15 Maria Hauer, 14 Kristen Bischel, 14 Kelly McGarry, 15 Anne Lampright, 15 Elise Buchman, 14 Carly Olson, 15 Lily Rogers-Grant, 14
21:14 22:12 22:21 22:22 24:36 25:11 26:29 27:02 27:57 29:02
Men 60 - 64 103 104 177 193 205 207 237 352 368 379
9 13 14 20 28 33 40 49 73 74
Samantha Scheid, 13 Ivy Thompson, 12 Kazedy Hansen, 13 Michaela Carter, 13 Molly Mapstone, 12 Hannah Scheel, 12
22:10 24:00 28:15 28:24
8 15 31 37 44 45 47 89 91 92
Vicki Ostendorf, 44 Patricia Percival, 43 Claire Ackerson, 42 Robin Anderson, 44 Shanna Wolf, 40 Diane Moore, 41 Arah Bahn, 40 Madelline Gibbs, 42 Jerene Leferink, 42 Karen Turner, 41
20:58 21:42 23:19 23:47 24:16 24:17 24:21 26:08 26:13 26:13
Women 45 - 49 2 43 94 119 140 156 202 213 223 227
Kelly Keeler-Ramacier, 47 Bernice Rock, 45 Julie Bruggenthies, 48 Katherine Clark, 49 Brenda Walkky, 46 Margie Schmid, 45 Clare McDonugh, 48 Sherri McCoy, 46 Amy Thole, 47 Carol Sneden, 49
19:15 24:16 26:17 27:04 27:38 28:01 29:10 29:27 29:37 29:43
Mary Boldt, 50 Sandy Thompson, 53 Rebecca Delmore, 52 Kristina Nelson, 50 Mary Tilley, 53 Jennifer Kyllo, 50 Jane Hauer, 50 Lisa Ramacher, 50 Lynn Ogburn, 52 Jari Drassal, 54
Corrine Watson, 57 Kathryn Ryan, 55 Kathy Black, 57 Marlene Dunsmore, 55 Diane Grigg, 56 Barbara Crassweller, 59 Mary Zoller, 55 Pam Powers, 56 Marilyn Conrad, 58 Patricia Greshwalk, 59
24:31 25:28 26:00 29:35 31:54 32:28 32:53 33:33 34:00 34:11
Women 60 - 64 41 58 338 388 570 583 612 631 640 681
Gloria Jansen, 62 Diane Stoneking, 61 Linda Besk, 62 Norma Chitwood, 60 Jan Anderson, 61 Phyllis Brostrom-Starz, 62 Judy Langford, 64 Nancy Prince, 63 Connie Fredkove, 63 Nancy Prince, 63
24:12 24:47 31:59 32:59 38:56 40:25 43:02 46:07 48:45 1:19:35
Women 70 - 74 543 654 679
Laverne Schultz, 70 Ardis Wright, 70 Mary Hohlt, 70
37:35 52:26 1:06:36
Women 75 - 79 678
Deirdre Madden, 76
Women 80 - 84 672
Alouise Laverty, 81
Women 90 & Up 353
Alicia Pozarski, 99
Hennepin-Lake Classic 10K August 2, Minneapolis Open Men 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Tc Lumbar, 20 Jordan Carlson, 19 Randle McMurphy, 20 Tyler King, 19 Victor Janchez, 21 Nick Nygaard, 19 Todd Hierlmaier, 30 Dominick Rosario, 19 Kyle Schmidt, 19 Mike Rodriguez, 18 Jon Murphy, 22 Robert Economy, 45 Kirt Goetzke, 48 Shane Wyborny, 21 Matt Olson, 19 Lukus Klawitter, 18 Dan Vogel, 26 Pete Miller, 39 Andrew Carlson, 19 Charlie Hansen, 17 James Lantz, 22 Brian Byrnes, 19 Benjamin Rodriguez, 19 Melvin Alvarez, 49 Franz Hebl, 29 John Ostergren, 41 John Molnar, 26 Darius Montazemi, 18 Ian Sharp, 17 John Goetz, 20
31:04 31:11 31:13 32:44 32:57 33:18 33:44 34:32 34:53 34:59 35:31 35:37 35:38 35:39 35:42 35:48 36:04 36:18 36:19 36:27 36:41 36:45 36:51 37:28 37:32 37:49 37:54 37:55 37:58 38:05
Open Women
Women 50 - 54 35 52 54 98 101 105 193 220 273 288
Women 55 - 59 51 71 87 219 334 360 383 414 433 445
23:39 24:32 24:32 26:28 26:33 26:46 28:50 29:35 30:35 30:47
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Mary Palmer, 22 Kate Tavakley, 34 Sarah Moon, 22 Dee Moe, 50 Jamie Levine, 19 Ashley Clark, 14 Eileen Moran, 44
37:25 41:40 42:57 42:59 43:14 43:53 43:58
continued on page 29
AT THE RACES: R A C E R E S U L T S Hennepin Lake Classic 10K results continued 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ann Harrington, 33 Kari Lorch, 44 Amy Clark, 45 Andriette Wickstrom, 54 Margit Hebl, 24 Kelsie Larson, 18 Anne Walztuni, 36 Desiree Ahrens, 28 Barbara Capece, 43 Amy Holovnia, 16 Leila McGrath, 51 Patricia Johnson, 38 Sarah Gisser, 38 Melissa McCarthy, 33 Alison Goodwin, 34 Heather Dickhausen, 33 Jean Nitchals, 37 Karyn Luger, 38 Laurie Rice, 54 Rebecca Welle, 27 Sarah Rydell, 34 Katherine Fuerstneau, 27 Eva Wailes, 36
44:05 44:36 44:50 44:58 45:59 46:02 46:02 46:35 46:41 47:10 47:11 47:47 48:19 48:27 48:41 48:51 49:05 49:21 49:53 50:26 50:28 50:40 51:10
Men 14 - 15 61 62 108
Patrick Larson, 14 Dan Holovnia, 14 Nate Janssen, 14
42:21 42:28 50:10
Men 16 - 17 20 29
Charlie Hansen, 17 Ian Sharp, 17 Jordan Carlson, 19 Tyler King, 19 Nick Nygaard, 19 Dominick Rosario, 19 Kyle Schmidt, 19 Mike Rodriguez, 18 Matt Olson, 19 Lukus Klawitter, 18 Andrew Carlson, 19 Brian Byrnes, 19 Pete Miller, 39 Michael Rex Schumacher, 39 Dan Worley, 36 Randy Niemiec, 38 Jason Wedel, 37 Joe Litsey, 39 Jeff Larson, 35 Chris Dall, 37 Matthew Flory, 35 Mike Nixon, 36 John Ostergren, 41 Scott Ramberg, 42 Chad Austin, 40 Paul Arneberg, 40 Terry Tupy, 40 Thomas Ruen, 41 Jeff Ernste, 42 Artie Paar, 40 Tj Ross, 40 Brian Thyr, 44
37:49 38:24 39:58 41:59 42:32 42:48 43:11 44:07 44:12 47:11
Men 45 - 49 12 13 24 31 38 64 70 77 85 106
Robert Economy, 45 Kirt Goetzke, 48 Melvin Alvarez, 49 John Maas, 48 Rick Larsen, 48 Chuck Rosenow, 49 James Evans, 48 Paul Bulger, 48 Paul Holovnia, 47 Bill Konkol, 48
35:37 35:38 37:28 38:12 38:41 42:33 43:08 44:34 47:10 49:53
Men 50 - 54 40 47 50 55 57
David Hartz, 52 Mike Setter, 53 Bill Dobbs, 50 Mark Leduc, 54 Tom Novacheck, 50
Brad Frederiksen, 56 Mike Erdall, 56 Don Ilse, 58 Dan Maistrovich, 56 Tom Tomek, 58 Daniel Young, 55
39:18 40:19 40:37 41:45 42:04
47:21 49:25 49:52 52:17 1:02:11 1:04:24
Men 60 - 64 96 118 126 132 150 165 167 168
Roy Andrews, 62 Jerry Mittman, 64 Michael Hlavac, 62 David Wee, 62 George Realmutu, 62 Robert Hartnett, 60 Gerald August, 60 Jon Cumpton, 61
48 116 143 153 174
Jared Mondry, 67 Norm Purrington, 65 Phil Erickson, 68 Bill Berneking, 69 Carl Walsten, 67
40:24 51:12 57:00 59:05 1:10:55
Men 70 - 74 97 140 149
Darrell Christensen, 72 Richard Burch, 74 Paul Taylor, 70
123 141 172
Knowles Dougherty, 75 Greg Prom, 78 Rogers Anderson, 80
48:44 55:47 58:08 52:43 55:57 1:07:31
Women 14 - 15 6 67
Ashley Clark, 14 Zoa Chapman, 15
43:53 57:06
Women 16 - 17 17
Amy Holovnia, 16
Women 18 - 19 5 13 61 94
Jamie Levine, 19 Kelsie Larson, 18 Amanda Johnson, 19 Erika Coe, 18
43:14 46:02 56:03 1:01:34
