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W h e n t h e R u n n i n g G e t s To u g h , t h e To u g h G o R u n n i n g !

Running Journal

“We Run The South�

Including Multi-Sports Events, Ultra Running, and Racewalking June 2018

Racing South Edition


1 2 2 N D B O S T O N M A R AT H O N


W inning is Personal G Divas Half Marathon/5K G Physicians Who Care 5K G Hogeye Marathon/Half Marathon/5K G Corinth Coca-Cola Classic 10K G Rock 'n' Roll Raleigh Half Marathon


Running Journal • June, 2018


CONTENTS On the Cover: Zap Fitness runners Tyler Pennel & Nicole Demercurio both had top five finishes at the 122nd Boston Marathon. Pennel was fourth in the men's race, while Demercurio finished as fifth female. See story page 17. Photos by Tom Leonard

Race Calendar Features

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24

Remembering Charlie and Susie Kluttz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Long Distance Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Columns Running Psychology, Richard Ferguson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 The Athlete’s Kitchen, Nancy Clark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Distance Memories, Scott Ludwig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Learning from the Young Guns, Ryan Warrenburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 After the Run, Mary Marcia Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Running Through the Bluegrass, Tracy Green . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Inspired Daily, Rae Ann Darling-Reed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Down the Road, Cedric Jaggers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Masters Running and Beyond, Lena Hollmann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Women’s Running, Carolyn Mather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17

Race Results

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 SPONSORS

41st Annual Run

8:30AM 1 Mile Fun Run/Healthwalk • 8:00AM

June 16, 2018 • Bakersville, NC $$PRIZE MONEY$$ Open M/F: 1st-$200, 2nd-$100 Masters M/F: 1st-$100 ENTRY FEE - $20/10K, $10/1 Mile FR postmarked by 6/2, $30/10K, $15 1 Mile FR on race day. Dry Blend Performance T-shirt to all participants. AGE DIVISIONS - Top 3 in 5 year age groups (19-under, 20-24 thru 65-69, 70-over).

COURSE - USATF-certified 10K. FOR ENTRY FORM & INFO - (828)688-2113.

ACCOMMODATIONS - Pine Valley Motel 828-765-6276 ONLINE REGISTRATION www.werunevents.com CO-SPONSORS: •Appalachian Eye Associates •United Community Bank

Running Psychology Winning is Personal Running is the most primeval of all physical activities. Pre-historic man ran simply to survive through hunting and gathering, as well as fleeing from predators. For early man, success through running simply meant living to see the sun rise on another day. Today, success is certainly defined in a much different way. Unfortunately, in the running world success is too often associated with winning, and to most laymen, winning means finishing first. But do you really have to win or finish first to be a successful runner? I would say most certainly not. Success is far too often associated with some particular outcome, such as a championship, trophy or medal. For others success may mean having great wealth, fame or a position of power. All of these definitions of success are really external in their nature. By external I mean these things are what others or society usually expects. Too often we have to look to other people to let us know we are a success. Even when we are successful according to the external norms of society, it may never be enough. If we don’t continue to better our previous levels and do more and more then we may no longer feel successful. What a pity! So many people walking around who have done, and are continuing to do great things, yet they feel like miserable failures. I see this so often in runners. They run well, but for some reason, are never happy with what they’ve accomplished. No matter how they run, they view themselves as failures. While setting high standards is a must to achieving your potential, standards which are set too high and by external others can lead to constant feelings of failure and very high levels of frustration. Runners need to find a definition of success which is personal and internal. A running definition of success which runners set, not some running shoe advertisement or local running statistics maniac, who seems to know everyone’s times and places from races for the last half century. In all reality, running success is a very subjective feeling. Success is really about how YOU feel about what you’re doing. No one else can really define success for YOU. Many individuals often look to some end product in defining their success as runners. A performance time, event run, or place in a race are usually used as a measure of success. But running is a process; a long-term process in which about 99% is preparation and training, while only about 1% is performance or racing. Yet we judge our success so much on the 1%. What about the journey of running itself? Don’t we feel success just by being out on the road or trail? I would hope all of us feel a great deal of success simply by being runners. Too often we forget the joys and pleasures which present themselves in our daily run. Maybe it’s time we “stop and smell the roses,” both literally and figuratively, on our daily run. The act of running and moving is a joy in, and of itself. To feel successful you really don’t need a race, a clock or a measured dis-

By Richard Ferguson, Ph.D.

tance. I know many runners that are very, very talented, but have not run a race in years. They still run a lot every week, but they don’t compete. Why? They really don’t like to race, but they love to run. Are these runners not successful because they no longer race? I would say they are very successful in running because they love to run and they are very happy about their running. All of us have different goals for our running. No matter what the goal is, when we reach them we have a success story! This July thousands of runners will make the trek down Peachtree Street in Atlanta for the Peachtree Road Race. Only one runner will be first, so are the others losers? No way! For many on July 4 there will be feelings of success that will be unmatched in their entire lifetimes. Goals will be reached and runners will feel good about their accomplishments. I know so many runners who always finish in the back quarter of every race, yet they absolutely love to run and participate in races. Are they losers because they finish at the tail end of the field? No way! If they have met their own personal goal then they are successful. I guess the thing that makes running so unique is really the personal nature of the sport. Sure, you often compete against other people, but you always have some type of competition going on with yourself and your own personal, internal goals. The challenge may lie in just getting out the door each day or it may lie in trying to reach that marathon PR. So set some personal goals and go after them! Don’t worry about other people and their goals or what goals they think you should set. Other people can’t set goals for you. Only you can decide what you want to accomplish! This is one of the basic premises of goal setting strategy. Whatever your goal may be, when you reach it feel good about what you’ve done. Enjoy the feelings of success! Don’t let others rain on your parade. When you reach a personal goal you deserve to feel good. Even though another runner may not understand your goals, it’s ok, because success is a personal thing! Enjoy it! Richard Ferguson is Chair of the Physical Education, Wellness, and Sport Science Department of Averett University and is an AASP Certified SportPsycology Consultant. He may be reached via e-mail at ferguson@averett.edu


Running Journal • June, 2018


Running Journal Remembering Charlie & Susie Kluttz P.O. Box 157, Greeneville, TN 37744 200 S. Main Street, Greeneville, TN 37743 (423) 638-4177 • FAX (423) 638-3328 E-mail: rj@running.net • www.running.net

Vol. 34, No. 9 President/Publisher Bruce Morrison E-mail: bruce.morrison@running.net Publisher Emeritus Julie Morrison, 1954-2002 Vice President/Advertising John Cash Editor and General Manager Mary Lou Day E-mail: marylou.day@running.net Advertising Rep / Calendar Editor Shirley Woodward E-mail: shirley.woodward@running.net Production Manager Rebecca Garay-León Circulation Manager E-mail: rj@running.net Administrative Assistant Becky Miller Contributing editors: Mary Marcia Brown, Nancy Clark, Rae Ann Darling Reed, JimDugger, Richard Ferguson, Lee Fidler, Bryan Graydon,Tracy Harris Green, Lena Hollmann, Scott Ludwig, Cedric Jaggers, Ellen Jaffe Jones, Ray Krolewicz, Carolyn Mather, Mary Margaret McEachern, Nicholas Norfolk, Pete Rea, Teri Saylor, Ryan Warrenburg. Correspondents: George Banker, Robert Carver, Sonja Friend-Uhl, Chuck George, Karen Gordon, Winston Howell, Jesse Lindsey, Diane Lyons, Rick Melanson, Jerry Schohl, Claude Sinclair, Leonard Vergunst, Jim Young, Jerry Yunker. Record keepers: Alabama/Mississippi/Tennessee/Kentucky - Buck Jones, 2920 Eastern Shore Dr., Owens Cross Roads, AL 35763. Arkansas - Randy Taylor, 102 Weston Place, Little Rock, AR 72211. Georgia - Joyce Hodges-Hite, PO Box 717, Millen, GA 30442.Maryland - Tim O’Keefe, 7214 Limestone Lane, Middletown, MD 21769. North Carolina Neville Wood, 5309 Chamisal Pl., Raleigh, NC 27613. South Carolina - Bill Marable, 5 Windchime Ct., Simpsonville, SC 29681. Virginia - Robert Platt, 1300 Army Navy Drive, Arlington, VA 22202. Washington, DC - George Banker, 7507 Overlook Ct., Oxon Hill MD 20745. West Virginia - Carl Hatfield, 300 Maple Lake Rd., Bridgeport, WV 26330. Chairman, Road Running Technical Council/USATF: Gene Newman, 920 N. Night Heron Dr., Green Valley, AZ 85614. V.P./East, Road Running Technical Council/USATF: Paul Hronjak, 4413 Pinehurst Dr., Wilson, NC 27896. Regional course certifiers: John DeHaye, 824 Annalau Ave., Huntsville, AL 35802 (AL). Don Potter, 440 Lower Ridge Rd., Conway, AR 72032 (AR). Doug Loeffler, 1399 W. Royal Palm Rd., Boca Raton, FL 33486 (FL). Woody Cornwell, 1724 Brighton Way, Dalton, GA 30721 (GA). Matthew Studholme, 452 Brookhill Drive, Abingdon, VA 24210 (KY, MS, TN, WV). John Ferguson, 3026 Sesbania, Austin, TX 78748-1912 (LA). John Sissala, 120 Evans St., Rockville, MD 20850 (MD). Paul Hronjak, 4413 Pinehurst Drive, Wilson, NC 27896 (NC). Brian N. Smith, 1827 Falling Creek Circle, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464- 7415 (SC). Robert Thurston, 13 Kennedy St. NE, Washington, DC 20011 (VA, DC). RRCA Southern Region Director: Ron Macksoud, Montgomery, AL. Email: SouthernDirector@RRCA.org. RRCA Eastern Region Director: Mark Grandonico, 62 Back Cove Est., Portland, ME 04101. E-mail: eastdir@rrca.org. State RRCA reps: AL - Ron Macksoud. AR - David Meroney. DC - Paul Thompson. FL - Don Nelson (S. FL), Bryan Graydon (N. FL). GA - Mariska Van Rooden. KY - Donna England. LA - Betsy Boudreaux. MD - Dwight Mikulis. MS - Bryan Lagg. NC - Peter Asciutto. SC - Tim Arthurs, TN Sherilyn Johnson. VA - Goody Tyler. WV - Tom Kramer. Contact information for State RRCA reps can be found at www.rrca.org/clubs. Contents of Running Journal are copyright 2014 by Carolina Runner Inc. No part of this publication, including artwork and advertising, may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. Exception: Non-profit running, bi/tri, walking club publications expressly granted reasonable usage of news and racing calendar information if credit is given to Running Journal.

Running Journal recently lost two close friends and loyal supporters, Charlie & Susie Kluttz of Winston Salem, NC. Both passed away earlier this year, Charlie in February and Susie in late March. Charlie & Susie were two of the most recognizable faces on the Running Journal Grand Prix for many years, beginning when it was known as the Racing South Grand Prix. Susie was perhaps the most dominant competitor ever on the Grand Prix, winning her division multiple times. She had wins in each

Charlie Kluttz

Running Journal (ISSN 0892-5038) is published monthly at a subscription rate of $19.95 yearly by Carolina Runner Inc., 200 South Main St., Greeneville,TN 37743. Second-class postage paid at Greeneville, TN. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Running Journal, P.O. Box 157, Greeneville,TN 37744.

Susie Kluttz

division she moved to: masters, grandmasters, senior grandmasters to veterans. Susie last competed on the Grand Prix in 2009, winning the Veterans division. She also held many North Carolina State records as well as records on the National level. Charlie was a photographer who enjoyed taking pictures for Running Journal and became the “official” photographer of the Grand Prix. But his greatest joy was supporting Susie at the races, carrying water bottles and ice for her, and cheering her on. For many

years, the two traveled the roads of the South to Grand Prix races in their little Miata. They were married for 58 years. Of Charlie & Susie, Mary Lou Day, Editor of Running Journal said, “I remember very well meeting Charlie & Susie on my second day on the job for Running Journal at the Reedy River 10K in 1989. Our friendship started that day and I looked forward to seeing them at each Grand Prix stop. We had so much fun together traveling on the Grand Prix. They were two of my favorite people.”


Running Journal • June, 2018



2018 Semi-Annual Marathon & Long-Distance Directory JULY 4 - We the Runners Half Marathon, Cumming, GA. 7:30am/Half Marathon, 7:45am/10K, 8am/5K, 9:45am/ Sparkler Trot (10-under). Contact: Kim Hall 404-769-4408, kimhall2007@gmail.com. JULY 7-8 - Burn Your Half Off, Half Marathon, Double Half Marathon (Marathon), 10K & 5K, Chattanooga, TN. 7am. Contact: run.nooga@gmail.com. JULY 8 - Run Thru The Park Half Marathon, 10K & 5K, Loganville, GA. 7am. Contact: dm85247@gmail.com. JULY 14 - Grandfather Mountain Marathon - Boone, NC. 6:30am. Contact: John Weaver 828-262-3074, weaverjt@appstate.edu. JULY 8 - XTERRA Harbison Half Marathon & 5K, Columbia, SC. 7am/Half, 7:10am/5K. Contact: Victoria Seahorn 404-421-3231, victoria@marathonmajic.com. JULY 21 - Full mOOn 50K & 25K, Perryville, AR. 7pm/50K, 8pm/20K. Contact: Susy Chandler 501-837-3104, susy@fullmoon50k.com. JULY 21 - The Scream! Half Marathon, Jonas Ridge, NC. 8am. Contact: greg@gloryhoundevents.com. JULY 28 - XTERRA Panther Creek Trail Run, Morristown, TN. 8am/Half Marathon & 4.2 Mile. Contact: ryan@dirtybirdevents.com. JULY 29 - Riley’s Rumble Half Marathon & 8K, Boyds, MD. 7am. Contact: idalina.diak@yahoo.com. AUG. 4 - Ben Moore Memorial Half Marathon & 10K, Annapolis, MD. 7:30am. Contact: lynnron1@comcast.net. AUG. 4 - The Rabid Squirrel 13 Miler, Danbury, NC. 9:35am. Contact: derek@outofourmindsstudio.com. AUG. 4 - Still Hollow Half Marathon & 10K, Chattanooga, TN. 7:30am. Contact: info@wildtrails.org. AUG. 4 - 3 H Trail Half Marathon, King George, VA. 8am. Contact: Vic Culp 540-310-4803, vic@farc.org. AUG. 5 - Rockin’ The LP Half Marathon, 10K & 5K, Snellville, GA. 7:30am. Contact: dm85247@gmail.com. AUG. 5 - Blister in the Sun Marathon, Cookeville, TN. 7am. Contact: Josh Hite 931-265-3969, theblistersadist@gmail.com. AUG. 11 - Lynchburg Half Marathon, Lynchburg, VA. 7:30am/Half Marathon, 8am/5K. Contact: 434-846-7449, info@riversiderunners.com. AUG. 11 - Watoga State Park Mountain Trail Challenge, Marlinton, WV. 8:30am. Half Marathon & 5K. Contact: David Elliott 304-497-3526, watogafoundation1@gmail.com. AUG. 17-18 - Tread Nightly & Tread Brightly Half Marathon & 4 Miler, Charlotte, NC. 8/17: 8pm/Half Marathon, 8:30pm/4 Miler. 8/18: 8am/Half Marathon, 8:30am/4 Miler. Contact: racedirector@usnwc.org. AUG. 18 - Area 13.1 Half Marathon, Roswell, GA. 7pm/Half, 7:10pm/Terrestrial 5K. Contact: alienhalfmarathon@gmail.com. AUG. 18 - Parkersburg News & Sentinel Half Marathon, Parkersburg, WV. 8am. Contact: halfmarathon@newsandsentinel.com.

Find Your Perfect Long Distance Race It may still be springtime, but now is the right time to start planning a fall marathon. We hope you will find our semi-annual Marathon and Long Distance Directory helpful in finding the perfect marathon or other long distance event. The directory covers distances from the 20K to the ultra held in the second half of the year. We have listed long distance races from across the south as well as a few events outside of our region. Long distance races continue to be very popular and there are lots of races to choose from. Whether you are looking for a race close to home or want to plan a vacation around a race, you should be able to find what you are looking for in our directory. Remember that once you have decided on an event, it’s important to get your entry in early. Many races have entry limits and fill up early, so you don’t want to be left out. Then start training for your big race. We wish you the best of luck! Be sure to check the Running Journal website calendar (www.running.net) often as we make frequent updates to our race calendar throughout the year. AUG. 19 - August Madness Half Marathon, 10K & 5K, Snellville, GA. 7am. Contact: dm85247@gmail.com. AUG. 19 - Leesburg 20K, Leesburg, VA. 7:30am/20K, 7:45am/5K. Contact: terri@potomacriverrunning.com.

22nd Annual

Mesa Falls Marathon

August 25, 2018 • 6:30am Ashton, Idaho ✖Accompanying races: Half Marathon 8:30am; 10K 7:30am; 5K 8am; Kids Fun Run 8:15am. ✖Course (USATF): Point-to-point National Forest, Rivers, Waterfalls and Farm Fields. ✖2017 entrants: 450. ✖Avg. temp: 40º to 70º.

Contact: Dave Jacobson P.O. Box 548, Ashton, ID 83420 208-360-9507• jake@fretel.com www.mesafallsmarathon.com

SEPT. 1 - Iron Mountain Trail Run, 50, 30 & 16 Miles, Damascus, VA. 7am/50 Mile, 7:30am/30 Mile, 8am/16 Mile. Contact: kkirkt@yahoo.com.

SEPT. 1 Charleston Distance Run 15-Miler Charleston, WV 46th Annual. 7:30am (all events). 15 Miler & 3-Person 15 Mile Relay, 5K Race & 5K Walk; Kids Runs on 8/31/18. Prize $: $5,650. Start at State Capitol building, run along the beautiful Kanawha River, through residential neighborhoods, finish inside University of Charleston Stadium, some hills. Time Limit: 4 hrs. 2017 entrants: 900. Avg. temp. 60º at start. Contact: John Palmer, Race Director, POB 11595, Charleston, WV 25339, 304-345-5433, charlestondistance run@yahoo.com, www.charlestondistancerun.com. SEPT. 1-2 - Rock ‘n’ Roll Virginia Beach Half Marathon, Virginia Beach, VA. 9/1: 7am/5K, 8:30am/Mile. 9/2: 7am/Half Marathon. Contact: www.runrocknroll.com/virginia-beach. SEPT. 2 - Boston Bound Marathon & Half Marathon, Johns Creek, GA. 6:30am. Contact: Five Star NTP 770-633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com. SEPT. 2 - Tupelo Marathon & 13.1 Miler - Tupelo, MS. 5am. Contact: tupelorunningclub@yahoo.com.

AUG. 25 - High Country Half Marathon - Boone, NC. 7:30am. Contact: Mary Sheryl Horine 828-262-7557, horinems@appstate.edu.

SEPT. 8 - The Lake Cumberland Half Marathon, Somerset, KY. 7:30am. Contact: runsignup.com.

AUG. 25 - Copperhead 20K Run/Relay, Wilmington, NC. 5:30pm. Contact: tom@iamwithoutlimits.com.

SEPT. 8 - Dirt Dash Marathon & Half Marathon, Charleston, SC. 7:30am/Marathon & Half Marathon. 8:30am/10K & 5K. Contact: 843-478-1779, eagle.endurance@gmail.com.

AUG. 25 - Run the South Greenville Half Marathon, Greenville, SC. 7am/Half Marathon, 7:15am/10K & 5K. Contact: 704-893-3800, info@runthesouthseries.com.

SEPT. 8 - Great Smoky Mountains Half Marathon & 5K, Townsend, TN. 7am. Contact: Salem Stanley 949-295-3302, salem@vacationraces.com.

AUG. 25 - Patrick Henry Half Marathon, Ashland, VA. 7am. Contact: Race Director 804-285-9495, info@sportsbackers.org.

SEPT. 8 - Odyssey Trail Running Rampage 40 Miles, Marathon, Half & 6 Miler, Millboro, VA. 7am/40 Mile. 8:30am/Marathon. 10am/Half, 11:30am/6 Miler. Contact: Odyssey Adventure Racing 540-444-4422, HQ@oarevents.com.

SEPT. 1 - Tortoise and the Hare 1/2 Marathon & 10K, Canton, GA. 7am/Half Marathon (1st wave) , 9am/10K (1st wave). Contact: Toni McAlister 678-400-9050, info@tortoiseandthehareracing.com. SEPT. 1 - Under Armour Charles Street 12, 12 Miles, Towson, MD. 7:30am. Contact: 410-308-1870, events@charmcityrun.com.

SEPT. 8 - Rivanna Greenbelt Marathon, Charlottesville, VA. 6:30am. Contact: rivannagreenbeltmarathon@gmail.com. SEPT. 8 - Abebe Bikila Day International Peace Marathon & Half Marathon, Washington, DC. 8am/non-competitive start; 9am/competitive start. Contact: Jay Jacob Wind 703-927-4833, racedirector@att.net.

SEPT. 14-15 - Divas Half Marathon in DC’s Wine Country, Leesburg, VA. 9/14: 6:15pm/5K; 9/15: 7:30am/Half Marathon. Contact: www.runlikeadiva.com. SEPT. 15 - Hartselle Half Marathon, Hartselle, AL. 7am. Contact: jbarley@hartselle.org. SEPT. 15 - Arkansas 20K, Benton, AR. 7am. Contact: 501-246-0716, ar20k@salinecountystriders.com SEPT. 15 - Winslow Run Half Marathon & 5K, Winslow, AR. 8am. Contact: Terry Bumgardner 501-837-3599, winslowrun@gmail.com. SEPT. 15 - The Savannah Sunburn Half Marathon & 10K, Savannah, GA. 7:30am Contact: help@savannahraces.net. SEPT. 15 - Run the Valley Half Marathon, 10K & 5K, Badin, NC. 7:30am. Contact: Vac & Dash 704-983-3274, peter@vacanddash.com. SEPT. 15 - Marine Corps Half Marathon & 5 Mile, Camp Lejeune, NC. 7am. Contact: 910-451-0025, lejgrandprix@usmc-mccs.org. SEPT. 15 - Run For Green Half Marathon, 10K & 5K, Davidson, NC. 7:30am. Contact: runsignup.com. SEPT. 15 - Bays Mountain 15 Mile Trail Race, Kingsport, TN. 8am. Contact: Mark Skelton 423-345-2335 (h), 423-272-4812 (o), markskelton@markskelton.com. SEPT. 15 - Mulberry Island Half Marathon & 5K, Ft. Eustis, VA. 7:30am. Contact: Jake Richmond 757-878-6075, jacob.c.richmond2.naf@mail.mil.

7th Annual

Navy-Air Force Half Marathon & Navy 5 Miler September 16, 2018 • 7am Washington, DC Course (USATF): Start/finish at the base of the Washington Monument. Run along scenic Rock Creek Parkway and flat, fast Potomac Parks. Entry Limit: 9,000-Half; 3,000-5 mi. Time Limit: 3hr. 30 min. 2017 entants: 7,000-Half, 2,500-5 mi. Contact: JBAB MWR - NAF Half 12 Brookley Ave. Washington, DC 20032 navyairforcehalfmarathon@gmail.com www.navyhalf.com SEPT. 16 - Raptor Trail Run 30K & 10K, Fayetteville, AR. 8am. Contact: Bruce Dunn 479-521-7766, bruce@allsports productionsinc.com. SEPT. 16 - Revenge of the Penguins, 20 Miler & 10 Miler, Carderock, MD. 8am. Contact: racedirector@mc-coop.org. SEPT. 16 - Stanky Creek 50K, 25K, Marathon & Half Marathon, Bartlett, TN. 7am/50K & Marathon, 7:30am/25K & Half Marathon. Contact: events@altisendurance.com.

www.running.net SEPT. 16 - Run With WIFLE Half Marathon & 10K, Fairfax Station, VA. 7:30am. Contact: wiflehalfmarathon@gmail.com. .SEPT. 22 - Race 13.1 Charlotte Half Marathon& 8K, Charlotte, NC. 7am. Contact: info@race131.com. SEPT. 22 - Wild Vine Half Marathon & 5K Trail Race, Charlotte, NC. 9:30am/Half, 11am/5K. Contact: Jimmy Lawler 704-391-3900, jlawler@usnwc.org. SEPT. 22 - Table Rock Ultras, 50K & 30K, Morganton, NC. 7am/50K, 7:30am/30K. Contact: Mark Rostan 828-261-6275, markrostan@valdese.com. SEPT. 22 - Hendersonville Half Marathon, Hendersonville, TN. 7am. Contact: Amy Ramsey 615-642-9250, saramsey6@gmail.com. SEPT. 22 - The Trail Mix Half Marathon, Aldie, VA. 8am/Half Marathon, 8:10am/10K, 8:20am/5K, 12pm/ Mountain Bike Races. Contact: info@adventureenablers.com. SEPT. 23 - Red Carpet Run Half Marathon, Titusville, FL. 6:45am/Half Marathon, 7:15am/10K & 5K. Contact: Running Zone 321-751-8890, events@runningzone.com. SEPT. 23 - Linganore Winecellars Cross Country Classic Half Marathon, Mount Airy, MD. 8am/Half Marathon, 8:15am/10 Mile, 8:30am/5 Mile. Contact: events@altisendurance.com. SEPT. 23 - Hokie Half Marathon & 5K, Blacksburg, VA. 7am. Contact: George Carter 540-392-4402, runaboutsports@gmail.com. SEPT. 26 - Brush Tunnel Marathon & Half Marathon, Cumberland, MD. 7:30am. Contact: events@altisendurance.com. SEPT. 27 - GAP Marathon & Half Marathon, Frostburg, MD. 7:30am. Contact: events@altisendurance.com. SEPT. 29 - Tortoise and the Hare 50K/30K Ultra, Blue Ridge, GA. 6am. Contact: Toni McAlister 678-400-9050 info@tortoiseandthehareracing.com. SEPT. 29 - KY History Half Marathon - Frankfort, KY. 8am/half marathon, 8:15am/10K & 5K. Contact: Laurel Harper 502-564-1792, laurel.harper@ky.gov. SEPT. 29 - The Rugged Red Trail Half Marathon, Slade, KY. 7am. Contact: 606-359-3366.

SEPT. 29 NH Marathon Bristol, New Hampshire 26th Annual. 9am. Half Marathon, 10K & Kids. Cash Awards: Male/Female Overall (Marathon, Half & 10K). Rolling course along Newfound Lake. USTAF. Time Limit: 7 hour cap. 2017 entrants: 600. Avg. temp. 65º. Contact: Karen Schaffner, c/o TTCC, 30 N. Main St., Bristol, NH 03222, 603-744-2713, race@nhmarathon.com, www.nhmarathon.com. SEPT. 29 - Rooster’s Revenge 30K Trail Race, Mills River, NC. 9am. Contact: runningpains@gmail.com. SEPT. 29 - Hillbilly Half Marathon, Leiper’s Fork, TN. 7am/Half, 7:30am/5K. Contact: 615-861-1786. SEPT. 29 - Barnum Rail Trail Marathon & Half Marathon, Keyser, WV. 8am. Contact: events@altisendurance.com. SEPT. 30 - Cumberland C&O Towpath Marathon & Half Marathon, Cumberland, MD. 7:30am/Marathon, 8am/Half Marathon. Contact: events@altisendurance.com. SEPT. 30 - DCRRC National Capital 20 Miler, Potomac, MD. 7am/20 Miler, 7:20am/5 Miler. Contact: 20miler@dcroadrunners.org. SEPT. 30 - Bluegrass Half Marathon & Relay, Johnson City, TN. 7:30am. Contact: Karen Hubbs 423-946-0519, info@thegoosechase.org.

Running Journal • June, 2018 SEPT. 30 - Novant Health UVA Health System Prince William Half Marathon & 5K, Bristow, VA. 7am. Contact: info@princewilliamhalf.com. OCT. 6 - John Holmes 50K, 16 Mile & 9 Mile Trail Run, Brooksville, FL. 7am/50K, 8am/16 mi. & 9 mi. Contact: Jim Hartnett 813-232-5200, jim@tamparaces.com. OCT. 6 - Key West Running Festival Southernmost Marathon & Half Marathon & 5K, Key West, FL. 5:30am/Marathon, 5:45am/Half Marathon, 7:30am/5K. Contact: 954-213-6699, info@multirace.com. OCT. 6 - Under the Oaks Half Marathon, Jekyll Island, GA. 7:30am/Half Marathon; 10K/8am; 5K/8:15am. Contact: Ginger Strehle 912-634-8177, gstrehle@sschristianschool.com. OCT. 6 - Race 13.1 Raleigh Half Marathon, 10K & 5K, Raleigh, NC. 7:15am. Contact: info@race131.com. OCT. 6 - High Bridge Half Marathon, Farmville, VA. 7:30am/Half, 8am/5K. Contact: 434-392-3060, manager@farmvilledowntown.com. OCT. 6 - Freedom’s Run Marathon & Half Marathon, Shepherdstown, WV. 7:30am/marathon; 8:30am/half; 8:50am/10K, 9am/5K. Contact: mark@freedomsrun.org.

OCT. 6-7 The Neighborhood Harvest Center Crawlin’ Crab Half Marathon Weekend Hampton, VA 7th Annual. 10/6: 8am/5K, 9:30am/Kids 1K; 10/7: 7:30am/ Half Marathon. Shell Yeah Challenge (run the 5K & Half Marathon). Flat, fast and scenic along the Chesapeake Bay and through historic neighborhoods. USATF. Entry Limit: 5,000. Time Limit: 4 hrs. for Half Marathon. 2017 Entrants: 5,000. Avg. temp. High 70, Low 54. Contact: J&A Racing, 3601 Shore Dr., Virginia Beach, VA 23455, 757-412-1056, amy@jandaracing.com, www.crawlincrabhalf.com.

8th Annual

Run Crazy Horse Marathon, Half Marathon & Marathon Relay October 7, 2018 • 8am Crazy Horse, SD ✖Accompanying Races: 5K & Kids 1K (on 10/6). ✖Course (USATF): Run in the shadow of the world's largest mountain carving, Crazy Horse Memorial, to finish in Hill City, SD. ✖Time Limit: 7 hrs. ✖2017 entrants: 1,100. ✖Avg. temp: 55º. Contact: Emily Wheeler 8510 Kings Ct., Rapid City, SD 57702 605-390-6137 emily@runcrazyhorse.com

www.RunCrazyHorse.com OCT. 7 - Charlottesville Fall Classic Half Marathon & 10K, Charlottesville, VA. 7am. Contact: 434-218-0402, francesca@badtothebone.biz. OCT. 13 - The Cannonball Greensboro’s Marathon & Half Marathon, Greensboro, NC. 8am/Marathon & Half Marathon, 8:30am/5K. Contact: 336-793-4311, mike@junction311.com. OCT. 13 - Bethel Half Marathon & 5K, Waynesville, NC. 8:30am. Contact: bethelhalfmarathonand5k@gmail.com. OCT. 13 - Lowcountry Trail Half Marathon & 5K, Johns Island (Charleston County), SC. 8:30am. Contact: 843-795-4386. OCT. 13 - Walk for Life & Famously Hot Pink Half Marathon, Columbia, SC.

7:15am/Half, 7:30am/10K, 7:40am/5K, 7:45am/Walk for Life. Contact: Kristin Hudson 803-351-0297, kblavender@gmail.com.

50th Annual

Arkansas Marathon October 13, 2018 • 7am Booneville, AR Accompanying Races: Half Marathon, 10K & 5K. Course (USATF): Course runs South out of Booneville along the Northern edge of Ouachita National Forest and the foot of Magazine Mountain.

Entry Limit: 200. Time Limit: 6 hrs. 2017 Entrants: 88. Avg. Temp: 75ºF. Contact: Philip Blankenship 210 E. Main, Booneville, AR 72927 479-849-5855 blankenship044@centurytel.net www.arksansasmarathon.run OCT. 13 - New River Trail 50K & 25K, Fries, VA. 8am/50K, 9am/25K. Contact: mtn.goatracing@yahoo.com. OCT. 13 - LewisGale Salem Half Marathon, Salem, VA. 8am/Half & 8K, 8:05am/Kids Mile. Contact: 540-375-3057, specialevents@salemva.gov.


OCT. 20 - Soaring Wings of Conway Half Marathon & 10K, Conway, AR. 7am. 2-Person Relay. Contact: info@swmarathon.com. OCT. 20 - Urban Bourbon Half Marathon, Louisville, KY. 8am. Contact: 502-587-7767, info@louisvillesports.org. OCT. 20 - Baltimore Running Festival, Baltimore, MD. 8am/Marathon, 7:30am/5K, 9:45am/Half Marathon. Contact: Customer Service 410-605-9381, customerservice@corrigansports.com. OCT. 20 - Cherokee Harvest Half Marathon & 5K, Cherokee, NC. 8am. Contact: greg@gloryhoundevents.com. OCT. 20 - Triple Lakes Trail Races, Greensboro, NC. 8am. 40K & 40 Mile & Relay, Half Marathon. Contact: 336-793-4311, info@junction311.com. OCT. 20 - Upper Cumberland Haunted Half Marathon & Relay, Cookeville, TN. 7am. Contact: Tracy Epps 931-265-5536, theepps1@charter.net. OCT. 20 - Walking Tall 50K & 25K, Pocahontas, TN. 7am/50K, 8am/25K. Contact: walkingtall50k.com. OCT. 20-21 - ATHHalf, Athens, GA. 10/20: 2:30pm/5K. 10/21: 7:30am/Half Marathon. Contact: Jill Helme 706-548-1973, director@athfesteducates.org. OCT. 20-21 - Myrtle Beach Mini Marathon - Myrtle Beach, SC. 10/21: 7am/Half Marathon. 10/20: 7:30am/Coastal 5K, 8:45am/Doggie Dash. Contact: info@runmyrtlebeach.com, www.runmyrtlebeach.com.

OCT. 14 - Fayetteville Firefighters Hero Half Marathon & Relay, Fayetteville, AR. 8am. Contact: Melissa Caffrey 479-387-7116, fayettevilleffherohalf@gmail.com.

OCT. 21 - Running For The Bay - Apalachicola Bay, FL. 7:15am/all races. Marathon, Half Marathon, Ultra 50K, 10K & 5K. Contact: Mark Henderson - friends@runningforthebay.com.

OCT. 14 - Ron Jon Cocoa Beach Half Marathon, Cocoa Beach, FL. 7am. Contact: info@thefloridamarathon.com.

OCT. 21 - Jack’s 50K, 30K & 10K Trail Run, Palm Coast, FL. 8:30am. Contact: Dawn Lisenby 386-986-8572, dawn@runnaturalcoach.com.

OCT. 14 - 30A Half Marathon, Santa Rosa Beach, FL. 7am/Half Marathon, 7:15am/5K, 8am/5K Runners on Sidewalk. Contact: info@30ahalf.com. OCT. 14 - Mystery Mountain Marathon & 12 Miler, Chatsworth, GA. 8am. Contact: mysterymtnmarathon@getguts.com. OCT. 14 - Iron Horse Half Marathon & 12K, Midway, KY. 8am. Contact: info@ironhorsehalfmarathon.com. OCT. 14 - Helltown Half Marathon, Front Royal, VA. 7:30am/Half, 7:35am/10K, 7:45am/5K. Contact: info@adventureenablers.com.

15th Annual

USO Armed Forces Half Marathon & Freedom 5K

October 20, 2018 • 7am Jacksonville, FL Prize Money: $2,000. Course (USATF): Run from Jaguars football stadium, through downtown, and into historic Riverside. Course includes the Main and Acosta Bridges in downtown Jacksonville and a loop around Boone Park before heading back along the Riverwalk. Entry Limit: 5,000. Time Limit: 3.5 hrs. 2017 entrants: 4,200. Avg temp.: 650F. Contact: 1st Place Sports 3931 Baymeadows Rd. Jacksonville, FL 32217 doug@1stplacesports.com http://jaxusohalfmarathon.com

6th Annual

PNC Atlanta 10 Miler & 5K

October 21, 2018 • 7:15am Atlanta, GA Prize Money: TBD. Course (USATF): Starting and ending at Atlantic Station, the course winds through West Midtown.

Time Limit: 2 hr., 40 min. 2017 Entrants: 7,000. Avg. Temp: 65ºF. Contact: Natalie Demarko 201 Armour Dr. NE, Atlanta, GA 30324 404-231-9064 (x128) ndemarko@atlantatrackclub.org www.atlantatrackclub.org/2018-pncatlanta-10-miler-5k OCT. 21 - Bull City Race Fest Half Marathon, Durham, NC. 7:30am/Half Marathon, 8:15am/5 Mile, 8:30am/1 mile. Contact: social@bullcityracefest.com. OCT. 21 - 7 Bridges Marathon & 4 Bridges Half Marathon, Chattanooga, TN. 7:03am/Marathon, 7:33/Half Marathon, 7:45am/2 Bridges 5K. Contact: jay@sceniccitymultisport.com. OCT. 27 - The Life Without Limits Half Marathon, Florence, AL. 8am/Half Marathon, 8:15am/5K, 9:15am/1 Mile FR. Contact: juliecochran@comcast.net. OCT. 27 - Boston Mini-Marathon, Boston, GA. 8am/Half Marathon, 8:05am/5K, 8:15am/1 Mile. Contact: Brad Johnson 229-584-0924 (d), 229-226-4679 (n), bradjohnson@bankcb.com.


Running Journal • June, 2018

OCT. 27 - Silver Comet Marathon & Half Marathon, Mableton, GA. 7:45am. Contact: 404-422-2195, contact@silvercometraces.com. OCT. 27 - New Orleans Jazz Half Marathon & 5K, New Orleans, LA. 7am. Contact: Chuck George 504-884-7565, chuck@nolarunning.com. OCT. 27 - Peak to Creek Marathon, Jonas Ridge to Brown Mountain Beach, NC. 8am. Contact: David & Rhonda Lee 828-432-6664, david@finishlinepros.com. OCT. 27 - Historic Georgetown SC Bridge 2 Bridge Half Marathon, Georgetown, SC. 7:30am/Half Marathon & 12K. 7:45am/5K Run/Walk. Contact: gtownbridge2bridgerun@gmail.com. OCT. 27 - The Haunted Half Marathon & Relay, Jonesborough, TN. 9:30am. Contact: Hank Brown 423-963-1045, info@werunevents.com. OCT. 27 - Race 13.1 Nashville Half Marathon, 10K & 5K, Nashville, TN. 7:30am. Contact: info@race131.com. OCT. 27 - Brush Mountain Breaktown Trail Races, 12 Mile, 7 Mile & 5K, Blacksburg, VA. 11:30am. Contact: George Carter 540-392-4402, runaboutsports@gmail.com. OCT. 27-28 - Great 38 Race Weekend, Oxford, MS. 10/27: 7:30am/5K & 8 Miler. 10/28: 7am/Half Marathon. Contact: marvin@runoxford.com. OCT. 28 - Halloween Halfathon & 5K Race, Ft. De Soto Park, FL. 7:05am/Half Marathon. 7:20am/5K. Contact: info@FLRoadRaces.com. OCT. 28 - Lighthouse Loop Half Marathon, Port Orange, FL. 7am/Half, 10am/5K. Contact: racedirector@westvolusiarunners.com. OCT. 28 - Elizabethtown Fall Classic Half Marathon & 5K, Elizabethtown, KY. 8am. Contact: Paul Upton - info@3wayracing.com. OCT. 28 - Marine Corps Marathon, Washington, DC. 7:55am/Marathon & 10K. Contact: 800-786-8762, msmcustomerservice@usmcmccs.org. NOV. 3 - Fayetteville Half Marathon, Fayetteville, AR. 8am. 10K, 5K & FR. Contact: Bruce Dunn 479-521-7766, bruce@allsportsproductionsinc.com. NOV. 3 - Midsouth Championship Marathon & Half Marathon, Wynne, AR. 8am. Contact: Ethan T. Cook 870-208-6523, etcook78@gmail.com. NOV. 3 - Schaeffer Half Marathon Trail Run, Germantown, MD. 9am/Half, 10am/10K, 11:45am/Free Kids Race (ages 211). Contact: info@ex2adventures.com.

NOV. 3 Novant Health Charlotte Marathon Charlotte, NC 14th Annual. 7am. Half Marathon, Relay, 5K & Kid’s Run. Beautiful views of the city with Charlotte’s notable greenway and a Boston Qualifier! USATF. Time Limit: Half-4 hrs., Full-6.5 hrs. 2017 entrants: 6,000. Avg. temp. 50-60. Contact: Kayla Henderson, 901 S. Kings Dr. #100, Charlotte, NC 28204, kayla@runforyourlife.com, www.runcharlotte.com.

NOV. 4 - City of Oaks Marathon, Half Marathon & Relay, Raleigh, NC. 7am/Marathon, Half Relay & 10K. 7:20am/5K. 7:30am/ Kids’ Mile. Contact: info@cityofoaksmarathon.com. NOV. 4 - Battleship North Carolina Half Marathon & Battleship 5K, Wilmington, NC. 8am/Half Marathon & 10K, 8:10am/5K. Contact: edfore7628@bellsouth.net. NOV. 4 - Marshall University/St. Marys Marathon, Huntington, WV. 7am/Marathon & Half Marathon, Half Marathon Relay; 7:15am/5K. Contact: director@healthytristate.org. NOV. 10 - Huntsville Half Marathon - Huntsville, AL. 8am. Contact: Marty & Carol Eaton 256-882-3706, huntsvillehalf@comcast.net.

Contact: 865-482-7821, halfmarathon@oakridge visitor.com.

NOV. 11 - Woodrow Wilson Bridge Half Marathon & 6K, Alexandria, VA. 7am. Contact: info@wilsonbridgehalf.com.

NOV. 17-18 - St. Petersburg Half Marathon, St. Petersburg, FL. 11/17: 8am/5K, 10:30am/Kids Race. 11/18: 7am/Half Marathon, 8am/10K. Contact: claire@stpeterunfest.org.

NOV. 11 - C&O Canal Towpath Marathon & Half Marathon - Washington, DC. 7:30am/Marathon, 8am/Half Marathon. Contact: events@altisendurance.com. NOV. 12 - Cross Country Trail Marathon & Half Marathon, Springfield, VA. 8am. Contact: events@altisendurance.com. NOV. 17 - City of Champions Half Marathon & 5K, Gadsden, AL. 7:30am. Contact: admin@gadsdenrunners.com. NOV. 17 - White River Marathon for Kenya, Half Marathon, & 5K Run/Walk, Cotter, AR. 7am. Contact: rd@whiterivermarathon.com.

NOV. 10 - Chickamauga Battlefield Marathon, Half Marathon, Jr Marathon & Fort Oglethorpe 5K - Fort Oglethorpe, GA. 7:30am (est)/Marathon & Half, 8am/5K; 12pm/Jr. Marathon. Contact: Jenni Berz 37401, 423-842-6265, marathon@chattanoogatrackclub.org, www.battlefieldmarathon.com.

Spa Running Festival

Annapolis Running Classic Half Marathon & 10K 8th Annual

November 10, 2018 • 7:30am Annapolis, MD Course (USATF): Scenic course throughout the Historic State Capital, including Church Circle, Main Street and the City Dock waterfront. Amazing post-race party with two awesome bands, beverages including craft beer, hard cider and raw and grilled oysters! Entry Limit: 4,000. Time Limit: 3.5 hrs. 2017 entrants: 3,076. Avg. temp.: 43º. Contact: Lisa Fontaine, 264 King George St., Annapolis MD 21401 410-991-5903 • lisa@annapolishalf.com www.annapolisrunningclassic.com NOV. 10 - Summerville Sweet Tea Half Marathon, Summerville, SC. 7am. Contact: kellynhazel@gmail.com. NOV. 10 - Anthem Richmond Marathon, Half Marathon & 8K, Richmond, VA.. 7am/8K, 7:30am/Half Marathon, 7:45am/Marathon. Contact: Race Director 804-285-9495, marathon@sportsbackers.org. NOV. 10 - Canary in the Cave 25K Trail Run, Fayetteville, WV. 9am. Contact: canarycave@gmail.com. NOV. 10-11 - TowneBank Outerbanks Marathon & Half Marathon, Kitty Hawk to Manteo, NC. 11/11: 7am/Marathon & Half Marathon. 11/10: 7:30am/8K, 9:30am/5K,11:15am/Diaper Dash. Contact: info@obxse.org.

NOV. 3-4 - Rock ‘n’ Roll Savannah Marathon & Half Marathon - Savannah, GA. 11/3: 7:30am/Marathon, Half Marathon, 2-Person Half Marathon Relay. 11/4: 1pm-3pm 5K & 1 Mile. Contact: www.runrocknroll.com/savannah/

NOV. 11 - Cape Canaveral Lighthouse Foundation Half Marathon, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, FL. 6:45am. Contact: info@runthecape.com.

NOV. 4 - bg26.2 & Half Marathon, Bowling Green, KY. 7am/cst. 7:30am/6K. Contact: Lilly Riherd 270-791-2346, info@bg262.com.

NOV. 11 - SEGAMI Half Marathon & 5K Veteran’s Day Road Races, Perry, GA. 7:30am. Contact: 478-508-9734, segami@segamihcfund.org.

NOV. 10 - Red Ribbon Half Marathon, Lakeland, FL. 6:30am/Half, 7am/5K, 8am/Kids FR. Contact: InnerAct Alliance 863-802-0777, samantha.barwig@inneractalliance.org.

NOV. 3 - Meleah Mikeal Half Marathon, 10K & 5K, Lenoir, NC. 9am. Contact: runsignup.com.

NOV. 4 - Fort Myers Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K, Fort Myers, FL. 6:30am/Marathon & Half Marathon, 7:05am/5K. Contact: 239-244-8701, support@fortmyersmarathon.com.


NOV. 11 - Fort Lauderdale 13.1 Marathon, Fort Lauderdale, FL. 6:15am/Half, 7am/5K. Contact: info@131fortlauderdale.com. NOV. 11 - Pensacola Marathon presented by Publix, Pensacola, FL. 6:30am. Marathon, Half Marathon, 5K. Contact: 850-434-2800, jlibbert@pensacolasports.org.

37th Annual

November 17, 2018 Hot Springs, Arkansas Races: Half Marathon 7am; 10K (USATF) 7:45am; 5K 8am; 1K Spa Squirt. Course: The Half Marathon and 10K takes runners thru the National Park and Half participants go to the Summit on 2 Mountains. 5K is flat and fast. Entry Limit: Half - 500. Time Limit: Half - 3 1/2 hrs. 2017 entrants: Total 1,560. Avg. temp.: 40ºF. Contact: Cindy Baswell 501-276-8870 • cindy@spa10k.com www.sparunningfestival.com NOV. 17 - Soldier Marathon, Half Marathon & Marathon Relay, Columbus, GA. 8am/Marathon/Half/Relay & 5K. Contact: 706-243-8133, info@soldiermarathon.com. NOV. 17 - Magnolia Marathon & Half Marathon, Meridian, MS. 7am. Contact: Tim Irvine 601-938-9873, gsr5k@yahoo.com. NOV. 17 - Holly Springs Half Marathon & 5K, Holly Springs, NC. 7:10am. Contact: Mike DeCinti 910-827-2439, mdecinti1970@gmail.com.

11th Annual

Mayberry 1/2 Marathon 10K & 5K November 17, 2018 Mount Airy, NC

Prize Money: $650.00. Start Times: 8am/Half Marathon, 8:15am/ 10K, 8:30am/5K. Course: Beautiful, flat course beginning on historic Main Street in "Mayberry" and will finish on the Granite City Greenway. Entry Limit: 1,000. Time Limit: 3 hrs., 30 minutes. 2017 entrants: 650. Avg temp.: High 60/Low 34.

Contact: Darren Lewis 113 S. Renfro St., Mount Airy, NC 27030 336-786-8313 • dlewis@mountairy.org http://mayberryhalf.itsyourrace.com NOV. 17 - Secret City Half Marathon & 5K, Oak Ridge, TN. 9am/Half Marathon, 9:15am/5K.

NOV. 17-18 Chartway Norfolk Harbor Half Marathon Weekend Norfolk, VA 4th Annual. 11/17: 5K 8am, Kids Mile 9:30am; 11/18: Half Marathon & Relay 7:30am. Get Nauti Challenge (run both the 5K & Half Marathon). The flat course takes you through historic Downtown Norfolk, into unique and eclectic old neighborhoods and along the beautiful coastal waterfront and Norfolk’s new skyscraper ferris wheel. Entry Limit: 5,000. Time Limit: 4 hours for Half Marathon. 2017 entrants: 3,900. Avg. temp. High 65, low 44. Contact: J&A Racing, 3601 Shore Dr., Virginia Beach, VA 23455, 757-412-1056, info@norfolkharborhalf.com, www.norfolkharborhalf.com. NOV. 18 - Magic City Half Marathon & 5K - Birmingham, AL. 8am/half marathon, 8:10am/5K, 8:30am/1 Mile Fun Run. Contact: Jeremey 864-420-5169, jdavis@setupevents.com. NOV. 18 - Harpeth Hills Flying Monkey Marathon, Nashville, TN. 8am. Contact: Trent Rosenbloom 615-356-7277, info@harpethhillsmarathon.com.

35th Annual

Community First Thanksgiving Distance Classic Half Marathon November 22, 2018 • 7am Jacksonville, FL ✖Prize Money: $2,000. ✖Accompanying Race: 5K. ✖Course (USATF): Very fast and flat course through the scenic Mandarin area of Jacksonville. ✖Entry Limit: 5,000. ✖Time Limit: 3.5 hrs. ✖2017 entrants: 4,800. ✖Avg. temp: 60º.

Contact: Doug Alred 3931 Baymeadows Rd. Jacksonville, FL 32217 doug@1stplacesports.com www.1stplacesports.com

Thanksgiving Day Half Marathon November 22, 2018 • 7:30am Atlanta, GA Prize Money: TBD. Accompanying races: 5K, BlueCross & BlueShield One Mile & 50m dash. Course (USATF): For over 30 years, the city of Atlanta has celebrated their biggest Thanksgiving tradition at this event.

Time Limit: 3 hr., 30 min. 2017 Entrants: 12,000. Avg. Temp: 45ºF. Contact: Natalie Demarko 201 Armour Dr. NE, Atlanta, GA 30324 404-231-9064 (x128) ndemarko@atlantatrackclub.org www.atlantatrackclub.org/2018thanksgiving-day-half-marathon-5k NOV. 24 - Kaiser Realty By Wyndham Vacation Rentals Coastal Half Marathon & 5K, Orange Beach, AL. CST. 8am/half marathon, 8:10am/5K, 8:25am/1 Mile FR. Contact: 615-460-9927, races@team-magic.com.


Running Journal • June, 2018

NOV. 24 - Boca Raton Sun Capital Half Marathon & 5K, Boca Raton, FL. 6:30am. Contact: Tom Vladimir 561-361-1950, runedgetom@gmail.com.

DEC. 9 - Locomotive Half Marathon & 5K, Kennesaw, GA 7:30am. Contact: Mark Vescio 678-895-2631, runningmanwest@bellsouth.net.

AUG. 18 - Backyard Classic 8 Hour Endurance Trail Run, Elizabethtown, KY. 8am/Individual & Relay. Contact: 270-401-3490, etownbackyardclassic@gmail.com.

NOV. 24 - Stennis Space Center Marathon & Half Marathon, Stennis Space Center, MS. 8am/Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K. Contact: Leonard Vergunst 228-380-7037, director@gulfcoastrunningclub.org.

DEC. 9 - Log Jammer Half Marathon, Shreveport, LA. 7:30am/Half, 8am/5K. Contact: Matt McVicar 318-759-0032, run.srm@gmail.com.

SEPT. 1 - Iron Mountain Trail Run, 50, 30 & 16 Miles, Damascus, VA. 7am/50 Mile, 7:30am/30 Mile, 8am/16 Mile. Contact: kkirkt@yahoo.com.

