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Dead Exaltation Interview with Satyajit Gargori


I n t e r v i e w b y A n d r e w S t a n t o n
Interview with Satyajit Gargori
Hello and welcome to Mradul was composing for fu- but not rapidly. In our college Inside the Darkness. ture songs. This was a death times, the crowd was crazy - Can you tell our read- metal line up with some prog about metal acts or bands perers a bit about your his- influences. We then we found forming at their college fests. tory, please? Satyajit Gargori who joined The vibe has changed, but Our Journey started as col- the band as a vocalist and metal is still growing in some lege kids who had immense also conceptualized the theme form or the other with bands love towards music in gen- of the music. This is how it trying to do pull off tours. eral. Our brother ‘Mradul all began, as However, Metal does not care about race, creed or religion but it does only care about our united skulls and horns. Singhal’ and our drummer ‘Aditya Oke’ used to jam on progressive rock music until Aditya met other band members who were apparently searching because of the pandem ic, things have been very slow lately. - What for a drummer to Indian bands should jam with. So Adi- a college kids band. our readers check out? tya Oke, Sourjo Mukherjee, - What is the Metal There are few bands from the Anish Polouse and Mradul scene like in India? country we look forward to like Singhal started jamming on Metal scene in India is some- Gutslit, Godless, Killkount, Sourjo’s compositions while what growing as we can see Dirge, Pacifist and many more.

The album is based on a concept about a privately run prison which has a psychotic warden and guards. Innocent people are picked up from the streets and are held captive in the prisonwhere they face much horror, hunger and pain. The album is divided into three sections, the first one talks about the horrifying incidents that happen in the prison, the second section talks about the psychology of the warden and how he transforms into such a maniac and the last section talks about how a prisoner escapes from the prison only to be found by the guards and killed. But he does ends up leaving clues which helps the detectives find the prison only to be found in the middle of the guards and warden. While some of them are killed and eaten, a few of the detectives are prisoned there and that’s when they realize that there is no escape from this.
- What bands did you like growing up?
As we talked earlier, Mradul and Aditya had influences coming from Dream Theater, Rush while our other Ex members had influences like Nile, Death etc. Satyajit came up with Cryptopsy, Suffocation. So together we look up to bands like Dying Fetus, Cattle Decapitation, Beyond creation, Obscura etc.
- Does local culture and religion ever interfere with the Indian Metal scene?
In our opinion metal does not care about race, creed or religion but it does only care about our united skulls and horns. There are few incidents happening here and there. But metal shows in India mostly happen underground. They happen in peace, harmony and brotherhood.
- Have bands like Napalm Death or Deicide ever played live in India?
Napalm Death had played once in our country’s only heavy metal festival ‘Bangalore Open Air’ few years ago.
- What will your new album be like?
We are already working on that. Let’s see how it goes.
- Do you have a message for our readers?
Our readers: You guys are diamonds for us. We are glad that you are here to check us out. If you like our Debut album and want to extend your support, order some of our merchandise. Head on to the links given with this article.
Thank you for your time.