Women 35 - 39 14 19 20 24 25 30 39 62 66 69
Anne Walztoni, 36 Patricia Johnson, 38 Sarah Gisser, 38 Jean Nitchals, 37 Karyn Luger, 38 Eva Wailes, 36 Tami Keenan, 38 Kathy Granley, 38 Katie Litsey, 38 Katie Shinoda, 35
46:02 47:47 48:19 49:05 49:21 51:10 52:37 56:20 57:03 57:44
Women 40 - 44 7 9 16 33 38 54 90 102 104 117
Eileen Moran, 44 Kari Lorch, 44 Barbara Capece, 43 Colene Erickson, 41 Diane Hopkins, 42 Kelly Gaspard, 42 Lynn Mandinec, 42 Michelle Seets, 40 Christy Baldinger, 44 Heather Vietz, 40
43:58 44:36 46:41 51:27 52:17 55:22 1:00:43 1:03:07 1:03:13 1:07:14
Women 45 - 49 10 52 55 111 126
Amy Clark, 45 Suzanne Moriarty, 48 Jackie Johnson, 48 Katherine Buharin, 45 Jeannine Ferland, 45
44:50 54:50 55:22 1:05:09 1:25:57
Women 50 - 54 4 11 18 26 32 37 40
Dee Moe, 50 Andriette Wickstrom, 54 Leila McGrath, 51 Laurie Rice, 54 Carolyn Fletcher, 52 Mary Maas, 51 Susan Pokorney, 53
42 70 115
42:59 44:58 47:11 49:53 51:23 52:12 52:48
Dawn Podolske, 51 Lori Henke, 52 Ruth McGoff, 50
53:05 58:18 1:06:07
Women 55 - 59 35 123
Betty Tomerlin, 57 Susan Caligiuri, 57
51:55 1:10:55
Women 60 - 64 31 63 71 101
Gloria Jansen, 62 Diane Demars, 60 Peggy Trager, 63 Susan Gebelein, 60
51:11 56:27 58:20 1:02:59
Women 70 - 74 100
48:35 51:21 52:55 54:26 58:20 1:04:01 1:05:22 1:05:52
Men 65 - 69
Men 80 - 84
Men 40 - 44 26 33 46 56 63 67 71 75 76 86
88 103 105 122 161 166
31:11 32:44 33:18 34:32 34:53 34:59 35:42 35:48 36:19 36:45 36:18 38:33 38:38 39:30 39:32 39:49 40:55 45:21 47:58 48:05
42:46 42:47 43:00 44:03 45:21
Men 55 - 59
Men 75 - 79
Men 35 - 39 18 34 36 41 42 44 52 78 90 92
Doug Johnson, 52 Dave Peterson, 53 Rob Larson, 52 Jerry Heaps, 54 David McGoff, 52
36:27 37:58
Men 18 - 19 2 4 6 8 9 10 15 16 19 22
65 66 69 74 79
136 186
Chase Hebel, 8 Corbin Halvorson, 9
25:11 30:04
Men 10 - 11 170 174 190 208
Jack Knudson, 11 Jacob Granley, 10 Jeremy Hendricks, 11 Joe Hooyman, 10
28:23 29:21 31:19 36:14
Men 12 - 13 Brian Olson, 13
Men 14 - 15 Sam Evans, 15 Patrick Roth, 14 Jem Nelson, 15 Patrick Larson, 14 Justin Hendricks, 15
19:38 20:18 20:51 21:29 23:26
Men 16 - 17
Open Men Brandon Gleason, 23 Scott Fiksdal, 26 Joey Keillor, 34 Phil Richert, 22 Randle McMurphy, 20 Ben Kampf, 22 Peder Arneson, 27 Tc Lumbar, 20 Michael Bialick, 27 Joel Anderson, 26 Mike Henderson, 30 Carl Gladitsch, 22 Kevin Groh, 22 John Maresh, 26 Jeff Metzdorff, 26 John Leaf, 22 Jason Minnick, 36 Kelly Mortenson, 38 Pete Keenan, 27 Ben Merchant, 29 Patrick Billig, 47 Todd Hierlmaier, 30 Brian Anderson, 17 Blake Dronen, 37 Allen Broderius, 34 Joe Papin, 29 Thomas Church, 27 Ben Carlson, 18 Dimitri Drekonja, 35 Doug Keller, 51
15:03 15:09 15:13 15:17 15:20 15:23 15:25 15:29 15:30 15:37 15:38 15:39 15:39 15:42 15:49 15:49 15:52 15:56 16:08 16:20 16:22 16:30 16:31 16:35 16:41 16:44 16:49 16:50 16:51 16:53
23 41 45 75 77 79
Brian Anderson, 17 Eric Schmidt, 17 Alex Tyre, 17 Jack Alexander, 16 Ricky Olson, 17 Joseph Laue, 17
16:31 17:29 17:53 19:47 19:57 19:59
Men 18 - 19 28 37 158
Ben Carlson, 18 Kyle Schmidt, 19 Douglas Fish, 19
16:50 17:11 27:35
Men 35 - 39 17 18 24 29 36 40 49 66 69 73
Jason Minnick, 36 Kelly Mortenson, 38 Blake Dronen, 37 Dimitri Drekonja, 35 Douglas Cowles, 35 Jay Nelson, 39 Pete Miller, 39 Mark Johnson, 38 Joe Litsey, 39 Dan Worley, 36
15:52 15:56 16:35 16:51 17:05 17:26 18:10 19:24 19:38 19:44
Men 40 - 44 31 47 55 56 57 65 67 86 95 105
Dave Wik, 42 Marc Nosal, 43 Rich Ryan, 42 George Oien, 43 Martin Kline, 42 Eric Ernst, 41 Erich Schwab, 43 John Welbes, 41 Thomas Ruen, 41 Christopher Thorson, 42
16:56 17:59 18:28 18:29 18:31 19:14 19:26 20:35 21:16 22:20
Men 45 - 49
Open Women Jenna Boren, 32 Melissa Burkart, 27 Zoe Nagell, 27 Erin Ward, 34 Joyce Bourassa, 41 Mary Palmer, 22 Bonnie Sons, 43 Dawn Substad, 29 Rebekah Yetzer, 24 Amy Halseth, 39 Sonya Decker, 42 Corrin Kaluza, 27 Kristin Haubrich, 23 Bridget Hines, 20 Sara Rohde, 38 Kelly Keeler Ramacier, 47 Heather Jelen, 22 Wanda Gau, 47 Kelly Faris, 30 Robin Balder-Lanoue, 40 Rebekah Mayer, 28 Laurie Hanscom, 46 Jessica Young, 42 Emily Olson, 14 Pamela Weier, 49 Joelle Nelson, 41 Annie Olson, 17 Sarah Anderson, 19 Christina Bloemendal, 29 Janet Rosen, 55
Riley Lunneborg, 7
Men 8 - 9
70 81 90 97 115
August 2, Minneapolis
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Martha Wailes, 70
Hennepin-Lake Classic 5K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Men Under 8
17:02 17:29 18:04 18:13 18:34 18:37 18:40 18:57 18:58 19:04 19:07 19:09 19:14 19:15 19:20 19:31 19:34 19:40 19:46 19:47 19:54 19:57 20:00 20:02 20:05 20:05 20:11 20:16 20:23 20:23
21 43 44 46 51 53 61 62 82 88
Patrick Billig, 47 Robert Economy, 45 Kirt Goetzke, 48 Jim Ramacier, 46 Sean Smith, 47 Robert Jacobson, 49 David Burris-Brown, 46 Dan Sparkman, 49 Steven Stromberg, 46 Philip Noyed, 49
16:22 17:48 17:50 17:56 18:15 18:22 18:51 18:56 20:21 20:45
Men 50 - 54 30 34 35 48 50 59 64 72 74 84
Doug Keller, 51 Paul Giannobile, 50 Bobby Paxton, 52 David Nauman, 53 Kraig Lungstrom, 51 Jason Lee, 54 David Hartz, 52 Bill Zaharia, 51 David Kleingarn, 51 Mark Leduc, 54
16:53 16:59 17:03 17:59 18:13 18:42 19:10 19:44 19:46 20:30
Men 55 - 59 39 63 83 85 87 100 118 126
Dan Morse, 56 Michael Bjornberg, 55 Michael Connolly, 55 Rob Whetham, 57 Jack Ankrum, 57 William Murray, 57 Gary Grabko, 58 Brad Frederiksen, 56
17:20 19:10 20:25 20:33 20:37 21:39 23:30 24:25
Minnesota Distance Running Association
AT THE RACES: R A C E R E S U L T S 127 135
Mike Erdall, 56 Gary Seim, 57
24:28 25:06
Men 60 - 64 76 99 142 156 164 165 175 205 215 216
Bill Hansen, 62 John Cretzmeyer, 60 Tom Olsen, 62 Charles Schulz, 63 Brian Finstad, 61 James Hebl, 64 William Fennert, 64 Robert Hartnett, 60 David Weissbrodt, 64 Bryce Richards, 62
19:50 21:31 25:36 27:31 27:58 28:01 29:23 35:37 43:17 43:27
Men 65 - 69 102 143 150 194 210
