RDP: Beijing edition

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September 25 - October 3, 2014 2014年9月25日-10月3日 2014年9月25日-10月3 Dashilan, Dawailangying Hutong 8, The Factory 大栅栏大外廊营胡同8号厂房 WWW.RUSSIANdesignPAVILION.COM

introduction 简介 Russian Design Pavilion is the creative marketing program of contests, showrooms, publishing projects, international exhibitions and design education dedicated to the promotion of Russian designers and brands. After successful events in Moscow, Florence, London and Milan, Russian Design Pavilion presents projects by contemporary Russian designers for the first time during Beijing Design Week 2014. The goal of the exhibition is to highlight the boosting design industry of the country that for many years has been a mass manufacturer and now its ambitions to showcase own creativity have became more apparent. Over the years Russian design has turned into the fresh phenomenon without the obligatory Soviet iconography and adopted an international outlook, but it has retained its cultural matrix. The new generation of designers is interested in old stories as well as they are constantly in search of their personality, trying to understand their role within the international design scene. RDP team not only opens up a way to the East by showing new design from Russia but also develops exchanges, educational programs and workshops involving designers and design professionals from both Asia and Russia. 俄罗斯设计馆是致力于发展俄罗斯本土品牌和设计师的一 个创意营销平台,集比赛,展厅,出版项目,国际展览和 设计教育为一体。 成功在莫斯科,佛罗伦萨,伦敦和米兰展示之后,俄罗斯 设计馆将首次在2014年北京国际设计周中展出。展览的目 的在于突出展示近年来俄罗斯蓬勃发展的设计产业,而在 这之前它一直都是以无名制造商的身份出现在人们面前, 但是现在它展示自己创造力的雄心已经非常明显。 多年来,俄罗斯的设计已经摆脱了苏联时期强加的符号以 全新的形象展示在人们面前,在吸收了国际化视野的同时 又保存着其文化的根基。新一代的设计师即对老故事感兴 趣,也在不断寻找属于自己的风格,试图找到在国际设计 舞台上自身的立足点。 RDP团队不仅开辟了一条向东方展示俄罗斯设计的道路,同 时亦注重促进交流,开展教育项目,以及为来自亚洲和俄 罗斯的设计师和设计专业人士举办工作坊。


rdp team RDP团队 Organizers

Anastasia Krylova Creativirus Agency International projects for Art & Design www.creativirus.it russiandesignpavilion@gmail.com +7 9688046015

Maria Tvardovskaya Profi2profit Agency Design Education Abroad www.profi2profit.com profitoprofit@gmail.com +7 4957432942

Peipei Han 韩培培 hanpeipeihan@gmail.com +86 18610034711

Evgenia Novgorodova nov.evgenia@gmail.com +86 13701071774


project partners





main media partners MEDIA AGENCY





event partners


exhibition designers




graphic designer




25 september

3pm: Exhibition opening Beijing, Xicheng District, Dashilan, Dawailangying Hutong 8, The Factory

29 september

9am – 12pm: Workshop “Careers for emerging designers in China and Russia” in cooperation

with Dr. Chao Zhao, Head of Industrial Design Dept. and Director of the Innovative Healthcare Lab, Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University, Beijing.

30 september

6:30pm: Project presentation and round table with Russian designers

Beijing, Dongcheng District, Dongzhimennei Dajie 9, Russian Cultural Centre

9月 下午3点:展览开幕


北京市西城区大栅栏大外 廊营胡同8号厂房

9月 上午9点 - 中午12点: 工作坊讨论会 “<中国和 俄罗斯新兴设计师的职 业发展>”与清华大学艺术


与设计学院工业设计系共 同举办 北京西城区大栅栏劝业场

9月 下午6点半:与俄罗斯 设计师项目介绍和圆桌 会议


北京市东城区东直门内大 街9号俄罗斯文化中心




www.old.designspb.ru www.modulorsd.ru www.design-union.ru

The Saint Petersburg Design Union includes about 500 professionals working in industrial, graphic, environmental, furniture, equipmentdesign as well as fashion and art design, media design, design education and theory. The union was founded in 1987, and today in 2014, we are still young,active and creative: new ideas, new policy, new projects, and a brand new website! President: Alexander Timofeev Art Director: Polina Slutskaya 圣彼得堡设计联盟包括约500名工业、平面、环保、家具、设备设计,以及时尚和艺术设计,媒 体设计,设计教育和理论领域点专业人。 联盟成立于1987年,如今在2014年,我们仍然年轻,活跃,满腹创意。新思路,新政策,新项 目,和一个全新的网站! 联盟主席:Alexander Timofeev 艺术总监:Polina Slutskaya


