outh is normally a would occur that would change every night. Though I was in treatcarefree time to grow her life. ment still, I continued to cheer. I and to discover new “During this time, football was captain again this year. I was things. Life is like a box season was wrapping up. At this in drama club once again, this of chocolates for you never know time, I became really tired, which time as the lead role. A problem what you’re going to get. Some was really unusual for me. After arose when my blood counts may consider this adage to be about a week of being too tired dropped really low. I had to be put truth, however, how one choses to to do my homework and falling on isolation while the dosage for respond to life’s challenges makes asleep in class, my parents took my medicine was adjusted. This all the difference. Eighteen year me to the doctor. He ran blood meant that I was unable to go to old Carrie Turner, native of Stewwork and sent us home. That school, doing my school work at art County, Georgia has encounnight, the doctor called and sent home again,” she said. tered a number of obstacles, yet us to the hospital. I was told that Though seemingly the odds her tenacity of spirit and resilience I had cancer. The next morning, I were stacked against her, someis an example for all. was sent to Children’s Healthcare thing happened. After 3 weeks, Like most budding freshman, of Atlanta. There I was told that I her counts rose to a suitable level Turner was excited about the start had Leukemia and that the next as she was once more able to reof her high school career at Ranthree years would be filled with hearse for the play with two weeks dolph Southern School in Shellclinic visits, hospital admissions, remaining until the region drama man, Georgia. “My freshman year and blood work,” she said. competition. was going to my time to shine. I Despite numerous obstacles “Somehow we pulled it off wanted to be involved in everyand dealing with hair loss, Turnand won second place in region, thing! I joined varsity cheerleader was determined to thrive. sending us to state for the second ing squad, the drama club, and ran “Though I had been told that I year. I was given an individual varsity track.” had cancer, I never let my grades award, All-Region Best Actress. Turner was outgoing and slip. I constantly worked on math, At state, we won third place and I excelled in every extracurricular was rewarded another individual activity. She was quickly promoted All that I’ve been through award, All-State Best Actress,” to co-captain for basketball cheerTurner said. since my sophomore year leading squad and was the first Between treatments and perhas made me the person that freshman to serve as an underforming, Turner maintained a 4.0 study for a leading role. Turner average. She also won 3rd place in God wants me to be. qualified for the state competition a poetry writing contest sponsored when she placed fourth during the by a local college. In addition, she regional track meet. During the English, Spanish or science and discovered ways to help others, state competition, Turner placed managed a 4.0 average through such as collecting pop-top tabs for 7th out of 8. the year,” she said. the Ronald McDonald House she “I finished 5th out of 8, moving The experience furthered often frequented. up 2 places and trimming 2 secdeveloped her spiritual faith and In the spring of her junior year onds off my time,” she said. gave her courage to allow her life she was unable to run track due to Though Turner excelled athletical- to be a testimony to others. In the doctor’s orders. Turner decide to ly, she was still committed to her spring of that year, she participat- forgo sports and to consider her education. She maintained a 4.0 ed in her first Relay for Life event, health foremost. At the end of the and was inducted into the senior walking the survivor walk. Turnschool year, as class vice presiBeta club. Later, she became a er’s was motivated to live her best dent with a 4.0 average, she won member of the National Society of life while pursuing her dreams. the third highest average in her High School Scholars. Her high school junior year school, the University of Roch As Turner embarked on her was the beginning the mainteester Science Award, and highest sophomore year, she continued to nance phase of her treatment. The class average. Before the close of excel academically and socially. phase would last approximately18 the school year, Turner’s success She remained active in cheerlead- months. was shadowed by the news that ing, drama, and track. It was not “I would go for treatment once Randolph Southern would be until late fall when something every four weeks with oral chemo Continued on page 50 RuralLeaderMagazine.com 47