NOV. 24 - Spring Hill Turkey Burn 1/2 Marathon & 5K, Spring Hill, TN. 7am. Contact: Rebecca Mischke 931-486-2274, bmischke@tennesseechildrenshome.org. NOV. 25 - Space Coast Marathon & Half Marathon, Cocoa, FL 6am. Contact: Christa Mudd 321-751-8890, christa@runningzone.com. NOV. 25 - X-Country Marathon, 30K & Half Marathon, Lithia, FL. 7:30am/Marathon & 30K, 8am/half, 8:30am/5K. Contact: Jim Hartnett 813-232-5200, jim@tamparaces.com. DEC. 1 - Hope For Holidays Half Marathon & 5K, Batesville, AR. 8am. Contact: 870-307-1204, info@hope4theholiday.com. DEC. 1 - OUC Orlando Half Marathon & 5K, Orlando, FL. 7:30am. Contact: Track Shack Events 407-896-1160, info@trackshack.com. DEC. 1 - King of the Mountain 50K & 25K, Blacksburg, SC. 7:15am Contact: triviumracing@gmail.com. DEC. 1 - Run LoCo Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K, Loudon, TN. 8am. Contact: 865-458-8749, lcefed@bellsouth.net. DEC. 1 - St. Jude Memphis Marathon Weekend, Memphis, TN. 8am. Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K, 5K & Kids Marathon. Contact: Erin Martin 800-565-5112, marathon@stjude.org. DEC. 2 - The FitTeam Palm Beaches Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K, West Palm Beach, FL. 6:15am/marathon, half marathon, relay. 6:30pm/5K (on 11/ 30). Contact: support@fitteampalmbeachesmarathon.com. DEC. 8 - Rocket City Marathon - Huntsville, AL. 42nd Annual. 7am. Flat, fast, run, great temperatures. Run through the Space and Rocket Center. USATF. Time Limit: 6 hrs. Avg. temp. Low 34, High 54. Contact: Dwayne 256-226-3556, Dana 256-714-2681, rocketcitymarathon@gmail.com, www.runrocketcity.com. DEC. 8 - Cajun Country Half Marathon, 10K & 5K, Lafayette, LA. 7:30am/Half Marathon, 8am/10K, 8:30am/5K. Contact: scott@latrail.org. DEC. 8 - Race 13.1 Durham, Half Marathon, Durham, NC. 8am/Half Marathon, 8:10am/10K, 8:30am/5K. Contact: info@race131.com. DEC. 8 - Kiawah Island Golf Resort Marathon & Half Marathon, Kiawah Island, SC. 8am. Contact: 843-768-6001, kiawah_marathon@kiawahresort.com. DEC. 8 - Bell Ringer 50K & 25K Trail Run, Burns, TN. 7am. Contact: Ranger Megan Dunn 615-797-9052, megan.n.dunn@tn.gov. DEC. 8 - TDS Mt. Juliet Holiday Half Marathon & 5K, Mt. Juliet, TN. 10:45am/cst. Contact: races@team-magic.com. DEC. 8-9 - Mississippi Gulf Coast Marathon & Half Marathon, Pass Christian, MS. 12/9: 7am/Marathon & Half. 12/8: 8am/5K, 9:30am/1.2 Mile Kids Marathon. Contact: 888-786-2001, info@msgulfcoastmarathon.com. DEC. 9 - Florida Holiday Halfathon & Relay, Madeira Beach to Largo, FL. 7:05am. Contact: info@FLRoadRaces.com. DEC. 9 - JG 13.1 - Jeff Galloway Half Marathon, Atlanta, GA. 8am/Half Marathon. 12/8: 8am/Barb’s 5K, 9am/Fit Kids Run/Walk. Contact: 800-200-2771 (x306), info@jeffgalloway131.com, https://jeffgalloway131.com.

DEC. 9 - Palmetto Bluff Buffalo Run, 50K & 30K, Bluffton, SC. 6:30am/50K & Relay, 8:30am/30K & Relay, 10am/10K. Contact: 843-815-1718, rob@palmettorunningco.com. DEC. 15 - Jacob Wells 3 Bridges Marathon, Little Rock, AR. 7am. Contact: info@3bridgesmarathon.com.

Ameris Bank Jacksonville Marathon Half Marathon & 5K

36th Annual

December 15, 2018 • 7am Jacksonville, FL Prize Money: $2,000. Course (USATF): One of the fastest marathon courses in the USA. Starts and finishes at The Bolles School and runs a keyhole course into the very scenic southern area of Jacksonville. Entry Limit: 3,000. Time Limit: 6 hrs. 2017 entrants: 3,000. Avg. temp: 560F.

Contact: Doug Alred 3931 Baymeadows Rd., Jacksonville, FL 32217 doug@1stplacesports.com www.amerisbank.com/jacksonville-marathon/ DEC. 15 - Ole Man River Half Marathon & 5K, Gretna, LA. 8am. Contact: 504-304-2326, notc@runnotc.org. DEC. 15 - Lookout Mountain 50 Miler, Chattanooga, TN. 7:30am/50 mi. & 20 mi.; 8am/10K. Contact: info@wildtrails.org.

Ultra Events “Take the Challenge” JULY 14 - Catoctin 50K Trail Run, Frederick, MD. 8am. Contact: kevin.sayers@yahoo.com. JULY 21 - Full mOOn 50K & 25K, Perryville, AR. 7pm/50K, 8pm/25K. Contact: Susy Chandler 501-837-3104, susy@fullmoon50k.com. JULY 21 - Maria’s Ultra Summer Spectacular, Kennesaw, GA. 7am. 26.65 Miles, 3 hr. & 6 hr. Contact: Mark Vescio 678-895-2631, runningmanwest@bellsouth.net. JULY 28 - Miner’s Lady 8 Hour Endurance Race, Harpers Ferry, WV. 6am. Contact: For Love of Children 304-582-0748, minersladyenduro@gmail.com. JULY 29 - Hot to Trot 8 Hour Run, Lithia Springs, GA. 8am-4pm. Contact: chefrcobb@yahoo.com. AUG. 3-5 - Holston River Endurance Challenge, Bristol, TN. 8pm/100 mile, 24 hr., 36 hr. events; 8pm or 8am/3 hr., 6 hr. & 12 hr. events. Contact: netta73@hotmail.com. AUG. 4-5 - 24-Hour Run For Dreams, Shelbyville, KY. 8am. 24 Hour & 12 Hour. Contact: Tommie Kendall 502-216-0378, tommie.kendall@dreamfactoryinc.org. AUG. 4 - Dahlgren Heritage Rail Trail 50K, King George, VA. 6:30am. Contact: Vic Culp 540-310-4803, vic@farc.org. AUG. 4 - Kanawha Trace 50K Trail Run, Ona, WV. 7:30 am 50K, 9:30am 25K & 10K. Contact: cory_richardson@hotmail.com. AUG. 11 - Hot Hot Hundred, 100K & Relay & 10K, Wallingford, KY. 8am. Contact: info@nextopportunityevents.com.

SEPT. 7-8 - Blue Ridge Relay 200+ Miles, Asheville, NC. 5am. Contact: Ken Sevensky 336-877-8888, info@blueridgerelay.com. SEPT. 8 - Rebecca Mountain 50 Miler, Sylacauga, AL. 7:30am. Contact: pinhoti100@gmail.com. SEPT. 8 - Odyssey Trail Running Rampage, 40 Miles, Marathon, Half & 6 Miler, Millboro, VA. 7am/40 Mile. 8:30am/Marathon. 10am/Half, 11:30am/6 Miler. Contact: Odyssey Adventure Racing 540-444-4422, HQ@oarevents.com. SEPT. 15 - 12-Hour Adventure Trail Run, Triangle, VA. 6am. Contact: alexp@athletic-equation.com.


OCT. 13 - New River Trail 50K & 25K, Fries, VA. 8am/50K, 9am/25K. Contact: Alison Bryant - mtn.goatracing@yahoo.com. OCT. 13 - High Bridge Ultra 50K & 25K, Pamplin, VA. 8am/50K, 9am/25K. Contact: 540-230-3019, racer15@triadventure.com. OCT. 19-21- The Endless Mile & Endless Mile Relay, Alabaster, AL. 10/19: 9am/48 Hour Race & Relay; 10/20: 9am/24 Hour & 12 Hour Race & Relay; 6 Hour Race. Contact: ultrasignup.com. OCT. 20 - Triple Lakes Trail Races, Greensboro, NC. 8am. 40K & 40 Mile & Relay, Half Marathon. Contact: 336-793-4311, info@junction311.com. OCT. 20 - Paris Mountain Ultra 50K & 25K, Greenville, SC. 7:30am/50K, 9am/25K. Contact: upstateultra@gmail.com. OCT. 20 - Walking Tall 50K & 25K, Pocahontas, TN. 7am/50K, 8am/25K. Contact: walkingtall50k.com. OCT. 21 - Jack’s 50K, 30K & 10K Trail Run, Palm Coast, FL. 8:30am. Contact: Dawn Lisenby 386-986-8572, dawn@runnaturalcoach.com.

SEPT. 16 - Stanky Creek 50K, 25K, Marathon & Half Marathon, Bartlett, TN. 7am/50K & Marathon, 7:30am/25K & Half Marathon. Contact: events@altisendurance.com.

OCT. 28 - Piedmont 8 Hour Ultra Run, Powhatan, VA. 8am. Contact: dpulskamp@hotmail.com.

SEPT. 22 - Tick Tock Ultra, & Team Relay, Lakeland, FL. 7am. 12 Hour, 12 Hour 5-person Relay & 6 Hour. Contact: ultrasignup.com.

NOV. 3-4 - Pinhoti 100 Miler, Sylacauga, AL. 7:30am. Contact: pinhoti100@gmail.com.

SEPT. 22 - Table Rock Ultras 50K & 30K, Morganton, NC. 7am/50K, 7:30am/30K. Contact: brandon@tanawhaadventures.com.

56th Annual

SEPT. 28-29 - Reebok Ragnar Relay, Cumberland, MD to Washington, DC. 5am. 200 Mile Relay. Contact: Customer Service 801-499-5024, customerservice@ragnarrelay.com. SEPT. 29 - Tortoise and the Hare 50K/30K Ultra, Blue Ridge, GA. 6am. Contact: Toni McAlister 678-400-9050 info@tortoiseandthehareracing.com. SEPT. 29 - The Dirt Circuit - 12 & 24 Hour Endurance Trail Runs, Morristown, TN. 8am. Solo & Relays. 8pm/12 hr. night. Contact: ani@dirtybirdevents.com. SEPT. 29-30 - Blood Rock 100 & 50 Mile Endurance Run - Pelham, AL. 5am/100 mi. & 50 mi., 6:30am/50K & 25K. Contact: ultrasignup.com. OCT. 5-6 - Ragnar Trail Carolinas-SC, Fort Mill, SC. 9am. 120 Mile Relay. Contact: Customer Service 801-499-5024, customerservice@ragnarrelay.com. OCT. 5-7 - Grindstone 100, Swoope, VA. 6pm. 101.85 miles Contact: info@eco-xsports.com.

JFK 50 Miler

presented by Altra Running November 17, 2018 • 6:30am Boonsboro, Maryland Prize Money: $5,000. Course: 12.9 miles of paved roads, 26.3 miles on the flat, dirt/gravel C&O Canal Towpath, 11.5 miles on Applachian Trail.

Entry Limit: 1,250. Time Limit:13:00:00. 2017 Entrants: 1,049. Avg. Temp: 50ºF. Contact: Mike Spinnler 1012 Valleybrook Dr. Hagerstown, MD 21742 301-739-7004 • spinnlerm@msn.com wwww.jfk50mile.org NOV. 17 - Ultra Chili 50K, Mt. Pleasant, SC. 8am. Contact: 843-795-4386, kaedwards@ccprc.com. NOV. 24 - Derby 50K Ultra Run, Ellerbe, NC. 8am. Contact: runrbike@carolina.rr.com.

OCT. 6 - John Holmes 50K, 16 Mile & 9 Mile Trail Run, Brooksville, FL. 7am/50K, 8am/16 mi. & 9 mi. Contact: Jim Hartnett 813-232-5200, jim@tamparaces.com.

DEC. 1 - King of the Mountain 50K & 25K, Blacksburg, SC. 7:15am Contact: triviumracing@gmail.com.

OCT. 6 - General 100, 100 Miles, Kennesaw to Ringgold, GA. 4 or 7-Person Team. Contact: general100relay@gmail.com.

DEC. 8 - Bell Ringer 50K & 25K Trail Run, Burns, TN. 7am. Contact: Ranger Megan Dunn 615-797-9052, megan.n.dunn@tn.gov.

OCT. 6 - Rock/Creek StumpJump 50K Trail Race, Chattanooga, TN. 7:30am/50K, 8:30am/10 Miler. Contact: ultrasignup.com.

DEC. 9 - Palmetto Bluff Buffalo Run, 50K & 30K, Bluffton, SC. 6:30am/50K & Relay, 8:30am/30K & Relay, 10am/10K. Contact: 843-815-1718, rob@palmettorunningco.com.

OCT. 6-7 - Arkansas Traveller 100 Mile, Ouachita National Forest, AR. 6am. Contact: Thomas Chapin 501-231-0535, arkansastraveller100@gmail.com.

DEC. 15 - Lookout Mountain 50 Miler, Chattanooga, TN. 7:30am/50 mi. & 20 mi.; 8am/10K. Contact: info@wildtrails.org.

OCT. 13 - WC-50 Ultra Trail Marathon, 50K & 50 Mile Charlotte, NC. 5am/50 mile, 6am/50K. Contact: racedirector@usnwc.org.

DEC. 29 - S.C.U.M. Bag New Year Bash Ultra 3-6-12 Hour, Greenville, SC. 7am/12 hr., 1pm/6 hr., 4pm/3 hr. Contact: upstateultra@gmail.com.

OCT. 13 - Pilot Mountain to Hanging Rock Ultra Marathon, Danbury, NC. 6am/50 Mile & 50-Mile Relay, 7:45am/50K. Contact: 313-304-0903, triviumracing@gmail.com.

DEC. 31 - Recover From The Holidays 50K, Huntsville, AL. 8am. Contact: Chelsea Schiavone 256-682-2748, chelseasone@gmail.com.


Running Journal • June, 2018


The Athlete’s Kitchen


Sports Supplements: Buyer Beware? Definition of a sports supplement: A food, food component, nutrient, or non-food compound that is purposefully ingested in addition to the habitually consumed diet with the aim of achieving a specific health and/or performance benefit. The global sports nutrition supplement market (including sports foods, drinks and supplements) accounted for $28+ billion in 2016 and, with the help of rigorous advertising, is expected to almost double by 2022. How many of the products are moneymaking ploys marketed to uninformed runners? Unfortunately, too many. Due to the plethora of products that have infiltrated gyms, fitness centers and professional running teams, I get questioned by joggers and competitive marathoners alike: Which of these supplements are actually effective?? Hands down, the most effective way to enhance your running pace is via your day-today sports diet, coordinated with a consistent training program. Eating the right foods at the right times creates the essential foundation to your success as a runner. That said, specific sports supplements could make a minor contribution to small performance improvements for certain elite athletes. If you are wondering if the grass is greener on the other side of your sports diet’s fence, here are some facts from the 2018 IOC Consensus Statement: Dietary Supplements and the High-Performance Athlete. • Supplement use varies across sports. It increases with the athletes’ training level and age, is higher in men than women and is strongly influenced by perceived cultural norms. (For example, “Everyone” on my team takes creatine, so I do, too.) • Before making any decisions regarding sports supplements, you want to get a nutritional assessment to be sure your diet supports your performance goals. No amount of supplements will compensate for a lousy diet. To find a local sports dietitian who is a Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics (CSSD), use the referral network at www.SCANdpg.org. • Despite the ads you see for a zillion sports supplements, very few have strong proof of directly enhancing performance. These include caffeine, creatine, specific buffering agents, and nitrate. Period. • Very little research with supplements offers definitive evidence, in part because the research is rarely done with elite athletes under real life conditions. Real life includes 1) multi-day track meets, competitions or events, 2) “stacking” supplements (such as mixing caffeine and nitrates) and 3) determining if, let’s say, an elite runner responds the same way to a supplement as does a Division-3 collegiate runner. Real life also includes your unique microbiome (the bacteria in your gut that influence your overall health and well-being). We do not yet know how much a microbiome – which varies 80% to 90% between individuals – influences the effectiveness of a sports supplement and contributes to different responses. Supplements are used for many different reasons. Here’s a breakdown of supplements by categories. 1. Supplements used to prevent/treat nutrient deficiency. Nutrients of concern for runners include iron (to prevent anemia), calcium and vitamin D (for bone health), as well as iodine, folate and B-12 for specific sub-groups of runners, including vegans and women who might become pregnant. The basic supplement question is: If you are deficient, what led to that deficiency and what dietary changes will you make to resolve the issue so that it doesn’t happen again? 2. Supplements used to provide energy. Sports drinks, energy drinks, gels, electrolyte replacements, protein supplements, energy bars, and liquid meals are often used to help meet energy needs before, during and after exercise. They are a convenient, albeit more expensive, alternative to common foods. They aren’t magical or superior to natural food. They are just easy to carry, standardized and eliminate decisions about which foods would offer, let’s say, the “recommended ratio” of carbs, protein

Don’t let nutrition By Nancy Clark, M.S., R.D.

and fat. 3. Supplements that directly improve performance. Caffeine, creatine monohydrate, nitrate, sodium bicarbonate, and possibly beta-alanine are the very few performance enhancing supplements that have adequate support to suggest they may offer a marginal performance gain. If you choose to use them, be sure to test them thoroughly during hard training that mimics the competitive event. Choose a brand that is NSF Certified for Sport, to minimize the risk of consuming harmful drugs. Every year, athletes get suspended for failing a drug test after they unknowingly took a supplement with an illegal ingredient... 4. Supplements that indirectly improve performance. Some supplements claim to enhance performance indirectly by supporting a runner’s health and limiting illness. “Immune support” supplements that have moderate research to support their health claims include probiotics, vitamin D, and vitamin C. Supplements that lack strong support for their immune-enhancing claims include zinc, glutamine, Echinacea, vitamin E, and fish oil. Tart cherry juice and curcumin show promise A supplement with strong evidence to indirectly improve performance by helping build muscle is creatine monohydrate. Questionable supplements without strong evidence for runners include gelatin and HMB. Adverse effects. If some supplements are good, would more be better? No, supplements can cause harm. Too much iron can lead to iron overload. Too much caffeine increases anxiety. Supplements have been linked to liver toxicity, heart problems and seizures. In the USA in 2015, dietary supplements contributed to about 23,000 emergency department visits. That’s partially because manufacturers are not required to show safety or assure quality of a supplement. Athletes beware— and try to simply eat better to run better? Nancy Clark, MS, RD, CSSD counsels both casual and competitive athletes at her office in Newton, MA (617-795-1875). Her best selling Sports Nutrition Guidebook and food guides for marathoners, cyclists and new runners offer additional information. They are available at www.NancyClarkRD.com. For her popular online workshop, see www.NutritionSportsExerciseCEUs.com. References Maughan R, Burke L, Dvorak J et al. IOC Consensus Statement: Dietary Supplements and the High-Performance Athlete Intl J Sports Nutr Exerc Metab 2018, 28: 104-125. https://globenewswire.com/newsrelease/2017/01/10/904591/0/en/Global-Sports-NutritionMarket-will-reach-45-27-Billion-by-2022-Zion-MarketResearch.html Nancy Clark, MS, RD, CSSD (Board Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics) counsels both casual and competitive athletes at her office in Newton, MA (617-795-1875). Her best selling Sports Nutrition Guidebook and food guides for marathoners and new runners offer additional information. They are available at www.NancyClarkRD.com. For her popular online workshop, see www.NutritionSportsExerciseCEUs.com.

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Running Journal • June, 2018

Distance Memories Counting Chickens, a Close Call … On April 18, 2018 I wrote a column for the Newnan (Georgia) Times-Herald addressing the safety concerns of a local road. I suggested several remedies - a reduced speed limit, the addition of speed bumps and additional police presence, among others - to make the road safer.

By Scott Ludwig

Then this happened… Early in the morning on Sunday, April 22four days after my column on the perils of Senoia's Old Highway 85 appeared in the local newspaper, my friends Valerie and Antonio and I were running along a onemile stretch of the road, a road that in no way should have 'highway' in its name. There are numerous personal residences and an elementary school located on it and as I pointed out in my earlier column, it has a posted speed limit of 45 miles per hour, more a suggestion than a directive. Towards the end of our run we turned off Dolly Nixon onto Old Highway 85. Antonio mentioned how we hadn't seen a vehicle on this particular road since the time we met Valerie at her mailbox, when we began our run two hours earlier, and again now as we were finishing up our run. (Valerie happens to live on Old Highway 85; Antonio and I run from my house two miles away and

meet her there.) The instant Antonio spoke the thought 'Don't count your chickens before they hatch' crossed my mind. Three or four minutes later we stopped on the opposite side of the road from Valerie's mailbox to make plans for our next run. We happened to look up and saw the first vehicle we had seen all morning on Old Highway 85 heading towards us. It seemed to appear out of nowhere -obviously moving much faster than 45 miles an hour - and drifting towards us and certainly not traveling parallel to the painted stripes in the middle of the road as it should have been. Suddenly Valerie, Antonio and I all had the same thought - that truck is heading straight

for us! Antonio and I immediately jumped well off the grass near the shoulder of the road into the front yard of Valerie's across-the-street neighbor. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Valerie's feet flying through the air; later I discovered she had pushed her dog Marley out of harms way and then made a last-second dive to save herself. Miraculously the truck missed the three of us (four, if you count Marley). The truck grazed the neighbor's mailbox before it made a sharp turn into the other side of the road and promptly obliterated the three mailboxes - one of them being Valerie's - before veering yet again back to the other side of the road, spinning around and flipping completely over before coming to a stop … exactly one foot from the wooden fence surrounding a horse stable, about 75 yards from where it grazed that first mailbox five seconds earlier. But somehow it seemed like everything occurred in slow motion. Antonio dialed 911 on his cell phone (he never runs without it…'just in case') and handed it to me since I was more familiar with the area. As I was speaking to the operator, Valerie and Antonio approached the vehicle. (The three of us spoke later and realized we all shared the same thought: 'We just watched someone die!') Surprisingly-if not astonishingly a young man appeared to lift his head off the steering wheel and tried to open the driver's side door, only to discover he couldn't because it had been severely damaged in the accident. He then crawled out through the truck window after announcing he was OK. Later, with the exception of a small laceration on his arm and the simple fact that he

13.1 miles – Coastal 5K – Doggie Dash


was in a state of both shock and denial, it did appear that in time the driver of the truck was going to be just fine, at least as far as his health was concerned. However, there may be other consequences down the road based on what the law enforcement officers on the scene found in their investigation of the accident. I'll leave it up to them to sort things out. Looking back I realize a miracle had occurred that morning. The miracle wasn't that Valerie, Antonio and I avoided being struck by the runaway truck, or that the driver managed to survive the violent crash. The miracle was that when I got home that morning, the thought of using the virtually dormant treadmill in the basement suddenly seemed appealing. After all, it's nowhere near Old Highway 85. This article was written as a reminder that you run safely … and as you do when you operate an automobile, be sure to'watch out for the other guy'. Scott Ludwig has been an avid runner since 1978; in fact the last day he didn’t run was November 29 of that year — he’s run every day since. Scott is the author of 13 books, nine of them about running. His latest book, Running Out of Gas was released in January 2018 by Meyer and Meyer Publishers. His books can be found in Barnes and Noble stores as well as on Amazon. Scott lives, runs and writes in Senoia, Georgia where he lives with his wife, Cindy, and their three cats. In his free time he enjoys being ‘G-Pa’ to his grandson Krischan, something he’s been training for his entire life.




Running Journal • June, 2018


Learning from the Young Guns Setting Up a Racing Schedule A few summers ago, one of our ZAP resident athletes concluded his year with a 5000-meter track race. As is often the case on the professional track and field circuit, the faster you run the more racing opportunities you get. His race went well that night and the next morning he received an invitation to a 3000-meter race that night. Typically we as coaches, and he as an athlete, would never entertain races on back-to-back days, but it was the last race of the season and he was scheduled to take a break afterward so he decided to race. The result was the fastest 3000-meter race of his life. Now, I still would never advise that approach, but depending on the athlete and the race distance the optimal racing schedule will vary from person to person. However, there are some important concepts to understand when putting together a racing schedule. There are two main types of athletes when it comes to racing: those who love to race frequently and view training as a means to an end, and those who are content to put their head down and train for long periods of time without racing. The latter tend to be well suited to longer distance races such as the half marathon and marathon, while the former often gravitate to the 5K and 10K. While this isn't always true, these tendencies are fitting given the demands of each race distance. The best way to layout any racing schedule is to pick a goal race and work backward. If your goal race is a 5K or 10K, you want to look at 3-4 races in the 10-12 weeks preceding that race. These races will sharpen your racing skills and your body's ability to tolerate high levels of acidity. The burning you feel in your legs, or throughout your entire body, at the end of a 5K or 10K makes is from the increased acidity in your muscles. Being able to effectively buffer and clear lactic acid will allow you to push through those final several minutes of shorter distance races. An effective way to improve your

By Ryan Warrenburg, ZAP Fitness

race tactics and callous your body to the high levels of muscular acidity experienced in the final third of a 5K or 10K is to race a few times before your goal race. Mix in an over distance and under distance race if possible in those 3-4 races. Ideally, the longer distance race would be the first race of the build-up when you are strong but not race sharp. For a 5K race this could be anything from 8K to 10 miles. For a 10K race you could go up to a half marathon distance, but I would recommend keeping it in the 8-10 mile range in order to minimize the potential of a longer recovery period that could interrupt training. Ideally each race should be 2-3 weeks apart in order to allow for proper recovery and for normal training to resume between races. The final preparation race should be 2-3 weeks before the goal race and should be shorter than the goal race. With a 5K this may not be possible, but for a 10K, a 5K race would be ideal preparation 2-3 weeks out to sharpen up and recover quickly. Race scheduling for a half marathon or marathon goal race requires a different approach. The needs of either race are far different than that of a 5K or 10K. In 5K and 10K racing the races themselves provide excellent specific preparation. Longer races require more recovery time and therefore create longer interruptions in training, and shorter races do not provide the specific preparation like they do in 5K/10K training. This is not to say rac-

ing can or should not be part of successful training for the half marathon and marathon, but it is important to be more selective. The two major keys to successful half marathon and marathon training are consistency in overall running volume and consistency in the long runs. If you are racing a 5K or 10K every other weekend during marathon or half marathon training, then one or both of those training principals is likely being compromised. In preparation for a half marathon, aim for 1-3 races within the final 10-12 weeks. These races should be shorter than the half marathon distance and be scheduled at least 2-3 weeks apart. In addition to a quality workout and opportunity to run fast these races keep you engaged with the emotional and logistical side of racing, something that can be overwhelming if not practiced. From a physiological perspective they are not as critical as in 5K/10K preparation, but it is still important to stay familiar with the uniqueness of race day: discomfort, adrenaline and all. For the full marathon distance, many runners choose not to run any preparation races and instead focus solely on training. This can work for some athletes, but for the reasons listed previously, aim to race 1-2 times within the final 10 weeks of marathon training. One of these races should between 10 miles and 13.1 miles in distance and scheduled 4-6 weeks prior to the race. This race can be run for time or as a practice run where you run the first 7-8 miles at goal marathon pace and then pick it up bit by bit over the final miles. If you opt for an additional race it should be a shorter race such as a 10K, scheduled 710 weeks prior to the marathon. A shorter race is great for those who enjoy racing a bit more and prefer to break up training and enjoy the race environment in the midst of marathon training. Your racing schedule should reflect you as a runner and your goals, but be mindful of balancing training, rest, and racing

in order to put yourself in the best position to succeed. ZAP Fitness is a Reebok Sponsored nonprofit facility which supports post collegiate distance runners in Blowing Rock, NC. ZAP puts on adult running camps during the summer and through ZAP Fitness Coaching Ryan Warrenburg and Matt LoPiccolo work with dozens of runners around the country. The facility has a state of the art weight room, exercise science lab for testing and a 24 bed lodge. Coaches at the facility include 2-time Olympic Trials Qualifier Zika Rea, head coach Pete Rea, Ryan, and Matt. For more information go to www.zapfitness.com or call 828-295-6198.

ZAP Fitness Adult Running Vacations SUMMER 2018 CAMP DATES: June 27- July 1 Outdoor Adventure Weekend Guest Speaker: Amy Rudolph-Carroll July 8-13 Bear Week Guest Speaker: Bill Rodgers July 16-21 Blue Ridge Running Vacation Guest Speaker: Carrie Tollefson August 5-10 Marathon Week Guest Speaker: Cathy O’Brien Sept. 13-16 Half Marathon & Marathon Weekend Guest Speakers: Kim Jones and Jon Sinclair

Running Journal wants to print YOUR Running Story! Do you have an interesting running story? Or do you know someone who does? Running Journal is looking for stories from our readers. Maybe you’d like to write about how you train, where you train, your favorite race, your favorite training partner, or just share a special running experience. Or you may want to tell us about someone else who deserves recognition for a running accomplishment, whether it be running their first marathon or running their first mile! Please send articles via e-mail to: rj@running.net or mail to Running Journal, P.O. Box 157, Greeneville, TN 37744. Articles should be between 500-700 words or less. Please include a photo if possible.

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ZAP Fitness P.O. Box 192 Blowing Rock, North Carolina (zip) 28605 • 828-295-6198 @gmail.com


Running Journal • June, 2018

After the Run Weather or Not, Boston Bound to Get the Job Done When Lakeland, Florida runner Rhonda Fosser took a few seconds to pose beside one of the featured speakers at last year's RRCA Convention in Detroit, the premonition that she could possibly be standing beside the 2018 Boston Marathon Champion escaped her. “I was excited to get my picture taken with [Desiree Linden] at the convention, but I had no idea I would be jumping in front of my TV this year cheering her on to win the Boston Marathon!” Fosser said. She also shared that her first impression of Linden was that she was very small, totally humble and down to earth, yet when given a challenge, “ready to train hard and get the job done.” Those were certainly perceptive observations Fosser had of Linden. At 5'1”, the 34-year old American runner weighs only about a hundred pounds but packs the persistence of a hundred percent. Even after admitting to having the fleeting feeling of “throwing in the towel this year” after not experiencing a victory at any of her last 13 marathons, Linden summoned her inner slogan, “keep showing up”, and not only showed up at the Boston Marathon starting line, but showed up prepared to get the job done, indeed. The course was consumed by cold, drenching rain, and gusts of wind. Linden's mind was consumed with thoughts, during the early miles, that it just wasn't going to be her day. She therefore decided to devote her efforts to helping fellow American female runners, like Shalane Flanagan and Molly Huddle, in their attempts to claim the day's marathon victory. At some point however, Linden was reminded that her “keep showing up” motto, for which she has now filed with the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office to trademark, means more than simply showing up for the race. It also means showing up for each and every mile in the race. The late miles began passing faster and Linden's legs began “getting better pop.” “She made me want to start running right then as I was watching her power through the pouring rain,” Fosser said. Fosser ran the Boston Marathon in 2015, requalified in 2016, and requalified again in late 2017 for next year's Boston Marathon. “I decided in the fall of 2017 that I wanted to qualify and run at least one more Boston Marathon,” Fosser said. The day before the Jacksonville Ameris Bank Marathon in December, Fosser registered for the Boston Qualifying race with the confidence that, despite not having the mileage on her legs she would have wanted, she could still achieve a 4:40

By Mary Marcia Brown

or faster required of women in her 65 to 70-year age group. Though she had run only two other marathons in previous years, she had finished both with BQ times and believed the third could also be a charm. She was right. “My time was 4:21:18 so I qualified for Boston by almost 19 minutes and earned first place in my age group. I was super excited and thankful!” she said. Fosser said that while a lot of marathon runners probably rank qualifying for and running Boston as their proudest running accomplishments, her proudest moment was her very first race -- the 4-mile Daytona Easter Beach run that she ran with her father, then 72. Fosser's dad, the late John Hickey, as well as her mother,

Erma, inspired her to start running when she was 49. Though she did not finish faster than her dad in that first race, she said that she was immediately “hooked” and has been running strong ever since. Just last month, the 67-year old retired elementary school teacher, who tries to run at least two races each month, placed second in her age group in a half marathon she ran in Central Park, NY, and placed first in her age group at a 10k in Jacksonville. Among her future running goals, Fosser hopes to run another popular Jacksonville race again, the Gate River Run, and she aspires to continue running Gasparilla races. An Illinois native, the Chicago Marathon is on her race radar, too. Trying some new races with her favorite running partner and biggest cheerleader, her husband, Terry, is also on the list of goals. Terry will be in Boston cheering for Fosser during her 2019 marathon. “My goals for the 2019 Boston Marathon are to have fun and enjoy the whole experience with friends from Lakeland and my husband,” Fosser said, explaining that running another BQ time would be an added benefit. She also said that she would love to see weather that does not include the rain,

Rhonda with Desiree Linden at the 2017 RRCA Convention in Detroit


strong head winds and cold temperatures that Linden experienced this year. One of Fosser's most recent races included comparable conditions and she understands, firsthand, what a difference they can make to a race experience and finishing time. Linden's 2018 Boston Marathon finishing time of 2:39:54 was the slowest for a women's open winner in 40 years. It was also more than 17 minutes off her 2011 finishing time, but it was a winning time that will inspire for years. Just ask Fosser. “I know Desiree's Boston victory has encouraged many female runners to keep working toward their goals, whether their first 5K or Boston. Seeing her cross that finish line made me so proud of her and all the other runners out there, too. Challenges make us stronger!” Whether or not the Boston Marathon brings the added challenge of trying weather in 2019, inspired by Linden, Fosser plans to approach the next several months “ready to train hard and get the job done.” Mary Marcia is a runner and fitness professional navigating her way through the unpredictable terrain of life. She is President of the non-profit organization, the PHEEL GOOD Foundation, and she can be reached at marymarcia@pheelgoodfoundation.com.

Rhonda and her husband, Terry at the finish line of the Jacksonville Ameris Bank Marathon


Running Journal • June, 2018


Running Through the Bluegrass Dug Deep, Tougher Race With Good Result This marathon cycle I unplugged a little bit. I didn't write training logs. I did a terrible job, frankly, of even updating my logs for my coach to review. I didn't post a lot about running on social media. I also hit taper with mixed feelings. I could see in those aforementioned neglected logs that I had done plenty of work - in fact, higher weekly mileage and better speed work than before Chicago but I just didn't feel like I had worked as hard. Was that because I didn't spend as much time dwelling on my training? Or because I ran more with friends? Or that I ran a lot on the treadmill, which doesn't require as much mental energy? Heading into the Carmel Marathon at Carmel, Indiana, I set myself three fairly clear goals: Place in the top 3; run under 3 hours; don't walk. I talked to my coach, Matt Ebersole of Personal Best Training, about my goals before the race. Of course, I said, there's only so much I can do about who shows up to the race in terms of finishing place - but I felt ready to fight for it. I also told Matt I wanted to run a smarter race than I did at Chicago, where

By Tracy Green

I got sucked in by the energy and went out like a crazy person - and walked several times. We went up on Friday night, did a quick expo trip and ate at a local Italian place. I slept great, woke around 6 a.m. and had coffee, water, and an Rx Bar. I did Jasyoga's race day warm up and race day meditation videos, loaded up my stuff, and headed out. Husband and I dropped our bags at coach's tent, grabbed a friend and did a 13-minute warm-up jog. I had Hammer Nutrition's Fully Charged at 7:30 and a Hammer Gel at 7:45. The weather was around 38 but windy, the wind chill a few degrees cooler. I had stripped down to shorts, singlet, gloves, headband. The wind was expected to pick up as the day went on, getting closer to 15-20 mph by the time I finished. Miles 1-6: 6:39, 6:45, 6:43, 6:40, 6:46, 6:48. I immediately went out a little too

quick, but felt comfortable. I chatted with a few people around and tried to settle in somewhere around 6:45s. The course has quite a few rolling hills, and I knew we'd be turning in and out of the wind, so I didn't panic that the miles weren't exactly the same splits. I wanted to run based on how I felt, not on what the watch said. I saw my husband a few miles in, as he was able to run across the course. I take a gel around here somewhere - my target was around 45 minutes but there wasn't a water stop nearby until mile 7. Miles 7-13: 6:45, 6:41, 6:46, 6:49, 6:49, 6:44 (maybe). For a bit I was in a pretty big pack that included another Louisville guy, so I ran and talked to him for a few minutes before he pulled ahead. Relax, relax, relax. We get on the Monon Trail for a bit and I tried to save that into my memory so I would know the last bits of the race - we'd come the same way for the marathon, but start farther out on the Monon. We come up the hill to the finish area and it's no joke heading into the wind. I miss the 13 mile marker in all the finish area chaos but hit halfway in 1:28:35. Perfect. As I cross, a pace bike takes off with me. “You're second female,” he says as he starts pedaling. Oh! Okay! Miles 14-20: 6:44 (ish), 6:51, 6:47, 6:52, 6:54, 6:56, 6:38.

Personal Best Training members took three marathon podium spots at this year's Carmel Marathon. From left, Collin Trent (second), Kelby Laughner (first), coach Matt Ebersole, Tracy Green (second).

I knew there was a chance I'd come through in second but honestly I thought one or two other women would go through the half fast and I'd try to pick them off later. I expected this so much that I asked my husband to try to get to 14 or so and give me a count so I'd know what I needed to do. I see him and wave excitedly that I'm in second! I was trying to find my rhythm but wasn't feeling it as much as we ran into the wind. There were more hills and bridges than I expected. I had been running a long time. We round a corner at mile 19 and I use the opportunity to sneak a peek backwards. I can see another woman really close. I pick it up. At 20, the other woman has several friends out there cheering for her. I came through in 2:15, with just enough mental capacity to conclude I had 45 minutes to run a 10k to make it under 3. A couple miles later, coach's wife is cheering for me. It came at a great point after the other women's cheer squad and being passed by a few men, I was struggling. The wind was definitely picking up, and the miles I hoped would have a tailwind didn't. I knew there was a bit of a U-turn at 24 that would drop us straight into the wind for the last couple of miles. As we made the tight turn - nearly knocking Ben off his bike in the process - I was able to watch for the woman behind me. She was close, but not as close as she had been. We met back up with the half-marathoners soon after. Thank goodness for Ben. He cleared a path, calling to runners/walkers ahead. So many of them were nice enough to clap and cheer! There's a series of turns at the end … as you come off the Monon Trail, the course opens from a narrow path to two lanes of traffic, which was hard to navigate with all the half-marathoners and coming into the next right-hand turn. Then - up the hill. I knew it would be even steeper and windier the second time, and I was right. You can see it in that last mile split! My husband is there as I make the final right and the downhill finish is very, very welcome. As I run the final stretch, it's lined by PBT teammates and I am pumped. Coach is just past the finish and I cross as second woman in 2:57:35, just 32 seconds slower than my PR and on a much tougher course on a much tougher day. It wasn't a PR, but I met all three of my goals for the day. What's more, I showed myself the first 2:57 wasn't a fluke - I can do it. And I dug deep and fought hard. After, coach said I “gave more instead of giving in.” It's a race performance I'm proud of, for sure. Tracy Green is a runner and writer living in Louisville, KY, where she lives with her husband, Chris. She is a Hammer Nutrition sponsored athlete and certified Pilates instructor. Find her at @TGRunFit on Twitter and Instagram, Facebook.com/TGRunFit, or TGRunFit.com.


Running Journal • June, 2018


Inspired Daily The Mile Matters, It's America's Distance … Coaching, like training, is both art and science. I think that's what makes it so interesting and so exciting. I trained and raced for almost two decades before deciding to become a certified running coach. I had one coach all through middle and high school, two different coaches during college, and then was selfcoached for a while. During all that time, I raced distances from 400 meters to the marathon. I had learned a great deal from my coaches, books, and personal experience. I reached a point in my own running that I wanted to learn the best ways to train and, once I started coaching, I wanted to learn the best ways to train others. I wanted to learn it all so I decided to get certified by both the Road Runners Club of America and USA Track and Field. Level I coaching education from both RRCA and USATF gave me the confidence to train anyone at any event in distance road running and track. USATF Level II was a whole other level! It was a week of reading, studying, group projects, and lots of science. Now I discovered the why behind it all. Level II gave me confidence to train anyone at any distance and be able to explain why we do certain workouts and when. Science.

By Rae Ann Darling Reed

Check! As I have gained more years of coaching experience, I have learned that different people react differently to workouts. I no longer give the same workout to my entire cross country or track team. As I get to know each student-athlete, I find out each person's strengths, weaknesses, and motivation. For example, I discovered that the girls perform better on race day if we do a slightly harder workout two days before while the boys do not. Moving the boys' last hard effort to three days before the race resulted in more success for them. Even within each team/gender, there


Down the Road Running And Cancer Q & A Q. Have you lived long enough? A. A Doctor told me if you lived long enough, you will get cancer. Nobody asked, but yes I got it, so I have to assume I've lived long enough. How about you? Q. What are the types of cancer you can get? A. Too many to name, but they sort into two types. Type one, the minor ones, like some kinds of skin cancer lots of runners get from running for years without using sunscreen, hats or protection against the burning rays of the sun. Remember a sun tan is not a good thing. It means your skin has been injured and turns tan to tell you to stop doing it. It also turns your skin into leather as you get older, but some people must like it since so many people do it. So if you do, you'll get to go to the Dr. every few months to have pre-cancers burned off. It hurts. They use a nitrogen thing and it feels like they are literally burning (instead of freezing) the things off your face, legs, arms etc. These types usually won't interfere with your running. I had

By Cedric Jaggers

minor surgery when part of my ear lobe had to be removed in 2007 due to a small cancer in it. I was able to recover quickly (no radiation no chemotherapy) and ran the Bridge Run every year thereafter until the untimely car wreck in 2013 a few weeks after the race ended my ability to run. During that period, I won age group division awards at several different races, and even the Grand Masters overall at the Rice Run 5K in Walterboro in 2011, and ran a lot of other ones. Type two, the major ones. These require

Coach Rae Ann Darling Reed with 3200 Meter State Finalists Raquel Lespasio and Trent Shackelford.

major surgery, and then sometimes radiation, and then chemotherapy or immunotherapy, after you've recovered from the surgery. Can I repeat my favorite old joke about surgery? Yes, okay: “The only minor surgery is surgery on somebody else.” You'll appreciate telling this joke to your friends if you have to have surgery. Some of them will even laugh. I'll use a couple of personal examples. My wife Kathy had major surgery to remove a big section of her colon due to cancer. Would you be surprised to learn that it was in 1995? She was not able to run the 1996 Cooper River Bridge Run due to it. But she recovered and came back and won her age group at the 1997 race. Then she won prize money (3rd place Female Grand Master) at that race the next year in 1998. Some people live to prove that cancer doesn't have to end your running and race. Other things can end your running and racing. For example Kathy's Multiple Sclerosis, and my foot damage in the already mentioned 2013 car wreck, when a woman was texting and came across the line and hit us head on. But that is another story. Q. What can you expect if you get cancer? A. A lot of Doctor visits. A lot of tests. A lot of uncertainty as to how bad it is.

Some of the tests are to check that out. Ever had an aspiration? How about a CAT scan, or an MRI or a PET scan? Chances are you will learn more about them than you want to know depending on the location and type of your cancer. Q. Does everybody have to have radiation treatment? A. No. If the doctors are sure they got it all, you won't undergo that treatment. Be glad. Q. What does radiation treatment involve? A. They told me there were 2 main types. One being 6 weeks of low dose treatment. The other being 2 and a half weeks of high dose treatment. The high dose I got was 600 centigrays doses. Most people suffer some hair loss depending on where the treatment occurs. Since mine was high in my throat I have no hair on the lower right side of my face. Good thing I cut off my beard some years ago. The doctor said it may come back, but only a few hairs have, so I only have to shave half my face. Q. How does radiation treatment affect your running? A lot while you are getting it. It makes you feel sick as a dog and tired as if you had just finished a marathon. I can testify that I was able to exercise, but



Running Journal • June, 2018

SOUTHEASTERN ROAD RACE RESULTS more results at running.net

ALABAMA Physicians Who Care 5K Gadsden, AL – 4/7 Male, Overall – George Kipligat 15:23, Chris Mahaffey 16:41, Riley Wilson 17:56. 9-under – Mark Valentine 39:14. 10-14 – Max Valentine 20:56, Zane Holcomb 20:59, Noah Monday 22:38. 15-19 – Lav Manion 42:58, Joshua Crate 43:00. 25-29 – Alan Crider 19:45, Bradley Jones 20:18, Will Mackey 21:37. 30-34 – Kevin Johnson 23:17, Mark Gentry 23:27, David Schumaker 23:32. 35-39 – Chris Johnson 34:40. 40-44 – Brian Valentine 21:13, Will Strunk 24:07, Brian Mount 24:22. 45-49 – Dennis Davis 20:38, Michael Arther 21:26, Eric Womack 27:35. 50-54 – Rick Janns 21:28, David Noah 24:25, Greg McDonald 25:13. 55-59 – Terry Gray 24:03, Bob Pearl 24:45, Johnny Mathis 41:57. 60-64 – Frank Burgett 22:43, David Presley 24:27, Tim Franklin 25:06. 70-over – Richard Dean 26:17, Dave Micale 26:21, Jim Parham 30:28. Female, Overall – Brandi Nichols 20:19, Alexis Valentine 21:05, Catherine Harrison 22:55. 10-14 – Cayden McCord 35:14. 20-24 – Mikaila Walker 32:50. 25-29 – Kaci Watts 40:09, Carrie Copeland 47:02, Jenny Pilkanis 50:55. 30-34 – Brittney Parnell 26:16, Whitney Hall 35:14, Christa McCord 35:15. 35-39 – Leticia Cortez-Lutes 28:10, Mistie Beam 32:28, Bradi Clough 33:17. 40-44 – Janet Wilson 25:49, Becky Strunk 26:20, Leah Blevins 28:27. 45-49 – Janet Smith 24:40, Mary Langley 26:50, Christy Richards 27:33. 50-54 – Leigh Stevens 31:26, Lisa Harris 35:18, Amy Harper 40:06. 55-59 – Caroline Harrison 25:43, Paula Pearl 30:47, Gina Morris 34:29. 60-64 – Trudy Hall 29:43, Patti Cunningham 43:49, Joyce Roberson 46:44.

8K By the Bay Mobile, AL – 4/21 Male, Overall – Drew Roberts 30:06, Daniel Holley 31:36, Brad Roberts 31:39. Masters – Forrest Catlett 33:53. Grandmasters – Calvin Lewis 34:45. Senior Grandmasters – David Jeffrey 36:10. 9-under – Jon Martin 42:22. 10-14 – Stephen Conrad 32:29, Noah Boyd 35:26, Jonathan Swilley 40:11. 15-19 – Owen Martin 42:22, Grayson Webb 46:04. 20-24 – Dayton Busby 38:05. 25-29 – Tobias Claussnitzer 34:13, David Dickinson 40:09, John Barrett 41:18. 30-34 – Aaron Freesmeier 34:07, Joshua Gillman 37:35, Brandon hall 38:16. 35-39 – James Contratto 36:19, Alberez Wiggins 38:12, Drew Kite 40:52. 40-44 – Sanchea Franc 35:14, Jonathon Woodard 37:47, Jonathan Dic 39:56. 45-49 – Eduar Arumiriera 33:59, Jeremy Summerlin 36:54, William Anderson 47:43. 5054 - Andrew Belcher 39:11, Thomas Rich 39:54, Steve Bryant 40:49. 55-59 – Victor Birch 34:50, Ricky McLean 35:58, Tony Dressler 36:08. 60-64 – Paul Bergman 38:21, David Dutton 41:59, Dewayne Holley 42:08. 6569 – Paul Baswell 38:32, Billy Brady 41:14, Don Stringfellow 47:23. 70-74 – Ron Mitchell 44:08, William McGough 49:45, Phillip Fields 54:58. 75-79 – Kent Welsh 46:03. 80-over – Will Wright 54:22, Lee Echols 1:04:22, Phil Bohan 1:07:58. Female, Overall – Samantha Gardner 32:22, Christine Conrad 35:56, Lauren Lemon 36:59. Masters – Tammy Ford 38:24. Grandmasters – Suzanne Clark 43:34. Senior Grandmasters – Sabine Schultz 44:54. 9-under – Peyton Boyd 55:57. 10-14 – Breanna Gillard 1:13:03. 15-19 – Sicily Hardy 55:06. 20-24 – Allie Faggetter 46:06, Savannah McDonough 53:07. 2529 – Lucy Gafford 42:53, Holly Campbell 43:10, Amanda Wenzinger 53:31. 30-34 – Katie McCafferty 38:52, Katie Azevedo 42:10, Candice Cravins 46:31. 35-39 – Ashley Andrews 38:07, Kristen Murphree 38:21, Sam Skidmore 39:09. 40-44 – Canesse Fincher 42:39, Ashley Benson 43:31, Jennifer Coleman 44:34. 45-49 – Rhonda Collings 42:19, Melissa Ard 44:11, Donna Craft 50:01. 50-54 – Donna Summerlin 46:01, Diana Curd 46:07,

Lisa Renfroe 55:38. 55-59 - Freda Rambo 45:33, Suanne White-Spunner 46:29, Emma Jeffrey 46:52. 6064 – Suzie Wilder 46:00, Susan Rhodes 46:18, Cindy Leonard 50:06. 65-69 – Nancy Elstner 48:20, Cay Welsh 55:28, Renee Thompson 58:48. 70-74 – Marian Loftin 45:55, Marsha Stull 1:12:08. – Will Wright

Quarry Crusher – Birmingham 3.7 miles, 7.4 miles Birmingham, AL – 4/28 Male, 3.7 miles: Overall – Kenneth Atchison 29:04, Clayton Becker 30:06, Jim Perry 30:57. Masters – Ben Steltenpohl 32:15. 14-under – Gabriel Pigg 31:30, Cole Senciboy 33:43, William Pigg 34:46. 15-19 – Matthew McCarrell 36:34, Colby McCarrell 36:54, Ladon Senciboy 37:58. 20-24 – Marco Barral 34:41, Mitch Newell 45:14. 25-29 – Kyle Roberds 36:30, Carson Laudadio 36:41, Nathan Herrington 38:06. 30-34 – Andrew Fox 35:05, Rob Ketcham 36:51, Paul Velotas 37:21. 35-39 – Joseph Fairburn 35:20, Christopher Nelson 41:35, Darrius Hoskins 43:03. 40-44 – Marcus Hood 37:46, Benjamin Brewer 38:02, Bruce Cooper 41:34. 45-49 – Randy Pigg 32:25, Scott McCledon 35:31, Paul Ross 39:40. 50-54 – Daniel Mellott 35:44, Timothy Adams 38:17, William Hicks 42:55. 55-59 – Scott Malone 42:54, Mark Waggoner 46:05, Scott Suttle 48:59. 60-64 – Cliff Clark 50:38. 65-69 – Steve Schingler 52:58. Female, 3.7 miles: Overall – Alex Steltenpohl 32:28, Sandy Cates 34:11, Morgan Passman 37:30. Masters – Mickey Dickerson 39:38. 14-under – Elizabeth Rice 44:29, Erin Selesky 44:32, Sarah Kate Potter 50:06. 15-19 – Destiny Guidry 56:8, Stella Ross 57:18. 20-24 – Katie Toler 45:14, Lase Higgins 1:03:31, Noelle Geeslin 1:22:33. 25-29 – Anna McRae 38:07, Meredith Taylor 45:03, Hannah McGee 49:42. 30-34 – Katy Webb 37:55, Bethany Fairburn 38:14, Alici Rideout 39:47. 35-39 – Joy Tarpley 43:19, Amber Richardson 43:26, Amanda Cutshall 46:05. 4044 – Janie McNutt 4:15, Elizabeth Palmer 40:23, Beverly Saaverdra 40:47. 45-49 – Susie Buckingham 43:48, Alison Hulcher 47:43, Rhonda Nabors 49:27. 50-54 – Karla McGrady 53:13, Susan Johnson 55:14, Tara Wilson 57:46. 55-59 – R0se Tachick 45:58, Valerie Campbell 45:59, Julie Thomasson 46:15. 60-64 – Gail Bevier 46:22, Pam Love-Mincy 1:15:08, Lesa Harden 1:18:57. 65-69 – Cindy Duke 47:04. 70-over – Judy Webster 1:14:15. Male, 7.4 miles: Overall – Darrell Webb 55:45, Zachary Hogan 57:13, Gerhard Zechner 1:00:09. Masters – Kevin Hanson 1:06:02. 20-24 – Bailey Tarin 1:03:40. 25-29 – Logan Wilks 1:12:40. 30-34 – Matt Matlcok 1:04:35. 35-39 – Chris Vaden 1:02:27. 40-44 – Andrew Ness 1:11:27. 45-49 – Jeffrey Rodgers 1:07:44. 55-59 – Buddy Wilson 1:12:31. Female, 7.4 miles: Overall – Stephanie Gonzalez 1:04:27, Miranda Smith 1:07:10, Mieke Hemstreet 1:08:08. Masters – Karen Monosky 1:16:20. 14-under – Olivia Baker 1:52:10. 25-29 – Elizabeth Burson 1:14:38. 40-44 – Jennifer Brown 1:16:41. 45-49 – Tomie Ann Boackle 1:25:14. 55-59 – Janis Posey 1:24:32. 60-64 – Sheila Stiles 1:31:23.