designers &


设计师&品牌 Anna Malyakina Alex Petunin

8-11 12-13

A.R. Novate (Anastasia Gavrilova & Rafael Gaynullin)


Belarus Design Award


Anton Smirnov


South China Magazine




Ekaterina Elizarova


RIO Catalogue


Ekaterina Dekhtyarenko


Lena Sukhanova


RUB Design Book


RDP Award


Pavel Kulakov


Taras Zheltyshev


Maria Smirnova




malyakina www.annamalyakina.com iam@annamalyakina.com


+8 61392232224 (China) +7 9049981417 (Russia)

Instagram: anet_designer Wechat: anet_designer

China / Russia 中国/俄罗斯 Anna Malyakina, a young promising professional, lives and works between Russia and China. She has worked as a designer in Russia, Holland and China. Her portfolio contains diverse interior design projects ranging from complicated classical styles to modern ones with the elements of her personal philosophy and eco design. Anna has participated in various design competitions such as IF Design Awards, All-Russia competition Kerama Marazzi and contests of social advertisement. She cooperated with Chinese colleagues to design the Museum of Ecology which is under construction in Guangzhou, China. Anna also creates unique collections of diamond jewelry and collaborates with several Chinese companies for residential and hotel projects.

produced by Expromt, made of DuPont™ Corian®

UOVO washbasin UOVO洗手池




The most original and uncommon ideas are usually suggested by the nature. UOVO (from Italian - “egg”) is mostly a piece of art with the functions of the washbasin, stylized in the form of the broken eggs. The silhouette made of artificial stone has streamline and plastic contours. Two symbolical yolks represent the mirror and the bowl, along the perimeter of which LED moisture-proof lighting is built in. 最原始的和不寻常的想法通常是大自然告诉我们的。 UOVO(意大利语 - “蛋”的意思),主要是一件艺术品,兼具洗手池的功能,以破碎鸡蛋的形式展 现。人造石的轮廓具有流线型和塑料轮廓。两个蛋黄形状分别是镜子和水池,边缘内置防潮LED 等带。


Anna Malyakina,是一位年 轻的专业设计师,工作和生 活往返于俄罗斯与中国之 间。她曾在俄罗斯,荷兰和 中国做过设计。 她的作品集包括多样的室内 设计项目,从复杂的古典风 格到现代含有她个人理念和 生态设计的元素。Anna先后 参加了各种设计竞赛,如IF 设计大奖,Kerama Marazzi 全俄比赛和社会公益广告 的比赛。她与中国同事合作 设计了中国广州省正在建造 的 生 态 博 物 馆 。 Anna也 创 造了一系列独特的钻石饰品 收藏,并与中国几家公司合 作为住宅及酒店项目进行设 计。



malyakina WATERDROP lamp 水滴灯 Water is the symbol of eternal life and awaking. The shape of a drop embodies the concept of movement. The lamp is made of light materials such as gypsum and acrylic or artificial stone. The surface can be painted in different colors. It creates an image of streaming water as if the ceiling was a lake and the lamp - a drop. Lamp gives dispersed light, for better effect the inner part of the lamp is made of reflecting material. It allows the usage of energy saving light bulbs and decreases electricity consumption significantly. 水是永恒生命和觉醒的象征。水滴的形状蕴含了 动态的概念。灯是由轻型材料如石膏和亚克力或 人造石制成。表面可以涂以不同颜色。它创建的 produced by Expromt 画面就好像天花板是一个湖而灯则是水的一滴。 灯光散射,为了达到更好的效果,灯内侧部分由 反射材料制成。可使用节能灯泡,显著减少电力 produced by Expromt, made of DuPont™ Corian® 消耗。