Jared Mondry, 67 Norm Purrington, 65 Bruce Rhodes, 67 Bob Stewart, 65 Roger Williams, 66
21:45 25:39 27:07 32:07 36:17
Men 70 - 74 103 172 214
Thom Weddle, 70 Richard Burch, 74 Sy Gross, 73
22:00 29:09 40:48
Men 75 - 79 204
Manny Husebo, 75
Men 90 & Up 133
Runner Unknown, 99
Women 12 - 13 78
Claire Damon, 12 Emily Olson, 14 Erin Anderson, 15 Heather Milne, 15
20:02 22:56 29:57
Women 16 - 17 27 77 139
Annie Olson, 17 Dayna Johnson, 16 Caroline Miller, 16
20:11 24:48 31:17
Women 18 - 19 28 32 45 52 62 82 133
Sarah Anderson, 19 Michelle Volz, 18 Melanie Rodriguez, 18 Kelsie Larson, 18 Maddy La Roche, 18 Arica Johansen, 19 Aubrey Stromberg, 18
20:16 20:39 21:55 22:23 23:27 25:05 31:03
Women 35 - 39 10 15 44 47 49 63 66 74 95 97
Amy Halseth, 39 Sara Rohde, 38 Lori Anne Peterson, 36 Lisa Rensenbrink, 36 Anne Walztoni, 36 Nevenka Allen, 35 Patricia Johnson, 38 Lara Manzini, 36 Katie Pfaff, 35 Jennifer Jordan, 38
19:04 19:20 21:50 21:57 22:04 23:34 23:47 24:34 27:19 27:38
Women 40 - 44 5 7 11 20 23 26 46 48 50 87
Joyce Bourassa, 41 Bonnie Sons, 43 Sonya Decker, 42 Robin Balder-Lanoue, 40 Jessica Young, 42 Joelle Nelson, 41 Mary Ross Mortenson, 42 Laura Witmer-Gautsch, 41 Kari Lorch, 44 Kelly Burns, 40
18:34 18:40 19:07 19:47 20:00 20:05 21:56 22:01 22:21 26:17
Women 45 - 49 16 18 22 25 36 38 42 54 57 92
Kelly Keeler Ramacier, 47 Wanda Gau, 47 Laurie Hanscom, 46 Pamela Weier, 49 Lisa Hines, 46 Amy Smith, 45 Judy Meyer, 49 Amy Clark, 45 Judith Peters, 49 Teresa Foushee, 46
19:31 19:40 19:57 20:05 20:57 21:10 21:41 22:34 22:52 27:08
Women 50 - 54 39 53 56
Kristi Larson, 51 Kathy Haubrich, 50 Andriette Wickstrom, 54
21:14 22:24 22:45
Anita Baugh, 51 Mary Johansen, 52 Linda Christen, 53 Carolyn Fletcher, 52 Laurie Manolefff, 52 Laurie Rice, 54 Sheryl Weber-Paxton, 51
22:57 23:00 23:42 24:25 24:56 25:58 26:04
Women 55 - 59 30 34 70 76 148 177 183 207
Janet Rosen, 55 Julie Virkus, 56 Cathy Van Der Schans, 55 Ann Haugejorde, 55 Luanne Van Avery, 56 Mary Jo Hartnett, 59 Patricia Turner, 57 Jane Voss, 58
20:23 20:49 24:12 24:41 31:47 34:58 36:05 52:21
Women 60 - 64 89 93 94 102 107 108 121 176 199 206
Kathryn Benhardus, 62 Ann Day, 62 Gloria Jansen, 62 Patricia Goodwin, 63 Mary Hiatt, 63 Linn Smith, 64 Peggy Trager, 63 Barb Jacobson, 60 Sally Richards, 64 Carole Voss, 63
27:05 27:10 27:14 27:57 28:21 28:28 29:56 34:58 42:21 52:21
Women 65 - 69 88
Women 14 - 15 24 58 122
59 60 65 71 79 85 86
Judy Cronen, 68
Women 70 - 74 172 193
Judy Rykken, 71 Dorothy Marden, 72
34:46 38:27
MDRA 15K August 9, Edina Overall 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1 36 37 38 39 40 2 3 41
Michael Reneau, 31 Eric Hartmark, 31 Jeremy Polson, 31 Josh Metcalf, 34 Michael Henderson, 30 Kassaye Gemeda, 30 Peder Arneson, 27 Kelly Fermoyle, 23 Ben Merchant, 29 Patrick Billig, 47 John Leaf, 22 Dimitri Drekonja, 35 Thomas Tisell, 42 Aaron Beaber, 26 Nicolas Reichenbach, 27 Andrew Petz, 24 Kirt Goetzke, 48 James Sorenson, 26 Matthew Waite, 41 Todd Hierlmaier, 30 Travis Hoover, 27 Thomas Church, 27 Andy Hall, 18 Brent Magnuson, 26 Michael Mack, 29 Bobby Paxton, 52 Dan Morse, 56 Neil Bizily, 34 Marc Nosal, 43 Michael Kennedy, 51 Ryan Sterner, 19 Paul Brown, 54 Mike Evans, 51 Caleb Buecksler, 26 Michael Moulsoff, 46 Melissa Gacek, 33* Christopher Langdon, 32 Jim Ramacier, 46 Ross Rankin, 25 Christopher Loffey, 28 Chip Cheney, 50 Serena Sullivan, 28* Ariella Gottfried, 22* John Maas, 48
46:57 48:04 49:03 49:21 50:53 51:02 51:09 51:18 51:55 52:00 52:27 52:32 52:36 53:14 53:30 53:36 53:52 54:10 54:22 55:18 55:39 55:51 55:52 56:09 56:48 57:05 57:22 57:32 57:36 57:45 57:48 58:04 58:11 58:14 58:14 58:17 58:21 58:40 58:41 58:44 58:44 58:54 59:06 59:15
4 42 43 44 45 5 6 7 46 8 9 10 47 11 48 49 50 12 51 13 52 14 53 54 15 16 55 17 18 56 19 57 20 58 59 60 61 62 63 21 64 22 65 23 24 66 25 67 26 68 69 27 70 28 29 30 71 72 73 31 32 74 33 75 76 77 34 78 35 79 36 37 38 80 81 82 39 83 40 41 84 42 85 86 43
Jennifer Hess, 26* Peder Nestingen, 34 Kraig Lungstrom, 51 Ben Nichols, 38 Steve Windels, 48 Zoe Nagell, 27* Dani Ashford, 22* Laura Edlund, 23* Robert Jacobson, 49 Sonya Decker, 43* Shannon Braun, 25* Kimberly Anderson, 44* Jason Wedel, 37 Molly Borski, 23* Bill Langhout, 51 David Tappe, 52 Jared Mondry, 67 Becky Hoover, 26* Mike Setter, 53 Rebekah Yetzer, 24* Troy Reine, 30 Alyssa Sybilrud, 19* Dale Heinen, 53 Noah Sandler, 43 Wanda Gau, 47* Abbey Ring, 23* Denny Jordan, 58 Sara Rohde, 38* Kelly Keeler Ramacier, 47* Michael Bjornberg, 55 Sue Abrahamson, 46* Andrew Hansen, 15 Joelle Nelson, 41* Tyler Leonard, 32 Pierre Tournier, 26 Jim Graupner, 64 Wayne Drealan, 56 James Doelle, 54 Steve Maupin, 58 Renee Saxman, 48* John Naslund, 59 Cindy Lewandowski, 47* Brian Helm, 50 Mary Yetzer, 49* Megan Kelly, 31* Steve Chichester, 46 Kristi Larson, 51* Luis Ayala, 52 Katherine Adams, 52* Paul Sellers, 27 Paul Barnard, 47 Andriette Wickstrom, 54* John Brown, 65 Lisa Hines, 46* Amy Smith, 45* Katherine Horton, 32* Rob Arnoldy, 43 David Dow, 54 John Traul, 57 Amy Clark, 45* Deborah Sonsalla, 43* James Schmidt, 56 Sarah Keiser, 28* Timothy Malooly, 46 Benjamin Eskin, 43 Kevin Ross, 46 Amanda Jacobsma, 24* Darryl Neser, 30 Renee Schaefer, 27* Charles Haff, 42 Anita Baugh, 51* Ann Choi-Roloff, 31* Sally Lederer, 48* Miles Jefferis, 42 Terry Hakkola, 59 Danny Hansen, 54 Nevenka Allen, 35* Will Grassl, 55 Ida Holdahl, 20* Ann Hansen, 43* Thom Weddle, 70 Gloria Jansen, 62* Sujit Varma, 41 Ej Dissette, 39 Patricia Langum, 48*
59:22 59:26 59:27 59:34 59:40 59:50 59:52 1:00:29 1:00:36 1:00:39 1:00:57 1:00:59 1:01:01 1:01:31 1:01:54 1:02:11 1:02:14 1:02:20 1:02:23 1:02:50 1:03:03 1:03:09 1:03:15 1:03:24 1:03:25 1:03:43 1:04:16 1:04:17 1:04:34 1:04:39 1:04:54 1:05:31 1:05:33 1:05:45 1:06:05 1:06:13 1:06:15 1:06:22 1:06:39 1:06:57 1:07:07 1:07:12 1:07:16 1:07:17 1:07:49 1:08:05 1:08:05 1:08:27 1:08:31 1:08:49 1:08:50 1:09:01 1:09:30 1:09:38 1:09:39 1:10:15 1:10:18 1:10:36 1:10:52 1:11:05 1:12:17 1:12:39 1:12:52 1:13:21 1:13:39 1:13:59 1:14:27 1:14:53 1:14:54 1:15:10 1:16:16 1:16:56 1:16:57 1:16:59 1:17:01 1:17:14 1:17:27 1:17:53 1:18:28 1:18:52 1:19:21 1:19:43 1:20:53 1:21:31 1:21:43