Miles to Margaritas 5K Birmingham, AL – 5/5 Male, Overall – Jensen Hammons 18:37. 14-under – Jay Pickett 26:38, Tyler Handley 33:09, Grayson Thompson 40:45. 15-19 – Blake Childers 20:07, Dean Null 24:15, Zacary Knox 39:47. 20-24 – Chordaryus Billingsley 24:38, Joseph Ford 26:05, John Null 27:31. 25-29 – John Rait 19:57, Kenneth Farrar 22:30, Samuel Fehling 23:49. 30-34 – Rob Ketcham 22:44, Daniel Walters 23:13, Matthew Rice 24:25. 3539 – Billy Rose 19:43, Will Lyndon 19:55, Phillip Madonia 20:29. 40-44 – Richard Skellie 23:43, Keith Barrow 25:51, Ryan McCleary 26:10. 45-49 – David Redden 29:35, Jeffrey Marlow 29:44, Michael Bastille

www.running.net 31:13. 50-54 – Rouglas Datcher 28:26, Michael Hanson 29:40, Eric Ford 30:13. 55-59 – Chip Hammons 24:09, Bob Harrison 24:19, Danny McNamee 26:10. 60-64 – Jim Curtis 37:22, Scott Danson 48:46. 65-over – Alain Ehrhardt 24:27, Bill Bowman 29:14, Thomas Dailey 30:01. Female, Overall – Rebecca Stover 20:09. 14-under – Lilly Gunn 32:48, Skylar Thompson 39:46, Samantha Settle 42:07. 15-19 – Morgan Walker 25:40, Brooke Perrigin 30:50, Maitland Null 31:50. 2024 – Ellen Hart 25:30, Lindsay Grosz 27:31, Samanta Fernandez 29:10.25-29 – Lauren Velez 23:01, Leslie Garner 24:33, Julia Limon 26:06. 30-34 – Erin Johnson 24:34, Becky Flegner 25:06, Emily McClure 26:14. 3539 – Victoria Brakhage 24:11, Patricia Clark 25:38, Corey Kappler 25:39. 40-44 – Gretchen Pickett 26:38, Miranda Shirley 28:56, Danielle Jones 29:48. 45-49 – Alissa Hammons 24:26, Kelly Walker 29:52, Melissa Childers 30:26. 50-54 – Janet Turner 28:47, Leslie Duldt 30:11, Tracie Harrison 30:53. 55-59 – Terri McPherson 34:02, Nancy Barr 34:17, Kim Bullock 34:17. 60-64 – Brenda Benavidez 31:16, Rita Boydston 35:51, Linda Banks 40:22. 65-over – Debi Danson 50:17.

ARKANSAS Hogeye Marathon/Half Marathon/5K Fayetteville, AR – 4/14 Male, Marathon: Overall – Jeff Kent 2:34:19, Austin Simkins 2:46:41, David Theriot 3:07:09. Masters – Brian Sites 3:17:54, Stan Ferguson 3:18:14, Jon Bitler 3:18:32. Grandmasters – Ted Holder 3:27:57, John Hughes 3:30:56, Alan Dukes 3:38:46. Senior Grandmasters – Joe Van Den Heuvel 3:45:29, Randall Thompson 3:53:33, Jim McDermott 4:01:05. 14-under – Lindsay Klein 4:34:33. 15-19 – Brandon Plate 4:18:20, Kobi Moore 4:46:40. 20-24 – Chandler Gruener 3:13:01, John Howard 3:21:15, Jake Stone 3:53:24. 25-29 – Jake Lane 3:22:11, Oscar Chacon 3:41:04, Daniel Watts 3:56:19. 30-34 – Konrad Wikman 3:16:22, Tyler Thompson 3:17:49, Greg Walker 3:27:38. 35-39 – Byrt Bradbury 3:13:27, Kendal Repass 3:16:07, Matt Lewis 3:18:47. 40-44 – Mack Stillwagon 3:22:25, Cade Jacobs 3:27:35, Marc Gill 3:29:34. 45-49 – Romero Pompilio 3:19:41, Chris Demyanovich 3:50:13, Richard Hawkins 3:50:51. 50-54 – Marlon Onco 3:54:12, Steve St. John 3:59:15, Robert Harrell 4:16:54. 55-59 – Kim Howard 3:47:11, Jin Matalone 4:07:58, Edward Faust 4:13:39. 60-64 – David Zajic 4:09:43, Cliff Ferren 4:12:30, Jim Tadel 4:30:13. 65-69 – Manfred Galatowitsch 4:56:25, Michael Gilbert 5:01:33. 70-74 – Gary McLendon 5:55:33, John Concannon 7:05:51. Female, Marathon: Overall – Kay Evans 3:38:10, Krista Dean 3:39:39, Ivone Hudson 3:51:58. Masters – Natalie McBee 3:59:10.86, Alison Jumper 3:59:10.94, Deloris Hudson 4:06:01. Grandmasters – Stacy Anderson 4:07:28, Pat Cagle 4:11:23, Lisa Webb 4:18:37. Senior Grandmasters – Bernita Lovelace 4:35:56, Marie Bartoletti 5:00:10, Lesley Strauss 5:23:43. 15-19 – Bella Slaughter 4:54:47, Taylor Wilson 5:08:25. 20-24 – Lisa Kwon 4:00:57, Kara Speights 4:31:52, Kiara Luers 4:40:15. 25-29 – Katherine Williams 4:15:35, Maranda Taylor 4:18:09, Caitlin Trickett 4:22:30. 30-34 – Angie Pummill 3:52:03, Teresa Murphy 3:52:03, Erin Hickey 3:56:20. 35-39 – Kristy Driscoll 3:58:23, Jennifer McGarrity 4:04:33, Gabriela Stewart 4:12:31. 40-44 – Joann Galindo 4:10:38, Monica Bryson 4:37:36, Jenny Foster 4:48:34. 45-49 – Michelle Hood 4:12:12, Cymber Gieringer 4:14:34, Stormie Wingo 4:20:50. 50-54 – Amy Lambert 4:26:06, Kathleen Rifkin 4:27:29, Elizabeth Boyer 4:46:19. 55-59 - Tammy Allen 4:47:30, Mary Ann Hansen 4:50:20, Susan NerrenBryant 4:57:07. 60-64 – Isabella Schweitzer 5:23:41, Gina Koone 6:11:52, Susan Whittenberg 6:26:29. 65-69 – Angie Orella-Fisher 5:26:55, Mary McDonald 6:28:07. 70-74– Cherie Ressler 6:15:28. Male, Half Marathon: Overall – Jay Glidewell 1:24:57, Jason Corral 1:25:58, Ben Putnam 1:26:11. Masters – Christopher Rhim 1:36:06, Gregory Hogue 1:41:20, Greg Allen 1:42:35. 11-under – Barrett Berg 2:01:58, Seth Allen 2:07:20, Makxin Valladares 2:10:08. 12-19 – Samuel Morrison 1:38:58, Christian Hansen 1:39:48, Andrew West

1:45:34. 20-24 – Enrique Perez 1:29:42, David Hernandez 1:39:16, Drew Shapleigh 1:39:49. 25-29 – Daniel Hollenbeck 1:27:52, Anthony Smith 1:34:21, Jacob Goldberg 1:35:19. 30-34 – Henry Delaplane 1:33:05, Jason Hatton 1:36:43, Ankur Arora 1:43:32. 3539 – Tommy Griffin 1:30:35, Andrew Balthrop 1:36:43, Akeem Washington 1:38:07. 40-44 – Christopher Neel 1:43:26, Todd Grear 1:43:56, Lynn Monroe 1:48:08. 4549 – Don Edge 1:44:33, Mike Murray 1:48:48, David Cope 1:52:33. 50-54 – Dan Flanigan 1:44:22, Terry Gerth 1:45:03, Jay Johnson 1:46:15. 55-59 – Vincent Reynolds 1:44:18, Michael Crral 1:44:54, Roger Mendell 1:45:25. 60-64 – David Giles 1:42:46, Jim Vines 1:54:00, Richard Ashworth 2:00:53. 65-69 – Steve Brandeburg 2:28:00, Tim Hurd 2:40:45, Victor Rozeboom 2:41:37. 70-74 – Don Brown 2:01:01, Earnie Montgomery 2:03:35, Daniel Ward 3:01:27. Female, Half Marathon: Overall – Michelle Lemaster 1:38:12, Brittany Rodgers 1:39:24, Kellie Sprouse 1:39:26. Masters – Amy Demania 1:44:10, Rebecca Grear 1:47:47, Anna Williams 1:48:05. 11-under – Callie Ann Cook 2:23:53. 12-19 – Maddisyn Robinson 1:43:47, Olivia Lisle 1:48:04, Haley Gentry 1:52:09. 20-24 – Taylor Weiss 1:42:54, Sarah Perkins 1:45:12, Annie Armstrong 1:53:26. 25-29 – Abby Wise 1:53:19, Sarah Morgan 1:55:30, Megan Jernigan 1:56:24. 30-34 – Melissa Jewell 1:41:44, Amanda Fadness 1:43:54, Kristen Hayford 1:44:55. 35-39 – Christina Newport 1:41:38, Jenny Gammill 1:45:58, Sara Devi Pierson 1:46:25. 40-44 – Shannon Haupt 1:52:42, Alison Acott 1:56:20, Emily Salazar 1:56:20. 45-49 – Larisa Ivey 2:01:26, Kimberly Malleck 2:02:39, Teri Mathis 2:02:53. 50-54 – Valerie Wolfe 1:50:11, Levita Girdner 1:55:37, Mandy Broadstreet 1:57:29. 55-59 – Nancy Nicholson 1:58:26, Kim Needy 2:03:09, Cathy Corral 2:04:23. 60-64 – Mary Catherine Amos 1:48:58, Lynne Bell 2:00:53, Debbie Harsh 2:10:44. 65-69 – Marcella Morton 2:24:36, Angela Beyette 2:56:35, Kay Boe 3:12:28. 70-74 – Dona Montgomery 2:32:54, Athena McClendon 2:49:53, Jane Kestner 3:45:09. 7579 – Carole Swope 2:40:12, Mary Jo Brinkman 2:43:37. Male, 5K: Overall – Branson Willis 18:23, Seth Summerside 18:48, Fabio Vennarucci 19:00. Masters – Tim Schulte 21:25, Danny Allred 22:10, Keith Carvin 22:37. 9-under – Tristen Ford 31:22, Alex Mills 37:32. 10-14 – Gerson Melton 19:00, Garrett Wade 19:37, Lucas Schaben 21:28. 15-19 – Anthony Tramonte 19:21, Hayden Swope 25:16, Attacus Henson 41:23. 20-24 – Arlyn Brazell 21:36, Alex Clark 21:57, Matthew Matlock 22:21. 25-29 – Zack Devine 19:38, Zann Jones 23:23, Cordie Sutfin 24:23. 30-34 – Brandon Scott 22:38, Jordan Tharel 22:52, Matt Akins 23:34. 35-39 – Kyle Linde 23:08, Grant Stephens 23:41, Nick Roberson 23:58. 40-44 – Anthony Reyes 25:53, Brandon Rogers 26:30, Patrick Swope 28:18. 45-49 – Vance Keaton 26:29, Orlando Taylor 28:27, Robert Hall 30:02. 50-54 – Chris Blankers 24:51, Samuel Davis 25:02, Chris Miller 26:28. 55-59 – Jim Taylor 24:27, Robert Stevens 25:50, Andrew Ebsen 30:29. 60-64 – Gordon Parham 267:09 Jeff Reynerson 28:02, Eugene Buco 28:23. 65-69 – Russ Ritchhart 22:36, Carl Mathews 35:04, Randy Huber 52:46. 70-74 – Jesse Cox 33:04, Lew Richards 40:24, Roger Tisdale 50:19. Female, 5K: Overall – Savanna Herbert 21:27, Helen Hesselgren 21:32, Lauren Rogers 22:12. Masters – Kathy Ritchhart 22:45, Angel Willis 25:36, Leslie Kenney 26:19. 9-under – Emelia Hesselgren 25:25, Kayli Hawthorne 40:08, Heleena Lenoir 44:43. 10-14 – Passion Perez 23:29, Mackenzie Sherron 24:04, Rachel Bruner-White 25:44. 15-19 – Megan Thompson 24:02, Olivia Ozier 26:14, Megan Earl 40:05. 20-24 – Ashley McDaniel 23:27, Karyn Tecle 23:58, Mishann Leudders 25:42. 2529 – Mia Sutfin 24:37, Diana Arreaga 26:01, Caroline Montanez 26:11. 30-34 – Jodi Unger 25:08, Stacy Hicks 25:27, Lauren Turner 28:54. 35-39 – Katie Rowe 25:14, Abby Milbrodt 25:49, Liliana MacHuca 26:02. 40-44 – Laura Lewis 28:21, Christa Morgan 29:52, Lydia Lanje 31:42. 45-49 – Kim Saylors 29:06, Tracie Rehmert 31:53, Tonya Matthews 33:28. 50-54 – Astrid Hayes 29:06, Beth Court 32:17, Jennifer Beasley 35:57. 55-59




– Terri Bangert 30:58, Julia Sampson 39:15, Myra Small 42:16. 60-64 – June Newland 37:41, Carolyn Shoemaker 39:23, Nancy Imbeau 42:59. 65-69 – Kathy Ball 40:34. 70-74 – Linda Ward 40:33.

FLORIDA Earth Day 5K Key West, FL – 4/21 Male, Overall – Richard Vertrees 20:28. Masters – Brad Makiaa 21:09. Walker – Mike Hartly 55:29. 9-under – Owen Fisher 27:06. 10-14 – James Searcy 27:23. 20-29 – Andrew Diaz 23:42. 30-39 – Alex Socha 23:44, Matt Campo 27:36, Michael Neri 27:40. 40-49 – David Monroe 28:08, Bryan Cook 43:44, Kevin Andrews 49:28. 50-59 – Daniel Markiewicz 22:58, Eric Mealus 27:25, Jeffery Mazzaro 27:55. 60-69 – Anthony Farretta 24:40, Jay Abrahams 30:03, Lon McCurdy 34:51. 70-over – Gordon McIntosh 29:29, Tom Davy 34:35, Wayne Jessup 34:40. Female, Overall – Jane Welzien 21:28. Masters – Christine Van Den Brink 23:36. Walker – Patria McGee 41:08. 9-under – Mary Ellen Searcy 36:50, Lula Rouse 43:17. 10-14 – Caylaa Makimaa 26:34, Catherine Van Staden 38:40, Olivia Monroe 48:51. 20-29 – Emily Roth 21:45, Veronika Sikorova 28:21, Alyssa Berger 29:36. 30-39 – Rachael Morffi 24:22, Samantha Kornely 27:39, Sugar Kirk 27:53. 40-49 – Betsy Langan 26:03, Katie Leigh 27:30, Jennifer Ryan 31:21. 50-59 – Phyllis White 31:10, Sheryl Graham 48:36. 60-69 – Brenda GerosaBeal 31:46, Gail Newton 32:15, Patti McLauchlin 45:26. 70-over – Kate Edge 49:06. – Don Nelson

GEORGIA Run the River 10K/5K Roswell, GA – 4/14 Male, 10K:Overall –Ryan Bonfiglio 37:50. Masters – Gregory Hall 43:43. 11-14 – Marcus Hookong 45:29, Jacob Siler 54:20, Coulson Benedict 1:06:25. 20-24 – Thomas James 45:30, Justin Campagnolo 1:09:19. 25-29 – Phillip Brudney 42:22, Bradley Curry 43:56, John Murray 44:28. 30-34 – Parker Shirah 46:56, Michael Edmunds 47:45, James Patrick 51:15. 35-39 – Peter Flajser 39:32, Ray DeMelfi 40:35, Paul Neves 43:41. 40-44 – Simon Blakey 44:43, Raghu Jaganaathan 48:30, Robert Parris 50:36. 45-49 – Steve DeMoss 45:58, Steve Naish 47:36, Ryan Light 49:06. 50-54 – Greg Berns 45:32, Randy Pippin 47:43, Tom Morgan 48:30. 55-59 – Bill Kiever 46:58, Jack Misiura 47:15, Carl DePiano 48:16. 60-64 – Rick Franklin 46:43, Steven Damon 55:40, Michael Selman1:00:44. 65-69 – Zeferino Modesto 43:58, Frank DeMelfi 55:26, Buddy Rabun 55:55. 70-74 – Robert St Jean 52:09,m Douglas Fulle 1:02:46, Michael Firment 1:06:33. 75-79 – Andrew Sherwood 1:00:40, Bernie Wasserman 1:07:40, James Macie 1:37:30. 80-over – Roger Wiley 1:12:22. Female, 10K:Overall – Ruth Beucker 41:19. Masters – Casey Keeter 42:29. 10-under – Emma Swearingen 1:13:34. 11-14 – Bryce Fennell 55:13, Anna Wilson 1:07:34, Sophie Wilson 1:25:19. 15-19 – Becca Fulle 1:02:43, Abby Jordan 1:08:52. 20-24 – Ashley Edwards 47:44, Samantha Niessen 1:00:30, Grace Connell 1:02:08. 2529 – Caitlin Reeck 49:28, Jeanette Royisse 52:03, Megan Grove 53:42. 30-34 – Katrin Maesse 43:55, Hannah Moore 45:32, Callie Unislawski 46:57. 35-39 – Holly Jimenez 42:07, Kristin Mize 43:52, April Laurich 53:21. 40-44 – Alicia Sher 52:29, Robyn Davenport 53:33, Nicole Rhoads 53:50. 45-49 – Christine Curtin 47:20, Stefanie Stoltz 49:03, Alexandra Haynie 50:16. 50-54 –Susie Chrisler 52:18, Denise Crider 54:54, Cathy Stout 58:32. 55-59 – Phyllis Tyson 49:12, Alicia Harrington 53:16, Connie Brand 53:49. 60-64 – Anne

more results at running.net Grabowski 55:00, Mary Miller 59:48, Jackie Myers 59:54. 65-69 – Pam Owens 1:11:53, Kathy Bowden 1:17:05, Cheryl Giardano 1:19:26. 70-74 – Cynthia Gay 1:11:05. Male, 5K: Overall – Ken Youngers 17:58. Masters – Bruce Catanzarite 19:47. 10-under – Andr Hookong 24:25, Matthew Bain 25:46, Alexander Onate 26:06. 11-14 – Timmy Cole 18:44, Evan Feintuch 19:18, Mark Westrick 21:51. 1519 – Joshua Syer 19:10, Grayson Daker 20:01, Brian Smith 22:18. 20-24 – Devin Hunter 20:28, Ian Kelly 24:38, Davis Bayles 25:27. 25-29 – Jamie Gaston 20:08, Tsega Lemma 22:21, Michael Brand 22:30. 3034 – Matthew Thomas 20:05, Pedro Costa Lima 20:36, Matthew Bornestein 20:54. 35-39 – Kevin Gibson 18:08, James Mayfield 19:54, Eric Brown 23:28. 40-44 – Roger Andresen 21:33, Jonathan Bailey 22:17, Phil Peters 22:30. 45-49 – Daniel Ruane 21:52, Espy Espinoza 22:46, Patrick Day 24:26. 50-54 – Paul Decarld 21:34, David Kurkowski 23:28, Peter Condon 24:32. 55-59 – Peter Heidbreder 24:57, Craig Kroeger 26:33, Steve Smith 27:01. 60-64 – Neil Feather 21:43, John Turner 22:22, Glenn Hitchcock 23:07. 65-69 – Gary Hosmer 23:50, Thomas Pantino 28:16, Rob Herman 28:37. 70-74 – Tommy Eberhardt 22:34, Jeff Sanborn 24:29, Patrick Obrien 26:57. 75-79 – Richard Ferrel 37:46, Ben Watkins 38:16, Cesar Seonae 39:34.80-over – Michael Levine 32:10, Francis Flynn 39:41. Female, 5K:Overall – Katie Bennett 19:15. Masters – Lesley Hinz 20:50. 11-14 – Tyler Godoy 25:21, Sudha Gururaji 28:28, Neala Marshall 29:31. 15-19 – Sarah Juhn 22:31, Melanie Tribick 24:36, Brooke Naish 25:50. 20-24 – Marissa Smith 21:25, Rachel Cornelius 26:17, Courtney Vecheck 26:21. 25-29 – Jessica Reagin 21:35, Lauren Oswald 23:40, Danielle Chimenti 26:53. 30-34 – Annalee Scruggs 25:37, Leighanna Huovinen 27:29, Molly Collier 28:46. 35-39 – Julita Auers 21:22, Elizabeth Petrie 22:31, Jillian Martin 23:58. 40-44 – Amy Ross 22:14, Elissa Koch 25:27, Alison Wirth 25:53. 45-49 – Chris DeCarlo 23:46, Joan Dwoskin 23:55, Catherine Lautenbacher 24:16. 50-54 – Jody Van Schoor 24:18, Laura Porter 27:34, Carla Brown 27:45. 55-59 – Carolyn Polakowski 25:51, Diane Reed 26:00, Oretha Ogwotu 31:21. 60-64 – Mary Taylor 29:49, Paula Zaragoza 32:36, Sue Trzaska 36:29. 65-69 – Vicki Whitehead 41:47, Garlinn Story 48:02, Mary Sidor 53:41. 70-74 – Sandy Vissicchio 40:14, Carole Stubbs 42:18, Annette Mason 45:08. 75-79 – Gale Davis 39:20. 80-over – Velma Radloff 46:28.

Rose City 10K Thomasville, GA – 4/28 Overall, Top 50 – 1-Christopher Haynes 31;43, 2-Ann Centner 38:27, 3-Sheryl Rosen 38:36, 4-Geb Kiros 39:20, 5-Philip Sura 41:17, 6-D.L. McArthur 42:08, 7Laryn Flikkema 42:20, 8-Michael Sickler 42:48, 9-DAvid Knauf 42:51, 10-Erik Andersen 42:54, 11-Cory Messerschmidt 43:07, 12-Tim Unger 43:11, 13-Daniel Oldham 43:25, 14-Erika Hango 43;46, 15-Camilo Ordonez 43:55, 16-Nick Murray 44:12, 17-Lilly Unger 44:34, 18-Joseph Knoll 44:44, 19-Dan Scott 44:56, 20Lance Parker 44:56, 21-Nazarae Holcombe 45:02, 22Chris Holt 45:04, 23-Josh Muse 45:48, 24-Jonathan Watt 45:52, 25-Parker Galloway 46:00. 26-Dan Faulkner 46:22, 27-Duane Joiner 46:40, 28Cammie Hungerford 46:42, 29-Paul Lipsey 46:50, 30Angie Cipriani 46:58, 31-Joseph Pezent 47:21, 32Jacob Krell 47:51, 33-Jerry Searcy 47:58, 34-Jim Garland 48:7, 35-Craig Bruner 48:12, 36-Tristin Scudder 48:14, 37-Ed Dekloet 48:15, 38-Emma Szwarc 48:17, 39-Chase Clark 48:19, 40-Brooks Woodward 48:21, 41Andrew Bower 48:30, 42-Mark Hope 48:33, 43-Cruz Pozo 48:48, 44-Patrick Bius 48:50, 45-Samuel Johnson 49:03, 46-Dominique Messerschmidt 49:06, 47-Chris Bracken 49:11, 48-Jay Dubose 49:26, 49-Gareth Pyle 49:37, 50-Matt Hall 49:40.

Running Journal • June, 2018

MARYLAND Annapolis/Kent Island 10K/5K Stevensville, MD – 4/22 Male, 10K: Overall – Sean Hobbs 40:52. 11-15 – Hudson Christensen 53:38. 30-39 – Bruce Chambliss 48:09. 40-49 – Greg Stearns 50:05. 50-59 – Don Sparks 49:10. 60-69 – Robert Hackley 53:44. Female, 10K: Overall – Sabina Minney 45:13. 20-29 – Cristina Alba 1:00:44. 30-39 – Kelly Beitzell 52:11. 40-49 – Kirsten Strohmer 52:53. 50-59 – Julie Coyle 50:02. Male, 5K: Overall – Frederick Bradbury 19:07. 11-15 – Dylan Hurlock 24:35. 16-19 – Bradbury 19:07. 20-29 – Dwight Harris 24:36. 30-39 – Nicholas Bermudez 26:11. 40-49 – Eric Valentine 26:29. 50-59 – Marshall Robbins 30:28. 60-69 – David Robles 37:00. 70-over – Larry Rostetter 41:37. Female, 5K: Overall – Patricia St. Clair 26:07. 10-under – Annika Daugherty 32:55. 20-29 – Mia Perry 33:54. 30-39 – St. Clair 26:07. 40-49 – Erin Laur 27:42. 50-59 – Helen Bennett 28:43. 60-69 – Valerie Reihl 29:32.

MISSISSIPPI Rise and Shine Half Marathon/5K Hattiesburg, MS – 4/7 Male, Half Marathon: Overall – Patrick Aucoin 1:14:53, Joshua Moore 1:23:48, Josua Capir 1:29:00. 11-20 – Jackson Benton 1:32:54, Dallas Stricker 1:35:59. 21-30 – Matthew Hendley 1:43:34, Bryce Craft 1:46:00. 31-40 – Diego Fernandez 1:35:35, Richard Walley 1:46:31. 41-50 – Scotty Barron 1:38:34, John Chandler 1:39:02. 51-60 – Jorge Dueas 1:45:22, Rick Chatham 1:50:19. 61-70 – Steve Phillips 1:59:57, David Hardin 2:02:41. 71-over – Jim Marsalis 1:59:39, Dennis Wargel 3:14:35. Female, Half Marathon: Overall – Eye Krista 1:50:28, Jean Denton 1:52:10, Evelyn Watkins 1:52:20. 10-under – Abby Collier 2:32:35. 11-20 – Rachel Martin 2:13:47, Alexis Kennedy 2:28:05. 21-30 – Lindsey Garrity 2:00:21, Ashley Wellen 2:03:08. 31-40 – Christine Herrington 1:54:55, Cheryl Kemp 1:56:22. 4150 – Karinna Lee 1:54:24, Kathy Byrd 2:02:21. 51-60 – Jane Kersh 2:00:05, Chantay Steen 2:01:13.. 61-70 – Elizabeth Freeman 2:13:14, Beverly Swann 2:36:43. Male, 5K: Overall – Dan Vega 17:18, Zach Vogt 19:31, Thomas Woodruff 19:50. 11-under – Zachary Rifkin 52:11, Nicholas Rifkin 54:18. 12-20 – Luke Bowles 20:51, Garrett Kraut 22:13. 21-30 – Joseph Nguyen 21:54, David Dacosta 23:21. 31-40 – Allen Pegues 25:51, Matt Johnson 26:07. 4150 – Todd Pohnert 21:49, James Coll 22:56. 51-60 – Don Whiteside 25:28, Randall Zette 29:26. 61-70 – Eric Weill 25:48, Jimmy Smith 28:34. 71-over – Gene May 41:57, Roger Swann 44:08. Female, 5K: Overall – Emma Williams 23:55, Whitney Brightbill 25:05, Alexis Stoner 25:55. 11-under – Hailey Powell 38:16, Clara Pegues 39:17. 12-20 – Nicole Stanfill 27:42, Autumn Zette 31:37. 2130 – Lucy Hunt 26:34, Haley Veith 26:44. 31-40 – Lela Teneyck 26:14, Nicole Blair 27:11. 41-50 – Debra Baird 29:10, Kathy Williams 29:57. 51-60 – Imelda Coleman 26:58, Debbie Golden 32:01. 61-70 – Lorraine Rettig 42:33, Dee Rasberry 42:44.

Corinth Coca-Cola Classic 10K Corinth, MS – 5/5 Male, Overall – Austin Duckworth 32:49, Jay McCurdy 33:19, Anthony Parameswaran 34:25, Degnet Masebo 35:20, Josh Keenan 35:30. Masters – Shayne Fawcett 37:56. Grandmasters – Tonydee Davis 39:57. Alcorn County – Will Crigger 39:46. Wheelchair – Jay Poindexter 5:14. 8-under – Braxton Quinn 1;06:47, Penn Holley 1:15:30, Christian Albarracin 1:22:39. 9-11 – Sam Evans 51:25, Andrew Legoff 53:16, Keller Roach 54:37. 12-14 – Parker Legoff 44:22, Scott Harville 45:15, Jaden Willis 46:35. 15-19 – Colin Bonds 39:10, Thomas Ratliff 40:40, Will Wayne 41:47. 20-24 – Justin Watson 35:36, Cameron Purvis 37:07, Will Crigger 39:46. 25-29 – A.R. Hight 40:56, John McDaniel 41:40, Brian


McDonnieal 41:58. 30-34 – Colby Cuevas 42:47, Jared Hight 43:00, Scott Johnson 44;02. 35-39 – Jim Brown 35:53, Brent Watson 38:21, Heath White 38:30. 40-44 – Tommy Bonds 40:06, Marvin King 40:11, Clay Curtis 41:11. 45-49 – Brian Haskett 41:18, Greg Windham 42:08, Michael Dorio 44:13. 50-54 – Terrance Owens 43:00, Bobby Watts 43:49, Whitten Ortega 44:25. 55-59 – Alan Smith 44:30, George Heath 46:09, James Zahn 47:40. 60-64 – Danny Crossett 45:24, Kevin Hammond 52:32, Stanley Reither 55;03. 65-69 – Walt Rider 47;16, Tom Bandler 50:30, John Aikin 51:33. 70-74 – Lawson Thornton 58:32, John Roy 1:01:34, Glen Stewart 1:02;43. 75-79 – Jerry McBride 1:01:44, Vic Thayer 1:02:47, David Harvey 1:12:36. 80-over – J D Germany 1:26:35, Thomas Brent 1:28:24, Harvey Pendergrast 1:50:16. Female, Overall – Barbara Ball 36:30, Elizabeth Laseter 37:30, Alexandra Pidcock 40:01, Taylor Corder 40:27, McKenna Coughlin 40:31. Masters – Cheri Butzberger 46:33. Grandmasters – Cindy Hinton 47:40. Alcorn County – Taylor Corder 40:26. 8-under – Lainey Blakney 1:14:59, Ivy Monaghan 1:17:19, Dovie Holley 1:25:58. 9-11 – Savannah Chandler 56:22, Elsie Wilbanks 1;04:40, Cloe Adams 1:08:03. 12-14 – Meg Martz 43:44, Sarah Lancaster 50:48, Emma Halll 51:14. 15-19 – Holly Ross 49:40, Kelly Raye 50:58, Shelby Reed 51:10. 20-24 – Emily Frith 40:53, Laura Bennett 42:48, Weren Womack 51:32. 25-29 – Lori Beth Ellis 43:00, Ivy Price 45:56, Arlanda McKinney 49:06. 30-34 – Kimberly Lee 46:15, Cheri Hight 48:43, Cassandra Krenn 51:24. 35-39 – Meaghin Burke 47:09, Angie Taylor 48:30, Brooke McKenzie 49:10. 40-44 – Owenne George 48:08, Jessica Ferguson 48:59, Amanda Glasscock 49:27. 45-49 – Jennifer Scallions 50:05, Julie Pittman 51:56, Veronica Swannigan 51:57. 50-54 – Sharon Cruse 56:38, Lona Bolton 57:39, Debbie Gannon 57:50. 55-59 – Jeanine Watts 50:34, Guinda Flippin 51:31, Sherea Burns 52:37. 60-64 – Cynthia Harrell 56:26, Kathy Owings 1;01:55, Patsy Watson 1;02:27.

NORTH CAROLINA Williams, Hulme Win Rock ’n’ Roll Raleigh Half Marathon RALEIGH, N.C. (April 8, 2018) – Approximately 5,000 registered runners aged 12 to 86 took to the streets of Raleigh to participate in the 2018 Humana Rock ‘n’ Roll Raleigh Half Marathon presented by WRAL. With a renewed focus on the core pillars of great music in a community environment, runners of all athletic levels enjoyed taking in the sights and scenery in this charming Southern city. The best-in-class running event kicked off on Saturday with a 5K and 1 Mile race through Dorothea Dix Park. On Sunday, runners from 48 states and 17 countries took off on a tour of downtown Raleigh. An updated route this year featured a flatter course and showcased new parts of the city. The race started on Fayetteville Street and ran towards the historic Capitol building before cruising through the downtown historic district and charming neighborhoods. The course finished at the Red Hat Amphitheater. In the half marathon, Matthew Williams (San Antonio, Texas) broke the tape as the overall champion in a time of 1:08:33. Ethan Clary (Durham, N.C.) finished in second with a time of 1:09:14 as Wesley Turner (Danville, Va.) rounded out the podium in third finishing in 1:10:35. Emily Hulme (Easton, N.C.) was the women’s half marathon champion with a final time of 1:21:36. Morgan Busko Anderson (Winston Salem, N.C.) took the secondplace spot in 1:25:42 and Rhea Deroian (Cary, N.C.) finish third in 1:29:42. Elite runners and fast times aside, Sunday’s race was all about Bringing the Fun to the Run™. Some of North Carolina’s best live bands, including Cosmic Punk and the North Carolina State University Pipes and Drums performed on improved band stages along the route interspersed with themed water stations. Participants moved along to more music than ever with all new mile-



Running Journal • June, 2018


Masters Running and Beyond When the Running Gets Tough, the Tough Go Running! Where would you rather have been on the morning of April 16? On the Boston Marathon course, or in a dentist's chair? I was in the latter, and I consider myself lucky! But I got back from the dentist in time to watch the second half of the race unfold on my TV. I saw elite athletes running in raincoats, many of them dropping out. And I saw Des Linden taking charge in the women's race somewhere on Heartbreak Hill, becoming the first American woman to win Boston in over thirty years. It was a race for the record books, for sure. But not for any record times! Linden's time of 2:39:54 was at least 15 minutes slower than she is capable of under normal circumstances. She was the only woman to break 2:40, and her winning time was the slowest recorded since 1978, when Gayle Barron took home the women's division in 2:44:52. In last year's race, her time wouldn't even have placed her among the top 20 female finishers. So conditions were brutal, to say the least. Pouring rain, cold temperatures, and a gusty wind that blew right into the runners' faces. Still, about 95% of those who started the race made it to the finish. The dropout rate was higher among the elites than the non-elites, and slightly higher among men than women. And the numbers say it all - We runners are tough, and we won't give up easily! Although there are exceptions. At the 1984 Boston Marathon a couple of my buddies made a last minute decision not to run because of downpours in the morning. 1984 was one of two times that I ran Boston (the other was 1979). I remember that the rain stopped right before the start, and during the race we only had light and intermittent rain. I ended up finishing as 10th woman, in the second fastest time of my career. But would I have finished if it continued to pour throughout the race? That's a good question. I have only dropped out of a race once, due to a hamstring injury. However I have been a no-show a few times, for reasons other than illness or injury. At least twice have I opted not to run a race I was signed up for due to excessive heat, and once I stayed home because a nearby wildfire had filled the air with smoke. But the races were held on those days, and people were running! So Boston is not the only race that has been run in adverse conditions. And rain, cold and high winds are not the only kinds of miserable weather that runners could face on race day. There could be heat, ice, snow, even thunder. Occasionally race

By Lena Hollmann

directors are forced to cancel their events due to weather, as was the case for several December races in the south and midwest a few years ago when those areas were hit with ice storms. Then there was the 2007 Chicago Marathon, which had to be interrupted mid-race because of unseasonal heat. And I remember a 5K on an extremely windy day in Fuquay-Varina, NC, about 10 years ago, when the whole finish line, timing equipment and all, blew down about 32 minutes into the race. So, runners who had not finished by then did not get a recorded time. I was curious what adverse conditions weather related or otherwise - my friends might have run into during their racing careers. So I asked them, and got quite a collection of stories! Mostly, the adversities were due to cold and rain. Susan Wingate of Fanwood, NJ, and her husband Carl, ran the Napa Valley Marathon in California one year. That year the conditions were similar to this year's Boston Marathon. Cold, windswept rain from start to finish. The weather got worse as the race progressed. It got so bad that volunteers were handing out small plastic bags to runners to cover their torsos, and that's probably what saved the Wingates. But their fingers were frozen, and Susan remembers having trouble opening her Gel packs at the aid stations. It wasn't until after they got back to their hotel room that they finally “thawed out”! Diane McManus of Upper Darby, PA, faced similar conditions during the Mount Washington Road Race in 2002. There were cold, windswept rains, hitting the runners sideways. And since this race goes up a mountain it got colder as they ran, with a 16 degree wind chill at the top! There was ice on the road in some places, and generally very miserable. So the organizers decided to re-set the finish at 3.8 miles, in a race that normally is 7.6 miles. Sometimes pure cold, with no precipitation, can also be a troublemaker. At the Asheville Marathon, in North Carolina, it was so cold one year that the water and

Gatorade on the course froze in their cups. And while living in New Jersey I heard a similar story from a volunteer at a local 10 mile race. New Jersey can have “real” winters, and sometimes they start as early as December which was when this 10 miler was held. The volunteer held a cup of water in his gloved hand, and was reaching his arm out so that a passing runner could grab the watyer. Not only did the runner grab the water cup, but also the glove, which was frozen onto the cup! But no story that I've heard so far can top this one, from Rietta Couper of Chapel Hill, NC. She lived in Tasmania (an island on the south side of Australia) for a few years during the 1990's. While living there she ran a marathon with only 11 participants. The course went through some rural areas with farmland, and about 10 kilometers into the race she came face to face with a bull! The bull was standing in the middle of the road, and there were no other runners nearby. When he started tapping one of his hoofs, Couper sprinted towards a fence, jumped over, took a detour across some farmland, and eventually got back on the course. In spite of this detour Couper was the first woman, out of two. We never know what the weather will be like on race day, at least not when we sign up in advance for an event. Most of us prefer to compete on a cool, dry day with little or no wind. But maybe you are an adventure seeker, looking for adversity because it makes you stronger. Then let me recommend the North Pole Marathon, also known as the “World's Coolest Marathon.” This year's race was held on the same day as Boston, with temperatures in the minus 20's, and attracting about 60 participants. Winner in the men's division was a Greek with a very long name, Argyrious Papathanasopoulos, in 4:34:36. Gouping Xie of China was the first woman to finish, in a time slightly over six hours. All competitors were covered from head to toe in layers of clothing to protect them from the elements. If this sounds like something you would like to try, you may want to know that the next event is scheduled for April 9, 2019! I will stick to more temperate events. Due to fairly recent knee surgery I don't know exactly when I will run my next race, but most likely it will be a local 5K sometime this fall. Lena Hollmann is a certified personal trainer with American Council on Exercise (ACE). She lives and runs in Naples, FL, and can be reached at lenahollmann@gmail.com

INSPIRED DAILY CONTINUED FROM PAGE 13 are so many variables.This is where experience and trial and error result in finding the right workouts for each athlete, the proper timing of those workouts, and how to motivate each athlete to give her or his best effort each day. This is not something that can be taught, like the science part. This comes from experience, getting to know your athletes, and not being afraid to try new workouts and admit when they just don't work. I am in my 16th year of coaching now and I still read and go to coaching clinics to learn new workouts and ways to train. Just last week a few of my athletes and I were laughing, reminiscing about the worst cross country workout I ever had them do. It really did not work for us and left the team feeling discouraged so I knew not to include that workout again. And then in the next breath they were excitedly talking about the toughest track workout we did this spring and how they loved it because they felt it really helped them. That is one I have used sparingly over the past three track seasons. It's tough but it gives them confidence once they have finished it. Art. Check! Peaking at the end of our season as we enter the State Series is always our goal. The State Series in Florida consists of three meets: District, Region, and State. In track and field, an athlete must finish in the top four in an event to advance to the next level, while in cross country a certain number of teams advance based on the number of teams participating, plus the top 15 individuals. I take pride in the fact that we always peak at the end of our seasons and most of my athletes run the best times of their lives during the State Series. It is that combination of art and science that gets us there. Rae Ann Darling Reed runs, coaches, and writes in Florida. She is an RRCA and USATF Level 2 certified running coach and has been in the Brooks Inspire Daily program since 2010. Rae Ann is a Fit Expert at Fleet Feet Sports Sarasota, a Brooks Wear Tester, and coaches cross country and track at Manatee High School as well as adults of all ages and ability levels. Follow the RunnerGirl's adventures on twitter @runnergirl or facebook.com/runnergirl


Running Journal • June, 2018


Women’s Running


ZAP Places Three Runners In Top 10 At Boston Race morning for the 122nd Boston Marathon was the worst weather morning ever in the history of the race. Professional runners, qualifiers and charity runners from all 50 states and over 100 countries, having gotten to the starting line, had to figure out how to manage to get to the finish line. The wind was howling, rain was coming down and the temperature hovered in the high 30s. Watching the elite women at the start, proved how tough conditions were as most were bundled in jackets and assorted rain gear. One would suspect that southerners would not fare well but the ZAP athletes who train in Boone, NC, proved that they could manage their energy and get to the finish for top 10 places. The winters in Boone tend to be nasty at times, and this spring proved that to be true, as the three marathoners entered this morning had seen similar conditions during training. Tyler Pennel (4th), Nicole Demercurio (5th) and Joanna Thompson (10th) had ideal build ups and were ready for personal bests. But Mother Nature had a different scenario. Nicole actually went through a period of intense anger as she had gotten into 2:30 shape and all that readiness went out the window of expectation. The afternoon before the race ,I talked with Nicole and told her to run for place and I would see her at the finish. Coach Pete Rea encouraged his athletes to forget their watches, tuck in as they could, conserve their energy, then pick people off as they struggled. Listening to their coach paid handsomely for the three ZAP residents. Rea has been coaching for over 20 years and had never seen racing conditions so severe. Nicole and Joanna came through 10K seconds apart in 25th-30th place. As they made their way to Boston, the wind picked up, the rain continued to pound, and these ladies slowly moved their way through the field. Their patience paid off as they both moved into the top 10 by keeping to go forward. They were passed by ladies they did not know but they were besting the best in distance running. Pennel knew that the brutal conditions meant time was out the window. With the lead pack blazing through the first 10K of the race at 2:07 marathon pace, Pennel was content to run well back of the leaders early. He started the survival grind early. “The toughest part was around mile 14. The group I was running with had started to break up and it was only me and Tim Ritchie working together,” said Pennel. “I

By Carolyn Mather, RN, PhD.

started to get cold and my teeth were chattering. I thought about dropping out because I could feel my teeth chattering, but up ahead I could see a group of guys that we were catching. That was motivation to keep going and I was able to focus on something other than the cold.” Wearing the athlete designed Reebok Floatride Run Fast helped as it is "such a great shoe because it is so light, but has tons of cushioning” shared Pennel. “Reebok uses PEBAX foam for the midsole, which is very light and highly cushioned, and also gives great support and return of energy. Also the upper is very form fitting and there isn't unnecessary material for water to be collected (which helped immensely at Boston).” Pennel passed more than a dozen men in the last half and missed third place by only 22 seconds, finishing in 2:18:57. Despite slight hypothermia, Pennel had left his watch off and just passed runner after runner. He followed his coach's plan to the letter. Pennel said afterward he had no idea where he was in the field but noted that "you've just got to be tough in these conditions, mentally, just keep pushing, that's the thing is you've just got to keep pushing." Pennel ran the 2nd half faster than everyone else in the field with the exception of eventual winner, Yuki Kawauchi of Japan. Nicole Demercurio, who happens to be Pennel's girlfriend was beside herself when she crossed the finish line to hear she was in fifth place. The drop out rate was incredible but she managed to get a fifth place finish among the elite women. I walked a shaking Nicole through the finish area and back to the hotel as she had gotten the luck to be drug tested. Never having gone through that process was a bit daunting as she was cold and we could not locate her clothes. Finally done we returned to her room and dealt with her foot problem and she finally got warm. As we were leaving the drug testing area, 10th place finisher Joanna Thompson was coming into drug testing


as she also managed to get the lucky draw. Three top 10 finishers from the ZAP program is a true tribute to the facility and all of the support. “Having an opportunity to participate in the Boston Marathon was an absolutely amazing experience,” DiMercurio said. “It still feels like a dream come true to even step on the line and race through the streets of Boston. I am incredibly thankful to have the support from ZAP Fitness, Reebok and Generation UCAN that makes a sixth-place finish at Boston possible. Without their support, as well as the support from my friends and family, I wouldn't have been able to accomplish what happened on this rainy, cold and windy day.” ZAP Fitness is located outside Boone, NC, near Blowing Rock. Unlike most American club systems, the runners chosen for ZAP live at the facility full time, training and working at the camp. It is a beautiful but isolated place. ZAP Fitness is a non profit foundation established in 2001 by Zika Rea and her late husband, runner, Andy Palmer. They had a dream for post collegiate athletes to be able to live in a place where they could train and work to achieve their athletic potential. All of their dedication and principles have been having some amazing results. ZAP has been sponsored by Reebok since 2005. Having visited ZAP several times and seen what goes on, it is no surprise to me that success has materialized. The residents have full support for their every need. In return they work at the various camps put on by ZAP throughout the spring, summer and fall for collegiate teams and runners seeking a running retreat/vacation. For those attending camp they get to spend time close to the athletes and see what their lives are like. It is actually a family/village where everyone contributes to the program. With ZAP, it does take a village but what an immense accomplishment these athletes had in Boston. They battled the toughest conditions ever and prevailed at the finish. Many congrats to our southerners who got it done in Boston! Carolyn Mather,R.N.,PhD. lives and runs in north Georgia and is a member of the Atlanta Track Club Elite. She can be reached at carolynmather@tds.net.

at a limited level. Exhaustion becomes a constant companion. Q. Does everybody have to have Chemotherapy or Immunotherapy treatment, and what is the difference? A. No. These are used for more severe cases, so if you are lucky, as I was with my first cancer, you won't have to have it. The way the melanoma specialist explained it to me is that Chemotherapy is a drug like a shotgun. It blows away everything in its way. But immunotherapy is designed to blast the specific type cancer a person has - more like a sharpshooter. Q . Do Chemo and Immuno have side effects? A. You bet. The list is extensive. I can testify that I saw 10 listed and I have had: 1 Exhaustion (I can't believe I'm sleeping 10 hours a night every night on this drug, 2 fatigue, I get so tired by the afternoon that it is difficult to do anything but sit in a chair, 3 afternoon low grade fever, 4 Colitis (don't ask) but I hope you are good at short sprints (look up colitis symptoms), 5 appetite loss. I always wondered why people would not eat ice cream, candy, cake or other treats to keep weight on. Let me tell you, it is hard to make yourself eat when EVERYTHING tastes like either cardboard or Styrofoam. And anything except water, including colas tastes like sour or bitter mineral water. Oh yeah, they said that being able to taste things sometimes comes back in 6 months or so. As I write this it has been almost 6 months and a little bit of taste is starting to come back. Q. Can you run after cancer surgery and treatment? A. Yes, but check with your doctor. You don't want to burst stitches or cause other problems. Q. What can you say that is encouraging? A. Go back and re-read the answer to the second question. People do recover and get back to running and perform well. Cancer doesn't necessarily mean your life or your running will end. Life is for living. Make the most of it. And maybe by the time you have lived long enough, they will have found a cure for cancer, and an article like this will be looked at as a thing of the past. Cedric Jaggers was elected to the South Carolina Road Runners Hall of Fame in 1992. He is the author of Charleston’s Cooper River Bridge Run. He lives and runs in Rock Hill, SC. He may be reached via e-mail at JaggersRun@comporium.net


Running Journal • June, 2018


markers that included speakers and race pacers who ran with mobile speaker packs. The musically themed road race concluded with indie rock band SUSTO taking to the stage as headliners for the Toyota Rock ‘n’ Roll Concert Series, getting runners and their families to their feet in celebration of the days accomplishments. For complete results, visit RunRocknRoll.com/Raleigh. For more information on the Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon Series®, please visit www.runrocknroll.com.

Charlotte Racefest Half Marathon/10K Charlotte, NC – 4/14 Male, Half Marathon: Overall – Unknown runner 1:15:26, Dan Matz 1:25:17, Christopher Milford 1:25:35. 14-under – Benjamin Kern 2:12:25, Richard Calderon 2:18:29. 15-19 – Willl Henderson 1:39:48, Rhett Johnson 1:55:08, Brooks Ball 1:56:27, RJ Moore 2:01:11, Samuel Ogrady 2:16:05. 20-24 – John McDonald 1:33:43, Christopher McGean 1:40:39, John Massengill 1:44:11, Carlos Rios 1:48:24, Garth Martin 1:49:51. 25-29 – Bill Scharpf 1:26:30, Marc Bax 1:35:44, Bryan Raborn 1:36:04, Maxx Oliver 1:4:23, Eric Clarke 1:42:08. 30-34 – David Sanctis 1:25:52, Robin Cuypers 1:29:15, Cole Kessell 1:30:56, Robbie Squibb 1:33:47, Jon Myers 1:35:36. 35-39 – Alan Duggan 1:29:21, Bobby Conrad 1:29:25, Al Huertas Del Pino 1:32:58, Jonathan Parker 1:34:13, Mike Detrick 1:41:40. 40-44 – Stuart Lundsten 1:30:16, Jason Sparks 1:32:54, Brian Adams 1:35:48, Christopher Zona 1:37:04, Ryan Bullard 1:39:53. 45-49 – Walt Coleman 1:39:53, Sean Ogrady 1:45:15, David Lukowski 1:47:09, David Frost 1:47:15, Chris Hutchinson 1:47:33. 50-54 – Paul Hattenhauer 1:39:07, Fabrice Didden 1:41:02, Allen Baum 1:42:06, Sandro Nascimento 1:42:05, Mike Burgan 1:42:09. 55-59 – Wes Kessenich 1:28:16, Geoff McGean 1:41:40, Dan Buchholtz 1:49:57, John Teegarden 1:53:34, Bajrang Singh 1:53:07. 60-64 – Fermin Rivera 1:53:21, Gary Rautenstrauch 2:01:53, Paul Erdmann 2:08:42, Vince Fioramonti 2:10:34, Jim Fahy 2:10:16. 65-69 – Richard Shank 2:04:15, Charles Teal 2:06:11, Steve Bufkin 2:36:04, Eric English 3:12:52. 70-over – Thomas Daniels 3:12:52. Female, Half Marathon: Overall – Shenna Patterson 1:33:25, Lisa Sluiter 1:34:16, Kate Dickson 1:34:37. 15-19 – Julia Berry 1:56:45, Erin Freitas 2:06:41, Ashlyn Mar 2:10:53, Kate Carroll 2:14:36, Grace Gao 2:19:48. 20-24 – Kate Mohr 1:49:35, Elizabeth Mappus 1:53:07, Rachel Burch 1:53:36, Katherine Coggins 1:56:50, Brittany Mollica 2:04:05. 25-29 – Selden Cochrane 1:37:26, Kaitlyn Hudgins 1:37:34, Sylvie Mueller 1:38:27, Katie Steeves 1:39:43, Kalie Scharpf 1:48:22. 30-34 – Siobhan Havlik 1:40:12, Pamela Krasen 1:41:48, Casey Cline 1:43:05, Abby Fitch 1:49:58, Bonnie Shishko 1:52:38. 35-39 – Amanda Uher 1:36:54, Jenny Chapman 1:41:34, Linda Singleton 1:43:15, Mary Kate Kausel 1:43:19, Amanda Ghent 1:47:21. 40-44 – Shana Pearsons 1:39:59, Katie Stoutenger 1:49:25, Amy Sizemore 1:50:41, Yukimi Pyle 1:52:20, Sara Blakeney 1:55:18. 45-49 – Amy Cronin 1:36:34, Teresa Harrill 1:50:10, Suzanne Blackburn 1:58:30, Lisa Landrum 1:59:52, Melissa Seuster 2:00:01. 50-54 – Lisa Walsh 1:41:28, Suzanne Brickner 2:07:09, Rachel Hubbard 2:08:37, Susan Lydon 2:11:48, Laura Engel 2:14:08. 55-59 – Judy Caswell 1:50:15, Marcia Erwin 1:56:08, Lorene Lacey 1:56:20 Nan Kaufman 2:01:25, Makiko Imamura 2:01:10. 60-64 – Liz Mays 2:05:17 Gaylene Henry 2:13:44, Nancy Souder 2:15:59 Jayne Scarborough 2:27:20, Wendy Lawrence 2:33:29. 65-69 – Elizabeth Pierce 2:53:18. 70-over – Patricia Jones 3:12:52. Male, 10K: Overall – Aaron Linz 34:32, Joey Woltjer 34:46, Brian McMahon 36:37. 14-under – C. Ishee 47:57, N. Schrum 1:02:32, B. Youmans 1:16:51, A. Dhiman 1:21:57. 15-19 – Jake Curtis 52:41, Alec Stevanovski 52:41, Hunter Awtrey 1:03:10, Jason Alegria 1:20:16. 20-24 – Matt Crusse 52:47, David Pirro 1:14:41. 25-29 – Daniel Miller 42:06,

more results at running.net Tim Mann 42:32, Greg Mahon 45:03, Brett Harrell 46:27, Camden Moon 46:45. 30-34 – Justin Gordon 38:05, Christopher Nugent 41:38, Alex Wernikoff 45:59, Matt Minard 46:22, Matthew Nichols 46:38. 35-39 – Chas Willimon 37:40, Jason Seagle 43:00, Lorin McAllister 43:08, Nicholas Clemens 49:52, Dre Leury 47:42. 40-44 – David Cutchins 41:01, Thomas Arbuthnot 41:09, Eder Freitas 41:52, Kirk Marshall 42:15, Andrea Denk 44:50. 45-49 – John Williams 38:48, Sean Ryan 47:24, Bill Craver 48:39, Tom Klugh 50:01, Shawn Kocher 51:09. 50-54 – Brian Mason 43:52, Al Hardy 48:29, Densel White 51:04, Larry Quinn 52:57, Stefano Mignardi 52:29. 55-59 – Kenneth Daily 49:29, Uwe Knicker 50:41, Michael Osborne 55:48, Stew Wiedersprecher 57:47, Rick Moore 57:50. 60-64 – Bill Hassell 46:41, Marty Barris 50:58, Stuart Wernikoff 53:06, Michael Llorens 57:45, William Murphy 58:28. 65-69 – Bob Nelson 46:55, Billy Moore 54:02, Brian Daly 56:08, Manuel Lopez 1:00:03, Terence Hatton 1:20:44. 70-over – David Nachamie 1:27:00. Female, 10K: Overall – Stacy Mercer 37:31, Kelly Buys 46:13, Alyssa Darnell 47:09. 14-under – Grace Landrum 48:05, Piper Schuster 49:32, Anagrace Prevette 55:49, N Mulakakl 1:13:43, Emma Trihemasava 1:47:13 15-19 – Jamie DiVittorio 57:05, Emily White 58:19, Janelle Dupont 1:01:30, Araminta Cheek 1:19:07, Olivia Parson 1:50:23. 20-24 – Kayla Johnson 48:54, Shelby Sangster 53:32, Emily Rhyne 55:01, Ashley Nibbana 55:32, Chandler Dey 57:23. 25-29 – Rachael Struble 49:14, Lauren Grady 50:14, Alyssa Allen 50:52, Taylor Compton 50:29, Jennie Munn 51:21. 30-34 – Adrienne Joyce 51:20, Becky Hodina 53:02, Lindsay Lowry 53:58, Lesley Fasel 54:40, Jullian Olsen 53:58. 35-39 – Brittany Grady 48:44, Payton Woodard 51:00, Laura Edwards 51:38, Amber Egan 51:45, Amy Davidson 52:20. 40-44 – Krisi Novak 53:24, Amy Horner 53:25, Samantha Zigmont 54:13, Jill Dinerman 55:39, Jennifer All 56:35. 45-49 – Jennifer Ishee 48:54, Camille Muir 52:33, Alison Barrett 55:26, Lucy Branon 56:33, Ngocthuy Nguyen 58:48. 50-54 – Debbi Russell 54:46, Karen Packey 56:25, Iris Ramirez 56:48, Marygrace Mazullo 1:00:16, Beth Donnelly 1:01:28. 55-59 - Debbie Quadnow 59:04, Patti Rudolph 1:01:55, Lisa Flynn 1:02:08, Marcia Grady 1:02:09. 6064 – Joan Sobiesiak 1:07:12, Hope Drummond 1:09:37, Katie Freid 1:15:32, Debbie Porth 1:19:22, Deborah Heckaman 1:24:38. 65-69 - Debra Winar 1:20:51, Sandra Payne 1:29:17, Elizabeth Honeysett 1:34:42.