SitECO chair SitECO 座椅 This is a unique project, not just an interior or a landscape item, but a piece of contemporary art. The framework is made of plexiglas or acrylic and its inner space is filled with pressed metal waste which is possibly and necessary to be recycled. Grass growing on the perimeter of the eco chair is a symbol of new life breaking through. It invites every passerby to sit down comfortably and think about SitECO’s message. SitECO是一个独特的项目,它不仅是一个室内或景观的物体,而是一件当代艺术作品。座椅框架 是由有机玻璃或亚克力制成,内部则被可以回收的压缩金属废品填充。Ecochair周围的绿草象征 着新生命的突破和生长。它邀请每一位路过的人舒服地坐下来并思考SitECO传达的讯息。


Services - interior design of private and public spaces (restaurants, hotels, cottages, appartments) - product design - design consultancy and assistance in “turnkey” projects - selection and delivery of materials, fabrics, furniture and home accessories from Chinese factories - jewelry design - make up and style workshops in China in collaboration with Parisma Club. www.parismaclub.com

服务项目: - 私人和公共空间的室内设计(餐厅,酒 店,别墅,公寓) - 产品设计 - 设计咨询和主要项目的协助 - 在中国工厂挑选材料,不料,家居和家饰 并安排送货 - 首饰设计 - 与Parisma Club合作承办化妆及搭配工作坊 www.parismaclub.com



petunin www.alexpetunin.com p2nin@oneione.ru +7 9219431620

Saint Petersburg 圣彼得堡 Alex Petunin is an emerging ambitious Russian architect and product designer who believes that good design makes life better. Graduated from Saint Petersburg University of Architecture and Civil Engineering with Master’s degree in architecture. In 2009 together with Russian architect and illustrator Alexander Grigorev founded Oneione design studio. Alex currently works at his own studios in Saint Petersburg and London as interior and graphic designer. He has more than 5 years experience in product design. Alex has recently released a collection of rattan furniture for Euro Ratan. The designer develops ideas of functionality of free forms and he is constantly in a search of solutions that would improve life of people in the 21st century. Participant of 100% Design London (2013), Moscow Design Week (2013), Milan Design Week (2014). Russian Design Pavilion Award (2014). A’ Design Bronze Award (2014).


This is a beautiful futuristic LED light. It has thin connections with bright color outside and white inside with LEDs. In contemporary minimalistic interior it will be strong point of attraction. The Geo-x light is 3d printed sample from 3D Max geosphere object with some modifiers. It shows how amazing is 3D revolution: it is just two steps between an idea and a final product. Create and print! Geo-x是一款充满未来感的LED灯。它拥有纤细的衔接处和亮色外部白色内部并使用LED灯。在 当代极简主义室内中将成为吸引眼球的一点。Geo-x灯是3D Max一些改良的几何球体3D打印样 品。 这也证明3D革命是多么令人震撼:在想法与最终产品之间只有两步之遥。创作然后打印!


“Futuristic look of my projects is a result of my perception of reality and aspiration to do things at the boundary of science and technology”. Alex Petunin是一位新兴的俄罗斯建筑师和产品设计师,他雄心勃勃并坚信好的设计让生活更美好。 毕业于圣彼得堡大学建筑与民事工程系同时获得建筑学硕士学位。2009年,他与俄罗斯建筑师和 插画师Alexander Grigorev创办了Oneione设计工作室。Alex目前作为室内设计师和平面设计师工作 于他自己在圣彼得堡和伦敦的工作室。他在产品设计方面也有超过5年的工作经验。最近Alex为Euro Ratan发布了一系列藤条家具。Alex以任意形式开发产品的功能性,不断为提高21世纪人们的生活 质量而寻求解决方案。他曾参加过伦敦设计100%(2013),莫斯科设计周(2013),米兰设计周 (2014),俄罗斯设计馆大奖(2014)和A设计铜奖(2014)。 “我项目的未来感来自于我观察现实事物的角度和走在科学技术前沿的渴望。”



novate www.arnovate.com info.arnovate@gmail.com +7 4952267032

Anastasia Gavrilova & Rafael Gaynullin, Moscow 莫斯科

A.R.NOVATE by Anastasia Gavrilova & Rafael

Gaynullin is a laboratory of innovative projects which works in industrial and environmental design, interior and architecture, high technologies, sound design, art and scientific research results. It applies the emotional design and analytical system approach that allows to generate and to realize the most extraordinary ideas, to create really unique and finished solutions for interiors, products and services that people admire.