44 Carrie Johnson, 27* 45 Erin Lemke, 40* 46 Kathleen Peterson, 66* 47 Victoria Zolp, 26* 48 Lore Baarstad, 42* 49 Mary Croft, 63* 50 Jill Muecke, 26* 51 Ann Haugejorde, 55* 52 Mary Maas, 51* 53 Patricia Goodwin, 63* Judith Cronen, 68* 54 55 Alyssa Yell, 26* 56 Kathryn Benhardus, 62* 57 Sherry Johnston, 54* Glenn Johnston, 61 87 58 Valarie Priebe, 29* 59 Brittany Templin, 20* 88 Don Wright, 68 60 Michelle Templin, 46* 89 Robert Schaffer, 66 61 Linda McGerr, 48* 90 Jonathan Sachs, 34 62 Peggy Trager, 63* 63 Denise Baxter, 50* 64 Patti Vitek, 57* 65 Kimberly Gerten, 35* 66 Jessica Christy, 30* 67 Candy Patrin, 61* 68 Kathy Pals, 50* 69 Tiana Ukleja, 33* 70 Melissa Solberg, 24* 91 Charles Willcox, 54 92 Erik Solberg, 24 71 Mary Hiatt, 63* 72 Marie Hilligoss, 44* 73 Amanda Pollock, 21* 93 Ted Braggans, 66 74 Abbey Hallin, 28* 94 Ray Eck, 51 75 April Manlapaz, 39* 95 Pat Brown, 72 76 Abby Hansen, 17* 77 Brandie Southall, 37* * indicates females
1:21:51 1:22:22 1:23:05 1:24:12 1:25:03 1:25:11 1:25:13 1:26:14 1:26:39 1:27:05 1:27:53 1:27:54 1:28:16 1:29:00 1:29:01 1:29:59 1:30:27 1:30:38 1:31:07 1:31:19 1:31:54 1:32:29 1:33:35 1:33:45 1:33:57 1:34:20 1:34:29 1:34:54 1:36:02 1:36:32 1:37:23 1:37:23 1:37:23 1:37:52 1:38:46 1:38:46 1:39:18 1:39:50 1:39:54 1:40:34 1:43:24 1:55:49 1:57:14
August 9, Edina Overall 1 2 3 4 5 1 6 7 2 8 9 10 3 4 11 5 12 13 14 15 6 16 17 18 7 8 9 19 10 11
Ryan Evans, 18 Chris Mueller, 17 Kyle Bratrud, 16 Omar Palacios, 27 Will Robertson, 17 Laura Lawton, 16* Greg Yetzer, 50 Jory Hilpipre, 17 Sadie Briggs, 33* Morris Engel, 43 Ray Woodworth, 38 Brett Aurit, 29 Kelsey Mullen, 17* Lori Anne Peterson, 36* Ethan Holdahl, 15 Karen Nelson, 30* Kevin Schooler, 38 Tom Merriman, 33 David Hess, 48 Cameron Frazier, 13 Dana Piper, 31* Kyle Hagge, 16 Robbie McCandless, 16 Robert Forcier, 44 Francine Lepage, 60* Michelle Nayar, 36* Tiffany Anderson, 35* Sean Reardon, 48 Annie Melek, 37* Miranda Anderson, 17*
16:57 17:47 17:48 19:18 19:50 20:44 20:45 21:39 21:41 21:49 22:01 22:02 22:08 22:12 22:18 22:29 22:35 22:36 22:47 23:19 23:31 23:38 23:39 23:39 24:06 24:56 25:12 25:18 25:43 25:57
continued on page 31
MHI 5K results continued 20 Robert Shaheen, 38 Micah Morris, 31 21 22 Kevin Harris, 48 23 Buddy Gau, 49 12 Maria Ostberg, 54* 24 Kevin Graham, 56 25 Rick Recker, 65 26 Stuart Fronk, 9 27 Steve Robertson, 48 Jeffrey Hom, 34 28 Mike Campe, 42 29 13 Mary Rymanowski, 18* 30 Matthew Flesner, 39 31 Dan Adkins, 40 Diego Osuna, 38 32 14 Bailee Haines, 17* 33 Richard Olson, 76 15 Alice Everett, 47* Mary Hughes, 42* 16 Andrea Frick, 26* 17 18 Dorothy Whelan, 49* 19 Holly Cramer, 24* 34 Luis Tobon, 67 Tammy Walton, 34* 20 35 Damu McCoy, 37 36 Carl Cadwallader, 42 21 Diane Steele, 44* 22 Dorothy Marden, 72* 37 Gary Frazier, 44 38 Jerry Vallery, 42 23 Susan Farmer, 39* 39 Todds Williams, 42 24 Katie Enloe, 24* 25 Lisa Raddatz, 49* 26 Kathy Forcier, 43* 27 Casey Kovacic, 50* 28 Stephanie Patterson, 44* 29 Sarah Wright, 39* 30 Ann Irvine, 54* 31 Katherine Pohlen, 38* * indicates females
25:58 26:16 26:35 26:38 26:48 26:49 27:22 27:30 27:35 27:50 28:18 28:21 28:25 28:30 30:05 30:15 30:17 30:24 31:11 31:12 31:13 31:46 32:04 32:14 32:50 33:18 33:46 33:51 34:13 34:18 34:43 35:11 35:14 35:39 35:40 37:39 45:57 49:47 50:05 51:17
Rochester Half Marathon at the Holiday Inn August 22, Rochester Open Men 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Mike Torchia, 21 Benjamin Marvin, 28 Pete Gilman, 34 Justin Deeg, 28 Brett Carroll, 29 John Gardiner, 36 Tracy Petersohn, 39 Ron Giles, 40 Ethan Marquardt, 18 Kirt Goetzke, 48 Jason Sinnwell, 31 Jim Hannon, 51 Paul Brown, 51 Randy Wiinanen, 54 Franz Hebl, 29 Patrick Steward, 40 Dan Degrace, 41 Andrew Tjernlund, 24 Nate Beaudin, 33 Jim Ramacier, 46 Peter Hoffman, 21 John Maas, 48 Ryan Key, 36 Eric Porte, 44 Stephen Weigand, 37 Scott Ramburg, 42 John Rafferty, 35 Andrew Becker, 39 Eric Woodford, 36
Jeshua Erickson, 34
Open Women
1:08:24 1:10:26 1:10:31 1:14:14 1:15:10 1:16:06 1:16:26 1:16:33 1:17:12 1:18:10 1:19:00 1:19:23 1:19:28 1:19:59 1:20:36 1:20:53 1:21:42 1:22:42 1:23:09 1:23:31 1:23:47 1:24:03 1:24:08 1:24:23 1:24:54 1:25:30 1:25:47 1:26:06 1:26:09
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Christy Marvin, 28 Laura Sandness, 43 Heidi Woller, 32 Kelly Keeler Ramacier, 47
Toni Kolling, 27 Lisa Rozman, 31 McKenzie Holt, 13 Corey McClay, 26 Deb Thomford, 51 Hannah Tuson, 25 Andriette Wickstrom, 54 Leah Swenson, 29 Teresa Pruszynski, 34 Sarah Askdal, 30 Heather Camp, 29 Kamber Schneider, 26 Petrice Mostardi, 26 Sarah Poncelet, 25 Jeanne McCurnin, 53 Teri Barrett, 33 Heather Baird, 25 Kari Lorch, 44 Carolyn Fletcher, 52 Elizabeth Coon, 26 Katie Mouzakis, 24 Jess Sannes, 30 Nicole Schnell, 27 Ann Moyer, 29 Joanna Hall, 28 Kristine Ullmann, 27
1:21:23 1:30:50 1:31:11 1:31:45 1:32:35 1:34:22 1:34:26 1:35:36 1:35:42 1:36:01 1:36:49 1:37:54 1:38:42 1:38:55 1:39:10 1:39:26 1:39:41 1:39:59 1:40:42 1:40:48 1:40:58 1:41:47 1:41:51 1:42:20 1:42:22 1:42:33 1:42:41 1:43:01 1:43:16 1:43:21
Men 14 - 15 140
Derek Wiebke, 14
Men 16 - 17 55 71 331
David Christian, 17 Ben Roos, 17 Derek Ellis, 17
1:29:22 1:31:41 2:20:43
Men 18 - 19 9 32 46 54 157 185 260 333 342
Ethan Marquardt, 18 William Hoffman, 19 Mike Resman, 19 Michael Orte, 18 Keith Idso, 19 Russell Peterson, 19 Krishna Pundi, 19 Tim Halloran, 19 Adam Hanson, 18
1:17:12 1:26:41 1:28:30 1:29:22 1:44:44 1:48:57 1:59:27 2:21:41 2:28:24
Men 35 - 39 6 7 23 25 27 28 29 31 35 41