Mint Hill Madness Lions Club 5K Mint Hill, NC – 4/14 Male, Overall – Grayson Lucas 17:48. 8-under – Dash Huntley 25:38, Gage Allen 28:35, Davis Prince 34:57. 9-11 – Wyatt Purser 23:30, Brandt Huntley 23:48, Jay Olin 23:49.1214 – Kensho Pilkey 18:40, Ian Arnett 28:31, Baylen Huntley 33:49. 15-16 – Michael Beckerman 17:53, Dylan Lamb 19:42, Adam Huntley 21:50. 17-19 – Branson Huntley 21:11, Austin Gordano 21:17, Daniel Herlan 22:03. 20-24 – Brandon Rairs 28:36. 25-29 – William Helms 21:01, Kyle Kiker 29:29, Kyle Bates 33:38. 30-34 – Trenton Van Dusseldorp 20:22 ,Daniel Johnson 20:55, Ian Baker 22:33. 35-39 – Ryan Iler 23:16, David McLaughlin 24:57, Brian Allen 28:34. 40-44 – Bradley Lamb 20:52, Stephen Flatt 27:09, Dan Hogan 28:51. 45-49 – Joe Scarcella 24:53, David Haney 27:19, Kent Huntley 33:51. 50-54 - Brad Crotts 26:27, Greg Huntley 26:54, Kevin Howard 31:24. 55-59 – Stanley Goforth 25:04, Tommy Murphy 28:46, Theodore Lipinski 32:14. 60-64 – Steve Staley 24:10, John Phillips 28:58, Rudi Heath 29:44. 65-69 – Juan Alzate 26:41, Michael Wally 27:27, Ronald Shiffler 27:40. 70over – Jim Giles 31:59, Robert Atkins 42:03. Female, Overall – Emma Jones 19:54. 8-under – Rebekah Olstad 30:50, Miley Stophel 32:38, Olivia Baker 35:49. 9-11 – Ava Merli 27:58, Kathryn Stanfield 37:23, Gianna Zito

www.running.net 43:02. 12-14 – Ansley Hayes 26:59, Alina Pinto 30:21, Sarah Herlan 30:31. 15-16 – Morgan Stophel 26:26. 17-19 – Leah Herlan 35:06. 20-24 – Emily Ferguson 29:58. 25-29 – Heather Presson 31:16, Whitney Mills 31:16, Cheyenne Pywell 36:50. 3034 – Amanda Reith 25:36, Krystle Herrin 30:39, Melanie Olstad 31:26. 35-39 – Stephanie Baker 25:03, Michelle Ferguson 27:19, Christina Osborne 27:38. 40-44 – Tracey Hayes 29:35, Elizabeth Hollern 29:48, Sarah Lundin-Erickson 30:02. 45-49 – Donna Huntley 25:39, Julie Crowell 26:22, Marie Humphrey 28:15.

SOUTH CAROLINA Cooper River Bridge Run 10K Charleston – 4/7 By Cedric Jaggers The 41st Cooper River Bridge Run was the largest race in South Carolina for the 40th year in a row. This year the race suffered the inevitable participation drop off after a big anniversary race the previous year. There were 27,449 finishers out of 33,383 entrants. It was a very windy 66 degrees when the race began at 8 a.m. The wind was hard and gusty but eased off as the temperature climbed during the race. After the race, a number of runners commented that they ran slower times due to the headwind, and some said it got hot as the breeze dropped and the temp went up. The next day Post and Courier cut its coverage in half by reducing the number of finishers the paper listed in their special Bridge Run section to the top 5,000 males and top 5,000 females names and chip times from previous years’ 10,000 each. The race started fast with Benard Ngeno of Kenya, who led until the runners got off the Bridge and onto Meeting Steet, hitting the one mile mark in 4:15. At 5K there were 3 runners including last year’s winner Shadrack Kipchirchir of Colorado Springs, Colorado who hit the mark in 14:43. Kipchirchir used his strong kick at the finish to win the race for the second year in a row, this time in 28:25, one second ahead of Ngeno, and 13 seconds ahead of third place finisher Aweke Ayalew of Bahrain. The women’s race also had a small pack of 3 hit the 5K mark in the same time of 16:27 and they ended up being the top 3 female finishers. Ethiopians took the top 2 places; Gotytom Gebreslase won in 32:19 with Hiwot Ayalew 2 seconds behind her. Third place went to last year’s winner, Monicah Ngige of Kenya 13 seconds behind the winner. The top USA finisher for the second year in a row was race winner Shadack Kipchirchir in 28:25. Winning USA female finisher, also for the second year in a row was Kaitlin Goodman of Providence, RI in 34:14. Masters Male winner was Kevin Castille, 46 of Baton Rouge, LA in 30:15. Female masters award went to Ginna Reid, 40 of Asheville, NC in 37:15. The Grand Masters winners were Eric Ashton, 50 of Columbia, SC in 33:58 and Rochelle Persson, 50 of Colorado Springs, CO in 40:48. The Senior Grand Masters Awards went to a husband and wife team from North Charleston, SC: 1981 Bridge Run winner Marc Embler, 60 in 38:39 and Ruth-Marie Embler, 60 in 45:09. The Dr. Marcus Newberry award, named for the founder of the race, goes to the top local male and female from the Tri-County (Charleston) area. First place winners were Jacob Baranowski of Charleston, SC who finished 26th overall in 33:08 and Sara Ashton of Daniel Island, SC who was the 20th female finisher in 36:09. In the wheelchair division, Jose Pulido of Clarkesville, GA was champion in 31:04. The female winner was Michelle Wheeler of Boalsburg, PA in 38:42. Wheelchair Masters winner was Ulysses Elijah, 61 of Decatur, GA in 35:23. There were no female wheelchair masters participating. The Dewey Wise award for oldest runner who runs a time faster than his or her age was won by Lawrence Middaugh of Sullivan’s Island, SC. The 79 year old finished in 64 minutes and 13 seconds. The Terry Hamlin award for Mobility Impaired participants went to Jeff Nolan of North Charleston, SC in 1:51:29 and Donna Lord of Goose Creek, SC in 2:04:21

In addition to the prize money division which was awarded based on Gun Time, the Bridge Run presented awards 3 deep in each age group based on Chip Time. A finisher medal was given to everyone who finished the race. Full results: http://bridgerun.com/results-awards/

Quarry Crusher Run Columbia, SC – 4/14 Male, 3.72 miles: Overall – David Cart 25:19, David He 25:58, Ethan Dyer 26:10. Masters – Daniel Cole 29:23. 14-under – Brooks Hartin 30:35, Jackson Betette 32:36, Blake Betette 34:31. 15-19 – Lane Ellisor 35:29, Kai Schuster 37:07, Delsin Jaco 41:38. 20-24 – Jared O’Quinn 27:48, Brandon Mackey 39:31, Travis Newell 44:07. 25-29 – Deddy Sims 39:53, Evan Kyzer 40:11, Joshua Strange 46:44. 30-34 – Ronald Smith 30:16, Scott Taylor 31:09, Silsa McEwen 31:55 35-39 – James Reynolds 28:04, Scott Steele 30:37, Shaun Halford 33:59. 40-44 – Michael Guidotti 29:36, Matt Sheffield 30:54, Ryan Havens 33:29. 45-49 – Manny Munteanu 33:32, Howard Kolb 34:29, Ted Hewitt 34:37. 50-54 – Frank Seier 33:50, Rich Lindner 33:51, Tommy Kelly 34:20. 55-59 – Bruce Balmer 30:42, David Betancourt 32:19, Charlie Hammer 32:34. 60-64 – Reginald Thomas 37:47, Jack Kuenzie 38:37, Richard Moore 41:24. 65-69 – Stanley Dubinsky 41:00, Tracy Berry 43:45, Baxter Starnes 43:45. 70-over – Henry Holt 41:55, Michael Dhunjishah 57:25, Michael Lambert 1:11:00. Female, 3.72 miles: Overall – Jasmyne Huffman 31:02, Roxine Chapski 33:01, Angela Town 36:10. Masters – Amanda Reuter 36:39. 14-under – Laci Dubose 37:06, Ella Bickley 38:39, Natasha Eaton 42:30. 15-19 – Jocelyn Patino 40:59, Phoebe Fischer 45:00, Josie Thompson 49:42. 20-24 – Kirby Williamson 36:56, Lauren Lamendola 38:06, Zora Garrick 44:06. 25-29 – Maria Evans 42:13, Dallas Wise 43:01, Katie Bills 44:30. 30-34 – Erin Wilson 36:48, Antonette Paguirigan 37:31, Kristina Moreno 37:37. 3539 – Samantha Putman 37:38, Alyssa Cairns 38:42, Christine Bickely 40:59. 40-44 – Chantel Sena-Diaz 36:49, Charmaine Hilliard 38:11, Jennifer Gordon 38:50. 45-49 – Tamara Parsons 37:11, Debie Kelly 38:58, Karla Gloer 42:26. 50-54 – Elizabeth Gardner 38:27, Lori Hammer 40:06, Jeannie Craig 40:10. 55-59 – Julie Chapski 38:11, Nenita Talisesky 41:42, Florence Morrow 41:44. 60-64 – Kathy Rikard 1:01:16. 65-69 – Sharon Williams 51:59, Gwen Starnes 58:09, Vallie Conboy 58:31. 70-over – Linda Dhunjishah 1:10:37 Male, Double Crusher, 7.44 miles: Overall – Clinton Carter 57:45, William Vanheyningen 1:04:50, Brandon McBrayer 1:05:47. Masters – Brian Jackson 1:09:01. 15-19 – Trey Haselden 1:21:17. 25-29 – Tyler Luskin 1:10:42. 35-39 – Jay Tenney 1:09:09. 40-44 – Derrick Hernandez 1:29:02. 50-54 – Scot Beck 1:46:36. 55-59 – Bill Haselden 1:21:17. 60-64 – Harry Strick 1:24:34 Female, Double Crusher, 7.44 miles: Overall – Nichole Allmann 1:00:52, Jennifer Schneider 1:20:11, Katie Torke 1:22:25. Masters – Rita Halverson 1:23:19. 14-under – Josi Rogers 1:29:59. 35-39 – Kody Hernandez 1:29:02. 40-44 – Sarah Mattern 1:23:43. 45-49 – Dale Culbreth 1:27:47 50-54 – Melani Phillips 1:49:27. 65-69 – Deborah Lutton 1:29:15. Male, Triple Crusher, 11.16 miles: Overall – Tim Reitz 1:20:15, Dean Schuster 1:23:17, Richard Stroud 1:24:30. 15-19 – Ryan Unumb 1:43:01. 25-29 – Justin Elliott 1:34:20. 30-34 – Craig Wlaschin 1:29:54. 35-39 – Ken Hinely 1:32:14. 40-44 – Brandon Gustyn 1:46:31. 45-49 – Marion Hinson 1:42:51. 50-54 – Robert Jewel 1:28:34. 55-59 – Rick Rikard 2:09:13. 60-64 – Randy Smith 1:54:19. 70-over – Jeff Morey 1:42:49. Female, Triple Crusher, 11.16 miles: Overall – Sara Hutchins 1:33:42, McKenzie Holyfield 1:38:37, Alissa Marcolongo 1:42:42. 25-29 – Jenna Rivett 1:49:46. 35-39 – Gina Rogers 1:48:08. 40-44 – Stephanie Roberts 1:51:15. 45-49 – Jennifer Reeves 2:25:40. 50-54 – Katherine Harris 2:11:01.




Male, 10K: Overall – 1-Pardon Ndhlovu 30:43, 2Austin Steagall 30:51, 3-Ricky Flynn 30:53, 4-Peter Koskey 31:34, 5-Cole Atkins 31:38, 6-Alex Griggs 31:41, 7-Frank Devar 32:17, 8-Cory Keehn 32:41, 9-Michael Holland 33:15, 10-Billy Krier 34:16. Masters – Christopher Murrey 36:45, Marc Embler 38:54, Joe Hammond 39:15. Grandmasters – Dennis Funk 40:29, Scott Murr 41:07, Kevin Goehring 42:48. 14-under – Dakota Biggerstaff 38:38, Connor Donley 50:25, Alec Sanchez 50:55. 15-19 – Brad Sanders 34:36, Harper Harris 35:24, Tanner Henson 36:23. 2024 – Kyle McFoy 36:05, Alex Dahlstrom 37:40, Kyle Norcia 39:37. 25-29 – Gregory Tempel 37:03, Drew Welch 37:32, Matt Williamson 39:47. 30-34 – Kyle Kuglr 36:52, Stephen Sykes 38:11, Nhan Nguyen 39:17. 3539 – Nalin Guillaume 34:27, Daniel Moss 35:29, Matt Koppenheffer 35:34. 40-44 – Deidre Freemon 46:58, Amy Pieper 47:6, Sonja Anderson 50:38. 45-49 – Gary Ball 40:21, Casey Hawthorne 41:40, Matthew Miller 42:11. 50-54 – Markus Wimmer 44:45, Steve Cassell 46:02, Bruce Monroe 46:34. 55-59 – Blake Zemp 44:22, Robert Knight 44:51, Jeffrey Wickett 45:26. 60-64 – Dave Geer 43:27, Alan Blackwell 43:44, George Sykes 43:45. 65-69 – David Spark 45:32, Vince Herran 49:34, Andy Holden 52:30. 70-74 – Linny Moore 54:38, James Horne 58:24, Michael Kasha 59:19. 75-79 – George Luke 47:56, David Turner 57:28, Weldon Humphreys 1:01:41. 80-over – Bill Beckwith 1:29:02, Gary Bennett 1:47:56. Female, 10K: Overall – 1- Esther Atkins 35:27, 2Ginna Reid 36:54, 3-OG Gardner 36:55, 4-Maddie Ivy 37:36, 5-Margaret Brennan 38:35, 6-Gracie Griffith 39:45, 7-Margaret Marten 39:57, 8-Taylor Gupson 40:34, 9-Taylor Sorenson 41:05, 10-Linda Spooner 41:16. Masters – Jody Smith 43:47, Chrissy Driskell 43:47, Ruth Marie Embler 44:48. Grandmasters – Jana Seppala 45:15, Susi Smith 45:31, Ashley Reynolds 49:11. 14-under – Lauren Kelly 46:57, Anne Putnam 1:19:57, Nahomy Rivera 1:21:54. 15-19 – Maxine Blech 44:10, Daria Yoder 44:21, Lea Neufeld 44:30. 20-24 – Anna Fairey 44:59, Sierra Axtell 45:42, Carol Lewis 48:41. 25-29 – Mandy Brandon 44:15, Brooke Simpson 45:13, Emily Enzerra 45:25. 30-34 – Casey Huffling 43:09, Alice Nelson 43:23, Colleen Finley 45:13. 35-39 – Paige Longest 47:15, Kathryn Pegues 47:30, Kate Key 49:03. 40-44 – Deidre Freemon 46:58, Amy Pieper 47:06, Sonja Anderson 50:38. 45-49 – Rose Fyock 49:32, Michelle Dodge 49:46, Anita Jones 50:08. 50-54 – Deanne Blas 49:20, Laura Linen 51:07, Jennifer Tessitore 53:14. 55-59 - Katharine Radziewicz 49:45, Judy Walls 50:50, Mary Lou Parisi 55:24. 60-64 – Susan Toy 52:06, Sue Glasgow 52:11, Sheri Summey 58:46. 65-69 – Darlene Knight 52:32, Mary Bieel 57:48, Sandi Hardaway 58:45. 70-74 – Beverly Pedersen 1:24:28, Elaine Fencl 1:30:58. 75-79 – Anne Brooks 1:13:20. Male, 5K: Overall – Tony Casey 16:48, Christian Acker 16:49, Matthew Hammersmith 16:54. Masters – Jonathan Fenske 18:59, Matt Pryor 19:40, Jason Putnam 19:41. Grandmasters – Bob Seedlock 20:10, Robbie Mustoe 21:58, Doug Bonestroo 22:18. Female, 5K: Overall – Kate Dodds 19:04, Sunday Davis 19:40, Ginnie Freeman 20:14. Masters – Jane Godwin 23:52, Jane Few 24:47, Susan Dupont 25:12. Grandmasters – Joy Howard 26:17, Jodi Taylor 26:39, Sarah Malloch 26:40.

True to the Brew 6.5 mile Trail Run Pomaria, SC – 4/21 Male, Overall – Derek Hutton 37:38, Adam Feigh 37:46, Drew Williams 40:23. Masters – Alex McDonald 42:03, Tracy McKinnon 43:16, Ken Bolin 46:19.

more results at running.net 12-14 – Chris Conrick 42:01. 20-24 – Wil Hope 48:36, Ryan Hull 59:55, Jon Harrington 1:05:07. 25-29 – David Wolfer 44:41, Eric Hope 48:37, Ethan Washam 54:44, Josh Brewton 55:01. 30-34 – Grant Shirk 46:25, Boomer Philbrick 56:18, Jeff Cain 56:51, Richard Barber 1:06:03. 35-39 – Michael Lawson 44:11, Josh Edwards 46:09, Dale Stigamier 50:58, Jeremy Patterson 51:23 40-44 – Sam Cullum 52:12, William Rowan 57:12, Matt McGrievy 1:01:41, Ken Weems 1:17:24. 45-49 – Steve Conrick 47:23, Marion Hinson 50:4, Frank Finch 1:00:19, Phillip Hull 1:00:39. 50-54 – Ed Aufuldish 46:28, Roy Shelley 48:29, Roland Hundley 1:00:00, Ken Walker 1:09:03. 55-59 – James Hooten 54:13, Mike Griffin 59:56, Louis Krause 1:00:48, Joe Robinson 1:09:28. 60-64 – Pete O’Boyle 48:14, Harry Strick 1:04:01, Bryan Leaburn 1:04:57, Christian Hope 1:09:19. 65-69 – Robert Sanders 58:47. 70-over – Ed McCall 1:33:02, Ken Lowden 1:41:01, Michael Copenhaver 2:11:10. Female, Overall – Sabrina Gandy 49:11, Madelyn Smith 50:04, Jennifer Conrick 50:12. Masters – Denise Knight 50:40, Julie McKinnon 53:16, Missy Judy 53:47. 15-19 – Mary Margaret Gannon 55:16. 20-24 – Morgan Sox 58:15, Katie DuBose 1:15:24, Kellie Geisel 1:31:52, Bailey Newman 1:41:33. 25-29 – Margaret Dubose 52:54, Amanda Bucci 54:28, Cathryn Adair 55:04, Makenzie Wilson 58:42. 30-34 – Emily Krodel 56:18, Brittany Jones 58:27, Stefanie Cain 1:00:01, Traci Dubois 1:00:41 35-39 – Gabrielle Rutherford 54:57, Kristin Nabors 1:00:55, Kelly Ghent 1:01:10, Sheila Bolin 1:04:56. 40-44 – Jennifer Clyburn 57:30, Vicki Allen 1:00:55, Tammy Carter 1:01:10, Brie McGrievy 1:01:40. 45-49 – Tracy Tisdale 59:23, Jenny McKeown 1:06:40, Jenni Gannon 1:08:52, Leslie Duffy 1:10:23 50-54 – Renee McCormick 57:41, Michelle Dent 1:01:32, Denise Bucci 1:02:48, TJ Propst 1:04:43. 55-59 – Sandy Smith 1:02:47, Teresa Harrington 1:05:09, Susan Payne 1:23:22, Bonnie McDuffie 1:26:52. 60-64 – Cheryl Outlaw 1:09:47, Susan Fernandez 1:17:31, Phyllis Stoker 1:17:52, Jocelyn Sanders 1:44:36. 65-69 – Kathy Ingalls 1:53:57, Karen Summer 2:06:26.

Heart & Sole Women’s 5 miler Columbia, SC – 4/21 Female, Overall – Sara Ashton 28:34, Shawanna White 28:39, Joy Miller 30:21, Shannon Bain 30:39, Mary Clarie Cox 32:23. Masters – Shannon Godby 32:27, Linn Hall 35:04, Sarah Allers 35:11. Grandmasters – Debbie Flynn 36:47, Chatal Faure 28:07, Rachel Caldwell 38:30. Senior Grandmasters – Mary Howk 40:38, Alsena Edwards 40:41, Lynn Grimes 42:00. 14-under – Emma Danback 44:27, Natalie Walke 49:50, Mya George 50:40. 15-19 – Pippa Richter 32:39, Bethany Bowman 43:48, Sara Dietrich 48:46. 20-24 – Katelin Killman 32:54, Brooke Grice 34:25, Claire Kennedy 35:55. 25-29 – Sam Bleiweis 39:17, Katie Wacker 40:56, Meredith Piro 40:56. 30-34 – Jennifer Kryzanowsk 32:49, Jennifer Lybrand 34:13, Nora Ellis 37:30. 35-39 – Erin Kesterson 33:01, Kelly Miller 35:09, Pamela Nadolski 36:38. 40-44 – Charmaine Howell 37:50, Naomi Rabon 38:33, Sonya Green-Sumpter 38:50. 45-49 – Heather Hawn 41:08, Cristina Cameron 42:15, Michelle Glowacki 42:36. 50-54 – Gay Petrey 41:28, Monica Brumagin 42:18, Mimi Pearson 42:53. 55-59 - Susan Rogers 39:16, Colleen Reed 39:43, Patricia Oubre 42:54. 60-64 – Karen Creighton 44:23, Dawn Gal.Loway-Hale 45:33, Betty Floyd 46:47. 65-69 – Judy Greenhill 45:10, Martha White 49:49, Teresa Hawkins 54:41. 70-over – Sheryl Bingham 1:01:37, Liselotte Delauder 1:14:51, Jane Mergle 1:20:27.

Running Journal • June, 2018 Palmetto Half Marathon/5K Columbia, SC – 4/21 Male, Half Marathon: Overall – Trey McCain 1:19:49, Marc Truesdale 1:23:30, John Kauderman 1:25:10.. Masters – Michael Nance 1:28:56, Brian Kistner 1:30:53, Larry Jourdain 1:30:58. 15-19 – Garrett Dean 1:31:49, Sam Thomas 2:16:26, Deshon Daniels 2:51:52. 20-24 – Bobby Rhodus 1:27:18, Timothy Behnke 1:32:24, Omar Mayorga 1:38:24. 25-29 – Timothy Gibson 1:26:35, John Bernhart 1:29:49, Marc Skill 1:33:07. 30-34 – Robert Wiley 1:27:51, David He 1:30:46, Colby Hanson 1:33:46. 35-39 – Kenneth Bereski 1:28:39, Matthew Rowe 1:37:57, Gary Krese 1:42:46. 4044 – Jarrett Lindon 1:43:31, John Ciulla 1:48:23, Robert Yerger 1:52:55. 45-49 – Ravi Chokkalingam 1:43:30, Joseph Campbell 1:47:34, Ramesh Tippabhatla 1:50:33. 50-54 – Robert Jewel 1:42:04, Larry Mull 1:34:10, Michael Lotter 1:38:22. 55-59 – Francisco Mora 1:46:11, Phil Togneri 1:47:09, George Starnes 1:48:29. 60-64 – Bob Taylor 1:51:11, Phillip Cook 2:01:19, Keith Johnson 2:10:45. 65-69 – Willia Iskrzak 2:09:28. 70-over – Jim Herring 2:58:14, Michael Lambert 3:08:30. Female, Half Marathon: Overall – Lindsey Lane 1:33:15, Jessa Wigington 1:34:32, Bridget Hall 1:35:26. Masters – Sheila Bell 1:45:44, Gwenn Catalone 1:49:48, Amanda Lyons 1:52:55. 14-under – Abby Vanco 2:40:48. 15-19 – Emily Swanigan 1:36:04, Lauren Western 1:57:24, Jade Morton 1:57:45. 20-24 – Sally Hart 1:44:14, Eleanor Walch 1:48:33, Irene Cheng 1:57:24. 25-29 – Janina Simmons 1:39:41, Valori Schubiger 1:39:49, Emily Bye 1:42:18. 3034 – Maggie Stelzer 1:45:01, Caroline Maulana 1:48:23, Desiree Nance 1:51:48. 35-39 – Amy Rollins 1:42:36, Krystal Davis 1:46:42, Holly Heckendorn 1:48:28. 40-44 – Lourdes Tepper 1:54:02, Bridgett Bailey 1:55:16, Amy Milligan 1:55:45. 45-49 – Rene Yanity 1:56:46, Kathleen Lambert 2:05:14, Rebecca Quenneille 2:06:17. 50-54 – Tammie Morgan 1:57:34, Barbara Brandenburg 2:03:18, Sherry Fadel 2:03:19. 55-59 – Anita Cheslek 2:05:00, Chris Decker 2:07:58, Catherine Johnson 2:10:45. 60-64 – Pat Lynch 2:00:05, Carolyn Haller 2:05:58, Tonya Ligon 2:44:00. 65-69 – Sandra Payne 3:20:58, Carol Magill 3:28:43. Male, 5K: Overall – Logan Zeis 17:53, Eric Allers 18:13, Shawn Shealy 19:32 Masters – Jeff Brandenburg 19:36, Mark Hickman 20:24, Johnathan Kirkwood 20:46. 14-under – Christopher Simmons 20:09, Kyle Fowler 22:14, Jackson Inman 22:15. 15-19 – Isaiah Culpepper 23:15, Adam Schiferl 36:10. 20-24 – Austin Brown 28:11, Bryce Reeves 29:39, Daniel Wise 34:41. 25-29 – Josh Wetherwax 30:47, Tommy Herschede 34:32, Tyler Howard 52:04. 30-34 – James Alston 34:23, Chris Goodman 46:26, Andy Newell 51:20. 35-39 – Bryan Covar 25:21, Dave Strum 25:30, Sampson Moracco 26:08. 40-44 – Ivery Baldwin 23:51, Larry Engelhardt 24:06, Chris Fawver 24:17. 45-49 – Kenny Culbertson 20:57, Craig Munnik 27:35, Todd Derrick 28:01. 50-54 – Steven Gantt 23:14, Greg Prevost 29:06. 55-59 – Jim Williams 23:06, Derrick Braddock 28:14, Phillip Moffitt 28:28. 60-64 – Charles Seastrunk 24:29, Nick Foster 28:33. 65-69 – Isaacs Strong 35:21. 70-over – Henry Holt 31:18. Female, 5K: Overall – Sean Gibbons 23:54, Stephanie Fischer 24:53, Janet Sullivan 25:02. Masters – Lucia Smith 26:07, Theresa Kesser 29:14, Marlena White 29:23. 14-under – Anna Bass 35:35, Emma Griffith 35:51, Arin Campbell 50:40. 15-19 – Caitlyn McDougald 27:13, Phoebe Fischer 30:52, Caelee Ellis 30:53. 20-24 – Savannah Ament 29:37, Hayley Elliott 34:33, Hallie Van Camp 37:45. 25-29 – Lizzie Boyer 28:25, Jennifer Broach 30:08, Christiana Fairfield 31:16. 30-34 – Abby Hughes 25:19, Margaret Sessions 35:35, Monica Alston 38:02. 35-39 – Cruz Figueroa 19:06, Karen O’Sullivan 29:28, Christi Mayo 34:01. 40-44 – Leah Jones 29:47, Natoshia Williams 29:47, Corrie Campbell 35:20. 45-49 – Stephanie Griffith 35:51, Shaunannette Watson 36:11, Charlene Brooks 37:07. 50-54 – Diane Schiferl 39:37, Tonya Edgerton 42:16, Karla Anderson 43:16. 55-59 – Mandy Suggs 33:06, Lisa McClain 35:00, Teri Colden 40:06. 60-64 – Carol Cunningham 32:56, Clara Williams 39:43, Kathy Newson 58:14. 65-69 – Joanna Buergey 37:20.


Aiken Electric Cooperative Run United Half Marathon/5K Aiken, SC – 4/28 Male, Half Marathon: Overall – Ricky Flynn 1:10:00, Marc Embler 1:24:25, Isaac Homer 1:25:27. 19-under – Nathaniel Tate 1:32:45. 20-24 – Travis Brown 1:26:12. 25-29 – Chandler Goldman 1:25:01. 30-34 – Taylor Braithwaite 1:27:10. 35-39 – Bill Raeth 1:52:18. 40-44 – Anthony Grinnell 1:28:40. 45-49 – Thomas Dobkins 1:43:34. 50-54 – Brad Marlow 1:30:42. 55-59 – Larry Jourdain 1:29:36. 60-64 – Eric Monaco 1:49:20. 65-69 – Jerry Hutto 1:44:21 70-over – Michael Lambert 3:08:44. Female, Half Marathon: Overall – Shawanna White 1:21:30, Erin Miller 1:28:22, Hayley Whisonant 1:31:11. 19-under – Olivia Esselman 1:31:23. 20-24 – Monica Cardona 1:55:09. 25-29 – Brianna Stadsvold 1:57:03. 30-34 – Jennifer Lybrand 1:36:30. 35-39 – April Waters 1:44:17. 40-44 – Linn Hall 1:36:03. 45-49 – Renee Joiner 2:00:47. 50-54 – Jacqueline Donaldson 1:41:57. 55-59 – Dee Decker 2:04:33. 60-64 – Ruth Marie Embler 1:39:29. 65-69 – Karen Miles 1:43:48. Male, 5K: Overall – Ethan Kurilko 18:23, Wes Baughcome 18:31, Ethan Kaufelds 19:00. 19-under – Kyle Kaufelds 19:48. 20-24 – Giles Crook 25:03. 25-29 – Ryan Martin 23:53. 30-34 – Paul Jackson 19:55. 35-39 – Ryan Strohecker 23:46. 40-44 – Keith Richardson 21:19. 45-49 – Barry Cromer 22:14. 50-54 – Greg Esselman 19:45. 55-59 – Mark Bedenbaugh 20:00. 60-64 – Gary Strohecker 22:15. 6569 – George Lawson 22:55. 70-over – Leighton McLendon 32:56. Female, 5K: Overall – Bethany Fordham 20:35, Lexi Taylor 22:24, Charmaiane Howell 22:33. 19-under – Carolyn Carpenter 25:40. 20-24 – Hannah Lederer 27:18. 25-29 – Lauren Quackenbush 27:05. 30-34 – Heather Kellis 25:08. 35-39 – Jessica East 24:52. 40-44 – Christine Garabedien 24:59. 45-49 – Karen Frazier 28:58. 50-54 – Ruth O’Brien 22:39. 5559 – Ellen Priest 33:27. 60-64 – Mary Curran 25:28. 65-69 – Teri Merry 35:28. 70-over – Georgeanne Saddington 36:32.

Hell Hole Swamp 10K Jamestown, SC – 5/5 Male, Overall – Jason Annan 37:43. Masters – Bobby Wilder 41:32. Grandmasters – Tony Glaser 41:42. 15-19 – Cortez Gonzalez 41:16, William Wilkins 54:48, David Williams 56:29. 20-24 – Kevin Clark 41:22. 25-29 – Jared Breaux 48:22, Joshua Floyd 56:00, Rickie Guderian 59:33. 30-34 – Christopher Williams 47:14, Jonathan Milton 59:09. 35-39 – Pete Grazaitis 54:23. 40-44 – Bobby Wilder 41:32, Joerg Herzog 52:31, Mark Jones 53:45, Christen Dellett 54:03. 45-49 – Philippe Des Francs 46:19, Andrew Miller 49:23, Jeff Burgess 53:32, Alfred Cammarata 58:37, Vick Meetze 1:10:46. 50-54 – Howard Smith 48:50, Eric Lloyd 49:27, Bruce Dales 53:13, Jeff Medvec 57:55, Matthew Jasso 58:55. 55-59 – Stafford Floyd 56:03. 60-64 – Tony Glaser 41:42, Andy Tedesco 41:55, Daniel Clapper 52:51, Reginald Thomas 56:00, Michael Leibowitz 1:50:05. 65-69 – Joe Shaw 54:09, Eddie Stroman 1:03:45, Rusty Doyle 1:07:37. 70-74 – Steve Annan 46:35, Elbert Howard 1:00:44. 75-over – Joe Myers 1:54:40. Female, Overall – Hayley McMahon 47:27. Masters – Tracy Yohs 51:16. Grandmasters – Pat Lynch 55:23. 14-under – Eliza Wallace 56:46, Caroline Driggers 1:10:17, Samantha Watson 1:11:24. 15-19 – Jac Pretorius 54:55, Caitlin James 1:53:12. 25-29 – Victoria Shaw 1:05:16. 30-34 Debbie Rogina 50:32, Brooke Smith 56:30, Valerie Harvey 58:42, Bailey Knight 1:07:16, Laura Gould 1:14:32. 35-39 – Dayna Frechette 57:25, Bethany Watson 1:11:23, Leigh Sharkey 1:17:07, Jessica James 1:53:11.40-44 – Jana Naus 56:07, Betsy Wallace 56:45, Sue Potashnik 1:00:38, Kristina Gainey 1:04:44, Melissa Hicks 1:12:13. 45-49 – Patti Litchfield 56:37, Autumn Morrison 1:53:52. 50-54 – Tracy Yohs 51:16, Larky Shuler 56:31, Rhonda McGhie 1:05:31, Cindy Roth 1:05:40, Cindy Keys 1:07:56. 55-59 – Lynne Leroy 57:12, Mary Trepen



Running Journal • June, 2018


1:05:51, Monica Mumme 1:10:28, Lydia Baker 1:47:50. 60-64 – Pat Lynch 55:23, Peggy Ward 1:28:32. 65-69 – Judy Gilman 1:22:03. 75-over – Marilyn Hair 1:28:30.

Divas Half Marathon/5K North Myrtle Beach, SC – 5/5 Female, Half Marathon: Overall – Heather Costello 1:36:20, Hayley Whisonant 1:37:47, Caitlin Rushlander 1:39:25. 14-under – Meckli Evans 2:38:27. 15-19 – Allison Copsey 2:05:17, Abby McCool 2:06:05, Mary Katherine Kelly 2:13:21. 20-24 – Charity Bowman 2:04:33, Krissy Burgess 2:05:45, Keya Price 2:10:37. 25-29 – Allison Lease 1:41:35, Kylie Aultman 1:54:08, Jeanetta Gregory 1:55:03. 30-34 – Amy Gannon 1:45:50, Kristen Nowacki 1:46:36, Rachelle Cyr 1:47:06. 35-39 – Amanda Ghent 1:45:32, Jane Greene 1:46:26, Courtney Ramos 1:50:30. 40-44 – Misty Dion 1:42:58, Julie Bullard 1:53:39, Teresa Eddy 1:56:33. 45-49 – Tracy Dodrill 1:45:20, Jennifer Bennett 1:52:40, Alisa Salvaggio 1:53:25. 50-54 – Christine Kitzler 1:48:36, Pam Laughter 1:59:29, Rose Bobbitt 2:05:53. 55-59 – Lisa Groome 1:55:14, Jennifer Collier 2:02:0, Laura Kick 2:04:29. 60-64 – Ophelia Moore 2:02:53, Dawn Galloway-Hale 2:07:07, Donna Rasch 2:12:33. 65-69 – Karen Fitzsimmons 2:32:13, Lou Floyd 2:47:19, Susan Harmuth 2:56:41. 70-74 – Nancy Thompson 2:41:57. Male, Overall – John Direny 1:40:19, Frankie Green 1:41:36, David Kersbergen 1:41:46. Female, 5K: Overall – Amber Reece-Young 20:03, Becky Dougherty 20:28, Andrea Grijalva 22:11. 14-under – Aleeyah Sellers 25:21, Miyah Thomas 25:58, Addison Autry 29:48. 15-19 – Megan Moritsch 29:38, Anna Atma 32:33, Bailey Brown 33:00. 20-24 –Susan Touchberry 21:49, Jessica Graham 28:29, Tara Phillips 29:11. 25-29 – Heather Beilhart 28:37, Shelby Kirtley 28:40, Eva Irwin 28:50. 30-34 – Rocio Chavez 24:21, Michelle Zabo 24:48, Kary-Anne Chiarizio 25:49. 35-39 – Judit Trunkos 24:50, Sarah Floyd 25:43, Juno Dubose 27:30. 40-44 – Monica Cahill 25:24, Chelle Mason 26:34, Kathryn Capps 27:20. 45-49 – Jodi Haines-Cool 25:53, Amy Orange 26:37, Joey Blanding 27:54. 50-54 – Catherine Walsh 27:20, Cindy Hobbs 28:11, Kate Borg 28:46. 55-59 – Kris Graci 24:17, Patricia Senkow 27:46, Diana Rainey 29:02. 60-64 – Alice Seeley 29:18, Sheri Welch 31:14, Lanette Bares 31:15. 65-69 – Donna Knight 32:29, Jenny Blevins 34:43, Barbara Rice 38:03. 70-74 – Ella Wells 41:16, Charlene Jones 45:58, Judith Caldamone 47:18. 75over – Olivia Bond 49:40, Janet Hohn 55:19, Deanna Macbeth 56:10. Male, Overall – Jeffery Waters 25:44, Jerry Beasley 26:20, Paul Roers 26:22.

TENNESSEE Purity Moosic City Dairypure Dash 5K/10K/15K Nashville, TN – 4/14 Male, 5K: Overall – Nick French 15:40, Ben Li 15:51, Cormac Carolan 16:57. Masters – Thomas Hampton 19:01, David Hefley 19:55, Jeffrey Bandy 20:37. Grandmasters – Philip Gyalog 21:30, Albert Reid 21:30, Chuck Mader 21:42. 9-under – Madison Morris 24:16, Gabe Guillamondegui 24:56, Joshua Knight 28:10. 10-14 – Royce Mentor 20:27, Aden Adams 21:23, Spencer Abbey 21:36. 15-19 – Jake Goguen 24:51, Will Mitchell 25:08, Colton Williams 28:22. 20-24 – Peter Mitchell 17:17, Seth Douglas 21:10, Dan Coleman 21:36. 25-29 – Ryan Pett 18:44, Muris Zenelji 20:17, Wes King 20:53. 30-34 – David Weibel 23:38, Ike Elgard 24:15, Sinith Suong 24:17. 35-39 – Haskell Murray 18:00, Chad Blackburn 19:39, Greg Broome 21:10. 40-44 – David Roe 25:22, Brendan Holohan 23:00, Paul Gandy 23:49 45-49 – Matthew Huddleston 22:47, Shawn Williams 22:52,

more results at running.net Sean Jones 22:58. 50-54 – James Stinson 22:25, Todd Sullivan 23:54, David Roland 24:09 55-59 – Jonathan Thorndike 22:11, Mark Pierret 22:25, Richard Gaskins 24:43. 60-64 – Eddie Webb 24:24, James Fagan 25:26, Neal Stubblefield 26:36. 65-69 – Paul Matrisian 27:19, Terry Long 33:40, Jerry Clements 39:13. 70-74 – Michael Drake 33:39, Jerry Steele 48:54. 75-79 – Zane Cantrell 28:07, James Braunreiter 31:02, Tomas De Paulis 49:05. Female, 5K: Overall – Jess Ivy 18:59, Heather Sellers 21:48, Diana Pelham 21:57. Masters – Sheri Jones 24:03, Ginny Miller 24:23, Tammy Freeman 24:52. Grandmasters – Lisa Glunt 25:40, Alice Thompson 27:15, Kim Suits 27:33. Wheelchair – Amy Saffell 36:56. 9-under – Aurora Brame-Goldthwaite 24:56, Haven Graves 28:17, Morgan McAteer 31:02. 10-14 – Ellie Hemmelgarn 22:36, Hannah Mosley 25:17, Sydney Morris 28:03. 15-19 – Laura Gray 27:37, Meredith Crockett 28:23, Amanda Laboy 29:54. 20-24 – Carolina Sturla 27:52, Morgan Johnson 29:48, Alexis Gilner 32:26 25-29 – Jaime Carolan 22:10, Miranda Pool 24:34, Meg Warren 26:07. 30-34 – Jamie Johnson 21:55, Kira Watson 24:02, Kendall Shultes 24:02. 35-39 – Jami Poley 24:41, Stephanie Folkmann 24:43, Katherine Booker 25:22. 40-44 – Kacey Flatt 25:06, Jennifer Knauf 25:31, Emily Plotkin 29:18. 45-49 – Tracy Bullard 25:34, Cynthia Brame 28:47, Dayna Cullom 29:00. 50-54 – Rebecca Burgoyne 27:54, Jamie Gaskins 28:03, Sandra Jackson 28:41. 55-59 – Kim Caum 29:49, Donna Smith 29:53, Tammy Fogarty 32:16. 60-64 – Beverly Purvis 29:36, Paula Thomas 29:57, Lisa Allen 31:09. 65-69 – Betty Sullivan 36:25, Helen Nulty 36:40, Carol Biggs 36:48. 70-74 – Lynda de Paulis 32:06, Marilin Feaster 44:17, Linda Fenderson-Doss 45:37. 75-79 – Virgie Yaglowski 58:23. Male, 10K: Overall – Scott Wietecha 32:01, August Pappas 33:18, Richard Lupp 34:40. Masters – Mark Carver 39:49, Kelly Johnson 44:42, Simon Heard 47:33. Grandmasters – Bill Brown 47:58, Trey Buttriss 47:58, Dan Cox 49:16. 9-under – Reid Spencer 58:52, Liam Sorget 1:09:25. 10-14 – Mason Richardson 48:34, Hunter Broughton 53:26, Samuel Greffet 1:01:59. 15-19 – Jacob Smith 56:10, Jonathan Sommer 59:14, Jacob Miller 1:29:37. 20-24 – Grant MacKinnon 35:20, Aaron Losee 47:39, Brian Suh 47:53. 25-29 – Geoff Musick 37:067, Wes King 47:08, Rick Forehand 48:44. 30-34 – Max Barrett 45:10, Jordon White 46:37, Jayanth Sankar 47:06. 3539 – Andrew Wisniewski 39:35, James Avery 45:24, Sean Wilbur 45:25. 40-44 – Jason Simmons 48:04, Russ Loidolt 51:16, Marcus Foster 51:17. 45-49 – Donald Stover 48:41, Shannon Lambert 49:43, Matthew Huddleston 51:06. 50-54 – Ray McGahey 51:27, Randy Thomley 52:32, Chris Ferrell 53:12. 55-59 – Alan Watts 50:43, Timothy Walker 52:01, Ed Barron 53:56. 60-64 – Jerry Houston 52:38, Dale Edwards 53:15, Jeffrey Aspacher 53:41. 65-69 – Jack Foster 52:29, Randy Hudgins 55:02, Rodger Williams 55:18. 70-74 – Gary Robinson 58:02, Bill Cooper 1:03:17, Harry Vasels 1:09:46. 75-79 – Carlos Cobos 58:11, Dennis Christian 58:37. Female, 10K: Overall – Hayley Doty 44:22, Kirsten Perrey 45:17, Linda Lamott 45:57. Masters – Deborah Cooke 48:47, Suzanne Locke 48:52, Rebecca Hayworth 49:07. Grandmasters – Gloria Mersma 51:23, Monica Starrett 53:05, Kathy Eliason 53:41. Wheelchair – Teona Chapman 1:24:27. 10-14 – Isabella Guillamondegui 50:48. 15-19 – Tori McDermott 53:24, Abigail Thomason 1:34:27. 20-24 – Rhiannon Flanagan-Rosario 46:08, Tara McDermott 47:43, Megan Van Der Horst 49:47. 2529 – Tara Roeder 49:35, Sarah Anderson 50:58, Ashley Poort 54:19. 30-34 – Kelly Russo 47:11, Lindsey Plewa 48:28, Ashley Yougsma 49:09. 35-39 – Megan Conner

www.running.net 46:59, Katherine Jensen 48:27, Jocelyn Cody 50:38. 40-44 – Rachel Reasonover 50:45, Emily Lovell 52:33, Wendy Gay 54:13. 45-49 – Jill Spackman 52:58, Holy Salunkhe 55:15, Tammy Jones 56:45. 50-54 – Jeannine Renfro 55:50, Kim Glover 58:13, Ida Franco-Dowdy 58:26. 55-59 – Cathy Wind 54:27, Diana Bibeau 55:25, Mary Boer 55:38. 60-64 – Maureen Boling 1:00:07, Susan Joy 1:01:55, Cathy Gracey 1:02:47. 65-69 – Marti Carrell 1:03:50, Velma Watkins 1:12:07, Linda Sadler 1:13:34. Male, 15K: Overall – Joseph Elsakr 52:45, Jarred Reber 1:03:05, Pavlo Gilchuk 1:04:51. Masters – Paul Seitz 1:07:29, Ron Chapman 1:08:24, Jeff McDermott 1:11:59. Grandmasters – Ronald Dow 1:15:05. 25-29 – Ryan Blakney 1:09:03. Female, 15K: Overall – Gisela Olalde 58:06, Birdie Hutton 1:04:05, Jennifer Huang 1:04:58. 25-29 – Laura Wind 1:10:39. 30-34 – Maria Galvin 1:05:25.

30,000 Registered Runners at St. Jude Rock ’n’ Roll Nashville NASHVILLE, TN (April 28, 2018) – Approximately 30,000 registered runners from age 12 to 86 took to the streets of Music City this weekend to participate in the 19th running of the St. Jude Rock ‘n’ Roll Nashville Marathon & Half Marathon. With a renewed focus on the core pillars of Bringing Fun to the Run™ with great music in a community environment, runners of all athletic levels enjoyed the sights and sounds of Nashville. The best-in-class running event kicked off on Thursday evening with a 1 Mile Race at Nissan Stadium along Cumberland Park that included entertainment from the all-female group Kitty Hawk and Top 4 finalist from American Idol, Jessica Meuse. The main event took place on Saturday, with runners from all 50 states and 37 countries taking off on a tour of Nashville. While this year saw some course alterations, the race still started on Broadway taking runners past the honky tonks of downtown Nashville. Runners passed numerous landmarks including Music Row, Belmont University and Bicentennial Mall. The course lead participants past the Schermerhorn Symphony, Music City Center and the Musical Roundabout before finishing outside of Nissan Stadium, home of the NFL Tennessee Titans. In the marathon, Scott Wietecha (Hendersonville, Tenn.) broke the tape as the overall champion for the sixth straight year in a row finishing in 2:28:19. Madut Garang (Lebanon, Tenn.) finished in second with a time of 2:29:54 as Kevin Fink (Tipp City, Ohio) rounded out the podium in third by finishing in 2:39:03. Stella Christoforou (Campbell, Ky.) was the women’s marathon champion with a final time of 2:53:47. Heather Crowe (Palatine, Ill.) took the second-place spot in 3:07:48 and Cristina Noble (Brighton, Mich.) finish third in 3:08:22. Marathon finishers were treated to a brand new redcarpet finish and recovery zone that included massages and catered food. In the half marathon, Roosevelt Cook (Hesperia, Calif.) won the race in 1:09:27. Lucas Cotter (Signal Mountain, Tenn.) was second with a time of 1:09:55. Nick French (Nashville, Tenn.) followed in third place in 1:10:40. Gisela Olalde (Nashville, Tenn.) was the women’s champion with a final time of 1:19:50 with Lauren Hixon (Westminster Colo.) next behind her at 1:22:20. Amy Robillard (Montgomery, Ohio) rounded out the podium in 1:22:38. Elite runners and fast times aside, Saturday’s races were all about the party atmosphere. Some of Nashville’s best live bands performed on improved band stages along the route, interspersed with cheerleaders and themed water stations. Participants moved along to more music than ever with all new mile-markers that included speakers and race pacers who ran with mobile speaker packs. Ryan Weaver and Jessica Meuse treated runners to the national anthem while Jillian Cardarelli entertained the crowd at the finish line festival. Later, runners and spectators were to celebrate at the Toyota Rock ‘n’ Roll Concert Series at Ascend Amphitheater headlined by 5-time Grammy nominee Hunter Hayes with Erin Kinsey as the opener. The weekend concludes tomorrow with the one-mile KiDS ROCK at Nissan Stadium. For complete results or for information on next year’s event, visit RunRocknRoll.com/Nashville.