Dual View

Symphony of life




Harmony of the nature


技,声音设计,艺术和科技调查结果。 我们的创意公司应用情感设计和分析系统,以便实现最为奇特的想法,来去为室内和产品设计及 服务创造非常独特和完整并令人赞赏的解决方案。




SMIRNOV www.taburet.spb.ru taburet.spb@mail.ru +7 8124383845

Saint Petersburg 圣彼得堡 In 1997-1999 he was a student of Architectural department of St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, in 1999-2004 studied Construction and Civil Engineering at SPSUACE, in 2004-2008 received the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences in highrise buildings. In 2012 Anton created the Tabourets project dedicated to re-styling of the old Soviet furniture. It includes 4 unique collections made of pure pine tree, without a single nail, and can fit in different interiors. 1997-1999年,Anton在圣彼得堡国立大学就读建筑与民事工程土木 建筑系,1999-2004 他在SPSUACE学习建筑与土木工程,20042008年他获得高层建筑技术科学博士学位。 2012年Anton创建了 致力于重新塑造前苏联家具的Tabourets项目。它包括4个采用纯松 木制作的系列,并且没有用一个钉子的家居,适合不同室内装修。




Tanks Go!


The collection in classic style for all tastes at all times is decorated by monochrome pastel colors and complemented by ceramic fittings.

The retro bright colors of the stools designed in style of late 1960s, will transfer you in the days of amateur racing. Painted in original Soviet oil paints, this collection embodies the unfulfilled dreams of the 60s using Russian wood and oil.

The collection of stools in the military style wears the coloring of military equipment of the past from the tanks T-34 to fighter MiG19, matte color of old Willys. Looks great in a wooden garage or suburban bungalow from timber.

The collection is inspired by the sea and old wooden boats of the 1930-50s which were made of wood, teak or mahogany wood and varnished. Stools made of pine, stained and coated with yacht varnish, perfectly complement for the terraces.





适合各种古典风格爱好 者,单色柔和的色彩装 饰,并辅以陶瓷配件。

老式鲜艳的色彩设计 的 凳 子 , 源 于 20世 纪 60年 代 后 期 风 格 的 福 特Mustang,雪佛兰的 Camaro和英国跑车的 时代,让你在家也感受 回到业余赛车的那些日 子。涂有原始苏联油性 涂料,这个系列体现了 钢 铁 60年 代 在 俄 罗 斯 木与油间未实现的梦 想。

这个系列是军事风格的 凳子,模仿坦克T-34战 斗机米格19的颜色,老 威利斯哑光色的着色。 很适合木制车库或郊区 平房。

这 个 系 列 由 大 海 和 20 世纪30-50年代的木船 启发而来,那时期船只 都是木质的,


south china

insight 岭南眼光

MEDIA AGENCY What we do “South China Insight News” is a news website created to provide Russian business community with the most up to date information about the latest trends and developments in China. We specialize on the information about the perspective Chinese markets, law system, finance, investment climate in Chinese regions and different sectors of Chinese economy. Who we are The project is powered by “South Insight Media Co.“ (HK). Our team of journalists and editors consists of professional sinologists with experience of more than 5 years in the field of production, marketing, logistics, sales, media in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong. 岭南眼光新闻 为俄罗斯投资商在中国市场的活动提供信息保障,提供中国市场最新动态、经济法规知识、财 政情况甚至提供对某些地区,企业及经济领域的投资吸引力的评估。


