Studio Rudo Profile

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The Art issue

- April/ / M ay 2015 -







what are your views on creatives being the custodians of a new african narrative? For me personally, it’s a duty as opposed to something that you assume out of choice. I think we are privileged enough to be custodians. Currently there seems to be a very keen interest by Africans towards the continent and its people and its cultures, which really is only natural. At the end of the day you fall in love with what you are familiar with or accustomed to, and once you’ve reached positions of influence, you have the responsibility to perpetuate our cultures in ways that are visionary, thus influencing popular culture. It really is intrinsic; expression of our Africanism becomes second nature once we tap into it. What’s great about it is that you don’t have to look outside of yourself to unlock that. We’ve begun to scratch the surface and the deeper we go, the more we reflect that to each other, the more weird and wonderful things we will discover.



within your collection of artwork there is a prominence of powerful images of african women. what is it that inspires you so much about african women?

B y Vu y i s o Ts h a b a l a l a

I could site a lot of influences but I think I have a fondness towards the fairer sex (laughs). But also, there’s a great vitality with African women which is quite a virtue. It’s something that is very evident in their presence. It fascinates, that with the predispostions our women have, they seem to not come undone. Maya Angelou speaks of “still I rise” and that is testament to black women’s strength and once you go deeper into that notion you realize that there are women that resemble that. In spite of the patriarchal world we live in, a lot of our cultures revere women and that is my take, to acknowledge women in their divinity. There is a very candid divinity about our women that we must portray and as a man, I feel the responsibility to do that in light of the ghastly social ills against women in today’s world.

the fashion rebels are a group of young people who are uniquely stylish and love to push boundaries when they get dressed. Their dress sense is an extension of their colourful and warm personalities and it is easy to see why their monthly market has been growing in numbers since its inception in September last year. The social market is a fashion, food, art and music initiative that aims to uplift and promote young talent in and around the City of Tshwane. The social market is a place that allows the youth to express themselves through different crafts. many a youth have broken out of their fashion shells and have learnt to express themselves through their clothes. The atmosphere at the social market is that of acceptance and creative encouragement. a place to hang out with like-minded individuals. The most significant reason behind the social market is to create trends rather than follow them. if you have spotted the fashion rebels then you will understand why they are trend-setters.

do you feel creative activism is relevant & that its impact is far-reaching? Of course! Creative efforts morph society. Once you go about ideas/initiatives such as Sibahle, you spark a flame. You create a snowball effect and these messages that are put out gradually change people’s frame of reference. Only artists can dissect the human condition and our endeavors begin to create a collective effort to aid the ideals we create. A movement like Sibahle is one such model. All it takes is efforts, once you take action, you will be shocked on the ripple effects, it truly is a huge responsibility.


Sibahle | vol. 1 | aPril-may 2015

Sibahle | vol. 1 | aPril-may 2015










POETRY BY Kela Maswabi

Paul Shoniwa

P h o t o g r a p h y : Vu s N g x a n d e

>> A N D I L E B U k A




Dav Andrew

Exxagerated Feminism


Sibahle | vol. 1 | aPril-may 2015

aubrey ndiWeni re i m a g i n e s F r i d a K a h l o p o r t r a i t s t h ro u g h p o w e r f u l , vivid stills.

Rendani Missblacdropp

48 f E M M E

Sibahle | vol. 1 | aPril-may 2015


N o n z u z o G x e k w a ’s Photo series.


Sizo Dlezi and Maitele Wawe



fash ion F a s h i o n R e b e l s / / P TA

AsAndA MsAki MvAnA is A shApe-shifting Artist who plAys guitAr And writes reaffirMing songs exploring theMes such as refusing to succuMb to the fear inherent in ansWering one’s calling. in one, “blood, guns and revolutions”, she lays out a deck of cards by confronting the injustice Meted out against Miners in Marikana on one hand, and fires up thoughts about What she terMs as ‘coMplex relationship’ With hoW certain stories are told in south africa.

fa s h i o n e d i to r i a l by vuyiso tshabalala

>> T U M I SA N G j z I M BA

Photography & Words by Tseliso Monaheng


Sibahle | vol. 1 | aPril-may 2015

Sibahle | vol. 1 | aPril-may 2015



Sibahle | vol. 1 | aPril-may 2015

Sibahle | vol. 1 | aPril-may 2015


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