Strolling Jim 40 mile/Marathon/13.2 mile/10K Wartrace, TN – 5/5 40 miles, Top 50 – 1-Olaf Wasternack 4:38:20, 2Franklin Baker 5:06:06, 3-Will Rivera 5:07:27, 4-Owen Bradley 5:10:58, 5-Blake Trotter 5:14:52, 6-James Barnard 5:35:32, 7-Alondra Moody 5:38:15, 8-Joshua Holmes 5:49:42, 9-Peter Strickland 5:53:31, 10-Andy Emerson 5:54:16, 11-Robert Warden 5:55:27, 12-Jack Wiley 5:55:29, 13-Laura Brock 5:56:19, 14-Dink Taylor 5:57:02, 15-Chris Robbins 5:57:49, 16-Stephen Brown 6:07:48, 17-Michael Morrell 6:08:50, 18-David Jones 6:10:23, 19-Regina Sooey 6:11:18, 20-James Fleming 6:13:31, 21-Chad Ayres 6:15:15, 22-Larry Rosinski 6:25:46, 23-Chris Clemens 6:28:22, 24-Mark Daniels 6:30:05, 25-Jimmy Warren 6:30:18. 26-Michelle McLellan 6:30:22, 27-Jason Frey 6:31:09, 28-David Holliday 6:31:31, 29-Rhyan Ploeckelman 6:38:10, 30-Dee Reynolds 6:40:04, 31Theresa Saupe 6:41:01, 32-Bob Lenning 6:41:41, 33Ryan Hamdorff 6:43:20, 34-Jeff Stafford 6:44:27, 35Drew Cox 6:44:35, 36-Chase Cox 6:44:43, 37-Marylou Corino 6:46:29, 38-Dennis Irwin 6:47:24, 39-John Wright 6:48:43, 40-David Dye 6:48:55, 41-Eric Waterman 6:48:55, 42-Renee Aaron 6:51:25, 43-Sean Humphrey 6:51:26, 44-Jeff Deaton 6:52:54, 45-Brooke McClanahan 6:56:21, 46-Beth McCurdy 6:56:24, 47Annie Randolph 6:56:37, 48-Jason Loyd 6:56:57, 49Ben allen 6:56:68, 50-Nathan Johnson 6:57:15. Marathon, Top 25 – 1-Jason Long 3:25:35, 2-Kathy Youngren 3:48:56, 3-Nancy Schubring 33:53:52, 4Lanier Greenhaw 3:57:30, 5-Adam Winger 4:12:10, 6Heather Kralj 4:14:49, 7-Anya Gluszek 4:23:36, 8-Mica Aguilar 4:33:15, 9-Shade Kling 4:36:27, 10-Jason Onks 4:37:51, 11-Irene Kok 4:40:06, 12-Scott Flowers 4:40:08, 13-Marilin Kelley 4:40:08, 14-Andrew Self 4:40:13, 15-Liesl Fraley 4:46:05, 16-Amy Varga 4:49:24, 17-Lindsey Hardesty 4:52:37, 18-Shannon McGinn 4:54:08, 19-Jeff Cornwell 4:58:07, 20-Eric Adams 5:04:46, 21-Brian Striepling 5:13:13, 22-Robert Smith 5:17:19, 23-Michael O’Melia 5:18:56, 24-Melissa Bradley 5:20:43, 25-Rachel Heath 5:22:12. 13.2 miles, Top 25 – 1-Anthony Kuntz 1:16:20, 2Rob Wesley 1:49:03, 3-Daniel Bruce 1:51:51, 4-David Hefley 1:53:12, 5-John Horner 1:59:23, 6-Joseph Thigpen 1:59:28, 7-Brad Hayes 2:04:41, 8-Kevin Randolph 2:07:47, 9-McKinley Johnson 2:08:44, 10James Robinson 2:09:15, 11-Bryan Smith 2:11:08, 12Bill Hillin 2:12:30, 13-SErgio Gomez 2:13:26, 14-Grace Gilmore 2:13:39, 15-Sam Wheeler 2:15:19, 16-Amanda Morris-Shrum 2:15:32, 17-Robbie Sanders 2:15:32, 18Amanda Sanders 2:15:33, 19-Dave Porfiri 2:18:36, 20Nancy Kelley 2:18:44, 21-Chip Patterson 2:19:05, 22Jeffrey Horner 2:21:21, 23-Trent Hughes 2:23:36, 24Nancy Warden 2:24:08, 25-Jason Morelock 2:24:38. 10K, Top 25 – 1-Jon Tate 42:48, 2-Jeremy Kaiding 43:05, 3-Andrew Jones 45:26, 4-Jimmy Girten 47:02, 5-Max Norman 47:13, 6-Lance erry 53:37, 7-Michael Childress 54:05, 8-Bill Baker 54:06, 9-Tj King 55:04, 10-Tamra Smith 56:31, 11-Auri Sanchez 58:25, 12Nathan Dewall 58:56, 13-Barry Sampless 58:56, 14Tracy Watson 59:46, 15-Neil Watson 59:46, 16-Bruce Hunter 1:03:43, 17-Gay Sutley 1:04:19, 18-Drew Shae 1:05:36, 19-Alex Shae 1:06:37, 20-R. Nanners 1:06:38, 21-Missi Pierce 1:07:34, 22-Kimberly Childress 1:07:35, 23-Alex J

VIRGINIA Tabb High School May Day 5K Tabb, VA – 4/28 Male, Overall – Akel Swinton 17:28, Andre Jones 18:13, Michael Menapace 18:23. Masters – Jack Lovett 19:05, Craig Hymes 19:29, Tim Ryan 20:41. Wheelchair – Caden Bowers 29:45. 12-under – Jordan Gewet 22:37, Drew Ryan 24:42, Landon Stoker 25:14. 13-19 – Zachary Boyd 19:01, Gabriel Ross 20:30, Michael Hackworth 20:34. 20-29 – Stuart Bailey 22:53, Adam Demharter 24:26, Cole Kendall 25:45. 30-39 – Cris Morales 32:00, William Robertson 33:36, Lucas Brown 44:40. 40-49 – John




McCauley 20:51, David Allen 21:47, Jason Bradley 22:08. 50-59 – David Demharter 27:55, Russ Rausch 28:14, Bruce Cox 31:34. 60-69 – Dale Abrahamson 22:57, Bill Dancy 25:20, Wayne Williams 27:23. 70-over – Michael Gontesky 49:12. Walker – George Fenigsohn 37:42, Rick Webb 40:32, Michael Davis 55:53. Female, Overall – Brooke Gainey 21:38, Emily Honeycutt 21:50, Tim Ryan 20:41. Masters – Joye Cano 24:01, Holli Allen 24:16, Chantel Stoker 26:37. 12-under – Isabelle Ornelas 26:16, Hannah Clark 27:45, Blythe Kendall 34:24. 13-19 – Erin Rodgers 24:23, Katie Nahom 26:09, Katryna Aulenbach 26:21. 20-29 – Kate Dixon 25:52, Shona Robinson 29:38, Ally St Pierre 30:39. 30-39 – Sara Kitt 26:35, Marie Konopka 28:01, Tracy Clark 29:10. 40-49 – Terri Ryan 27:58, Toni Colton 28:03, Alyson Kast 29:20. 50-59 – Kim Nahom 29:06, Christine Williams 31:41, Angela Collins 37:35. 60-69 – Julie Conlee 40:34, Susan Wiker 44:26. 70over – Pauline Ely 49:11. Walker – Kate McDonald 42:39, Amy Norfleet 45:06, Karen Fiest 46:59. – Bruce Davis

Washington, D.C. Yimer, Diriba Wins Cherry Blossom 10 miler WASHINGTON, DC, April 8 — On his first trip to America, 21-year-old Jemal Yimer broke away from a dwindling lead group in the last mile of the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run to win the race in a time of 46:17. His compatriot Buze Diriba won the women’s race in 53:45 after finishing second here the past two years. In a race full of stories, another highlight was 60-year-old Joan Benoit Samuelson’s singleage and 60-64 age group record for women of 1:07:56. Given the dire weather forecast of snow on Saturdaynight earlier in the week, runners and race organizers were delighted to awake to clear blue skies and peak cherry blossoms this morning. While it was a cold 35 degrees at the start, conditions were ideal for racing, though it was a bit too windy for really fast times up front. This year’s race, often called The Runner’s Rite of Spring®, was the Professional Road Racing Organization’s (PRRO) 2018 Championship event as well as the Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) National Championship. As such, there was a total of $14,900 paid to eligible runners, on top of the usual $90,000 in prize money and bonuses on offer. As broken down below, today’s actual payout totaled $79,900. A large pack of over 20 men ran together through five miles, with 15 men still side-by-side at seven miles, when eventual third place finisher Philip Langat dropped the pace from 4:37 to 4:26 over the eighth mile. This had the effect of reducing the single-file line of leaders to just five runners. Langat continued to push the pace, and was joined at the front by eventual second-place finisher Aweke Ayalew Yimer and winner Jemal Yimer. At the finish, times were close for the top three, with Aweke Ayalew Yimer running 46:22 and Langat running 46:25, in comparison to Jimal Yimer’s 46:17. Top American Chris Derrick, who ran at the front of the pack through 10 kilometers before dropping to as far back as eighth place, rallied to finish fifth overall in a time of 46:53. Jimal Yimer, who is looking forward to a little sightseeing in our Nation’s Capital before heading home, won a total of $10,500 - $8,000 for the overall win, and $2,500 for becoming the 2017-2018 PRRO Champion. He also became the 2018 RRCA National 10 Mile Champion. Aweke Ayalew Yimer, from Burundi, won $4,000 for his second place effort; Kenyan Philip Langat won $2,000 for third place; Kenyan James Kibet won $1,500 for his 46:36 fourth place effort; Chris Derrick won a total of $6,000 - $1,000 for fifth place and $5,000 for being first American; early pace setter Edwin Kibichiy, of Kenya, won $900 for his 46:55 sixth place

more results at running.net effort; and Libyan Mohamed Hrezi won $800 for his 46:58 seventh place run. American Abbabiya Simbassa won a total of $4,400 for his 47:04: $700 for eighth place, $2,500 for second American and $1,200 for being the first male RRCA Road Scholar or Run Pro Camper (Simbassa was a RunPro Camper in 2016). Rounding out the top-ten overall were Americans Matthew McClintock - ninth in 47:10 - and Andrew Colley, tenth in 47:12. McClintock’s check for the day totaled $2,100 ($600 for ninth overall and $1,500 for third American), while Colley’s totaled $1,500 ($500 for tenth overall and $1,000 for fourth American). Josh Izewski won $800 for his 47:26 as fifth American: Tyler McCandless was sixth American in 48:34 and won $600; Kiya Dandena was seventh American in 48:37 and won $400; John Crain ran 49:16 to win $300 as the eighth American runner; Luke Puskedrawon $200 for his 49:28 ninth place American finish; and Mark Leiningerwon $200 for his 49:30 tenth-place American effort. Through the middle miles of the women’s race, Ethiopian compatriots Buze Diriba and Hiwot Gebrekidan, who won here last year, took shelter behind four other runners: Ethiopians Hiwot Yemer and Alemitu Hawi, American Diane Nukuri, and Kenyan Vicoty Chepngeno. At the finish, Diriba prevailed in a time of 53:45 to win $18,000 and the titles of 2017-2018 PRRO Champion and 2018 RRCA National 10 Mile Champion. Diriba’s payday was considerably larger than men’s winner Jemal Yimer’s $10,500 because, as the winner of the 2017 Lilac Bloomsday 12K PRRO Circuit Race, she won the PRRO Super Bonus of $10,000, which only winners of 2017-18 PRRO Circuit Races were eligible to win. Gebrekidan, who finished just three seconds behind Diriba in 53:48, won $4,000; Yemer ran 53:51 to finish third and win $2,000; Hawi was fourth in 53:53 and won $1,500; Nukuri won a total of $6,000 for her 53:56 fifth place overall ($1,000) and top American finish ($5,000); while Chepngeno won $900 for her 53:59 sixth place effort. American runners rounded out the overall top-ten, with Emma Bates finishing seventh overall and second American, and winning a total of $4,500 for her 54:45 run ($800 for seventh, $2,500 for second American, and $1,200 for being the first female RRCA Road Scholar or Run Pro Camper - she was a 2017 RRCA Roads Scholar grant recipient). Bethany Sachtleben ran 54:59 to win $2,200 for her eighth place overall ($700) and third-place American finish ($1,500); Samantha Bluske ran 55:19 and won $1,600 ($600/$1,000); and Alaphine Tuliamuk was the final “double dipper,” winning $1,300 total ($500/$800) for her tenth place overall and fifth American 55:43 run. Over 27,000 runners submitted applications to participate in the 2018 Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10 Mile and 5K Run-Walk, and the list of accepted runners represented all 50 states and 14 foreign countries. There were 16,661 official finishers in the Ten Mile and 2,529 in the 5K Run-Walk. The 2018 event marked the 17th year of title sponsorship by Credit Union Miracle Day. Since 2002, over $8 million has been raised for the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, including $380,000 from this year’s race. Full results: http://www.cherryblossom.org/

Running Journal • June, 2018

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Running Journal • June, 2018


Atlanta To Host 2020 Olympic Marathon Trials!

April 23, 2018 -- The road to Tokyo will run through Atlanta, Georgia. USA Track & Field and the U.S. Olympic Committee announced Monday that Atlanta will host the 2020 Olympic Team Trials – Marathon. The race will determine the six athletes who will represent the United States in the marathon at the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo. 2020 U.S. Olympic Team Trials - Marathon

Coming to Atlanta“Atlanta is Running City, USA,” said Rich Kenah, Executive Director of Atlanta Track Club which led the efforts to bring the race to Atlanta and will serve as the Local Organizing Committee. “We are excited to show America’s best distance runners why we claim that title. We are equally as excited to give the people of Atlanta the chance to cheer on these athletes as they chase their Olympic dream on our streets.”

Starting in Centennial Olympic Park, the 2020 Olympic Team Trials – Marathon will be held on Saturday, February 29, 2020 in conjunction with Publix Atlanta Marathon weekend. The course, which is still being finalized, will start and finish in Centennial Olympic Park and take competitors through Midtown Atlanta, Piedmont Park, Historic Old Fourth Ward, and underneath Atlanta’s iconic Olympic rings and cauldron. Kenah pointed out that the strength and dedication of Atlanta's running community was a deciding factor in the Club's decision to bid for the event. It became a major selling point for the committee that ultimately chose Atlanta over three other bidding cities. "Atlanta Track Club has more than 120,000 finishers at its events, 29,000 members, 10,000 active volunteers and a decades long history supporting high school and youth running. It is our intention to bring this community together in a grand celebration of running on the weekend of February 29, 2020," said Kenah. As part of the bid, Atlanta Track Club developed a first-of-its-kind revenue share with the athletes and committed to cover travel expenses of all qualified athletes regardless of their ranking. “The athlete experience was the foundation of our bid to bring the trials to Atlanta,” said Kenah. “We plan to deliver a race weekend where all qualifiers are treated like U.S. champions.” Kenah explained 60% of any money generated by the trials will go back to the Club to cover the cost of the event. The remaining 40% will go back to the Athletes Advisory Committee of USA Track & Field to be distributed among the competitors. “This is about giving back to the sport,” said Kenah. “To preserve Atlanta’s Olympic Legacy, it

is imperative that we invest in the Olympic future. The future is all of the athletes who qualify for the 2020 Olympic Team Trials – Marathon.” “Atlanta’s legacy in the sport, their creative commitment to athlete support, and the experience of their event management team were compelling,” USATF CEO Max Siegel said in a release. USATF looks forward to working with Atlanta Track Club, the City of Atlanta and the U.S. Olympic Committee on what promises to be an amazing 2020 Olympic Trials Marathon” The 2020 Olympic Team Trials – Marathon adds yet another high profile sporting event to Atlanta’s calendar. Under the leadership of the Atlanta Sports Council, which worked with Atlanta Track Club to secure the Trials, Atlanta has hosted the 2018 College Football Playoff Championship game and will host the 2019 Super Bowl and the 2020 NCAA Basketball Men's Final Four. The qualifying window for the 2020 Olympic Team Trials – Marathon is open now. Men must run 2:19:00 or faster for the full marathon or 1:04:00 or faster the half marathon to be eligible. Women must run 2:45:00 or faster for the full marathon or 1:13:00 or faster for the half marathon to be accepted into the race. The top three finishers in the 2020 Olympic Team Trials – Marathon will be named to the 2020 U.S. Marathon team. They will also receive part of a prize purse totaling $480,000. The Publix Atlanta Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K will be held March 1, 2020. It will not be run on the same course as the Olympic Team Trials Marathon. The course for the Publix Atlanta Marathon is being designed this spring and will be unveiled in the coming weeks.

Last year, more than 1.2 million people from 187 countries pledged to run 8.2 million miles on Global Running Day. The day received twice the number of media impressions compared to the prior year, with running activities taking place across the globe from New Zealand to New York. In 2018, more cities and countries are expected to activate on the day, with events ranging from fun runs to virtual races. Many of the world’s top professional runners will be serving as role models and inspirations for the next generation of stars on the day, including three-time London Marathon and three-time New York City Marathon winner Paula Radcliffe. “Global Running Day is such a wonderful initiative to spread the love and joy of running across the world,” Radcliffe said. “No sport is more inclusive or easier to take up, and the health and social benefits of running are immeasurable. Running has brought me so much, and I love nothing better than to share it with others.” Thirteen-time Paralympic medalist and fivetime New York City Marathon winner Kurt Fearnley, fresh off a Commonwealth Games marathon victory, is also serving as a massive supporter of Global Running Day by inspiring the next generation of elite wheelchair racers. “Global Running day is fast approaching, and the world is brighter place when we’re able to get moving,” Fearnley said. “Start talking and make a pledge about how you’ll be running on Global Running Day. I’ll be in my racing wheelchair, knocking out some miles. That’s what my running looks like. However you are able to run,

lock it in, and join me and other runners around the world to enjoy the magic and freedom of moving your body and check out how far or fast you can run. I think you may surprise yourself.” Running organizations and groups, individuals, school administrators, coaches, and parents can visit GlobalRunningDay.org to pledge, explore group runs and other events happening around the world, and find information on running activities for people of all ages and abilities. The world is welcome to engage with Global Running Day socially by using the #GlobalRunningDay hashtag and creating a customized Global Running Day bib. Global Running Day toolkits for events, communications and social media are also available on the website.

Global Running Day Set For June 6

New York Road Runners to celebrate 60th anniversary on Global Running Day with 60 finish lines around New York City and the world Pledging for Global Running Day and the third annual Million Kid Run on June 6 is now open on the newly designed GlobalRunningDay.org. Runners of all ages and abilities can pledge to run on June 6 and add their name to the list of people from all over the world who are coming together to celebrate the sport on Global Running Day. Organizations around the world are currently mobilizing to plan events and, celebrations to bring people together through running on this day. In 2018, New York Road Runners is celebrating 60 years of helping and inspiring people through running and will hold its ultimate celebration two days after its birthday on Global Running Day. NYRR will set up 60 finish lines around New York City and the world – in parks,

schools, and iconic locations – to celebrate its 60 years. Professional athletes and special guests who have played a role in NYRR’s history will capture their “break the tape” moments across these 60 finish lines, while several other allinclusive activations will take place across New York City’s five boroughs. New this year globally, there is a “Build Your Team” module, allowing organizations, groups, and families to create their own teams, set goals, and communicate with team members via the module. Those pledging to run can choose to join a group or create their own group, or can also still pledge independently. In its third year, the Million Kid Run will once again aim to have a million kids around the world pledge to run on June 6, and once again will be about making fitness fun and inspiring kids to embrace running as a way to get moving and stay healthy.

About Global Running Day Global Running Day, held annually on the first Wednesday in June, is a day for people around the world to celebrate the joys of running. It is a worldwide celebration of the sport, and a way for runners of all ages and abilities to share their passion for running and inspire others to get moving. The Million Kid Run on Global Running Day aims to get young people moving. The goal is to have a million kids around the world pledge to run on June 6, 2018. The Million Kid Run is about making fitness fun, and inspiring kids to embrace running as a way to get healthy and fit. Global Running Day is a collaborative effort of the most prominent running organizations around the world, with many of the top professional runners helping to share their passion for the sport with the global running community.


Running Journal • June, 2018

Grand Prix 40 Standings Below are the standings following the first seven races of the season, the Midnight Flight 10K, Hero Half Marathon, Magic City Half Marathon, Rocket City Marathon, Winter Flight 8K, Wine 10K, and Germantown Half Marathon. Double points are awarded at the Rocket City Marathon in Huntsville, AL, and all half marathons count for 25 bonus points. Point totals can also be viewed at www.running.net. Male: Overall Orinthal Striggles (SC) 405 Gatlin Holland (AL) 255 Michael Wardian (VA)180 Adam Benefield (AL) 170 Ben Pare (AL) 160 Fred Kosgei (AL) 150 Jordan Poche (AL) 145 Matthew Pulle (TN) 140 Dmitry Levko (AL) 130 Geoffrey Tum (AL) 130 Noah Billig (AR) 125 Francis Waithaka (AL)125 Michael Poole (TN) 125 Josh Whitehead (AL) 120 Drew Conner (AR) 115 Richard Kimani (AL) 115 Craig Adams (AR) 110 Ryan Lagenke (AL) 110 Charlie Dawson (TN) 110 Grant Skelton (AR) 105 Jeff Fejfar (MS) 105 Cyrus Korir (NC) 100 Byrt Bradbury (AR) 100 Mike Deren (KY) 100 Justin Watson (AL) 100 Ryan Jank (NC) 100 Michael Brown (AL) 100 Chris Mahaffey (AL) 100 Eliud Ngetich (GA) 100 Shayne Fawcett (TN) 100 Dan Hollenbeck (AR) 95 John McCrackin (AL)95 John Goodman (AL) 95 Christian Lemon (TN)95 Geofry Ngetich (NC) 90 Jake Lane (AR) 90 Andrew Mullins (GA)90 Samuel Mueller (AL) 90 Scott McAmis (TN) 90 Panuel Mkungo (NC) 85 Jacob Brickman (AR) 85 Connor Wann (AL) 85 Matt Longworth (NC)85 Gideon Waithera (AL)85 Bernard Koske (GA) 85 Jourdan Redden TN) 85 Francis Kamiri (SC) 80 Adam Kees (AR) 80 Alex Wilson (NC) 80 Nathan Berry (TN) 80 Ricky Flynn (SC) 75 Henry Delaplane (AR)75 Josh Readling (NC) 75 Doug Smith (AL) 75 Yancey Potter (MS) 75 Brett Morley (SC) 70 Jonathan Dorris (AR)70 Eric Green (GA) 70 Andy Inman (NC) 70 Scott Fuqua (AL) 70 Jim Doan (TN) 70 Eric Ashton (SC) 65 Matt Lewis (AR) 65 Martin Thorne (NC) 65 Michael Ripley (TN) 65 Andrew Baker (SC) 60 Shelby Lewis (AR) 60 Jordan Yarbrough (AL)60 Jason Long (TN) 60 Craige Farmer (NC) 60 Edward Tabut (AL) 60 Louis Montesi (TN) 60 Eddie Posey (SC) 55 Mike Bolding (AR) 55 Bryan Heaton (AL) 55 Bobby Aswell (NC) 55 Jeremy Moujoodi (AL)55 Rick Bailey (TN) 55 Cliff Pittman (AR) 50 Will Couch (AL) 50 Chris Key (AL) 50 Lincoln Baxter (NC) 50 Myles Scarano (AL) 50 Erik Reynolds (TN) 50

Yannick Fischbach (SC) 45 Jeff DeLozier (AR) 45 Christian Pegouske (AL)45 Jay Cox (NC) 45 James Graham (AL) 45 Drew Meisenheimer (TN)45 Phil Gregory (SC) 40 Luke Brasuell (AR) 40 Danny Shaffield (AL) 40 Benjamin Walls (GA) 40 Bill Johncock (NC) 40 John Weinlein (TN) 40 Joseph McMahon (TN) 35 Christian Beasley (AR) 35 Drew Kilgore (AL) 35 Stu Stepp (NC) 35 Jeff Haushalte (TN) 35 Dennis Funk (SC) 30 Vinny Sweeney (AR) 30 Richard Marlar (AR) 30 Cary Morgan (AL) 30 Benjamin Tuck (AL) 30 Justin Brown (TN) 30 George Sykes (SC) 30 Tonydee Davis (AR) 30 Doug Nobert (TN) 30 Fernando Gallardo (SC) 25 Danny Sealey (NC) 25 Joshua McClung (AL)25 Billy Harton (SC) 20 John Gregg (AL) 20 John Sokolowski (NC)20 Male: Masters Orinthal Striggles (SC) 465 Fred Kosgei (AL) 225 Michael Wardian (VA)200 Cary Morgan (AL) 165 Matthew Pulle (TN) 140 Nathan Berry (TN) 140 Danny Shaffield (AL) 135 Jon Graham (AL) 135 Noah Billig (AR) 125 Jacob Brickman (AR) 110 Bryan Heaton (AL) 110 Eric Green (GA) 110 Charlie Dawson (TN) 110 Eric Ashton (SC) 100 Adam Kees (AR) 95 Jeff Fejfar (MS) 95 Eddie Posey (SC) 85 Jay Cox (NC) 85 Jeff DeLozier (AR) 80 Mike Briggs (TN) 80 Danny Sealey (NC) 70 Leobardo Bardales (AR) 65 Rick Bailey (TN) 65 Fernando Gallardo (SC) 55 Jason Cashman (AR) 55 Brannon Buck (AL) 55 Michael Vestal (NC) 55 Greg Oliver (AL) 55 Michael Williams (TN)55 Richard Esch (AR) 45 Kurt Milliman (AL) 45 Charles Poole (TN) 45 Billy Harton (SC) 40 Brian Hackenbury (AL)40 Kurt Hollinger (NC) 40 Dusty Gray (AR) 35 Ryan Knight (AL) 35 Forrest Owens (TN) 35 Billy Hughes (SC) 30 Chris Elliott (NC) 30 Eric Thomas (AL) 30 Hasai Morales (SC) 20 Andy Patton (TN) 20 Andy Hager (NC) 20 David Ward (AL) 20 Christopher Luplow (SC) 10 Earle Koontz (NC) 10 Loren Kulp (AL) 10 Male: Grandmasters Dewayne Satterfield (AL)200 George Dewitt (AL) 170 Keith Marshall (GA) 140 John Casterline (AL) 130

Richard Marlar (AR) 125 Jeff Clark (AL) 125 Shayne Fawcett (TN) 125 Kevin Roberson (AL) 120 Nathan Slaton (AR) 110 Tony King (AL) 110 Yancey Potter (MS) 110 Wayne Doerksen (SC) 100 Andy Inman (NC) 100 John Tucker (AL) 100 Michael Corral (AR) 95 Michael Gann (AL) 95 Jim Doan (TN) 95 Dan Johnson (SC) 85 Martin Thorne (NC) 85 Frank Barry (AL 85 John Dolan (AR) 80 Fred Shepherd (AL) 80 Tim Horvath (AL) 80 Jeff Haushalter (GA) 80 Rick Keizer (SC) 70 Craige Farmer (NC) 70 Tim Lee (AL) 70 Michael Riha (AR) 65 Joey Rosser (AL) 65 Tonydee Davis (AR) 65 David Yon (GA) 60 Edgardo Rodriguez (SC) 55 Randall Thompson (AR)55 Michael James (AL 55 Bobby Aswell (NC) 55 Doug Nobert (TN) 55 Rodney Sample (AR) 45 Allen Crawford (AL) 45 Zhong Ouyang (TN) 45 David Pressley (SC) 40 Trey Shipe (GA) 40 Bill Johncock (NC) 40 Tony Allen (AL) 40 Vince Robinson (AR) 35 Reid Rainer (TN) 35 Watson McBride (SC) 30 Henry Goodnight (NC)30 Keith Hunter (SC) 20 Gary Haywood (NC) 20 Robert Funk (AL) 20 Jon Hunter (NC) 10 Theodore Sundin (AL)10 Male: Sr. Grandmasters Joey Anderson (NC) 555 George Sykes (SC) 385 David Jones (TN) 170 Ekkehard Bonatz (AL)150 Alan Hargrave (AL 150 Barry Ege (AL) 140 Kevin Jenkins (TN) 125 Steve Smith (AR) 110 James Williams (AL) 110 Jeffrey Noone (VA) 110 Troy Tabor (TN) 110 Dennis Funk (SC) 100 Fred Fullerton (AR) 95 Donald Nickleson (TN)95 Roger Koehler (NC) 85 John Cope (MS) 85 Marcus Cathey (AL) 80 Jerry Hutto (SC) 70 70 Jim Chesnutt (AL) 65 Jay Cravens (TN) 65 Wayne Heckler (AL) 60 Wayne Manord (AL) 55 Steve Staley (NC) 55 Tom Bandler (TN) 55 Rick Haley (AL) 45 Jim Sammons (TN) 45 Ted Rust (NC) 40 Danny Crossett (TN) 40 Steve Shive (NC) 40 Gordon Sterling (AL) 40 Jim Clark (AL) 35 Jim Drain (TN) 35 Victor Levy (GA) 30 Robert Paratore (NC) 30 George Theodore (AL)30 Harold Benton (GA) 20 Stephen Reed (TN) 20 John McKinney (NC) 20 Richard Broome (AL)20 Doug Booth (SC) 10 Joe Paskiewicz (NC) 10 Charlie Brow (AL) 10 Male: Veterans Stan Pierce (TN) 200 Jim Upton (AL) 170 Donald Nims (KY) 140

Peter Russell (FL) 125 Glen Stewart (TN) 125 Haywood Harrell (MS)110 David Gichner (TN) 110 Michael Kasha (SC) 100 Hassing Finn (NC) 100 Ed Balthrop (AL) 100 Mike Ryan (TN) 95 Terry Reeves (SC) 85 Jim Owens (NC) 85 Rufus Elliott (AL) 85 Michael Montgomery (TN)80 Jim Brooks (TN) 80 Darrell Davis (SC) 70 Grand Egley (NC) 70 David Mitchell (TN) 65 Truman Smith (TN) 60 William Beckwith (SC) 55 George Kimberly (NC)55 Michael Michelson (AL)55 Dan Shoaf (SC) 40 Al Klimaitis (AL) 40 Lanny Bell (TN) 20 Female: Overall Shawanna White (SC) 630 Malin Terry (AL) 260 Stephanie Place (VA) 180 Justyna Mudy-Mader (AL)170 Kelsey Moser (AL) 160 Angie Clark (TN) 150 Maria Osino (TN) 140 Belle Thomas (KY) 130 Peri Hefferman (AR) 125 Kelcy Brunner (AL) 120 Sarah Kluth (AL) 120 Mary Hudson (AR) 115 Joy Miller (SC) 115 Ashley Evans TN) 115 Ashton Holland (AR) 110 Brittany K-Quear (TN)110 Libet Anderson (AL) 110 Teresa Allman (TN) 110 Paige Funkhouser (AR) 105 Veronica Eder (AL) 105 Mary Michaels (AL) 105 Mallory Bader (TN) 105 Eglay Nalyanya (NC) 100 Nicole Urban (AR) 100 Lori Williamson (AL) 100 Meredith Smith (TN) 100 Martas Freitas (MS) 100 Amber Douglas (TN 100 Laine Many (AR) 95 Elizabeth Laseter (AL)95 Liz Nelson (AR) 95 Nicole Dimercurio (NC) 90 Maddisyn Robinson (AR) 90 Allison Lerer (GA) 90 Molly Nunn (NC) 90 Carmen Hussar (AL) 90 Kelly Graves (TN) 90 Purity Mumene (SC) 85 Allie Brasuell (AR) 85 Jennifer Dunn (AL) 85 Kelly Lowman (NC) 85 Ffion Price (MS) 85 Emily Harbour (AR) 85 Katy Fowler (AR) 80 Danielle Spealman (TN)80 Mary Kaufman (NC) 80 Hannah Coffin (AL) 80 Beth Wilson (TN) 80 Karen Becker (SC) 75 Paige Williams (AR) 75 Emberleigh P-Brown (NC)75 Sarah Livett (AL) 75 Caroline Daniels (AR)75 Kellie Eaves (SC) 70 Shannon Bowers (AR) 70 Elizabeth Kivus (AL) 70 Liz Carly (AL) 70 Acquawon Stallworth (NC)70 Shannon Kirchmer (AL)70 Alana Enabnit (AL) 70 Margaret Morton (TN)70 Mary Taylor (SC) 65 Kaylie Slaughter (AR)65 Keri Frazier (AL) 65 Laurie Ward (NC) 65 Elena Kidd (AL) 65 Rebecca Olivarez (TN)65 Reagan Smith (SC) 60 Rebecca Moix (AR) 60 Lauren Huckaba (AL)60 Jennifer Curtin (NC) 60 Ashley Bradford (TN)60

Deborah Flynn (SC) 55 Samantha Holt (AR) 55 Carolyn Green (NC) 55 Raley Fountain (AL) 55 Emma Neigel (MS) 55 Amy Wren (TN) 55 Christine Kitzler (SC) 50 Sandy Roman (AR) 50 Hannah Cutshall (AL)50 Brittany Hayden (AL)50 Megan Deal (NC) 50 Sylvia Russell (MS) 50 Sarah Harris (TN) 50 Kennedi Kimbrell (SC) 45 Deloris Hudson (AR) 45 Alexandra Perkins (AL)45 Victoria Curran (NC) 45 Catherine Lenckel (TN)45 Ashley Stone (SC) 40 Anna Tart (AR) 40 Mary Blankenship (SC)40 Jessica Annette (GA) 40 Florelay Brown (NC) 40 Rachel Davis (AL) 40 Dana Nebergall (TN) 40 Gail Audet (GA) 35 Kandi Jeffcoat (AR) 35 Gilcea Torres (NC) 35 Sam Gardner (AL) 35 Julia Livesay (TN) 35 Erin Reid (SC) 30 Cherokee Gott (AR) 30 Allison Hazelwood (AR) 30 Ali Temple (AL) 30 Cori Beth Ellis (MS) 30 Malinda Baxter (NC) 30 Jana Stader (TN) 30 Jenny Cowell (TN) 30 Andrea McConnell (SC) 25 Martha N-Aldridge (NC)25 Meggan Franks (MS) 25 Madeline Helms (SC) 20 Sibyl Hunt (NC) 20 Female: Masters Malin Terry (AL) 325 Meredith Smith (TN) 170 Tracy Watson (TN) 140 Peri Hefferman (AR) 125 Teresa Allan (TN) 125 Mary Hudson (AR) 110 Marianthe Grammas (AL)110 Zoe Franciscus (TN) 110 Amber Douglas (TN) 110 Karen Becker (SC) 100 Acquawon Stallworth (NC)100 Carmen Hussar (AL) 100 Kandi Jeffcoat (AR) 95 Sheri Spencer (AL) 95 Liz Nelson (AR) 95 Kellie Eaves (SC) 85 Jennifer Curtin (NC) 85 Julie Croushorn (AL) 85 Shauna Morimoto (AR) 80 Andrea Price (GA) 80 Jennifer Sanders (TN)80 Kelly Graves (TN)( 80 Darlene Rodillo (SC) 70 Victoria Curran (NC) 70 Jenn Hale (AL) 70 Mandy Broadstreet (AR) 65 Christy Birmingham (AL)65 Ashley Bradford (TN)65 Sheryl Dummer (AL) 60 Rhonda Whitten (SC) 55 Jennifer Liles-Dorris (AR) 55 Heather Benoit (AL) 55 Sibyl Hunt (NC) 55 Danielle Cruthirds (AL)55 Murray Bromstead (AL)55 Jenny Cowell (TN) 55 Charlie Scott (AR) 45 Claudette Poole (AL) 45 Kyla James (TN) 45 Chris Honeycutt (SC)40 Jennifer Clyburn (SC)40 Laura Z-Clark (NC)40 Kelly McNair (AL) 40 Angela Hewett (AR) 35 Amy Haberstroh (MS)35 Kristen Lazarus (SC) 30 Amy Vestal (NC) 30 Natalie Bishop (AL) 30 Michelle Burdett (SC) 20 Kim Beasley (GA) 20 Christie Hollinger (NC)20 Sherri Hughey (SC) 10


Catherine Gilbert (NC)10 Melissa Guthrie (AL) 10 Female: Grandmasters Debi Secor (AL) 325 Fran Oneal (AL) 170 Eva Owens (NC) 140 Delores Hudson (AR) 125 Sarah Harris (TN) 125 Teresa Crain (AL) 120 Brooke Nelson (AL) 110 Mary Lack (AR) 110 Ma B Ladisla (AL) 110 Jeanne Sisneros (TN) 110 Christine Kitzler (SC) 100 Laurie Ward (NC) 100 Libet Anderson (AL) 100 Jamie Thomas (AL) 95 Mary Stone (AR) 95 Jeanine Watts (MS) 95 Christine Prado (SC) 85 Wynn Snider (NC) 85 Rebecca Hutchinson (AL)85 Vickie Varnes (AL) 80 Tracy Mulvenon (AR) 80 Annye Smalligan (AL)80 Cathy Reid (MS) 80 Shirley Smith (SC) 70 D. Lynn Ludwig (NC)70 Alison Hoover (AL) 70 Cathy Corral (AR) 65 Kathy Jenkins (TN) 65 Cheryl Webster (AL) 60 Gayle Lantz (AL) 55 Tamara Hemingway (SC) 55 Leslie Bagby (AR) 55 Laura Paholski (NC) 55 Tobey Wallace (TN) 55 Cindy Murray (TN) 55 Stacy Kadle (AL) 45 Debby Winters (AR) 45 Jeanie McClain (TN) 45 Jeannie Craig (SC) 40 Teresa Neal (TN) 40 Kaki Jenkins (AL) 40 Lisa Fuller (AL) 35 Susan McGraw (SC) 30 Theresa Brady (TN) 30 Kathleen DeGrasse (AL)25 Lynne Ciufo (SC) 20 Suzanne Duvall (KY) 20 Lisa Harrison (AL) 20 Lisa Wiles (SC) 10 Patty Cobb (AL) 10 Female: Sr. Grandmasters Debbie Evans (AL) 210 Nancy Bell (VA) 200 Pallie Jones (TN) 170 Cindy Duke (AL) 150 Maria Black (TN) 140 Paula Johnson (AR) 125 Betty Lewis (TN) 125 Angela Beyette (AR) 110 Terry Hooks (AL) 110 Erin McGuire (TN) 110 Patricia Watkins (AR) 110 Deborah Flynn (SC 100 Elizabeth Kimberly (NC)100 Sally Evenden (AL) 100 Lynn Oliver (AR) 95 Mary Cay Oyler (TN) 95 Gail Audet (GA) 85 Ann Short (NC) 85 Teresa Chandler (AL) 80 Kay Ryan (TN) 80 Sylvia Bailey (GA) 70 Pam Clark (NC) 70 Ange Goss (AL) 70 Melba White (AL) 65 Gail Bentley (TN) 65 Martha Hutto (SC) 55 Deborah Russell (FL) 55 Thecla Widenhouse (NC)55 Patty Brasfield (TN) 55 Amy Watson (AL) 45 Cindy Wright (TN) 45 Barbara Tidwel (GA) 40 Sandy Scott (NC) 40 Cindy Ferlitto (AL) 40 Janet Butler-McGhee (AL)35 Jane Scott (TN) 35 Gail Bevier (AL) 30 Jody Coombs (AL) 20 Vickie Harris (AL) 10 Female: Veterans Joyce Hodges-Hite 535 Peggy Dorsey (AR) 125


Running Journal • June, 2018


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Running Journal • June, 2018

“We Run The South” Running Journal Race Calendar Race Directors: Submit your calendar information anytime on our website - www.running.net. Runners: Please verify information before traveling to a race. Abbreviations: RD = race day, RW = racewalk, FR = fun run, P/M = postmarked, W/C = wheelchair.



June 2, Alabaster - Angel Warriors Foundation 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: runsignup.com. June 2, Birmingham - I am a Father 5K, 8:30am. Info: (678)5757509, david@iamafather5k.org. June 2, Decatur - Mountain Mania 15K, 7am; 5K, 7:20am. Info: Stephen Brown (256)340-8038, mountainmaniarace@gmail.com. June 2, Heflin - Rockin Choccolocco 50K & Half Marathon, 7:30am. Info: pinhoti100@gmail.com. June 2, Huntsville - Eurocross 5K & 8K Races, 8am. Info: Sean Allan (256)474-5263, eurocrosshtc@gmail.com. June 2, Leeds - Junebug Jog 5K. Info: Susan Cook (205)8841111, scook@lakesidehospice.org. June 2, Mobile - The Care@Home Crusade 5K Walk/Run, 7:30am. Info: rcv.charities@gmail.com. June 2, Mobile - Just For the Mud of It 5K, 7:30am. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net June 6, Hampton Cove - The Big Run 5K, 6am. Info: suzanne@fleetfeethuntsville.com. June 9, Birmingham - Take The Reins 10K, 5K & 1 Mile FR; 8am. Info: (205)968-1544, run@theredbarn.org. June 9, Decatur - PCRA 5K, 7am; Fun Run, 8:15am. Info: dspch210@bellsouth.net. June 9, Jasper - Tallulah Half Marathon, 7am; 5K, 7:30am; 1 Mile, 7:45am. Info: (205)275-7789, mike@jaspermainstreet.com. June 9, Huntsville - Alabama A&M 5K Cross Country Race, 7:30am. Info: James & Michelle Falcon (256)656-7199, jmfalcon@aol.com. June 9, Madison - Madison 10K & 5K Run, 7:30am. Info: (256)772-9300, mike.cassell@madisonal.gov. June 9, Prattville - Jelani 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: (334)2026853. June 16, Gulf Shores - LuLu’s Hot Trot for ARC 5K Run/Walk & 1 Mile Fun Run, 7:30am. Info: (251)979-2521 or (251)947-5677. June 16, Rainsville - Rainsville Freedom Run 5K & 10K, 8am. Info: Jerry Clifton (256)717-5650, cliftonj35986@gmail.com. June 23, Anniston - Haley’s Team Twilight 5K, 8pm. Info: (256)283-9379, haley_s_team@yahoo.com. June 23, Birmingham - APSO Power Run 5K, 8am; 1/2 Mile Kids Run (10-under), 9:15am. Info: (205)226-1765. June 27, Birmingham - Here2Beer 5K, 6pm. Info: allison@cadence180.com. June 30, Decatur - Rotary Club Spirit of America 5 Miler, 7am. Info: jklca5@att.net. June 30, Huntsville - Rolling in the Rocket City 10K, 8am. Info: nealabama@ainsleysangels.org. July 4, Florabama, Orange Beach - The Shark Run, 4 Mile Road Race, 4.5 Mile Adventure Run (2 Mile Road Race/2.5 Mile Beach Adventure Run),1 Mile All Beach Adventure Run; 7am. Info: info@harleysports.com. July 4, Huntsville - Firecracker 5K, 8am. Info: (256)880-1980. July 4, Pelham - BTC Peavine Falls Run, 8.2 mi.; 7am. Info: runsignup.com. July 7, Athens - Light Up the Night Fun Run & 5K, 7pm/FR, 7:30pm/5K. Info: 5krun@athensbibleschool.org. July 7, Huntsville - I Love America 5K, 8am; Liberty Mile, 9:15am. Info: Donna Roby (256)489-7679. July 7, Ohatchee - The Dam 5K Run/Walk, 8am; Free Kids 1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: Casandra Maudsley (256)225-2082, smilinchic77@gmail.com. July 14, Mobile - Africatown Bridge Challenge 5K Run/Walk & 1 Mle FR; 7:30am. Info: Margaret Olive (251)401-8039, mlolive@bellsouth.net July 21, Dothan - Tasty Tiger Trot 5K Road Race, 8am. Info: Mike or Carolyn Houston (334)797-3668 or (334)797-5641. July 21, Huntsville - HTC Twilight 5K Race, 1 Mile Kids FR; 7pm. Info: Ashley & David Cain (256)651-0546, algcain22@gmail.com. July 28, Gadsden - Run for Glory 5K, 8am. Info: grandprix@gadsdenrunners.com. Aug. 4, Anniston - Woodstock 5K, 7:30am Kidstock 1 Mile Run/ Walk, 8:30am. Info: arcwoodstock5k@gmail.com. Aug. 4, Decatur - Brooke Hill 5K & 1 Mile, 7am. Info: jklca5@att.net. Aug. 11, Decatur - Brothers for Life 5K & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: bstricklandpft@gmail.com. Aug. 11, Gadsden - Hot Pursuit Glow Run 5K & 1 Mile FR, 7pm. Info: ashleighhammontree@gmail.com. Aug. 11, Lincoln - Historic Lincoln 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: historiclincoln5krun@yahoo.com. Aug. 23, Birmingham - Here2Beer 5K, 6pm. Info: allison@cadence180.com. Aug. 25, Decatur - 7@7 7K, 7am. Info: suebrantley@mhainmc.net.

June 1, Bono - Bono Heart Run 5K, 6:30pm. Info: Danny Shaw (870)932-0100, dshaw@cityofbono.com. June 1, Paragould - Diabetes Glo Run, 2 Miles; 8:30pm. Info: allison.hitt@arkansasmethodist.org. June 1, Western Grove - Run 4 The Rock 5K, 8am. Cody Hudson (870)688-2994, info@hudsonracetiming.com. June 2, Cabot - Arkansas Fusion Glo 5K, 7:30pm. Info: (501)7435452, christy.rogers@cps.k12.ar.us. June 2, DeQueen - Layne Woods Fly High 5K & 10K, 8am. Info: (870)584-6014, spinkerton@dequeenleopards.org.

June 2, Fayetteville - Nutty Runner 5K, 6pm; Start: Columbus House Brewery, 701 W. North St., Fayetteville, AR 72701; There are drinking & non-drinking divisions; walking is okay too! $50/Nutty Runner, $35/ Designated Driver, $30/Under 21 by 6/1. Info: The Spark Foundation, Melissa Caffrey (479)387-7116, contact@mysparkfoundation. org, www.mysparkfoundation.org/nutty runner5k June 2, Fort Smith - Superheroes For Autism 5K & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: (901)359-3232, rudy.ledbetter@gmail.com. June 2, Gassville - Gassville in the Park 5K Run & 1 Mile Fun Walk, 8am. Info: Jeff Braim (870)421-7723, gassvilleinthepark@gmail.com. June 2, Havana - Mt. Magazine 15K, 8am. Info: (479)857-4527, taspel@atu.edu. June 2, Little Rock - Take a Run at Hunger 5K, 8am. Info: (501)626-9388, cristin.crawford@pfgc.com. June 2, Morrilton - Today’s Youth Tomorrow’s Future 5K, 8am. Info: (479)857-8116, hdmeeks648@gmail.com. June 2, Pangburn - Daisy Dash 5K & 1 Mile, 7:30am. Info: (501)827-3371, mandyramsey@windstream.net. June 2, Wynne - Mucka Mania 10K & 5K Run, 5K Walk; 8am. Info: Ethan Cook (870)208-6523, ecook5381@aol.com. June 8, Rector - Soles for Souls 5K & 10K, 7pm. Info: Cherie Kirklin (870)595-4173, lckirklin@gmail.com. June 9, Benton - Arkansas Runner 2 Mile & 1 Mile, 7:30am. Info: (501)246-0716, ar2m@salinecountystriders.com. June 9, Clarksville - Relay for Life 5K & 1 Mile, 8am. Info: (479)518-0652, cny50946@centurytel.net. June 9, Fort Smith - Honor and Duty 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: Kim Wohlford (479)252-5100, kim@thenextstepfs.org, http:// www.thenextstepfs.org. June 9, Little Rock - Get Your Rear in Gear 5K, 9am. Info: (612)275-8284, rachel@coloncancercoalition.org. June 9, Mountain Home - Glow in the Park 5K, 8:30pm. Info: (870)424-7275, sodegard@cityofmountainhome.com. June 9, Paragould - Inner Strength 5K Run/Walk & 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: Kristen Wallace (870)476-1941, innerstrengthfitness@yahoo.com. June 9, Springdale - Great Obstacle Runaround 1 Mile, 9am. Info: (479)725-4534, mcupp@jonesnet.org. June 9, Van Buren - Imagine 5K Glow Run & 1 Mile, 8pm. Info: (479)474-7767, brent@art-ed.org. June 9, Warren - Pink Tomato Festival 5K, 7:30am. Info: (870)226-5225, randy.rawls@unionbnk.com. June 14, Mountain Home - $5 5K, 7pm. Info: (870)404-8363, paul@pirateperryevents.com. June 16, Bentonville - Cancer Challenge 5K/10K, 7:30am. Info: (479)273-3172, kerry@cancerchallenge.com. June 16, Little Rock - Go! Mile, 7am/1st Heat. Info: Gary Taylor (501)663-6800, gary@gorunning.com. June 23, Fort Smith - True Grit 5K, 8am. Info: (479)782-5074, truegritride@gmail.com. June 23, Hot Springs - Superhero 2 Mile Walk/Run, 8am. Info: Elan McAfee (501)623-8803, emcafee@hsymca.org. June 23, Malvern - Brickfest 5K, 7:30am. Info: (501)282-1726, aerahh@fstep.org. June 23, Ponca - Running With the Elk 5K, 8am. Info: (870)6882994. July 4, Little Rock - Firecracker Fast 5K, 7:30am. Info: (901)2742202, s2finfo@s2fevents.com. July 7, Clarksville - RiverDawgs 5K, 7am. Info: (479)774-3612, agreeder@yahoo.com. July 14, Russellville - Heat Is On 8K, 6:45pm. Info: (870)3073983, jonathandorris@yahoo.com. July 21, Perryville - Full Moon 50K, 7pm; 25K, 8pm. Info: Susy Chandler (501)837-3104, susy@fullmoon50k.com. Aug. 3, Bauxite - Friday Night Lights 5K, 7pm. Info: (501)5808131, melanie.stacy@kindred.com. Aug. 4, Batesville - White River 4 Mile Classic, 8am. Info: (870)307-4938, leanne_7@yahoo.com.

Aug. 11, Benton - Back to School Family Glow 5K, 7:30am. Info: (501)776-5970, gwatts@bentonar.org. Aug. 11, Fort Smith - Ainsley’s Angels 5K, 7:30am. Info: (252)414-9229, jarrett@fccdoc.org. Aug. 12, Eureka Springs - Eureka Springs Multisport Festival, 10K & 5K; 8am. Info: Bruce Dunn (479)521-7766, bruce@allsportsproductionsinc.com. Aug. 18, Jonesboro - Hot Pepper Nights 5K/10K, 6:30pm. Info: Daniel Shaffer (901)274-2202, s2finfo@s2fevents.com. Aug. 18, Little Rock - Easterseals Walk With Me 5K, 7am. Info: (501)227-3706, knorton@eastersealsar.com. Aug. 25, Fayetteville - St. Jude Fayetteville 5K/10K, 7am. Info: (479)856-5666, amberw8488@gmail.com. Aug. 25, Little Rock - Run With the Flock 5K & 1 Mile, 7:30am. Info: (501)220-4351, denise.thrower@fisglobal.net.

Oct. 13, Booneville - 50th Annual Arkansas Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K & 5K; 7am. Info: Booneville Chamber, 210 E. Main, Booneville, AR 72927; Philip Blankenship - blankenship044@centurytel. net, www.arkansasmarathon.org Oct. 14, Fayetteville - Fayetteville Firefighters’ Hero Half Marathon & 2-Person Relay, Walkers & Wheelchairs Welcome; Course time limit is 4 hrs.; 8am; $65/Half Marathon, $45/2-Person Relay (per person) by 7/14; increase $10 every month on 8/14, 9/14 & 10/12. Info: The Spark Foundation, Melissa Caffrey; Finish Line Festival, 495 W. Dickens St., Fayetteville, AR 72701; (479)387-7116, fayettevilleffherohalf@ gmail.com, www.herohalfmarathon.com

FLORIDA June 2, Clermont - Cool Sommer Mornings Triathlon & 5K Series #1, 7am. Info: Sommer Sports (352)394-1320, info@sommersports.com. June 2, Coconut Creek - Running for the I.V.Y. 5K Run/Walk, 7am; Kids FR 100yd. Dash, 8:30am. Info: mcato08@gmail.com. June 2, Fort Walton Beach - Billy Bowlegs 5K, 7:30am (note correction on start time). Info: bowlegs@nwftc.com. June 2, Lake Mary - Doughnut Day 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: tom@doughnutday5k.com. June 2, Orlando - ORC Race Into Summer 5K, 7:30am; Kids FR, 8:30am. Info: president@orlandorunnersclub.org. June 2, Orange Park - Pink Ribbon Symposium Survivors Celebration Butterfly Fun Run & Walk, 5K 8am; 1 Mile Walk 9am. Info: (904)479-6371, pinkribbonsymposium@gmail.com. June 2, Palatka - Beck 5K Capes & Cakes, 8am; Fun Run, 8:45am. Info: Misty Guessford (386)328-0344, mistyguessford@checkbeck.com. June 2, Safety Harbor - Best Damn Leftover 5K, 7:15am/1st wave. Info: info@bestdamnrace.com. June 2, Tallahassee - Run 2-1-1 Big Bend, 1 Mile 8am; 10K & 5K, 8:30am. Info: Stacy Robinson (850)617-6323, development@211bigbend.org. June 3, Boca Raton - Run For The Ribbons 5K & 1 Mile, Run/ Walk, 7am. Info: runedgetom@gmail.com. June 3, Osteen - ECHO Half Marathon, 6:30am; 5K, 7am. Info: jennifer@finalmileracemanagement.com. June 6, Boca Raton - The Big Run 5K, 6:30am. Info: nick@fleetfeetdelray.com. June 6, Fort Myers - The Big Run 5K, 6:30pm. Info: russ@fleetfeetfortmyers.com. June 6, Sarasota - The Big Run 5K, 6:30pm. Info: training@fleetfeetsarasota.com. June 8, Clearwater - Sunsets 5K at Sand Key Park, 7pm; Kids FR, 6:45pm. Info: lrogers1115@tampabay.rr.com. June 9, Gainesville - Yoga & Jazz 5K, 8am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. June 9, Jacksonville - Run For The Pies, Championship 5K 7pm; Open 5K 7:30pm. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)731-1900, events@1stplacesports.com. June 9, Melbourne - Bottoms Up Beer Run 4K, 6pm. Info: Anne Gregg (321)652-1302, bottomsup@saaz.org. June 9, Port Orange - Walk This Way 5K Walk/Run, 8:30am Info: info@run4acause.org. June 9, Sanford - Miles to Margaritas 5K Orlando. Info: contact@milestomargaritas.com. June 9, Tallahassee - Great Pot Luck Bash 4 Mile (Trail Prediction Run), 6pm. Info: david@radeylaw.com. June 9, Winter Springs - School’s Out For Summer 5K, 9am. Info: wsrotary5k@gmail.com. June 10, Port Orange - Remarkable River Series 5K/10K Run/ Walk, 6:30am. Info: Katrina Guevara (386)265-4110, katrina@therunningelements.com. June 16, Jacksonville - Veterans United Brewery Totally Awesome 1980’s 5K Run & B1 Mile FR, 9am. Info: jtfracing@yahoo.com. June 16, Jacksonville Beach - Chemo Noir 1 Mile, 4pm. Info: chemonoir@gmail.com. June 16, Juno Beach - Run 4 The Sea, 4 Mile Race; 7am; 1 Mile Kids FR, 8:15am. Info: (561)627-8280, vclinton@marinelife.org. June 16, Monticello - 5K Watermelon Run, 8:15am. Info: watermelonrun@gmail.com. June 16, Tallahassee - St. Peter’s Anglican Church 10K & 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: Mark Priddy (850)508-1961, markpriddy@msn.com. June 17, Clearwater - I Love Fathers Day 5K, 8am; Kids 1/2 Mile FR, 9am. Info: Premier Racing Institute (813)495-1251, premierracinginst@gmail.com.