该新闻网站是由 “South Insight Media”(香港)公司承办的。我们的记者和编辑团队是由一群在 中国各大城市如北京、上海、广州、和香港等从事过生产、市场营销、物流、采购、销售、大 众媒体等领域有5年工作经验的专业人才组建的。 “岭南眼光”, 2014年

www.south-insight.com www.y-kitay.ru www.южныйкитай.рф



www.archpoint.ru info@archpoint.ru +7 4957974489

Moscow 莫斯科


Pan-Asian Bistro ZODIAC Design bureau specializes in luxury architecture and design. We create and design different spaces – representative offices and country houses, golf clubs and haute-cuisine restaurants, upscale outlets and hotels. Over 10 years of fruitful work, we have implemented more than 120 projects in Moscow and St. Petersburg, Sochi and Kaliningrad, Yekaterinburg and Astana, Dubai and Odessa.

设计局致力于高档建筑和设计。我们制 作并设计不同的空间-代表处办公室和 乡村会所,高尔夫球聚了不和高级美食 餐厅,精品商店和酒店。超过10年卓 有成效的工作,我们在莫斯科和圣彼得 堡,索契,加里宁格勒, 叶卡捷琳堡,阿 斯塔纳,迪拜和敖德萨实施了超过120 个项目。



elizarova www.elizarova.com elizarova_kate@mail.ru +7 3432006699

Ekaterinburg 叶卡特琳堡 Interior and product designer. Member of International Association of Designers. Graduated from Ural State Academy of Architecture and Arts in Russia, Huddersfield University of Architecture and Design in Great Britain. Ekaterina is a founder of Interior Design Studio and participant of the most important design events. Her works were shown on Milan Design Week, Salone Satellite, Salone del Mobili, Ventura Lambrate, 100% Design, London Design Festival, etc. She is doing projects for world known brands. She is a finalist or award-winner of prestigious design competitions: Red Dot, IF Design, International Design Excellence Awards, A’DESIGN AWARD & Competition, DESIGN AND DESIGN International Award, Favorite Design, Eurasian Prize, etc. Works of Ekaterina Elizarova are exhibited in galleries and showrooms in Russia and Europe.


The light collection is the new result of a lasting successful collaboration between Russian designer Ekaterina Elizarova and ceramic brand Bosa. Chapiteau was inspired by romantic image of traveling circus and air acrobats. Clear shape and luxury finishing allow using the light collection in different style interiors. The lamps have showy stripes design. They are reverse colored and can be fixed in opposite directions. You can use one, couple or several lamps and choose from more than 20 finishing to get an impressive visual effect.


室内和产品设计师。国际设计师联盟成员。毕业于俄罗斯Ural州立建筑与艺术学院,英国Huddersfield建筑 与设计大学。Ekaterina是室内设计工作室的创始人,也是一些重要设计活动的参与者。她的作品曾展示于 米兰设计周,Salone Satellite, Salone del Mobili, Ventura Lambrate,100%设计,伦敦设计节等等,并为国 际知名品牌做设计项目。她曾参与并获多个著名的设计比赛奖项:红点设计大赛,IF设计,国际卓越设计 奖,A’设计大奖和比赛,设计与设计国际奖,Favorite设计大奖,Eurasian大奖等等。Ekaterina Elizarova 的设计作品被展出于俄罗斯和欧洲的画廊和展厅中。

Chapiteau 灯系列是俄罗斯设计师

Ekaterina Elizarova和陶瓷品牌Bosa的一次成功合作。Chapiteau系 列的灵感来自于充满浪漫色彩的旅行马戏团和其中的空中杂技演员。简明的形状和奢华的制作让灯能在不 同的室内风格中使用。灯具有鲜亮的条纹设计,有对调的颜色搭配,并可以不同方向挂置。可单独,一对 或更多一起,并有超过20多种颜色搭配可供选择,得到令人印象深刻的视觉效果。




Dekhtyarenko www.coroflot.com/KatDext www.behance.net/dext kat537dext@gmail.com +7 9165643032