John Gardiner, 36 Tracy Petersohn, 39 Ryan Key, 36 Stephen Weigand, 37 John Rafferty, 35 Andrew Becker, 39 Eric Woodford, 36 Randy Niemiec, 38 Jason Wedel, 37 Rob Hart, 37
1:16:06 1:16:26 1:24:08 1:24:54 1:25:47 1:26:06 1:26:09 1:26:15 1:26:55 1:28:03
Men 40 - 44 8 16 17 24 26 48 51 59 82 87
Ron Giles, 40 Patrick Steward, 40 Dan Degrace, 41 Eric Porte, 44 Scott Ramburg, 42 Eric Batterson, 40 Troy Miller, 40 Mike Thomas, 43 Mark Willrodt, 41 Ron Hougen, 43
1:16:33 1:20:53 1:21:42 1:24:23 1:25:30 1:28:43 1:28:49 1:29:58 1:34:35 1:35:20
Men 45 - 49 10 20 22 33 45 60 61 64 111 112
Kirt Goetzke, 48 Jim Ramacier, 46 John Maas, 48 Jay Wyant, 47 Michael Haddock, 47 Randy Shelerud, 48 George Fulp, 48 Roger Vos, 47 Duane Kroeger, 45 Jim Li, 49
1:18:10 1:23:31 1:24:03 1:26:47 1:28:21 1:29:59 1:30:10 1:30:30 1:38:40 1:38:41
Men 50 - 54 12
Jim Hannon, 51
13 14 40 56 58 73 83 84 85
Paul Brown, 51 Randy Wiinanen, 54 Dale Heinen, 53 Brad Kautz, 52 Mike Lidd, 53 Hirohito Kita, 51 Duane Finn, 51 Glenn Schultes, 50 Art Adams, 54
1:19:28 1:19:59 1:27:45 1:29:24 1:29:42 1:32:19 1:34:59 1:35:13 1:35:19
Men 55 - 59 52 57 69 79 166 183 197 209 220 230
Denny Jordan, 58 Rick Hlebain, 58 Douglas Bakkene, 55 David Nagorney, 59 Mike Erdall, 56 Pete Martin, 57 Roger Heil, 59 John Hogan, 57 Mehmet Akcan, 59 Brian Purrington, 58
1:28:56 1:29:39 1:31:19 1:33:47 1:46:25 1:48:53 1:50:34 1:51:40 1:53:30 1:55:12
Men 60 - 64 132 178 205 223 262 300 303 321 323 349
Gordy Strickland, 62 John Bruns, 60 Jerry Reger, 61 Gene Geller, 60 Steve Strange, 62 Phil McCullough, 61 James Wolf, 64 Glenn Oldenburg, 60 Bob Fox, 60 Roger Winchell, 63
1:41:27 1:48:20 1:51:25 1:53:55 1:59:37 2:08:28 2:08:47 2:16:04 2:16:59 2:42:25
Men 65 - 69 34 74 103 129 141 191 231 292
Jared Mondry, 67 Dale Summers, 66 John Brown, 66 Paul Ford, 66 Stu Clem, 65 Craig Clark, 65 Norm Purrington, 66 Jerry Williams, 65
1:26:53 1:32:28 1:38:06 1:41:06 1:42:49 1:49:58 1:55:12 2:06:18
85 94 102
Therese Shumaker, 40 Stacey Gallaugher, 42 Jeannie McCarver, 41
1:52:51 1:54:02 1:55:36
Women 45 - 49 4 39 64 67 69 84 92 107 155 163
Kelly Keeler Ramacier, 47
Kristin Saari, 47 Masami Kita, 49 Dd Graen, 49 Pam Garretson, 47 Ellen Blanco, 49 Diane Petersen, 45 Annette Chmielewski, 47 Sarah Kane, 47 Julie Yost, 49
1:31:45 1:45:37 1:50:29 1:51:01 1:51:11 1:52:36 1:53:33 1:56:16 2:04:11 2:05:14
Women 50 - 54 9 11 19 23 38 80 91 101 103 128
Deb Thomford, 51 Andriette Wickstrom, 54 Jeanne McCurnin, 53 Carolyn Fletcher, 52 Leila McGrath, 52 Carol Noren, 51 Amy Donahoe-Anshus, 50 Susan Pokorney, 53 Mary Maas, 51 Nina Bren, 52
1:35:42 1:36:49 1:40:42 1:41:51 1:45:31 1:52:17 1:53:33 1:55:35 1:55:38 2:00:18
Women 55 - 59 77 83 130 174 180 213 262 266
Judy Willoughby, 55 Yvonne Hubmayr, 58 Shari Sutor, 58 Susan Powers, 58 Roxanne Thomas, 55 Mary Erb, 56 Mary Johnson, 56 Diane Childs, 59
1:52:13 1:52:30 2:01:08 2:06:53 2:08:01 2:14:45 2:37:40 3:04:21
Women 60 - 64 111 172 173 254
Kathleen Shea, 61 Peggy Trager, 63 Rosemary Harnly, 63 Patricia Gottschalk, 62
1:57:22 2:06:45 2:06:51 2:29:52
Men 70 - 74 263 273 297 353
Darrell Christensen, 72 Dick Westerlund, 72 Pat Brown, 72 Justin Murray, 71
1:59:38 2:01:45 2:06:48 2:57:08
Women 12 - 13 7
McKenzie Holt, 13
Women 14 - 15 96 97 231
Karen Sass, 15 Kayla Woltz, 14 Megan Ellis, 15
1:54:22 1:54:22 2:20:35
Women 16 - 17 149 157 219
Tess Willson, 16 Abagail Pepera, 16 Catie Fox, 17
2:02:47 2:04:38 2:16:59
Women 18 - 19 42 90 98 115 118 124 221
Samantha Allgood, 19 Danielle Anshus, 18 Anna Resman, 18 Jenna Willoughby, 19 Mary Swiggum, 18 Shanda Demorest, 18 Hannah Haupt, 19
1:46:16 1:53:33 1:54:28 1:57:43 1:58:14 1:59:33 2:17:05
Women 35 - 39 37 40 52 56 57 63 65 66 68 87
Brenda Brewster, 37 Molly Holkesvik, 35 Michelle Bjerke, 36 Wendy Vanvoorst, 35 Kristi Van Ooyen, 35 Kelly McBride, 35 Shari Hegland, 36 Sara Ryan, 37 Vicki Wiebke, 36 Terri Schugel, 38
1:45:00 1:45:44 1:48:22 1:48:53 1:49:06 1:50:09 1:50:31 1:50:35 1:51:07 1:53:08
Women 40 - 44 2 22 32 47 51 59 61
Laura Sandness, 43 Kari Lorch, 44 Wendy Mejia, 43 Suzi Needham, 42 Laree Etter, 41 Kristen Cherry, 42 Soch Lor, 41
1:30:50 1:41:47 1:43:56 1:47:10 1:47:43 1:49:43 1:49:49
FishHook Challenge Half Marathon August 16, Park Rapids Overall 1 Paul Lillehaugen, 20 2 Mike Reponen, 21 3 Brad Mcconn, 18 4 Gabe Arntson, 32 5 Garrick Larson, 40 6 Steve Curks, 46 7 Dale Heinen, 53 8 Jeff Neltner, 45 1 Barbara Arntson, 32* 9 Brian Lashinski, 28 2 Brittney Christianson, 22* 10 Curt Engels, 47 3 Pam Austad, 43* 11 Jim Bernard, 41 12 Nico Bennett, 28 13 Dave Bennett, 57 14 Michael Grover, 33 15 john brudwick, 45 16 Dean Groth, 49 4 Karin Norby, 19* 5 Lori Grover, 32* 6 Jasmin Paris, 25* 7 Traci Schuch, 39* 8 Annie Vogel-Ciernia, 23* 17 J. Schultz, 44 18 Neal Karels, 44 19 Fast Eddie Rousseau, 69 9 Patty Jaeger, 43* 10 Jane Viner, 26* 11 Suzanne Mcconn, 17* 12 Therese Vogel, 56* 20 Dan Becker, 41 21 mike kohler, 45 13 Jolene Chlebeek, 33* 22 Bob Tapson, 62 * indicates females
1:21:55 1:22:26 1:23:04 1:30:01 1:30:31 1:33:01 1:33:15 1:36:04 1:36:16 1:36:30 1:38:00 1:38:44 1:40:46 1:40:52 1:42:32 1:42:33 1:42:48 1:43:44 1:44:59 1:46:11 1:46:40 1:46:59 1:47:09 1:47:19 1:49:09 1:50:26 1:50:41 1:51:31 1:52:29 1:52:34 1:53:35 1:55:37 1:58:21 1:58:31 1:59:07
Minnesota Distance Running Association
AT THE RACES: R A C E C A L E N D A R SEPTEMBER September 23 • ‘Salomon Autumn Trail Series 5K Hyland Park, Bloomington, MN Contact: Audrey Weber, 612-239-0576
September 26 • Fall 5 Mile/5K Run/ Walk 5 Mile New Richmond Heritage Center Contact: Amy Kavaloski, 715-246-3276
• The Hartford Pace Race 5K and 1 mile Lake Nokomis Contact: Mary Anderson, 651-688-9143
• Jack 15 White SD to Brookings SD Contact: Jim Vrchota, (605) 696-3405
• In Yan Teopa 10 Mile Trail Run Frontenac State Park Lake City, MN Contact: Larry Pederson, 507-753-2240
• Fire Up Your Health 5K White Bear Lake Fire Department Contact: Sandi Thelen, 651 429-9891