June 17, Geneva - The Father’s Day Adventure Race, Elite 6 hr., 7am; Sport 3 hr., 10am; Family 1 hr., 2pm. Info: (321)355-6232, info@flxadventures.com. June 22, Clearwater - Sunsets 5K at Sand Key Park, 7pm; Kids FR, 6:45pm. Info: lrogers1115@tampabay.rr.com. June 22, Jacksonville - NAS Jax Runway 5K. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)731-1900, events@1stplacesports.com. June 23, Chipley - Hot Trot 5K & Fun Run, 7:30am. Info: Stan Owens (850)547-2244, June 23, Indian Harbour Beach - Shark In The Park 5K, 7:30am. Info: kcusimano@indianharbour.org. June 23, Jacksonville - Jaguars Stache Dash 5K, 8am; 1 Mile Fun Run, 9am. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)731-1900, events@1stplacesports.com. June 23, Macon - Becca’s Dash 5K, 8am. Info: Mandy Mathews (478)731-5292, mandy@lovealwaysbeccajean.org. June 24, New Smyrna Beach - NSB Sundae Beach 5K Run/ Walk, 8am. Info: info@run4acause.org. June 30, Brooksville - Moon Over Croom Trail Runs, 21 Mile, 6pm; 14 Mile, 7pm; 7 Mile 8pm. Info: Jim Hartnett (813)232-5200, jim@tamparaces.com. June 30, Crawfordville - Paul Hoover Freedom Run 5K, 8am; Extra Mile, 8:45am. Info: nexnbax1@comcast.net. June 30, Deerfield Beach - Freedom 5K Run/Walk, 7am; Kid’s Dash, 7:45am; Youth Mile, 7:50am. Info: Cynthia Raes-Barnard (954)461-5515, cynthia@gflrrc.org. June 30, Jacksonville - Red, White & Brew Freedom Run 5K, 7pm. Info: (904)710-2458, info@ultimateracinginc.com.

June 30, Ponte Vedra Beach - Big Bang 5K/Fun Run, 8am; $25/5K until 6/22 (includes a Beach Mat), $30 6/23-6/29 (Beach Mat not guaranteed), $35 on Race Day; $12/Fun Run (includes a Beach Mat, late registrants not guaranteed). Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net, http:// bigbang5k.itsyourrace.com/ July 4, Cape Coral - Freedom 5K & Kids FR, 7am. Info: specialevents@capecoralchamber.com. July 4, Fernandina Beach - Firecracker 5K, 8am; Kid’s FR, 9am. Info: batista@5kracedirector.com. July 4, Flagler Beach - Celebration 5K, 7am; Kids FR to follow (7-under) Free. Info: Joe Matuszczak (352)215-3134, redpointerproductions@gmail.com. July 4, Gainesville - Melon Run 3 Miles, 8am; Free Kid’s FR, 9am. Info: rjgarand@gmail.com. July 4, Jacksonville - Celebration Run 5K, 7:30am; 1 Mile FR, 8:30am. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)731-1900, events@1stplacesports.com. July 4, Jay - Celebrate Freedom 5K 1 Mile FR, 8am & 9:30am. Info: Matthew Dobson (850)217-2603, (850)516-7676, rmdobson@liberty.edu. July 4, Key West - Rotary Club of KW 4th of July 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: runsignup.com. July 4, Melbourne - Firecracker 5K, 7am. Info: Denise Piercy (321)751-8890, info@runningzone.com. July 4, Ocala - Iggy’s “Four on the Fourth” Freedom Run, 4 Mile & 1 Mile; 7:30am. Info: Chris Moling (352)637-2475, info@drcsports.com. July 4, Naples - Moe’s Firecracker 5K, 7am; Kids 1K, 6:50am. Info: runsignup.com. July 4, North Port - City of North Port Firecracker 5K, 7:30am. Info: jauxier@cityofnorthport.com. July 4, Sebastian - S.A.C. Freedom Run 5K, 7am. Info: Christina Defalco (772)559-5745, rakers@sacirc.org. July 4, Tallahassee - Kiwanis Firecracker 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR/ Walk, 7:30am. Info: cdt1983@gmail.com. July 4, Winter Park - Florida Hospital Watermelon 5K, 7am; Free Kids’ Run, 8:15am. Info: Track Shack (407)896-1160, info@trackshack.com. July 8, North Miami - City of North Miami 5K Run/Walk, 7am. Info: joey@firedupyouthsports.com. July 13, Clearwater - Sunsets 5K at Sand Key Park, 7pm; Kids FR, 6:45pm. Info: lrogers1115@tampabay.rr.com. July 14, Clermont - Cool Sommer Mornings Triathlon & 5K Series #2, 7am. Info: Sommer Sports (352)394-1320, info@sommersports.com. July 14, Fort Walton Beach - Kiwanis 5K, 7:30am. Info: Diane Keller (850)585-1257, diane@dianekeller.com. July 14, St. Augustine - Bridge of Lions 5K, 7:30am. Info: 7:30am. Info: Jacob Smith (386)747-3532, racesmith@hotmail.com. July 19, Boca Raton - Run, Sweat & Beers 5K Run/Walk, 7pm. Info: Lauren Koblick (561)852-3257, laurenk@levisjcc.org. July 21, Indialantic - Run The Tide Beach 10K, 7am; 5K, 7:15am; 2 Mile FR, 7:25am. Info: (321)426-8112, info@uprunningfitness.com. July 21, Jacksonville - Vestcor Bridge Run 5K, 7pm. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)731-1900, events@1stplacesports.com. July 27, Clearwater - Sunsets 5K at Sand Key Park, 7pm; Kids FR, 6:45pm. Info: lrogers1115@tampabay.rr.com. July 28, Ormond Beach - Ormond PD - Cops & Joggers 5K Beach Run, 8am. Info: batista@5kracedirector.com. July 28, Sunrise - Kettle Krush 5K, 7am. Info: gregory.jackson@uss.salvationarmy.org. Aug. 3-4, Jacksonville Beach - Tour de Pain - 3 Races in 24 Hours, 8/3: 4 Mile 6:30pm; 8/4: 5K 7am & Mile Sizzler 4:30pm. Info: doug@1stplacesports.com. Aug. 4, Boynton Beach - Cobra 5K, 7am. Info: westboyntonroadrunners@gmail.com. Aug. 4, Pensacola - Bushwacker 5K, 7:30am. Info: Johnny Graves (850)939-8073. Aug. 4, St. George Island - St. George Island Sizzler 5K Race, 7pm; 1 Mile FR, 6:30pm. Info: (850)509-2191, info@stgeorgeislandsizzler.com. Aug. 11, Clermont - Cool Sommer Mornings Triathlon & 5K Series #3, 7am. Info: Sommer Sports (352)394-1320, info@sommersports.com.


Running Journal • June, 2018

Aug. 11, Lake Mary - Oakmonte Village 5K Fun Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: info@run4acause.org. Aug. 18, Casselberry - Run Yak 8K, 8am. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net. Aug. 18, Jacksonville - Tiquana Flats Summer Beach Run, 5 Mile 6pm; 1 Mile 6:05am. Info: 1st Place Sports (904)731-1900, doug@1stplacesports.com. Aug. 18, Lecanto - School Rules Two Mile Walk/Run & 5K Time Trial, 5K 7:35am; 2 Mile 8:05am. Info: athleticsscoringservices@gmail.com. Aug. 18, St. Augustine - Alex’s Capes & Tiaras 5K, 8am. Info: Karen Landis (904)814-6668, alexscapesandtiaras@gmail.com. Aug. 25, Clermont - FL.Roc Trails: Clermont Clay Loop Howl at the Moon 10 Mile Race, 8:15pm; 5K Run/Walk, 8:30pm. Info: Joe Matuszczak (352)215-3134, redpointerproductions@gmail.com. Aug. 25, Ocala - Glo With The Flo 5K, 8pm. Info: Jim Shields (904)318-8104, jimshieldsmra@comcast.net.

Aug. 25, Parrish - 2nd Annual Fort Hamer 5K/10K Bridge Run, 7:30am (Fort Hamer Park, Rowing Center Facility); $35/5K, $40/10K before 8/18; after 8/18 $40/5K, $45/10K. Info: Doug Schiller, POB 89, Ellenton, FL 34222; (941)932-6147, dougjune1@msn.com, www.forthamerbridgerun.com. Oct. 20, Jacksonville - USO Armed Forces Half Marathon & Freedom 5K, 7am. Info: Doug Alred, 3931 Baymeadows Rd., Jacksonville, FL 32217; doug@1stplacesports.com, http:// jaxusohalfmarathon.com. Nov. 22, Jacksonville - Community First Thanksgiving Distance Classic Half Marathon & 5K, 7am. Info: Doug Alred, 3931 Baymeadows Rd., Jacksonville, FL 32217; doug@1stplacesports.com, www.1stplacesports.com Nov. 24, Boca Raton - Boca Raton Sun Capital Half Marathon/ 5K, 6:30am. Info: Tom Vladimir (561)361-1950, runedgetom@gmail.com, https://runsignup.com/Race/FL/ BocaRaton/BocaPALHalfMarathon5K Dec. 15, Jacksonville - Ameris Bank Jacksonville Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K, 7am. Info: Doug Alred, 3931 Baymeadows Rd., Jacksonville, FL 32217; doug@1stplacesports.com, https:// www.amerisbank.com/jacksonville-marathon/

GEORGIA June 1, Alma - Georgia Blueberry Festival 5K, 7pm; 1 Mile FR to follow. Info: kmccarty@bchsi.org. June 2, Americus - Home Run 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 7:45am. Info: Lacey Meador (478)751-2898. June 2, Atlanta - Run/Walk for Mental Health 5K, 9am. Info: chris@fivefiftyfifty.com. June 2, Atlanta - Strong4Life Superhero Sprint, 5K Run/Walk, 9am; 1 Mile FR, 10am. Info: lydia.george@choa.org. June 2, Atlanta - Run for Redheads 5K Run/Walk & Fun Run, 8am. Info: redheadrun@apeconservationeffort.org. June 2, Atlanta - ATC Braves Country 5K, 7:30am; 50m Dash, 8:15am; 1 Mile, 8:30am. Info: ATC (404)231-9064, ndemarko@atlantatrackclub.org. June 2, Atlanta - Georgia Aquarium Turtle Trot 5K, 8am. Info: rachel@orionsportstiming.com. June 2, Atlanta - Adopted by You 5K, 8am; Fun Run, 8:15am. Info: dana@orionsportstiming.com. June 2, Camp Toccoa at Currahee - D-Day Run/Walk 10K, 8am. Info: (706)282-5055, camptoccoacurrahee@gmail.com. June 2, Columbus - Show Your Stripes Run, Walk and Roll For Families 5K, 8am. Info: Tiffany Bamberger (706)321-0033 (x103), tiffany.bamberger@rmhcwga.org. June 2, Conyers - Savage Run 5K, 8am; 1 Mile, 8:15am. Info: Clarie Henry (404)367-1422, jdotsavage@gmail.com, https:// runsignup.com/savagerun5k. June 2, Conyers - Vitiligo’s Man of Action 5K, 8am. Info: Five Star NTP (770)633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com. June 2, Eatonton - Torture Trail 10K Road Race, 8am. Info: sbales@ibankfmb.com. June 2, Flowery Branch - Run the Ranch, Fun Run 8:15am; 5K Run/Walk 8:35am; Nature Walk 8:40am. Info: kgreer@eagleranch.org. June 2, Fort Stewart - Remembrance Day 5K, 8am. Info: help@savannahraces.net. June 2, Lawrenceville - Jail-Break Challenge 5K Obstacle Run, 8am. Info: Christie Chapel (770)619-6673, GCSOJailBreakChallenge@gwinnettcounty.com. June 2, Marietta - RMR Superhero Fight Child Hunger 5K Run/ Walk, 8:30am; 1 Mile, 8am. Info: realmenruncorp@gmail.com. June 2, Powder Springs - Sweet Tea 5K Trail Run, 8am. Info: Aaron Butler (770)313-2670, aaronbutler1@gmail.com. June 2, Stockbridge - Panola Mountain State Park 10K & 5K, 8am. Info: paul@greateratlantaathletes.com. June 2, Sylvester - Worth County High School Marching Ram “Band-Aid” 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: wcrambandboosters@ gmail.com. June 2, Tifton - Pink Out the Park for the Breast Cancer Awareness Foundation 5K, 7:45am; Fun Run, 10am. Info: Gina Purvis (229)392-0879, ginahp2011@gmail.com. June 3, Dacula - Sundae Funday 5K, 2pm. (678)985-3921, rob@fundracers.org. June 3, Dunwoody - The Fast & The Furriest 5K Run, 8am; 5K Walk, 7:35am. Info: 5k@angelsrescue.org. June 6, Athens - The Big Run 5K, 6:30pm. Info: (706)207-5054, dustin.shinholser@fleetfeet.com. June 6, Columbus - The Big Run 5K, 6:30pm. Info: rl@bigdogfleetfeet.com. June 6, Johns Creek - The Big Run 5K, 6pm. Info: jay@fleetfeetatlanta.com. June 6, Lawrenceville - The Big Run 5K, 6pm. Info:

joe@fleetfeetatlanta.com. June 8, Dawsonville - Grab Your Squad Jog 5K, 8pm. Info: Suzette Burt (770)633-5511, suzette@fivestarntp.com. June 9, Atlanta - Virginia-Highland Summerfest 5K Road Race, 8am. Info: roadraceservices@comcast.net. June 9, Atlanta - Divine Nine 5K Walk/Run, 9am. Info: atlanta@divinenine5k.com. June 9, Atlanta - Firefly Run 5K, 8:50pm; Fun Run, 8:15pm. Info: racedirector@fireflyrun.com. June 9, Auburn - Race For Veterans 5K, 8am. Info: morsebrandie@gmail.com. June 9, Blairsville - Gaelic Gallop 5K & 1 Mile FR/Walk, 8am. Info: Beth Terry (423)364-0778, bethterrycpa@gmail.com. June 9, Columbus - Lacing Up For Lupus 5K, 7:30am. Info: detraholloway@yahoo.com. June 9, Columbus - Woodruff Park 5K, 8am. Info: caroleeluther@gmail.com. June 9, Conyers - Monastery Trail Races, 8 Miler, 5K & 1.5 Miler; 8:30am. Info: Kevin Randolph (678)372-6110, kevinran1976@gmail.com. June 9, Covington - Born to Run 5K, 8am. Info: daralynn@newtonprc.org. June 9, Fayetteville - Old Courthouse 5K, 8am. Info: darrylwd@us.ibm.com. June 9, Fort Valley - Peach Pace Road Race, 10.16K 8am; 5K 10am. Info: Kate Whiting (478)825-6466, whitingk@uga.edu. June 9, Jefferson - Dash Against Domestic Violence 5K, 9am. Info: (770)307-3633, peaceplace@peaceplaceinc.org. June 9, Lilburn - Hiking and Hotcakes - Run for Research 5K, 8:45am; 1 Mile Family FR, 9am. Info: gachapter@scleroderma.org. June 9, Lithonia - StoneFest Run/Walk 4K, 8am. Info: stonefest.usarunwalk@gmail.com. June 9, Marietta - Run for Missions Run/Walk 5K, 8am. Info: brianconverse@yahoo.com. June 9, Roswell - River Run for Hope, 10K 7am; 5K 7:15am; 1 Mile 7:20am. Info: Mary Tollett (678)984-3047, mtollett@gmail.com. June 9, Royston - Breathe for Breeleigh 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: whitandrews12@gmail.com. June 10, Atlanta - Hotlanta Half Marathon, 7am. Info: Tony Hammett (678)653-4773, tony@peakracingevents.com. June 10, Dunwoody - Big Heart Hustle 5K, 8am. Info: Jayne Nickell - bighearthustle5k@gmail.com. June 10, Palmetto - Gravel Gallop 5K for Multiple Myeloma Research, 8am. Info: katie.o.kilpatrick@gmail.com. June 13, Athens - Methodist Conference 5K, 6:30pm. Info: cmoss@tfumc.org. June 16, Albany - Flint River Ramble Trail Run, 10 mi., 4 mi. & 1 mi. run/walk; 8:30am. Info: wildsiderunning@gmail.com. June 16, Atlanta - Miles to Margaritas 5K, 8am; $38 to $48, preregister deadline 6/10. Info: GoRunProductions (678)457-1073, contact@milestomargaritas.com, www.milestomargaritas.com June 16, Atlanta - Odyssey Quest Run, 5K & 1K; 8am. Info: Carissa Engelbert (404)367-5150, carissaengelbert@odysseyatlanta.org. June 16, Atlanta - Old Fourth Ward 5K, 8am. Info: o4w5k@hopehillfoundation.org. June 16, Cumming - Dirty Spokes “Haw Creek Park”, 10K, 3 mile trail run, 8am. Info: Tim, tim@dirtyspokes.com. June 16, Cumming - The Navi-Gator 5K, 8am. Info: Five Star NTP (770)633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com. June 16, Decatur - I am a Father 5K, 8:30am. Info: (678)5757509, david@iamafather5k.org. June 16, Gainesville - Chris Gaunt 5K Run/Walk Over Parkinson’s, 7:30am. Info: Mike Taylor (770)532-0228. June 16, Kennesaw - Summer Steamer 10K, 5K & 1K; 7:30am. Info: Mark Vescio (678)895-2631, runningmanwest@bellsouth.net. June 16, Kennesaw - Dream Dash 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 7:30am. Info: rachel@orionsportstiming.com. June 16, Musella - Papa’s Peach Classic 5K & 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: Larry Carpenter (309)673-6459, lacarinco@gmail.com. June 16, Oakwood - Jenny Melton Father’s Day 5K, 8am; Fun Run, 7:30am. Info: events@runnersfit.com. June 16, Roswell - Possum Trot 10K, 7am; 1 Mile FR, 7:05am. Info: (770)992-2055 (x238). June 16, Sandy Springs - run4Dad 5K Run/Walk, 8am; 1 Mile Walk, 8:15am; kids4Dad, 8:45am. Info: Debbie Fuse (678)6958048, dfuse@4dad.org. June 16, Savannah - JCB Mudfest 5 Miles or 5K Mud w/ obstacles, 8am/1st wave; Kiddie Muddobbers Mud Run, 7:50am. Info: jcbmudfest@ultramaxsports.com. June 16, Valdosta - Horseback Hustle 5K Trail Run, 7:30am. Info: jjenkins@valdostacpa.com. June 17, Johns Creek - Blast N’ Dash - A Water Gun 5K, 8am. Info: Five Star NTP (770)633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com. June 18, Atlanta - The Monday Nighter at The Garage 5K/10K & 1K for Kids, 6:15pm. Info: (404)441-0963, runningnerds@gmail.com. June 23, Acworth - Summer Solstice Trail Race 5K/10K, 8am. Info: (770)528-8825, racedirector.bushwacker@gmail.com. June 23, Alpharetta - Dog Days 5K, 8am. Info: Five Star NTP (770)633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com. June 23, Alpharetta - Embrace Our Youth 5K Fun Run, 7:30am. Info: Five Star NTP (770)633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com. June 23, Athens - Chapelwood Chase 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: classicraceservices@gmail.com. June 23, Atlanta - Smart Run 5K, 8am. Info: info@smartrun5k.com. June 23, Atlanta - The Stroller Run/Walk 5K, 9:30am. Info: joy@thestrollerrun.com. June 23, Augusta - Greatest American Superhero 5K & 1 Mile Run/Walk, 8am. Info: neil.j.smith.naf@mail.mil. June 23, Canton - Flippin’ 5K, 8am; Fun Run, 7:30am. Info: info@zenitgymnastics.com. June 23, Columbus - Firefighter MDA 5K, 9am. Info: ehull@columbusga.org. June 23, Lawrenceville - 3K GLOW in the Dark Fun Walk/Run, 8:30pm. Info: (770)822-3197, lindsey.jorstad@gwinnettcounty.com.

www.running.net June 23, Macon - Becca’s Dash 5K, 8am. Info: Mandy Mathews (478)731-5292, mandy@lovealwaysbeccajean.org. June 23, Warner Robins - Edge Fitness 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Edge Fitness (478)988-3343. June 24, Atlanta - Southside Medical Center 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: ehunt@smcmed.com. June 24, Atlanta - Piedmont Park Classic 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: roadraceservices@comcast.net. June 24, Atlanta - 5K Run for Health, 8am. Info: jthompson@smcmed.com. June 30, Atlanta - HBCU Run/Walk 5K, 8am. Info: Joe Rowell (617)669-5515, atlantahbcuaa@icloud.com. June 30, Atlanta - Heroes in Recovery 6K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: (615)345-3200 (x10036), info@heroesinrecovery.com. June 30, Atlanta - Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Stair Climb - Climb up to the 72nd floor; 8am. Info: atlanta@tunnel2towers.org. June 30, Franklin - Liberty Eagle’s Red, White, & Blueberry Trail 5K & Tot Trot for Children (free), 8am. Info: (770)744-3870, learn@libertyeagleacademy.com. June 30, Jasper - Flap Jack 5K, 8am. Info: parish.lowrie.pob4@statefarm.com. June 30, Jefferson - Freedom Run 5K, 8am. Info: Fenton Morris (706)367-5116, fmorris@cityofjeffersonga.com. June 30, Lake Rabun - Rabun Ramble 10K & 5K, 7:30am. Info: Sandy O’Brien (706)782-7043, sandyobrien1@mac.com. June 30, Marietta - Fast & Furry 5K, 8am. Info: Five Star NTP (770)633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com. June 30, Sugar Hill - Made in the USA 5K/10K, 7:30am. Info: Five Star NTP (770)633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com. July 4, Atlanta - AJC Peachtree Road Race 10K, Wheelchair 6:43am; 10K 7:30am. Info: ATC (404)231-9064, questions@atlantatrackclub.org.

July 4, Blue Ridge - Blue Ridge Freedom 5K/10K, 8am; $25/$35. Info: Jessica Fulton, 224 W. Main St., Blue Ridge, GA 30513; jfulton@ontime-results.com, https:// runsignup.com/Race/GA/BlueRidge/ BlueRidgeFreedom5K10K July 4, Cohutta - Run for God - Funnel Cake 5K, 8am. Info: holly@runforgod.com. July 4, Cumming - We the Runners Half Marathon, 7:30am; 10K, 7:45am; 5K, 8am; Sparkler Trot (10-under), 9:45am. Info: Kim Hall (404)769-4408, kimhall2007@gmail.com. July 4, Cumming - Let Freedom Run 5K, 7:30am; 1K Kids FR, 8:30am. Info: North GA Running Co (678)771-8270, northgarunningco@gmail.com. July 4, Cumming - Independence Day 10K & 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 9:10am. Info: devin@forsythstriders.com. July 4, Dahlonega - Dahlonega’s 4th of July Firecracker 5K & Fun Run, 8am. Info: dahlonegamountainsports@gmail.com. July 4, Hampton - Firecracker Road Race, 10K, 5K & 1 Mile, 8am; Tot Trot, 9am. Info: (678)492-9939, tim@getsetgrow.com.

July 4, St. Simons Island (Mallery Park) Sunshine Festival 5K/1 Mile, 5K 7am; 1 Mile Fun Run 8am; $30 thru 7/2, On Site Registration 7/3-4 $35. Info: (912)577-7173, KLStone@live.com, https://Sunshine FestivalofRaces5k1mile.itsyourrace.com July 4, Wrightsville - Firecracker 5K, 8am. Info: Donnie Sweet (478)864-1040, firecrackerroadrace@gmail.com. July 7, Atlanta - Night Nation Run 5K, 8:30pm/1st wave. Info: info@nightnationrun.com. July 7, Columbus - Big Dog Heatwave 5 Miler, 8am. Info: rl@bigdogfleetfeet.com. July 7, Kennesaw - The Sports Fanatic 5K, 8am. Info: rachel@orionsportstiming.com. July 7, Watkinsville - Oconee 4-H 4K, 7:44am. Info: boryles@gmail.com, rkeel@mindspring.com. July 8, Loganville - Run Thru The Park Half Marathon, 10K & 5K, 7am. Info: dm85247@gmail.com. July 13, Hampton - Twelve Days of Christmas (in July) 7K, 7:04pm. Info: boryles@gmail.com, rkeel@mindspring.com. July 14, Atlanta - Hi-Tech Race Series 5K, 8am. Info: info@hitechraces.com. July 14, Atlanta - Westside 5K/8K, 7:30am. Info: Five Star NTP (770)633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com. July 14, Covington - Sweet Spirit of Salem 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 8:30am. Info: 1evilteacher@gmail.com. July 14, Cumming - Dirty Spokes “Sawnee Mountain”, 4 mile, 2.8 mile trail run, 8am. Info: Tim, tim@dirtyspokes.com. July 14, Dawsonville - Race for Grace 5K, 8am. Info: Five Star NTP (770)633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com. July 14, Hampton - Twelve Days of Christmas (in July) 8K, 7:44am. Info: boryles@gmail.com, rkeel@mindspring.com. July 14, Macon - Back to School 5K Run/Walk, 7:50am. Info: cbf@mycbf.org. July 14, Madison - Dean’s Run/Godfrey Gallop 5K, 8am. Info: Larry Strange (706)818-1045. July 14, Monroe - Kickin for Kids 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: Wes Peters (770)853-4417, wespeters446@gmail.com. July 14, Savannah - Summer Soaker 5K, 8am; Kids 1 Mile or 1/2 Mile, 7:40am. Info: help@savannahraces.net. July 14, Valdosta - Barnes Drug Store 100 Year 5K Fun Run, 7:30am. Info: charlie4@barneshc.com. July 15, Atlanta - #RunTheATL Summer, 20 miles...ish; 8am. Info: matt@mattbdavisruns.com. July 21, Carrollton - Kiwanis For Kids 5K, 8am. Info: classicraceservices@gmail.com. July 21, Kennesaw - Soak-n-Splash 5K, 8am. Info: (678)4009050, info@tortoiseandthehareracing.com.

July 21, Lumpkin - O-Ma-Hot Trail Race, 14 Miler, 7 Miler & 1 Mile; 8am. Info: info@southernsingletrack.com. July 21, Richmond Hill - Richmond Hill Red Hot Chili Pepper 5K, 7:30am. Info: help@savannahraces.net. July 21, Suwanee - Broadway in the Park 5K, 7am; Fun Run, 8am. Info: autumn@suwaneeperformingarts.org. July 21, Valdosta - Bun Run 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: (229)2428376, info@firstpresvaldosta.org. July 25, Gainesville - Christmas in July Mutt Strut 5K, 6:30pm. Info: Jonathan Chavarria (678)532-6617, jonathan92c@yahoo.com. July 28, Cartersville - Georgia State Parks “Red Top Mountain”, 9.9 mile, 3.1 mile trail run, 8am. Info: Tim, tim@dirtyspokes.com. July 28, Chamblee - Back to School 5K Run/Walk, 7:45am. Info: cbf@mycbf.org. July 28, Hampton - 4-H 12K, 7:34am. Info: boryles@gmail.com, rkeel@mindspring.com. July 28, Kennesaw - Hot Fun in the Summer Sun 5K. Info: Five Star NTP (770)633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com. July 28, Loganville - Walnut Grove 5K Breakaway, 7:30am; Fun Run, 7:10am. Info: classicraceservices@gmail.com. July 28, Watkinsville - Retro Run 5K, 7:30pm. Info: classicraceservices@gmail.com. Aug. 4, Douglasville - Boundary Waters Cross Country 5K, 8am; Kids FR, 9am. Info: greateratlantaathletes@gmail.com. Aug. 4, Kennesaw - Run For Wounded Heroes 5K, 7:30am. Info: rachel@orionsportstiming.com. Aug. 4, Suwanee - Dennis McCormack Road Race #rundmr, 5K Run/Walk; 7:30am. Info: hudsonxc@hotmail.com. Aug. 5, Snellville - Rockin’ The LP Half Marathon, 10K & 5K, 7:30am. Info: dm85247@gmail.com. Aug. 11, Actworth - Xterra Georgia “Allatoona Creek Park”, 8.75 mile, 3.6 mile trail run, 8am. Info: Tim, tim@dirtyspokes.com. Aug. 11, Athens - Brain Fitness 5K, 7:30am. Info: Sherry McDuffie (706)540-5340, sherrymcduffie@charter.net. Aug. 11, Fort Valley - Middle Georgia Toys for Tots XC 5K, 8am. Info: Wendy Chadwell (478)320-6424 or Crystal Zion (478)8085677. Aug. 11, Hampton - Lovejoy 5K Run & Walk for Education, 8am. Info: City of Lovejoy (770)471-2304. Aug. 11, Peachtree Corners - Light Up the Corners 4-Mile, 9pm; 1K Twilight Trot, 8:30pm. Info: amassey@runthecorners.com. Aug. 11, Winder - Summer’s End Road Race, 10K 7am; 5K 8:15am; Fun Run 9:15am. Info: sandee@gapiedmontymca.org. Aug. 18, Brooklet - Brooklet 5K Peanut Run/Walk, 7am. lnfo: margtoby@gmail.com. Aug. 18, Conyers - Rugged Maniac 5K Ostacle Race. Info: info@ruggedraces.com. Aug. 18, Dalton - Run for God - Pinky Run 5K, 8am. Info: dean@runforgod.com. Aug. 18, Fort Gordon - Fort Gordon Glow Run 5K & 3K, 8:30pm. Info: crisp@goraceproductions.com. Aug. 18, Macon - Apple-A-Day 5K, 7:30am. Info: troop60667@gmail.com. Aug. 18, Roswell - Area 13.1 Half Marathon/Terrestrial 5K, 7pm. Info: alienhalfmarathon@gmail.com. Aug. 19, Snellville - August Madness Half Marathon, 10K & 5K, 7am. Info: dm85247@gmail.com. Aug. 25, Atlanta - Run for the Park 5K, 8am. Info: Adams Realtors (404)688-1222, lauren@adamsrealtors.com. Aug. 25, Flowery Branch - Awesome ’80s Run 5K, 9am; Fun Run, 8:45am. Info: events@runnersfit.com. Aug. 25, Jonesboro - Chairman Turner Fitness 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: (404)596-8498, 5k@jeffreyeturner.org. Aug. 25, Marietta - Digital Dash 5K Road Race & Fun Run, 7:30am. Info: bfloyd@onedigital.com. Aug. 25, Winterville - Mount Vernon Lodge Apron Run 5K, 7:30am. Info: Michael Law - lawm@uga.edu. Oct. 21, Atlanta - PNC Atlanta 10 Miler & 5K, 7:15am. Info: Natalie Demarko (404)231-9064 (ext. 128), ndemarko@atlantatrackclub.org, www.atlantatrackclub.org/2018pnc-atlanta-10-miler-5k Nov. 22, Atlanta - Thanksgiving Day Half Marathon & 5K, 7:30am. Info: Natalie Demarko (404)231-9064 (ext. 128), ndemarko@atlantatrackclub.org, www.atlantatrackclub.org/2018thanksgiving-day-half-marathon-5k

March 17, 2019, Atlanta - Publix Atlanta Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K, 7am. Info: Natalie Demarko, 201 Armour Dr. NE, Atlanta, GA 30324; (404)231-9064 (ext. 128), ndemarko@atlantatrackclub.org, www.atlantatrackclub.org/2019-publixatlanta-marathon-half-marathon-5k

KENTUCKY June 1, Lexington - North Lime Donut Dash 5K Run/Walk, 6:30pm; Kids 1K, 7:15pm. Info: Bob Baney (859)475-3232, bob@racerise.com. June 2, Corbin - Ultimate Climb Challenge 5K, 8am. Info: mbeecham@ahometownbank.com. June 2, Frankfort - Funnel Cake 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: capitalexpo.funnelcake5k@gmail.com. June 2, Lexington - Run for the Nun 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR/Walk, 8am. Info: runforthenun@gmail.com. June 2, Louisville - Louisville Sports Commission Corporate Games. Info: schalko@louisvillesports.org. June 2, Springfield - Nightlight Christian Adoption Run Walk Adopt 5K, 8am. Info: amanda.mattingly3@washington.kyschools.us. June 2, Somerset - Over My Head 5K, 7:30am. Info: jcturner3@gmail.com. June 2, Winchester - Alexis Thompson Memorial 10K & 2-Person Relay, 8am. Info: runwinchester@gmail.com. June 7, Louisville - Louisville Active Parkway Mile, 7pm-8:30pm. Info: mclemons@louisvillesports.org.

www.running.net June 8, Winchester - Big Cheesy 5K, 6:30pm. Info: Terry Davidson (859)744-8733, thebigcheesy5k@cchcky.org. June 9, Goody - Hatfield & McCoy Marathon & Half Marathon, 7am; 5K, 7:30am. Info: alexisbatausa@gmail.com. June 9, Madisonville - Hope4Heather 5K Color Run/Walk, 9am. Info: morgangee8@gmail.com. June 9, Nancy - Noctura - 15K Night Trail Run, 8:30pm. Info: events@vindura.fit. June 9, Paducah - Run Under The Stars 10 Hour Endurance Runs, 2 & 4-person Relay teams; 8pm. Info: durb417@gmail.com. June 10, Louisville - The Filly Women’s Half Marathon & 4 Miler, 7:30am; Women’s Only Race; Scenic, private courses, awesome finisher’s medals, performance/tech shirts, referral rewards program, team/girls getaway pricing, post race mini massage, etc... Info: Bob Baney (859)475-3232, bob@racerise.com, https://runsignup.com/Race/KY/Louisville/ TheFillyWomensHalfMarathon4Miler June 15, Somerset - The COOL Run at Midnight 5K. Info: meadows.todd@gmail.com. June 16, Independence - NKYHatesHeroin.com 5K Walk/Run, 8:30am. Info: knorton2055@gmail.com. June 16, Lexington - Wild Hearts Fun Run Superhero 5K, 8am. Info: info@wildheartsfunrun.com. June 16, Lexington - Horsin’ Around XC 5K, 7:30am. Info: safehavenequineministries@gmail.com. June 16, Lexington - Crank & Boom Sprint For Scoops 3K Run/ Walk, 7pm; Kids Dash 1K, 6:30pm. Info: (850)475-3232, bob@racerise.com. June 16, Morgantown - Green River 5 Mile Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: Jeff Whittinghill (270)526-4852, 3J2healthministry@reagan.com. June 17, Louisville - The Great Amazing Race Family Friendly Adventure/Obstacle Race, 1.5 Mile w/Challenge Stations; 3pm. Info: Great Amazing Race (513)518-0528, info@greatamazingrace.com. June 22, Frankfort - Stride into Summer 10K/5K, 5:30pm. Info: frankfortstridersclub@gmail.com. June 23, Danville - McDowell Wellness Center 10K, 8am. Info: dcoffey@emhealth.org. June 23, Louisville - Heroes Run 3K & 5K Run/Walk, 5K 8am; 3K 8:05am. Info: gwendolyn@usacares.org. July 4, Ft. Mitchell - Independence Day 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am; Kid’s FR to follow. Info: Steve Prescott (513)777-10808, prescott.races@yahoo.com. July 4, Frankfort - The Great Buffalo Chase 5K, 8am. Info: sarah.newnam@buffalotrace.com. July 4, Lexington - Bluegrass 10,000 & 1 Mile FR/Walk, 10K Run/Walk 7:30am; 1 Mile 8am. Info: (859)288-2927, mfranzetti@lexingtonky.gov. July 7, Elizabethtown - Freeman Lake Summer Trail Challenge, 10K 8am; 5K 9:25am. Info: will@etownrunningsoles.com. July 7, Eubank - Shoebox Shuffle 5K, 7:30am. Info: jillwheeldon@windstream.net. July 7, Jamestown - Jamestown Lakefest Mike Hill 10K/5K, 7:30am. Info: lakefestrun@hotmail.com. July 7, Westport - Oldham County Parks Firecracker 5K Run/ Walk, 8am. Info: Gary Parsons (502)225-0655, gparsons@oldhamcountyky.gov. July 7, White Mills - Historic White Mills 5K, 8am. Info: runsignup.com. July 13, Paris - Stray Dog Strut 5K & 1 Mile Fun Walk, 7pm. Info: (859)475-3232, contact@racerise.com. July 14, Wallingford - Timber & Trails 5K, 8am. Info: nextopportunityevents.com. July 21, Nancy - Mud Mayhem & Fun Lake Cumberland Obstacle Challenge 5K, 8am. Info: markhammppc@gmail.com. July 28, Louisville - Dr. Ed Morgan/Kiwanis Grand Slam 4 Miler, 8am. Info: runrivercity@gmail.com. Aug. 4, Somerset - Miles with Maroons 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: (606)416-8406, christy.oakes@aol.com. Aug. 11, Wallingford - Hot Hot Hundred, 10K/100K/100K Relay Trail Races, 8am. Info: nextopportunityevents.com. Aug. 18, Danville - Superheroes for Hope 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: brad@hope53ministries.org. Aug. 18, Elizabethtown - Backyard Classic 8 Hr Endurance Trail Run (Individual & Relay), 8am-4pm. Info: (270)401-3490, etownbackyardclassic@gmail.com. Aug. 18, Somerset - Pack the Pantry 4-Mile Relay Race, 8am; Kid’s FR/Free .5 mi., 8:05am. Info: pfjjr@hotmail.com.

LOUISIANA June 2, Baton Rouge - Changing and Advancing Nutrition Now (CANN) 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am; 1 Mile Children FR, 7:30am. Info: tbergeron2@live.com. June 2, Baton Rouge - Happy’s 5000m & Beer Mile, 5K 7pm; Beer Mile 8:30pm. Info: bobbijo@happysrunningclub.com. June 2, New Orleans - Allstate Sugar Bowl Crescent Connection Bridge Run, 4 Miles; 7pm. Info: (504)861-8686, eric.stuart@ccc10k.com. June 6, Monroe - The Big Run 5K. Info: mike@fleetfeetmonroe.com. June 6, New Orleans - NOTC Summer Series #1, 2 Miles, 7pm. Info: (504)304-2326, NOTC@runNOTC.org. June 7, Shreveport - Summer Fun Run Series - Skateboard Park/Stoner Avenue 5K, 6:45pm. Info: oldfartlek@hotmail or jbigdad23@yahoo.com. June 9, New Orleans - Creole Tomato Festival, 2 Mile & 1/2 Mile Run/Walk. Info: Chuck George, Race Dir. (504)884-7565, chuck@NOLArunning.com. June 9, Shreveport - Sam’s Run 5K, 8am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. June 14, Shreveport - Summer Fun Run Series - Ford Park, 3.5 Mile, 6:45pm. Info: oldfartlek@hotmail or jbigdad23@yahoo.com. June 16, Baton Rouge - HBCU 5K Pride Run, 7am. Info: gramgbr@gmail.com. June 16, Shreveport - The Blue Man Run 5K & 1 Mile FR,

Running Journal • June, 2018 8:45am; Super Hero Kids Dash for Dad, 8:30am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. June 16, Youngsville - Little Lambs 5K Walk/Run, 8am; 1 Mile Kid’s Run, 7:15am. Info: stacyguillory@gmail.com. June 17, New Orleans - Richard Newcomb Memorial Father’s Day Race, 2 Mile & Half Mile 8am. Info: (504)304-2326, NOTC@runNOTC.org. June 21, Shreveport - Summer Fun Run Series - Bilberry Park, 5K, 6:45pm. Info: oldfartlek@hotmail or jbigdad23@yahoo.com. June 23, Bossier City - Red, White & Blue Color Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. June 23, Deridder - Run For God 5K, 7:30am. Info: baileyracemgnt@gmail.com. June 23, Franklinton - Q50 Run to Hills 10 Mile & 5 Mile, 9am. Info: Cesar Torres (504)390-8807, cesar33058@gmail.com. June 23, Rushton - LA Peach Festival 5K Color Run, 7am. Info: alb5549@1ffc.com. June 27, Lafayette - CRRC Summer Series 1 Mile & Sneaux Cones, 6:15pm. Info: racedirector@cajunroadrunners.com. June 27, New Orleans - NOTC Summer Series #2, 2 Miles, 7pm. Info: (504)304-2326, NOTC@runNOTC.org. June 28, Shreveport - Summer Fun Run Series - Hamels Memorial Park, 5K, 6:45pm. Info: oldfartlek@hotmail or jbigdad23@yahoo.com. June 30, Deridder - Watermelon Fest 5K Run/Walk, 7am. Info: blanthier54@aol.com. June 30, Norco - Armadillo Dash Trail Run, 3 Mile Run/Walk. Info: Chuck George, Race Dir. (504)884-7565, chuck@NOLArunning.com. July 4, Shreveport - Sportspectrum Firecracker 5K Race for Research, 5K Run, Healthwalk & Stroll, 8am; 1/2 Mile FR, 7:30am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com. July 7, Jefferson - Rivershack Tavern’s River 2 Mile Run/Walk. Info: Chuck George, Race Dir. (504)884-7565, chuck@NOLArunning.com. July 11, New Orleans - NOTC Summer Series #3, 2 Miles, 7pm. Info: (504)304-2326, NOTC@runNOTC.org. July 12, Shreveport - Summer Fun Run Series - Querbes Park, 5K, 6:45pm. Info: oldfartlek@hotmail or jbigdad23@yahoo.com. July 15, Norco - Spillway Classic 3 Mile Trail Run, 8am. Info: (504)304-2326, NOTC@runNOTC.org. July 19, Shreveport - Summer Fun Run Series - Southern Hills Park, 5K, 6:45pm. Info: oldfartlek@hotmail or jbigdad23@yahoo.com. July 21, Mandeville - Big Easy Big Heart 5K, 9am. Info: Cesar Torres (504)390-8807, cesar33058@gmail.com. July 25, Lafayette - CRRC Summer Series 1 Mile & Sneaux Cones, 6:15pm. Info: racedirector@cajunroadrunners.com. July 25, New Orleans - NOTC Summer Series #4, 2 Miles, 7pm. Info: (504)304-2326, NOTC@runNOTC.org. July 26, Shreveport - Summer Fun Run Series - A.C. Steere Park, 5K, 6:45pm. Info: oldfartlek@hotmail or jbigdad23@yahoo.com. July 28, New Orleans - Power Mile Road Race, 1 Mile & 1/2 Mile Youth; 5pm. Info: powermilers@gmail.com. Aug. 2, Shreveport - Summer Fun Run Series - Betty Virginia Park, 5K, 6:45pm. Info: oldfartlek@hotmail or jbigdad23@yahoo.com. Aug. 5, Metairie - NOTC 55th Anniversary Race, 3 Mile, 8:20am; Kids’ Half Mile, 8am. Info: (504)304-2326, NOTC@runNOTC.org. Aug. 22, Lafayette - CRRC Summer Series 1 Mile & Sneaux Cones, 6:15pm. Info: racedirector@cajunroadrunners.com. Aug. 25, Mandeville - Q50 Races Bleau Moon 5 & 10 Miles, 7:30pm. Info: Cesar Torres (504)390-8807, cesar33058@gmail.com. Aug. 25, Shreveport - Run to Your Health 5K, 8am. Info: run.srm@gmail.com.

MARYLAND June 2, Adamstown - Buckingham’s Choice/Claggett Center Healthy Habits 5K, 8:30am. Info: david.tooher@integrace.org. June 2, Annapolis - Wayfarer’s Annapolis Half Marathon & 10K, 7am. Info: events@runpacers.com. June 2, Baltimore - Baltimore 10 Miler, 7:30am. Info: (410)6059381, customerservice@corrigansports.com. June 2, Kensington - Colleens BA 5K & 1 Mile FR/Walk, 9am. Info: Jean Ann Firestone (240)446-0268, colleensba5k@gmail.com. June 2, Prince Frederick - Rebelling Against Addiction 5K Walk/ Run, 8am. Info: rachel.muscolino@maryland.gov. June 2, Sykesville - Run 4 Kids Challenge 10K & 5K, 8:15am. Info: (410)751-7219 (leave msg), run4kids@verizon.net.

June 3, Baltimore - National Federation of the Blind 6 Dot Dash, 6K Race 8am; 5K Walkers & Wheelchairs Welcome; $35 5/1-6/2; $40 on Race Day. Info: Jenivieve White, 200 E. Well St., Baltimore, MD 21230; (410)659-9314, jwhite@nfb.org, https://nfb.org/dot-dash June 3, Bel Air - Bel Air Town Run 5K, 8am. Info: Shawn Loper (410)652-5850, batr@runharford.com. June 3, Ellicott City - Matzohball 5K & 1 Mile Run, 9am. Info: Alex Hoffman/Race Dir. - matzohballrun@gmail.com. June 3, Laytonsville - Breeze thru the Trees 5K, 8:30am. Info: sophie.felts@gmail.com. June 3, Mt. Airy - Spring Hops 5K, 10am. Info: striders.net. June 9, Fulton - Maryland Half Marathon, 8am; 5K, 8:30am. Info: Tara Ettinger (410)583-5703, tettinger@umm.edu. June 10, Baltimore - MCVET 5K/10K Races & Walk, 5K Run/ Walk 7:30am; 10K Run 8:30am. Info: Laurie Fragier (410)576-9626 (x233), lfragier@mcvet.org. June 10, Columbia - HCS Women’s Distance Festival 5K, 7:30am. Info: wdf@striders.net. June 10, Pikesville - Schechter on the Move 5K Race & 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: Liz (410)824-2050, lminkinfriedman@ksds.edu. June 10, Potomac - Dash Through The Dirt 5K, 10K & Half Marathon; 8am. Info: Bishops Events (540)842-5618, bishopsevents@yahoo.com. June 16, Baltimore - Totally Fun TuTu Run, 2.2 Miles; 9am. Info: kellicjohn@gmail.com.

June 16, Columbia - Agape 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Building Families for Children (410)872-1050. June 16, Easton - Running Marvel 5K Run & 1 Mile Walk, 9am. Info: tcreventmanagement@gmail.com. June 16, Elkton - XTERRA Big Elk Marathon & Half Marathon Trail Run, 7am. Info: (571)318-6907, info@adventuregeekproductions.com. June 16, Silver Spring - Run for Roses - MCRRC Women’s Distance Festival 5K, 8am. Info: run4roses@mcrrc.org. June 16, Stevensville - Solstice Stomp 5K, 6:30pm. Info: hello@kirg.org. June 17, Baltimore - GBMC Father’s Day 5K, 8am. Info: GBMC Foundation (443)849-2773, sbaumler@gbmc.org. June 17, Baltimore - Baltimore City Recreation & Parks $5 5K Series - Dad’s Day 5K, 8am. Info: BCRP (410)396-3835, cortney.weinstock@baltimorecity.gov. June 17, Pikeville - Miles That Matter Pikesville 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Jessica Normington (410)484-2337, info@pikesvillechamber.org. June 17, Severna Park - Dawson’s Father’s Day 10K, 8am. Info: fathersday10k@annapolistriders.org. June 23, Annapolis - Race to Stop the Bleeding 10K/5K, 9am. Info: Hemophilia Foundation of MD (410)661-2308, miller8043@comcast.net. June 23, Baltimore - Charm City Crab Run 5K, 9:30am. Info: sarah@triggeragency.com. June 23, Frederick - Paws and Claws 5K Run & 1 Mile Walk, 8am. Info: Animal Welfare League of Frederick County (301)6635855, info@awlfc.org. June 23, Frederick - Frederick Summer Solstice Twilight 8K, 7:30pm. Info: alex.young@steeplechasers.org. June 23, Gaithersburg - Blue Crab Bolt Trail Running Series Race 1, 5K/10K; 8am. Info: (703)338-3965, info@ex2adventures.com. June 23, Owings Mill - Irvine Nature Center’s Bauer Preserve Summer Solstice Sunset 5K Trail Run, 6:45pm; 1K Family FR, 5pm. Info: (410)308-1870, events@charmcityrun.com. June 23, Rockville - Suds & Soles 5K, 7:30pm. Info: sudsandsoles@mcrrc.org. June 24, Baltimore - Mercy Baltimore Women’s Classic 5K, 8am; Fun Run, 9am. Info: (410)308-1870, events@charmcityrun.com. June 30, Baltimore - Urban Children Foundation 1 Mile Run/ Walk, 8am. Info: (410)929-3076, information@urbanchildren.org. June 30, Frederick - Independence 5000, 8:30am. Info: independence5000@steeplechasers.org. July 4, Potomac - Autism Speaks July 4th 5K, 1 Mile; 8am. Info: Christina O’Neill (202)955-3111, autismspeaks5k@autismspeaks.org. July 7, Bel Air - Moonlight 5K, 8pm. Info: events@charmcityrun.com. July 8, Westminster - Union Mills Women’s Distance Festival 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: liuda@netzero.com. July 12, Lake Shore - Annapolis Striders Summer XC Series 5K #1, 6:30pm. Info: (443)790-7365, johncurley@verizon.net. July 14, Annapolis - Annapolis Striders Women’s Distance Festival 5K/Run After the Women 5K, 7:45am. Info: wdf5k@annapolisstriders.org. July 14, Baltimore - Baltimore Orioles 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Jamie Snyder (443)568-0064, jamie@caseycaresfoundation.org. July 15, Bel Air - Catch a Pig 5K & Bacon Stroll 1K, 8am. Info: rbournmd@yahoo.com. July 19, Severn - Annapolis Striders Summer XC Series 5K #2, 6:30pm. Info: (443)790-7365, johncurley@verizon.net. July 21, Edgewater - John Wall Memorial 1 Mile Track Run, 8am. Info: johnwallmile@annapolisstriders.org. July 21, Rockville - DARCARS Rockville Rotary Twilight Runfest 8K, 8:15pm. Info: rockvilletwilighter@gmail.com. July 21, Thurmont - Run for the Pie 10K, 8am. Info: mark.lawrence@steeplechasers.org. July 26, Millersville - Annapolis Striders Summer XC Series 5K #3, 6:30pm. Info: (443)790-7365, johncurley@verizon.net. July 28, Annapolis - Endless Summer 6-Hour Run, 7:30am. Info: endlesssummer@annapolisstriders.org. July 28, Chesapeake City - Run the Vineyards - Bohemia River Scenic 5K, 6pm. Info: ken@gooddayforarun.com. July 28, Germantown - Blue Crab Bolt Trail Running Series Race 2, 5K/10K; 8am. Info: (703)338-3965, info@ex2adventures.com. July 28, Middletown - The Heat is On: 5K & Fun Run, 8am. Info: Main Street Middletown (301)305-4651, breich@ci.middletown.md.us. July 29, Baltimore - Baltimore City Recreation & Parks $5 5K Series, 7:30am. Info: BCRP (410)396-3835, cortney.weinstock@baltimorecity.gov. July 29, Boyd - Riley’s Rumble Half Marathon & 8K, 7am. Info: idalina.diak@yahoo.com. Aug. 2, Millersville - Annapolis Striders Summer XC Series 5K #4, 6:30pm. Info: (443)790-7365, johncurley@verizon.net. Aug. 4, Annapolis - Ben Moore Memorial Half Marathon & 10K, 7:30am. Info: lynnron1@comcast.net. Aug. 4, Frederick - Frederick Women’s Distance Festival 5K, 8am. Info: info@frederickwdf.com. Aug. 11, Clarksburg - Blue Crab Bolt Trail Running Series - Race 3, 5K/10K; 8am. Info: (703)338-3965, info@ex2adventures.com. Aug. 12, Hydes - Charm City 5K Trail Run at Boordy Vineyards, 6pm. Info: events@charmcityrun.com. Aug. 12, Rock Hall - Pirates and Wenches 5K Run/Walk, 8am; Kiddie K Run (10-under), 7:50am. Info: races4u@trisportsevents.com. Aug. 18, Cumberland - Howard’s Run Festival, 25K 7am; 5K, 8am. Info: racedirector@howards25krun.com. Nov. 10, Annapolis - Annapolis Running Classic, Half Marathon & 10K; 7:30am. Info: Lisa Fontaine (410)991-5903, lisa@annapolishalf.com, www.annapolisrunningclassic.com

Deadline for our July issue is June 11.