Moscow 莫斯科 Graduated from Stroganov Moscow State Academy of Arts and Industry. In 2009 participated in Dutch Design Week with the Caviar Rouge project. In 2010 Ekaterina became a finalist of the innovation competition Design Act. In 2011 her projects were exhibited at Moscow Design Week. She was nominated for Industrial Design Award at Grass Design Week (2013), Moscow. In 2014 Ekaterina became a winner in Eurasian Prize. 毕业于Stroganov莫斯科州立艺术与工业学院。2009年以Caviar Rouge项目参加荷兰设计周。2010年,Ekaterina入围Design Act 创新大赛决赛。2011年,她的作品展出于莫斯科设计周中。她被 工业设计大奖提名于在莫斯科举办的2013 Grass设计周。2014 年,Ekaterina获得Eurasian大奖。

Patrol Ultralight Aircraft

It is designed for fire-prevention patrol, ice and trade investigation, search and rescue works. The wing has a system of blocks interconnected by fasteners with frame made of car¬bon plastic and covered by carbon fiber.


为防火巡逻,以及搜寻和营救工作设计。 机翼由碳塑料框架和覆盖了碳纤维的一系 列紧密链接的模块组成。

Portable Microscope

With this concept microscope, scientific researchers would no longer have to get back to base camp or to a well-equipped laboratory in order to examine any specimens that they have collected on more remote expeditions. This clever contraption is extraordinarily lightweight and can be reconfigured for maximum portability.


拥有这款概念显微镜,科学研究者在偏远 地区科考时不再需要返回大本营使用实验 室配备齐全的设施进行对采集样品的研 究。这个精巧的装置非常轻便,并可以改 变形状以便达到最大化的便携。



SUKhANOVA http://novadesigndecor.blogspot.ru/ sukhanova.designer@gmail.com +7 9236178135

Kemerovo 克麦罗沃 Lena Sukhanova graduated from Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts. She works as designer and decorator for more than 10 years. Lena’s portfolio contains many interiors with furniture created from her sketches. She has participated in Russian and international art projects such as: AZ.ART (2008), ARTweekMoscow (2011), ARTweekMadrid (2012). «I find inspiration for my projects in everything that surrounds me: nature, people, science, innovations”. “My friend, who is guru of numerology, became my inspirer in work on my design concept Happy Table. His opinion that “7” is a happy number for all. People believe in happy numbers and choose combination “7” or “777” in telephone or car numbers”.

HAPPY#1 table

Cubic form includes the shape of number seven in basis and box for books made of transparent material with internal LED illumination. Can be used as a bedside or coffee table, stool, lamp and box for favorite books.

桌子 快乐#1

立方外形,在底部含有数字七的形状 和一个由透明材料制成的可放书的盒 子并内置LED照明。可用作床头柜或 咖啡桌,凳子,灯和储书箱。

HAPPY#2 table

Graceful console with triple number seven in the center of shape. Can be used as a console or table for makeup. You can turn a part of table-top and transform this part into a mirror.

桌子 快乐#2

Happy#1 Table 桌子 快乐#1


精美的小桌,在中间由三个数字七的 形状组成。可用于边桌或化妆台。亦 可将桌面一部分翻转变成镜面。

Lena Sukhanova毕业于克麦罗沃文化与艺术州立大学。她有超过10年设计和装饰的工作经验。Lena 的作品集包括很多配有她绘制家具草图的室内设计。她参加过俄罗斯和国际上的多个艺术项目:AZ. ART (2008), ARTweekMoscow (2011), ARTweek Madrid (2012). “我在我周围的所有事物中寻求灵感:自然,人类,科学,创新。 “我的朋友,一个数字占卦术的专家,成为我设计感念快乐桌子灵感的源泉。他的观念是“7”是所有 人的快乐数字。人们相信幸运数字一说,并在电话或车牌中挑选“7”或者“777”的组合。

Happy Y#2 Table 桌子 快乐#2


rub design

book 设计书

RUB DESIGN BOOK. – Italy: Promote Design, Creativirus, Profi2profit, 2014. RUB设计书– 意大利:发展设计,Creativirus, Profit2profit, 2014