• Oktoberfest 5k (1st Annual) St Paul’s Cathedral Hill-St. Paul Contact: Gary Westlund, 612-245-9160
• Plymouth Firefighters 5K Run/Walk and Kids Fun Run Plymouth, MN Contact: Firefighter Steve Marti, 763-546-9220
• 2009 Eden Prairie Alma Mater Trotter 5K Round Lake Park, Eden Prairie Contact: Deb Karulf, (952) 451-0014
• MeritCare Roger Maris Cancer Center 61 for 61 Home Run 10K and 2 Mile Fargo, ND Contact: Tom Clow, 701-367-9302
September 27 • MN Renaissance Festival’s Royal Race 5K Shakopee, MN Contact: Kelly Stelzner, 952-445-7361 x223
• Multiple Myeloma Race for Research 5K Lake Phalen, St Paul, MN Contact: Mary Anderson, 651-688-9143
• Women Run the Cities 10-mile, 5K, 1-mile Minnehaha Park, Minneapolis, MN, Contact: Meghan Huber, 952-727-2120
• Iron Girl Duathlon 2 mile run, 22 mile bike ride, 2 mile run Normandale Lake Park, Bloomington Contact: Iron Girl, 952-858-8500
• Hudson Hot Air Affair “Up, Up 5K” Lake Front Park, Hudson, WI Contact: Katie Jones, 715-386-1729
• Ken Rome 5K McCullough Park, Shoreview Contact: Mary Anderson, 651-688-9143
• Cannon Wells Duathlon 2 mile run, 14 mile bike, 3 mile run, Shager Park , Faribault, MN Mark Bongers, 507-664-9438 (local to metro area)
• Fire Up Your Health 5K White Bear Lake Fire Station 2 Ron Hawkins; White Bear Lake Fire Department, 651 429-8568
• Three Rivers Off-Road Triathlon 7k canoe or kayak, 10k mtn. bike, 7k trail run Lake Rebecca Park Reserve, Rockford Contact: Elizabeth Muggli, 763-694-7726
• A Knight’s Trail 5K Mounds View, MN Contact: Rhonda McConnell, 651-271-5518
• Renewable Trail Run/Walk 5K & 10K Sandstone, MN Contact: April Sakowski,320-245-2648
• Step Out: Walk to Fight Diabetes 1-mile or 5K General Mills Headquarters, MN Contact: Ryann Rathman, 763-593-5333 x6598
• For Pete’s Sake 5K Hudson, WI Contact: Heidi Singerhouse, 651-398-4894
October 3 • Bluff Run for the Arts Challenge 5K Spring Grove, MN Contact: Bob Bergsgaard, 763-923-4873
• Medtronic TC Family Events and TC 5K Capitol Grounds, Saint Paul, MN Contact: Virginia Brophy Achman, 763-287-3888
• Warrior Waddle 5K Winona, MN Contact: Tom Slaggie or Kathy Hovell (507) 454-4149
• Kickin’ Leaves Duathlon 2.5 Mi run, 10 Mi Bike, 2.5 Mi run Grand Rapids, MN Contact: Grant Frashier, 218 327-1161
• St. Therese Oktoberfest 5K Deephaven, MN Contact: Ralph Douglass, 952-473-6714
• Rogers 5k run/walk Mary Queen of Peace School, Rogers Contact: Theresa Kalupa, 612-501-4602
• 2nd Annual Run for Education 5K Lonsdale, MN Contact: Brenda DeGross and Melanie Goettsch, 507-744-3700
October 4 • Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon Minneapolis/St. Paul Contact: Twin Cities Marathon, Inc. (763) 287-3888
• Medtronic TC 10 Mile Minneapolis/St. Paul Contact: Twin Cities Marathon, Inc. (763) 287-3888
• Korean Quarterly 5K Chusok Run/Walk Lake Phalen Park, St. Paul Contact: Martha Vickery, 651/771-8164
October 10 • 6th Annual Historic Riverfront 5K Boom Island Park, MN Contact: Pete Gamades, 612-310-6151
• Autumn Woods Classic 10K, 5K, 1K kids Run Elm Creek Park Reserve Contact: Tim Anderson, 763-694-7718
• Challenge Aging 5k (3rd Annual) 5K Como Lake, St Paul, MN Contact: Gary Westlund, 612-245-9160
• FM Half Marathon, 10K, and 5K Fargo, ND Contact: Mark Knutson, 701-364-2RUN
• Jennifer Waymire Memorial 5K Walk/Run Hyland Lake Park, Bloomington Contact: Beth (Blomlie) Hamen, 612-423-4239
• Tour de North St. Paul 5K fun run/walk St. Paul Contact: Angie Dehart, 651-747-2479
• 8th annual Newton Hills Trail races 6 miles, 2 miles Canton, South Dakota Contact: Scott Walschlager, 605-335-7213
• UMM Cougar Homecoming 5K University of Minnesota, Morris, MN Contact: Amber Turnbull, 320-288-6867
• Gateway Celebration 5K Run Delano, MN Contact: Kristin Nelson, 763-242-7155
October 11 • Paul Mausling Cross Country Run 4K, 6K, Youth Run Como Park Forty Acres, St Paul, MN Contact: Chris Fuller, 651-228-1986
• Autism 5K Lake Harriet, Minneapolis Contact: Mary Anderson, 651-688-9143
• Piper 5K and Children’s Runs Como Lake, St. Paul, MN Contact: Keri Goeltl, 651-644-3561
October 17
• Run for the Apples 5 Miles White Bear Lake, MN Contact: Randy Fulton, 651-653-7401
• Fight The Fire 5K Run/Walk 5K Stillwater, MN Contact: Stillwater Fire Department, (651) 351-4963
• Run for Oromia 10K & 5K Lake Nokomis, Minnesota Contact: Mary Anderson, 651-688-9143
• Miles for Miracles 3.7 Miles Maple Grove, MN Contact: Jenn Eibensteiner, 612-578-4484
• 4th Annual Blue Hills Boogie Half Marathon & 5K Moon Lake Park, Rice Lake, WI Contact: Mary Anderson, (651) 688-9143
October 18 • IMT Des Moines Marathon and Half Marathon Des Moines, Iowa Contact: Chris Burch, 515.288.2692
• GoodLife Fitness Toronto Marathon Toronto, ON, Canada Contact: Samantha W., 416-920-3466
October 21 • Salomon Autumn Trail Series 5k Hyland Park, Bloomington Contact: Audrey Weber, 612-239-0576
October 24 • Scare In White Bear 5K Run/Walk, 1/2 mile Kid’s run West Park, White Bear Lake, MN Contact: Tri Fitness, 651 426 1919
• Pumpkin Run and Walk 5K Cloquet, MN Contact: Tom Urbanski, 218-879-0820
• The North Face Endurance Challenge Northwest Regional 50 Mile, 50K, 1/2 Marathon, 10K Madison, WI Contact: Endurance Challenge Team, 214-451-1913
• HLFD Auxiliary Stop, Drop, and Stroll Family 5K Walk Lions Park in Ham Lake, MN Contact: Lisa Smith, 763-913-1684
October 25 • The Empire Arts Center’s Halloween Howler 5K and Munchkin Mini Mile Grand Forks, ND Contact: Stacy Kusler, 218-779-4743
October 28 • Salomon Autumn Trail Series 5K Hyland Park, Bloomington, MN Contact: Audrey Weber, 612-239-0576
• Big Woods Run 1/2 Marathon, 10K, 5K, 1K kids run Nerstrand, MN Contact: Final Stretch, Inc., Mark Bongers, 507-664-9438
MDRA 15K & Heart Institute 5K August 8> Edina photos by Wayne Kryduba