MISSISSIPPI June 2, Long Beach - Jeepin’ the Coast 5K, 1 Mile FR; 8am. Info: Annette Knowles (228)669-9112, spinroomfitness@gmail.com. June 2, Meridian - State Games of Mississippi 5K Road Race, 5K Walk & 1 Mile FR (12-under); 7:30am. Info: Tim Irvine (601)9389873, tim.irvine@wtok.com. June 2, Pascagoula - Rock the Cause 5K, 8am. Info: ajohns@gcwcfn.org. June 2, Richland - Run For Red & Blue 5K Run/Walk & 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: Lori Spotswood (601)918-6244, lorispotswood@yahoo.com. June 6, Ridgeland - The Big Run 5K, 6pm. Info: chris@fleetfeetjackson.com. June 9, Baldwyn - Froglevel Festival 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Theresa Hellen (662)231-1479, thellen@cs.com. June 9, Grenada - Thunder On Water 8K Run & 5K Walk, 7am. Info: Rusty Harlow (662)307-0042, bsrgrenada@gmail.com. June 9, New Albany - Robert Clayton Festival Color Run 5K, 8:30am. Info: Emily Forman (662)538-1740, ecr0186@gmail.com. June 9, Pascagoula - Chevron Women’s Network Charity 5K & 1 Mile Run/Walk, 5K 8am; 1 Mile 8:45am. Info: Leonard Vergunst (228)380-7037, director@gulfcoastrunningclub.org. June 9, Quitman - Lake Run for Bridge Fund, 5K Run/Walk & 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: (601)938-9873, gsr5k@yahoo.com. June 9, Tupelo - Running With The King 5K, 7:30am. Info: rashni.barath@gmail.com. June 16, Canton - Canton Juneteenth Celebration 5K Run/ Walk, 7:30am. Info: Angela Carson (601)955-1132, cantonjuneteenth@gmail.com. June 16, Corinth - Rooster Run 5K, 8am. Info: Sandy Childs (662)415-0354, sandchild@hotmail.com. June 16, Hattiesburg - Dog Days 5K & 2 Mile Walk, 7:30am. Info: Hub City Service Dogs (601)596-4495, hubcityservicedogs@gmail.com. June 16, Leland - Hotter than Hades Half Marathon, 6am. Info: tribbetthalfmarathon@gmail.com. June 16, Meridian - Run for a Reason: Divas on the Run 5K Race, 1 Mile FR 7am; 5K Run & & 2 Mile Walk 7:15am. Info: (601)938-9873, gsr5k@yahoo.com. June 29, Bay St. Louis - Crab Fest 5K, 7pm. Info: crabfest5k@gmail.com. June 30, Bay St. Louis - In Hot Pursuit Duathlon & Road Race, Du: R-2 mi., B-11 mi., R-2 mi.; 4 Mile Run/Walk; 8am. Info: hurricanems@mail.com. June 30, Blue Mountain - Fire On The Mountain Firecracker 5K, 8am. Info: Patricia Glover (662)685-4721, townofbluemountain@yahoo.com. June 30, Canton - Balloon Chase Run/Walk Bike Ride, 4 Mile Run or 2 Mile Walk; 6:30pm. Info: joannapuddister@goodsamaritancenter.org. June 30, Coffeeville - Aubrey Rainey’s Rainbow Dash - 5K Color Walk/Run for Biliary Atresia, 8:30am. Info: Michelle Rainey (662)809-3009, hopeforaubrey711@gmail.com. June 30, Crystal Springs - Tomato Festival 5K Run/Walk, 1 Mile FR; 7am. Info: Crystal Springs Chamber of Commerce (601)892-2711, crystalspringschamber@gmail.com. July 4, Greenville - Firecracker 5K & 1 Mile FR, 7:30am. Info: Debra Wintory (662)378-3141, dwintory@wceams.com. July 4, Hazlehurst - The Great Commission 4 Miler, 7:30am. Info: Amy Keywood (601)894-1616, keyhabits@gmail.com. July 4, Jackson - Farm Bureau Watermelon Classic 5K Run/ Walk, 7:30am. Info: apatterson@msfame.com. July 4, Ocean Springs - Wesson Memorial 2 Mile & 1/4 Mile Run, 8am. Info: Leonard Vergunst (228)380-7037, director@gulfcoastrunningclub.org. July 14, Bruce - Bruce Sawmill 5K Run, 7:30am. Info: Ryan Berry (662)983-2929, rberry@cesltc.com. July 14, Philadelphia - REZ Run for the Choctaw Indian Fair, 10K, 5K & 1 Mile Run/Walk; 7am. Info: John Ferguson (601)6501765, john.ferguson@choctaw.org. July 14, Pontotoc - Flamin Fury Peach Trail Run 4 Miler, 8am. Info: runtheorchard@gmail.com. July 19, Madison - Bruin Burn 5K Run, 5K Walk & 1 Mile FR, 7pm. Info: (601)668-8571, bgarrard06@gmail.com. Aug. 4, Olive Branch - I Got Your Back 5K Run/Walk, 7am. Info: stpaulmbchurch@yahoo.com. Aug. 4, Pass Christian - Summer Beach 5K & 1 Mile Run, 8am. Info: Leonard Vergunst (228)380-7037, director@gulfcoastrunningclub.org. Aug. 11, Clarksdale - Aaron E. Henry Community Health Center 5K Run/Walk, 7am. Info: jbryant@aehchc.org. Aug. 11, Pontotoc - Golfin’ Glow Run 5K, 8pm. Info: Jeremy Maxey (662)419-0659, maxey104@gmail.com. Aug. 18, Diamonhead - Diamondhead 5K & 1 Mile Run, 8am. Info: Leonard (228)380-7037, director@gulfcoastrunningclub.org. Aug. 25, Madison - The Make a Miracle Superhero 5K & Kids FR, 7am. Info: Mike Bullard (601)977-0139, mike@makeamiracle5k.com.

NORTH CAROLINA June 1, Asheville - Asheville Chamber Challenge 5K, 4:30pm. Info: iDaph Events (828)684-0812, support@idaph.net. June 1-2, Glade Valley - Get Outside Mountain Relay, 208mile Hub Relay (104-mile option) (up to 12 people on a team). Info: (336)363-4984, contact@getoutsidemountainrelay.com. June 1, Locust - Opening Day 4.1K Run/Walk-Anniversary Edition, 6:30pm. Info: locusthealth@gmail.com. June 1, Winston-Salem - El Buen Camino 5K & 1 Mile Walk, 7pm. Info: sandritacastro83@gmail.com. June 2, Burlington - Legs for Life Wellness 5K, 8am; .8 Mile FR, 9am. Info: amandacoble@hotmail.com. June 2, Cary - Step on Sepsis 5K, 9am. Info: Alex Sadorf (619)232-0300, asadorf@sepsis.org.


Running Journal • June, 2018

June 2, Chapel Hill - UNC SNDA Oral Cancer Walk & 5K, 9am. Info: evadesai15@gmail.com. June 2, Charlotte - Keep Pounding 5K, 8am. Info: Sarah Richardson (704)355-4048, sarah.richardson@carolinashealthcare.org. June 2, Charlotte - King Tiger 5K at University City, 7:30am; 1K Tiger Trot for Kids, 8:15am. Info: chriselk@runforyourlife.com. June 2, Charlotte - Carolinas CARE Bad Prom 5K, 8am. Info: shannonw@carolinascare.org. June 2, Charlotte - NODA 5K, 6pm. Info: (704)893-3800 (x103), info@s2fcharlotte.com. June 2, Clemmons - Clemmons Stride for Courage 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile, 8:15am. Info: Al Burchett (336)918-3214, stride4courage@gmail.com. June 2, Concord - Find Your FIT 5K, 8am; Fun Run/Walk, 9am. Info: phgabriel@cabarruscounty.us. June 2, Durham - Running of the Bulls 8K, 7:15am; Kids FR, 8:55am Info: (919)265-3904, runningofthebulls8k@gmail.com. June 2, Elm City - Finish Strong 3K Run/Walk, 9am; 1 Mile, 10am. Info: Joshua Robinson (252)363-9684, joshuarobinson919@gmail.com. June 2, Fuquay-Varina - Run the Quay 10K, 7am; 5K, 8:30am. Info: Kate (919)552-4947, kate@fuquay-varina.com. June 2, Garner - MADD Dash 5K, 9am. Info: Irene Dwinnell (919)787-6599, irene.dwinnell@madd.org. June 2, Gastonia - Jog In The Jungle 5K, 9am. Info: fhscupidsshuffle@gmail.com. June 2, Greenville - Run for Life 5K, 9am. Info: robingrochowski1985@gmail.com. June 2, Hillsborough - Got Grit! 5K & 1 Mile FR, 8:30am. Info: tomcarrcounseling@yahoo.com. June 2, Huntersville - Above & Beyond’s “Race to Zero” 5K, 8am. Info: mhoverson@aboveandbeyondmissions.org. June 2, Lincolnton - Walk this Way 5K Fun Run, 8:30am. Info: pastorjasonmadison@gmail.com. June 2, Matthews - On The Run With Zeta 5K Run/Walk, 1 Mile FR/Walk; 8am. Info: krishanda_holmes@yahoo.com. June 2, Pineville - The Great Amazing Race Charlotte Family Friendly Adventure, 1.5 Mile w/Challenge Stations; 11am. Info: Great Amazing Race (513)518-0528, info@greatamazingrace.com. June 2, Plymouth - Run With The Bears 5K, 7:30am. Info: mark.cagle18@gmail.com. June 2, Raleigh - Race 13.1, Half Marathon, 10K & 5K; 7:15am. Info: info@race131.com. June 2, Shelby - June Bug Jam 5K, 8:30am; Kids FR, 9:30am. Info: krista.allen@girlsontherun.org. June 2, Statesville - Chad’s Challenge 5K, 1 Mile FR; 9am. Info: Scott McLelland (704)701-6926, samfeet@yahoo.com. June 2, Taylorsville - 5K Night Run for Life, 1 Mile FR & Stroller Stroll 8pm; 5K Run/Walk 9pm. Info: caringheartsp86@bellsouth.net. June 2, Troutman - Miles for Matt 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Ashley Cannon (336)682-0411, acannon@ashleycannonlaw.com. June 5, Atlantic Beach - Beach Run Series #3, 10K, 5K, 1 Mile; 6:30pm. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. June 6, Chapel Hill - The Big Run 5K. Info: ben.heimlich@fleetfeet.com. June 6, Fletcher - The Big Run 5K. Info: hannah.buck@fleetfeet.com. June 6, Greenville - The Big Run 5K. Info: staff@fleetfeetgreenvillenc.com. June 6, Greensboro - The Big Run 5K. Info: deweyjohn73@gmail.com. June 6, Hickory - The Big Run 5K. Info: marketing@fleetfeethickory.com. June 6, Raleigh - The Big Run 5K. Info: lily.wilson@fleetfeetraleigh.com. June 8, Raleigh - Feminist 5K, 8am. Info: Lisa Grafstein (919)3955412, lisa.grafstein@gmail.com. June 8, Richlands - Revive Downtown Richlands 5K Glow Run, 9pm. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. June 9, Asheville - Asheville Half Marathon & 10K, 7am. Info: (828)200-5498, ashevillehalfmarathon@gmail.com. June 9, Boone - New River Marathon, 7am; Half Marathon, 7:45am; 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 6pm on Friday, 6/8. Info: Ken Sevensky (336)877-8888, info@newrivermarathon.com. June 9, Cary - World Record Flip Flop 1K, 10:30am. Info: info@nOgRunClub.com. June 9, Cary - LBD 5K: Lace Up to Bring Lewy Down & Kids Dash, 8:45am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. June 9, Charlotte - Race to the Taste 5K, 9am; Cupcake Run/ Walk, 9:45am. Info: lauren@tasteofcharlotte.com. June 9, Fletcher - $5 5K Blackjack Run, 6:30pm. Info: runningpains@gmail.com. June 9, Goldsboro - Walk N Roll 5K, 8pm. Info: takibler@gmail.com. June 9, Morganton - Run as One 5K, 8am. Info: david@finishlinepros.com. June 9, Raleigh - Feminist 5K, 8am. Info: feminist5k@gmail.com. June 9, Sherrills Ford - Captain Bradley Long Memorial 5K, 8am. Info: Kelly Stewart (828)234-6065, runtimeraces@gmail.com. June 10, Winston-Salem - Indoor Insanity Marathon & Relay, 8am. Info: (336)793-4311, mike@junction311.com. June 12, Winston-Salem - 5 Dollar 5K, 6:15pm. Info: wadejpm@gmail.com. June 15, Raleigh - Raleigh RunDown Downhill Mile, 1 Mile 7pm. Info: Sir Walter Running (919)260-8013, sirwalterrunning@gmail.com.

June 16, Bakersville - 41st Annual Rhododendron 10K Run, 8:30am; 1 Mile Fun Run/Healthwalk, 8am; $20/10K, $10/1 Mile FR postmarked by 6/2; $30/10K, $15/1 Mile FR on Race Day; Dry Blend Performance Tshirt to all participants. Info: (828)688-2113, www.werunevents.com. See Ad page 2.

June 16, Beech Mountain - A Cool 5 Race, 5 Mile & 1.5 Mile; 8am. Info: Kate Prisco (828)387-3003, kprisco@ townofbeechmountain.com. June 16, Carolina Beach - Good Hops Brewing 5K Beer Run, 10am. Info: cspate3@gmail.com. June 16, Cary - NC MedAssist Pancakes & Beer 5K, 8am. Info: khollingsworth@medassist.org. June 16, Cary - Charity Distance Festival, 1 Mile 8am; 5K & 8K 8:30am. Info: charitydistancefestival@fitandable.net.

June 16, Charlotte - Run The South Charlotte, Half Marathon, 10K & 5K; 7am; $65/Half Marathon, $75/Half Marathon, $45/ 10K, $35/5K through 5/31; $85/Half Marathon, $45/10K, $35/5K through 6/15; $90/Half Marathon, $50/10K, $40/5K on Race Day. Info: Denise Dixon, 8618 Monroe Rd., Charlotte, NC 28212; (704)277-2666, denise@s2fcharlotte.com, http:// www.runthesouthcharlotte.com June 16, Charlotte - Healthy Achievement 5K Run/Walk, 8am; $35 before 6/7; Performance Tees & Finisher Medals. Info: info@kappafoundationofcharlotte.org, www.ha5k.com June 16, Charlotte - Brew Dash 6K Trail Race, 9am (competition heat); 11:30am (recreational heat). Info: Jimmy Lawler (704)3913900, jlawler@usnwc.org. June 16, Conover - Conover School Run ‘n Roll 5K Run, 8am. Info: Carol Johncock (828)234-5457, cjohncock@charter.net. June 16, Davidson - Summit Solstice 12-Hour Relay (Solo or Teams), 7am; Kid’s Color Fun Run, 4pm. Info: brian@summitcoffee.com. June 16, Denton - Tour de Kale 5K Running Events, 1 Mile; 8pm. Info: Kale Watkins (336)313-9544, info@tourdekale.com. June 16, Franklin - Braveheart 5K, 8:30am; Rob Roy Fun Run/ Walk, 8am. Info: Dave Linn (828)244-1596, bringingit2life@gmail.com. June 16, Hickory - The Krispy Kreme Challenge 5K Run or Walk, 8am. Info: Kelly Stewart (828)234-6065, runtimeraces@gmail.com. June 16, Mooresville - Santa’s Summer 5K & Cancer Walk, 8am. Info: Scott Montgomery (980)297-1482, hoops4acuremooresville@gmail.com. June 16, New Bern - Run For Shelter 10K, 5K & 1 Mile FR; 7am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. June 16, Roxboro - Sappony 5K Trail Run, 8am; 1 Mile, 7:30am. Info: Mary Edmondson (910)639-9971, sapponytrailrun@gmail.com. June 16, Sanford - Rogue Alpha Rush 5K Mud Run w/ obstacles, 10am/1st wave. Info: rarush@outlook.com. June 16, Tryon - EquiTek 5K Cross Country Race, 9am. Info: marilyn.cullinane@gmail.com. June 19, Atlantic Beach - Beach Run Series #4, 10K, 5K, 1 Mile; 6:30pm. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. June 21, Statesville - Young Life 5K Camp Run, 6pm. Info: Joey Gilleland - exitplan@roadrunner.com. June 22, Lake Junaluska - Emory Club 5K, 8am. Info: awilliams1@wnccumc.net. June 23, Cary - “Dress to Impress” 5K & Fun Run, 8am. Info: rwhrma.tshrm.funrun.5k@gmail.com. June 23, Charlotte - Strides For Shelter 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am; FR, 9:20am. Info: Terri Marshall (704)940-3148, terri.marshall@carolinahome.com. June 23, Clemmons - Dirty Dozen 5K Obstacles, 8am. Info: a.cardwell@ymcanwnc.org. June 23, Greenville - Eastern Run/Walk for Autism K, 9am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. June 23, Hendersonville - Mad Mountain Mud Run, 10am. Info: iDaph Events (828)684-0812, support@idaph.net. June 23, Morganton - Cat’s Cradle 10K Run & 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: fecoop2@bellsouth.net. June 23, Oakboro - Oakboro Freedom Run 5K, 8am. Info: jddross@gmail.com. June 23, Raleigh - Zero Prostate Cancer 5K & 1 Mile Run/Walk 8:15am; Kids Superhero Dash for Dad, 7:45am. Info: support.zerocancer.org. June 26, Statesville - Hebron Missions 5K, 6:30pm; 1 Mile FR, 7pm. Info: Scott McLelland (704)701-6926, samfeet@yahoo.com. June 27, Charlotte - Turbine Runner 5K, 7am. Info: bree@hydrofoundation.org. June 30, Cary - Run for Hope IDF 5K, 8am. Info: info@idfutbol.com. June 30, Chapel Hill - UNC SNDA Oral Cancer Walk & 5K, 9am. Info: evadesai15@gmail.com. June 30, Charlotte - The Park 5K Domestic Violence Awareness Run/Walk, 8am. Info: asjoseph77@gmail.com. June 30, Lenoir - Firecracker 10K, 5K & Kids FR; 8am. Info: Zack Carter (828)757-2196, zcarter@ci.lenoir.nc.us. June 30, Pinehurst - Pinehurst Resort Color Fun Run 5K, 8am. Info: josh.leap@pinehurst.com. June 30, Winston-Salem - Ultimate Runner, 5 events: 4 on the track & a 5K Cross Country; 4:30pm. Info: ultimate@twincitytc.org. July 3, Charlotte - Charlotte Firecracker 5K, 7pm; Fun Run, 7:45pm. Info: (704)893-3800, info@s2fcharlotte.com. July 3, Greensboro - Fun Fourth Freedom Run, 10K 7:15pm; 5K 7:30pm; 1 Mile 7:35pm. Info: Junction 311 Endurance Sports (336)793-4311, mike@junction311.com. July 3, Waxhaw - Rocket Run 2 Miles, 7:30pm. Info: Amanda Young (704)999-1800, young@millbridge-nc.com.

www.running.net July 4, Brevard - Firecracker 5K, 10K & Fun Run; 8am. Info: Davis Whitfield (828)884-4529, whitfieldcargilelaw@gmail.com. July 4, Charlotte - American 4 Miler, 7:30am; Kids’s 1 Mile FR, 8:30am. Info: registration@runforyourlife.com.

July 4, Kernersville - 23rd Annual Herbalife 5K Rotary Parade Run, 8:30am; $2300 in Total Prize Money (1st-$500 2nd-$300 3rd$200 4th-$100 5th-$50); Entry Fee: $20 by 6/1, $25 6/1-7/3, $30 race day. Info: Brian Stewart, 270 Post Oak Rd., Kernersville, NC 27284; (336)399-8045, bstewart@solaceits.com, elite runner contact info: Curtis Swisher (336)3991039 or cswisher@triad.rr.com; more info at https://runsignup.com/Race/NC/Kernersville/ 4thofJuly5k or www.Triviumracing.com July 4, Raleigh - Keep RLGH Independent 4 Mile, 8am. Info: (919)376-9441 (9am-5pm), info@fsseries.com.

July 4, Village of Lake Park, Indian Trail Common Heart Firecracker Run, 10K 7:30am, 5K 7:45am, 1K 9am; $35/10K, $25/5K, $20/1K, by 7/2; after $40/10K, $30/5K, $20/1K. Info: Common Heart, POB 2761, Indian Trail, NC 28079; (704)218-9060, Keith@CommonHeart. org, http://CommonHeartFirecracker Run.com July 4, Weaverville - Firecracker 5K, 8am. Info: kiwanisfirecracker@yahoo.com. July 7, Cary - Run for Liberty 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: delbiancopo@gmail.com. July 10, Winston-Salem - 5 Dollar 5K, 6:15pm. Info: wadejpm@gmail.com. July 11, Fletcher - $5 5K Age Graded Run, 6:30pm. Info: runningpains@gmail.com.

July 13, Lenoir - Blackberry GLOW 5K and One Mile Fun Run, 1 Mile 8pm; 5K 8:30pm or dark; $15/1 Mile, $25/5K by 7/4, after 7/4 $20/ 1 Mile, $30/5K. Info: Breanna McKay, 2301 Morganton Blvd. SW, Lenoir, NC 28645, (828)572-0802, breanna.mckay@shelte rhomecc.org, https://runsignup.com/Race/ NC/Lenoir/BlackberryGlow5kandFunRun ?remMeAttempt= July 14, Boone - Grandfather Mountain Marathon, 6:30am. Info: John Weaver (828)262-3074, weaverjt@appstate.edu. July 14, Greensboro - Moonlight Bootlegger 5K, 8:55pm. Info: Trivium Racing (3 13)304-0903, info@triviumracing.com. July 14, Norlina - Cantaloupe 5K, 8am. Info: clockworkracetiming@gmail.com. July 14, Wilmington - Tri-Span 10K & 5K, 7am. Info: aileen.sutton@ymcasenc.org. July 17, Atlantic Beach - Beach Run Series #5, 10K, 5K, 1 Mile; 6:30pm. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. July 21, Beaufort - Historic Beaufort Road Race, 1 Mile Run/Walk 7:30am; 10K Wheelchair/5K Wheelchair/5K Baby Joggers 7:55am; 5K & 10K Run, 8am. Info: bsmith2@ec.rr.com. July 21, Bryson City - Bryson City Moonlight 5K Run/Walk, 8:30pm; 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk, 8pm. Info: iroper@swainmail.org. July 21, Jonas Ridge - The Scream! Half Marathon, 8am. Info: greg@gloryhoundevents.com. July 21, Winston-Salem - Beat the Heat 5K, 7pm; NC USATF 5K Championship, 8pm; 1 Mile Family Run, 6:30pm. Info: erralston@yahoo.com. July 27, Albemarle - Tour de Elvis 5K, 7:30pm; 25, 45 & 65 Mile Cycle Tour, 8am (7/28). Info: Vac and Dash (704)983-3274, peter@vacanddash.com. July 27, Greensboro - Greensboro Distilling Bootlegger 5K, 8:45pm. Info: Trivium Racing (313)304-0903, info@triviumracing.com. July 28, Asheville - Highland Brewing Night Flight, 4.5 Mile; 7:30pm. Info: greg@gloryhoundevents.com.

Aug. 18, Highlands - Highlands Twilight 5K, 6pm; Start: 483 Pine Street/KelseyHutchinson Park, Highlands, NC; $30 by 7/18, after 7/18 $35, $40 on Race Day; Only competitive 5K in Highlands this year. Info: Derek Taylor (828)200-9226, hdcderek@ gmail.com, www.highlandstwilight5k.com Aug. 25, Asheville - ZERO - Prostate Cancer 5K Run/Walk, 1 Mile Walk; 9am. Info: greg@gloryhoundevents.com.

Aug. 25, Boone - High Country Half Marathon, 7:30am; $65 by 8/6, after $75. Info: Mary Sheryl Horine, ASU Box 32102, Boone, NC 28608; (828)262-7557, horinems@ appstate.edu, https://triplecrown.appstate. edu/half-marathon Aug. 25, Casar - Kickin’ 4 Kids Glow Run, 10K & 5K 8pm; Kids

FR, 8:15pm. Info: Tina Smith (704)472-3378, kickin4kids5k@gmail.com. Aug. 25, Charlotte - Yiasou Greek Festival 5K, 7:30am; 1 Mile FR, 8:30am. Info: registration@runforyourlife.com. Aug. 25, Hickory - HCA Knights 5K Run, 8am. Info: Carol Johncock (828)234-5457, cjohncock@charter.net. Aug. 25, Wilmington - Copperhead 20K Run/Relay, 5:30pm. Info: tom@iamwithoutlimits.com. Aug. 26, Greensboro - Growler Gallop Gibbs, 10K & 5K; 5pm. Info: Trivium Racing (313)304-0903, info@triviumracing.com.

Sept. 15, Seven Devils - The Hawk 7K, 8am; $30 by 9/12, after $35. Info: Ed Beck, 1356 Seven Devils Rd., Seven Devils, NC 28604; (828)963-5343, townclerk@ sevendevils.net, www.racingtoes.com Nov. 3, Charlotte - Novant Health Charlotte Marathon, Half Marathon, Relay, 5K & Kid’s Run; 7am. Info: kayla@runforyourlife.com. Nov. 17, Mount Airy - Mayberry 1/2 Marathon, 10K & 5K, 8am. Info: Darren Lewis (336)786-8313, dlewis@mountairy.org, http:// mayberryhalf.itsyourrace.com

SOUTH CAROLINA June 2, Columbia - Sweat It Out 5K, 7am. Info: hd3rd@aol.com. June 2, Greenwood - SC Festival of Flowers 5K & 1 Mile FR/ Walk, 8am. Info: info@greenwoodscchamber.org. June 2, Hartsville - Paint the Town and Chase the Crown 5K Color Run/Walk, 9am. Info: paintthecrown5k@gmail.com. June 2, Sullivan’s Island - Floppin’ Flounder 5K, 8am. Info: dawnkahley@gmail.com. June 2, Sumter - Epps Orthodontics K9-5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: eppsorthok95k@gmail.com. June 2, West Columbia - Run Ella Run Memorial 5K, 7:30am; Kid’s 1K Fun Run, 8:45am. Info: runellarun@gmail.com. June 6, Greenville - The Big Run 5K, 6pm. Info: amanda@fleetfeetgreenville.com. June 6, Myrtle Beach - The Big Run 5K, 6pm. Info: paul@fleetfeetmyrtlebeach.com. June 6, North Charleston - The Big Run 5K, 7pm. Info: amy@fleetfeetmountpleasant.com. June 7, Charleston - Race the Landing 5K Race Series, Kids FR 6:15pm; 5K Run/Walk 7pm. Info: Lisa Deaton (843)224-7878, lisamdeaton@comcast.net. June 9, Anderson - Run to Remember: CPT David Hortman 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am. Info: Ryan Ellenburg (864)561-7878, ryan@davesrun.com. June 9, Cayce - Thomas Mills Memorial 5K & Walk, 8:30am. Info: (864)617-0237, scchapter@gmail.com. June 9, Charleston AFB - Run the Runway 5K, 8am. Info: donna.basnett@us.af.mil. June 9, Lake Wylie - Splash Dash 10K/5K Race & 5K Walk, 8am. Info: Lake Wylie Chamber of Commerce (803)831-2827, lakewyliechamber@yahoo.com. June 9, Salem - I Battled Bad Creek 5K, 9am. Info: (864)8857191. June 9, Simpsonville - Sunrise Run 8K, 1/4 Mile Kiddie Kaper; 6:16am (approx.). Info: greenvilletrackclub.com. June 9, Travelers Rest - Can’t Catch Connor 5K, 7pm. Info: Nathan Akerhielm (864)313-4543. June 13, Hilton Head Island - Palmetto Dunes Turtle Trot is a Weekly 5K Run/Walk 8am. Info: alfred@gotrisports.com. June 14, Charleston - Bulldog Breakaway Twilight Series 5K, 6:30pm. Info: huddlestonj@citadel.edu. June 14, Charleston - Race the Landing 5K Race Series, Kids FR 6:15pm; 5K Run/Walk 7pm. Info: Lisa Deaton (843)224-7878, lisamdeaton@comcast.net. June 16, Columbia - Serve and Connect’s Daddy and Me 5K Info: Kassy Alia (301)908-2635, kassy.alia@gmail.com. June 16, Fort Mill - Moonlight Bootlegger 5K, 8:55pm. Info: Richard Swor (313)304-0903, rich@triviumracing.com. June 16, Springdale - Heroes in Blue Daddy and Me 5K. Info: Kassy Alia (301)908-2635, kassy.alia@gmail.com. June 20, Hilton Head Island - Palmetto Dunes Turtle Trot is a Weekly 5K Run/Walk 8am. Info: alfred@gotrisports.com. June 21, Charleston - Bulldog Breakaway Twilight Series 5K, 6:30pm. Info: huddlestonj@citadel.edu. June 23, Florence - Run for Hope 5K & 10K, 7:25am. Info: Andrea Butler (843)615-0021, abbutlerhomes@gmail.com. June 23, Greenville - Summer Fun Run 5K, 10am. Info: James Stanton (864)918-8475. June 27, Hilton Head Island - Palmetto Dunes Turtle Trot is a Weekly 5K Run/Walk 8am. Info: alfred@gotrisports.com. June 27, Mount Pleasant - Adam 5K, 8am. Info: adm0055@gmail.com. June 28, Daniel Island - Daniel Island Happy Hour 5K Series, 6:30pm. Info: (864)279-3232, info@timinginc.com. June 30, Irmo - The Hewitt 5K, 8am. Info: Crystal Hewitt (803)318-5237, craigandcrystal@sc.rr.com. June 30, Little River - Coping Together 5K Wine Fun Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Dawn White (843)839-1174, dawnwhiterunning@gmail.com.

July 4, Hilton Head Island - Hilton Head Firecracker 5K Run, 8am (Shelter Cove Community Park); $25/Kids 5K Run (12under), $30/Adult 5K Run; Add $5 late fee on all entries after 6/27 - $10 on 7/4. Info: Bear Foot Sports (843)757-8520, bfs@hargray.com, www.bearfootsports.com

www.running.net July 4, Columbia - Born In The USA Four Miler, 4 Mile Run/ Relay, 7:04am. Info: Strictly Running (803)799-4786, gstrictlyrunnin@sc.rr.com. July 4, Greenville - Red & White and Blue Shoes 5K on the 4th, 8am; Kids Steeplchase, 9am. Info: rwbsdirector@greenvilletrackclub.com. July 4, Mount Pleasant - The I’On Club Firecracker 5K Race/ Trail Run, 7:30am. Info: m.ashley@theionclub.com. July 4, Myrtle Beach - Independence Day 8K & 5K, 7:30am. Info: (843)267-7443, mike@festivalpromos.com. July 8, Columbia - XTERRA Harbison Half Marathon, 7am; 5K, 7:10am. Info: Victoria Seahorn (404)421-3231, victoria@marathonmajic.com. July 12, Charleston - Race the Landing 5K Race Series, Kids FR 6:15pm; 5K Run/Walk 7pm. Info: Lisa Deaton (843)224-7878, lisamdeaton@comcast.net. July 14, Travelers Rest - Carolina Reaper Marathon & Half Marathon, Carolina Reaper (10 x 2.62), 2pm; Ghost Pepper (5 2.62), 5:20pm; Habenero (1 x 2.62), 8pm. Info: withoutlimitsgreenville@gmail.com. July 21, Gaffney - SC Peach Festival Road Race, 5K Run, 5K Walk, 10K Run & Kids Run; 7:30am. Info: Shannon Wylie (864)4871586, shannonbwylie13@gmail.com. July 21, Greenville - Tiger Trail 5K, 8am. Info: southsidehsxc@gmail.com.

July 21, Isle of Palms - Isle of Palms Beach Run, 5K/10K Run or 5K Walk; 8am; $30 by 6/ 15, after 6/15 $35. Info: Aaron Sweet, IOP Rec. Dept. Recreation Supervisor, #24 28th Ave., Isle of Palms, SC 29451; Aaron Sweet (843)886-8294, asweet@iop.net, www.racesonline.com July 28, Pickens - AnMed Health Cannon Doddle Trail 15K Challenge, 7:15am; 5K Trail Run, 8am. Info: Peter Schriver (864)9796636. July 26, Daniel Island - Daniel Island Happy Hour 5K Series, 6:30pm. Info: (864)279-3232, info@timinginc.com. Aug. 4, Columbia - Hot Summer’s Night 5K, 7pm. Info: Strictly Running (803)799-4786, gstrictlyrunnin@sc.rr.com. Aug. 4, Lexington - Sweet Baby O 5K, 8am. Info: Allison Caldwell (803)528-0740, sweetbabyO5k@gmail.com. Aug. 11, Spartanburg - Ready for Fall 5K, 9am. Info: Cody Ellison (864)431-8193. Aug. 18, Bluffton - Bobcat Scorcher 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: rob@palmettorunningco.com. Aug. 23, Daniel Island - Daniel Island Happy Hour 5K Series, 6:30pm. Info: (864)279-3232, info@timinginc.com. Aug. 25, Greenville - Run The South Greenville Half Marathon, 7am; 10K & 5K, 7:15am. Info: (704)893-3800, info@runthesouthseries.com. Aug. 25, Summerville - Race for the Ark 5K, 7:45am. Info: (843)832-2357, info@thearkofsc.org.

Oct. 20-21, Myrtle Beach - Myrtle Beach Mini Marathon, Half Marathon 7am on 10/21; Coastal 5K 7:30am & Doggie Dash, 8:45am on 10/20; $70/Half, $30/5K, $20/Doggie Dash by 5/15; $90/Half, $35/5K 5/16-8/15; $25/ Doggie Dash 5/16-10/18; Save 10% with Code RJ2018 (valid through 10/18 for Half Marathon & 5K). Info: Continental Event & Sports Management Group, LLC info@runmyrtlebeach.com, www.runmyrtlebeach.com. See Ad page 9. Oct. 27, Georgetown - 8th Annual Historic Georgetown Bridge2Bridge Half Marathon & 12K, 7:30am; 5K Run/Walk; 7:45am; Adult: $65/13.1, $55/12K until 5/31; Youth (Under 18): $50/13.1, $40/12K until 5/31; Adult: $30/ 5K ($25 Youth) until 10/25. Info: gtownbridge2bridgerun@gmail.com, https:/ /www.bridge2bridgerun.com

TENNESSEE June 1, Memphis - Harbor Town 5K, 7:30pm. Info: (901)2742202, s2finfo@s2fevents.com. June 2, Halls - DYAAB 5K Bomb Run & 1 Mile Walk/Milk Run, 8am. Info: Nancy Holman (731)836-7400, vetmuseumhalls2@bellsouth.net. June 2, Jackson - Splash & Dash 5K & 1 Mile FR, 10am. Info: Ellen Neely (731)668-9070, ellen.neely@wth.org. June 2, Johnson City - Blue Plum Fast 5K Run/Walk, 8am; Little Plum Dash, 9am. Info: blueplumdirector@gmail.com. June 2, Knoxville - XTERRA Knoxville Trail Run, Half Marathon & 4.6 Mile; 8am. Info: ryan@dirtybirdevents.com. June 2, Milan - Gibson County Relay For Life 5K, 1 Mile FR; 7am. Info: Candace (731)225-9439, cmzarecor@gmail.com. June 2, Powell - Powell Lions Club 5K Run, 7:30am. Info: TnPowellLions@gmail.com. June 2, Springfield - Barrel Fest 5 Miler, 7am. Info: Vicky Bumgardner (615)382-4470 (x215), commissioner@coopertowntn.org. June 2, Waynesboro - Butterfly 5K & Fun Run, 8am. Info: Jim Beavers (931)722-0661, beaverslumber@gmail.com. June 3, Millington - The Navy Ten Nautical Miler, 10 Miles 6am. Info: mwrwizard@gmail.com.

Running Journal • June, 2018 June 5, Church Hill - River Mile (Free 1 Mile Race), 6:30pm. Info: daneyell@hotmail.com. June 6, Chattanooga - The Big 5K Race, 6:30am. Info: steve.carter@fleetfeet.com. June 6, Franklin - The Big 5K Race, 6:30am. Info: hunter@fleetfeetnashville.com. June 6, Johnson City - Downtown Mile, Kids Race 7pm; Open Race 7:30pm; Elite Race 8pm. Info: The Goose Chase (423)9460519, info@thegoosechase.org. June 6, Knoxville - The Big 5K Race, 6:30am. Info: Shahin Hadian (865)675-3338, marketing@fleetfeetknoxville.com. June 7, Jackson - Twilight Run & Downtown Rendezvous, 5K 6:30pm; 1 Mile, 6:45pm. Info: (901)274-2202, s2finfo@s2fevents.com. June 9, Caryville - Cove Lake 5K, 8am. Info: Clarence Lowe (423)562-1303 or (423)494-4242, homerlowe@comcast.net. June 9, Chattanooga - Riverbend Race, 10K 7:30am; 5K 7:35am; 1 Mile 7:45am. Info: riverbendrun@chattanoogatrackclub.org. June 9, Elizabethton - Covered Bridge 5K Run & 3K Walk, 8am. Info: (423)542-1338, sheppardsf@msha.com. June 9, Halls - DYAAB 5K Bomb Run & 1 Mile Walk, 8am. Info: Nancy Holman (731)836-7400, vetmuseumhalls2@bellsouth.net. June 9, Knoxville - Sharp’s Ridge Scuttle 6 Mile & Kids Mile Trail Races, 8am (Kids 7:30am). Info: Stephanie Johnson (865)6618821, stephj1963@aol.com. June 9, Lenoir City - Summer Solstice Trail Runs, 10K & 5K Trail; 7:30am. Info: Kevin Mahan (865)271-7535, kevin@endurancesportsmanagement.com. June 9, Martin - Color The Town 5K & 1 Mile Run/Walk, 8am. Info: kperry.akfight@gmail.com. June 9, Memphis - Orion 5K (formerly Gibson Guitar 5K), 7pm. Info: (901)274-2202, s2finfo@s2fevents.com. June 15, Memphis - Memphis Farmers Market Crop Hop 5K, 6:30pm. Info: Rebecca Dull (815)621-3353, rebecca@memphisfarmersmarket.org.

June 16, Bell Buckle - Bell Buckle RCMoon Pie 10 Mile Run & 5K, 7am; $40 5/1-5/ 31; $45 6/1-6/15; $50 Day of Race. Info: Bell Buckle Chamber of Commerce, POB 222, Bell Buckle, TN 37020; Renee Curtis (931)3899663, rcolamoonpierace@gmail.com, www.bellbucklechamber.com/events June 16, Harriman - Jadah Gallaher Memorial 5K, 8:30am. Info: jggall@comcast.net. June 16, Jonesborough - Run for Ian 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 8:05am. Info: Michael Bates (423)767-6814. June 16, Memphis - Troops and Boots 5K, 8am. Info: (901)8270836, florence@sscommpr.com. June 16, Memphis - Operation Stand Down Midsouth 5K, 8am. Info: Valerie Pugh (619)248-9852, valeriepugh.osdm@gmail.com. June 16, Millington - Mutt Strut 5K, 8am. Info: Samantha Lodrigue (901)849-9678, slodrigue@live.com. June 16, Whites Creek - 5K at the Fontanel Trail Run, 7am. Info: (615)876-7170, info@runfontanel.com. June 17, Nashville - Run for 9-1-1 Charity 5K, 7am. Info: runfor911.org. June 21, Bristol - The Beaver 10K, 6:30pm. Info: info@werunevents.com. June 21, Knoxville - Hal Canfield DKX MileFest, 7pm/1st heat. Info: hannah.m.foust@gmail.com. June 23, Fayetteville - Firecracker Chase 10.2 Mile & 5K, 7am. Info: sbswindall@gmail.com. June 23, Memphis - Love Well 5K, 8:30am. Info: lovewell@redeemersgroup.com. June 23, Nolensville - Nolensville 5K, 7:30am; Kids FR, 8:30am. Info: runsignup.com. June 30, Blountville - Missions 5K Run/Walk, Run 8am; Walk 8:15am. Info: Tammy Burke (423)361-1050, tburke@freeservicetire.com. June 30, Burns - Firecracker 5K Glow Run, 2 Mile & 1 Mile; 8am. Info: Ranger Megan Dunn (615)797-9052, megan.n.dunn@tn.gov. July 3, Knoxville - Pilot Fireball Moonlight Classic, 5K 9pm; Kids Mile 8pm. Info: hannah.m.foust@gmail.com. July 3, Memphis - Memphis Stars & Stripes 5K, 7pm. Info: (901)274-2202, s2finfo@s2fevents.com. July 4, Farragut - Farragut Freedom Run 1 Mile & 2 Mile, 9am. Info: (865)675-3338, marketing@fleetfeetknoxville.com. July 4, Nashville - Music City Four on the 4th, 4 Mile 7am. Info: \(615)517-8477, questions@whatdoyourunfor.com. July 4, Nashville - Striders Firecracker 5000, 5K Run, 1K Kids FR; 7am. Info: (615)958-2282. July 4, Sweetwater - One Nation Under God - Independence Day 5K, 7:30am. Info: monroeylcommittee@gmail.com. July 7-8, Chattanooga - Burn Your Half Off, Half Marathon, Double Half Marathon (Marathon), 10K & 5K; 7am. Info: run.nooga@gmail.com. July 8, Knoxville - Beatin’ a Hastie Retreat, 10 Mile Trail 8am; Kids Race 7:30am. Info: Michael deLisle (865)548-4718, mdelisle@comcast.net. July 14, Kingsport - Indian Path Medical Center & Niswonger Children’s Hospital Crazy 8s 8K Run, 8:58pm; 3K Run/Walk, 7:58pm; Little 8s & Special 8s age group races, 6:58pm. Info: (423)963-1046, info@werunevents.com. July 14, Knoxville - Carter Mill 10K Splash, 7:30am. Info: jjacksonruns@gmail.com. July 14, Memphis - Hope 5K, 7am. Info: (901)755-7721, britney@hopechurchmemphis.com. July 14, Woodbury - Take a Walk in My Shoes, 5K Run/Walk; 7am. Info: sseiber@generationsgaither.com. July 15, Fairview - Nashville Running Company’s Bowie 6 Miler, 8am. Info: (615)228-9191, info@nashvillerunning.com. July 15, Memphis - MRTC Road Race Series 1st 5K, 7am. Info: aflanigan@memphisrunners.com.

July 17, Kingsport - Wolf Run, 7 Mile Trail Race; 6:30pm. Info: Mark Skelton (423)272-4812 (w), markskelton@markskelton.com. July 21, Chattanooga - Scenic City Scorcher 2 Mile Race, 7:30am. Info: scorcherrd@chattanoogatrackclub.org. July 21, Knoxville - Moonlight Bootlegger 5K, 9pm. Info: Trivium Racing (313)304-0903, info@triviumracing.com. July 21, Memphis - Run 4 Fun 5K Stop The Violence, 7am. Info: JoAnn Lewis (901)830-4180, joann@thejerodhouseinc.com. July 28, Morristown - XTERRA Panther Creek Trail Run, Half Marathon & 4.2 Mile; 8am. Info: ryan@dirtybirdevents.com. July 28, Sevierville - Smokies Trot 5K, 8am. Info: jmoody@smokiesbaseball.com. July 29, Memphis - MRTC Road Race Series 2nd 5K, 7am. Info: aflanigan@memphisrunners.com. Aug. 4, Bristol - The Pinnacle 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am; Kid’s 1/2 Mile Run, 8am. Info: heather@johnsoncommercialdev.com. Aug. 4, Chattanooga - Still Hollow Half Marathon & 10K, 7:30am. Info: info@wildtrails.org. Aug. 4, Knoxville - Back to School Kids 1 Mile Race, 8am. Info: Muna Rodriguez-Taylor (865)567-0358, munarodriguez@gmail.com. Aug. 4, Maryville - Scholars Run 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 8:45am. Info: thefoothillstriders@gmail.com. Aug. 4, Memphis - Miles For Melanoma 5K, 8am. Info: cbeisel@melanoma.org. Aug. 4, Pigeon Forge - Pigeon Forge Midnight 8K Road Race, 11:59pm. Info: kimert@comcast.net. Aug. 4, Smyrna - Smyrna Parks 5K Challenge & Monty Mile, 7:30am. Info: Marty Smith (615)459-9773, marty.smith@townofsmyrna.org. Aug. 5, Brentwood - UpStander 5K, 9am. Info: upstander5k@friendstotherescue.org. Aug. 5, Cookeville - Blister in the Sun Marathon, 7am. Info: Josh Hite (931)265-3969, theblistersadist@gmail.com. Aug. 7, Kingsport - Duck Island Summer Mile: Kids & Adults, 6:30pm/Girl’s Mile, 6:45pm/Boy’s Mile, 7:05pm/Adult Mile. Info: Bob Townsend (423)525-7335 (c), bobtownsend@comcast.net. Aug. 10, Johnson City - Fit4Life Glow Run 5K, 8pm. Info: The Goose Chase (423)946-0519, info@thegoosechase.org. Aug. 11, Chattanooga - Missionary Ridge Road Race, 4.7 Miles; 8am. Info: mrdirector@chattanoogatrackclub.org. Aug. 11, Jonesborough - Pioneer Pride 5K Glow Run/Walk, 8pm. Info: jenningsm@wcde.org. Aug. 11, Memphis - Elvis Presley 5K Run, 8am. Info: Kelly Burrow (901)761-4277, kburrow@livitupinc.org. Aug. 11, Oak Ridge - Haw Ridge Trail Race, 6.7 Mile 5:30pm; Kids Race 5pm. Info: Michael deLisle (865)548-4718, mdelisle@comcast.net. Aug. 12, Bartlett - MRTC Road Race Series 1st 5 Miles, 7am. Info: aflanigan@memphisrunners.com. Aug. 18, Greeneville - Greene County YMCA 5K Run, 8am. Info: Bob Townsend (423)525-7335, bobtownsend@comcast.net. Aug. 18, Memphis - Memphis Runs for Autism 5K, 8am. Info: (901)274-2202, s2finfo@s2fevents.com. Aug. 19, Nashville - The Stroller Run 5K & Mom Expo, 9:30am. Info: jen@thestrollerrun.com. Aug. 25, Church Hill - Church Hill Medical Missions Flamingo 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: (423)256-2408, tambra196344@outlook.com. Aug. 25, Erwin - Hope Glo 2 Mile Run, 9pm. Info: Tammy Callahan (423)571-3945, callahant93@gmail.com. Aug. 25, Lenoir City - Cancer Kicking 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: twguider2@yahoo.com. Aug. 25, Maryville - Rebel Run, 10K, 5K & 1 Mile Run/Walk; 7:30am. Info: barbara.jenkins@maryville-schools.org. Aug. 25, Memphis - Forrest Spence 5K, 8am; 100yd. dash (8under), 9am; 1 Mile FR for Kids (12-under), 9:05am. Info: (901)2742202, s2finfo@s2fevents.com. Aug. 25, Nashville - Back in the Day K, 10K Run & 5K Run/Walk; 6:50am. Info: glynis@backinthedayk.com. Aug. 25, Nashville - It’s Just a Nashville 10K, 7am. Info: questions@whatdoyourunfor.com. Aug. 26, Bartlett - MRTC Road Race Series 2nd 5 Miles, 7am. Info: aflanigan@memphisrunners.com.

Dec. 1, Loudon - Run LoCo Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K, 8am; $75/Marathon, $50/ Half, $25/5K; Pre-register deadline 11/30. Info: Michele Lewis, 318 Angel Row, Loudon, TN 37774, (865)458-8749, lcefed@bellsouth.net, https://www.skisignup.com/Race/TN/ Loudon/RunLOCOMarathonHalfMarathon and5K

VIRGINIA June 2, Alexandria - PTOS Innovation 5K Run/Walk, 8:15pm; 0.1K Squid Surge Fun Run, 8am. Info: matthew.troutman@uspto.gov. June 2, Bristol - Woofstock 4K - 4 Paws, 9am. Info: Susan Taylor (276)591-5790, taylor@mbmspayneuterclinic.org. June 2, Charlottesville - 4 Our Freedom 5K, 8am. Info: tfreshwater@paraderestva.org. June 2, Charlottesville - River 10K, 8:45am; 5K, 9am; Kids 1 Miler, 8:25am. Info: Bishop Events (540)842-5618, bishopevents@yahoo.com. June 2, Chilhowie - Valley Health Care/Iron Mtn. Riders 5K Glow Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: Debbie Blankenship (276)608-4983, dblankenship@care-one.com. June 2, Fredericksburg - Run for the River 4-Miler, 10:30am. Info: fredevents@hotmail.com. June 2, Fredericksburg - Cleared for Takeoff Mile (ages 6 to 18), Mini 1/4 Mile (5-under); 8am. Info: Ron Rosner YMCA (540)7359622, cweise@family-ymca.org. June 2, Glen Allen - The Sophie House 5K, 8:30am. Info: rebecca@thesophiehouse.org.


June 2, Hampton - Run for the Stage 5K, 8:30am. Info: jcharbonneau@hampton.k12.va.us. June 2, Leesburg - Virginia Wine Country Half Marathon, 7am. Info: raceinfo@destinationraces.com. June 2, Lynchburg - LCPA Heart of Virginia 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: mcnamara_b@lynchburg.edu. June 2, McKenney - Jump Start Your Heart 5K/2K, 8:30am; Kids FR, 9:30am. Info: mckmas58@gmail.com. June 2, Midlothian - Spring Run Huskies 5K, 8:30am. Info: michelle_seaman@ccpsnet.net. June 2, Rice (just outside of Farmville) - National Trails Day 5K, 8am. Info: High Bridge Trail State Park (434)315-0457, craig.guthrie@dcr.virginia.gov. June 2, Richmond - RVA Trail Run with RRRC, 6 to 7 Mile Trail, 8am; 4 Mile Trail & 4 Mile Trail Power Hike, 9:30am; 6 to 7 Mile Trail, 10:30am. Info: markiscool1@hotmail.com. June 2, Ridgeway - The Martinsville Speedway Mile, 9am. Info: Brad Kinkema (276)632-6427, brad@martinsvilleymca.com. June 2, Saint Paul - Clinch River Days Festival 5.5K Trail Challenge Run, 6pm. Info: Joyce Kilgore (276)971-6464, yellolab@msn.com. June 2, Suffolk - iHeartScarlett 5K & Family Fun Run, 10am. Info: iheartscarlett5k@gmail.com. June 2, Virginia Beach - Ability Center of Virginia Wheel, Walk or Run 5K, 9am; 1 Mile Fun Walk/Run, 10am. Info: anna@abilitycenterva.org. June 2, Williamsburg - Kingswood KLAM 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: laurabethbroderick@gmail.com. June 2, Williamsburg - Run For The Bacon 5K Run/Walk, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 7:30am. Info: sdhand@baconstreet.org. June 2, Woodbridge - Belmont Bay Belmont Stakes 5K Run/ Walk & 1 Mile Walk, 7:30am. Info: jamesrhalley@gmail.com. June 2-3, Doswell - Run & Ride Kings Dominion, 6/2: 5K 8:30am; 1 Mile FR 9:15am; 6/3: Half Marathon, 7am; Quarter Marathon, 7:15am. Info: info@runandriderace.com. June 3, Alexandria - SRB Everyday Super Hero 5K for the Homeless, 7am. Info: courtneyr@sugarrimbar.com. June 3, Arlington - Generosity DC 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: info@genevents.com. June 3, Berryville - “Color Me Clarke” 5K Color Fun Run/Walk, 9am. Info: ccefinc.berryville@gmail.com. June 3, Centreville - Northern Virginia Wine Run 5K, 9:30am. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com. June 3, Dumfries - Henderson Husky 5K, 8:30am; 1 Mile FR, 8am. Info: hendersonfunrun@gmail.com. June 3, Fairfax Station - Fountainhead Half Marathon & 10K Trail Run, 8am. Info: EX2 Adventures (703)338-3965, info@ex2adventures.com. June 3, Fredericksburg - Frederickburg Semper Fi 10K, 8:45am; 5K, 9am. Info: Bishop Events (540)842-5618, bishopevents@yahoo.com. June 3, Roanoke - Conquer the Cove Trail 25K & Marathon, 6:30am. Info: Josh Gilbert (540)525-9452, info@mountainjunkies.net. June 6, Henrico - The Big Run 5K, 7pm. Info: spencer@fleetfeetrichmond.com. June 6, Roanoke - The Big Run 5K, 6:30pm. Info: (540)7771166, monica@fleetfeetroanoke.com. June 7, Glen Allen - Anthem 5K Corporate Run, 7pm. Info: Sportsbackers (804)285-9495, info@sportsbackers.com. June 7, Reston - Reston Sallie Mae 5K, 2pm. Info: michelle.marquez@salliemae.com. June 9, Arlington - Get Your Rear in Gear 10K, 8:45am; 5K, 9am; Kids 1 Miler, 8:25am. Info: Bishop Events (540)842-5618, bishopevents@yahoo.com. June 9, Burkes Garden - The Varmint 1/2 Marathon & 5K, 8am; 1 Mile (12-under), 11am. Info: cdmcdani@vt.edu. June 9, Colonial Beach - George Washington 5K Race, 9:30am; 1 Mile Kids Race, 9am. Info: vanovercb@wmlcps.org. June 9, Copper Hill - Apple Ridge Hill Climb, ascends over 300ft. in elevation in just 3/4 of a mile; 10:30am. Info: muddysquirrelinfo@gmail.com. June 9, Hampton - Youth Empowerment 5K, 8am. Info: Mark Baker (757)501-7732. June 9, Mechanicsville - Hanover Run into Summer 5K, 9am. Info: Tim Crytser (407)748-4663, hanovertrackandfield@ gmail.com. June 9, Richmond - Boxer Brief 5K Run/Walk, 8am. Info: mconklin@HCB2.org. June 9, Roanoke - Light Up the Night 5K, 9pm. Info: square@squaresociety.org. June 9, Waynesboro - Fun 2 Run, Mud Run 1.5 Mile (5-14yrs.), 9:15am; Fun Dash .5 mi. (3-5 yrs.), 9am. Info: rtv@ci.waynesboro.va.us. June 10, Arlington - DCRRC Women’s Distance Festival 5K, 8am. Info: miguel.matta@dcroadrunners.org. June 10, Fairfax - Celebrate Fairfax 5K, 8am. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com. June 10, Fredericksburg - SPCA 5K Rescue Run/Walk, 7am. Info: Race Timing Unlimited (540)310-4803, directrspca@verizon.net. June 12, Charlottesville - OH!lly 5K, 7pm. Info: board@cvilleareatrailrunners.org. June 12, Hampton - Trailzilla 5K, 6:30pm. Info: Thea Ganoe (757)272-2927, theaellen@hotmail.com. June 13, Richmond - RVA Elite 5K, 8:30pm. Info: peggskw@gmail.com. June 15, Williamsburg - Glow Williamsburg, 5K or 1 Mile Glow Run, 8:25pm. Info: info@adventureenablers.com. June 16, Arlington - ZERO Prostate Cancer 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am; Kids Superhero Dash for Dad, 8:15am; 1 Mile Walk, 8:35am. Info: (202)303-3110, races@zerocancer.org. June 16, Blacksburg - Downtown Sundown 5K, 8:30am. Info: George Carter (540)392-4402, runaboutsports@gmail.com. June 16, Bull Run - 5K Run/Walk for Affordable Housing, 9am. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com.