BOOK includes 65 designers and studios profiles, 158 projects, more than 500 images, interesting interviews, biographies, presentations of Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Minsk design weeks and important Kyiv exhibitions, national design magazines and websites, concept store, Russian design pavilion, and leading Italian design schools with introduction dedicated to the cultural and historical origins of Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian design and its perspectives. www.rubdesigners.com 本书包含65名设计师和工作室的简介,158个项目和超过500张图片,采访和设计师介绍,以及 莫斯科,圣彼得堡,明斯克设计周的展示,和基辅展览,国家设计杂志,网站和概念店的呈现。 在介绍俄罗斯设计馆和意大利设计学校的同时,也介绍了俄罗斯,乌克兰和白俄罗斯在设计方面 的文化和历史北京。 www.rubdesigners.com



Award 大奖由

Russian Design Pavilion Award Russian Design Pavilion 大奖由

RDP Award was conceived by Anastasia Krylova and Maria Tvardovskaya to honor lasting achievement in Russian product design. The Awards are bestowed in recognition of creativity, quality & innovation and special contribution to national design development. First launched at Milan Design Week 2014 as an official mark of distinction for the participants of RUSSIAN DESIGN PAVILION, the RDP Award continues celebration of design as a vital humanistic tool in shaping the brand Made and created in Russia and seeks to increase national awareness of the impact of design through education and promotional initiatives. RDP Award design by Open Design Brand (Sergey Shashmurin & Alexey Bykov) www.opendesignbrand.com RDP大奖由Anastasia Krylova和Maria Tvardovskava颁发,以奖励俄罗斯产品设计中有长期成就的设 计师。奖项旨在表彰设计师的创意、作品质量和对国家设计发展的贡献。在2014年米兰设计周期 间第一次颁发,奖励俄罗斯设计馆的所有参与者。并将继续作为一个人文力量来塑造俄罗斯制造 这个品牌的形象,同时提高俄罗斯本土人们对设计带来的影响的认知以及这方面的教育和推广。 RDP大奖由Open Design Brand (Sergey Shashmurin & Alexey Bykov)设计 www.opendesignbrand.com



KULAKOV www.pavelkulakov.com pablotycos@gmail.com pavelkulakov@rambler.ru +7 9119386955

Saint Petersburg 圣彼得堡 Graduated from Furniture and Interior Design department of St. Petersburg State Art and Industry Academy named after A.L. Stieglitz in 2005, Pavel Kulakov started his career as an independent designer. He is the finalist of various contests: interior design competition by the NAUHAUS gallery (2002) and by the Brueton furniture gallery (2004), the 1st place in nomination Style of Generation NEXT for design of lounge furniture at IFIP, winner of the Golden Cabriole established by Union of Russian furniture producers (2006), furniture competition by Albert & Shtein for development of serial products (2012). Pavel Kulakov has participated in numerous exhibitions including IFIP (2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006), MODULOR (2003, 2004), DESIGN&DECOR (2013), Gallery BULTHAUP (2014), Saint Petersburg Design Week (2014).


Landscape forms


The comfortable chaise-longue represents two sails connected by a metal membrane of the armrests which form an elastic frame for sitting. The main idea is to experiment with smooth and rigid shapes creating functional furniture. It is perfect for lounge spaces and outdoor interiors.

Landscape forms The sofa made from seven independent modules of the different width and

length allows to find more ergonomic position for a person’s body. The main idea is to transfer the landscape to an interior. Its modern design and flexible structure can fit in different spaces: fitness clubs, lounge-zones, pools, and also private houses and apartments.


毕业于以A.L.施蒂格利茨名字命名的圣彼得堡国立艺术和工业学院家具和室内设计系,2005年 Pavel Kulakov开始了他的独立设计师职业生涯。他入围多个大赛:由NAUHAUS画廊举办的室内设 计大赛(2002),Brueton家具馆比赛(2004),IFIP中他的休闲家居在下一代风设计获得第一提 名,以及由俄罗斯家居厂商联合会举办的金羚跃中获奖(2006年),由Albert & Shtein发起的家具 比赛设计系列产品(2012)。 Pavel Kulakov曾参加过多次展览,其中包括IFIP(2001,2002,2003,2004,2006) ,MODULOR(2003,2004),设计及装饰(2013),BULTHAUP画廊(2014),圣彼得堡设计 周(2014年)。