Minnesota Distance Running Association
American Cancer Society 5K August 15> Minneapolis photos by Wayne Kryduba
Minneapolis Duathlon August 31> Minneapolis photos by Wayne Kryduba
Minnesota Distance Running Association
Como Park Relays, and Bob Lindsey volunteered to help out there. Our membership total continues to drop. The website is much better, with several excellent features including RunMinnesota online. Committee Reports:
June Board of Directors Meeting June 8, 2009
Members Present: Kathy Benhardus, Debbie Bohmann, Norm Champ, Darrell Christensen, Colin Farbotko, Mike Iserman, Bob Lindsey, Robert Lundquist, Mike Nawrocki, Lori Anne Peterson, Lisa Marie Radzak, Kirk Walztoni, Melissa Wieczorek, Kevin Wojchik Guests Present: Heidi Keller Miler, office manager Members Absent: Maureen Kennedy, Bill Knight, Rick Recker Secretary’s Report: Norm Champ asked for a revision of the May minutes. Kevin Wojchik moved and Darrell Christensen seconded the acceptance of the May minutes as amended. The motion carried. Treasurer’s Report: Lori Peterson reported that we are ahead of budget $5,319.84 compared to last year at this time. Total income was ahead of budget $4,969.98 and expenses are below budget $336.19. The total liabilities and equity as on May 31, 2009 are $23,173.62. Receipts in May totaled $11,379.65. Office Manager’s Report: Heidi reported that the Rochester Track Club has asked for our mailing list for the Rochester Half Marathon. The board approved that request. The Minneapolis Marathon Expo was well attended and definitely worth doing. We will try for a better location next year. There will be a series of races for Cindy Brochman called “Rock for Broc” on Tuesday, June 30, 2009 at Macalester College in St. Paul at 6:00 p.m. Chris Fuller of TSL and Mary Anderson are helping out with this event. Mike Iserman made a motion for MDRA to donate $250.00 toward the fund. Melissa Wieczorek seconded, and the motion carried. The website is close to being ready to go. It should go live this week. Kirk suggested that we keep it up to date with anything that is happening in MDRA, perhaps a special section for members only. Committee Reports: Advocacy Committee: No new business. Club Administration: No new business. Programs Committee: The spring running classes have all ended. The fall marathon class with coaches Marty Humphrey and Mike Nawrocki will be starting on June 23. Debbie Bohmann is heading up a 10 Mile Training Program which will start on July 22. These classes will be promoted on the website and in the magazine. Promotions Committee: A woman who lives on the Victory 10K course would like to see the neighborhood better informed. There is some interest in getting the neighbor-
hood more involved. We are on Facebook now, so check it out. The volunteer roster for Grandma's Expo booth is filled. Publications Committee: The July issue of RunMinnesota will be out in mid July. This issue is always a bit late since we wait for Grandma's results. Race Committee: Two state age group records were set at the Mississippi 10 Mile. There are 79 runners in the Grand Prix with 5 races to go. Upcoming MDRA races are the Minnehaha Fun Runs and the Como Relays. There will be a meeting regarding the City of Lakes in two weeks. USATF Report: Melissa reported that the USATF North Regional Championships and the USATF-MN open and masters outdoor track and field championships were held June 7 & 8 at Hamline. On July 10 and 11 the national track championships will be held at the Central Park track in New York City.
Advocacy Committee: Bob Lindsey and Lisa Radzak met to decide on the goals and purpose of this committee. They are looking for ways to learn what causes MDRA needs to advocate. They are thinking of emailing some other running groups to find out their concerns. One big issue is the number of race directors who do not turn in complete and/or accurate race results to the MN Running Data Center. It makes it very difficult to compile points for Runner of the Year, state records, USATF teams, and Grand Prix runners. One concept would be to make up a list of best practices and either write them up as an article in RunMinnesota or send it to race directors. Club Administration: No new business. Programs Committee: Mike Nawrocki reported that the fall marathon training class is going well. The TC 10 mile training class is starting soon, though registration has been slow. Possibly people are waiting for the lottery to close. Promotions Committee: Grandma's Expo was slow. We didn't sign up as many people as usual, though we always get a bump in online membership applications after an expo. Heidi has plans to put together a new banner back drop to use at races and expos to promote MDRA. This will be given to us free in exchange for an ad in RunMinnesota. Publications Committee: The July issue of RunMinnesota should be in the mail late in the week of July 13th.
There will be a USATF level one coaching school at Stillwater High School on June 22 and 23. It will take 22 hours.
Race Committee: The race committee did not meet in July. The Minnehaha Fun Runs continue to be well attended. The Como Relays will start in August.
New Business: No new business. Old Business: No old business.
USATF Report: Melissa Wieczorek reported that the USATF annual meeting will be at Broadway Pizza at 6:30 p.m. on September 13th. Chad Austin is leading the way to bring back the Minnesota Runners Yearbook. The most recent of the USATF team circuit races was Grandma's Marathon, with 30 teams competing. There are four more races for the team circuit, Stillwater 10 mile on July 25th, Hennepin Lakes Classic 5K on August 2nd, MDRA 15K on August 9th, and City of Lakes 25K on September 13th. There will be a meeting next month to discuss the cross country team circuit.