Check out our website for more calendar listings - www.running.net


Running Journal • June, 2018

June 16, Bristol - Sugar Hollow Scramble 3 & 6 Hour Timed Event, 8:30am. Info: nettavogt@runcorpsllc.com. June 16, Fredericksburg - Father’s Day 10K, 8:45am; 5K, 9am; Kids 1 Miler, 8:25am. Info: Bishops Events (540)842-5618, bishopsevents@yahoo.com.

June 16, Gate City - Run The Gate 5K Run/ Walk, 8am; $20 by 6/9, after 6/9 $25; Proceeds will be used for the restoration of the Gate City Theatre on Jackson Street in Gate City, VA. Info: Gate City Frontier, Inc., 101 E. Jackson St., Gate City, VA 24251; (423)6765235, gatecityfrontier@gmail.com, https:// facebook.com/gatecityfrontier/ June 16, Gladstone - The Adrenaline Rush, 6 & 12 hr. adventure race, 9am. Info: info@adventureaddictsracing.com. June 16, Lynchburg - HumanKind 5K & Youth Run, 8am. Info: jeff@riversiderunners.com. June 16, Norton - Mountain States Rehab 5K, 8am. Info: Steve Childers (276)439-1452. June 16, Pembroke - Eastern Divide Ultra 50K Trail/Fire Road Race, 7:30am. 8 Miler, 10am. Info: (540)230-3019, racer15@triadventure.com. June 16, Petersburg - TCRR’s Twilight Delightfully Different 3.5 Miler, 7:15pm. Info: jrv081270@gmail.com. June 16, Powhatan - Belmead Trail 20K & 10K, 10am. Info: gofarracing@gmail.com. June 16, Virginia Beach - Eggleston OK5K, 1 Mile Run/Walk, 8am; 5K, 8:45am. Info: Eggleston (757)858-8011, info@egglestonservices.org. June 16, Virginia Beach - Summer Slam 5K Run/Walk, 9am; 1 Mile Kids Run (2-12yr.), 8am. Info: Road Rage Events (757)4091913, info@roadrageevents.com. June 17, Fredericksburg - Battling Cancer 5K, 8am; Kids 1 Mile FR, 7:30am. Info: info@battlingcancerrace.com. June 17, Leesburg - Loudoun Soccer Fox Trot Father’s Day 5K, 8am; 1 Mile Fun Run, 8:45am. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com. June 17, Lorton - Semper Fi Father’s 10K, 9am; 5K, 9:15am; Kids 1 Miler, 9:15am. Info: Bishop Events (540)842-5618, bishopevents@yahoo.com. June 17, Reston - Run With Dad 5K, 8am. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com. June 22, Fisherville - Vine to Wine 5K, 6:30pm. Info: info@corkscrewracing.com. June 23, Bristol - Drug Free Bristol 5K Run/Walk, 10am; 1 Mile Run/Walk, 10:05am. Info: Margie Collins (276)591-7758, margie.collins@bristolva.org. June 23, Covington - Jackson River Scenic Trail Marathon, 7am; Half Marathon, 7:15am; 10K, 7:30am; 5K, 7:45am. Info: Alleghany Highlands Chamber of Commerce (540)962-2178, info@ahchamber.com. June 23, Fredericksburg - We All Fartlek 10K, 8:45am; 5K, 9am; Kids 1 Miler, 8:25am. Info: Bishop Events (540)842-5618, bishopevents@yahoo.com. June 23, Gloucester - Riverwatch on the Piankatank 5K Run/ Walk, 6:30pm; 1 Mile FR, 6pm. Info: Karen Schenck (571)2245450, schenckk@gmail.com. June 23, Roanoke - Keystone Community Center 5K Run & 1 Mile Walk, 8am. Info: twmiles@msn.com. June 23, Williamsburg - WISC Gymnastics Flipping 5K Run/ Walk & 1 Mile Color Fun Run, 8am. Info: crudders@gmail.com. June 26, Hampton - Trailzilla Feel Good 4 Miler, 6:30pm. Info: Thea Ganoe (757)272-2927, theaellen@hotmail.com. June 30, Faifax Station - Fireworks 5K & 10K, 7:45am. Info: Bishop Events (540)842-5618, bishopevents@yahoo.com. June 30, Farmville - Night Train 50K & Half Marathon, 5pm. Info: dpulskamp@hotmail.com. June 30, King George - Dirty Lion Mud Run 4 Mile & 1 Mile Kids Leo Mud Run, 4 Mile 7am; 1 Mile 9am. Info: Race Timing Unlimited (540)840-2267, gtargary@gmail.com. June 30, Poquoson - Bull Island 4 Miler, 8am. Info: parkerpack1@verizon.net. July 1, Fairfax Corner - Freedom 5K, 8am. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com. July 1, Virginia Beach - Tropical Smoothie Cafe 5K, 9am; Jr. Smoothie 1 Mile, 8am. Info: tidewaterstriders.com. July 2, Glen Allen - RRRC Cul-de-SAC 5K Series #1, 7pm. Info: culdesac5k@rrrc.org. July 4, Charlottesville - Kiwanis Independence Day 5K, 7:30am. Info: charlottesvilletrackclub@gmail.com. July 4, Fredericksburg - Heritage Festival 5 Miler, 7:45am. Info: Bob Lang (804)225-1469, bob.lang@rbc.com. July 4, Great Falls - Great Falls Trail Blazers July 4 5K Fun Run/ Walk, 8am. Info: info@greatfallstrailblazers.org. July 4, Lynchburg - Percival’s Island Firecracker 5 Mile Race, 8am. Info: jeff@riversiderunners.com. July 4, Midlothian - Patriots 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: oconnorsix@verizon.net. July 4, Midlothian - Brandermill 7.4K, 7:30am. Info: brandermillrace@gmail.com. July 4, Reston - Firecracker for the Troops 5K, 8am. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com. July 4, Roanoke - The HomeTown Bank’s Four on the 4th, 4Mile Run/Walk, 8am; Kids Fun Run, 1/2 Mile, 9am. Info: monica@fleetfeetroanoke.com. July 4, Shawsville - Shawsville 5K, 8am. Info: KC Shrader (540)392-1732, kcshrader@radford.edu. July 4, Staunton - Firecracker 5K, 7:30am. Info: rwatson@newsleader.com. July 4, Vienna - Go Fourth 8K Run & Race Walk, 7:30am. Info: Michael Cannon (910)261-8446, m.maurice.cannon@gmail.com. July 4, Virginia Beach - Independence Day 5K Run/Walk, 7:30am; 1/4 Mile Tot Trot, 8:30am. Info: Mt.Trashmore YMCA (757)456-9622.

July 4, Winchester - Liberty 5K & Kids Mile Races; 8am. Info: (540)327-5603, info@liberty5kwinchester.com. July 4, Yorktown - Yorktown Independence 8K Run/Walk, 8am; 5K Run/Walk, 8:15am. Info: (757)898-4910, ychm@cox.net. July 7, Lexington - Balloons Over Rockbridge 5K, 8am. Info: (770)304-6757, flyballoons@yahoo.com. July 7, Newport News - Hell Climb: 10K Run, 7:30am. Info: triadventureevents@gmail.com. July 7, Reedville - Reedville Firecracker 5K Fun Run/Walk, 8am. Info: Reedville Fishermen’s Museum (804)453-6529. July 8, Thornburg - Runners: Start Your Engines!, 1 Miler (6-18 yrs.) & 1/5 Mile (5-under). Info: YMCA (540)735-9622, cweise@familyymca.org. July 9, Glen Allen - RRRC Cul-de-SAC 5K Series #2, 7pm. Info: culdesac5k@rrrc.org. July 13, Mechanicsville - Papa John’s 4K Pizza Run/Relay, 6pm. Info: (804)365-7150, parksandrec@hanovercounty.gov. July 14, Fredericksburg - Downtown Mile for CASA, 6pm/1st heat. Info: Race Timing Unlimited (540)538-0600, farcinfo@gmail.com. July 14, Hampton - Trailzilla Joe-Zilla 5 Miler, 9am. Info: Thea Ganoe (757)272-2927, theaellen@hotmail.com. July 14, Herndon - NWFCU Foundation Neon Night Glow Run, 5K & 1 Mile FR; 8:30pm. Info: info@adventureenablers.com. July 14, Waynesboro - Summer Extravaganza 10K & 5K Race/ Walk, 8am. Info: rtv@ci.waynesboro.va.us. July 15, Paris - Summer Lovin’ 5K Trail Race, 9am. Info: April Adams (540)550-3597, rootsandrocksadventures@gmail.com. July 16, Glen Allen - RRRC Cul-de-SAC 5K Series #3, 7pm. Info: culdesac5k@rrrc.org. July 21, Arlington - Crystal City Twilighter, 8:30pm. Info: Pacers (703)248-6883. July 21, Lynchburg - Virginia Commonwealth Games 5K, 8am. Info: jeff@riversiderunners.com. July 21, Winchester - 8K For MS Trail Race, 8:30am. Info: hardisonh@gmail.com. July 22, Fairfax Corner - Birthday Bash 5K, 8am. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com. July 28, Yorktown - Coast Guard Day 5K, 8:30am. Info: William Hogge (757)856-2132, william.c.hogge@uscg.mil. July 29, Fairfax Corner - Mighty Mile, 8am. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com. Aug. 3, Blacksburg - Draper Mile, 6:30pm. Info: George Carter (540)392-4402, runaboutsports@gmail.com. Aug. 4, Abingdon - Habitat For Humanity Mud Run, 1pm. Info: director@helphabitat.org. Aug. 4, Appalachia - Appalachia Railroad Days 5K, 8:15am; 1 Mile FR/Walk, 8am; 3 Mile Power Walk, 8:20am. Info: Randy Blair (276)393-9577. Aug. 4, King George - 3 H Trail Half Marathon, 8am. Info: Vic Culp (540)310-4803, vic@farc.org. Aug. 4, Norfolk - Night Nation Run 5K, 8pm/1st wave. Info: info@nightnationrun.com. Aug. 4, Portsmouth - Cutter 10K, 7am; Coast Guard 5K, 9am; The Sea Otter 1/4 Mile Dash, 10:30am. Info: Road Rage Events (757)4091913, info@roadrageevents.com. Aug. 4, Williamsburg - Scares That Care 5K & Kids 1/2 Mile FR, 7am. Info: Mettle Events (757)373-4174, team@mettleevents.com. Aug. 7, Newport News - Tom Ray Memorial Predict Your Time 5 Miler, 6:30pm. Info: Christine Schaffner (757)898-3258, weatherwizard1@juno.com. Aug. 11, Christiansburg - SWVA 811 8 Mile & 5K, 7:30am. Info: Perry Patterson (540)605-0301, perry.patterson@atmosenergy.com. Aug. 11, Hampton - Transitions 5K, 8:30am. Info: Heidi Olson (757)722-2261, holson@transitions.org. Aug. 11, Lynchburg - Lynchburg Half Marathon, 7:30am; 5K, 8am. Info: (434)846-7449, info@riversiderunners.com. Aug. 11, Norfolk - Armed Services YMCA Mud Run 8K, 8:05am; 1 Mile Mini Mud (5-12yr.), 9:30am. Info: brian@neptunefestival.com. Aug. 11, Salem - Salem Distance Run 5K & 10K, 8am. Info: Health Focus of SW Virginia (540)444-2925 (x200), lguilliams@healthfocusswva.org. Aug. 14, Williamsburg - Lake Matoaka 4.3 Mile Challenge, 6:30pm. Info: Susan Hagel (757)754-4859. Aug. 18, Newport News - Smart Smiles 5K, 8am. Info: Emily Roman (757)223-7204, eroman@bagclub.com. Aug. 18, Roanoke - Fab 5K, 8am. Info: (540)525-9452, info@mountainjunkies.net. Aug. 19, Leesburg - Leesburg 20K, 7:30am; 5K, 7:45am. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com. Aug. 21, Newport News - Swamp Bridge Run 5K, 6:30pm. Info: Bruce Davis (757)989-0072, weatherwizard1@juno.com. Aug. 25, Ashland - Patrick Henry Half Marathon, 7am. Info: Race Director (804)285-9495, info@sportsbackers.org. Aug. 25, Fincastle - Camp Bethel PEP! 5K Trail Run/Walk, 8am. Info: campbetheloffice@gmail.com. Aug. 25, Colonial Heights - TCRR’s Race for the Cause 5K Run/ Walk, 8am. Info: Brenda Beck (804)691-6672, brendabeck@yahoo.com. Aug. 25, Suffolk - Lake Prince Woods 5K, 8:30am; Fun Run/Walk, 8:15am. Info: Kelly Stewart (828)234-6065, runtimeraces@gmail.com. Aug. 26, Reston - South Lakes 10K, 7:30am. Info: terri@potomacriverrunning.com.

Sept. 1-2, Virginia Beach — Humana Rock ’n’ Roll Half Marathon (Sunday, Sept. 2), 7am; plus 5K 7am and mile 8:30am (Saturday, Sept. 1). Info: www.runrocknroll.com/virginiabeach. See Ad page 32. Sept. 14-15, Leesburg - Divas Half Marathon & 5K in DC’s Wine Country, 5K on 9/14, 6:15pm; Half Marathon on 9/15, 7:30am. Info: info@runlikeadiva.com, www.runlikeadiva.com

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www.running.net Sept. 29, Lynchburg - Genworth Virginia 10 Miler & 4 Miler, 8am; 10 Mile: $50 by 5/18/1, $65 8/2-9/26, $100 9/27-29; 4 Miler: $35 5/1-8/1, $45 8/2-9/26, $75 9/27-29. Info: Jeff Fedorko, POB 982, Lynchburg, VA 24505; racedirector@virginia10miler.com, https:// www.virginiatenmiler.com Oct. 6-7, Hampton - The Neighborhood Harvest Crawlin’ Crab Half Marathon & 5K, 10/6: 5K, 8am; Kids 1K 9:30am; 10/7: Half Marathon 7:30am. Shell Yeah Challenge (run both the 5K & Half Marathon). Info: J&A Racing (757)412-1056, amy@jandaracing.com, www.crawlincrabhalf.com Nov. 17-18, Norfolk - Chartway Norfolk Harbor Half Marathon and We Promise Foundation 5K, 11/17: 5K 8am; Kids 1 Mile 9:30am; 11/18: Half Marathon & Relay 7:30am; Get Nauti Challenge (run both the 5K & Half Marathon). Info: Kate Napolitano (757)412-1056, info@norfolkharborhalf.com, www.norfolkharborhalf.com

WASHINGTON, DC June 2, Washington, DC - Race4Respect 5K, 9am; 1K Kids Dash, 9:45am. Info: (301)704-1572, race4respect@devenio.org. June 3, Washington, DC - Girls On The Run - DC Spring 5K, 9am. Info: (202)a607-2288, info@gotrdc.org. June 8, Washington, DC - DC Front Runners Pride Run 5K, 7pm. Info: lennie.carter@yahoo.com. June 9, Washington, DC - Lawyers Have Heart 10K Race, 5K Run & Fun Walk; 7am. Info: Brigitte Keen(703)248-1714, brigitte.keen@heart.org. June 16, Washington, DC - Night Nation Run 5K, 8:30pm/1st wave. Info: info@nightnationrun.com. June 17, Washington, DC - Run 4 Your Dad Father’s Day Four Miler, 6pm. Info: Jay Jacob Wind (703)927-4833, racedirector@att.net. June 23, Washington, DC - Dash-for-DASH 5K, 8am. Info: mmcdonough@dashdc.org. June 24, Washington, DC - EOD Warrior Half Marathon, 8am; 5K, 8:30am. Info: Bishop Events (540)842-5618, bishopevents@yahoo.com. July 1, Washington, DC - Freedom 10 Miler, 8am; 10K, 8:15am; 5K, 8:30am. Info: Bishop Events (540)842-5618, bishopevents@yahoo.com. Sept. 16, Washington, DC - Navy-Air Force Half Marathon & 5 Miler, 7am. Info: navyairforcehalfmarathon@gmail.com.

WEST VIRGINIA June 2, Morgantown - Deckers Creek Trail Half Marathon, 8:30am. Info: Ella Belling (304)692-6782, ella@montrails.org. June 2, Rupert - Rupert Blue Blask 5K, 10am. Info: dagee@childhswv.org. June 9, Bridgeport - Derek Hotsinpillar Fallen Stars Memorial 5K Run/Walk, 8:30am. Info: dhfs5k@gmail.com. June 9, Bunker Hill - Race Against Child Abuse 5K, 1K Kids FR; 9am. Info: cburns@itsrace.com. June 9, Dailey - Polar Bear 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: cshiflett01@cebridge.net. June 9, Morgantown - RDVIC 5K, 9am. Info: matthewcarter027@gmail.com. June 9, Wheeling - Color Me Au-Some 5K Walk/Run, 8:30am. Info: Staci Stephen (304)242-6722, stacistephen@gmail.com. June 16, Ansted - Hometown Mountain Heritage Festival 5K & 2K, 8am. Info: Samantha Gerwig (304)941-9777, sjgerwig@yahoo.com. June 16, Arthurdale - Arthurdale Heritage’s Goat Gallop 5K Run/Walk, 9am; Kids Run, 9:15am. Info: goatgallop5k@gmail.com. June 16, Charleston - CAMC Foundation Run for Your Life 5Miler & 2.5 Mile Walk, 8am. Info: Crystal Richardson (304)3889865, crystal.richardson2@camc.org.

June 16, Clarksburg - 22nd Annual Greater Clarksburg 10K, 8am; 2 Miler, 10am; $25/10K, $15/2 Miler by 6/13; after 6/13 $30/ 10K, $20/2 Miler. Info: Carl Hatfield, 300 Maple Lake Rd., Bridgeport, WV 26330; (304)672-3637, runwithhat@yahoo.com, www.greaterclarksburg10k.org June 16, Charles Town - Charles Town WV Day 5K, 10:15am; Kids Dash, 10am. Info: brosandbrashq@gmail.com. June 23, Cass - Cass 5K Stump Run, 9am. Info: Bob Hoke (301)725-5877, bob@rhoke.net. June 29, Charleston - Firecracker 5K Run/Walk, 6pm. Info: mcutlip@childhoodlanguagecenter.org. June 30, Wellsburg - Wellsburg 4th of July 5K Run/Walk, 9am. Info: adspurrier@gmail.com. July 4, Hurricane - Valley Park Stars and Stripes 5K, 8am. Info: bookevents@putnamcountyparks.com. July 4, Morgantown - Morgantown Running 4 on the 4th, 4 Mile Run/Walk, 8:30am; 1 Mile Kids Run, 9:30am. Info: (304)2415223, info@morgantownrunning.com. July 13, Morgantown - Jim Dunn Memorial Scholarship Twilight 5 Miler, 7pm. Info: Mike Mosser (304)685-9126, mmosser72@comcast.net. July 14, West Union - Running by Faith 5K, 9am. Info: ericarenee8@yahoo.com. July 21, Durbin - Durbin Days Backroad 5K Run/Walk. Info: flip510@frontier.com. July 27, Fairmont - Run to Read 5K, 7pm. Info: runtoread@mountain.net.

July 28, Charleston - Cato Challenge 5 Mile Trail Run, 8am. Info: kelsey.gilbert@cityofcharleston.org. July 28, Harpers Ferry - Miner’s Lady 8 Hour Endurance Race, 6am. Info: For Love of Children (304)582-0748, minersladyenduro@gmail.com. Aug. 4, Ona - Kanawha Trace 50K, 25K, 10K Trail Run, 50K 7:30am; 25K & 10K 9:30am. Info: cory_richardson@hotmail.com. Aug. 11, Marlinton - Watoga State Park Mountain Trail Challenge, Half Marathon & 5K; 8:30am. Info: David Elliott (304)497-3526, watogafoundation1@gmail.com. Aug. 17, Morgantown - Rush Run 5K Run/Walk, 7pm; miniRush for Kids, 6pm. Info: rushrun5k@gmail.com. Aug. 18, Chester - Coach Dick Bryan Memorial 5K, 9am. Info: coachdickbryanmemorial5k@gmail.com. Aug. 18, Parkersburg - Parkersburg News and Sentinel Half Marathon, 8am. Info: halfmarathon@newsandsentinel.com. Sept. 1, Charleston - Charleston Distance Run, 15 Mile Run & 3-Person Relay; 5K Run/Walk; 7:30am; Kids Runs on 8/31. Info: John Palmer (304)345-5433, charlestondistancerun@yahoo.com.

TRACK & FIELD June 1-2, Nashville, TN - Music City Distance Carnival, 800m, 5000m 3200m (High School), 5000m, 200m (Kids), 1 Mile, Corporate 4 x 800m Relay, Steeplechase; 7pm/on Friday, 5pm/Saturday. Info: dave@tnrunning.com. June 2, Tallahassee, FL - AAU Track & Field Florida District Qualifier meet, 8am. Info: Alice Sims (850)322-3929, alicebsims@comcast.net. June 2, Whites Creek, TN (Whites Creek HS) - Sam Smith Tennessee Youth T&F Invitational, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1500, 3000, Hurdles, Long Jump, Triple Jump, Shot Put, Discus, High Jump, Javelin, 4x100 Relay, 4x400 Relay. Info: James Curbeam (615)4195714, jcurbeam@hotmail.com. June 5, Greenville, SC - GTC All Comers Track Meet, 6:15pm. Info: gtcallcomersdirector@greenvilletrackclub.com. June 7, Tallahassee, FL - Summer Track Series - Week 1, 6:45pm. Info: Tom Perkins (850)894-2019, tomperkinsfsu@gmail.com. June 9, Greenville, SC - South Carolina Open & Masters Track Classic, 7:45am-2:30pm. Info: scmastersrep@greenvilletrackclub.com. June 12, Greenville, SC - GTC All Comers Track Meet, 6:15pm. Info: gtcallcomersdirector@greenvilletrackclub.com. June 12, Kingsport, TN - State of Franklin Club Summer Track Meet #1, Adults: 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1 mile: Youth: 50m, 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1 mile, 100m hurdles, long jump, shot put; 6:30pm. Info: Donna Bays - dmbays01@gmail.com. June 13, Annapolis, MD - Annapolis Striders All Comers Track Meet #1, 6pm. Info: trackmeets@annapolisstriders.org. June 13, Richmond, VA - RRRC Summer Track Series, 800m, 100m, 4x400m Relay, PYT Mile; 6:30pm/1st event. Info: summertrack@rrrc.org. June 14, Tallahassee, FL - Summer Track Series - Week 2, 6:45pm. Info: Tom Perkins (850)894-2019, tomperkinsfsu@gmail.com. June 19, Greenville, SC - GTC All Comers Track Meet, 6:15pm. Info: gtcallcomersdirector@greenvilletrackclub.com. June 19, Jonesborough, TN - State of Franklin Club Summer Track Meet #2, Adults: 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1 mile: Youth: 50m, 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1 mile, 100m hurdles, long jump; 6:30pm. Info: Donna Bays - dmbays01@gmail.com. June 20, Annapolis, MD - Annapolis Striders All Comers Track Meet #2, 6pm. Info: trackmeets@annapolisstriders.org. June 20, Richmond, VA - RRRC Summer Track Series, 1500m, 400m, Sprint Medley Relay (200-200-400-800), PYT Mile; 6:30pm/ 1st event. Info: summertrack@rrrc.org. June 21, Tallahassee, FL - Summer Track Series - Week 3, 6:45pm. Info: Tom Perkins (850)894-2019, tomperkinsfsu@gmail.com. June 21-24, Tallahassee - AAU Region 9 Track & Field Regional Qualifier Meet, 8am. Info: Alice Sims (850)322-3929, alicebsims@comcast.net. June 23, Nashville, TN (Stratford High School) - Tennessee Track & Field Invitational, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1500, Hurdles, Long Jump, Triple Jump, Shot Put, Discus, High Jump, Mini Javilen, Hammer Throw, 4x100 Relay, 4x400 Relay. Info: Brian Harrell (615)364-3250, mr.harrell1914@gmail.com, tgtrack@bellsouth.net. June 26, Greenville, SC - GTC All Comers Track Meet, 6:15pm. Info: gtcallcomersdirector@greenvilletrackclub.com. June 26, Kingsport, TN - State of Franklin Club Summer Track Meet #3, Adults: 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1 mile: Youth: 50m, 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1 mile, 100m hurdles, long jump; 6:30pm. Info: Donna Bays - dmbays01@gmail.com. June 27, Richmond, VA - RRRC Summer Track Series, 800m, 200m, Distance Medley Relay (1200-400-800-1600), PYT Mile; 6:30pm/1st event. Info: summertrack@rrrc.org. June 28, Tallahassee, FL - Summer Track Series - Week 4, 6:45pm. Info: Tom Perkins (850)894-2019, tomperkinsfsu@gmail.com. July 5, Tallahassee, FL - Summer Track Series - Week 5, 6:45pm. Info: Tom Perkins (850)894-2019, tomperkinsfsu@gmail.com. July 10, Jonesborough, TN - State of Franklin Club Summer Track Meet #4, Adults: 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1 mile: Youth: 50m, 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1 mile, 100m hurdles, long jump; 6:30pm. Info: Donna Bays - dmbays01@gmail.com. July 12, Tallahassee, FL - Summer Track Series - Week 6, 6:45pm. Info: Tom Perkins (850)894-2019, tomperkinsfsu@gmail.com. July 18, Richmond, VA - RRRC Summer Track Series, Mile, 100m, 4x800m Relay, PYT Mile; 6:30pm/1st event. Info: summertrack@rrrc.org. July 19, Tallahassee, FL - Summer Track Series - Week 7, 6:45pm. Info: Tom Perkins (850)894-2019, tomperkinsfsu@gmail.com. July 26, Tallahassee, FL - Summer Track Series - Week 8,

www.running.net 6:45pm. Info: Tom tomperkinsfsu@gmail.com.


Running Journal • June, 2018 (850)894-2019,

MULTI-SPORTS (Included in the Multi-sports calendar are single swimming and cycling events). June 1, Santa Rosa, FL - RUN/SUP Summer Race Series, Trail Run-1 mi., Paddle Board-1 mi.; 7:30am. Info: (850)2310469, dru@runsup.com. June 2, Dothan, AL - Tri-States 100 Bike Ride, 30 mi., 41 mi., 69 mi. & 102 mi.; 7am. Info: joe.varner@oncologysupply.com. June 2, Fairhope, AL - Publix Grandman Triathlon, S-1/3 mi., B-18.6 mi., R-5K; 7am. Info: Carolyn or Tiffany (251)433-4229, grandman@mobilebaykeeper.org. June 2, Clermont, FL - Cool Sommer Mornings Triathlon & 5K Series #1, 7am. Info: Sommer Sports (352)394-1320, info@sommersports.com. June 2, Melbourne, FL - Triquesta Micro-Triathlon, Ages 817; 9am. Info: Info: Scott Ritchie (321)544-2836, scottritchie01@gmail.com. June 2, Naples, FL - Naples Jr. Triathlon (Race #1), Ages 610: R-.4 mi., B-1.7 mi., S-200yds.; Ages 11-13: R-.8 mi., B-3.4 mi., S-300yds; 8am. Info: steven@gcrunner.org. June 2, Rushton, LA - Piney Hills Kids Triathlon, 7:30am; S100yd., B-3.1 mi., R-3/4 mi. (7-10 yr); S-200yd., B-6.2 mi., R-1.2 mi. (11-16 yr.). Info: jeremyandlinzie@gmail.com. June 2-3, Rock Hall, MD - Rock Hall Olympic Triathon, S1500m, B-24.5 mi., R-10K, 8am (6/2); Sprint: S-750m, B-15 mi., R-5K, 9am (6/3). Info: races@vtsmts.com. June 2, Ridgeland, MS - Heatwave Classic Triathlon, S-1/2 mi., B-27 mi., R-10K; 7am. Info: wendy.bourdin@ridgelandms.org. June 2, Badin, NC - Badin Lake Triathlon, S-750yd., B-14 mi., R-5K. Info: (704)982-1916. June 2, Erwin, NC - Erwin Wilderness Challenge, Bike-10 mi., Kayak-8 mi., R-3 mi.; 8am. Info: James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. June 2, Morehead City, NC - Tri for Fun Kids Triathlon, Ages 5-15; 8:30am/1st Wave. Info: summer@sportscentermorehead.com or James Orr (252)9029712, james@runtheeast.com. June 2, Troy, NC - URE Duathlon, R-4.5 mi., B-12 mi, R-3 mi.; 8:30am. Info: ncars.info@gmail.com. June 2, Summerville, WV - Active Southern West Virginia Family Triathlon, R-1.2 mi., B-2 mi., Paddle-1 mi.; 9:15am. Info: info@activeswv.com. June 3, Fayetteville, AR - Ozark Valley Triathlon, 8am. Info: Bruce Dunn (479)521-7766, bruce@allsportsproductionsinc.com. June 3, Naples, FL - Fitness Challenge Triathlon, R-5K, B15K, S-1/4 mi.; 7:30am. Info: linrbs@aol.com. June 3, Lithia Springs, GA - Sweetwater Triathlon/Duathlon, Tri: S-200yd., B-10 mi., R-5K, 8:30am; Du: R-5K, B-10 mi., R-5K, 8am. Info: kiwanisdouglasga@gmail.com. June 3, Lafayette, LA - City Club Mini Triathlon, S-70m, B-9.5 mi., R-2 mi.; 8am. Info: ttolbert@yahoo.com. June 3, Brevard, NC - Hunter Subaru WNC Flyer, 33, 54, 62 & 100 Mile Bike; 8am. Info: iDaph Events (828)684-0812, wncflyer@gmail.com. June 3, Charlotte, NC - Ramblin Rose South Charlotte Women’s Triathlon, S-200yd., B-8 mi., R-2 mi.; 8am. Info: mary@setupevents.com. June 3, Knoxville, TN - XTERRA Knoxville Off-Road Triathlon, S-1200m, B-16.6 mi., R-4.6 mi.; 8am. Info: ryan@dirtybirdevents.com. June 8, Santa Rosa, FL - RUN/SUP Summer Race Series, Trail Run-1 mi., Paddle Board-1 mi.; 7:30am. Info: (850)2310469, dru@runsup.com. June 9, Pelham, AL - Buster Britton Memorial Triathlon, S400yd., B-12 mi., R-3 mi.; 7am. Info: (205)595-8633, races@teammagic.com. June 9, Tallahassee, FL - The Ride for Hope, Metric Century Ride, 7:30am; 40 mi., 8am; 29 mi., 8:30am; 11 mi., 9am. Info: info@therideforhope.com. June 9, Waycross, GA - FCA Splash, Mash & Dash Triathlon & Duathlon, Tri: S-1/4 mi., B-13 mi., R-3 mi.; Du: R-2 mi., B-13 mi., R-3 mi.; 7:30am/1st Wave. Info: (352)637-2475, info@drcsports.com. June 9, Ridgeland, MS - The Bike Crossing Ride For Methodist Rehab, 12, 25, 50 & 62 Miles; 7am. Info: Linda Bartley (601)8560049, robert@thebikecrossing.com. June 9, Durham, NC - Duke Mutiple Myeloma Bike Ride, 25K, 50K & 100K; 8am. Info: dukemyelomaride@gmail.com. June 9, Greensboro, NC - Nat Greene’s Revenge Triathlons & Duathlon, Off-road Tri: S-800m, B-14 mi., R-5K; On-road Tri: S800m, B-12.5 mi., R-3.25 mi.; Du: R-2 mi., B-12.5 mi., R-3.25 mi.; 7am. Info: Rich Swor (313)304-0903, rich@triviumracing.com. June 9, Rock Hill, SC - Pump House River Run Adventure Race, Paddle-3 mi., Run-5K; 7:30am/1st Wave. Info: Hope Matthews (803)817-5122, alloutdoors@cityofrockhill.com. June 9, Mt. Pleasant, SC - She Tris Sprint Triathlon, S-200m, B-9 mi., R-2 mi.; 7:30am. Info: helloshetris@gmail.com. June 9, Williamsburg, VA - Jamestown Triathlon Festival, Sprint: S-750m, B-20K, R-5K, 7am; Olympic: S-1500m, B-40K, R-10K, 7:30am. Info: Race Hotline (757)570-9934, races@vtsmts.com. June 9-10, Sebring, FL - Heartland Triathlon, Duathlon & Aquabike, 6/9: Youth Races - Ages: 6-10 - S-100yds., B-3 mi., R1/2 mi.; Ages: 11-15 - S-200yds., B-6 mi., R-1 mi., 7:30am; 6/10: Sprint - Tri: S-.25 mi., B-14 mi., R-3.1 mi.; Du: R-1 mi., B-14 mi., R-3.1 mi.; Aquabike: S-.25 mi., B-14 mi., 7am; 6/10: Olympic - Tri: S-.93 mi., B-24.8 mi., R-6.2 mi.; Du: R-1.75 mi., B-24.8 mi., R10.2 mi.; Aquabike: S-.93 mi., B-24.8 mi., 7am. Info: director@heartlandtri.com. June 10, Fayetteville, AR - Ladies DU Fayetteville, R-2 mi., B11 mi., R-2 mi.; 8am. Info: Tiffany Hoover (479)444-3463, thoover@fayetteville-ar.gov. June 10, Woodworth, LA - Indian Creek Triathlon, S-1/2 mi.,

B-20 mi., R-3.1 mi.; 7:30am. Info: jonathandziuba@gmail.com. June 10, Cary, NC - Plunge, Pedal & Plod Triathlon, S-400m, B7.5 mi., R-1.8 mi.; S-200yd., B-5 mi., R-1.5 mi.; S-50yds., B-2.5 mi., R-1 mi.; S-800m, R-1.8 mi.; 8am. Info: plungepedalplod@fitandable.net. June 10, Raleigh, NC - Ramblin Rose Raleigh Women’s Triathlon, S-225yd., B-8 mi., R-2 mi.; 8am. Info: mary@setupevents.com. June 10, Lenoir City, TN - Tellico Summer Solstice Sprint & Olympic Triathons, S-800m, B-16 mi., R-5K; S-1500m B-40K, R-10K. Info: (865)271-7535, kevin@endurancesportsmanagement.com. June 15, Santa Rosa, FL - RUN/SUP Summer Race Series, Trail Run-1 mi., Paddle Board-1 mi.; 7:30am. Info: (850)231-0469, dru@runsup.com. June 16, Jacksonville, FL - Jacksonville Triathlon Olympic & Sprint 3 Race Series (Race 1), Sprint: S-0.25 mi., B-16 mi., R-5K; Olympic: S-1.5K, B-30K, R-10K; 7am/1st wave. Info: (352)637-2475, info@drcsports.com. June 16, Charlotte, NC - Catawba River Races, 1.25 mi. open swim, 7:30am; 4 mi. kayak 9:30am; 4 mi. stand-up paddleboard 10:30am. Info: racedirector@usnwc.org. June 16, Denton, NC - Tour de Kale Cycling Events, 135K, 120K, 110K, 60K & 25K; 8am. Info: Kale Watkins (336)313-9544, info@tourdekale.com. June 16, Erwin, TN - Unicoi County Family YMCA Triathlon, S-1/ 4 mi. pool, B-8.2 mi., R-2.1 mi.; 8am. Info: Frank Cooke (423)7433361, ucfymca.ceo@gmail.com. June 16, Midlothian, VA - Eastern Zone/Virginia Masters Open Water Championship - 5K Open Water Swim, 2.5K & 1.25K. Info: jaypeluso@gmail.com. June 17, James Island, SC - Charleston Sprint Triathlon Series Race 2, S-.3 m., B-12 mi., R-5K; 7am. Info: crisp@goraceproductions.com. June 22, Santa Rosa, FL - RUN/SUP Summer Race Series, Trail Run-1 mi., Paddle Board-1 mi.; 7:30am. Info: (850)231-0469, dru@runsup.com. June 22-23, Richmond, VA - Run Bike Relay, 125 Miles, 8pm/1st group. Info: info@sportsbackers.org. June 23, Ft. Rucker, AL - Ft. Rucker Triathlon, S-.25 mi., B-10.6 mi., R-5K; 7am. Info: (334)255-2292. June 23, Hartwell, GA - The Hartwell Y Olympic & Sprint Triathlon, Olympic: S-1500, B-40K, R-10K, 7am; Sprint: S-500m, B-15 mi., R5K, 7:30am. Info: crisp@goraceproductions.com. June 23, Pocomoke City, MD - Pocomoke Triathlon, Sprint: S-.5 mi., B-14 mi., R-5K; Kids: S-100yd., B-2 mi., R-1 mi.; 8am. Info: tcreventmanagement@gmail.com. June 23, Sugar Grove, NC - BSG p/b App Ortho, 100 Mile Ride 7:30am; 50 Mile Ride 7:45am. Info: sconelson@aol.com. June 23, Hilton Head Island, SC - Atlantic Community Bank Beach Bum Triathlon & Duathlon, Tri: S-500m, B-6 mi., R-3 mi.; Du: R-1.5 mi., B-6 mi., R-3 mi.; 8am. Info: events@gotrievents.com. June 23, Memphis, TN - Annie Oakley Buffalo Bill Triathlons, S1/4 mi., B-8 mi., R-2 mi.; or S-1/2 mi., B-16 mi., R-4 mi.; 6:30am. Info: Pam Routh (901)550-2114, pamrunsraces@gmail.com. June 23, Warm Springs, VA - Bath County Triathlon-Moomaw Madness, S-750m, B-20K, R-5K; 8am. Info: triadventureevents@gmail.com. June 24, Siesta Key Beach, FL - Siesta Key Sirens Women Triathlon, Sprint: S-1/4 mi., B-11 mi., R-3.1 mi.; Super Sprint: S-50m, B-11 mi., R-1 mi.; Duathlon: R-1 mi., B-11 mi., R-3.1 mi.; Splash n Dash: S-50m, R-200; 7:30am. Info: rouillard64@msn.com. June 24, Greensboro, NC - Greensboro Youth 7.03 Series Tri, 5 age categories; 8am. Info: coachmatt@e3endure.com. June 24, Chattanooga, TN - Waterfront Triathlon, Sprint: S-400m, B-20K, R-5K, 6:45am; Intermediate: S-1.5K, B-40K, R-10K, 7:30am. Info: waterfronttri@chattanoogatrackclub.org. June 24, Memphis, TN - Mid-South Transplant Foundation Ride For Life, 25 Miles; 7am. Info: (901)274-2202, s2finfo@s2fevents.com. June 24, Midlothian, VA - Robious Landing Triathlon, S-650m, B18.8 mi., R-5K; 7am. Info: info@gotoelevenracing.com. June 29, Santa Rosa, FL - RUN/SUP Summer Race Series, Trail Run-1 mi., Paddle Board-1 mi.; 7:30am. Info: (850)231-0469, dru@runsup.com. June 30, Bay St. Louis, MS - In Hot Pursuit Duathlon & Road Race, Du: R-2 mi., B-11 mi., R-2 mi.; 4 Mile Run/Walk; 8am. Info: hurricanems@mail.com. June 30, Madison, MS - Ella Strong Triathlon, Adult: S-300m, B9 mi., R-3 mi., 7am; Kids: S-150m, B-3 mi., R-1 mi., 8:30am. Info: Allen Joiner (601)213-2135, allen@msracemanagement.com. June 30, Woolmarket, MS - Woolmarket Duathlon #3, R-1 mi., B11 mi., R-3 mi.; 8am. Info: Leonard Vergunst (228)380-7037, director@gulfcoastrunningclub.org. June 30, Goldsboro, NC - Goldsboro YMCA Youth Triathlon, Ages 6-17 with 3 age categories; 7:30am. Info: lance.thornton@goldsboroymca.org or James Orr (252)902-9712, james@runtheeast.com. June 30, Kingston, TN - Smokin’ the Water Sprint Tri, S-600 yds., B-15 mi., R-4 mi.; 7:30am. Info: Martin Coleman (865)250-3618, martin@racedayevents.net. June 30, Oak Ridge, TN - Secret City Triathlon, S-500m, B-15 mi., R-6K; 7:30am. Info: Muna Rodriguez-Taylor (865)567-0358, munarodriguez@gmail.com. July 6, Santa Rosa, FL - RUN/SUP Summer Race Series, Trail Run-1 mi., Paddle Board-1 mi.; 7:30am. Info: (850)231-0469, dru@runsup.com. July 7, Marianna, FL - Freedom Springs Triathlon, S-0.25 mi, B10 mi., R-5K; 7am. Info: beachblasttri@gmail.com. July 7, Perryville, MD - Diamond in the Rough Triathlon Festival, Tri: S-1500m, B-40K, R-10K; Du: R-5K, B-40K, R-10K; 7am. Info: races@vtsmts.com. July 7, Charlotte, NC - XTERRA Whitewater Triathlon, S-1K, Mtn. Bike-23K, Trail Run-8K; 8am. Info: Jimmy Lawler (704)391-3900, jlawler@usnwc.org. July 7, Knoxville, TN - Tour de Rocky Top, 31, 50, 65 & 85 mile bike routes; 7:30am. Info: Martin Coleman (865)250-3618, martin@racedayevents.net. July 8, Fletcher, NC - LPC Retro Throwback Triathlon, S-200yd., B-17.5 mi., R-5K, 8am; Kids Splasn N’ Dash, 10:30am. Info: iDaph Events (828)684-0812, support@idaph.net.

July 8, James Island, SC - Charleston Sprint Triathlon Series Race 3, S-.3 m., B-12 mi., R-5K; 7am. Info: crisp@goraceproductions.com. July 8, Blacksburg, VA - Kids in Training Youth Triathlon, 8am. Info: triadventureevents@gmail.com.

MARATHON June 3, Steamboat Springs, CO - Steamboat Marathon, Half Marathon & 10K, 7:30am. Info: Sarah Leonard (970)875-7006, laura@steamboatchamber.com, www.steamboatmarathon.com June 3, Deadwood, SD - Deadwood Mickelson Trail Marathon, Half Marathon & 5-Person Marathon Relay, Info: Emily Wheeler (605)390-6137, www.deadwoodmickelsontrailmarathon.com June 3, Roanoke, VA - Conquer the Cove Trail 25K & Marathon, 6:30am. Info: Josh Gilbert (540)525-9452, info@mountainjunkies.net. June 9, Goody, KY - Hatfield & McCoy Marathon & Half Marathon, 7am; 5K, 7:30am. Info: alexisbatausa@gmail.com. June 9, Boone, NC - New River Marathon, 7am; Half Marathon, 7:45am; 5K, 8am; 1 Mile FR, 6pm on Friday, 6/8. Info: Ken Sevensky (336)877-8888, info@newrivermarathon.com. June 10, Winston-Salem, NC - Indoor Insanity Marathon & Relay, 8am. Info: (336)793-4311, mike@junction311.com. June 16, Elkton, MD - XTERRA Big Elk Marathon & Half Marathon Trail Run, 7am. Info: (571)318-6907, info@adventuregeekproductions.com. June 23, Covington, VA - Jackson River Scenic Trail Marathon, 7am; Half Marathon, 7:15am; 10K, 7:30am; 5K, 7:45am. Info: Alleghany Highlands Chamber of Commerce (540)962-2178, info@ahchamber.com. July 7-8, Chattanooga, TN - Burn Your Half Off, Half Marathon, Double Half Marathon (Marathon), 10K & 5K; 7am. Info: run.nooga@gmail.com. July 14, Boone, NC - Grandfather Mountain Marathon, 6:30am. Info: John Weaver (828)262-3074, weaverjt@appstate.edu. July 14, Travelers Rest, SC - Carolina Reaper Marathon & Half Marathon, Carolina Reaper (10 x 2.62), 2pm; Ghost Pepper (5 2.62), 5:20pm; Habenero (1 x 2.62), 8pm. Info: withoutlimitsgreenville@gmail.com. Aug. 5, Cookeville, TN - Blister in the Sun Marathon, 7am. Info: Josh Hite (931)265-3969, theblistersadist@gmail.com. Aug. 25, Ashton, ID - Mesa Falls Marathon, 6:30am; Half Marathon, 8:30am; 10K, 7:30am, 5K, 8am; Kids Fun Run, 8:15am. Info: Dave Jacobson (208)360-9507, jake@fretel.com, www.mesafallsmarathon.com. Sept. 2, John’s Creek, GA - Boston Bound Marathon & Half Marathon, 6:30am. Info: Five Star NTP (770)633-5511, lowell@fivestarntp.com. Sept. 2, Tupelo, MS - Tupelo Marathon & 13.1 Miler, 5am. Info: David Branner - tupelorunningclub@yahoo.com. Sept. 8, Charleston, SC - Dirt Dash Marathon & Half Marathon, 7:30am; 10K & 5K, 8:30am. Info: (843)478-1779, eagle.endurance@gmail.com. Sept. 8, Charlottesville, VA - Rivanna Greenbelt Marathon, 6:30am. Info: rivannagreenbeltmarathon@gmail.com. Sept. 8, Millboro, VA - Odyssey Trail Running Rampage, 40 Mile 7am; Marathon 8:30am; Half Marathon 10am; 6 Miler 11:30am. Info: Odyssey Adventure Racing (540)444-4422, HQ@oarevents.com. Sept. 8, Washington, DC - Abebe Bikila Day International Peace Marathon & Half Marathon, 8am/non-competitive start; 9am/ competitive start. Info: Jay Jacob Wind (703)927-4833, racedirector@att.net. Sept. 16, Bartlett, TN - Stanky Creek 50K & Marathon, 7am; 25K & Half Marathon, 7:30am. Info: events@altisendurance.com. Sept. 22, Ely, MN - Ely Marathon, 7:30am; Boundary Waters Bank Half Marathon, 8am. Info: Wendy Lindsay (218)206-4702, www.elymarathon.com. Sept. 29, Bristol NH - NH Marathon, Half Marathon & 10K, 9am; 26th Running of the New Hampshire Marathon. Info: Karen Schaffner, 30 N. Main St., Bristol, NH 03222; (603)744-2713, race@nhmarathon.com, www.nhmarathon.com.

Oct. 13, Booneville, AR - 50th Annual Arkansas Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K & 5K; 7am. Info: Booneville Chamber, 210 E. Main, Booneville, AR 72927; Philip Blankenship blankenship044@ centurytel.net, www.arkansasmarathon.org Nov. 3, Charlotte, NC - Novant Health Charlotte Marathon, Half Marathon, Relay, 5K & Kid’s Run; 7am. Info: kayla@runforyourlife.com.

Dec. 1, Loudon, TN - Run LoCo Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K, 8am; $75/Marathon, $50/Half, $25/5K; Pre-register deadline 11/ 30. Info: Michele Lewis, 318 Angel Row, Loudon, TN 37774, (865)458-8749, lcefed@bellsouth.net, https:// www.skisignup.com/Race/TN/Loudon/ RunLOCOMarathonHalfMarathonand5K Dec. 15, Jacksonville, FL - Ameris Bank Jacksonville Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K, 7am. Info: Doug Alred, 3931 Baymeadows Rd., Jacksonville, FL 32217; doug@1stplacesports.com, https:// www.amerisbank.com/jacksonville-marathon/.


March 17, 2019, Atlanta - Publix Atlanta Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K, 7am. Info: Natalie Demarko, 201 Armour Dr. NE, Atlanta, GA 30324; (404)231-9064 (ext. 128), ndemarko@atlantatrackclub.org, www.atlantatrackclub.org/2019-publixatlanta-marathon-half-marathon-5k

ULTRAS May 30-June 3, Rockwood, TN - Ozone Endurance Challenge, 5/30: 96 hr., 10am; 5/31: 72 hrs., 10am; 6/1: 48 hrs., 10am; 36 hrs., 9pm; 6/2: 12 hr. day, 8am; 24 hr., 9am; 6/3: 6 hrs., 12 hr. night. Info: Will Jorgensen (865)740-1717, ozoneendurancechallenge@ gmail.com. June 2, Heflin, AL - Rockin Choccolocco 50K & Half Marathon, 7:30am. Info: pinhoti100@gmail.com. June 2-3, Stanton, KY - War Hammer 100 Miler, 6am. Info: nextopportunityevents.com. June 8-9, Newport News, VA - 24 Hour Run/Walk a Cure, Solo or Team; 5pm. Info: run4acure14@gmail.com. June 16-17, Canton, GA - A Midsummer Night’s Dream Hourly Ultra, 3 hr., 6 hr., 12 hr. & 24 hr. races; 9pm-9pm. Info: (678)4009050, info@tortoiseandthehareracing.com. June 16, Davidson, NC - Summit Solstice 12-Hour Relay (Solo or Teams), 7am; Kid’s Color Fun Run, 4pm. Info: brian@summitcoffee.com. June 16, Pembroke, VA - Eastern Divide Ultra 50K Trail/Fire Road Race, 7:30am. 8 Miler, 10am. Info: (540)230-3019, racer15@triadventure.com. June 16, Davis, WV - Highlands Sky 40 Mile Trail Run, 6am. Info: irunwv@gmail.com. June 30, Farmville, VA - Night Train 50K & Half Marathon, 5pm. Info: dpulskamp@hotmail.com. July 14, Frederick, MD - Catoctin 50K Trail Run, 8am. Info: kevin.sayers@yahoo.com. July 21, Perryville, AR - Full Moon 50K, 7pm; 25K, 8pm. Info: Susy Chandler (501)837-3104, susy@fullmoon50k.com. July 21, Kennesaw, GA - Maria’s Ultra Summer Spectacular, 26.65 Miles, 3 hr. & 6 hr.; 7am. lnfo: Mark Vescio (678)895-2631, runningmanwest@bellsouth.net. July 28, Harpers Ferry, WV - Miner’s Lady 8 Hour Endurance Race, 6am. Info: For Love of Children (304)582-0748, minersladyenduro@gmail.com. July 29, Lithia Springs, GA - Hot to Trot 8 Hour Run, 8am-4pm. Info: chefrcobb@yahoo.com. Aug. 3-5, Bristol, TN - Holston River Endurance Challenge, 8pm/100 mile, 24 hr. & 36 hr. events; 8pm or 8am 3 hr., 6 hr. & 12 hr. events. Info: netta73@hotmail.com. Aug. 4-5, Shelbyville, KY - 24-Hour Run For Dreams, 24 hr. & 12 hr.; 8am. Info: Tommie Kendall (502)216-0378, tommie.kendall@dreamfactoryinc.org. Aug. 4, King George, VA - Dahlgren Heritage Rail Trail 50K, 6:30am. Info: Vic Culp (540)310-4803, vic@farc.org. Aug. 4, Ona, WV - Kanawha Trace 50K, 25K, 10K Trail Run, 50K 7:30am; 25K & 10K 9:30am. Info: cory_richardson@hotmail.com. Aug. 11, Wallingford, KY - Hot Hot Hundred, 10K/100K/100K Relay Trail Races, 8am. Info: nextopportunityevents.com. Aug. 18, Elizabethtown, KY - Backyard Classic 8 Hr Endurance Trail Run (Individual & Relay), 8am-4pm. Info: (270)401-3490, etownbackyardclassic@gmail.com. Sept. 1, Damascus, VA - Iron Mountain Trail Run, 50 Mile 7am; 30 Mile 7:30am; 16 Mile 8am. Info: kkirkt@yahoo.com. Sept. 7-8, Asheville, NC - Blue Ridge Relay, 200 Mile Team Running Relay; 5am. Info: Ken Sevensky (336)877-8888, info@blueridgerelay.com. Sept. 8, Sylacauga, AL - Rebecca Mountain 50 Miler, 7:30am.Info: pinhoti100@gmail.com. Sept. 8, Millboro, VA - Odyssey Trail Running Rampage, 40 Mile 7am; Marathon 8:30am; Half Marathon 10am; 6 Miler 11:30am. Info: (540)444-4422, HQ@oarevents.com. Sept. 15, Triangle, VA - 12-Hour Adventure Trail Run, 6am. Info: alexp@athletic-equation.com. Sept. 16, Bartlett, TN - Stanky Creek 50K & Marathon, 7am; 25K & Half Marathon, 7:30am. Info: events@altisendurance.com. Sept. 22, Lakeland, FL - Tick Tock Ultra, 12 Hour & 12 Hour 5Person Relay & 6 Hour, 7am. Info: ultrasignup.com. Sept. 22, Morganton, NC - Table Rock Ultras, 50K 7am; 30K 7:30am. Info: brandon@tanawhaadventures.com. Sept. 28-29, Cumberland, MD to Washington, DC - Reebok Ragnar Relay, 200 Mile, 5am. Info: Customer Service (801)4995024, customerservice@ragnarrelay.com. Sept. 29, Blue Ridge, GA - Tortoise and the Hare 50K/30K Ultra, 6am. Info: Toni McAlister (678)400-9050, info@tortoiseandthehareracing.com. Sept. 29, Morristown, TN - The Dirt Circuit - Endurance Trail Runs, 12 Hour & 24 Hour; Solo & Relays; 8am (all races); 12 Hour Night, 8pm. Info: ani@dirtybirdevents.com. Sept. 29-30, Pelham, AL - Blood Rock 100 & 50 Mile Endurance Run, 5am; 50K & 25K, 6:30am. Info: ultrasignup.com. Nov. 17, Boonsboro, MD - JFK 50 Mile, 6:30am. Info: Mike Spinnler (301)739-7004, spinnlerm@msn.com, www.jfk50mile.org

MOVING: Don’t forget to send us your change of address. You can call our office at 423-638-4177, fax 423-638-3328 or email rj@running.net.

SEPT. 1-2, 2018





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