舒适的躺椅代表两个船帆,由座椅扶手的金属膜连接。主要尝试用光滑和坚硬的形状去创造实用 的家具。它是休息空间和室外空间的完美选择。


沙发由7个不同长宽且独立的模块组成,可找到一个更符合人体工程学的设计。主要目的希望将 景观转入室内。其现代化的设计和灵活的结构可以适应不同的空间:健身会所,酒廊区,游泳 池,和私宅和公寓。



ZHELTYSHEV www.tarasova-studio.ru taburetka5166@gmail.com +7 9138522863

Tomsk 托木斯克 Taras Zheltyshev. Product designer. Student of National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University in Russia. Member of International Association of Designers and Russian Union of Designers. Founder of the brand Testas. Specializes in the design of lamps and art objects dedicated to light. Finalist for the Russian design competitions: Light as art, participant and winner of the Design days in Tomsk, Skol Revolution in the light, Culture and the City (Sochi), The Fifth Corner (Tomsk). Winner of the Award for Ideas A’Design Award and A’D ESIGN AWARD & Competition. His works are exhibited in the Tomsk Art Museum. 产品设计师。俄罗斯国家研究托木斯克理工大学学生。国际设计 师协会和俄罗斯设计师联盟成员。Testas品牌创始人。专项为灯 和艺术等品的设计。入围俄罗斯设计比赛:光艺术,参与并获得 在托木斯克举办的Design Days比赛的奖项,Skol 光中革命, 城中 文化 (索契), 第五角 (托木斯克)。获得A’设计大奖最佳想法奖 和A’设计大奖和比赛。他的作品目前在托木斯克艺术馆展出。

Naskal light collection 灯系列

Hobb lamp 灯

Naskal light collection. Series of luminaries combines materials such as wood, acrylic and metal. It consists of two parts operating separately, which makes it functional.

Hobb lamp. The structure is made of a special lightweight gypsum and includes both general and directional light.

Underloupe ceiling lamp. 30

Underloupe ceiling lamp 顶灯


这款灯系列融合了多种材料,比如木材、亚克力和金属。它分为两个单独工作 的部分, 很实用。

Hobb灯由特殊轻型石膏制成。包括整体和方向性灯光。 Underloupe顶灯。 31


smirnova www.promuplight.com maria_spb2002@mail.ru +7 9522370987 +7 9522970550

Saint Petersburg 圣彼得堡 Maria Smirnova is a light designer. In 2009 she established her company L`Industria Co which develops and implements light design concepts, delivers light outfits from the leading world producers and designers. The company realizes different ideas in the light design, it also creates and produces light for individual projects together with different St. Petersburg’s workshops and designers. Maria holds a certificate of the International Design school (Member of the International Interior Designers’ Association IIDA) of Light in the modern interior program. In 2014 Maria participated in Saint Petersburg Design Week in Light Arts exhibition. Maria Smirnova是一位灯光设计师。2009年,她创立了自己的公 司L`Industria Co,开发并实施灯光设计概念,并带来国际领先生 产商和设计师的灯光解决方案。L`Industria Co以多种方式实现灯 光设计,并与圣彼得堡的不同工作坊和设计师共同合作设计项目。 Maria拥有国际设计学校(国际室内设计师联 盟IIDA成员之一)现代室内灯光设计项目的证 书。2014年,Maria参加了圣彼得堡设计周灯 光艺术展览。

PromUp light collection

The concept was inspired by the interiors of Printing House building designed in constructivism style. The bright colors contrast with strictly rational aesthetic forms as a kind of integration to the modern environment. Lamps can be used not only in the creative lofts and art studios, restaurants or bars, but also in private interiors.


PromUp 灯系列

概念受Printing House楼构成主义室内设计启 发。明亮的色彩对比与严格合理的美学形式与 现代环境成为一体。这些灯不仅可以用在创意 的顶楼和艺术工作室,餐厅或酒吧,同时私人 空间的室内设计中。


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