Meeting adjourned.
July Board of Directors Meeting July 13, 2009
Members Present: Kathy Benhardus, Debbie Bohmann, Norm Champ, Darrell Christensen, Maureen Kennedy, Bill Knight, Bob Lindsey, Robert Lundquist, Mike Nawrocki, Lori Anne Peterson, Lisa Radzak, Rick Recker, Kirk Walztoni, Melissa Wieczorek, Kevin Wojchik Guests Present: Heidi Keller Miler, office manager, derek Phillips Members Absent: Colin Farbotko, Mike Iserman Secretary’s Report: Lori Anne Peterson moved and Melissa Wieczorek seconded the acceptance of the June minutes. The motion carried. Treasurer’s Report: Lori Anne reported that our current account balance is $20,918.01, though we have a net income loss of $1,060.04 for the month. Both income and expenses are down from last year at this time. Total liabilities and equity are $22,113.58. Lori will check on our banking fees. We are changing from a landline to a cell phone to save money. Heidi praised Hal Gensler for completing our 990 for 2008.
There were problems with the results for the TC 1 mile. USATF has expressed some of the same concerns regarding accurate race results as the MDRA board. New Business: Members of the board expressed concern for our fellow runners who are ill, Colin Farbotko, Lloyd Young, and Cindy Brochman. Old Business: The Rock for Broch evening raised $5000.00 Special Guest: Derek Phillips of Need to Race expressed his interest in having one central location for both registering for and finding the results of races in our area. Barb Leininger is also working on this. His data base is set up, but he would like to link it to our website. Meeting adjourned.
Office Manager’s Report: Heidi reported that Rob Lundquist is looking for one more person to help with the Minnehaha Fun Runs. Norm Champ volunteered to help out. John Cramer lost one of his best volunteers at the
Spectator’s Guide by Chad Austin Fall is right around the corner. As a runner, that means two things to me: cross country season and fall marathons. We put in a lot of time and effort training for these types of races. And there’s no doubt that a lot is written about how to get the most out of ourselves on race day. But, what about our friends and family members that will be out there cheering for us? We want them to get the most out of race day, too, rather than being bored to tears watching some running race. Believe it or not, running can be spectator friendly, especially if you follow these tips. The first step to spectating actually should take place before race day. You need to determine how active you want to be during the race. Remember, other than track meets, we’re not talking about your typical sporting event where the action is confined within a stadium, making it easy to watch. Even the shortest of cross country races can span an entire golf course in less than 20 minutes. Therefore, there has to be some level of activity, even for the spectators, on race day. I would say there are generally three different levels of activity for watching a race. First, are the stationary spectators. These are people that want to find one spot and sit there for the entire race. This group includes people that are lazy, have a difficult time getting around or find it hard to move the keg of beer they brought to the event. Hey, I told you running could be spectator friendly. Second, are the people that want to see as much of the race as possible, but move around the least. Parents with younger kids would typically fall into this category. They want to cheer for their spouse or friends as much as possible, but are also responsible for getting two or three kids and a dog around the course too. This requires more time and energy, so they have to be smart about moving from place to place. Third, are the people that want to see as much of the race as possible and don’t care how much blood, sweat or tears it takes to do
so. If someone in the race gets a side stitch, dry heaves or pukes, they want to know about it. No, no. They want to see it happen. This is the group that thinks nothing of driving six hours to watch a 25 minute race. They want to be sure they get their monies worth. After determining your level of activity, you need to decide how you want to get around the course. Obviously, if you’re going to sit in one spot for the race, this is not much of a concern. However, if you fall into the second or third group, you need to think about your best course of action for getting around. For cross country races, this is typically by foot, unless the race is on a golf course and you’re handy at hot-wiring golf carts. Because of the sheer length of the marathon, there are more options. In addition to getting around on foot, bikes and cars are good options also. Even public transportation can be used. Just ask Rosie Ruiz, the initial first place woman of the 1980 Boston Marathon who was later disqualified for taking a train. Since the use of a car requires extra time for battling traffic and finding parking places, I always opt to use my bike whenever possible. Once you know how you’re going to get around, the number one rule for spectating becomes, “know the course.” This is very important, because you can’t watch what you can’t see. I only need to share one example to explain how important this rule is. During college, I made a road trip with several teammates to Charlotte, North Carolina, to watch the Men’s Olympic Marathon trials. We hauled our bikes halfway across the country in an effort to see as much of the race as possible. After biking along during the first half of the race, some of us decided to cut through a neighborhood in order to get ahead of the runners. But, instead of jumping two miles ahead of the runners, we accidentally ended up eight miles ahead of the runners. By the time we saw them again, all the key moves had been made, and the Olympic team had basically been decided. We kicked ourselves for not under-
standing where the course went. If you plan on cheering for a specific person, it’s helpful to know the answer to a couple of questions before the race starts. First, what pace do they plan on running? This is especially helpful for longer races, because there’s a big time gap between the first and last place runners. And there could be thousands of runners in between. Having an idea of their pace helps determine when they should be passing you. Of course, be sure to leave some wiggle room for the time needed to cross the start line, bad days and other unforeseen events. Second, what do they plan on wearing? Again, there could be thousands of runners on the course, so knowing the color of their shirt and shorts can help you pick them out of the crowd. When it comes to cross country, keep in mind that many schools share the same colors. Therefore, parents should take this a step further and be able to pick out their runner’s exact uniform. Knowing that your son or daughter is wearing red and white might not be enough to pick him or her out of a big race. These last two tips have more to do with your comfort level than they do with watching the actual event. I think it’s important to pack light. However, you also want to bring along a variety of clothing options, because the weather around here can change quickly. And if you’re biking around the course, the chances are that you’ll work up a sweat, so it doesn’t hurt to have a spare shirt with you. Finally, and this is good for all occasions, bring snacks. In your excitement to get out the door, there’s a good chance you may have rushed through breakfast. You don’t want to be searching for the nearest McDonald’s when your girlfriend is expecting to see you along the course. So bring along something to drink, as well as a few things that won’t melt in the heat or get smashed in your bag. That means leave the chocolate bars and bananas at home. There you have it. Pass these tips along to your friends and family, and hopefully they’ll be clamoring to watch your next race. RM
Minnesota Distance Running Association
USATF Certified 10K Course Championchip Timing Course is 2 x Lake Harriet $25/$30 Race Day Register at
Thursday, November 26 8:00 a.m. Lake Harriet
Presented by
U RU minneapolis club
• • • • •
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JOIN US Have more fun running in Minnesota. For $25 you Get...
RunMinnesota, an MDRA produced publication filled with news, results, facts and information. RunMinnesota is the magazine for Minnesota running.
Running Minnesota Annual, a handbook containing the most complete Minnesota race schedule. It doubles as a personal training diary and sells in stores for $14.95. Members get it free. Free MDRA sponsored races to get you going. These races are quieter, sometimes faster, sometimes slower, but always a lot of fun. Free Annual Party in January when you need a little extra. We have an exciting program, decent food and good friendship. We also announce the winners of our Grand Prix series.
Your membership helps us provide the following services...
Our website provides up to date race information, programs, clubs and all you need to know about the local running scene. Dome Running. Turns the Metrodome into the place to be twice a week.
Good race management throughout Minnesota. The MDRA provides many important services to Minnesota racing. We publish a magazine for race directors, sponsor training sessions and provide race equipment. And perhaps the most important benefit to us all, a tradition of well run races. Training classes for: Marathon, 5K/10K and Women’s Beginning
If you add it all up, you’ll discover that you get well more than $40 worth of benefits from a $25 membership fee. A one year sustaining membership includes free entry into all official MDRA sponsored races.
MDRA Membership Application NAME
Families can include individual member’s names on the name line. If two names are used, list them in the order you want them to appear in our membership directory. Make checks payable to MDRA, 5701 Normandale Rd., Edina, MN 55424
New Member
Type of yearly membership youth under 18 $15 individual $25 family $40 sustaining (1 year) $100 family sustaining (1 year) $125
I’m interested in...
publications commitee race volunteer work promotions committee race committee program committee
Help support the Oromo Community throughout the world!
For more information about Oromia, go to
5K & 10K Runs Saturday, October 17, 2009 Lake Nokomis, Minneapolis
LARGE Prize Purse! Cash Awards to Top Open, Masters & Age Group Finishers
For more race information or to volunteer, go to
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